=== The GstValidate CLI Tools The commands here assume that you have installed gst-validate. If this is not the case, go into the gst-validate directory and call the tools directly with the path tools/ 1- gst-validate-1.0: It is the simplest tool and is used to run a gst launch style pipeline. Monitors are added to it to identify issues in the used elements. At the end a report will be printed, this report will contain informations about all issues that were encontered while running gst-validate. To view issues as they are created, set the environment variable GST_DEBUG=validate:2 and it will be printed as gstreamer debugging. You can basically run any GstPipeline pipeline using it. If you are not familiar with gst-launch syntax, please refer to gst-launch's documentation. Examples: # Simple playback pipeline gst-validate-1.0 playbin uri=file:///path/to/some/media/file # Transcoding pipeline gst-validate-1.0 filesrc location=/root/Videos/big_buck_bunny_1080p_h264.mov ! \ qtdemux name=d ! queue ! x264enc ! h264parse ! mpegtsmux name=m ! progressreport ! filesink location=/root/test.ts \ d. ! queue ! faac ! m. You can also activate what we call "scenarios" which will execute actions on the pipeline. Those actions can be for example, "set pipeline to pause", "seek to N with rate=x" etc, using the following syntax: gst-validate-1.0 playbin uri=file:///path/to/some/media/file --set-scenario=seek_forward You can list all available scenarios using: gst-validate-transcoding-1.0 --list-scenarios Scenarios are simple text files describing a list of actions, you can find the source scenario files in validate/data/ You can find more information about scenarios on the GstValidateScenario documentation: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gst-validate/html/GstValidateScenario.html You can find more information about the various action types avalaible to be executed with: gst-validate-1.0 -t or: gst-validate-transcoding-1.0 -t 2- gst-validate-transcoding-1.0: Transcodes input-uri to output-uri, using the given encoding profile. The pipeline will be monitored for possible issues detection using the gst-validate lib, at the end of execution, a report containing informations about all found issues will be printed. Example: # Will transcode file://path/to/some/media/file to H264/AAC into mp4 gst-validate-transcoding-1.0 -o 'video/quicktime,variant=iso:video/x-h264:audio/mpeg,mpegversion=4' \ file://path/to/some/media/file file:///path/to/destination_h264_aac.qt The same scenarios can be activated on gst-validate-transcoding-1.0 as with gst-validate-1.0 3- gst-validate-media-check-1.0: Analizes a media file and writes the results to stdout or a file. It can also compare the results found with another results file for identifying regressions. The monitoring lib from gst-validate will be enabled during the tests to identify issues with the GStreamer elements involved with the media file's container and codec types. It will actually do a serie of checks over the media file. Example: # Will check various media properties from the file gst-validate-media-check-1.0 file://path/to/some/media/file === LD_PRELOAD / Testing with exiting application If you want to test an already existing application without modifying it. Just use: LD_PRELOAD=path/to/libgstvalidatepreload.so yourapp ... gst-validate will try to replace GstPipeline creating functions and configure monitors automatically for you, reports will be printed to stderr when they are found. You can also use GST_DEBUG to view the issues that were found NOTS: The exit code will be "18" in case a critical issue has been seen while running any of those tools.