Mimetypes in GStreamer ====================== 1) What is a mimetype --------------------- A mimetype is a combination of two (short) strings (words), the content type and the content subtype, that make up a pair that describes a file content type. In multimedia, mime types are used to describe the media streamtype . In GStreamer, obsiously, we use mimetypes in the same way. They are part of a GstCaps, that describes a media stream. Besides a mimetype, a GstCaps also contains stream properties (GstProps), which are combinations of key/value pairs, and a name. An example of a mimetype is 'video/mpeg'. A corresponding GstCaps could be created using: GstCaps *caps = gst_caps_new("video_mpeg_type", "video/mpeg", gst_props_new("width", GST_PROPS_INT(384), "height", GST_PROPS_INT(288), NULL)); Obviously, mimetypes and their corresponding properties are of major importance in GStreamer for uniquely identifying media streams. 2) The problems --------------- Some streams may have mimetypes or GstCaps that do not fully describe the stream. In most cases, this is not a problem, though. For a stream that contains Ogg/Vorbis data, we don't need to know the samplerate of the raw audio stream, for example, since we can't play it back anyway. The samplerate _is_ important for _raw_ audio, so a decoder would need to retrieve the samplerate from the Ogg/Vorbis stream headers (that are part of the bytestream) in order to pass it on in the GstCaps that belongs to the decoded audio ('audio/raw'). Another problem is that many media types can be defined in multiple ways. For example, MJPEG video can be defined as video/jpeg, video/mjpeg, image/jpeg, video/avi with a compression of (fourcc) MJPG, etc. None of these is really official, since there isn't an official mimetype for encoded MJPEG video. The main focus of this document is to propose a standardized set of mimetypes and properties that will be used by the GStreamer plugins. 3) Different types of streams ----------------------------- There are several types of media streams. The most important distinction will be container formats, audio codecs and video codecs. Container formats are bytestreams that contain one or more substreams inside it, and don't provide any direct media data itself. Examples are Quicktime, AVI or MPEG (bytestream). They mostly contain of a set of headers that define the media stream(s) that is packed inside the container and the media data itself. Video codecs and audio codecs describe encoded audio or video data. Examples are MPEG-1 video, DivX ;-) video, MPEG-1 layer 3 (MP3) audio or Ogg/Vorbis audio. Actually, Ogg is a container format too (for Vorbis audio), but these are usually used in conjunction with each other. 3a) Container formats 1 - AVI (Microsoft RIFF/AVI) mimetype: video/x-msvideo 2 - Quicktime (Apple) mimetype: video/x-quicktime 3 - MPEG (MPEG LA) mimetype: video/mpeg properties: 'systemstream' = TRUE (BOOLEAN) 4 - ASF (Microsoft) mimetype: video/x-asf 5 - WAV (PCM) mimetype: audio/x-wav 6 - RealMedia (Real) mimetype: video/realmedia 7 - DV (Digital Video) mimetype: video/dv properties: 'systemstream' = TRUE (BOOLEAN) 8 - Ogg mimetypes: media/ogg 3b) Video codecs For convenience, the fourcc codes used in the AVI container format will be listed along with the mimetype and optional properties. All video codecs share the properties 'width' and 'height', both INT, which define the size of the frame (in pixels). 1a - Raw Video (YUV/YCbCr) mimetype: video/raw properties: 'format' = 'XXXX' (fourcc) known fourccs: YUY2, IYUV/I420, Y41P, etc. 1b - Raw Video (RGB) mimetype: video/raw properties: 'format' = 'RGB ' (fourcc) 'endianness' = 1234/4321 (INT) <- endianness 'red_mask' = bitmask (0x..) (INT) <- red pixel mask 'green_mask' = bitmask (0x..) (INT) <- green pixel mask 'blue_mask' = bitmask (0x..) (INT) <- blue pixel mask 'depth' = 15/16/24/32 (INT) <- bits per pixel (depth) 'bpp' = 16/24/32 (INT) <- bits per pixel (in memory) 2 - MPEG-1, -2 and -4 video (ISO/LA MPEG) mimetype: video/mpeg properties: 'systemstream' = FALSE (BOOLEAN) 'mpegversion' = 1/2/4 (INT) known fourccs: MPEG, MPGI 3 - DivX ;-) 3.x, 4.x and 5.x video mimetype: video/divx properties: 'divxversion' = 3/4/5 (INT) known fourccs: DIV3, DIV4, DIV5, DIVX, DX50, DIVX, divx 4 - Microsoft MPEG 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 mimetype: video/x-msmpeg properties: 'mpegversion' = 41/42/43 (INT) known fourccs: MPG4, MP42, MP43 5 - Motion-JPEG (official and extended) mimetype: video/jpeg known fourccs: MJPG (YUY2 MJPEG), JPEG (any), PIXL (Pinnacle/Miro), VIXL 6 - Sorensen (Quicktime - SVQ1/SVQ3) mimetypes: video/x-svq properties: 'svqversion' = 1/3 (INT) 7 - H263 and related codecs mimetype: video/h263 known fourccs: H263, i263, M263, x263, VDOW, VIVO 8 - RealVideo (Real) mimetype: video/realvideo 9 - Digital Video (DV) mimetype: video/dv properties: 'systemstream' = FALSE (BOOLEAN) known fourccs: DVSD, dvsd 10 - Windows Media Video 1 and 2 (WMV) mimetype: video/wmv properties: 'wmvversion' = 1/2 (INT) 11 - XviD mimetype: video/xvid known fourccs: xvid, XVID 12 - 3IVX mimetype: video/3ivx known fourccs: 3IV1, 3IV2 13 - Ogg/Tarkin mimetype: video/x-ogg-tarkin 14 - Ogg/Theora mimetype: video/x-ogg-theora 15 - Huffyuv mimetype: video/x-huffyuv known fourccs: HFYU 3c) Audio Codecs for convenience, the two-byte hexcodes (as are being used for identification in AVI files) are also given 1 - Raw Audio mimetype: audio/raw properties: 'rate' = X (INT) <- samplerate 'width' = X (INT) <- audio bitsize 'depth' = X (INT) <- same? 'law' = 0/1/2 (INT) <- no law (0), alaw (1) or mulaw (2) 'signedness' = X (BOOLEAN) 'channels' = X (INT) <- number of audio channels 'endianness' = 1234/4321 <- endianness of audio stream 2 - MPEG-1 layer 1/2/3 audio mimetype: audio/mpeg properties: 'mpegversion' = 1/2/3 (INT) 3 - Ogg/Vorbis mimetype: application/x-ogg 4 - Windows Media Audio 1 and 2 (WMA) mimetype: audio/wma 5 - AC3 mimetype: audio/ac3 4 - Status of this document --------------------------- This document is currently under construction and the types listed in here are purely imaginary. Don't take this as your starting point (yet). Blame Ronald Bultje aka BBB for any mistakes in this document.