@pad: @buf: Query the element for the current mime type @Returns: @obj: @meta: @fromcaps: @tocaps: @Returns: @obj: @pad: @parent: @pad: @buf: @pad: @buf: @Returns: @pad: @buf: @klass: @elementfactory: @id: The number of channels. Use this macro to show debugging info. This is only usefull when developing new plugin elements. If you #define DEBUG_ENABLED before including gst/gst.h, this macro will produce g_print messages. @format: the format specification as in g_print @args...: arguments GstEsdSink @type: @parent: @Returns: @src: @obj: @obj: An eos signal is triggered whenever the GstSrc has reached the end of the stream. @gstsrc: the object which received the signal. @arg1: the object which received the signal @Returns: @obj: @name_template: @direction: @presence: @caps: @Returns: @obj: @obj: @name: @Returns: @klass: @klass: @pad: @parent: @Returns: @obj: The filename to write to. @obj: Specify how many bytes to read at a time. @name: @Returns: @Returns: @connection: subclass use this to start their flag enumeration @audiosink: @channels: Generic connection between elements. @obj: @bin: @element: @format: @args...: @meta: @format: @visual: @width: @height: @overlay_info: @dga_info: @obj: @esdsink: @channels: @autoplug: @srcpad: @sinkpad: @Varargs: @Returns: @srccaps: @sinkcaps: @obj: Specify wether the queue blocks or not. @pad: @offset: @size: @Returns: @name: @fd: @Returns: @obj: @obj: @pad: @pull: @Returns: @obj: @pad: @caps: Create a fourcc property out of an integer value. @a: the integer value @format: @args...: @obj: @Returns: Specify the current offset in the file. @klass: @nextpad: @Varargs: @Returns: @Returns: @base: @swidth: @sheight: @bytes_per_line: @obj: @klass: @name: @Returns: @src: @id: @sink: @obj: GstGetbits audioraw @klass: @name: @Returns: @element: @parent: @Returns: @obj: @sinkid: @srcid: @Returns: @obj: @id: @Returns: @esdsink: @frequency: @obj: @obj: @cat: @format: @args...: @obj: The audio format as defined in soundcard.h @obj: GstAsyncDiskSrc >>>>>>> @elementfactory: @id: @bin: @obj: The fequency. @Returns: @name: @Returns: @obj: The buffer is sent to the sound card. @gstaudiosink: the object which received the signal. @arg1: the audiosink. @obj: @obj: @pad: @buf: @buffer: @meta: @factory: @caps: @Returns: @pad: @buf: @buffer: @meta: @factory: @counter: @Returns: @count: @obj: @obj: @cat: @element: @format: @args...: @klass: @id: @src: @obj: @obj: @klass: @esdsink: @connection: Is emited after the buffer has been written to the disk. @gstdisksink: the object which received the signal. @name: @Returns: @element: @manager: @obj: GstFilter @obj: @obj: @Returns: @pad: @Returns: @thread: @x1: @x2: @y1: @y2: Flags for the GstSrc element @GST_SRC_ASYNC: Indicates that this src is asynchronous @GST_SRC_FLAG_LAST: subclasses can use this to number their flags GstColorSpace Defines an entry for a padfactory. GST_ASYNCDISKSRC_OPEN the asyncdisksrc is open for reading @GST_ASYNCDISKSRC_OPEN: @GST_ASYNCDISKSRC_FLAG_LAST: @element: @state: @Returns: @pad: @Returns: @obj: subclasses can use this value to start the enumeration of their flags @Returns: @klass: Indicates a sinkpad for the padfactory. @klass: @parent: @Returns: @pad: @Returns: @name: @Returns: @element: @templ: @Returns: @temp: @obj: The end point of a filter graph @meta: @format: @channels: @frequency: @bps: The number of channels (mono, stereo, ...) This macro checks to see if the given state is set. @obj: Element to check for state. @flag: State to check for, must be a single bit in guint32. @buffer: @size: @root: @Returns: @name: @Returns: @obj: GstAudioSink @obj: This macro sets the given flags. @src: @flag: Flag to set, can by any number of bits in guint32. @obj: GstSrc to set flag in. Retrieves the type id of the data in the buffer. @buf: GstBuffer @a: @Returns: @name: @Returns: GstSink A flag indicating that MMX instructions are supported. @Returns: @factory: @caps: @Returns: This macro usets the given flags. @src: @flag: Flag to set, must be a single bit in guint32. @obj: GstSrc to unset flag in. The frequency. Indicates a srcpad for the padfactory. @buffer: @Returns: @obj: @obj: @pad: @name: @Returns: @esdsink: @format: @cat: @format: @args...: @obj: @Returns: @obj: @obj: The maximum number of cothreads we are going to support. @name: @Returns: Starts the declaration of a the capabilities for this padtemplate. @a...: a capability factory GstSrc @pad: @Returns: @pad: @buf: @name: @mime: @props: @Returns: The Element is going from the READY state to the PLAYING state. @obj: @arg: GstConnection @obj: GstElement @id: @Returns: @buf: @obj: The sink is the end of the filter graph. A typical sink would be an audio or a video card. @obj: @Returns: Query whether this object has multiple input pads. @obj: Element to query for multiple input pads. @format: @args...: @factory: @Returns: @self: @parent: @Returns: @elements: @src: Information about video buffers. @bin: @element: @name: @Returns: @klass: @obj: @klass: @name: @Returns: @obj: @klass: @Returns: @obj: Filters take data in and spit data out. They are the main Element in a filter graph. Filters have zero or more inputs and zero or more outputs. Filters are connected together to form filter graphs. A GstFilter is the base class and is not very usefull on its own. @tee: @Returns: @obj: The Element is going from the PLAYING state to the READY state. @obj: Combine #GST_DEBUG_ENTER and #GST_DEBUG_SET_STRING. @obj: @klass: videoraw @obj: @wx: @wy: @overlay_element: @clip_count: @overlay_clip: @width: @height: @did_overlay: @fully_obscured: @name: @Returns: @obj: @obj: @klass: @obj: This macro returns the entire set of flags for the object. @obj: GstSrc to return flags for. Get the size of the current file. The start point of a filter graph @src: @obj: @src: @bin: @factory: @counter: @Returns: @a: @b: @klass: The default stack size of a cothread. @Returns: @Returns: @klass: @klass: <<<<<<< gstreamer-unused.sgml Indicates that this pad will be available on request. Use this in the factory definition. @audiosink: @obj: This macro unsets the given state on the element. @obj: Element to unset state of. @flag: State to unset, can be any number of bits in guint32. @klass: @pad: @id: Indicate that this pad will always be available. Use this in the factory definition. @pad: @parent: @audiosink: @frequency: @elementfactory: The number of bytes per read. @argc: @argv: @Returns: @obj: @element: @object: @format: @args...: @Returns: @obj: @obj: @obj: @Returns: @klass: A connection is a bas class for a generic connection between elements. A connection is typically a bas class for queues. @buf: Query a GstSrc for the ASYNC flag @obj: The GstSrc to query @obj: This macro sets the given state on the element. @obj: Element to set state of. @flag: State to set, can be any number of bits in guint32. @Returns: @obj: Information about video buffers. @Returns: @src: @offset: @size: @format: @args...: Is trigered whenever the state of an element changes @gstelement: the object which received the signal. @arg1: the new state of the object @klass: @name: @Returns: @Returns: Information about audio buffers. Take data in and spit data out The padfactory. This macro checks to see if the GST_SRC_ASYNC flag is set. @obj: GstSrc to check for flag in. A flag indicating that SSE instructions are supported. @obj: Set the debug string for the current function, typically containing the arguments to the current function, i.e. "('element')" @format: printf-style format string @args...: printf arguments @Returns: @bin: @element: @obj: Information about audio buffers. @GST_PROPS_END_ID_NUM: @GST_PROPS_LIST_ID_NUM: @GST_PROPS_INT_ID_NUM: @GST_PROPS_INT_RANGE_ID_NUM: @GST_PROPS_FOURCC_ID_NUM: @GST_PROPS_BOOL_ID_NUM: @GST_CAPS_ALWAYS: @GST_CAPS_MAYBE: <<<<<<< gstreamer-unused.sgml >>>>>>> @obj: @factory: @Returns: Specify the location of the file to read. @klass: @Returns: @format: @args...: @audiosink: @format: GstAudioSrc Indicate that this pad will become available depending on the media type. Use this in the factory definition. @cat: @format: @args...: Reads data from a file. You can seek to a specific location by setting the offset. @name: @Returns: @obj: @buffer: @Returns: Get the current number of bytes read. plugin @obj: @klass: @klass: @obj: Indicates this pad is active A GstSrc is the start of a filter graph. It typically is a file or an audio source. It provides data for the next element in the graph.