#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import json import html import shutil from collections import OrderedDict from pathlib import Path from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import zipfile from urllib.request import urlretrieve from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count, Manager from functools import partial import traceback import gitlab def get_documentation_artifact_url(project_name='gstreamer/gstreamer', job_name='documentation', branch='main') -> str: """ Returns the URL of the latest artifact from GitLab for the specified job. Args: project_name (str): Name of the GitLab project job_name (str): Name of the job branch (str): Name of the git branch """ gl = gitlab.Gitlab("https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/") project = gl.projects.get(project_name) pipelines = project.pipelines.list(iterator=True) for pipeline in pipelines: if pipeline.ref != branch: continue job, = [j for j in pipeline.jobs.list(iterator=True) if j.name == job_name] if job.status != "success": continue return f"https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/{project_name}/-/jobs/{job.id}/artifacts/download" raise Exception("Could not find documentation artifact") def get_relative_prefix(file_path, docs_root): """ Returns the relative path prefix for a given HTML file. Args: file_path (Path): Path to the HTML file docs_root (Path): Root directory of the documentation """ rel_path = os.path.relpath(docs_root, file_path.parent) if rel_path == '.': return './' return '../' + '../' * rel_path.count(os.sep) def fix_relative_urls(element, prefix): """ Fixes relative URLs in a hotdoc component to include the correct prefix. Args: element: BeautifulSoup element containing hotdoc navigation or resources prefix: Prefix to add to relative URLs """ # Fix href attributes for tag in element.find_all(True, {'href': True}): url = tag['href'] if url.startswith(('http://', 'https://', 'mailto:', '#', 'javascript:')): continue if url.endswith('/') or '.' not in url.split('/')[-1]: if not url.endswith('index.html'): url = url.rstrip('/') + '/index.html' if ".html" in url and '?gi-language=' not in url: url += '?gi-language=rust' tag['href'] = prefix + url # Fix src attributes for tag in element.find_all(True, {'src': True}): url = tag['src'] if not url.startswith(('http://', 'https://', 'data:', 'javascript:')): if '?gi-language=' not in url: url += '?gi-language=rust' tag['src'] = prefix + url def extract_hotdoc_resources(index_html_soup, prefix): """ Extracts required CSS and JS resources from the main hotdoc page. Returns tuple of (css_links, js_scripts) """ head = index_html_soup.find('head') # Extract CSS links css_links = [link for link in head.find_all('link') if 'enable_search.css' not in link['href']] # Extract JS scripts js_scripts = [] for script in head.find_all('script'): src = script.get('src', '') if [unwanted for unwanted in ["trie_index.js", "prism-console-min.js", 'trie.js', 'language-menu.js'] if unwanted in src]: continue if 'language_switching.js' in script['src']: js_scripts.append(BeautifulSoup('', 'html.parser')) # Inject necessary data for the 'language_switching.js' script to # properly populate the Language dropdown menu for us. js_scripts.append(BeautifulSoup(f''' ''', 'html.parser')) js_scripts.append(script) return css_links, js_scripts def extract_hotdoc_nav(index_html_soup): """ Extracts the navigation bar from the main GStreamer page. Returns the navigation HTML. """ nav = index_html_soup.find('nav', class_='navbar') for tag in nav.find_all(True, {'href': True}): url = tag['href'] if "gstreamer/gi-index.html" in url: tag['href'] = "rust/stable/latest/docs/gstreamer/index.html" elif "libs.html" in url: tag['href'] = "rust/stable/latest/docs/index.html" return nav def get_hotdoc_components(docs_root, prefix): """ Reads the main GStreamer page and extracts required components. Returns tuple of (resources_html, nav_html) """ index_path = docs_root / "index.html" with open(index_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = f.read() soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') # Extract resources and navigation first css_links, js_scripts = extract_hotdoc_resources(soup, prefix) nav = extract_hotdoc_nav(soup) if not css_links: raise Exception("Failed to extract CSS links") if not js_scripts: raise Exception("Failed to extract JS scripts") if not nav: raise Exception("Failed to extract navigation") resources_soup = BeautifulSoup("
", 'html.parser') assert resources_soup.div for component in css_links + js_scripts: resources_soup.div.append(component) # Fix URLs in the extracted components fix_relative_urls(resources_soup, prefix) fix_relative_urls(nav, prefix) # Build final HTML resources_html = "\n".join(str(tag) for tag in resources_soup.div.contents) resources_html += f'\n' nav_html = str(nav) if nav else "" return resources_html, nav_html def modify_rustdoc_html_file(file_path, docs_root): """Modifies a single HTML file to include hotdoc navigation.""" with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = f.read() # Calculate the relative path prefix for this file prefix = get_relative_prefix(file_path, docs_root) # Get hotdoc components with fixed URLs resources_html, nav_html = get_hotdoc_components(docs_root, prefix) soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') remove_rustdoc_settings(soup) if not add_rust_api_menu(soup, prefix): raise Exception("Failed to add Rust API menu") # Add hotdoc resources to head head = soup.find('head') if not head or not resources_html: raise Exception("Failed to add get hotdoc components") rust_versions = OrderedDict({ "Stable": f'{prefix}rust/stable/latest/docs/index.html', "Development": f'{prefix}rust/git/docs/index.html', }) for file in (docs_root / "rust" / "stable").iterdir(): if file.name == "latest": continue if file.is_dir() and (file / "index.html").exists(): rust_versions[file.name] = f'{prefix}rust/stable/{file.name}/docs/index.html' head.insert(0, BeautifulSoup( f'''''', 'html.parser')) resources = BeautifulSoup(resources_html, 'html.parser') styles = BeautifulSoup(f"", 'html.parser') head.append(resources) head.append(styles) # Add hotdoc navigation body = soup.find('body') if body and nav_html: nav = BeautifulSoup(nav_html, 'html.parser') first_child = body.find(True) if first_child: first_child.insert_before(nav) # Write modified content back to file with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str(soup)) return True def remove_rustdoc_settings(soup): """Removes the entire rustdoc toolbar.""" toolbar = soup.find('rustdoc-toolbar') if toolbar: toolbar.decompose() def copy_rustdoc_integration_assets(docs_dir): """Ensures the rustdoc assets directory exists.""" asset_dir = docs_dir / "assets" / "rustdoc" asset_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) src_asset_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "assets" shutil.copytree(src_asset_dir, asset_dir, dirs_exist_ok=True) # Get list of non-sys Rust crates latest_file = docs_dir / "rust" / "stable" / "latest" try: with open(latest_file, 'r') as f: version = f.read().strip() except IsADirectoryError: version = 'latest' rust_docs_path = docs_dir / "rust" / "stable" / version / "docs" if not rust_docs_path.exists(): print(f"Warning: Rust docs directory not found at {rust_docs_path}") return crates = [] for item in rust_docs_path.iterdir(): if item.is_dir() and not item.name.endswith('_sys') and (item / "index.html").exists(): crates.append(item.name) crates.sort() # Sort alphabetically crates_renames = { "gstreamer": "core", "gstreamer_gl": "OpenGL", "gstreamer_gl_egl": "OpenGL EGL", "gstreamer_gl_wayland": "OpenGL Wayland", "gstreamer_gl_x11": "OpenGL X11", } rs_fixer_script = asset_dir / "js/sitemap-rs-fixer.js" with rs_fixer_script.open("r") as f: script_template = f.read() # Replace the placeholder values script_content = script_template.replace( "CRATES_LIST", str(crates) ).replace( "CRATES_RENAMES", str(crates_renames) ) # Write the modified script print('\nAdding crates information into sitemap-rs-fixer.js') with rs_fixer_script.open("w") as f: f.write(script_content) return asset_dir def add_rust_api_menu(soup, prefix=''): """ Adds a script to dynamically insert Rust into the language dropdown menu. Args: soup: BeautifulSoup object of the HTML content Returns: bool: True if modification was needed and successful, False otherwise """ # Check if script already exists existing_scripts = soup.find_all('script') to_remove = [] for script in existing_scripts: if 'language-menu.js' in script.get('src', ''): to_remove.append(script) break for script in to_remove: existing_scripts.remove(script) # Add script to the end of head head = soup.find('head') if not head: raise Exception("Failed to find tag") script_tag = BeautifulSoup(f'', 'html.parser') head.append(script_tag) return True def modify_hotdoc_html_file(file_path): """Modifies a single hotdoc HTML file to add the Rust API menu.""" with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = f.read() soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') # Add Rust API menu success = add_rust_api_menu(soup) if not success: raise Exception("Failed to add Rust API menu") # Write modified content back to file with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str(soup)) return True def is_rustdoc_file(path): # Convert to Path object and get parts parts = Path(path).parts # Check if path has any parts and if first part is "rust" return len(parts) > 0 and parts[0] == "rust" def process_single_file(file_path, docs_path, counters): """ Process a single HTML file with appropriate modifications. Args: file_path (Path): Path to the HTML file docs_path (Path): Root documentation directory counters (dict): Shared dictionary for counting successes/failures """ try: if not is_rustdoc_file(file_path.relative_to(docs_path)): if modify_hotdoc_html_file(file_path): with counters['lock']: counters['processed'] += 1 else: with counters['lock']: counters['failed'] += 1 return if modify_rustdoc_html_file(file_path, docs_path): with counters['lock']: counters['processed'] += 1 else: with counters['lock']: counters['failed'] += 1 if sys.stdout.isatty(): print(f"\rProcessed: {counters['processed'] + counters['failed']}/{counters['total']} files", end='') except Exception as e: print(f"\nError processing {file_path}: {repr(e)}") traceback.print_exc() with counters['lock']: counters['failed'] += 1 def has_ancestor(path: Path, ancestor: Path) -> bool: try: path.resolve().relative_to(ancestor.resolve()) return True except ValueError: return False def process_docs(docs_dir: Path): """ Recursively processes all HTML files in the Rust documentation directory using parallel processing. Args: docs_dir (str): Path to the root of the Rust documentation """ docs_path = Path(docs_dir).resolve() if not docs_path.exists(): print(f"Error: Directory {docs_dir} does not exist") return sitemap_path = (docs_path / "hotdoc-sitemap.html").resolve() assets_dir = (docs_path / 'assets').resolve() def html_file_needs_processing(html_file): html_file = html_file.resolve() if has_ancestor(html_file, assets_dir): return False if html_file == sitemap_path: return False return True # Get list of all HTML files html_files = [html_file for html_file in docs_path.rglob('*.html') if html_file_needs_processing(html_file)] # Create a manager for sharing counters between processes manager = Manager() counters = manager.dict({ 'processed': 0, 'failed': 0, 'total': len(html_files) }) counters['lock'] = manager.Lock() # Calculate optimal number of processes num_processes = min(cpu_count(), len(html_files)) print(f"\nStarting parallel processing with {num_processes} processes...") # Create a partial function with fixed arguments process_func = partial(process_single_file, docs_path=docs_path, counters=counters) # process_single_file(Path('/Users/thiblahute/fs-devel/gstreamer/tmptestdoc/documentation/rust/stable/0.23/docs/gstreamer/index.html'), docs_path, counters) # for html_file in html_files: # process_func(html_file) # Process files in parallel with Pool(processes=num_processes) as pool: pool.map(process_func, html_files) print("\n\nProcessing complete:") print(f"Successfully processed: {counters['processed']} files") print(f"Failed to process: {counters['failed']} files") def download_rust_docs(doc_dir): """ Downloads the latest Rust documentation from rust-lang.org and unzips it. Args: doc_dir (str): Path to the directory where the documentation will be downloaded """ print("Looking for rust latest rust documention") if not os.path.exists("rustdocs.zip"): rustdoc_url = get_documentation_artifact_url("gstreamer/gstreamer-rs", "pages") def progress_hook(count, block_size, total_size): percent = int(count * block_size * 100 / total_size) sys.stdout.write(f"\rDownloading... {percent}%") sys.stdout.flush() print(f"Downloading rust documentation from {rustdoc_url}") urlretrieve(rustdoc_url, "rustdocs.zip", reporthook=progress_hook) print("Unpacking rust documentation") with zipfile.ZipFile('rustdocs.zip', 'r') as zip_ref: # Get list of files file_list = zip_ref.namelist() total_files = len(file_list) # Extract each file with progress for i, file in enumerate(file_list, 1): if file.endswith('html.gz'): continue zip_ref.extract(file, '.') if sys.stdout.isatty(): print(f"\rExtracting: {i}/{total_files} files", end='') shutil.move("public", doc_dir / "rust") def move_rust_latest(doc_dir): # Handle latest symlink latest_file = doc_dir / "rust" / "stable" / "latest" assert latest_file.exists if latest_file.is_dir(): print(f'{latest_file} is already a directory') return # Read the version from the latest file with open(latest_file, 'r') as f: version = f.read().strip() # Remove the 'latest' file latest_file.unlink() # Create symlink from version directory to 'latest' version_dir = latest_file.parent / version assert version_dir.exists(), f"Version directory '{version}' not found" version_dir.rename(latest_file) print(f'Moved {version_dir} to {latest_file}') def add_rust_fixer_to_sitemap(docs_root: Path): """Modifies the hotdoc-sitemap.html file to customize the Rust API references.""" sitemap_path = docs_root / "hotdoc-sitemap.html" if not sitemap_path.exists(): print(f"Warning: {sitemap_path} not found") return # Read the existing sitemap to extract the structure with open(sitemap_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = f.read() soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') head = soup.find('head') assert head, "Failed to find tag" for script in head.find_all('script'): src = script.get('src', '') if 'sitemap-rs-fixer.js' in src: print('hotdoc-sitemap.html already contains the script') return # The utils script is required byt the fixer to detect # the configured language head.append(BeautifulSoup(''' ''', 'html.parser')) with open(sitemap_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str(soup)) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: python modify_rust_docs.py