// This file was generated by the Gtk# code generator. // Any changes made will be lost if regenerated. namespace Gst { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; #region Autogenerated code public partial class Clock : Gst.Object { protected Clock (IntPtr raw) : base(raw) {} protected Clock() : base(IntPtr.Zero) { CreateNativeObject (new string [0], new GLib.Value [0]); } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern ulong gst_clock_get_timeout(IntPtr raw); [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_clock_set_timeout(IntPtr raw, ulong timeout); [GLib.Property ("timeout")] public ulong Timeout { get { ulong raw_ret = gst_clock_get_timeout(Handle); ulong ret = raw_ret; return ret; } set { gst_clock_set_timeout(Handle, value); } } [GLib.Property ("window-size")] public int WindowSize { get { GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("window-size"); int ret = (int) val; val.Dispose (); return ret; } set { GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value); SetProperty("window-size", val); val.Dispose (); } } [GLib.Property ("window-threshold")] public int WindowThreshold { get { GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("window-threshold"); int ret = (int) val; val.Dispose (); return ret; } set { GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value); SetProperty("window-threshold", val); val.Dispose (); } } [GLib.Signal("synced")] public event Gst.SyncedHandler Synced { add { this.AddSignalHandler ("synced", value, typeof (Gst.SyncedArgs)); } remove { this.RemoveSignalHandler ("synced", value); } } static SyncedNativeDelegate Synced_cb_delegate; static SyncedNativeDelegate SyncedVMCallback { get { if (Synced_cb_delegate == null) Synced_cb_delegate = new SyncedNativeDelegate (Synced_cb); return Synced_cb_delegate; } } static void OverrideSynced (GLib.GType gtype) { OverrideSynced (gtype, SyncedVMCallback); } static void OverrideSynced (GLib.GType gtype, SyncedNativeDelegate callback) { OverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, "synced", callback); } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)] delegate void SyncedNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, bool synced); static void Synced_cb (IntPtr inst, bool synced) { try { Clock __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as Clock; __obj.OnSynced (synced); } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false); } } [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Clock), ConnectionMethod="OverrideSynced")] protected virtual void OnSynced (bool synced) { InternalSynced (synced); } private void InternalSynced (bool synced) { GLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty; GLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (2); GLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [2]; vals [0] = new GLib.Value (this); inst_and_params.Append (vals [0]); vals [1] = new GLib.Value (synced); inst_and_params.Append (vals [1]); g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret); foreach (GLib.Value v in vals) v.Dispose (); } static ChangeResolutionNativeDelegate ChangeResolution_cb_delegate; static ChangeResolutionNativeDelegate ChangeResolutionVMCallback { get { if (ChangeResolution_cb_delegate == null) ChangeResolution_cb_delegate = new ChangeResolutionNativeDelegate (ChangeResolution_cb); return ChangeResolution_cb_delegate; } } static void OverrideChangeResolution (GLib.GType gtype) { OverrideChangeResolution (gtype, ChangeResolutionVMCallback); } static void OverrideChangeResolution (GLib.GType gtype, ChangeResolutionNativeDelegate callback) { unsafe { IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("change_resolution")); *raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback); } } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)] delegate ulong ChangeResolutionNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, ulong old_resolution, ulong new_resolution); static ulong ChangeResolution_cb (IntPtr inst, ulong old_resolution, ulong new_resolution) { try { Clock __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as Clock; ulong __result; __result = __obj.OnChangeResolution (old_resolution, new_resolution); return __result; } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true); // NOTREACHED: above call does not return. throw e; } } [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Clock), ConnectionMethod="OverrideChangeResolution")] protected virtual ulong OnChangeResolution (ulong old_resolution, ulong new_resolution) { return InternalChangeResolution (old_resolution, new_resolution); } private ulong InternalChangeResolution (ulong old_resolution, ulong new_resolution) { ChangeResolutionNativeDelegate unmanaged = null; unsafe { IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("change_resolution")); unmanaged = (ChangeResolutionNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(ChangeResolutionNativeDelegate)); } if (unmanaged == null) return 0; ulong __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, old_resolution, new_resolution); return __result; } static GetResolutionNativeDelegate GetResolution_cb_delegate; static GetResolutionNativeDelegate GetResolutionVMCallback { get { if (GetResolution_cb_delegate == null) GetResolution_cb_delegate = new GetResolutionNativeDelegate (GetResolution_cb); return GetResolution_cb_delegate; } } static void OverrideGetResolution (GLib.GType gtype) { OverrideGetResolution (gtype, GetResolutionVMCallback); } static void OverrideGetResolution (GLib.GType gtype, GetResolutionNativeDelegate callback) { unsafe { IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("get_resolution")); *raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback); } } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)] delegate ulong GetResolutionNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst); static ulong GetResolution_cb (IntPtr inst) { try { Clock __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as Clock; ulong __result; __result = __obj.OnGetResolution (); return __result; } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true); // NOTREACHED: above call does not return. throw e; } } [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Clock), ConnectionMethod="OverrideGetResolution")] protected virtual ulong OnGetResolution () { return InternalGetResolution (); } private ulong InternalGetResolution () { GetResolutionNativeDelegate unmanaged = null; unsafe { IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("get_resolution")); unmanaged = (GetResolutionNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(GetResolutionNativeDelegate)); } if (unmanaged == null) return 0; ulong __result = unmanaged (this.Handle); return __result; } static GetInternalTimeNativeDelegate GetInternalTime_cb_delegate; static GetInternalTimeNativeDelegate GetInternalTimeVMCallback { get { if (GetInternalTime_cb_delegate == null) GetInternalTime_cb_delegate = new GetInternalTimeNativeDelegate (GetInternalTime_cb); return GetInternalTime_cb_delegate; } } static void OverrideGetInternalTime (GLib.GType gtype) { OverrideGetInternalTime (gtype, GetInternalTimeVMCallback); } static void OverrideGetInternalTime (GLib.GType gtype, GetInternalTimeNativeDelegate callback) { unsafe { IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("get_internal_time")); *raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback); } } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)] delegate ulong GetInternalTimeNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst); static ulong GetInternalTime_cb (IntPtr inst) { try { Clock __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as Clock; ulong __result; __result = __obj.OnGetInternalTime (); return __result; } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true); // NOTREACHED: above call does not return. throw e; } } [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Clock), ConnectionMethod="OverrideGetInternalTime")] protected virtual ulong OnGetInternalTime () { return InternalGetInternalTime (); } private ulong InternalGetInternalTime () { GetInternalTimeNativeDelegate unmanaged = null; unsafe { IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("get_internal_time")); unmanaged = (GetInternalTimeNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(GetInternalTimeNativeDelegate)); } if (unmanaged == null) return 0; ulong __result = unmanaged (this.Handle); return __result; } static WaitNativeDelegate Wait_cb_delegate; static WaitNativeDelegate WaitVMCallback { get { if (Wait_cb_delegate == null) Wait_cb_delegate = new WaitNativeDelegate (Wait_cb); return Wait_cb_delegate; } } static void OverrideWait (GLib.GType gtype) { OverrideWait (gtype, WaitVMCallback); } static void OverrideWait (GLib.GType gtype, WaitNativeDelegate callback) { unsafe { IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("wait")); *raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback); } } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)] delegate int WaitNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr entry, out long jitter); static int Wait_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr entry, out long jitter) { try { Clock __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as Clock; Gst.ClockReturn __result; __result = __obj.OnWait (entry == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.ClockEntry) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (entry, typeof (Gst.ClockEntry), false), out jitter); return (int) __result; } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true); // NOTREACHED: above call does not return. throw e; } } [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Clock), ConnectionMethod="OverrideWait")] protected virtual Gst.ClockReturn OnWait (Gst.ClockEntry entry, out long jitter) { return InternalWait (entry, out jitter); } private Gst.ClockReturn InternalWait (Gst.ClockEntry entry, out long jitter) { WaitNativeDelegate unmanaged = null; unsafe { IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("wait")); unmanaged = (WaitNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(WaitNativeDelegate)); } if (unmanaged == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("No base method to invoke"); int __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, entry == null ? IntPtr.Zero : entry.Handle, out jitter); return (Gst.ClockReturn) __result; } static WaitAsyncNativeDelegate WaitAsync_cb_delegate; static WaitAsyncNativeDelegate WaitAsyncVMCallback { get { if (WaitAsync_cb_delegate == null) WaitAsync_cb_delegate = new WaitAsyncNativeDelegate (WaitAsync_cb); return WaitAsync_cb_delegate; } } static void OverrideWaitAsync (GLib.GType gtype) { OverrideWaitAsync (gtype, WaitAsyncVMCallback); } static void OverrideWaitAsync (GLib.GType gtype, WaitAsyncNativeDelegate callback) { unsafe { IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("wait_async")); *raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback); } } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)] delegate int WaitAsyncNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr entry); static int WaitAsync_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr entry) { try { Clock __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as Clock; Gst.ClockReturn __result; __result = __obj.OnWaitAsync (entry == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.ClockEntry) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (entry, typeof (Gst.ClockEntry), false)); return (int) __result; } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true); // NOTREACHED: above call does not return. throw e; } } [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Clock), ConnectionMethod="OverrideWaitAsync")] protected virtual Gst.ClockReturn OnWaitAsync (Gst.ClockEntry entry) { return InternalWaitAsync (entry); } private Gst.ClockReturn InternalWaitAsync (Gst.ClockEntry entry) { WaitAsyncNativeDelegate unmanaged = null; unsafe { IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("wait_async")); unmanaged = (WaitAsyncNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(WaitAsyncNativeDelegate)); } if (unmanaged == null) return (Gst.ClockReturn) 0; int __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, entry == null ? IntPtr.Zero : entry.Handle); return (Gst.ClockReturn) __result; } static UnscheduleNativeDelegate Unschedule_cb_delegate; static UnscheduleNativeDelegate UnscheduleVMCallback { get { if (Unschedule_cb_delegate == null) Unschedule_cb_delegate = new UnscheduleNativeDelegate (Unschedule_cb); return Unschedule_cb_delegate; } } static void OverrideUnschedule (GLib.GType gtype) { OverrideUnschedule (gtype, UnscheduleVMCallback); } static void OverrideUnschedule (GLib.GType gtype, UnscheduleNativeDelegate callback) { unsafe { IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("unschedule")); *raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback); } } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)] delegate void UnscheduleNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr entry); static void Unschedule_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr entry) { try { Clock __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as Clock; __obj.OnUnschedule (entry == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.ClockEntry) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (entry, typeof (Gst.ClockEntry), false)); } catch (Exception e) { GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false); } } [GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Clock), ConnectionMethod="OverrideUnschedule")] protected virtual void OnUnschedule (Gst.ClockEntry entry) { InternalUnschedule (entry); } private void InternalUnschedule (Gst.ClockEntry entry) { UnscheduleNativeDelegate unmanaged = null; unsafe { IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("unschedule")); unmanaged = (UnscheduleNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(UnscheduleNativeDelegate)); } if (unmanaged == null) return; unmanaged (this.Handle, entry == null ? IntPtr.Zero : entry.Handle); } // Internal representation of the wrapped structure ABI. static GLib.AbiStruct _class_abi = null; static public new GLib.AbiStruct class_abi { get { if (_class_abi == null) _class_abi = new GLib.AbiStruct (new List{ new GLib.AbiField("change_resolution" , Gst.Object.class_abi.Fields , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // change_resolution , null , "get_resolution" , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) , 0 ), new GLib.AbiField("get_resolution" , -1 , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // get_resolution , "change_resolution" , "get_internal_time" , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) , 0 ), new GLib.AbiField("get_internal_time" , -1 , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // get_internal_time , "get_resolution" , "wait" , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) , 0 ), new GLib.AbiField("wait" , -1 , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // wait , "get_internal_time" , "wait_async" , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) , 0 ), new GLib.AbiField("wait_async" , -1 , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // wait_async , "wait" , "unschedule" , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) , 0 ), new GLib.AbiField("unschedule" , -1 , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // unschedule , "wait_async" , "_gst_reserved" , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) , 0 ), new GLib.AbiField("_gst_reserved" , -1 , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) * 4 // _gst_reserved , "unschedule" , null , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) , 0 ), }); return _class_abi; } } // End of the ABI representation. [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_clock_get_type(); public static new GLib.GType GType { get { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_clock_get_type(); GLib.GType ret = new GLib.GType(raw_ret); return ret; } } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern int gst_clock_id_compare_func(IntPtr id1, IntPtr id2); public static int IdCompareFunc(IntPtr id1, IntPtr id2) { int raw_ret = gst_clock_id_compare_func(id1, id2); int ret = raw_ret; return ret; } public static int IdCompareFunc() { return IdCompareFunc (IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_clock_id_get_clock(IntPtr id); public static Gst.Clock IdGetClock(IntPtr id) { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_clock_id_get_clock(id); Gst.Clock ret = GLib.Object.GetObject(raw_ret, true) as Gst.Clock; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern ulong gst_clock_id_get_time(IntPtr id); public static ulong IdGetTime(IntPtr id) { ulong raw_ret = gst_clock_id_get_time(id); ulong ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_clock_id_ref(IntPtr id); public static IntPtr IdRef(IntPtr id) { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_clock_id_ref(id); IntPtr ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_clock_id_unref(IntPtr id); public static void IdUnref(IntPtr id) { gst_clock_id_unref(id); } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_clock_id_unschedule(IntPtr id); public static void IdUnschedule(IntPtr id) { gst_clock_id_unschedule(id); } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_clock_id_uses_clock(IntPtr id, IntPtr clock); public static bool IdUsesClock(IntPtr id, Gst.Clock clock) { bool raw_ret = gst_clock_id_uses_clock(id, clock == null ? IntPtr.Zero : clock.Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern int gst_clock_id_wait(IntPtr id, out long jitter); public static Gst.ClockReturn IdWait(IntPtr id, out long jitter) { int raw_ret = gst_clock_id_wait(id, out jitter); Gst.ClockReturn ret = (Gst.ClockReturn) raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern int gst_clock_id_wait_async(IntPtr id, GstSharp.ClockCallbackNative func, IntPtr user_data, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy_data); public static Gst.ClockReturn IdWaitAsync(IntPtr id, Gst.ClockCallback func) { GstSharp.ClockCallbackWrapper func_wrapper = new GstSharp.ClockCallbackWrapper (func); IntPtr user_data; GLib.DestroyNotify destroy_data; if (func == null) { user_data = IntPtr.Zero; destroy_data = null; } else { user_data = (IntPtr) GCHandle.Alloc (func_wrapper); destroy_data = GLib.DestroyHelper.NotifyHandler; } int raw_ret = gst_clock_id_wait_async(id, func_wrapper.NativeDelegate, user_data, destroy_data); Gst.ClockReturn ret = (Gst.ClockReturn) raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_clock_add_observation(IntPtr raw, ulong observation_internal, ulong observation_external, out double r_squared); public bool AddObservation(ulong observation_internal, ulong observation_external, out double r_squared) { bool raw_ret = gst_clock_add_observation(Handle, observation_internal, observation_external, out r_squared); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_clock_add_observation_unapplied(IntPtr raw, ulong observation_internal, ulong observation_external, out double r_squared, out ulong _internal, out ulong external, out ulong rate_num, out ulong rate_denom); public bool AddObservationUnapplied(ulong observation_internal, ulong observation_external, out double r_squared, out ulong _internal, out ulong external, out ulong rate_num, out ulong rate_denom) { bool raw_ret = gst_clock_add_observation_unapplied(Handle, observation_internal, observation_external, out r_squared, out _internal, out external, out rate_num, out rate_denom); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern ulong gst_clock_adjust_unlocked(IntPtr raw, ulong _internal); public ulong AdjustUnlocked(ulong _internal) { ulong raw_ret = gst_clock_adjust_unlocked(Handle, _internal); ulong ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern ulong gst_clock_adjust_with_calibration(IntPtr raw, ulong internal_target, ulong cinternal, ulong cexternal, ulong cnum, ulong cdenom); public ulong AdjustWithCalibration(ulong internal_target, ulong cinternal, ulong cexternal, ulong cnum, ulong cdenom) { ulong raw_ret = gst_clock_adjust_with_calibration(Handle, internal_target, cinternal, cexternal, cnum, cdenom); ulong ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_clock_get_calibration(IntPtr raw, out ulong _internal, out ulong external, out ulong rate_num, out ulong rate_denom); public void GetCalibration(out ulong _internal, out ulong external, out ulong rate_num, out ulong rate_denom) { gst_clock_get_calibration(Handle, out _internal, out external, out rate_num, out rate_denom); } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern ulong gst_clock_get_internal_time(IntPtr raw); public ulong InternalTime { get { ulong raw_ret = gst_clock_get_internal_time(Handle); ulong ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_clock_get_master(IntPtr raw); public Gst.Clock Master { get { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_clock_get_master(Handle); Gst.Clock ret = GLib.Object.GetObject(raw_ret, true) as Gst.Clock; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern ulong gst_clock_get_resolution(IntPtr raw); public ulong Resolution { get { ulong raw_ret = gst_clock_get_resolution(Handle); ulong ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern ulong gst_clock_get_time(IntPtr raw); public ulong Time { get { ulong raw_ret = gst_clock_get_time(Handle); ulong ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_clock_is_synced(IntPtr raw); public bool IsSynced { get { bool raw_ret = gst_clock_is_synced(Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_clock_new_periodic_id(IntPtr raw, ulong start_time, ulong interval); public IntPtr NewPeriodicId(ulong start_time, ulong interval) { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_clock_new_periodic_id(Handle, start_time, interval); IntPtr ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_clock_new_single_shot_id(IntPtr raw, ulong time); public IntPtr NewSingleShotId(ulong time) { IntPtr raw_ret = gst_clock_new_single_shot_id(Handle, time); IntPtr ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_clock_periodic_id_reinit(IntPtr raw, IntPtr id, ulong start_time, ulong interval); public bool PeriodicIdReinit(IntPtr id, ulong start_time, ulong interval) { bool raw_ret = gst_clock_periodic_id_reinit(Handle, id, start_time, interval); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_clock_set_calibration(IntPtr raw, ulong _internal, ulong external, ulong rate_num, ulong rate_denom); public void SetCalibration(ulong _internal, ulong external, ulong rate_num, ulong rate_denom) { gst_clock_set_calibration(Handle, _internal, external, rate_num, rate_denom); } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_clock_set_master(IntPtr raw, IntPtr master); public bool SetMaster(Gst.Clock master) { bool raw_ret = gst_clock_set_master(Handle, master == null ? IntPtr.Zero : master.Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } public bool SetMaster() { return SetMaster (null); } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern ulong gst_clock_set_resolution(IntPtr raw, ulong resolution); public ulong SetResolution(ulong resolution) { ulong raw_ret = gst_clock_set_resolution(Handle, resolution); ulong ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern void gst_clock_set_synced(IntPtr raw, bool synced); public void is_synced(bool synced) { gst_clock_set_synced(Handle, synced); } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_clock_single_shot_id_reinit(IntPtr raw, IntPtr id, ulong time); public bool SingleShotIdReinit(IntPtr id, ulong time) { bool raw_ret = gst_clock_single_shot_id_reinit(Handle, id, time); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern ulong gst_clock_unadjust_unlocked(IntPtr raw, ulong external); public ulong UnadjustUnlocked(ulong external) { ulong raw_ret = gst_clock_unadjust_unlocked(Handle, external); ulong ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern ulong gst_clock_unadjust_with_calibration(IntPtr raw, ulong external_target, ulong cinternal, ulong cexternal, ulong cnum, ulong cdenom); public ulong UnadjustWithCalibration(ulong external_target, ulong cinternal, ulong cexternal, ulong cnum, ulong cdenom) { ulong raw_ret = gst_clock_unadjust_with_calibration(Handle, external_target, cinternal, cexternal, cnum, cdenom); ulong ret = raw_ret; return ret; } [DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern bool gst_clock_wait_for_sync(IntPtr raw, ulong timeout); public bool WaitForSync(ulong timeout) { bool raw_ret = gst_clock_wait_for_sync(Handle, timeout); bool ret = raw_ret; return ret; } // Internal representation of the wrapped structure ABI. static GLib.AbiStruct _abi_info = null; static public new GLib.AbiStruct abi_info { get { if (_abi_info == null) _abi_info = new GLib.AbiStruct (new List{ new GLib.AbiField("priv" , Gst.Object.abi_info.Fields , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // priv , null , "_gst_reserved" , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) , 0 ), new GLib.AbiField("_gst_reserved" , -1 , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) * 4 // _gst_reserved , "priv" , null , (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) , 0 ), }); return _abi_info; } } // End of the ABI representation. #endregion } }