/** * copyright 2004, Jean-Christophe Hoelt <jeko@ios-software.com> * * This program is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. */ %{ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <glib.h> #include "goomsl.h" #include "goomsl_private.h" #define STRUCT_ALIGNMENT 16 /* #define VERBOSE */ int yylex(void); void yyerror(char *); extern GoomSL *currentGoomSL; static NodeType *nodeNew(const char *str, int type, int line_number); static NodeType *nodeClone(NodeType *node); static void nodeFreeInternals(NodeType *node); static void nodeFree(NodeType *node); static void commit_node(NodeType *node, int releaseIfTemp); static void precommit_node(NodeType *node); static NodeType *new_constInt(const char *str, int line_number); static NodeType *new_constFloat(const char *str, int line_number); static NodeType *new_constPtr(const char *str, int line_number); static NodeType *new_var(const char *str, int line_number); static NodeType *new_nop(const char *str); static NodeType *new_op(const char *str, int type, int nbOp); static int allocateLabel(); static int allocateTemp(); static void releaseTemp(int n); static void releaseAllTemps(); static int is_tmp_expr(NodeType *node) { if (node->str) { return (!strncmp(node->str,"_i_tmp_",7)) || (!strncmp(node->str,"_f_tmp_",7)) || (!strncmp(node->str,"_p_tmp",7)); } return 0; } /* pre: is_tmp_expr(node); */ static int get_tmp_id(NodeType *node) { return atoi((node->str)+5); } static int is_commutative_expr(int itype) { /* {{{ */ return (itype == INSTR_ADD) || (itype == INSTR_MUL) || (itype == INSTR_ISEQUAL); } /* }}} */ static void GSL_PUT_LABEL(char *name, int line_number) { /* {{{ */ #ifdef VERBOSE printf("label %s\n", name); #endif currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, "label", INSTR_LABEL, 1, line_number); gsl_instr_add_param(currentGoomSL->instr, name, TYPE_LABEL); } /* }}} */ static void GSL_PUT_JUMP(char *name, int line_number) { /* {{{ */ #ifdef VERBOSE printf("jump %s\n", name); #endif currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, "jump", INSTR_JUMP, 1, line_number); gsl_instr_add_param(currentGoomSL->instr, name, TYPE_LABEL); } /* }}} */ static void GSL_PUT_JXXX(char *name, char *iname, int instr_id, int line_number) { /* {{{ */ #ifdef VERBOSE printf("%s %s\n", iname, name); #endif currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, iname, instr_id, 1, line_number); gsl_instr_add_param(currentGoomSL->instr, name, TYPE_LABEL); } /* }}} */ static void GSL_PUT_JZERO(char *name,int line_number) { /* {{{ */ GSL_PUT_JXXX(name,"jzero.i",INSTR_JZERO,line_number); } /* }}} */ static void GSL_PUT_JNZERO(char *name, int line_number) { /* {{{ */ GSL_PUT_JXXX(name,"jnzero.i",INSTR_JNZERO,line_number); } /* }}} */ /* Structures Management */ #define ALIGN_ADDR(_addr,_align) {\ if (_align>1) {\ int _dec = (_addr%_align);\ if (_dec != 0) _addr += _align - _dec;\ }} /* */ void gsl_prepare_struct(GSL_Struct *s, int s_align, int i_align, int f_align) { int i; int consumed = 0; int iblk=0, fblk=0; s->iBlock[0].size = 0; s->iBlock[0].data = 0; s->fBlock[0].size = 0; s->fBlock[0].data = 0; /* Prepare sub-struct and calculate space needed for their storage */ for (i = 0; i < s->nbFields; ++i) { if (s->fields[i]->type < FIRST_RESERVED) { int j=0; GSL_Struct *substruct = currentGoomSL->gsl_struct[s->fields[i]->type]; consumed += sizeof(int); /* stocke le prefix */ ALIGN_ADDR(consumed, s_align); s->fields[i]->offsetInStruct = consumed; gsl_prepare_struct(substruct, s_align, i_align, f_align); for(j=0;substruct->iBlock[j].size>0;++j) { s->iBlock[iblk].data = consumed + substruct->iBlock[j].data; s->iBlock[iblk].size = substruct->iBlock[j].size; iblk++; } for(j=0;substruct->fBlock[j].size>0;++j) { s->fBlock[fblk].data = consumed + substruct->fBlock[j].data; s->fBlock[fblk].size = substruct->fBlock[j].size; fblk++; } consumed += substruct->size; } } /* Then prepare integers */ ALIGN_ADDR(consumed, i_align); for (i = 0; i < s->nbFields; ++i) { if (s->fields[i]->type == INSTR_INT) { if (s->iBlock[iblk].size == 0) { s->iBlock[iblk].size = 1; s->iBlock[iblk].data = consumed; } else { s->iBlock[iblk].size += 1; } s->fields[i]->offsetInStruct = consumed; consumed += sizeof(int); } } iblk++; s->iBlock[iblk].size = 0; s->iBlock[iblk].data = 0; /* Then prepare floats */ ALIGN_ADDR(consumed, f_align); for (i = 0; i < s->nbFields; ++i) { if (s->fields[i]->type == INSTR_FLOAT) { if (s->fBlock[fblk].size == 0) { s->fBlock[fblk].size = 1; s->fBlock[fblk].data = consumed; } else { s->fBlock[fblk].size += 1; } s->fields[i]->offsetInStruct = consumed; consumed += sizeof(int); } } fblk++; s->fBlock[fblk].size = 0; s->fBlock[fblk].data = 0; /* Finally prepare pointers */ ALIGN_ADDR(consumed, i_align); for (i = 0; i < s->nbFields; ++i) { if (s->fields[i]->type == INSTR_PTR) { s->fields[i]->offsetInStruct = consumed; consumed += sizeof(int); } } s->size = consumed; } /* Returns the ID of a struct from its name */ int gsl_get_struct_id(const char *name) /* {{{ */ { HashValue *ret = goom_hash_get(currentGoomSL->structIDS, name); if (ret != NULL) return ret->i; return -1; } /* }}} */ /* Adds the definition of a struct */ void gsl_add_struct(const char *name, GSL_Struct *gsl_struct) /* {{{ */ { /* Prepare the struct: ie calculate internal storage format */ gsl_prepare_struct(gsl_struct, STRUCT_ALIGNMENT, STRUCT_ALIGNMENT, STRUCT_ALIGNMENT); /* If the struct does not already exists */ if (gsl_get_struct_id(name) < 0) { /* adds it */ int id = currentGoomSL->nbStructID++; goom_hash_put_int(currentGoomSL->structIDS, name, id); if (currentGoomSL->gsl_struct_size <= id) { currentGoomSL->gsl_struct_size *= 2; currentGoomSL->gsl_struct = (GSL_Struct**)realloc(currentGoomSL->gsl_struct, sizeof(GSL_Struct*) * currentGoomSL->gsl_struct_size); } currentGoomSL->gsl_struct[id] = gsl_struct; } } /* }}} */ /* Creates a field for a struct */ GSL_StructField *gsl_new_struct_field(const char *name, int type) { GSL_StructField *field = (GSL_StructField*)malloc(sizeof(GSL_StructField)); strcpy(field->name, name); field->type = type; return field; } /* Create as field for a struct which will be a struct itself */ GSL_StructField *gsl_new_struct_field_struct(const char *name, const char *type) { GSL_StructField *field = gsl_new_struct_field(name, gsl_get_struct_id(type)); if (field->type < 0) { g_assert_not_reached (); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Line %d, Unknown structure: '%s'\n", currentGoomSL->num_lines, type); exit(1); #endif } return field; } /* Creates a Struct */ GSL_Struct *gsl_new_struct(GSL_StructField *field) { GSL_Struct *s = (GSL_Struct*)malloc(sizeof(GSL_Struct)); s->nbFields = 1; s->fields[0] = field; return s; } /* Adds a field to a struct */ void gsl_add_struct_field(GSL_Struct *s, GSL_StructField *field) { s->fields[s->nbFields++] = field; } int gsl_type_of_var(GoomHash *ns, const char *name) { char type_of[256]; HashValue *hv; sprintf(type_of, "__type_of_%s", name); hv = goom_hash_get(ns, type_of); if (hv != NULL) return hv->i; fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unknown variable type: '%s'\n", name); return -1; } static void gsl_declare_var(GoomHash *ns, const char *name, int type, void *space) { char type_of[256]; if (name[0] == '@') { ns = currentGoomSL->vars; } if (space == NULL) { switch (type) { case INSTR_INT: case INSTR_FLOAT: case INSTR_PTR: space = goom_heap_malloc_with_alignment(currentGoomSL->data_heap, sizeof(int), sizeof(int)); break; #if 0 case -1: fprintf(stderr, "What the fuck!\n"); exit(1); #endif default: /* On a un struct_id */ space = goom_heap_malloc_with_alignment_prefixed(currentGoomSL->data_heap, currentGoomSL->gsl_struct[type]->size, STRUCT_ALIGNMENT, sizeof(int)); } } goom_hash_put_ptr(ns, name, (void*)space); sprintf(type_of, "__type_of_%s", name); goom_hash_put_int(ns, type_of, type); /* Ensuite le hack: on ajoute les champs en tant que variables. */ if (type < FIRST_RESERVED) { int i; GSL_Struct *gsl_struct = currentGoomSL->gsl_struct[type]; ((int*)space)[-1] = type; /* stockage du type dans le prefixe de structure */ for (i = 0; i < gsl_struct->nbFields; ++i) { char full_name[256]; char *cspace = (char*)space + gsl_struct->fields[i]->offsetInStruct; sprintf(full_name, "%s.%s", name, gsl_struct->fields[i]->name); gsl_declare_var(ns, full_name, gsl_struct->fields[i]->type, cspace); } } } /* Declare a variable which will be a struct */ static void gsl_struct_decl(GoomHash *namespace, const char *struct_name, const char *name) { int struct_id = gsl_get_struct_id(struct_name); gsl_declare_var(namespace, name, struct_id, NULL); } static void gsl_float_decl_global(const char *name) { gsl_declare_var(currentGoomSL->vars, name, INSTR_FLOAT, NULL); } static void gsl_int_decl_global(const char *name) { gsl_declare_var(currentGoomSL->vars, name, INSTR_INT, NULL); } static void gsl_ptr_decl_global(const char *name) { gsl_declare_var(currentGoomSL->vars, name, INSTR_PTR, NULL); } static void gsl_struct_decl_global_from_id(const char *name, int id) { gsl_declare_var(currentGoomSL->vars, name, id, NULL); } /* FLOAT */ static void gsl_float_decl_local(const char *name) { gsl_declare_var(currentGoomSL->namespaces[currentGoomSL->currentNS], name, INSTR_FLOAT, NULL); } /* INT */ static void gsl_int_decl_local(const char *name) { gsl_declare_var(currentGoomSL->namespaces[currentGoomSL->currentNS], name, INSTR_INT, NULL); } /* PTR */ static void gsl_ptr_decl_local(const char *name) { gsl_declare_var(currentGoomSL->namespaces[currentGoomSL->currentNS], name, INSTR_PTR, NULL); } /* STRUCT */ static void gsl_struct_decl_local(const char *struct_name, const char *name) { gsl_struct_decl(currentGoomSL->namespaces[currentGoomSL->currentNS],struct_name,name); } static void commit_test2(NodeType *set,const char *type, int instr); static NodeType *new_call(const char *name, NodeType *affect_list); /* SETTER */ static NodeType *new_set(NodeType *lvalue, NodeType *expression) { /* {{{ */ NodeType *set = new_op("set", OPR_SET, 2); set->unode.opr.op[0] = lvalue; set->unode.opr.op[1] = expression; return set; } /* }}} */ static void commit_set(NodeType *set) { /* {{{ */ commit_test2(set,"set",INSTR_SET); } /* }}} */ /* PLUS_EQ */ static NodeType *new_plus_eq(NodeType *lvalue, NodeType *expression) /* {{{ */ { NodeType *set = new_op("plus_eq", OPR_PLUS_EQ, 2); set->unode.opr.op[0] = lvalue; set->unode.opr.op[1] = expression; return set; } static void commit_plus_eq(NodeType *set) { precommit_node(set->unode.opr.op[1]); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("add %s %s\n", set->unode.opr.op[0]->str, set->unode.opr.op[1]->str); #endif currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, "add", INSTR_ADD, 2, set->line_number); commit_node(set->unode.opr.op[0],0); commit_node(set->unode.opr.op[1],1); } /* }}} */ /* SUB_EQ */ static NodeType *new_sub_eq(NodeType *lvalue, NodeType *expression) /* {{{ */ { NodeType *set = new_op("sub_eq", OPR_SUB_EQ, 2); set->unode.opr.op[0] = lvalue; set->unode.opr.op[1] = expression; return set; } static void commit_sub_eq(NodeType *set) { precommit_node(set->unode.opr.op[1]); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("sub %s %s\n", set->unode.opr.op[0]->str, set->unode.opr.op[1]->str); #endif currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, "sub", INSTR_SUB, 2, set->line_number); commit_node(set->unode.opr.op[0],0); commit_node(set->unode.opr.op[1],1); } /* }}} */ /* MUL_EQ */ static NodeType *new_mul_eq(NodeType *lvalue, NodeType *expression) /* {{{ */ { NodeType *set = new_op("mul_eq", OPR_MUL_EQ, 2); set->unode.opr.op[0] = lvalue; set->unode.opr.op[1] = expression; return set; } static void commit_mul_eq(NodeType *set) { precommit_node(set->unode.opr.op[1]); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("mul %s %s\n", set->unode.opr.op[0]->str, set->unode.opr.op[1]->str); #endif currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, "mul", INSTR_MUL, 2, set->line_number); commit_node(set->unode.opr.op[0],0); commit_node(set->unode.opr.op[1],1); } /* }}} */ /* DIV_EQ */ static NodeType *new_div_eq(NodeType *lvalue, NodeType *expression) /* {{{ */ { NodeType *set = new_op("div_eq", OPR_DIV_EQ, 2); set->unode.opr.op[0] = lvalue; set->unode.opr.op[1] = expression; return set; } static void commit_div_eq(NodeType *set) { precommit_node(set->unode.opr.op[1]); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("div %s %s\n", set->unode.opr.op[0]->str, set->unode.opr.op[1]->str); #endif currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, "div", INSTR_DIV, 2, set->line_number); commit_node(set->unode.opr.op[0],0); commit_node(set->unode.opr.op[1],1); } /* }}} */ /* commodity method for add, mult, ... */ static void precommit_expr(NodeType *expr, const char *type, int instr_id) { /* {{{ */ NodeType *tmp, *tmpcpy; int toAdd; /* compute "left" and "right" */ switch (expr->unode.opr.nbOp) { case 2: precommit_node(expr->unode.opr.op[1]); case 1: precommit_node(expr->unode.opr.op[0]); } if (is_tmp_expr(expr->unode.opr.op[0])) { tmp = expr->unode.opr.op[0]; toAdd = 1; } else if (is_commutative_expr(instr_id) && (expr->unode.opr.nbOp==2) && is_tmp_expr(expr->unode.opr.op[1])) { tmp = expr->unode.opr.op[1]; toAdd = 0; } else { char stmp[256]; /* declare a temporary variable to store the result */ if (expr->unode.opr.op[0]->type == CONST_INT_NODE) { sprintf(stmp,"_i_tmp_%i",allocateTemp()); gsl_int_decl_global(stmp); } else if (expr->unode.opr.op[0]->type == CONST_FLOAT_NODE) { sprintf(stmp,"_f_tmp%i",allocateTemp()); gsl_float_decl_global(stmp); } else if (expr->unode.opr.op[0]->type == CONST_PTR_NODE) { sprintf(stmp,"_p_tmp%i",allocateTemp()); gsl_ptr_decl_global(stmp); } else { int type = gsl_type_of_var(expr->unode.opr.op[0]->vnamespace, expr->unode.opr.op[0]->str); if (type == INSTR_FLOAT) { sprintf(stmp,"_f_tmp_%i",allocateTemp()); gsl_float_decl_global(stmp); } else if (type == INSTR_PTR) { sprintf(stmp,"_p_tmp_%i",allocateTemp()); gsl_ptr_decl_global(stmp); } else if (type == INSTR_INT) { sprintf(stmp,"_i_tmp_%i",allocateTemp()); gsl_int_decl_global(stmp); } else if (type == -1) { g_assert_not_reached (); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Line %d, Could not find variable '%s'\n", expr->line_number, expr->unode.opr.op[0]->str); exit(1); #endif } else { /* type is a struct_id */ sprintf(stmp,"_s_tmp_%i",allocateTemp()); gsl_struct_decl_global_from_id(stmp,type); } } tmp = new_var(stmp,expr->line_number); /* set the tmp to the value of "op1" */ tmpcpy = nodeClone(tmp); commit_node(new_set(tmp,expr->unode.opr.op[0]),0); toAdd = 1; tmp = tmpcpy; } /* add op2 to tmp */ #ifdef VERBOSE if (expr->unode.opr.nbOp == 2) printf("%s %s %s\n", type, tmp->str, expr->unode.opr.op[toAdd]->str); else printf("%s %s\n", type, tmp->str); #endif currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, type, instr_id, expr->unode.opr.nbOp, expr->line_number); tmpcpy = nodeClone(tmp); commit_node(tmp,0); if (expr->unode.opr.nbOp == 2) { commit_node(expr->unode.opr.op[toAdd],1); } /* redefine the ADD node now as the computed variable */ nodeFreeInternals(expr); *expr = *tmpcpy; free(tmpcpy); } /* }}} */ static NodeType *new_expr1(const char *name, int id, NodeType *expr1) { /* {{{ */ NodeType *add = new_op(name, id, 1); add->unode.opr.op[0] = expr1; return add; } /* }}} */ static NodeType *new_expr2(const char *name, int id, NodeType *expr1, NodeType *expr2) { /* {{{ */ NodeType *add = new_op(name, id, 2); add->unode.opr.op[0] = expr1; add->unode.opr.op[1] = expr2; return add; } /* }}} */ /* ADD */ static NodeType *new_add(NodeType *expr1, NodeType *expr2) { /* {{{ */ return new_expr2("add", OPR_ADD, expr1, expr2); } static void precommit_add(NodeType *add) { precommit_expr(add,"add",INSTR_ADD); } /* }}} */ /* SUB */ static NodeType *new_sub(NodeType *expr1, NodeType *expr2) { /* {{{ */ return new_expr2("sub", OPR_SUB, expr1, expr2); } static void precommit_sub(NodeType *sub) { precommit_expr(sub,"sub",INSTR_SUB); } /* }}} */ /* NEG */ static NodeType *new_neg(NodeType *expr) { /* {{{ */ NodeType *zeroConst = NULL; if (expr->type == CONST_INT_NODE) zeroConst = new_constInt("0", currentGoomSL->num_lines); else if (expr->type == CONST_FLOAT_NODE) zeroConst = new_constFloat("0.0", currentGoomSL->num_lines); else if (expr->type == CONST_PTR_NODE) { g_assert_not_reached (); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Line %d, Could not negate const pointer.\n", currentGoomSL->num_lines); exit(1); #endif } else { int type = gsl_type_of_var(expr->vnamespace, expr->str); if (type == INSTR_FLOAT) zeroConst = new_constFloat("0.0", currentGoomSL->num_lines); else if (type == INSTR_PTR) { g_assert_not_reached (); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Line %d, Could not negate pointer.\n", currentGoomSL->num_lines); exit(1); #endif } else if (type == INSTR_INT) zeroConst = new_constInt("0", currentGoomSL->num_lines); else if (type == -1) { g_assert_not_reached (); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Line %d, Could not find variable '%s'\n", expr->line_number, expr->unode.opr.op[0]->str); exit(1); #endif } else { /* type is a struct_id */ g_assert_not_reached (); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Line %d, Could not negate struct '%s'\n", expr->line_number, expr->str); exit(1); #endif } } return new_expr2("sub", OPR_SUB, zeroConst, expr); } /* }}} */ /* MUL */ static NodeType *new_mul(NodeType *expr1, NodeType *expr2) { /* {{{ */ return new_expr2("mul", OPR_MUL, expr1, expr2); } static void precommit_mul(NodeType *mul) { precommit_expr(mul,"mul",INSTR_MUL); } /* }}} */ /* DIV */ static NodeType *new_div(NodeType *expr1, NodeType *expr2) { /* {{{ */ return new_expr2("div", OPR_DIV, expr1, expr2); } static void precommit_div(NodeType *mul) { precommit_expr(mul,"div",INSTR_DIV); } /* }}} */ /* CALL EXPRESSION */ static NodeType *new_call_expr(const char *name, NodeType *affect_list) { /* {{{ */ NodeType *call = new_call(name,affect_list); NodeType *node = new_expr1(name, OPR_CALL_EXPR, call); node->vnamespace = gsl_find_namespace(name); if (node->vnamespace == NULL) /* fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Line %d, No return type for: '%s'\n", currentGoomSL->num_lines, name); */ return node; } static void precommit_call_expr(NodeType *call) { char stmp[256]; NodeType *tmp,*tmpcpy; int type = gsl_type_of_var(call->vnamespace, call->str); if (type == INSTR_FLOAT) { sprintf(stmp,"_f_tmp_%i",allocateTemp()); gsl_float_decl_global(stmp); } else if (type == INSTR_PTR) { sprintf(stmp,"_p_tmp_%i",allocateTemp()); gsl_ptr_decl_global(stmp); } else if (type == INSTR_INT) { sprintf(stmp,"_i_tmp_%i",allocateTemp()); gsl_int_decl_global(stmp); } else if (type == -1) { g_assert_not_reached (); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Line %d, Could not find variable '%s'\n", call->line_number, call->str); exit(1); #endif } else { /* type is a struct_id */ sprintf(stmp,"_s_tmp_%i",allocateTemp()); gsl_struct_decl_global_from_id(stmp,type); } tmp = new_var(stmp,call->line_number); commit_node(call->unode.opr.op[0],0); tmpcpy = nodeClone(tmp); commit_node(new_set(tmp,new_var(call->str,call->line_number)),0); nodeFreeInternals(call); *call = *tmpcpy; free(tmpcpy); } /* }}} */ static void commit_test2(NodeType *set,const char *type, int instr) { /* {{{ */ NodeType *tmp; char stmp[256]; precommit_node(set->unode.opr.op[0]); precommit_node(set->unode.opr.op[1]); tmp = set->unode.opr.op[0]; stmp[0] = 0; if (set->unode.opr.op[0]->type == CONST_INT_NODE) { sprintf(stmp,"_i_tmp_%i",allocateTemp()); gsl_int_decl_global(stmp); } else if (set->unode.opr.op[0]->type == CONST_FLOAT_NODE) { sprintf(stmp,"_f_tmp%i",allocateTemp()); gsl_float_decl_global(stmp); } else if (set->unode.opr.op[0]->type == CONST_PTR_NODE) { sprintf(stmp,"_p_tmp%i",allocateTemp()); gsl_ptr_decl_global(stmp); } if (stmp[0]) { NodeType *tmpcpy; tmp = new_var(stmp, set->line_number); tmpcpy = nodeClone(tmp); commit_node(new_set(tmp,set->unode.opr.op[0]),0); tmp = tmpcpy; } #ifdef VERBOSE printf("%s %s %s\n", type, tmp->str, set->unode.opr.op[1]->str); #endif currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, type, instr, 2, set->line_number); commit_node(tmp,instr!=INSTR_SET); commit_node(set->unode.opr.op[1],1); } /* }}} */ /* NOT */ static NodeType *new_not(NodeType *expr1) { /* {{{ */ return new_expr1("not", OPR_NOT, expr1); } static void commit_not(NodeType *set) { commit_node(set->unode.opr.op[0],0); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("not\n"); #endif currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, "not", INSTR_NOT, 1, set->line_number); gsl_instr_add_param(currentGoomSL->instr, "|dummy|", TYPE_LABEL); } /* }}} */ /* EQU */ static NodeType *new_equ(NodeType *expr1, NodeType *expr2) { /* {{{ */ return new_expr2("isequal", OPR_EQU, expr1, expr2); } static void commit_equ(NodeType *mul) { commit_test2(mul,"isequal",INSTR_ISEQUAL); } /* }}} */ /* INF */ static NodeType *new_low(NodeType *expr1, NodeType *expr2) { /* {{{ */ return new_expr2("islower", OPR_LOW, expr1, expr2); } static void commit_low(NodeType *mul) { commit_test2(mul,"islower",INSTR_ISLOWER); } /* }}} */ /* WHILE */ static NodeType *new_while(NodeType *expression, NodeType *instr) { /* {{{ */ NodeType *node = new_op("while", OPR_WHILE, 2); node->unode.opr.op[0] = expression; node->unode.opr.op[1] = instr; return node; } static void commit_while(NodeType *node) { int lbl = allocateLabel(); char start_while[1024], test_while[1024]; sprintf(start_while, "|start_while_%d|", lbl); sprintf(test_while, "|test_while_%d|", lbl); GSL_PUT_JUMP(test_while,node->line_number); GSL_PUT_LABEL(start_while,node->line_number); /* code */ commit_node(node->unode.opr.op[1],0); GSL_PUT_LABEL(test_while,node->line_number); commit_node(node->unode.opr.op[0],0); GSL_PUT_JNZERO(start_while,node->line_number); } /* }}} */ /* FOR EACH */ static NodeType *new_static_foreach(NodeType *var, NodeType *var_list, NodeType *instr) { /* {{{ */ NodeType *node = new_op("for", OPR_FOREACH, 3); node->unode.opr.op[0] = var; node->unode.opr.op[1] = var_list; node->unode.opr.op[2] = instr; node->line_number = currentGoomSL->num_lines; return node; } static void commit_foreach(NodeType *node) { NodeType *cur = node->unode.opr.op[1]; char tmp_func[256], tmp_loop[256]; int lbl = allocateLabel(); sprintf(tmp_func, "|foreach_func_%d|", lbl); sprintf(tmp_loop, "|foreach_loop_%d|", lbl); GSL_PUT_JUMP(tmp_loop, node->line_number); GSL_PUT_LABEL(tmp_func, node->line_number); precommit_node(node->unode.opr.op[2]); commit_node(node->unode.opr.op[2], 0); currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, "ret", INSTR_RET, 1, node->line_number); gsl_instr_add_param(currentGoomSL->instr, "|dummy|", TYPE_LABEL); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("ret\n"); #endif GSL_PUT_LABEL(tmp_loop, node->line_number); while (cur != NULL) { NodeType *x, *var; /* 1: x=var */ x = nodeClone(node->unode.opr.op[0]); var = nodeClone(cur->unode.opr.op[0]); commit_node(new_set(x, var),0); /* 2: instr */ currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, "call", INSTR_CALL, 1, node->line_number); gsl_instr_add_param(currentGoomSL->instr, tmp_func, TYPE_LABEL); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("call %s\n", tmp_func); #endif /* 3: var=x */ x = nodeClone(node->unode.opr.op[0]); var = cur->unode.opr.op[0]; commit_node(new_set(var, x),0); cur = cur->unode.opr.op[1]; } nodeFree(node->unode.opr.op[0]); } /* }}} */ /* IF */ static NodeType *new_if(NodeType *expression, NodeType *instr) { /* {{{ */ NodeType *node = new_op("if", OPR_IF, 2); node->unode.opr.op[0] = expression; node->unode.opr.op[1] = instr; return node; } static void commit_if(NodeType *node) { char slab[1024]; sprintf(slab, "|eif%d|", allocateLabel()); commit_node(node->unode.opr.op[0],0); GSL_PUT_JZERO(slab,node->line_number); /* code */ commit_node(node->unode.opr.op[1],0); GSL_PUT_LABEL(slab,node->line_number); } /* }}} */ /* BLOCK */ static NodeType *new_block(NodeType *lastNode) { /* {{{ */ NodeType *blk = new_op("block", OPR_BLOCK, 2); blk->unode.opr.op[0] = new_nop("start_of_block"); blk->unode.opr.op[1] = lastNode; return blk; } static void commit_block(NodeType *node) { commit_node(node->unode.opr.op[0]->unode.opr.next,0); } /* }}} */ /* FUNCTION INTRO */ static NodeType *new_function_intro(const char *name) { /* {{{ */ char stmp[256]; if (strlen(name) < 200) { sprintf(stmp, "|__func_%s|", name); } return new_op(stmp, OPR_FUNC_INTRO, 0); } static void commit_function_intro(NodeType *node) { currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, "label", INSTR_LABEL, 1, node->line_number); gsl_instr_add_param(currentGoomSL->instr, node->str, TYPE_LABEL); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("label %s\n", node->str); #endif } /* }}} */ /* FUNCTION OUTRO */ static NodeType *new_function_outro() { /* {{{ */ return new_op("ret", OPR_FUNC_OUTRO, 0); } static void commit_function_outro(NodeType *node) { currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, "ret", INSTR_RET, 1, node->line_number); gsl_instr_add_param(currentGoomSL->instr, "|dummy|", TYPE_LABEL); releaseAllTemps(); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("ret\n"); #endif } /* }}} */ /* AFFECTATION LIST */ static NodeType *new_affec_list(NodeType *set, NodeType *next) /* {{{ */ { NodeType *node = new_op("affect_list", OPR_AFFECT_LIST, 2); node->unode.opr.op[0] = set; node->unode.opr.op[1] = next; return node; } static NodeType *new_affect_list_after(NodeType *affect_list) { NodeType *ret = NULL; NodeType *cur = affect_list; while(cur != NULL) { NodeType *set = cur->unode.opr.op[0]; NodeType *next = cur->unode.opr.op[1]; NodeType *lvalue = set->unode.opr.op[0]; NodeType *expression = set->unode.opr.op[1]; if ((lvalue->str[0] == '&') && (expression->type == VAR_NODE)) { NodeType *nset = new_set(nodeClone(expression), nodeClone(lvalue)); ret = new_affec_list(nset, ret); } cur = next; } return ret; } static void commit_affect_list(NodeType *node) { NodeType *cur = node; while(cur != NULL) { NodeType *set = cur->unode.opr.op[0]; precommit_node(set->unode.opr.op[0]); precommit_node(set->unode.opr.op[1]); cur = cur->unode.opr.op[1]; } cur = node; while(cur != NULL) { NodeType *set = cur->unode.opr.op[0]; commit_node(set,0); cur = cur->unode.opr.op[1]; } } /* }}} */ /* VAR LIST */ static NodeType *new_var_list(NodeType *var, NodeType *next) /* {{{ */ { NodeType *node = new_op("var_list", OPR_VAR_LIST, 2); node->unode.opr.op[0] = var; node->unode.opr.op[1] = next; return node; } static void commit_var_list(NodeType *node) { } /* }}} */ /* FUNCTION CALL */ static NodeType *new_call(const char *name, NodeType *affect_list) { /* {{{ */ HashValue *fval; fval = goom_hash_get(currentGoomSL->functions, name); if (!fval) { gsl_declare_task(name); fval = goom_hash_get(currentGoomSL->functions, name); } if (!fval) { g_assert_not_reached (); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Line %d, Could not find function %s\n", currentGoomSL->num_lines, name); exit(1); return NULL; #endif } else { ExternalFunctionStruct *gef = (ExternalFunctionStruct*)fval->ptr; if (gef->is_extern) { NodeType *node = new_op(name, OPR_EXT_CALL, 1); node->unode.opr.op[0] = affect_list; return node; } else { NodeType *node; char stmp[256]; if (strlen(name) < 200) { sprintf(stmp, "|__func_%s|", name); } node = new_op(stmp, OPR_CALL, 1); node->unode.opr.op[0] = affect_list; return node; } } } static void commit_ext_call(NodeType *node) { NodeType *alafter = new_affect_list_after(node->unode.opr.op[0]); commit_node(node->unode.opr.op[0],0); currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, "extcall", INSTR_EXT_CALL, 1, node->line_number); gsl_instr_add_param(currentGoomSL->instr, node->str, TYPE_VAR); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("extcall %s\n", node->str); #endif commit_node(alafter,0); } static void commit_call(NodeType *node) { NodeType *alafter = new_affect_list_after(node->unode.opr.op[0]); commit_node(node->unode.opr.op[0],0); currentGoomSL->instr = gsl_instr_init(currentGoomSL, "call", INSTR_CALL, 1, node->line_number); gsl_instr_add_param(currentGoomSL->instr, node->str, TYPE_LABEL); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("call %s\n", node->str); #endif commit_node(alafter,0); } /* }}} */ /** **/ static NodeType *rootNode = 0; /* TODO: reinitialiser a chaque compilation. */ static NodeType *lastNode = 0; static NodeType *gsl_append(NodeType *curNode) { if (curNode == 0) return 0; /* {{{ */ if (lastNode) lastNode->unode.opr.next = curNode; lastNode = curNode; while(lastNode->unode.opr.next) lastNode = lastNode->unode.opr.next; if (rootNode == 0) rootNode = curNode; return curNode; } /* }}} */ #if 1 int allocateTemp() { return allocateLabel(); } void releaseAllTemps() {} void releaseTemp(int n) {} #else static int nbTemp = 0; static int *tempArray = 0; static int tempArraySize = 0; int allocateTemp() { /* TODO: allocateITemp, allocateFTemp */ int i = 0; /* {{{ */ if (tempArray == 0) { tempArraySize = 256; tempArray = (int*)malloc(tempArraySize * sizeof(int)); } while (1) { int j; for (j=0;j<nbTemp;++j) { if (tempArray[j] == i) break; } if (j == nbTemp) { if (nbTemp == tempArraySize) { tempArraySize *= 2; tempArray = (int*)realloc(tempArray,tempArraySize * sizeof(int)); } tempArray[nbTemp++] = i; return i; } i++; } } /* }}} */ void releaseAllTemps() { nbTemp = 0; /* {{{ */ } /* }}} */ void releaseTemp(int n) { int j; /* {{{ */ for (j=0;j<nbTemp;++j) { if (tempArray[j] == n) { tempArray[j] = tempArray[--nbTemp]; break; } } } /* }}} */ #endif static int lastLabel = 0; int allocateLabel() { return ++lastLabel; /* {{{ */ } /* }}} */ void gsl_commit_compilation() { /* {{{ */ commit_node(rootNode,0); rootNode = 0; lastNode = 0; } /* }}} */ void precommit_node(NodeType *node) { /* {{{ */ /* do here stuff for expression.. for exemple */ if (node->type == OPR_NODE) switch(node->unode.opr.type) { case OPR_ADD: precommit_add(node); break; case OPR_SUB: precommit_sub(node); break; case OPR_MUL: precommit_mul(node); break; case OPR_DIV: precommit_div(node); break; case OPR_CALL_EXPR: precommit_call_expr(node); break; } } /* }}} */ void commit_node(NodeType *node, int releaseIfTmp) { /* {{{ */ if (node == 0) return; switch(node->type) { case OPR_NODE: switch(node->unode.opr.type) { case OPR_SET: commit_set(node); break; case OPR_PLUS_EQ: commit_plus_eq(node); break; case OPR_SUB_EQ: commit_sub_eq(node); break; case OPR_MUL_EQ: commit_mul_eq(node); break; case OPR_DIV_EQ: commit_div_eq(node); break; case OPR_IF: commit_if(node); break; case OPR_WHILE: commit_while(node); break; case OPR_BLOCK: commit_block(node); break; case OPR_FUNC_INTRO: commit_function_intro(node); break; case OPR_FUNC_OUTRO: commit_function_outro(node); break; case OPR_CALL: commit_call(node); break; case OPR_EXT_CALL: commit_ext_call(node); break; case OPR_EQU: commit_equ(node); break; case OPR_LOW: commit_low(node); break; case OPR_NOT: commit_not(node); break; case OPR_AFFECT_LIST: commit_affect_list(node); break; case OPR_FOREACH: commit_foreach(node); break; case OPR_VAR_LIST: commit_var_list(node); break; #ifdef VERBOSE case EMPTY_NODE: printf("NOP\n"); break; #endif } commit_node(node->unode.opr.next,0); /* recursive for the moment, maybe better to do something iterative? */ break; case VAR_NODE: gsl_instr_set_namespace(currentGoomSL->instr, node->vnamespace); gsl_instr_add_param(currentGoomSL->instr, node->str, TYPE_VAR); break; case CONST_INT_NODE: gsl_instr_add_param(currentGoomSL->instr, node->str, TYPE_INTEGER); break; case CONST_FLOAT_NODE: gsl_instr_add_param(currentGoomSL->instr, node->str, TYPE_FLOAT); break; case CONST_PTR_NODE: gsl_instr_add_param(currentGoomSL->instr, node->str, TYPE_PTR); break; } if (releaseIfTmp && is_tmp_expr(node)) releaseTemp(get_tmp_id(node)); nodeFree(node); } /* }}} */ NodeType *nodeNew(const char *str, int type, int line_number) { NodeType *node = (NodeType*)malloc(sizeof(NodeType)); /* {{{ */ node->type = type; node->str = (char*)malloc(strlen(str)+1); node->vnamespace = NULL; node->line_number = line_number; strcpy(node->str, str); return node; } /* }}} */ static NodeType *nodeClone(NodeType *node) { NodeType *ret = nodeNew(node->str, node->type, node->line_number); /* {{{ */ ret->vnamespace = node->vnamespace; ret->unode = node->unode; return ret; } /* }}} */ void nodeFreeInternals(NodeType *node) { free(node->str); /* {{{ */ } /* }}} */ void nodeFree(NodeType *node) { nodeFreeInternals(node); /* {{{ */ free(node); } /* }}} */ NodeType *new_constInt(const char *str, int line_number) { NodeType *node = nodeNew(str, CONST_INT_NODE, line_number); /* {{{ */ node->unode.constInt.val = atoi(str); return node; } /* }}} */ NodeType *new_constPtr(const char *str, int line_number) { NodeType *node = nodeNew(str, CONST_PTR_NODE, line_number); /* {{{ */ node->unode.constPtr.id = strtol(str,NULL,0); return node; } /* }}} */ NodeType *new_constFloat(const char *str, int line_number) { NodeType *node = nodeNew(str, CONST_FLOAT_NODE, line_number); /* {{{ */ node->unode.constFloat.val = atof(str); return node; } /* }}} */ NodeType *new_var(const char *str, int line_number) { NodeType *node = nodeNew(str, VAR_NODE, line_number); /* {{{ */ node->vnamespace = gsl_find_namespace(str); if (node->vnamespace == 0) { g_assert_not_reached (); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Line %d, Variable not found: '%s'\n", line_number, str); exit(1); #endif } return node; } /* }}} */ NodeType *new_nop(const char *str) { NodeType *node = new_op(str, EMPTY_NODE, 0); /* {{{ */ return node; } /* }}} */ NodeType *new_op(const char *str, int type, int nbOp) { int i; /* {{{ */ NodeType *node = nodeNew(str, OPR_NODE, currentGoomSL->num_lines); node->unode.opr.next = 0; node->unode.opr.type = type; node->unode.opr.nbOp = nbOp; for (i=0;i<nbOp;++i) node->unode.opr.op[i] = 0; return node; } /* }}} */ void gsl_declare_global_variable(int type, char *name) { switch(type){ case -1: break; case FLOAT_TK:gsl_float_decl_global(name);break; case INT_TK: gsl_int_decl_global(name);break; case PTR_TK: gsl_ptr_decl_global(name);break; default: { int id = type - 1000; gsl_struct_decl_global_from_id(name,id); } } } %} %union { int intValue; float floatValue; char charValue; char strValue[2048]; NodeType *nPtr; GoomHash *namespace; GSL_Struct *gsl_struct; GSL_StructField *gsl_struct_field; }; %token <strValue> LTYPE_INTEGER %token <strValue> LTYPE_FLOAT %token <strValue> LTYPE_VAR %token <strValue> LTYPE_PTR %token PTR_TK INT_TK FLOAT_TK DECLARE EXTERNAL WHILE DO NOT PLUS_EQ SUB_EQ DIV_EQ MUL_EQ SUP_EQ LOW_EQ NOT_EQ STRUCT FOR IN %type <intValue> return_type %type <nPtr> expression constValue instruction test func_call func_call_expression %type <nPtr> start_block affectation_list affectation_in_list affectation declaration %type <nPtr> var_list_content var_list %type <strValue> task_name ext_task_name %type <namespace> leave_namespace %type <gsl_struct> struct_members %type <gsl_struct_field> struct_member %left '\n' %left PLUS_EQ SUB_EQ MUL_EQ DIV_EQ %left NOT %left '=' '<' '>' %left '+' '-' %left '/' '*' %% /* -------------- Global architechture of a GSL program ------------*/ gsl: gsl_code function_outro gsl_def_functions ; gsl_code: gsl_code instruction { gsl_append($2); } | gsl_code EXTERNAL '<' ext_task_name '>' return_type '\n' leave_namespace { gsl_declare_global_variable($6,$4); } | gsl_code EXTERNAL '<' ext_task_name ':' arglist '>' return_type '\n' leave_namespace { gsl_declare_global_variable($8,$4); } | gsl_code DECLARE '<' task_name '>' return_type '\n' leave_namespace { gsl_declare_global_variable($6,$4); } | gsl_code DECLARE '<' task_name ':' arglist '>' return_type '\n' leave_namespace { gsl_declare_global_variable($8,$4); } | gsl_code struct_declaration | gsl_code '\n' | ; /* ------------- Declaration of a structure ------------ */ struct_declaration: STRUCT '<' LTYPE_VAR ':' struct_members '>' '\n' { gsl_add_struct($3, $5); } ; struct_members: opt_nl struct_member { $$ = gsl_new_struct($2); } | struct_members ',' opt_nl struct_member { $$ = $1; gsl_add_struct_field($1, $4); } ; struct_member: INT_TK LTYPE_VAR { $$ = gsl_new_struct_field($2, INSTR_INT); } | FLOAT_TK LTYPE_VAR { $$ = gsl_new_struct_field($2, INSTR_FLOAT); } | PTR_TK LTYPE_VAR { $$ = gsl_new_struct_field($2, INSTR_PTR); } | LTYPE_VAR LTYPE_VAR { $$ = gsl_new_struct_field_struct($2, $1); } ; /* ------------- Fonction declarations -------------- */ ext_task_name: LTYPE_VAR { gsl_declare_external_task($1); gsl_enternamespace($1); strcpy($$,$1); } ; task_name: LTYPE_VAR { gsl_declare_task($1); gsl_enternamespace($1); strcpy($$,$1); strcpy($$,$1); } ; return_type: { $$=-1; } | ':' INT_TK { $$=INT_TK; } | ':' FLOAT_TK { $$=FLOAT_TK; } | ':' PTR_TK { $$=PTR_TK; } | ':' LTYPE_VAR { $$= 1000 + gsl_get_struct_id($2); } ; arglist: empty_declaration | empty_declaration ',' arglist ; /* ------------- Fonction definition -------------- */ gsl_def_functions: gsl_def_functions function | ; function: function_intro gsl_code function_outro { gsl_leavenamespace(); } function_intro: '<' task_name '>' return_type '\n' { gsl_append(new_function_intro($2)); gsl_declare_global_variable($4,$2); } | '<' task_name ':' arglist '>' return_type '\n' { gsl_append(new_function_intro($2)); gsl_declare_global_variable($6,$2); } ; function_outro: { gsl_append(new_function_outro()); } ; leave_namespace: { $$ = gsl_leavenamespace(); }; /* ------------ Variable declaration ---------------- */ declaration: FLOAT_TK LTYPE_VAR '=' expression { gsl_float_decl_local($2); $$ = new_set(new_var($2,currentGoomSL->num_lines), $4); } | INT_TK LTYPE_VAR '=' expression { gsl_int_decl_local($2); $$ = new_set(new_var($2,currentGoomSL->num_lines), $4); } | PTR_TK LTYPE_VAR '=' expression { gsl_ptr_decl_local($2); $$ = new_set(new_var($2,currentGoomSL->num_lines), $4); } | LTYPE_VAR LTYPE_VAR '=' expression { gsl_struct_decl_local($1,$2); $$ = new_set(new_var($2,currentGoomSL->num_lines), $4); } | empty_declaration { $$ = 0; } ; empty_declaration: FLOAT_TK LTYPE_VAR { gsl_float_decl_local($2); } | INT_TK LTYPE_VAR { gsl_int_decl_local($2); } | PTR_TK LTYPE_VAR { gsl_ptr_decl_local($2); } | LTYPE_VAR LTYPE_VAR { gsl_struct_decl_local($1,$2); } ; /* -------------- Instructions and Expressions ------------------ */ instruction: affectation '\n' { $$ = $1; } | declaration '\n' { $$ = $1; } | '(' test ')' '?' opt_nl instruction { $$ = new_if($2,$6); } | WHILE test opt_nl DO opt_nl instruction { $$ = new_while($2,$6); } | '{' '\n' start_block gsl_code '}' '\n' { lastNode = $3->unode.opr.op[1]; $$=$3; } | func_call { $$ = $1; } | LTYPE_VAR PLUS_EQ expression { $$ = new_plus_eq(new_var($1,currentGoomSL->num_lines),$3); } | LTYPE_VAR SUB_EQ expression { $$ = new_sub_eq(new_var($1,currentGoomSL->num_lines),$3); } | LTYPE_VAR MUL_EQ expression { $$ = new_mul_eq(new_var($1,currentGoomSL->num_lines),$3); } | LTYPE_VAR DIV_EQ expression { $$ = new_div_eq(new_var($1,currentGoomSL->num_lines),$3); } | FOR LTYPE_VAR IN var_list DO instruction { $$ = new_static_foreach(new_var($2, currentGoomSL->num_lines), $4, $6); } ; var_list: '(' var_list_content ')' { $$ = $2; } ; var_list_content: LTYPE_VAR { $$ = new_var_list(new_var($1,currentGoomSL->num_lines), NULL); } | LTYPE_VAR var_list_content { $$ = new_var_list(new_var($1,currentGoomSL->num_lines), $2); } ; affectation: LTYPE_VAR '=' expression { $$ = new_set(new_var($1,currentGoomSL->num_lines),$3); } ; start_block: { $$ = new_block(lastNode); lastNode = $$->unode.opr.op[0]; } ; expression: LTYPE_VAR { $$ = new_var($1,currentGoomSL->num_lines); } | constValue { $$ = $1; } | expression '*' expression { $$ = new_mul($1,$3); } | expression '/' expression { $$ = new_div($1,$3); } | expression '+' expression { $$ = new_add($1,$3); } | expression '-' expression { $$ = new_sub($1,$3); } | '-' expression { $$ = new_neg($2); } | '(' expression ')' { $$ = $2; } | func_call_expression { $$ = $1; } ; test: expression '=' expression { $$ = new_equ($1,$3); } | expression '<' expression { $$ = new_low($1,$3); } | expression '>' expression { $$ = new_low($3,$1); } | expression SUP_EQ expression { $$ = new_not(new_low($1,$3)); } | expression LOW_EQ expression { $$ = new_not(new_low($3,$1)); } | expression NOT_EQ expression { $$ = new_not(new_equ($1,$3)); } | NOT test { $$ = new_not($2); } ; constValue: LTYPE_FLOAT { $$ = new_constFloat($1,currentGoomSL->num_lines); } | LTYPE_INTEGER { $$ = new_constInt($1,currentGoomSL->num_lines); } | LTYPE_PTR { $$ = new_constPtr($1,currentGoomSL->num_lines); } ; /* ---------------- Function Calls ------------------ */ func_call: task_name '\n' leave_namespace { $$ = new_call($1,NULL); } | task_name ':' affectation_list '\n' leave_namespace { $$ = new_call($1,$3); } | '[' task_name ']' '\n' leave_namespace { $$ = new_call($2,NULL); } | '[' task_name ':' affectation_list ']' '\n' leave_namespace { $$ = new_call($2,$4); } ; func_call_expression: '[' task_name leave_namespace ']' { $$ = new_call_expr($2,NULL); } | '[' task_name ':' affectation_list ']' leave_namespace { $$ = new_call_expr($2,$4); } ; affectation_list: affectation_in_list affectation_list { $$ = new_affec_list($1,$2); } | affectation_in_list { $$ = new_affec_list($1,NULL); } affectation_in_list: LTYPE_VAR '=' leave_namespace expression { gsl_reenternamespace($3); $$ = new_set(new_var($1,currentGoomSL->num_lines),$4); } | ':' leave_namespace expression { gsl_reenternamespace($2); $$ = new_set(new_var("&this", currentGoomSL->num_lines),$3); } ; /* ------------ Misc ---------- */ opt_nl: '\n' | ; %% void yyerror(char *str) { /* {{{ */ g_assert_not_reached (); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Line %d, %s\n", currentGoomSL->num_lines, str); currentGoomSL->compilationOK = 0; exit(1); #endif } /* }}} */