/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2013 Thiago Santos * * gst-qa-monitor-report.h - QA Element report structures and functions * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __GST_QA_REPORT_H__ #define __GST_QA_REPORT_H__ #include #include G_BEGIN_DECLS /* forward declaration */ typedef struct _GstQaReporter GstQaReporter; GType gst_qa_report_get_type (void); #define GST_TYPE_QA_REPORT (gst_qa_report_get_type ()) typedef enum { GST_QA_FATAL_DEFAULT = 0, GST_QA_FATAL_ISSUES = 1 << 0, GST_QA_FATAL_WARNINGS = 1 << 1, GST_QA_FATAL_CRITICALS = 1 << 2 } GstQaDebugFlags; typedef enum { GST_QA_REPORT_LEVEL_CRITICAL, GST_QA_REPORT_LEVEL_WARNING, GST_QA_REPORT_LEVEL_ISSUE, GST_QA_REPORT_LEVEL_IGNORE, GST_QA_REPORT_LEVEL_NUM_ENTRIES, } GstQaReportLevel; typedef enum { GST_QA_AREA_EVENT=1, GST_QA_AREA_BUFFER, GST_QA_AREA_QUERY, GST_QA_AREA_CAPS, GST_QA_AREA_SEEK, GST_QA_AREA_OTHER=100, } GstQaReportArea; typedef guintptr GstQaIssueId; #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_UNKNOWN 0 #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT 16 #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_BUFFER_BEFORE_SEGMENT (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_BUFFER) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 1) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_BUFFER_IS_OUT_OF_SEGMENT (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_BUFFER) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 2) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP_OUT_OF_RECEIVED_RANGE (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_BUFFER) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 3) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_FIRST_BUFFER_RUNNING_TIME_IS_NOT_ZERO (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_BUFFER) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 4) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_WRONG_FLOW_RETURN (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_BUFFER) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 5) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_CAPS_IS_MISSING_FIELD (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_CAPS) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 1) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_CAPS_FIELD_HAS_BAD_TYPE (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_CAPS) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 2) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_CAPS_EXPECTED_FIELD_NOT_FOUND (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_CAPS) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 3) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_GET_CAPS_NOT_PROXYING_FIELDS (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_CAPS) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 4) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_CAPS_FIELD_UNEXPECTED_VALUE (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_CAPS) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 5) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_EVENT_NEWSEGMENT_NOT_PUSHED (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_EVENT) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 1) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SERIALIZED_EVENT_WASNT_PUSHED_IN_TIME (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_EVENT) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 2) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_EVENT_HAS_WRONG_SEQNUM (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_EVENT) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 3) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_EVENT_SERIALIZED_OUT_OF_ORDER (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_EVENT) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 4) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_EVENT_NEW_SEGMENT_MISMATCH (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_EVENT) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 5) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_EVENT_FLUSH_START_UNEXPECTED (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_EVENT) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 6) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_EVENT_FLUSH_STOP_UNEXPECTED (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_EVENT) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 7) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_EVENT_SEEK_NOT_HANDLED (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_SEEK) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 1) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_EVENT_SEEK_RESULT_POSITION_WRONG (((GstQaIssueId) GST_QA_AREA_SEEK) << GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT | 2) #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_AREA(id) ((guintptr)(id >> GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_SHIFT)) typedef struct { GstQaIssueId issue_id; /* Summary: one-liner translatable description of the issue */ gchar *summary; /* description: multi-line translatable description of: * * what the issue is (and why it's an issue) * * what the source problem could be * * pointers to fixing the issue */ gchar *description; /* default_level: The default level of severity for this * issue. */ GstQaReportLevel default_level; /* repeat: whether the issue might be triggered * multiple times but only remembered once */ gboolean repeat; } GstQaIssue; #define GST_QA_ISSUE_AREA(i) (GST_QA_ISSUE_ID_AREA (gst_qa_issue_get_id (i))) typedef struct { gint refcount; /* issue: The issue this report corresponds to (to get dsecription, summary,...) */ GstQaIssue *issue; GstQaReportLevel level; /* The reporter that reported the issue (to get names, info, ...) */ GstQaReporter *reporter; /* timestamp: The time at which this issue happened since * the process start (to stay in sync with gst logging) */ GstClockTime timestamp; /* message: issue-specific message. Gives more detail on the actual * issue. Can be NULL */ gchar *message; } GstQaReport; #define GST_QA_ISSUE_FORMAT G_GUINTPTR_FORMAT " (%s) : %s(%" G_GUINTPTR_FORMAT "): %s" #define GST_QA_ISSUE_ARGS(i) gst_qa_issue_get_id (i), gst_qa_report_level_get_name (i->default_level), \ gst_qa_report_area_get_name (GST_QA_ISSUE_AREA (i)), GST_QA_ISSUE_AREA (i), \ i->summary #define GST_QA_ERROR_REPORT_PRINT_FORMAT GST_TIME_FORMAT " <%s>: %" GST_QA_ISSUE_FORMAT ": %s" #define GST_QA_REPORT_PRINT_ARGS(r) GST_TIME_ARGS (r->timestamp), \ gst_qa_reporter_get_name (r->reporter), \ GST_QA_ISSUE_ARGS (r->issue), \ r->message void gst_qa_report_init (void); GstQaIssue * gst_qa_issue_from_id (GstQaIssueId issue_id); GstQaIssueId gst_qa_issue_get_id (GstQaIssue * issue); GstQaReport * gst_qa_report_new (GstQaIssue * issue, GstQaReporter * reporter, const gchar * message); void gst_qa_report_unref (GstQaReport * report); GstQaReport * gst_qa_report_ref (GstQaReport * report); GstQaIssueId gst_qa_report_get_issue_id (GstQaReport * report); void gst_qa_report_check_abort (GstQaReport * report); void gst_qa_report_printf (GstQaReport * report); const gchar * gst_qa_report_level_get_name (GstQaReportLevel level); const gchar * gst_qa_report_area_get_name (GstQaReportArea area); const gchar * gst_qa_report_subarea_get_name (GstQaReportArea area, gint subarea); G_END_DECLS #endif /* __GST_QA_REPORT_H__ */