gstreamer-launch ================ This is a tool that will construct pipelines based on a command-line syntax. The syntax is rather complex to enable all the features I want it to have, but should be easy to use for most people. Multi-pathed and feedback pipelines are the most complex. A simple commandline looks like: ./launch disksrc demo.mp3 | mp3parse | mpg123 | osssink A more complex pipeline looks like: ./launch disksrc redpill.vob | css-descramble | private_stream_1.0| \ (ac3parse | ac3dec | audioink-oss) video_0| (mpeg2dec | videosink) gstreamer-complete ================== This is a simple utility which provides custom bash completion when typing gstreamer-launch commands. Simply run "gstreamer-compprep" to build the registry of completions, and then put, in your .bashrc, "complete -C gstreamer-complete gstreamer-launch" (ensuring that gstreamer-complete is on your path). You can then enjoy context sensitive tab-completion of gstreamer-launch commands.