executable('gst-plugin-scanner', 'gst-plugin-scanner.c', c_args : gst_c_args, include_directories : [configinc], dependencies : [gobject_dep, gmodule_dep, glib_dep, mathlib, gst_dep], install_dir : helpers_install_dir, install: true, ) # Used in test env setup to make tests find plugin scanner in build tree gst_scanner_dir = meson.current_build_dir() if bashcomp_found executable('gst-completion-helper', 'gst-completion-helper.c', c_args : gst_c_args, include_directories : [configinc], dependencies : [gobject_dep, glib_dep, gst_dep], install_dir : helpers_install_dir, install: true, ) endif # Check PTP support have_ptp = false if host_machine.system() == 'android' message('PTP not supported on Android because of permissions.') elif host_machine.system() == 'windows' message('PTP not supported on Windows, not ported yet.') elif host_machine.system() == 'ios' # FIXME: is it also darwing on iOS ? message('PTP not supported on iOS because of permissions.') elif host_machine.system() == 'darwin' if cc.has_header('MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h') message('PTP not supported on iOS because of permissions.') else have_ptp = true endif elif ['linux', 'netbsd', 'freebsd', 'openbsd', 'kfreebsd', 'dragonfly', 'solaris'].contains(host_machine.system()) message('PTP supported on ' + host_machine.system() + '.') have_ptp = true endif if have_ptp cdata.set('HAVE_PTP', 1, description : 'PTP support available') if cc.compiles('''#include #include int some_func (void) { struct ifreq ifr; struct ifconf ifc; ioctl(0, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc); ioctl(0, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr); ioctl(0, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr); return ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[0]; }''', name : 'SIOCGIFCONF, SIOCGIFFLAGS and SIOCGIFHWADDR available') cdata.set('HAVE_SIOCGIFCONF_SIOCGIFFLAGS_SIOCGIFHWADDR', 1, description : 'SIOCGIFCONF, SIOCGIFFLAGS and SIOCGIFHWADDR is available') endif if cc.compiles('''#include #include #include int some_func (void) { struct ifaddrs *ifaddr; getifaddrs(&ifaddr); return (ifaddr->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) && ifaddr->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_LINK; }''', name : 'getifaddrs() and AF_LINK available') cdata.set('HAVE_GETIFADDRS_AF_LINK', 1, description : 'getifaddrs() and AF_LINK is available') endif gst_ptp_have_cap = false cap_dep = [] if cc.has_header('sys/capability.h') cap_dep = cc.find_library('cap', required : false) if cap_dep.found() and cc.has_function('cap_init', dependencies : cap_dep) gst_ptp_have_cap = true endif endif setcap = find_program('setcap', '/usr/sbin/setcap', '/sbin/setcap', required : false) # user/group to change to in gst-ptp-helper ptp_helper_setuid_user = get_option('ptp-helper-setuid-user') if ptp_helper_setuid_user != '' cdata.set_quoted('HAVE_PTP_HELPER_SETUID_USER', ptp_helper_setuid_user, description : 'PTP helper setuid user') endif ptp_helper_setuid_group = get_option('ptp-helper-setuid-group') if ptp_helper_setuid_group != '' cdata.set_quoted('HAVE_PTP_HELPER_SETUID_GROUP', ptp_helper_setuid_group, description : 'PTP helper setuid group') endif # how to install gst-ptp-helper with_ptp_helper_permissions = get_option('ptp-helper-permissions') if with_ptp_helper_permissions == 'auto' if gst_ptp_have_cap and setcap.found() with_ptp_helper_permissions = 'capabilities' else with_ptp_helper_permissions = 'setuid-root' endif endif message('How to install gst-ptp-helper: ' + with_ptp_helper_permissions) if with_ptp_helper_permissions == 'none' # nothing to do elif with_ptp_helper_permissions == 'setuid-root' cdata.set('HAVE_PTP_HELPER_SETUID', 1, description : 'Use setuid-root for permissions in PTP helper') elif with_ptp_helper_permissions == 'capabilities' if not setcap.found() error('capabilities-based ptp-helper-permissions requested, but could not find setcap tool.') endif cdata.set('HAVE_PTP_HELPER_CAPABILITIES', 1, description : 'Use capabilities for permissions in PTP helper') else error('Unexpected ptp helper permissions value: ' + with_ptp_helper_permissions) endif executable('gst-ptp-helper', 'gst-ptp-helper.c', c_args : gst_c_args, include_directories : [configinc, libsinc], dependencies : [gio_dep, gobject_dep, glib_dep, mathlib, gst_dep, cap_dep], install_dir : helpers_install_dir, install : true) meson.add_install_script('ptp_helper_post_install.sh', helpers_install_dir, with_ptp_helper_permissions, setcap.found() ? setcap.path() : '') endif