/* * GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2011 Robert Jobbagy * Copyright (C) 2011 Nicola Murino * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 (the "LGPL"), in * which case the following provisions apply instead of the ones * mentioned above: * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* This breaks the build for reasons that aren't entirely clear to me yet */ #if 0 //#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H //#include "config.h" //#endif #endif #include #include "MotionCells.h" #include MotionCells::MotionCells () { m_framecnt = 0; m_motioncells_idx_count = 0; m_motioncellsidxcstr = NULL; m_saveInDatafile = false; mc_savefile = NULL; m_pcurFrame = NULL; m_pprevFrame = NULL; transparencyimg = NULL; m_pdifferenceImage = NULL; m_pbwImage = NULL; m_initdatafilefailed = new char[BUSMSGLEN]; m_savedatafilefailed = new char[BUSMSGLEN]; m_initerrorcode = 0; m_saveerrorcode = 0; m_alpha = 0.5; m_beta = 0.5; m_useAlpha = false; m_isVisible = false; m_pCells = NULL; m_gridx = 0; m_gridy = 0; m_cellwidth = 0; m_cellheight = 0; m_sensitivity = 0; } MotionCells::~MotionCells () { if (mc_savefile) { fclose (mc_savefile); mc_savefile = NULL; } delete[]m_initdatafilefailed; delete[]m_savedatafilefailed; if (m_motioncellsidxcstr) delete[]m_motioncellsidxcstr; if (m_pcurFrame) cvReleaseImage (&m_pcurFrame); if (m_pprevFrame) cvReleaseImage (&m_pprevFrame); if (transparencyimg) cvReleaseImage (&transparencyimg); if (m_pdifferenceImage) cvReleaseImage (&m_pdifferenceImage); if (m_pbwImage) cvReleaseImage (&m_pbwImage); } int MotionCells::performDetectionMotionCells (IplImage * p_frame, double p_sensitivity, double p_framerate, int p_gridx, int p_gridy, gint64 timestamp_millisec, bool p_isVisible, bool p_useAlpha, int motionmaskcoord_count, motionmaskcoordrect * motionmaskcoords, int motionmaskcells_count, motioncellidx * motionmaskcellsidx, cellscolor motioncellscolor, int motioncells_count, motioncellidx * motioncellsidx, gint64 starttime, char *p_datafile, bool p_changed_datafile, int p_thickness) { int sumframecnt = 0; int ret = 0; p_framerate >= 1 ? p_framerate <= 5 ? sumframecnt = 1 : p_framerate <= 10 ? sumframecnt = 2 : p_framerate <= 15 ? sumframecnt = 3 : p_framerate <= 20 ? sumframecnt = 4 : p_framerate <= 25 ? sumframecnt = 5 : p_framerate <= 30 ? sumframecnt = 6 : sumframecnt = 0 : sumframecnt = 0; m_framecnt++; m_changed_datafile = p_changed_datafile; if (m_framecnt >= sumframecnt) { m_useAlpha = p_useAlpha; m_gridx = p_gridx; m_gridy = p_gridy; if (m_changed_datafile) { ret = initDataFile (p_datafile, starttime); if (ret != 0) return ret; } m_frameSize = cvGetSize (p_frame); m_frameSize.width /= 2; m_frameSize.height /= 2; setMotionCells (m_frameSize.width, m_frameSize.height); m_sensitivity = 1 - p_sensitivity; m_isVisible = p_isVisible; m_pcurFrame = cvCloneImage (p_frame); IplImage *m_pcurgreyImage = cvCreateImage (m_frameSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); IplImage *m_pprevgreyImage = cvCreateImage (m_frameSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); IplImage *m_pgreyImage = cvCreateImage (m_frameSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); IplImage *m_pcurDown = cvCreateImage (m_frameSize, m_pcurFrame->depth, m_pcurFrame->nChannels); IplImage *m_pprevDown = cvCreateImage (m_frameSize, m_pprevFrame->depth, m_pprevFrame->nChannels); m_pbwImage = cvCreateImage (m_frameSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); cvPyrDown (m_pprevFrame, m_pprevDown); cvCvtColor (m_pprevDown, m_pprevgreyImage, CV_RGB2GRAY); cvPyrDown (m_pcurFrame, m_pcurDown); cvCvtColor (m_pcurDown, m_pcurgreyImage, CV_RGB2GRAY); m_pdifferenceImage = cvCloneImage (m_pcurgreyImage); //cvSmooth(m_pcurgreyImage, m_pcurgreyImage, CV_GAUSSIAN, 3, 0);//TODO camera noise reduce,something smoothing, and rethink runningavg weights //Minus the current gray frame from the 8U moving average. cvAbsDiff (m_pprevgreyImage, m_pcurgreyImage, m_pdifferenceImage); //Convert the image to black and white. cvAdaptiveThreshold (m_pdifferenceImage, m_pbwImage, 255, CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV, 7); // Dilate and erode to get object blobs cvDilate (m_pbwImage, m_pbwImage, NULL, 2); cvErode (m_pbwImage, m_pbwImage, NULL, 2); //mask-out the overlay on difference image if (motionmaskcoord_count > 0) performMotionMaskCoords (motionmaskcoords, motionmaskcoord_count); if (motionmaskcells_count > 0) performMotionMask (motionmaskcellsidx, motionmaskcells_count); if (getIsNonZero (m_pbwImage)) { //detect Motion if (m_MotionCells.size () > 0) //it contains previous motioncells what we used when frames dropped m_MotionCells.clear (); if (transparencyimg) cvReleaseImage (&transparencyimg); (motioncells_count > 0) ? calculateMotionPercentInMotionCells (motioncellsidx, motioncells_count) : calculateMotionPercentInMotionCells (motionmaskcellsidx, 0); transparencyimg = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (p_frame), p_frame->depth, 3); cvSetZero (transparencyimg); if (m_motioncellsidxcstr) delete[]m_motioncellsidxcstr; m_motioncells_idx_count = m_MotionCells.size () * MSGLEN; //one motion cell idx: (lin idx : col idx,) it's 4 character except last motion cell idx m_motioncellsidxcstr = new char[m_motioncells_idx_count]; char *tmpstr = new char[MSGLEN]; for (int i = 0; i < MSGLEN; i++) tmpstr[i] = ' '; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_MotionCells.size (); i++) { CvPoint pt1, pt2; pt1.x = m_MotionCells.at (i).cell_pt1.x * 2; pt1.y = m_MotionCells.at (i).cell_pt1.y * 2; pt2.x = m_MotionCells.at (i).cell_pt2.x * 2; pt2.y = m_MotionCells.at (i).cell_pt2.y * 2; if (m_useAlpha && m_isVisible) { cvRectangle (transparencyimg, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB (motioncellscolor.B_channel_value, motioncellscolor.G_channel_value, motioncellscolor.R_channel_value), CV_FILLED); } else if (m_isVisible) { cvRectangle (p_frame, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB (motioncellscolor.B_channel_value, motioncellscolor.G_channel_value, motioncellscolor.R_channel_value), p_thickness); } if (i < m_MotionCells.size () - 1) { snprintf (tmpstr, MSGLEN, "%d:%d,", m_MotionCells.at (i).lineidx, m_MotionCells.at (i).colidx); } else { snprintf (tmpstr, MSGLEN, "%d:%d", m_MotionCells.at (i).lineidx, m_MotionCells.at (i).colidx); } if (i == 0) strncpy (m_motioncellsidxcstr, tmpstr, m_motioncells_idx_count); else strcat (m_motioncellsidxcstr, tmpstr); } if (m_MotionCells.size () == 0) strncpy (m_motioncellsidxcstr, " ", m_motioncells_idx_count); if (m_useAlpha && m_isVisible) { if (m_MotionCells.size () > 0) blendImages (p_frame, transparencyimg, m_alpha, m_beta); } delete[]tmpstr; if (mc_savefile && m_saveInDatafile) { ret = saveMotionCells (timestamp_millisec); if (ret != 0) return ret; } } else { m_motioncells_idx_count = 0; if (m_MotionCells.size () > 0) m_MotionCells.clear (); if (transparencyimg) cvReleaseImage (&transparencyimg); } if (m_pprevFrame) cvReleaseImage (&m_pprevFrame); m_pprevFrame = cvCloneImage (m_pcurFrame); m_framecnt = 0; if (m_pcurFrame) cvReleaseImage (&m_pcurFrame); if (m_pdifferenceImage) cvReleaseImage (&m_pdifferenceImage); if (m_pcurgreyImage) cvReleaseImage (&m_pcurgreyImage); if (m_pprevgreyImage) cvReleaseImage (&m_pprevgreyImage); if (m_pgreyImage) cvReleaseImage (&m_pgreyImage); if (m_pbwImage) cvReleaseImage (&m_pbwImage); if (m_pprevDown) cvReleaseImage (&m_pprevDown); if (m_pcurDown) cvReleaseImage (&m_pcurDown); if (m_pCells) { for (int i = 0; i < m_gridy; ++i) { delete[]m_pCells[i]; } delete[]m_pCells; } if (p_framerate <= 5) { if (m_MotionCells.size () > 0) m_MotionCells.clear (); if (transparencyimg) cvReleaseImage (&transparencyimg); } } else { //we do frame drop m_motioncells_idx_count = 0; ret = -2; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_MotionCells.size (); i++) { CvPoint pt1, pt2; pt1.x = m_MotionCells.at (i).cell_pt1.x * 2; pt1.y = m_MotionCells.at (i).cell_pt1.y * 2; pt2.x = m_MotionCells.at (i).cell_pt2.x * 2; pt2.y = m_MotionCells.at (i).cell_pt2.y * 2; if (m_useAlpha && m_isVisible) { cvRectangle (transparencyimg, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB (motioncellscolor.B_channel_value, motioncellscolor.G_channel_value, motioncellscolor.R_channel_value), CV_FILLED); } else if (m_isVisible) { cvRectangle (p_frame, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB (motioncellscolor.B_channel_value, motioncellscolor.G_channel_value, motioncellscolor.R_channel_value), p_thickness); } } if (m_useAlpha && m_isVisible) { if (m_MotionCells.size () > 0) blendImages (p_frame, transparencyimg, m_alpha, m_beta); } } return ret; } int MotionCells::initDataFile (char *p_datafile, gint64 starttime) //p_date is increased with difference between current and previous buffer ts { MotionCellData mcd; if (strncmp (p_datafile, " ", 1)) { mc_savefile = fopen (p_datafile, "w"); if (mc_savefile == NULL) { //fprintf(stderr, "%s %d:initDataFile:fopen:%d (%s)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, errno, //strerror(errno)); strncpy (m_initdatafilefailed, strerror (errno), BUSMSGLEN - 1); m_initerrorcode = errno; return 1; } else { m_saveInDatafile = true; } } else mc_savefile = NULL; memset (&m_header, 0, sizeof (MotionCellHeader)); m_header.headersize = GINT32_TO_BE (MC_HEADER); m_header.type = GINT32_TO_BE (MC_TYPE); m_header.version = GINT32_TO_BE (MC_VERSION); //it needs these bytes m_header.itemsize = GINT32_TO_BE ((int) ceil (ceil (m_gridx * m_gridy / 8.0) / 4.0) * 4 + sizeof (mcd.timestamp)); m_header.gridx = GINT32_TO_BE (m_gridx); m_header.gridy = GINT32_TO_BE (m_gridy); m_header.starttime = GINT64_TO_BE (starttime); snprintf (m_header.name, sizeof (m_header.name), "%s %dx%d", MC_VERSIONTEXT, GINT32_FROM_BE (m_header.gridx), GINT32_FROM_BE (m_header.gridy)); m_changed_datafile = false; return 0; } int MotionCells::saveMotionCells (gint64 timestamp_millisec) { MotionCellData mc_data; mc_data.timestamp = GINT32_TO_BE (timestamp_millisec); mc_data.data = NULL; //There is no datafile if (mc_savefile == NULL) return 0; if (ftello (mc_savefile) == 0) { //cerr << "Writing out file header"<< m_header.headersize <<":" << sizeof(MotionCellHeader) << " itemsize:" //<< m_header.itemsize << endl; if (fwrite (&m_header, sizeof (MotionCellHeader), 1, mc_savefile) != 1) { //fprintf(stderr, "%s %d:saveMotionCells:fwrite:%d (%s)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, errno, //strerror(errno)); strncpy (m_savedatafilefailed, strerror (errno), BUSMSGLEN - 1); m_saveerrorcode = errno; return -1; } } mc_data.data = (char *) calloc (1, GINT32_FROM_BE (m_header.itemsize) - sizeof (mc_data.timestamp)); if (mc_data.data == NULL) { //fprintf(stderr, "%s %d:saveMotionCells:calloc:%d (%s)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, errno, //strerror(errno)); strncpy (m_savedatafilefailed, strerror (errno), BUSMSGLEN - 1); m_saveerrorcode = errno; return -1; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_MotionCells.size (); i++) { int bitnum = m_MotionCells.at (i).lineidx * GINT32_FROM_BE (m_header.gridx) + m_MotionCells.at (i).colidx; int bytenum = (int) floor (bitnum / 8.0); int shift = bitnum - bytenum * 8; mc_data.data[bytenum] = mc_data.data[bytenum] | (1 << shift); //cerr << "Motion Detected " << "line:" << m_MotionCells.at(i).lineidx << " col:" << m_MotionCells.at(i).colidx; //cerr << " bitnum " << bitnum << " bytenum " << bytenum << " shift " << shift << " value " << (int)mc_data.data[bytenum] << endl; } if (fwrite (&mc_data.timestamp, sizeof (mc_data.timestamp), 1, mc_savefile) != 1) { //fprintf(stderr, "%s %d:saveMotionCells:fwrite:%d (%s)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, errno, //strerror(errno)); strncpy (m_savedatafilefailed, strerror (errno), BUSMSGLEN - 1); m_saveerrorcode = errno; return -1; } if (fwrite (mc_data.data, GINT32_FROM_BE (m_header.itemsize) - sizeof (mc_data.timestamp), 1, mc_savefile) != 1) { //fprintf(stderr, "%s %d:saveMotionCells:fwrite:%d (%s)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, errno, //strerror(errno)); strncpy (m_savedatafilefailed, strerror (errno), BUSMSGLEN - 1); m_saveerrorcode = errno; return -1; } free (mc_data.data); return 0; } double MotionCells::calculateMotionPercentInCell (int p_row, int p_col, double *p_cellarea, double *p_motionarea) { double cntpixelsnum = 0; double cntmotionpixelnum = 0; int ybegin = floor ((double) p_row * m_cellheight); int yend = floor ((double) (p_row + 1) * m_cellheight); int xbegin = floor ((double) (p_col) * m_cellwidth); int xend = floor ((double) (p_col + 1) * m_cellwidth); int cellw = xend - xbegin; int cellh = yend - ybegin; int cellarea = cellw * cellh; *p_cellarea = cellarea; int thresholdmotionpixelnum = floor ((double) cellarea * m_sensitivity); for (int i = ybegin; i < yend; i++) { for (int j = xbegin; j < xend; j++) { cntpixelsnum++; if ((((uchar *) (m_pbwImage->imageData + m_pbwImage->widthStep * i))[j]) > 0) { cntmotionpixelnum++; if (cntmotionpixelnum >= thresholdmotionpixelnum) { //we dont needs calculate anymore *p_motionarea = cntmotionpixelnum; return (cntmotionpixelnum / cntpixelsnum); } } int remainingpixelsnum = cellarea - cntpixelsnum; if ((cntmotionpixelnum + remainingpixelsnum) < thresholdmotionpixelnum) { //moving pixels number will be less than threshold *p_motionarea = 0; return 0; } } } return (cntmotionpixelnum / cntpixelsnum); } void MotionCells::calculateMotionPercentInMotionCells (motioncellidx * p_motioncellsidx, int p_motioncells_count) { if (p_motioncells_count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < m_gridy; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m_gridx; j++) { m_pCells[i][j].MotionPercent = calculateMotionPercentInCell (i, j, &m_pCells[i][j].CellArea, &m_pCells[i][j].MotionArea); m_pCells[i][j].hasMotion = m_sensitivity < m_pCells[i][j].MotionPercent ? true : false; if (m_pCells[i][j].hasMotion) { MotionCellsIdx mci; mci.lineidx = i; mci.colidx = j; mci.cell_pt1.x = floor ((double) j * m_cellwidth); mci.cell_pt1.y = floor ((double) i * m_cellheight); mci.cell_pt2.x = floor ((double) (j + 1) * m_cellwidth); mci.cell_pt2.y = floor ((double) (i + 1) * m_cellheight); int w = mci.cell_pt2.x - mci.cell_pt1.x; int h = mci.cell_pt2.y - mci.cell_pt1.y; mci.motioncell = cvRect (mci.cell_pt1.x, mci.cell_pt1.y, w, h); m_MotionCells.push_back (mci); } } } } else { for (int k = 0; k < p_motioncells_count; ++k) { int i = p_motioncellsidx[k].lineidx; int j = p_motioncellsidx[k].columnidx; m_pCells[i][j].MotionPercent = calculateMotionPercentInCell (i, j, &m_pCells[i][j].CellArea, &m_pCells[i][j].MotionArea); m_pCells[i][j].hasMotion = m_pCells[i][j].MotionPercent > m_sensitivity ? true : false; if (m_pCells[i][j].hasMotion) { MotionCellsIdx mci; mci.lineidx = p_motioncellsidx[k].lineidx; mci.colidx = p_motioncellsidx[k].columnidx; mci.cell_pt1.x = floor ((double) j * m_cellwidth); mci.cell_pt1.y = floor ((double) i * m_cellheight); mci.cell_pt2.x = floor ((double) (j + 1) * m_cellwidth); mci.cell_pt2.y = floor ((double) (i + 1) * m_cellheight); int w = mci.cell_pt2.x - mci.cell_pt1.x; int h = mci.cell_pt2.y - mci.cell_pt1.y; mci.motioncell = cvRect (mci.cell_pt1.x, mci.cell_pt1.y, w, h); m_MotionCells.push_back (mci); } } } } void MotionCells::performMotionMaskCoords (motionmaskcoordrect * p_motionmaskcoords, int p_motionmaskcoords_count) { CvPoint upperleft; upperleft.x = 0; upperleft.y = 0; CvPoint lowerright; lowerright.x = 0; lowerright.y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p_motionmaskcoords_count; i++) { upperleft.x = p_motionmaskcoords[i].upper_left_x; upperleft.y = p_motionmaskcoords[i].upper_left_y; lowerright.x = p_motionmaskcoords[i].lower_right_x; lowerright.y = p_motionmaskcoords[i].lower_right_y; cvRectangle (m_pbwImage, upperleft, lowerright, CV_RGB (0, 0, 0), CV_FILLED); } } void MotionCells::performMotionMask (motioncellidx * p_motionmaskcellsidx, int p_motionmaskcells_count) { for (int k = 0; k < p_motionmaskcells_count; k++) { int beginy = p_motionmaskcellsidx[k].lineidx * m_cellheight; int beginx = p_motionmaskcellsidx[k].columnidx * m_cellwidth; int endx = (double) p_motionmaskcellsidx[k].columnidx * m_cellwidth + m_cellwidth; int endy = (double) p_motionmaskcellsidx[k].lineidx * m_cellheight + m_cellheight; for (int i = beginy; i < endy; i++) for (int j = beginx; j < endx; j++) { ((uchar *) (m_pbwImage->imageData + m_pbwImage->widthStep * i))[j] = 0; } } } ///BGR if we use only OpenCV //RGB if we use gst+OpenCV void MotionCells::blendImages (IplImage * p_actFrame, IplImage * p_cellsFrame, float p_alpha, float p_beta) { int height = p_actFrame->height; int width = p_actFrame->width; int step = p_actFrame->widthStep / sizeof (uchar); int channels = p_actFrame->nChannels; int cellstep = p_cellsFrame->widthStep / sizeof (uchar); uchar *curImageData = (uchar *) p_actFrame->imageData; uchar *cellImageData = (uchar *) p_cellsFrame->imageData; for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) for (int k = 0; k < channels; k++) if (cellImageData[i * cellstep + j * channels + k] > 0) { curImageData[i * step + j * channels + k] = round ((double) curImageData[i * step + j * channels + k] * p_alpha + ((double) cellImageData[i * cellstep + j * channels + k] * p_beta)); } }