/* * Copyright (C) 2001 CodeFactory AB * Copyright (C) 2001 Thomas Nyberg * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Andy Wingo * Copyright (C) 2003 Benjamin Otte * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "gst/gst-i18n-plugin.h" #include #include "gst/propertyprobe/propertyprobe.h" #include "gstalsa.h" #include "gstalsaclock.h" #include "gstalsamixer.h" /* all this ifdef'ed stuff causes segfaults because of alsa bug 389, see * https://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/alsa-bug/bug_view_page.php?bug_id=0000389 */ #ifdef ALSA_BUG_389_FIXED #define ALSA_DEBUG_FLUSH(this) G_STMT_START{ \ gchar *__str; \ size_t __size; \ __size = snd_output_buffer_string (this->out, &__str); \ if (__size > 0) { \ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (this, "%*s", __size, __str); \ if (snd_output_flush (this->out) != 0) \ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (this, "error flushing output buffer"); \ } \ }G_STMT_END #endif /* GObject functions */ static void gst_alsa_class_init (gpointer g_class, gpointer class_data); static void gst_alsa_init (GstAlsa * this); static void gst_alsa_dispose (GObject * object); static void gst_alsa_finalize (GObject * object); static void gst_alsa_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec); static void gst_alsa_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec); /* interface */ static void gst_alsa_probe_interface_init (GstPropertyProbeInterface * iface); /* GStreamer functions for pads and state changing */ static GstPad *gst_alsa_request_new_pad (GstElement * element, GstPadTemplate * templ, const gchar * name); static GstElementStateReturn gst_alsa_change_state (GstElement * element); static GstClock *gst_alsa_get_clock (GstElement * element); static void gst_alsa_set_clock (GstElement * element, GstClock * clock); /* ALSA setup / start / stop functions */ static gboolean gst_alsa_probe_hw_params (GstAlsa * this, GstAlsaFormat * format); static gboolean gst_alsa_set_hw_params (GstAlsa * this); static gboolean gst_alsa_set_sw_params (GstAlsa * this); static gboolean gst_alsa_open_audio (GstAlsa * this); static gboolean gst_alsa_start_audio (GstAlsa * this); static gboolean gst_alsa_drain_audio (GstAlsa * this); static gboolean gst_alsa_stop_audio (GstAlsa * this); static gboolean gst_alsa_close_audio (GstAlsa * this); /* GStreamer querying, conversion, and format functions */ static const GstFormat *gst_alsa_get_formats (GstPad * pad); static gboolean gst_alsa_convert (GstAlsa * this, GstFormat src_format, gint64 src_value, GstFormat * dest_format, gint64 * dest_value); static gboolean gst_alsa_pad_convert (GstPad * pad, GstFormat src_format, gint64 src_value, GstFormat * dest_format, gint64 * dest_value); static const GstQueryType *gst_alsa_get_query_types (GstPad * pad); static gboolean gst_alsa_query_func (GstElement * element, GstQueryType type, GstFormat * format, gint64 * value); static gboolean gst_alsa_query (GstElement * element, GstQueryType type, GstFormat * format, gint64 * value); static gboolean gst_alsa_pad_query (GstPad * pad, GstQueryType type, GstFormat * format, gint64 * value); /*** TYPE FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ GType gst_alsa_get_type (void) { static GType alsa_type = 0; if (!alsa_type) { static const GTypeInfo alsa_info = { sizeof (GstAlsaClass), NULL, NULL, gst_alsa_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof (GstAlsa), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) gst_alsa_init, }; static const GInterfaceInfo alsa_probe_info = { (GInterfaceInitFunc) gst_alsa_probe_interface_init, NULL, NULL }; alsa_type = g_type_register_static (GST_TYPE_ELEMENT, "GstAlsa", &alsa_info, 0); g_type_add_interface_static (alsa_type, GST_TYPE_PROPERTY_PROBE, &alsa_probe_info); } return alsa_type; } /*** GOBJECT FUNCTIONS ********************************************************/ enum { ARG_0, ARG_DEVICE, ARG_DEVICE_NAME, ARG_PERIODCOUNT, ARG_PERIODSIZE, ARG_BUFFERSIZE, ARG_AUTORECOVER, ARG_MMAP, ARG_MAXDISCONT }; static GstElement *parent_class = NULL; static void gst_alsa_class_init (gpointer g_class, gpointer class_data) { GObjectClass *object_class; GstElementClass *element_class; GstAlsaClass *klass; klass = (GstAlsaClass *) g_class; object_class = (GObjectClass *) g_class; element_class = (GstElementClass *) g_class; if (parent_class == NULL) parent_class = g_type_class_ref (GST_TYPE_ELEMENT); object_class->dispose = gst_alsa_dispose; object_class->finalize = gst_alsa_finalize; object_class->get_property = gst_alsa_get_property; object_class->set_property = gst_alsa_set_property; g_object_class_install_property (object_class, ARG_DEVICE, g_param_spec_string ("device", "Device", "ALSA device, as defined in an asoundrc", "default", G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, ARG_DEVICE_NAME, g_param_spec_string ("device_name", "Device name", "Name of the device", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE)); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, ARG_PERIODCOUNT, g_param_spec_int ("period-count", "Period count", "Number of hardware buffers to use", 2, 64, 2, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, ARG_PERIODSIZE, g_param_spec_int ("period-size", "Period size", "Number of frames (samples on each channel) in one hardware period", 2, 8192, 8192, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, ARG_BUFFERSIZE, g_param_spec_int ("buffer-size", "Buffer size", "Number of frames the hardware buffer can hold", 4, 65536, 16384, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, ARG_AUTORECOVER, g_param_spec_boolean ("autorecover", "Automatic xrun recovery", "When TRUE tries to reduce processor load on xruns", TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, ARG_MMAP, g_param_spec_boolean ("mmap", "Use mmap'ed access", "Wether to use mmap (faster) or standard read/write (more compatible)", TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, ARG_MAXDISCONT, g_param_spec_uint64 ("max-discont", "Maximum Discontinuity", "GStreamer timeunits before the timestamp syncing starts dropping/inserting samples", /* rounding errors */ 1000, GST_SECOND, GST_ALSA_DEFAULT_DISCONT, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); element_class->change_state = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_alsa_change_state); element_class->query = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_alsa_query); element_class->request_new_pad = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_alsa_request_new_pad); element_class->set_clock = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_alsa_set_clock); element_class->get_clock = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_alsa_get_clock); } static void gst_alsa_init (GstAlsa * this) { this->device = g_strdup ("default"); GST_FLAG_SET (this, GST_ELEMENT_EVENT_AWARE); GST_FLAG_SET (this, GST_ELEMENT_THREAD_SUGGESTED); } static void gst_alsa_dispose (GObject * object) { GstAlsa *this = GST_ALSA (object); if (this->clock) { gst_object_unparent (GST_OBJECT (this->clock)); this->clock = NULL; } G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void gst_alsa_finalize (GObject * object) { GstAlsa *this = GST_ALSA (object); g_free (this->device); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void gst_alsa_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstAlsa *this; gint buffer_size; this = (GstAlsa *) object; switch (prop_id) { case ARG_DEVICE: if (this->device) g_free (this->device); this->device = g_strdup (g_value_get_string (value)); break; case ARG_PERIODCOUNT: g_return_if_fail (!GST_FLAG_IS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_RUNNING)); this->period_count = g_value_get_int (value); break; case ARG_PERIODSIZE: g_return_if_fail (!GST_FLAG_IS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_RUNNING)); this->period_size = g_value_get_int (value); break; case ARG_BUFFERSIZE: g_return_if_fail (!GST_FLAG_IS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_RUNNING)); buffer_size = g_value_get_int (value); this->period_count = buffer_size / this->period_size; break; case ARG_AUTORECOVER: this->autorecover = g_value_get_boolean (value); return; case ARG_MMAP: this->mmap = g_value_get_boolean (value); return; case ARG_MAXDISCONT: this->max_discont = (GstClockTime) g_value_get_uint64 (value); return; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); return; } if (GST_STATE (this) == GST_STATE_NULL) return; if (GST_FLAG_IS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_RUNNING)) { gst_alsa_stop_audio (this); gst_alsa_start_audio (this); } } static void gst_alsa_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstAlsa *this; this = (GstAlsa *) object; switch (prop_id) { case ARG_DEVICE: g_value_set_string (value, this->device); break; case ARG_DEVICE_NAME: g_value_set_string (value, this->cardname); break; case ARG_PERIODCOUNT: g_value_set_int (value, this->period_count); break; case ARG_PERIODSIZE: g_value_set_int (value, this->period_size); break; case ARG_BUFFERSIZE: g_value_set_int (value, this->period_size * this->period_count); break; case ARG_AUTORECOVER: g_value_set_boolean (value, this->autorecover); break; case ARG_MMAP: g_value_set_boolean (value, this->mmap); break; case ARG_MAXDISCONT: g_value_set_uint64 (value, (guint64) this->max_discont); return; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static const GList * gst_alsa_probe_get_properties (GstPropertyProbe * probe) { GObjectClass *klass = G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (probe); static GList *list = NULL; if (!list) { list = g_list_append (NULL, g_object_class_find_property (klass, "device")); } return list; } static void device_list (snd_pcm_stream_t stream, GstAlsaClass * klass) { snd_ctl_t *handle; int card, err, dev; snd_ctl_card_info_t *info; snd_pcm_info_t *pcminfo; gboolean mixer = (stream == -1); if (stream == -1) stream = 0; snd_ctl_card_info_alloca (&info); snd_pcm_info_alloca (&pcminfo); card = -1; if (snd_card_next (&card) < 0 || card < 0) { /* no soundcard found */ return; } while (card >= 0) { char name[32]; sprintf (name, "hw:%d", card); if ((err = snd_ctl_open (&handle, name, 0)) < 0) { goto next_card; } if ((err = snd_ctl_card_info (handle, info)) < 0) { snd_ctl_close (handle); goto next_card; } if (mixer) { klass->devices = g_list_append (klass->devices, g_strdup (name)); } else { dev = -1; while (1) { gchar *gst_device; snd_ctl_pcm_next_device (handle, &dev); if (dev < 0) break; snd_pcm_info_set_device (pcminfo, dev); snd_pcm_info_set_subdevice (pcminfo, 0); snd_pcm_info_set_stream (pcminfo, stream); if ((err = snd_ctl_pcm_info (handle, pcminfo)) < 0) { continue; } gst_device = g_strdup_printf ("hw:%d,%d", card, dev); klass->devices = g_list_append (klass->devices, gst_device); } } snd_ctl_close (handle); next_card: if (snd_card_next (&card) < 0) { break; } } } static gboolean gst_alsa_class_probe_devices (GstAlsaClass * klass, gboolean check) { static gboolean init = FALSE; /* I'm pretty sure ALSA has a good way to do this. However, their cool * auto-generated documentation is pretty much useless if you try to * do function-wise look-ups. */ if (!init && !check) { snd_pcm_stream_t mode = -1; const GList *templates; /* we assume one pad template at max [zero=mixer] */ templates = gst_element_class_get_pad_template_list (GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (klass)); if (templates) { if (GST_PAD_TEMPLATE_DIRECTION (templates->data) == GST_PAD_SRC) mode = SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE; else mode = SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK; } device_list (mode, klass); init = TRUE; } return init; } static GValueArray * gst_alsa_class_list_devices (GstAlsaClass * klass) { GValueArray *array; GValue value = { 0 }; GList *item; if (!klass->devices) return NULL; array = g_value_array_new (g_list_length (klass->devices)); g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_STRING); for (item = klass->devices; item != NULL; item = item->next) { g_value_set_string (&value, item->data); g_value_array_append (array, &value); } g_value_unset (&value); return array; } static void gst_alsa_probe_probe_property (GstPropertyProbe * probe, guint prop_id, const GParamSpec * pspec) { GstAlsaClass *klass = GST_ALSA_GET_CLASS (probe); switch (prop_id) { case ARG_DEVICE: gst_alsa_class_probe_devices (klass, FALSE); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (probe, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static gboolean gst_alsa_probe_needs_probe (GstPropertyProbe * probe, guint prop_id, const GParamSpec * pspec) { GstAlsaClass *klass = GST_ALSA_GET_CLASS (probe); gboolean ret = FALSE; switch (prop_id) { case ARG_DEVICE: ret = !gst_alsa_class_probe_devices (klass, TRUE); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (probe, prop_id, pspec); break; } return ret; } static GValueArray * gst_alsa_probe_get_values (GstPropertyProbe * probe, guint prop_id, const GParamSpec * pspec) { GstAlsaClass *klass = GST_ALSA_GET_CLASS (probe); GValueArray *array = NULL; switch (prop_id) { case ARG_DEVICE: array = gst_alsa_class_list_devices (klass); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (probe, prop_id, pspec); break; } return array; } static void gst_alsa_probe_interface_init (GstPropertyProbeInterface * iface) { iface->get_properties = gst_alsa_probe_get_properties; iface->probe_property = gst_alsa_probe_probe_property; iface->needs_probe = gst_alsa_probe_needs_probe; iface->get_values = gst_alsa_probe_get_values; } /*** GSTREAMER PAD / QUERY / CONVERSION / STATE FUNCTIONS *********************/ static GstPad * gst_alsa_request_new_pad (GstElement * element, GstPadTemplate * templ, const gchar * name) { GstAlsa *this; gint track = 0; g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_ALSA (element), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (!GST_FLAG_IS_SET (element, GST_ALSA_RUNNING), NULL); this = GST_ALSA (element); if (name) { /* locate the track number in the requested pad name. */ track = (gint) strtol (name + (strchr (templ->name_template, '%') - templ->name_template), NULL, 0); if (track < 1 || track >= GST_ALSA_MAX_TRACKS) { GST_INFO_OBJECT (this, "invalid track requested. (%d)", track); return NULL; } } /* make sure the requested track is free. */ if (track > 0 || this->pad[track] != NULL) { GST_INFO_OBJECT (this, "requested track %d already in use.", track); return NULL; } /* if the user doesn't care, use the lowest available track number */ if (track == 0) { for (track = 1; track < GST_ALSA_MAX_TRACKS; track++) { if (this->pad[track] != NULL) goto found_track; } return NULL; } found_track: this->pad[track] = gst_pad_new_from_template (templ, name); gst_pad_set_link_function (this->pad[track], gst_alsa_link); gst_pad_set_getcaps_function (this->pad[track], gst_alsa_get_caps); gst_pad_set_fixate_function (this->pad[track], gst_alsa_fixate); gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (this), this->pad[track]); gst_pad_set_convert_function (this->pad[track], gst_alsa_pad_convert); gst_pad_set_query_function (this->pad[track], gst_alsa_pad_query); gst_pad_set_query_type_function (this->pad[track], gst_alsa_get_query_types); gst_pad_set_formats_function (this->pad[track], gst_alsa_get_formats); return this->pad[track]; } /* gets the matching alsa format or NULL if none matches */ static GstAlsaFormat * gst_alsa_get_format (const GstStructure * structure) { const gchar *mimetype; GstAlsaFormat *ret; if (!(ret = g_new (GstAlsaFormat, 1))) return NULL; /* we have to differentiate between int and float formats */ mimetype = gst_structure_get_name (structure); if (!strncmp (mimetype, "audio/x-raw-int", 15)) { gboolean sign; gint width, depth, endianness; /* extract the needed information from the cap */ if (!(gst_structure_get_int (structure, "width", &width) && gst_structure_get_int (structure, "depth", &depth) && gst_structure_get_boolean (structure, "signed", &sign))) goto error; /* extract endianness if needed */ if (width > 8) { if (!gst_structure_get_int (structure, "endianness", &endianness)) goto error; } else { endianness = G_BYTE_ORDER; } ret->format = snd_pcm_build_linear_format (depth, width, sign ? 0 : 1, endianness == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN ? 0 : 1); } else if (!strncmp (mimetype, "audio/x-raw-float", 17)) { gint width; /* get layout */ if (!gst_structure_get_int (structure, "width", &width)) goto error; /* match layout to format wrt to endianness */ if (width == 32) { if (G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN) { ret->format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT_LE; } else if (G_BYTE_ORDER == G_BIG_ENDIAN) { ret->format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT_BE; } else { ret->format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT; } } else if (width == 64) { if (G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN) { ret->format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT64_LE; } else if (G_BYTE_ORDER == G_BIG_ENDIAN) { ret->format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT64_BE; } else { ret->format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT64; } } else { goto error; } } else if (!strncmp (mimetype, "audio/x-alaw", 12)) { ret->format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_A_LAW; } else if (!strncmp (mimetype, "audio/x-mulaw", 13)) { ret->format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_MU_LAW; } /* get rate and channels */ if (!(gst_structure_get_int (structure, "rate", &ret->rate) && gst_structure_get_int (structure, "channels", &ret->channels))) goto error; return ret; error: g_free (ret); return NULL; } static inline gboolean gst_alsa_formats_match (GstAlsaFormat * one, GstAlsaFormat * two) { if (one == two) return TRUE; if (one == NULL || two == NULL) return FALSE; return (one->format == two->format) && (one->rate == two->rate) && (one->channels == two->channels); } /* get props for a spec */ static GstCaps * gst_alsa_get_caps_internal (snd_pcm_format_t format) { if (format == SND_PCM_FORMAT_A_LAW) { return gst_caps_new_simple ("audio/x-alaw", NULL); } else if (format == SND_PCM_FORMAT_MU_LAW) { return gst_caps_new_simple ("audio/x-mulaw", NULL); } else if (snd_pcm_format_linear (format)) { /* int */ GstStructure *structure = gst_structure_new ("audio/x-raw-int", "width", G_TYPE_INT, (gint) snd_pcm_format_physical_width (format), "depth", G_TYPE_INT, (gint) snd_pcm_format_width (format), "signed", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, snd_pcm_format_signed (format) == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE, NULL); /* endianness */ if (snd_pcm_format_physical_width (format) > 8) { switch (snd_pcm_format_little_endian (format)) { case 0: gst_structure_set (structure, "endianness", G_TYPE_INT, G_BIG_ENDIAN, NULL); break; case 1: gst_structure_set (structure, "endianness", G_TYPE_INT, G_LITTLE_ENDIAN, NULL); break; default: GST_WARNING ("Unknown byte order in sound driver. Continuing by assuming system byte order."); gst_structure_set (structure, "endianness", G_TYPE_INT, G_BYTE_ORDER, NULL); break; } } return gst_caps_new_full (structure, NULL); } else if (snd_pcm_format_float (format)) { /* no float with non-platform endianness */ if (!snd_pcm_format_cpu_endian (format)) return NULL; return gst_caps_new_simple ("audio/x-raw-float", "buffer-frames", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, 0, G_MAXINT, "width", G_TYPE_INT, (gint) snd_pcm_format_width (format), "endianness", G_TYPE_INT, G_BYTE_ORDER, NULL); } return NULL; } static inline void add_channels (GstStructure * structure, gint min_rate, gint max_rate, gint min_channels, gint max_channels) { if (min_rate < 0) { min_rate = GST_ALSA_MIN_RATE; max_rate = GST_ALSA_MAX_RATE; } if (max_rate < 0 || min_rate == max_rate) { gst_structure_set (structure, "rate", G_TYPE_INT, min_rate, NULL); } else { /* just to be sure */ if (min_rate > max_rate) { gint temp; GST_ERROR ("minimum rate > maximum rate (%d > %d), please fix your soundcard drivers", min_rate, max_rate); temp = min_rate; min_rate = max_rate; max_rate = temp; } gst_structure_set (structure, "rate", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, min_rate, max_rate, NULL); } if (min_channels < 0) { min_channels = 1; max_channels = GST_ALSA_MAX_CHANNELS; } if (max_channels < 0 || min_channels == max_channels) { gst_structure_set (structure, "channels", G_TYPE_INT, min_channels, NULL); } else { /* just to be sure */ if (min_channels > max_channels) { gint temp; GST_ERROR ("minimum channels > maximum channels (%d > %d), please fix your soundcard drivers", min_channels, max_channels); temp = min_channels; min_channels = max_channels; max_channels = temp; } gst_structure_set (structure, "channels", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, min_channels, max_channels, NULL); } } /** * Get all available caps. * @format: SND_PCM_FORMAT_UNKNOWN for all formats, desired format else * @rate: allowed rates if < 0, else desired rate * @channels: all allowed values for channels if < 0, else desired channels */ GstCaps * gst_alsa_caps (snd_pcm_format_t format, gint rate, gint channels) { GstCaps *ret_caps; if (format != SND_PCM_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { /* there are some caps set already */ ret_caps = gst_alsa_get_caps_internal (format); /* we can never use a format we can't set caps for */ g_assert (ret_caps != NULL); g_assert (gst_caps_get_size (ret_caps) == 1); add_channels (gst_caps_get_structure (ret_caps, 0), rate, -1, channels, -1); } else { int i; GstCaps *temp; ret_caps = gst_caps_new_empty (); for (i = 0; i <= SND_PCM_FORMAT_LAST; i++) { temp = gst_alsa_get_caps_internal (i); /* can be NULL, because not all alsa formats can be specified as caps */ if (temp != NULL) { g_assert (gst_caps_get_size (temp) == 1); add_channels (gst_caps_get_structure (temp, 0), rate, -1, channels, -1); gst_caps_append (ret_caps, temp); } } } gst_caps_do_simplify (ret_caps); return ret_caps; } /* Return better caps when device is open */ GstCaps * gst_alsa_get_caps (GstPad * pad) { GstAlsa *this; snd_pcm_hw_params_t *hw_params; snd_pcm_format_mask_t *mask; int i; unsigned int min_rate, max_rate; gint min_channels, max_channels; GstCaps *ret = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (pad != NULL, NULL); this = GST_ALSA (gst_pad_get_parent (pad)); if (!GST_FLAG_IS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_OPEN)) return gst_caps_copy (GST_PAD_TEMPLATE_CAPS (GST_PAD_PAD_TEMPLATE (pad))); if (this->cached_caps) return gst_caps_copy (this->cached_caps); snd_pcm_hw_params_alloca (&hw_params); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_any (this->handle, hw_params), "Broken configuration for this PCM: %s"); if (((GstElement *) this)->numpads > 1) { min_channels = 1; max_channels = -1; } else { ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_get_channels_min (hw_params, &min_rate), "Couldn't get minimum channel count for device %s: %s", this->device); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_get_channels_max (hw_params, &max_rate), "Couldn't get maximum channel count for device %s: %s", this->device); min_channels = min_rate; max_channels = max_rate > GST_ALSA_MAX_CHANNELS ? GST_ALSA_MAX_CHANNELS : max_rate; } ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_get_rate_min (hw_params, &min_rate, &i), "Couldn't get minimum rate for device %s: %s", this->device); min_rate = min_rate < GST_ALSA_MIN_RATE ? GST_ALSA_MIN_RATE : min_rate + i; ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_get_rate_max (hw_params, &max_rate, &i), "Couldn't get maximum rate for device %s: %s", this->device); max_rate = max_rate > GST_ALSA_MAX_RATE ? GST_ALSA_MAX_RATE : max_rate + i; snd_pcm_format_mask_alloca (&mask); snd_pcm_hw_params_get_format_mask (hw_params, mask); for (i = 0; i <= SND_PCM_FORMAT_LAST; i++) { if (snd_pcm_format_mask_test (mask, i)) { GstCaps *caps = gst_alsa_get_caps_internal (i); /* we can never use a format we can't set caps for */ if (caps != NULL) { gint n; g_assert (gst_caps_get_size (caps) == 1); add_channels (gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0), min_rate, max_rate, min_channels, max_channels); /* channel configuration */ /* MIN used to spped up because we don't support more than 8 channels */ for (n = min_channels; n <= MIN (8, max_channels); n++) { if (snd_pcm_hw_params_test_channels (this->handle, hw_params, n) == 0) { GstStructure *str; GstAudioChannelPosition pos[8] = { GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_LEFT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_RIGHT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_REAR_LEFT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_REAR_RIGHT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_CENTER, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_LFE, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_SIDE_LEFT, GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_SIDE_RIGHT }; switch (n) { case 1: pos[0] = GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_FRONT_MONO; break; case 2: case 4: case 6: case 8: /* keep above */ break; default: /* unsupported */ pos[0] = GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_INVALID; break; } if (pos[0] != GST_AUDIO_CHANNEL_POSITION_INVALID) { str = gst_structure_copy (gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0)); gst_structure_set (str, "channels", G_TYPE_INT, n, NULL); if (n > 2) { gst_audio_set_channel_positions (str, pos); } if (!ret) { ret = gst_caps_new_empty (); } gst_caps_append_structure (ret, str); } } } gst_caps_free (caps); } } } if (ret == NULL) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (this, "no supported caps found, returning empty caps"); ret = gst_caps_new_empty (); } gst_caps_do_simplify (ret); GST_LOG_OBJECT (this, "get_caps returns %P", ret); this->cached_caps = gst_caps_copy (ret); return ret; } static GstCaps * gst_alsa_fixate_to_mimetype (const GstCaps * caps, const gchar * mime) { GstCaps *try, *result; try = gst_caps_new_simple (mime, NULL); result = gst_caps_intersect (try, caps); gst_caps_free (try); if (gst_caps_is_empty (result)) { gst_caps_free (result); return NULL; } if (gst_caps_is_subset (caps, result)) { /* we didn't reduce caps */ gst_caps_free (result); return NULL; } return result; } static GstCaps * gst_alsa_fixate_field_nearest_int (const GstCaps * caps, const gchar * field_name, gint target) { guint i; GstCaps *result; GstCaps *smaller = gst_caps_new_empty (); GstCaps *equal = gst_caps_new_empty (); GstCaps *bigger = gst_caps_new_empty (); /* works like this: we fixate every structure and put them into one of those * caps depending on what we fixated to. We then return the best caps that is * not empty in the following order: equal, bigger, smaller * We also make sure the caps were really reduced. */ for (i = 0; i < gst_caps_get_size (caps); i++) { gint fixated_to; GstStructure *copy = gst_structure_copy (gst_caps_get_structure (caps, i)); gst_caps_structure_fixate_field_nearest_int (copy, field_name, target); if (gst_structure_get_int (copy, field_name, &fixated_to)) { if (fixated_to == target) { gst_caps_append_structure (equal, copy); } else if (fixated_to > target) { gst_caps_append_structure (bigger, copy); } else { gst_caps_append_structure (smaller, copy); } } else { /* FIXME: what do we do here? Add to all or throw an error? */ g_return_val_if_reached (NULL); } } if (!gst_caps_is_empty (equal)) { gst_caps_free (bigger); gst_caps_free (smaller); result = equal; } else { gst_caps_free (equal); if (!gst_caps_is_empty (bigger)) { gst_caps_free (smaller); result = bigger; } else { gst_caps_free (bigger); if (gst_caps_is_empty (smaller)) { gst_caps_free (smaller); return NULL; } result = smaller; } } if (gst_caps_is_subset (caps, result)) { /* we didn't reduce caps */ gst_caps_free (result); return NULL; } return result; } GstCaps * gst_alsa_fixate (GstPad * pad, const GstCaps * caps) { GstCaps *result; const gchar *mime; if ((result = gst_alsa_fixate_to_mimetype (caps, "audio/x-raw-int"))) return result; if ((result = gst_alsa_fixate_to_mimetype (caps, "audio/x-raw-float"))) return result; if ((result = gst_alsa_fixate_to_mimetype (caps, "audio/x-alaw"))) return result; if ((result = gst_alsa_fixate_to_mimetype (caps, "audio/x-mulaw"))) return result; /* now we know there's only one mimetype in the caps */ /* FIXME: I should check this to be really sure I didn't mess up somewhere */ if ((result = gst_alsa_fixate_field_nearest_int (caps, "rate", 44100))) return result; if ((result = gst_alsa_fixate_field_nearest_int (caps, "channels", 2))) return result; mime = gst_structure_get_name (gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0)); if (g_str_equal (mime, "audio/x-raw-int")) { if ((result = gst_alsa_fixate_field_nearest_int (caps, "width", 16))) return result; if ((result = gst_alsa_fixate_field_nearest_int (caps, "depth", 16))) return result; } else if (g_str_equal (mime, "audio/x-raw-float")) { if ((result = gst_alsa_fixate_field_nearest_int (caps, "width", 32))) return result; } return NULL; } /* Negotiates the caps */ GstPadLinkReturn gst_alsa_link (GstPad * pad, const GstCaps * caps) { GstAlsa *this; GstAlsaFormat *format; GstPadLinkReturn ret; g_return_val_if_fail (caps != NULL, GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED); g_return_val_if_fail (pad != NULL, GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED); this = GST_ALSA (gst_pad_get_parent (pad)); if (this->handle == NULL) if (!gst_alsa_open_audio (this)) return GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED; format = gst_alsa_get_format (gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0)); if (format == NULL) return GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED; GST_DEBUG ("found format %s", snd_pcm_format_name (format->format)); if (!GST_FLAG_IS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_CAPS_NEGO)) { gint i; GST_FLAG_SET (this, GST_ALSA_CAPS_NEGO); if (gst_alsa_formats_match (this->format, format)) { ret = GST_PAD_LINK_OK; goto out; } if (!gst_alsa_probe_hw_params (this, format)) { ret = GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED; goto out; } for (i = 0; i < ((GstElement *) this)->numpads; i++) { g_assert (this->pad[i] != NULL); if (this->pad[i] == pad) continue; if (gst_pad_try_set_caps (this->pad[i], caps) == GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED) { if (this->format) { GstCaps *old = gst_alsa_caps (this->format->format, this->format->rate, this->format->channels); for (--i; i >= 0; i--) { if (gst_pad_try_set_caps (this->pad[i], old) == GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (this, CORE, NEGOTIATION, (NULL), ("could not reset caps to a sane value")); gst_caps_free (old); break; } else { /* FIXME: unset caps on pads somehow */ } } gst_caps_free (old); ret = GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED; goto out; } } } GST_FLAG_UNSET (this, GST_ALSA_CAPS_NEGO); /* sync the params */ if (GST_FLAG_IS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_RUNNING)) gst_alsa_stop_audio (this); g_free (this->format); this->format = format; if (!gst_alsa_start_audio (this)) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (this, RESOURCE, SETTINGS, (NULL), (NULL)); return GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED; } return GST_PAD_LINK_OK; } return GST_PAD_LINK_DELAYED; out: g_free (format); GST_FLAG_UNSET (this, GST_ALSA_CAPS_NEGO); return ret; } static GstElementStateReturn gst_alsa_change_state (GstElement * element) { int err = 0; GstAlsa *this; g_return_val_if_fail (element != NULL, FALSE); this = GST_ALSA (element); switch (GST_STATE_TRANSITION (element)) { case GST_STATE_NULL_TO_READY: if (!(GST_FLAG_IS_SET (element, GST_ALSA_OPEN) || gst_alsa_open_audio (this))) return GST_STATE_FAILURE; break; case GST_STATE_READY_TO_PAUSED: this->played = 0; this->captured = 0; break; case GST_STATE_PAUSED_TO_PLAYING: if (snd_pcm_state (this->handle) == SND_PCM_STATE_PAUSED) { if ((err = snd_pcm_pause (this->handle, 0)) < 0) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (this, "Error unpausing sound: %s", snd_strerror (err)); return GST_STATE_FAILURE; } } /* If we were already negotiated, but we are not running, then * we stopped (probably because we paused), so re-start. If * there's no format, we didn't negotiate yet so don't do * anything because ALSA will crash (#151288, #153227, etc.). */ else if (this->format != NULL && !GST_FLAG_IS_SET (element, GST_ALSA_RUNNING) && !gst_alsa_start_audio (this)) { return GST_STATE_FAILURE; } gst_alsa_clock_start (this->clock); break; case GST_STATE_PLAYING_TO_PAUSED: if (GST_ALSA_CAPS_IS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_CAPS_PAUSE)) { if (snd_pcm_state (this->handle) == SND_PCM_STATE_RUNNING) { if ((err = snd_pcm_pause (this->handle, 1)) < 0) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (this, "Error pausing sound: %s", snd_strerror (err)); GST_ALSA_CAPS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_CAPS_PAUSE, 0); goto cant_pause; } } } else { cant_pause: /* if device doesn't know how to pause, we just stop */ if (GST_FLAG_IS_SET (element, GST_ALSA_RUNNING)) gst_alsa_stop_audio (this); } gst_alsa_clock_stop (this->clock); break; case GST_STATE_PAUSED_TO_READY: if (GST_FLAG_IS_SET (element, GST_ALSA_RUNNING)) gst_alsa_stop_audio (this); g_free (this->format); this->format = NULL; break; case GST_STATE_READY_TO_NULL: if (GST_FLAG_IS_SET (element, GST_ALSA_OPEN)) gst_alsa_close_audio (this); break; default: break; } if (GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (parent_class)->change_state) return GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (parent_class)->change_state (element); return GST_STATE_SUCCESS; } static GstClock * gst_alsa_get_clock (GstElement * element) { return GST_CLOCK (GST_ALSA (element)->clock); } static void gst_alsa_set_clock (GstElement * element, GstClock * clock) { /* we need this function just so everybody knows we use a clock */ GST_ALSA (element)->ext_clock = clock; } /*** AUDIO PROCESSING *********************************************************/ inline snd_pcm_sframes_t gst_alsa_update_avail (GstAlsa * this) { snd_pcm_sframes_t avail = snd_pcm_avail_update (this->handle); if (avail < 0) { if (avail == -EPIPE) { gst_alsa_xrun_recovery (this); } else { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (this, "unknown ALSA avail_update return value (%d)", (int) avail); } } return avail; } /* returns TRUE, if the loop should go on */ inline gboolean gst_alsa_pcm_wait (GstAlsa * this) { int err; snd_pcm_state_t state = snd_pcm_state (this->handle); if (state == SND_PCM_STATE_RUNNING) { if ((err = snd_pcm_wait (this->handle, 1000)) < 0) { if (err == EINTR) { /* happens mostly when run under gdb, or when exiting due to a signal */ GST_DEBUG ("got interrupted while waiting"); if (gst_element_interrupt (GST_ELEMENT (this))) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } if (!gst_alsa_xrun_recovery (this)) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (this, "error waiting for alsa pcm: (%d: %s)", err, snd_strerror (err)); return FALSE; } } } else { GST_INFO_OBJECT (this, "in state %s, not waiting", snd_pcm_state_name (state)); } return TRUE; } /** * error out or make sure we're in SND_PCM_STATE_RUNNING afterwards * return FALSE if we're not */ inline gboolean gst_alsa_start (GstAlsa * this) { GST_DEBUG ("Setting state to RUNNING"); switch (snd_pcm_state (this->handle)) { case SND_PCM_STATE_XRUN: gst_alsa_xrun_recovery (this); return gst_alsa_start (this); case SND_PCM_STATE_SETUP: ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_prepare (this->handle), "error preparing: %s"); case SND_PCM_STATE_SUSPENDED: case SND_PCM_STATE_PREPARED: this->captured = 0; ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_start (this->handle), "error starting playback: %s"); break; case SND_PCM_STATE_PAUSED: ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_pause (this->handle, 0), "error unpausing: %s"); break; case SND_PCM_STATE_RUNNING: break; case SND_PCM_STATE_DRAINING: case SND_PCM_STATE_OPEN: /* this probably happens when someone replugged a pipeline and we're in a really weird state because our cothread wasn't busted */ return FALSE; default: /* it's a bug when we get here */ g_assert_not_reached (); break; } return TRUE; } gboolean gst_alsa_xrun_recovery (GstAlsa * this) { snd_pcm_status_t *status; gint err; snd_pcm_status_alloca (&status); if ((err = snd_pcm_status (this->handle, status)) < 0) GST_ERROR_OBJECT (this, "status error: %s", snd_strerror (err)); if (snd_pcm_status_get_state (status) == SND_PCM_STATE_XRUN) { struct timeval now, diff, tstamp; gettimeofday (&now, 0); snd_pcm_status_get_trigger_tstamp (status, &tstamp); timersub (&now, &tstamp, &diff); /* if we're allowed to recover, ... */ if (this->autorecover) { /* ... then increase the period size or buffer size / period count to prevent further xruns (at the cost of increased latency and memory usage). */ if (this->period_count >= 4) { this->period_size *= 2; this->period_count /= 2; } else { this->period_count *= 2; } } if (!(gst_alsa_stop_audio (this) && gst_alsa_start_audio (this))) { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (this, RESOURCE, FAILED, (NULL), ("Error restarting audio after xrun")); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /*** AUDIO SETUP / START / STOP ***********************************************/ void gst_alsa_set_eos (GstAlsa * this) { gst_alsa_drain_audio (this); gst_element_set_eos (GST_ELEMENT (this)); } static gboolean gst_alsa_open_audio (GstAlsa * this) { snd_pcm_info_t *info; int ret; g_assert (this != NULL); g_assert (this->handle == NULL); /* If we have no pads, then we're apparently a mixer object, * and that doesn't need a handle to the actual audio device. */ if (!gst_element_get_pad_list (GST_ELEMENT (this))) return TRUE; GST_INFO ("Opening alsa device \"%s\"...", this->device); #ifdef ALSA_BUG_389_FIXED ERROR_CHECK (snd_output_buffer_open (&this->out), "error opening log output: %s"); #endif if ((ret = snd_pcm_open (&this->handle, this->device, GST_ALSA_GET_CLASS (this)->stream, SND_PCM_NONBLOCK)) < 0) { /* ALSA inverts standard errno.h error codes */ switch (-ret) { case EBUSY: GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (GST_ELEMENT (this), RESOURCE, BUSY, (_("ALSA device \"%s\" is already in use by another program."), this->device), (NULL)); break; case EACCES: case ETXTBSY: GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (GST_ELEMENT (this), RESOURCE, OPEN_READ_WRITE, (_("Could not access ALSA device \"%s\", check its permissions."), this->device), GST_ERROR_SYSTEM); break; case ENXIO: case ENODEV: case ENOENT: GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (GST_ELEMENT (this), RESOURCE, BUSY, (_("ALSA device \"%s\" does not exist."), this->device), (NULL)); break; default: GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (GST_ELEMENT (this), RESOURCE, BUSY, (_("ALSA device \"%s\" had an error."), this->device), ("ALSA error %d: %s", ret, snd_strerror (ret))); break; } return FALSE; } snd_pcm_info_malloc (&info); snd_pcm_info (this->handle, info); this->cardname = g_strdup (snd_pcm_info_get_name (info)); snd_pcm_info_free (info); GST_FLAG_SET (this, GST_ALSA_OPEN); return TRUE; } void gst_alsa_sw_params_dump (GstAlsa * this, snd_pcm_sw_params_t * sw_params) { #ifdef ALSA_BUG_389_FIXED snd_pcm_sw_params_dump (sw_params, this->out); ALSA_DEBUG_FLUSH (this); #endif } void gst_alsa_hw_params_dump (GstAlsa * this, snd_pcm_hw_params_t * hw_params) { #ifdef ALSA_BUG_389_FIXED snd_pcm_hw_params_dump (hw_params, this->out); ALSA_DEBUG_FLUSH (this); #endif } /* if someone finds an easy way to merge this with _set_hw_params, go ahead */ static gboolean gst_alsa_probe_hw_params (GstAlsa * this, GstAlsaFormat * format) { snd_pcm_hw_params_t *hw_params; snd_pcm_uframes_t period_size; unsigned int period_count; unsigned int rate; g_return_val_if_fail (this != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (format != NULL, FALSE); GST_INFO ("Probing format: %s %dHz, %d channels", snd_pcm_format_name (format->format), format->rate, format->channels); snd_pcm_hw_params_alloca (&hw_params); SIMPLE_ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_any (this->handle, hw_params)); gst_alsa_hw_params_dump (this, hw_params); if (GST_ELEMENT (this)->numpads == 1) { SIMPLE_ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access (this->handle, hw_params, this-> mmap ? SND_PCM_ACCESS_MMAP_INTERLEAVED : SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED)); } else { SIMPLE_ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access (this->handle, hw_params, this-> mmap ? SND_PCM_ACCESS_MMAP_NONINTERLEAVED : SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_NONINTERLEAVED)); } SIMPLE_ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format (this->handle, hw_params, format->format)); SIMPLE_ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels (this->handle, hw_params, format->channels)); /* FIXME: We should use snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate instead of * snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near here. Unfortunately alsa fails in that case * far more often and seems to handle this quite well. (Example: ENS1371 * driver on alsalib 1.0.5, kernel 2.6.6-mm5). If it sets far too wrong sample * rates, we need to revert back to snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate or check the * rate that was set. */ rate = format->rate; SIMPLE_ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near (this->handle, hw_params, &rate, 0)); if (rate != format->rate) GST_WARNING_OBJECT (this, "set rate (%u) differs from desired rate (%u)", rate, format->rate); period_count = this->period_count; SIMPLE_ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_periods_near (this->handle, hw_params, &period_count, 0)); period_size = this->period_size; SIMPLE_ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_size_near (this->handle, hw_params, &period_size, 0)); return TRUE; } /** * You must set all hw parameters at once and can't use already set params and * change them. * Thx ALSA for not documenting this */ static gboolean gst_alsa_set_hw_params (GstAlsa * this) { snd_pcm_hw_params_t *hw_params; unsigned int rate; g_return_val_if_fail (this != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (this->handle != NULL, FALSE); snd_pcm_hw_params_alloca (&hw_params); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_any (this->handle, hw_params), "Broken configuration for this PCM: %s"); if (this->format) { GST_INFO ("Preparing format: %s %dHz, %d channels", snd_pcm_format_name (this->format->format), this->format->rate, this->format->channels); if (GST_ELEMENT (this)->numpads == 1) { ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access (this->handle, hw_params, this-> mmap ? SND_PCM_ACCESS_MMAP_INTERLEAVED : SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED), "This plugin does not support your harware: %s"); } else { ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access (this->handle, hw_params, this-> mmap ? SND_PCM_ACCESS_MMAP_NONINTERLEAVED : SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_NONINTERLEAVED), "This plugin does not support your harware: %s"); } ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format (this->handle, hw_params, this->format->format), "Sample format (%s) not available: %s", snd_pcm_format_name (this->format->format)); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels (this->handle, hw_params, this->format->channels), "Channels count (%d) not available: %s", this->format->channels); /* FIXME: We should use snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate instead of * snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near here. Unfortunately alsa fails in that case * far more often and seems to handle this quite well. (Example: ENS1371 * driver on alsalib 1.0.5, kernel 2.6.6-mm5). If it sets far too wrong sample * rates, we need to revert back to snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate or check the * rate that was set. */ rate = this->format->rate; ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near (this->handle, hw_params, &rate, 0), "error setting rate (%d): %s", this->format->rate); if (rate != this->format->rate) GST_WARNING_OBJECT (this, "set rate (%u) differs from desired rate (%u)", rate, this->format->rate); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_periods_near (this->handle, hw_params, &this->period_count, 0), "error setting period count to %u: %s", (guint) this->period_count); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_size_near (this->handle, hw_params, &this->period_size, 0), "error setting period size to %u frames: %s", (guint) this->period_size); } else { GST_INFO_OBJECT (this, "Preparing format: (none)"); } gst_alsa_hw_params_dump (this, hw_params); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_hw_params (this->handle, hw_params), "Could not set hardware parameters: %s"); /* now get the pcm caps */ GST_ALSA_CAPS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_CAPS_PAUSE, snd_pcm_hw_params_can_pause (hw_params)); GST_ALSA_CAPS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_CAPS_RESUME, snd_pcm_hw_params_can_resume (hw_params)); GST_ALSA_CAPS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_CAPS_SYNC_START, snd_pcm_hw_params_can_sync_start (hw_params)); if (this->mmap) { this->transmit = GST_ALSA_GET_CLASS (this)->transmit_mmap; } else { this->transmit = GST_ALSA_GET_CLASS (this)->transmit_rw; } return TRUE; } static gboolean gst_alsa_set_sw_params (GstAlsa * this) { snd_pcm_sw_params_t *sw_params; if (!this->format) { GST_LOG_OBJECT (this, "not setting sw params, we're not negotiated yet"); return TRUE; } snd_pcm_sw_params_alloca (&sw_params); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_sw_params_current (this->handle, sw_params), "Could not get current software parameters: %s"); gst_alsa_sw_params_dump (this, sw_params); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_sw_params_set_silence_size (this->handle, sw_params, 0), "could not set silence size: %s"); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_sw_params_set_silence_threshold (this->handle, sw_params, 0), "could not set silence threshold: %s"); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_sw_params_set_avail_min (this->handle, sw_params, this->period_size), "could not set avail min: %s"); /* we start explicitly */ ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_sw_params_set_start_threshold (this->handle, sw_params, this->period_size * this->period_count + 1), "could not set start mode: %s"); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_sw_params_set_stop_threshold (this->handle, sw_params, this->period_size * this->period_count), "could not set stop mode: %s"); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_sw_params_set_xfer_align (this->handle, sw_params, 1), "Unable to set transfer align for playback: %s"); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_sw_params (this->handle, sw_params), "could not set sw_params: %s"); return TRUE; } static gboolean gst_alsa_start_audio (GstAlsa * this) { g_assert (GST_FLAG_IS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_OPEN)); if (!gst_alsa_set_hw_params (this)) return FALSE; if (!gst_alsa_set_sw_params (this)) GST_WARNING_OBJECT (this, "setting software parameters failed, we'll trust the defaults"); GST_FLAG_SET (this, GST_ALSA_RUNNING); return TRUE; } static gboolean gst_alsa_drain_audio (GstAlsa * this) { g_assert (this != NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (this->handle != NULL, FALSE); GST_DEBUG ("stopping alsa"); switch (snd_pcm_state (this->handle)) { case SND_PCM_STATE_XRUN: case SND_PCM_STATE_RUNNING: /* fall through - clock is already stopped when paused */ case SND_PCM_STATE_PAUSED: /* snd_pcm_drain only works in blocking mode */ ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_nonblock (this->handle, 0), "couldn't set blocking mode: %s"); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_drain (this->handle), "couldn't stop and drain buffer: %s"); ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_nonblock (this->handle, 1), "couldn't set non-blocking mode: %s"); break; default: break; } GST_DEBUG ("stopped alsa"); GST_FLAG_UNSET (this, GST_ALSA_RUNNING); return TRUE; } static gboolean gst_alsa_stop_audio (GstAlsa * this) { g_assert (this != NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (this->handle != NULL, FALSE); GST_DEBUG ("stopping alsa, skipping pending frames"); switch (snd_pcm_state (this->handle)) { case SND_PCM_STATE_XRUN: case SND_PCM_STATE_RUNNING: /* fall through - clock is already stopped when paused */ case SND_PCM_STATE_PAUSED: ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_drop (this->handle), "couldn't stop (dropping frames): %s"); break; default: break; } GST_FLAG_UNSET (this, GST_ALSA_RUNNING); return TRUE; } static gboolean gst_alsa_close_audio (GstAlsa * this) { #ifdef ALSA_BUG_389_FIXED gint err; #endif /* if there's no pads, we never open. So we don't close either. */ if (!gst_element_get_pad_list (GST_ELEMENT (this))) return TRUE; g_return_val_if_fail (this != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (this->handle != NULL, FALSE); #ifdef ALSA_BUG_389_FIXED ALSA_DEBUG_FLUSH (this); err = snd_output_close (this->out); if (err != 0) GST_ERROR_OBJECT (this, "failed to close debugging output: %s", snd_strerror (err)); #endif ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_close (this->handle), "Error closing device: %s"); this->handle = NULL; if (this->cardname) { g_free (this->cardname); this->cardname = NULL; } GST_ALSA_CAPS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_CAPS_PAUSE, 0); GST_ALSA_CAPS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_CAPS_RESUME, 0); GST_ALSA_CAPS_SET (this, GST_ALSA_CAPS_SYNC_START, 0); GST_FLAG_UNSET (this, GST_ALSA_OPEN); if (this->cached_caps) { gst_caps_free (this->cached_caps); this->cached_caps = NULL; } return TRUE; } /*** QUERYING/FORMAT/CONVERSION FUNCTIONS *************************************/ static const GstFormat * gst_alsa_get_formats (GstPad * pad) { static const GstFormat formats[] = { GST_FORMAT_TIME, GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT, GST_FORMAT_BYTES, 0 }; return formats; } static gboolean gst_alsa_pad_convert (GstPad * pad, GstFormat src_format, gint64 src_value, GstFormat * dest_format, gint64 * dest_value) { return gst_alsa_convert (GST_ALSA (GST_PAD_PARENT (pad)), src_format, src_value, dest_format, dest_value); } static gboolean gst_alsa_convert (GstAlsa * this, GstFormat src_format, gint64 src_value, GstFormat * dest_format, gint64 * dest_value) { gboolean res = TRUE; if (src_format == *dest_format) { *dest_value = src_value; return TRUE; } if (this->format == NULL) return FALSE; switch (src_format) { case GST_FORMAT_BYTES: switch (*dest_format) { case GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT: *dest_value = gst_alsa_bytes_to_samples (this, (guint) src_value); break; case GST_FORMAT_TIME: *dest_value = gst_alsa_bytes_to_timestamp (this, (guint) src_value); break; default: res = FALSE; break; } break; case GST_FORMAT_TIME: switch (*dest_format) { case GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT: *dest_value = gst_alsa_timestamp_to_samples (this, (GstClockTime) src_value); break; case GST_FORMAT_BYTES: *dest_value = gst_alsa_timestamp_to_bytes (this, (GstClockTime) src_value); break; default: res = FALSE; break; } break; case GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT: switch (*dest_format) { case GST_FORMAT_TIME: *dest_value = gst_alsa_samples_to_timestamp (this, (guint) src_value); break; case GST_FORMAT_BYTES: *dest_value = gst_alsa_samples_to_bytes (this, (guint) src_value); break; case GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT: g_assert_not_reached (); /* fall through */ default: res = FALSE; break; } break; default: res = FALSE; } return res; } static const GstQueryType * gst_alsa_get_query_types (GstPad * pad) { static const GstQueryType query_types[] = { GST_QUERY_LATENCY, GST_QUERY_POSITION, 0, }; return query_types; } static gboolean gst_alsa_query_func (GstElement * element, GstQueryType type, GstFormat * format, gint64 * value) { gboolean res = FALSE; GstAlsa *this = GST_ALSA (element); switch (type) { case GST_QUERY_LATENCY:{ snd_pcm_sframes_t delay; ERROR_CHECK (snd_pcm_delay (this->handle, &delay), "Error getting delay: %s"); res = gst_alsa_convert (this, GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT, (gint64) delay, format, value); break; } case GST_QUERY_POSITION: res = gst_alsa_convert (this, GST_FORMAT_TIME, gst_element_get_time (GST_ELEMENT (this)), format, value); break; default: break; } return res; } static gboolean gst_alsa_query (GstElement * element, GstQueryType type, GstFormat * format, gint64 * value) { return gst_alsa_pad_query (GST_ALSA (element)->pad[0], type, format, value); } static gboolean gst_alsa_pad_query (GstPad * pad, GstQueryType type, GstFormat * format, gint64 * value) { if (gst_alsa_query_func (GST_PAD_PARENT (pad), type, format, value)) return TRUE; if (GST_PAD_DIRECTION (pad) == GST_PAD_SINK && gst_pad_query (gst_pad_get_peer (pad), type, format, value)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } inline snd_pcm_uframes_t gst_alsa_timestamp_to_samples (GstAlsa * this, GstClockTime time) { return (snd_pcm_uframes_t) ((time * this->format->rate + this->format->rate / 2) / GST_SECOND); } inline GstClockTime gst_alsa_samples_to_timestamp (GstAlsa * this, snd_pcm_uframes_t samples) { return ((GstClockTime) samples) * GST_SECOND / this->format->rate; } inline snd_pcm_uframes_t gst_alsa_bytes_to_samples (GstAlsa * this, guint bytes) { return bytes / (snd_pcm_format_physical_width (this->format->format) / 8) / (GST_ELEMENT (this)->numpads == 1 ? this->format->channels : 1); } inline guint gst_alsa_samples_to_bytes (GstAlsa * this, snd_pcm_uframes_t samples) { return samples * snd_pcm_format_physical_width (this->format->format) / 8 * (GST_ELEMENT (this)->numpads == 1 ? this->format->channels : 1); } inline GstClockTime gst_alsa_bytes_to_timestamp (GstAlsa * this, guint bytes) { return gst_alsa_samples_to_timestamp (this, gst_alsa_bytes_to_samples (this, bytes)); } inline guint gst_alsa_timestamp_to_bytes (GstAlsa * this, GstClockTime time) { return gst_alsa_samples_to_bytes (this, gst_alsa_timestamp_to_samples (this, time)); }