%define majorminor  @GST_API_VERSION@
%define gstreamer   gstreamer011
%define gst_minver  0.11.0
%define gst_majorminor  1.0

Name: 		%{gstreamer}-libav
Version: 	@VERSION@
Summary: 	GStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-in using libav (FFmpeg).
Group: 		Libraries/Multimedia
License: 	LGPL
URL:		http://gstreamer.net/
Vendor:		GStreamer Backpackers Team <package@gstreamer.net>
Source:		http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gst-ffmpeg/gst-ffmpeg/gst-libav-%{version}.tar.xz
BuildRoot:	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)

Requires:  	%{gstreamer} >= 0.9.7
BuildRequires: 	%{gstreamer}-devel >= 0.9.7
BuildRequires: 	%{gstreamer}-plugins-base-devel >= 0.9.7

GStreamer is a streaming-media framework, based on graphs of filters which
operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything
from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything
else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data
types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new

This plugin contains the libav (formerly FFmpeg) codecs, containing codecs for most popular
multimedia formats.

%setup -q -n gst-libav-%{version}




rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_majorminor}/*.la
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_majorminor}/*.a


%defattr(-, root, root, -)
%doc AUTHORS COPYING README gst-libav.doap

* Fri Aug 03 2012 Christian Schaller <uraeus@linuxrising.org>
- update for 1.0 release and libav rename

* Fri Dec 15 2006 Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas at apestaart dot org>
- clean up
- add doap file

* Wed Oct 05 2004 Christian Schaller <christian at fluendo dot com>
- Update SPEC file to fit the times

* Sat Feb 14 2004 Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas at apestaart dot org>
- Clean up spec file

* Wed Jan 21 2004 Christian Schaller <Uraeus@gnome.org>
- First version of spec