/* * ieeetest.c --- test IDCT code against the IEEE Std 1180-1990 spec * * Note that this does only one pass of the test. * Six invocations of ieeetest are needed to complete the entire spec. * The shell script "doieee" performs the complete test. * * Written by Tom Lane (tgl@cs.cmu.edu). * Released to public domain 11/22/93. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "gstidct.h" #include "dct.h" /* prototypes */ void usage (char *msg); long ieeerand (long L, long H); void dct_init(void); void ref_fdct(DCTELEM block[8][8]); void ref_idct(DCTELEM block[8][8]); /* error stat accumulators -- assume initialized to 0 */ long sumerrs[DCTSIZE2]; long sumsqerrs[DCTSIZE2]; int maxerr[DCTSIZE2]; char * meets (double val, double limit) { return ((fabs(val) <= limit) ? "meets" : "FAILS"); } #ifdef HAVE_RDTS __inline__ void read_tsc(guint64 *dst) { __asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a" (*(guint32 *)dst), "=d" (*(((guint32 *)dst) + 1)) : : "eax", "edx"); } #else __inline__ void read_tsc(guint64 *dst) { } #endif int main(int argc, char **argv) { long minpix, maxpix, sign; long curiter, niters; int i, j; double max, total; int method; DCTELEM block[DCTSIZE2]; /* random source data */ DCTELEM refcoefs[DCTSIZE2]; /* coefs from reference FDCT */ DCTELEM refout[DCTSIZE2]; /* output from reference IDCT */ DCTELEM testout[DCTSIZE2]; /* output from test IDCT */ GstIDCT *idct; guint64 tscstart, tscmin = ~0, tscmax = 0; guint64 tscstop; /* Argument parsing --- not very bulletproof at all */ if (argc != 6) usage(NULL); method = atoi(argv[1]); minpix = atoi(argv[2]); maxpix = atoi(argv[3]); sign = atoi(argv[4]); niters = atol(argv[5]); gst_library_load("gstidct"); idct = gst_idct_new(method); dct_init(); /* Loop once per generated random-data block */ for (curiter = 0; curiter < niters; curiter++) { /* generate a pseudo-random block of data */ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE2; i++) block[i] = (DCTELEM) (ieeerand(-minpix,maxpix) * sign); /* perform reference FDCT */ memcpy(refcoefs, block, sizeof(DCTELEM)*DCTSIZE2); ref_fdct(refcoefs); /* clip */ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE2; i++) { if (refcoefs[i] < -2048) refcoefs[i] = -2048; else if (refcoefs[i] > 2047) refcoefs[i] = 2047; } /* perform reference IDCT */ memcpy(refout, refcoefs, sizeof(DCTELEM)*DCTSIZE2); ref_idct(refout); /* clip */ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE2; i++) { if (refout[i] < -256) refout[i] = -256; else if (refout[i] > 255) refout[i] = 255; } /* perform test IDCT */ if (GST_IDCT_TRANSPOSE(idct)) { for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++) { for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++) { testout[i*DCTSIZE+j] = refcoefs[j*DCTSIZE+i]; } } } else { memcpy(testout, refcoefs, sizeof(DCTELEM)*DCTSIZE2); } read_tsc(&tscstart); gst_idct_convert(idct, testout); read_tsc(&tscstop); //printf("time %llu, %llu %lld\n", tscstart, tscstop, tscstop-tscstart); if (tscstop - tscstart < tscmin) tscmin = tscstop-tscstart; if (tscstop - tscstart > tscmax) tscmax = tscstop-tscstart; /* clip */ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE2; i++) { if (testout[i] < -256) testout[i] = -256; else if (testout[i] > 255) testout[i] = 255; } /* accumulate error stats */ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE2; i++) { register int err = testout[i] - refout[i]; sumerrs[i] += err; sumsqerrs[i] += err * err; if (err < 0) err = -err; if (maxerr[i] < err) maxerr[i] = err; } if (curiter % 100 == 99) { fprintf(stderr, "."); fflush(stderr); } } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); /* print results */ printf("IEEE test conditions: -L = %ld, +H = %ld, sign = %ld, #iters = %ld\n", minpix, maxpix, sign, niters); printf("Speed, min time %lld, max %lld\n", tscmin, tscmax); printf("Peak absolute values of errors:\n"); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < DCTSIZE2; i++) { if (j < maxerr[i]) j = maxerr[i]; printf("%4d", maxerr[i]); if ((i%DCTSIZE) == DCTSIZE-1) printf("\n"); } printf("Worst peak error = %d (%s spec limit 1)\n\n", j, meets((double) j, 1.0)); printf("Mean square errors:\n"); max = total = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE2; i++) { double err = (double) sumsqerrs[i] / ((double) niters); total += (double) sumsqerrs[i]; if (max < err) max = err; printf(" %8.4f", err); if ((i%DCTSIZE) == DCTSIZE-1) printf("\n"); } printf("Worst pmse = %.6f (%s spec limit 0.06)\n", max, meets(max, 0.06)); total /= (double) (64*niters); printf("Overall mse = %.6f (%s spec limit 0.02)\n\n", total, meets(total, 0.02)); printf("Mean errors:\n"); max = total = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE2; i++) { double err = (double) sumerrs[i] / ((double) niters); total += (double) sumerrs[i]; printf(" %8.4f", err); if (err < 0.0) err = -err; if (max < err) max = err; if ((i%DCTSIZE) == DCTSIZE-1) printf("\n"); } printf("Worst mean error = %.6f (%s spec limit 0.015)\n", max, meets(max, 0.015)); total /= (double) (64*niters); printf("Overall mean error = %.6f (%s spec limit 0.0015)\n\n", total, meets(total, 0.0015)); /* test for 0 input giving 0 output */ memset(testout, 0, sizeof(DCTELEM)*DCTSIZE2); gst_idct_convert(idct, testout); for (i = 0, j=0; i < DCTSIZE2; i++) { if (testout[i]) { printf("Position %d of IDCT(0) = %d (FAILS)\n", i, testout[i]); j++; } } printf("%d elements of IDCT(0) were not zero\n\n\n", j); exit(0); return 0; } void usage (char *msg) { if (msg != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "\nerror: %s\n", msg); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "usage: ieeetest minpix maxpix sign niters\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " test = 1 - 5\n"); fprintf(stderr, " minpix = -L value per IEEE spec\n"); fprintf(stderr, " maxpix = H value per IEEE spec\n"); fprintf(stderr, " sign = +1 for normal, -1 to run negated test\n"); fprintf(stderr, " niters = # iterations (10000 for full test)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } /* Pseudo-random generator specified by IEEE 1180 */ long ieeerand (long L, long H) { static long randx = 1; static double z = (double) 0x7fffffff; long i,j; double x; randx = (randx * 1103515245) + 12345; i = randx & 0x7ffffffe; x = ((double) i) / z; x *= (L+H+1); j = x; return j-L; } /* Reference double-precision FDCT and IDCT */ /* The cosine lookup table */ /* coslu[a][b] = C(b)/2 * cos[(2a+1)b*pi/16] */ double coslu[8][8]; /* Routine to initialise the cosine lookup table */ void dct_init(void) { int a,b; double tmp; for(a=0;a<8;a++) for(b=0;b<8;b++) { tmp = cos((double)((a+a+1)*b) * (3.14159265358979323846 / 16.0)); if(b==0) tmp /= sqrt(2.0); coslu[a][b] = tmp * 0.5; } } void ref_fdct (DCTELEM block[8][8]) { int x,y,u,v; double tmp, tmp2; double res[8][8]; for (v=0; v<8; v++) { for (u=0; u<8; u++) { tmp = 0.0; for (y=0; y<8; y++) { tmp2 = 0.0; for (x=0; x<8; x++) { tmp2 += (double) block[y][x] * coslu[x][u]; } tmp += coslu[y][v] * tmp2; } res[v][u] = tmp; } } for (v=0; v<8; v++) { for (u=0; u<8; u++) { tmp = res[v][u]; if (tmp < 0.0) { x = - ((int) (0.5 - tmp)); } else { x = (int) (tmp + 0.5); } block[v][u] = (DCTELEM) x; } } } void ref_idct (DCTELEM block[8][8]) { int x,y,u,v; double tmp, tmp2; double res[8][8]; for (y=0; y<8; y++) { for (x=0; x<8; x++) { tmp = 0.0; for (v=0; v<8; v++) { tmp2 = 0.0; for (u=0; u<8; u++) { tmp2 += (double) block[v][u] * coslu[x][u]; } tmp += coslu[y][v] * tmp2; } res[y][x] = tmp; } } for (v=0; v<8; v++) { for (u=0; u<8; u++) { tmp = res[v][u]; if (tmp < 0.0) { x = - ((int) (0.5 - tmp)); } else { x = (int) (tmp + 0.5); } block[v][u] = (DCTELEM) x; } } }