$Id$ = embedded = == index handling == For avidemux I currently have a big patch doing memory optimized index handling. It basically thins out the index to save memory. Right now it only keeps index entries marked with the avi keyframe flag. In gstreamer core we have some indexing objects. They are curently used nowhere. The idea is to use them and to make the index strategy plugable or configurable at run time. The challenge is then to rewrite muxers and demuxers to use them instead of the built in index logic. This way the different requirements of desktop and embedded platforms could be encapsulated in the indexer strategy. == ranking == Autopluggers like playbin and decodebin use the element caps plus static ranks to create piplines. The rank of an elemnt right now refers to the quality/maturity of the element. Elements with higher rank should be functionaly more complete. If we have multiple elements that are feature complete there is a draw. There are more decission criteria thinkable: * ressource usage (CPU, memory) * license (proprietary, open source) * quality (in terms of the audio/image quality) One problem of taking criteria like quality and performance into account when autoplugging, is that elemnts might have options to control them.