// This file was generated by the Gtk# code generator. // Any changes made will be lost if regenerated. namespace Gst { using System; #region Autogenerated code public partial interface IChildProxy : GLib.IWrapper { event Gst.ChildRemovedEventHandler ChildRemovedEvent; event Gst.ChildAddedEventHandler ChildAddedEvent; void ChildAdded(GLib.Object child, string name); void ChildRemoved(GLib.Object child, string name); GLib.Object GetChildByIndex(uint index); GLib.Object GetChildByName(string name); GLib.Object GetChildByNameRecurse(string name); uint ChildrenCount { get; } bool Lookup(string name, out GLib.Object target, out IntPtr pspec); } [GLib.GInterface (typeof (ChildProxyAdapter))] public partial interface IChildProxyImplementor : GLib.IWrapper { GLib.Object GetChildByName (string name); GLib.Object GetChildByIndex (uint index); uint ChildrenCount { get; } } #endregion }