import { instance } from "/js/viz-standalone.mjs"; import Fuse from '/js/fuse.min.mjs' let ws = null; async function createOverlayElement(img, fname) { let overlay = document.getElementById("overlay"); if (overlay || img.creating_svg) { console.warn(`Overlay already exists`); return; } const overlayDiv = document.createElement('div'); = "overlay"; overlayDiv.className = 'overlay'; document.getElementById('pipelines').appendChild(overlayDiv); await generateSvg(img); const closeButton = document.createElement('a'); closeButton.href = 'javascript:void(0)'; closeButton.className = 'closebtn'; closeButton.innerHTML = '×'; closeButton.onclick = (event) => { removePipelineOverlay(); event.stopPropagation(); } overlayDiv.appendChild(closeButton); const contentDiv = document.createElement('div'); contentDiv.className = 'overlay-content'; const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.loading = 'lazy'; iframe.src = '/overlay.html?svg=' + img.src + '&title=' + fname; iframe.className = 'internalframe'; contentDiv.appendChild(iframe); overlayDiv.appendChild(contentDiv); return overlayDiv; } function dotId(dot_info) { return `${}`; } async function generateSvg(img) { if (img.src != "" || img.creating_svg) { console.debug('Image already generated'); return; } img.creating_svg = true; try { let viz = await instance(); const svg = viz.renderSVGElement(img.dot_info.content); img.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([svg.outerHTML], { type: 'image/svg+xml' })); img.creating_svg = false; } catch (error) { console.error(`Fail rendering SVG for '${img.dot_info.content}' failed: ${error}`, error); } } async function createNewDotDiv(pipelines_div, dot_info) { let path =; let dirname = path.split('/'); let parent_div = pipelines_div; if (dirname.length > 1) { dirname = `/${dirname.slice(0, -1).join('/')}/`; } else { dirname = "/"; } let div_id = `content-${dirname}`; parent_div = document.getElementById(div_id); if (!parent_div) { parent_div = document.createElement("div"); = `dir-${dirname}`; parent_div.className = "wrap-collabsible"; parent_div.innerHTML = `
`; if (pipelines_div.firstChild) { pipelines_div.insertBefore(parent_div, pipelines_div.firstChild); } else { pipelines_div.appendChild(parent_div); } parent_div = document.getElementById(`content-${dirname}`); } let div = document.createElement("div"); = dotId(dot_info); div.className = "content-inner pipelineDiv"; div.setAttribute("data_score", "0"); div.setAttribute("creation_time", dot_info.creation_time); let title = document.createElement("h2"); title.textContent =".dot", ""); let img = document.createElement("img"); img.alt = "image"; img.className = "preview"; img.loading = "lazy"; img.dot_info = dot_info; const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => { for (const entry of entries) { if (entry.isIntersecting) { console.debug(`Image ${} is visible`); generateSvg(img); observer.unobserve(; } } }, { rootMargin: '100px' }); observer.observe(img); div.appendChild(title); div.appendChild(img); div.onclick = function () { createOverlayElement(img, title.textContent).then(_ => { setUrlVariable('pipeline',; }); } if (parent_div.firstChild) { parent_div.insertBefore(div, parent_div.firstChild); } else { parent_div.appendChild(div); } updateSearch(); updateFromUrl(false); } function unsetUrlVariable(key) { let url = new URL(window.location.href); let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(; searchParams.delete(key); = searchParams.toString(); window.history.pushState({}, '', url); } function setUrlVariable(key, value) { let url = new URL(window.location.href); let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(; searchParams.set(key, value); = searchParams.toString(); window.history.pushState({}, '', url); } export function updateFromUrl(noHistoryUpdate) { if ( { const url = new URL(window.location.href); const pipeline = url.searchParams.get('pipeline'); if (pipeline) { console.log(`Creating overlay for ${pipeline}`); let div = document.getElementById(pipeline); if (!div) {`Pipeline ${pipeline} not found`); return; } let img = div.querySelector('img'); let title = div.querySelector('h2'); createOverlayElement(img, title.textContent).then(_ => { console.debug(`Overlay created for ${pipeline}`); }); } } else { removePipelineOverlay(noHistoryUpdate); } } export function connectWs() { console.assert(ws === null, "Websocket already exists"); const protocol = window.location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss:' : 'ws:'; const host = window.location.hostname; const port = window.location.port; const wsUrl = `${protocol}//${host}:${port}/ws/`; let pipelines_div = document.getElementById("pipelines"); ws = new WebSocket(wsUrl);`Websocklet ${ws} created with ${wsUrl}`); ws.onopen = () => { let pipelines_div = document.getElementById("pipelines"); console.log(`WebSocket connected, removing all children from ${pipelines_div}`); while (pipelines_div.firstChild) { console.debug(`Removing ${pipelines_div.firstChild}`); pipelines_div.removeChild(pipelines_div.firstChild); } }; ws.onmessage = function (event) { console.debug(`Received message: ${}`) try { const obj = JSON.parse(; if (obj.type == "NewDot") { if (document.getElementById(dotId(obj))) { console.warn(`Pipeline ${} already exists`); return; } createNewDotDiv(pipelines_div, obj, ws).then(() => { updateSearch(); }); } else if (obj.type == "DotRemoved") { console.debug(`Trying to remove: ${}`); let dot_id = dotId(obj); let dot_div = document.getElementById(dot_id); if (dot_div) { let parent = dot_div.parentElement; if ('/') && parent.childElementCount == 1) {`Last element in folder, removing parent div for ${dot_id}`); const wrapperDiv = parent.closest('.wrap-collabsible'); if (wrapperDiv) { wrapperDiv.remove(); } } else {`Removing dot_div ${dot_id}`); dot_div.remove(); } } else { console.error(`dot_div ${dot_id} not found`); } updateSearch(); } else { console.warn(`Unknown message type: ${obj.type}`); } } catch (e) { console.error(`Error: ${e}`); throw e; } } ws.onclose = (event) => { console.log('WebSocket disconnected', event.reason); ws.close(); ws = null; setTimeout(connectWs, 10000); }; } function updateSearch() { const input = document.getElementById('search'); const allDivs = document.querySelectorAll('.pipelineDiv'); if (document.querySelectorAll('.toggle').length == 1) { // If the is only 1 folder, expand it let toggle = document.querySelector('.toggle') if (toggle && !toggle.auto_checked) { toggle.checked = true; toggle.auto_checked = true; } } if (input.value === "") { let divs = Array.from(allDivs).map(div => { = ''; div.setAttribute("data_score", "0"); return div; }); divs.sort((a, b) => { const scoreA = parseInt(a.getAttribute('creation_time'), 0); const scoreB = parseInt(b.getAttribute('creation_time'), 0); console.debug('Comparing', scoreA, scoreB, " = ", scoreB - scoreA); return scoreB - scoreA; }); for (const div of divs) { console.debug(`Moving ${} in {div.parentNode}}`); div.parentNode.appendChild(div); } return; } const options = { includeScore: true, threshold: 0.6, keys: ['title'] }; const list = Array.from(allDivs).map(div => ({ id: div.getAttribute('id'), // Assuming each div has an ID title: div.querySelector('h2').textContent })); const fuse = new Fuse(list, options); const results =; for (div of allDivs) { = 'none'; } let divs = => { let div = document.getElementById(; = ''; div.setAttribute('data_score', result.score); return div; }); divs.sort((a, b) => { const scoreA = parseFloat(a.getAttribute('data_score'), 0); const scoreB = parseFloat(b.getAttribute('data_score'), 0); return scoreA - scoreB; // For ascending order. Use (scoreB - scoreA) for descending. }); for (div of divs) { div.parentNode.appendChild(div); } } export function connectSearch() { const input = document.getElementById('search'); input.addEventListener('input', function () { updateSearch(); }); } export function removePipelineOverlay(noHistoryUpdate) { let overlay = document.getElementById("overlay"); if (!overlay) { return; } overlay.parentNode.removeChild(overlay); if (!noHistoryUpdate) { unsetUrlVariable('pipeline'); } updateSearch(); } export function dumpPipelines() { if (ws) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "Snapshot" })); } }