/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Ole André Vadla Ravnås * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __GST_MIO_API_H__ #define __GST_MIO_API_H__ #include "cmapi.h" #include G_BEGIN_DECLS typedef struct _GstMIOApi GstMIOApi; typedef struct _GstMIOApiClass GstMIOApiClass; #define TUNDRA_SYSTEM_OBJECT_ID 1 typedef int TundraObjectID; typedef int TundraDeviceID; typedef int TundraUnitID; typedef enum _TundraStatus TundraStatus; typedef enum _TundraVendor TundraVendor; typedef enum _TundraScope TundraScope; typedef enum _TundraUnit TundraUnit; typedef enum _TundraProperty TundraProperty; typedef enum _TundraDeviceTransportType TundraDeviceTransportType; typedef struct _TundraTargetSpec TundraTargetSpec; typedef struct _TundraFramerate TundraFramerate; typedef struct _TundraGraph TundraGraph; typedef struct _TundraNode TundraNode; typedef struct _TundraOutputDelegate TundraOutputDelegate; enum _TundraStatus { kTundraSuccess = 0, kTundraNotSupported = -67456 }; enum _TundraVendor { kTundraVendorApple = 'appl' }; enum _TundraScope { kTundraScopeGlobal = 'glob', kTundraScopeDAL = 'dal ', kTundraScope2PRC = '2prc', /* TODO: Investigate this one */ kTundraScopeInput = 'inpt', kTundraScopeVSyn = 'vsyn' }; enum _TundraUnit { kTundraUnitInput = 'tinp', kTundraUnitOutput = 'tout', kTundraUnitSync = 'tefc' }; enum _TundraProperty { kTundraSystemPropertyDevices = 'dev#', kTundraObjectPropertyClass = 'clas', kTundraObjectPropertyCreator = 'oplg', kTundraObjectPropertyName = 'lnam', kTundraObjectPropertyUID = 'uid ', kTundraObjectPropertyVendor = 'lmak', kTundraDevicePropertyConfigApp = 'capp', /* CFString: com.apple.mediaio.TundraDeviceSetup */ kTundraDevicePropertyExclusiveMode = 'ixna', kTundraDevicePropertyHogMode = 'oink', kTundraDevicePropertyModelUID = 'muid', kTundraDevicePropertyStreams = 'stm#', kTundraDevicePropertySuspendedByUser = 'sbyu', kTundraDevicePropertyTransportType = 'tran', kTundraStreamPropertyFormatDescriptions = 'pfta', kTundraStreamPropertyFormatDescription = 'pft ', kTundraStreamPropertyFrameRates = 'nfr#', kTundraStreamPropertyFrameRate = 'nfrt' }; struct _TundraTargetSpec { FourCharCode name; FourCharCode scope; FourCharCode vendor; FourCharCode unk1; FourCharCode unk2; }; struct _TundraFramerate { gdouble value; }; enum _TundraUnitProperty { kTundraInputPropertyDeviceID = 302, kTundraOutputPropertyDelegate = 5903, kTundraInputUnitProperty_SourcePath = 6780, kTundraSyncPropertyClockProvider = 7100, kTundraSyncPropertyMasterSynchronizer = 7102, kTundraSyncPropertySynchronizationDirection = 7104 }; enum _TundraDeviceTransportType { kTundraDeviceTransportInvalid = 0, kTundraDeviceTransportBuiltin = 'bltn', kTundraDeviceTransportScreen = 'scrn', kTundraDeviceTransportUSB = 'usb ', }; typedef TundraStatus (* TundraOutputRenderFunc) (gpointer instance, gpointer unk1, gpointer unk2, gpointer unk3, CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuf); typedef TundraStatus (* TundraOutputInitializeFunc) (gpointer instance); typedef TundraStatus (* TundraOutputUninitializeFunc) (gpointer instance); typedef TundraStatus (* TundraOutputStartFunc) (gpointer instance); typedef TundraStatus (* TundraOutputStopFunc) (gpointer instance); typedef TundraStatus (* TundraOutputResetFunc) (gpointer instance); typedef TundraStatus (* TundraOutputDeallocateFunc) (gpointer instance); typedef gboolean (* TundraOutputCanRenderNowFunc) (gpointer instance, guint * unk); typedef CFArrayRef (* TundraOutputAvailableFormatsFunc) (gpointer instance, gboolean ensureOnly); typedef TundraStatus (* TundraOutputCopyClockFunc) (gpointer instance); typedef TundraStatus (* TundraOutputGetPropertyInfoFunc) (gpointer instance, guint propId); typedef TundraStatus (* TundraOutputGetPropertyFunc) (gpointer instance, guint propId); typedef TundraStatus (* TundraOutputSetPropertyFunc) (gpointer instance, guint propId); #pragma pack(push, 1) struct _TundraOutputDelegate { int unk1; gpointer instance; TundraOutputRenderFunc Render; TundraOutputInitializeFunc Initialize; TundraOutputUninitializeFunc Uninitialize; TundraOutputStartFunc Start; TundraOutputStopFunc Stop; TundraOutputResetFunc Reset; TundraOutputDeallocateFunc Deallocate; TundraOutputCanRenderNowFunc CanRenderNow; TundraOutputAvailableFormatsFunc AvailableFormats; TundraOutputCopyClockFunc CopyClock; TundraOutputGetPropertyInfoFunc GetPropertyInfo; TundraOutputGetPropertyFunc GetProperty; TundraOutputSetPropertyFunc SetProperty; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct _GstMIOApi { GstDynApi parent; TundraStatus (* TundraGraphCreate) (CFAllocatorRef allocator, TundraGraph ** graph); void (* TundraGraphRelease) (TundraGraph * graph); TundraStatus (* TundraGraphCreateNode) (TundraGraph * graph, gint nodeId, UInt32 unk1, UInt32 unk2, TundraTargetSpec * spec, UInt32 unk3, TundraUnitID * node); TundraStatus (* TundraGraphGetNodeInfo) (TundraGraph * graph, gint nodeId, UInt32 unk1, UInt32 unk2, UInt32 unk3, UInt32 unk4, gpointer * info); TundraStatus (* TundraGraphSetProperty) (TundraGraph * graph, gint nodeId, UInt32 unk1, guint propId, UInt32 unk2, UInt32 unk3, gpointer data, guint size); TundraStatus (* TundraGraphConnectNodeInput) (TundraGraph * graph, TundraUnitID from_node, guint from_bus, TundraUnitID to_node, guint to_bus); TundraStatus (* TundraGraphInitialize) (TundraGraph * graph); TundraStatus (* TundraGraphUninitialize) (TundraGraph * graph); TundraStatus (* TundraGraphStart) (TundraGraph * graph); TundraStatus (* TundraGraphStop) (TundraGraph * graph); TundraStatus (* TundraObjectGetPropertyDataSize) (TundraObjectID obj, TundraTargetSpec * spec, UInt32 contextSize, void * context, guint * size); TundraStatus (* TundraObjectGetPropertyData) (TundraObjectID obj, TundraTargetSpec * spec, UInt32 contextSize, void * context, guint * size, gpointer data); TundraStatus (* TundraObjectIsPropertySettable) (TundraObjectID obj, TundraTargetSpec * spec, Boolean *isSettable); TundraStatus (* TundraObjectSetPropertyData) (TundraObjectID obj, TundraTargetSpec * spec, gpointer unk1, gpointer unk2, guint size, gpointer data); CFStringRef * kTundraSampleBufferAttachmentKey_SequenceNumber; CFStringRef * kTundraSampleBufferAttachmentKey_HostTime; }; struct _GstMIOApiClass { GstDynApiClass parent_class; }; GstMIOApi * gst_mio_api_obtain (GError ** error); gpointer gst_mio_object_get_pointer (gint obj, TundraTargetSpec * pspec, GstMIOApi * mio); gchar * gst_mio_object_get_string (gint obj, TundraTargetSpec * pspec, GstMIOApi * mio); guint32 gst_mio_object_get_uint32 (gint obj, TundraTargetSpec * pspec, GstMIOApi * mio); gchar * gst_mio_object_get_fourcc (gint obj, TundraTargetSpec * pspec, GstMIOApi * mio); GArray * gst_mio_object_get_array (gint obj, TundraTargetSpec * pspec, guint element_size, GstMIOApi * mio); GArray * gst_mio_object_get_array_full (gint obj, TundraTargetSpec * pspec, guint ctx_size, gpointer ctx, guint element_size, GstMIOApi * mio); gpointer gst_mio_object_get_raw (gint obj, TundraTargetSpec * pspec, guint * size, GstMIOApi * mio); gchar * gst_mio_fourcc_to_string (guint32 fcc); G_END_DECLS #endif