/* GStreamer unix file-descriptor source/sink * * Copyright (C) 2023 Netflix Inc. * Author: Xavier Claessens <xavier.claessens@collabora.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * SECTION:element-unixfdsink * @title: unixfdsink * * Send file-descriptor backed buffers (e.g. memfd, dmabuf) over unix socket to * matching unixfdsrc. There can be any number of clients, if none are connected * buffers are dropped. * * Buffers can have any number of #GstMemory, but it is an error if any one of * them lacks a file-descriptor. * * #GstShmAllocator is added into the allocation proposition, which makes * most sources write their data into shared memory automatically. * * ## Example launch lines * |[ * gst-launch-1.0 -v videotestsrc ! unixfdsink socket-path=/tmp/blah * gst-launch-1.0 -v unixfdsrc socket-path=/tmp/blah ! autovideosink * ]| * * Since: 1.24 */ #include "gstunixfd.h" #include <gst/base/base.h> #include <gst/allocators/allocators.h> #include <glib/gstdio.h> #include <gio/gio.h> #include <gio/gunixsocketaddress.h> GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY (unixfdsink_debug); #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT (unixfdsink_debug) static GstStaticPadTemplate sinktemplate = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("sink", GST_PAD_SINK, GST_PAD_ALWAYS, GST_STATIC_CAPS_ANY); #define GST_TYPE_UNIX_FD_SINK gst_unix_fd_sink_get_type() G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GstUnixFdSink, gst_unix_fd_sink, GST, UNIX_FD_SINK, GstBaseSink); typedef struct { GHashTable *buffers; GSource *source; } Client; struct _GstUnixFdSink { GstBaseSink parent; GThread *thread; GMainContext *context; GMainLoop *loop; gchar *socket_path; GUnixSocketAddressType socket_type; GSocket *socket; GSource *source; /* GSocket -> Client */ GHashTable *clients; GstCaps *caps; gboolean uses_monotonic_clock; GByteArray *payload; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (GstUnixFdSink, gst_unix_fd_sink, GST_TYPE_BASE_SINK); GST_ELEMENT_REGISTER_DEFINE (unixfdsink, "unixfdsink", GST_RANK_NONE, GST_TYPE_UNIX_FD_SINK); #define DEFAULT_SOCKET_TYPE G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_PATH enum { PROP_0, PROP_SOCKET_PATH, PROP_SOCKET_TYPE, }; static void client_free (Client * client) { g_hash_table_unref (client->buffers); g_source_destroy (client->source); g_source_unref (client->source); g_free (client); } static void gst_unix_fd_sink_init (GstUnixFdSink * self) { g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_UNIX_FD_SINK (self)); self->context = g_main_context_new (); self->loop = g_main_loop_new (self->context, FALSE); self->clients = g_hash_table_new_full (NULL, NULL, g_object_unref, (GDestroyNotify) client_free); } static void gst_unix_fd_sink_finalize (GObject * object) { GstUnixFdSink *self = GST_UNIX_FD_SINK (object); g_free (self->socket_path); g_main_context_unref (self->context); g_main_loop_unref (self->loop); g_hash_table_unref (self->clients); G_OBJECT_CLASS (gst_unix_fd_sink_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void gst_unix_fd_sink_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstUnixFdSink *self = GST_UNIX_FD_SINK (object); GST_OBJECT_LOCK (self); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_SOCKET_PATH: if (self->socket) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "Can only change socket path in NULL or READY state"); break; } g_free (self->socket_path); self->socket_path = g_value_dup_string (value); break; case PROP_SOCKET_TYPE: if (self->socket) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "Can only change socket type in NULL or READY state"); break; } self->socket_type = g_value_get_enum (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (self); } static void gst_unix_fd_sink_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstUnixFdSink *self = GST_UNIX_FD_SINK (object); GST_OBJECT_LOCK (self); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_SOCKET_PATH: g_value_set_string (value, self->socket_path); break; case PROP_SOCKET_TYPE: g_value_set_enum (value, self->socket_type); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (self); } static gboolean incoming_command_cb (GSocket * socket, GIOCondition cond, gpointer user_data) { GstUnixFdSink *self = user_data; Client *client; CommandType command; guint8 *payload = NULL; gsize payload_size; GError *error = NULL; GST_OBJECT_LOCK (self); client = g_hash_table_lookup (self->clients, socket); if (client == NULL) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Received data from unknown client"); goto on_error; } if (!gst_unix_fd_receive_command (socket, NULL, &command, NULL, &payload, &payload_size, &error)) { GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Failed to receive message from client %p: %s", client, error != NULL ? error->message : "Connection closed by peer"); goto on_error; } switch (command) { case COMMAND_TYPE_NEW_BUFFER: case COMMAND_TYPE_CAPS: GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Received wrong command %d from client %p", command, client); goto on_error; case COMMAND_TYPE_RELEASE_BUFFER:{ ReleaseBufferPayload *release_buffer; if (!gst_unix_fd_parse_release_buffer (payload, payload_size, &release_buffer)) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Received release-buffer with wrong payload size from client %p", client); goto on_error; } /* id is actually the GstBuffer pointer casted to guint64. * We can now drop its reference kept for this client. */ if (!g_hash_table_remove (client->buffers, (gpointer) release_buffer->id)) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Received wrong id %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " in release-buffer command from client %p", release_buffer->id, client); goto on_error; } break; } default: /* Protocol could have been extended with new command */ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Ignoring unknown command %d", command); break; } g_free (payload); GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (self); return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; on_error: g_hash_table_remove (self->clients, socket); g_clear_error (&error); g_free (payload); GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (self); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static guint8 * caps_to_payload (GstCaps * caps, gsize * payload_size) { gchar *payload = gst_caps_to_string (caps); *payload_size = strlen (payload) + 1; return (guint8 *) payload; } static gboolean new_client_cb (GSocket * socket, GIOCondition cond, gpointer user_data) { GstUnixFdSink *self = user_data; Client *client; GError *error = NULL; GSocket *client_socket = g_socket_accept (self->socket, NULL, &error); if (client_socket == NULL) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Failed to accept connection: %s", error->message); return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } client = g_new0 (Client, 1); client->buffers = g_hash_table_new_full (NULL, NULL, (GDestroyNotify) gst_buffer_unref, NULL); client->source = g_socket_create_source (client_socket, G_IO_IN, NULL); g_source_set_callback (client->source, (GSourceFunc) incoming_command_cb, self, NULL); g_source_attach (client->source, self->context); GST_OBJECT_LOCK (self); GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "New client %p", client); g_hash_table_insert (self->clients, client_socket, client); /* Start by sending our current caps. Keep the lock while doing that because * we don't want this client to miss a caps event or receive a buffer while we * send initial caps. */ gsize payload_size; guint8 *payload = caps_to_payload (self->caps, &payload_size); if (!gst_unix_fd_send_command (client_socket, COMMAND_TYPE_CAPS, NULL, payload, payload_size, &error)) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Failed to send caps to new client %p: %s", client, error->message); g_hash_table_remove (self->clients, client_socket); g_clear_error (&error); } g_free (payload); GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (self); return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } static gpointer thread_cb (gpointer user_data) { GstUnixFdSink *self = user_data; g_main_loop_run (self->loop); return NULL; } static gboolean gst_unix_fd_sink_start (GstBaseSink * bsink) { GstUnixFdSink *self = (GstUnixFdSink *) bsink; GSocketAddress *addr = NULL; GError *error = NULL; gboolean ret = TRUE; GST_OBJECT_LOCK (self); self->socket = gst_unix_fd_socket_new (self->socket_path, self->socket_type, &addr, &error); if (self->socket == NULL) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Failed to create UNIX socket: %s", error->message); ret = FALSE; goto out; } if (!g_socket_bind (self->socket, addr, TRUE, &error)) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Failed to bind socket: %s", error->message); g_clear_object (&self->socket); ret = FALSE; goto out; } if (!g_socket_listen (self->socket, &error)) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Failed to listen socket: %s", error->message); g_clear_object (&self->socket); ret = FALSE; goto out; } self->source = g_socket_create_source (self->socket, G_IO_IN, NULL); g_source_set_callback (self->source, (GSourceFunc) new_client_cb, self, NULL); g_source_attach (self->source, self->context); self->thread = g_thread_new ("unixfdsink", thread_cb, self); /* Preallocate the minimum payload size for a buffer with a single memory and * no metas. Chances are that every buffer will require roughly the same * payload size, by reusing the same GByteArray we avoid reallocations. */ self->payload = g_byte_array_sized_new (sizeof (NewBufferPayload) + sizeof (MemoryPayload)); out: GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (self); g_clear_error (&error); g_clear_object (&addr); return ret; } static gboolean gst_unix_fd_sink_stop (GstBaseSink * bsink) { GstUnixFdSink *self = (GstUnixFdSink *) bsink; g_main_loop_quit (self->loop); g_thread_join (self->thread); g_source_destroy (self->source); g_clear_pointer (&self->source, g_source_unref); g_clear_object (&self->socket); gst_clear_caps (&self->caps); g_hash_table_remove_all (self->clients); g_clear_pointer (&self->payload, g_byte_array_unref); if (self->socket_type == G_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_PATH) g_unlink (self->socket_path); return TRUE; } static void send_command_to_all (GstUnixFdSink * self, CommandType type, GUnixFDList * fds, const guint8 * payload, gsize payload_size, GstBuffer * buffer) { GHashTableIter iter; GSocket *socket; Client *client; GError *error = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->clients); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer) & socket, (gpointer) & client)) { if (!gst_unix_fd_send_command (socket, type, fds, payload, payload_size, &error)) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Failed to send command %d to client %p: %s", type, client, error->message); g_clear_error (&error); g_hash_table_iter_remove (&iter); continue; } /* Keep a ref on this buffer until all clients released it. */ if (buffer != NULL) g_hash_table_add (client->buffers, gst_buffer_ref (buffer)); } } static GstClockTime calculate_timestamp (GstClockTime timestamp, GstClockTime base_time, GstClockTime latency, GstClockTimeDiff clock_diff) { if (GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (timestamp)) { /* Convert running time to pipeline clock time */ timestamp += base_time; if (GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (latency)) timestamp += latency; /* Convert to system monotonic clock time */ if (clock_diff < 0 && -clock_diff > timestamp) return 0; timestamp += clock_diff; } return timestamp; } static guint16 serialize_metas (GstBuffer * buffer, GByteArray * payload) { gpointer state = NULL; GstMeta *meta; guint16 n_meta = 0; while ((meta = gst_buffer_iterate_meta (buffer, &state)) != NULL) { if (gst_meta_serialize_simple (meta, payload)) n_meta++; } return n_meta; } static GstFlowReturn gst_unix_fd_sink_render (GstBaseSink * bsink, GstBuffer * buffer) { GstUnixFdSink *self = (GstUnixFdSink *) bsink; GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK; GError *error = NULL; guint n_memory = gst_buffer_n_memory (buffer); gsize struct_size = sizeof (NewBufferPayload) + sizeof (MemoryPayload) * n_memory; g_byte_array_set_size (self->payload, struct_size); guint32 n_meta = serialize_metas (buffer, self->payload); GstClockTime latency = gst_base_sink_get_latency (GST_BASE_SINK_CAST (self)); GstClockTime base_time = gst_element_get_base_time (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (self)); GstClockTimeDiff clock_diff = 0; if (!self->uses_monotonic_clock) { clock_diff = GST_CLOCK_DIFF (g_get_monotonic_time () * GST_USECOND, gst_clock_get_time (GST_ELEMENT_CLOCK (self))); } NewBufferPayload *new_buffer = (NewBufferPayload *) self->payload->data; /* Cast buffer pointer to guint64 identifier. Client will send us back that * id so we know which buffer to unref. */ new_buffer->id = (guint64) buffer; new_buffer->pts = calculate_timestamp (GST_BUFFER_PTS (buffer), base_time, latency, clock_diff); new_buffer->dts = calculate_timestamp (GST_BUFFER_DTS (buffer), base_time, latency, clock_diff); new_buffer->duration = GST_BUFFER_DURATION (buffer); new_buffer->offset = GST_BUFFER_OFFSET (buffer); new_buffer->offset_end = GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_END (buffer); new_buffer->flags = GST_BUFFER_FLAGS (buffer); new_buffer->type = MEMORY_TYPE_DEFAULT; new_buffer->n_memory = n_memory; new_buffer->n_meta = n_meta; gboolean dmabuf_count = 0; GUnixFDList *fds = g_unix_fd_list_new (); for (int i = 0; i < n_memory; i++) { GstMemory *mem = gst_buffer_peek_memory (buffer, i); if (!gst_is_fd_memory (mem)) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Expecting buffers with FD memories"); ret = GST_FLOW_ERROR; goto out; } if (gst_is_dmabuf_memory (mem)) dmabuf_count++; if (g_unix_fd_list_append (fds, gst_fd_memory_get_fd (mem), &error) < 0) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Failed to append FD: %s", error->message); ret = GST_FLOW_ERROR; goto out; } gsize offset; new_buffer->memories[i].size = gst_memory_get_sizes (mem, &offset, NULL); new_buffer->memories[i].offset = offset; } if (dmabuf_count > 0 && dmabuf_count != n_memory) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Some but not all memories are DMABuf"); ret = GST_FLOW_ERROR; goto out; } if (dmabuf_count > 0) new_buffer->type = MEMORY_TYPE_DMABUF; GST_OBJECT_LOCK (self); send_command_to_all (self, COMMAND_TYPE_NEW_BUFFER, fds, self->payload->data, self->payload->len, buffer); GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (self); out: g_clear_object (&fds); g_clear_error (&error); return ret; } static gboolean gst_unix_fd_sink_event (GstBaseSink * bsink, GstEvent * event) { GstUnixFdSink *self = (GstUnixFdSink *) bsink; switch (GST_EVENT_TYPE (event)) { case GST_EVENT_CAPS:{ GST_OBJECT_LOCK (self); gst_clear_caps (&self->caps); gst_event_parse_caps (event, &self->caps); gst_caps_ref (self->caps); GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Send new caps to all clients: %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, self->caps); gsize payload_size; guint8 *payload = caps_to_payload (self->caps, &payload_size); send_command_to_all (self, COMMAND_TYPE_CAPS, NULL, payload, payload_size, NULL); g_free (payload); GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (self); break; } case GST_EVENT_EOS:{ GST_OBJECT_LOCK (self); send_command_to_all (self, COMMAND_TYPE_EOS, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (self); break; } default: break; } return GST_BASE_SINK_CLASS (gst_unix_fd_sink_parent_class)->event (bsink, event); } static gboolean gst_unix_fd_sink_propose_allocation (GstBaseSink * bsink, GstQuery * query) { GstAllocator *allocator = gst_shm_allocator_get (); gst_query_add_allocation_param (query, allocator, NULL); gst_object_unref (allocator); return TRUE; } static gboolean gst_unix_fd_sink_set_clock (GstElement * element, GstClock * clock) { GstUnixFdSink *self = (GstUnixFdSink *) element; self->uses_monotonic_clock = FALSE; if (clock != NULL && G_OBJECT_TYPE (clock) == GST_TYPE_SYSTEM_CLOCK) { GstClockType clock_type; g_object_get (clock, "clock-type", &clock_type, NULL); self->uses_monotonic_clock = clock_type == GST_CLOCK_TYPE_MONOTONIC; } return GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (gst_unix_fd_sink_parent_class)->set_clock (element, clock); } static void gst_unix_fd_sink_class_init (GstUnixFdSinkClass * klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass; GstElementClass *gstelement_class = (GstElementClass *) klass; GstBaseSinkClass *gstbasesink_class = (GstBaseSinkClass *) klass; GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (unixfdsink_debug, "unixfdsink", 0, "Unix file descriptor sink"); gst_element_class_set_static_metadata (gstelement_class, "Unix file descriptor sink", "Sink", "Unix file descriptor sink", "Xavier Claessens <xavier.claessens@collabora.com>"); gst_element_class_add_static_pad_template (gstelement_class, &sinktemplate); gst_shm_allocator_init_once (); gobject_class->finalize = gst_unix_fd_sink_finalize; gobject_class->set_property = gst_unix_fd_sink_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = gst_unix_fd_sink_get_property; gstelement_class->set_clock = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_unix_fd_sink_set_clock); gstbasesink_class->start = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_unix_fd_sink_start); gstbasesink_class->stop = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_unix_fd_sink_stop); gstbasesink_class->render = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_unix_fd_sink_render); gstbasesink_class->event = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_unix_fd_sink_event); gstbasesink_class->propose_allocation = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_unix_fd_sink_propose_allocation); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_SOCKET_PATH, g_param_spec_string ("socket-path", "Path to the control socket", "The path to the control socket used to control the shared memory " "transport. This may be modified during the NULL->READY transition", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | GST_PARAM_MUTABLE_READY)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_SOCKET_TYPE, g_param_spec_enum ("socket-type", "Socket type", "The type of underlying socket", G_TYPE_UNIX_SOCKET_ADDRESS_TYPE, DEFAULT_SOCKET_TYPE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | GST_PARAM_MUTABLE_READY)); }