GstProps Properties GstProps is used to attach certain properties to a pad. Properties are usually used in conjunction with GstCaps. GstCaps @properties: the properties Create a list of properties @a...: the list of GstProps Create an integer property @a: the integer property Create an integer range property @a: the min value for the range @b: the max value for the range Construct a fourcc property out of four bytes @a: first byte @b: second byte @c: third byte @d: fourth byte Create a fourcc property out of an integer value @a: the integer value Create a boolean property @a: the boolean property @factory: @Returns: @factory: @counter: @Returns: @entry: @Varargs: @Returns: @props: @tomerge: @Returns: @fromprops: @toprops: @Returns: @props1: @props2: @props: @parent: @Returns: @parent: @Returns: