d3d12_sources = [ 'gstd3d12bufferpool.cpp', 'gstd3d12cmdallocpool.cpp', 'gstd3d12cmdlistpool.cpp', 'gstd3d12cmdqueue.cpp', 'gstd3d12converter-builder.cpp', 'gstd3d12converter-unpack.cpp', 'gstd3d12converter-pack.cpp', 'gstd3d12converter.cpp', 'gstd3d12descheappool.cpp', 'gstd3d12device.cpp', 'gstd3d12fencedatapool.cpp', 'gstd3d12format.cpp', 'gstd3d12frame.cpp', 'gstd3d12memory.cpp', 'gstd3d12utils.cpp', ] d3d12_headers = [ 'd3d12-prelude.h', 'gstd3d12_fwd.h', 'gstd3d12.h', 'gstd3d12bufferpool.h', 'gstd3d12cmdallocpool.h', 'gstd3d12cmdqueue.h', 'gstd3d12converter.h', 'gstd3d12descheappool.h', 'gstd3d12device.h', 'gstd3d12fencedatapool.h', 'gstd3d12format.h', 'gstd3d12frame.h', 'gstd3d12memory.h', 'gstd3d12utils.h', ] extra_args = [ '-DGST_USE_UNSTABLE_API', '-DBUILDING_GST_D3D12', '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="GStreamer-D3D12"', ] extra_deps = [] # Disable this warning error. Otherwise d3dx12.h will break build if cc.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc' extra_args += cc.get_supported_arguments([ '/wd4062', # 'identifier' : unreferenced local variable ]) else extra_args += cc.get_supported_arguments([ '-Wno-misleading-indentation', # MinGW 32bits compiler seems to be complaining about redundant-decls # when ComPtr is in use. Let's just disable the warning '-Wno-redundant-decls', # include/directxmath/DirectXMathMatrix.inl:1161:16: error: variable 'aa' set but not used '-Wno-unused-but-set-variable', ]) endif gstd3d12_dep = dependency('', required : false) d3d12_option = get_option('d3d12') if host_system != 'windows' or d3d12_option.disabled() subdir_done() endif d3d12_lib = cc.find_library('d3d12', required : d3d12_option) dxgi_lib = cc.find_library('dxgi', required : d3d12_option) dx_headers_dep = dependency('DirectX-Headers', version: '>= 1.611', allow_fallback: true, required: d3d12_option) if not d3d12_lib.found() or not dxgi_lib.found() or not dx_headers_dep.found() \ or not gstd3dshader_dep.found() if d3d12_option.enabled() error('The d3d12 was enabled explicitly, but required dependencies were not found.') endif subdir_done() endif sdk_headers = [ 'dxgi1_6.h', 'd3d11_1.h', 'd3d11on12.h', ] have_d3d12_headers = true foreach h: sdk_headers if not cc.has_header(h) have_d3d12_headers = false endif endforeach if not have_d3d12_headers if d3d12_option.enabled() error('The d3d12 was enabled explicitly, but required dependencies were not found.') endif subdir_done() endif have_dx_math = cxx.compiles(''' #include <windows.h> #include <DirectXMath.h> using namespace DirectX; int main(int argc, char ** argv) { XMMATRIX matrix; XMFLOAT4X4 dump; matrix = XMMatrixIdentity (); XMStoreFloat4x4 (&dump, matrix); return 0; } ''', name: 'DirectXMath support in Windows SDK') if not have_dx_math directxmath_dep = dependency('directxmath', allow_fallback: true, required: d3d12_option) if not directxmath_dep.found() subdir_done() endif extra_deps += [directxmath_dep] endif # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/dxmath/pg-xnamath-internals#windows-sse-versus-sse2 # x86 with Windows 7 or older may not support SSE2 if host_machine.cpu_family() != 'x86' extra_args += ['-DHAVE_DIRECTX_MATH_SIMD'] endif if cc.compiles(''' #include <dxgi.h> #include <dxgidebug.h> int main(int argc, char ** argv) { IDXGIDebug *debug = NULL; IDXGIInfoQueue *info_queue = NULL; return 0; }''', name: 'DXGI debug layer support in Windows SDK') extra_args += ['-DHAVE_DXGIDEBUG_H'] endif pkg_name = 'gstreamer-d3d12-' + api_version gstd3d12 = library('gstd3d12-' + api_version, d3d12_sources, c_args : gst_plugins_bad_args + extra_args, cpp_args: gst_plugins_bad_args + extra_args, include_directories : [configinc, libsinc], dependencies : [gstbase_dep, gstvideo_dep, gstd3dshader_dep, d3d12_lib, dxgi_lib, dx_headers_dep, gmodule_dep] + extra_deps, version : libversion, install : true, ) pkgconfig.generate(gstd3d12, libraries : [gstbase_dep, gstvideo_dep, d3d12_lib, dxgi_lib], variables : pkgconfig_variables, subdirs : pkgconfig_subdirs, name : pkg_name, description : 'GStreamer Direct3D12 library', ) library_def = {'lib': gstd3d12} gst_libraries += [[pkg_name, library_def]] install_headers(d3d12_headers, subdir : 'gstreamer-1.0/gst/d3d12') gstd3d12_dep = declare_dependency(link_with : gstd3d12, include_directories : [libsinc], dependencies : [gstbase_dep, gstvideo_dep, d3d12_lib, dxgi_lib]) meson.override_dependency(pkg_name, gstd3d12_dep)