/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Erik Walthinsen * 2000 Wim Taymans * 2003 Colin Walters * * gstqueue.c: * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "gst_private.h" #include "gstqueue.h" #include "gstscheduler.h" #include "gstevent.h" #include "gstinfo.h" #include "gsterror.h" static GstStaticPadTemplate sinktemplate = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("sink", GST_PAD_SINK, GST_PAD_ALWAYS, GST_STATIC_CAPS_ANY); static GstStaticPadTemplate srctemplate = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("src", GST_PAD_SRC, GST_PAD_ALWAYS, GST_STATIC_CAPS_ANY); GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (queue_dataflow); #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT (queue_dataflow) #define STATUS(queue, msg) \ GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, \ "(%s:%s) " msg ": %u of %u-%u buffers, %u of %u-%u " \ "bytes, %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " of %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT \ "-%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " ns, %u elements", \ GST_DEBUG_PAD_NAME (pad), \ queue->cur_level.buffers, \ queue->min_threshold.buffers, \ queue->max_size.buffers, \ queue->cur_level.bytes, \ queue->min_threshold.bytes, \ queue->max_size.bytes, \ queue->cur_level.time, \ queue->min_threshold.time, \ queue->max_size.time, \ queue->queue->length) #define IS_FULL(queue) \ ((queue->max_size.buffers > 0 && \ queue->cur_level.buffers >= queue->max_size.buffers) || \ (queue->max_size.bytes > 0 && \ queue->cur_level.bytes >= queue->max_size.bytes) || \ (queue->max_size.time > 0 && \ queue->cur_level.time >= queue->max_size.time)) #define IS_EMPTY(queue) \ (queue->queue->length == 0 || \ (queue->min_threshold.buffers > 0 && \ queue->cur_level.buffers < queue->min_threshold.buffers) || \ (queue->min_threshold.bytes > 0 && \ queue->cur_level.bytes < queue->min_threshold.bytes) || \ (queue->min_threshold.time > 0 && \ queue->cur_level.time < queue->min_threshold.time)) static GstElementDetails gst_queue_details = GST_ELEMENT_DETAILS ("Queue", "Generic", "Simple data queue", "Erik Walthinsen "); /* Queue signals and args */ enum { SIGNAL_UNDERRUN, SIGNAL_RUNNING, SIGNAL_OVERRUN, LAST_SIGNAL }; enum { ARG_0, /* FIXME: don't we have another way of doing this * "Gstreamer format" (frame/byte/time) queries? */ ARG_CUR_LEVEL_BUFFERS, ARG_CUR_LEVEL_BYTES, ARG_CUR_LEVEL_TIME, ARG_MAX_SIZE_BUFFERS, ARG_MAX_SIZE_BYTES, ARG_MAX_SIZE_TIME, ARG_MIN_THRESHOLD_BUFFERS, ARG_MIN_THRESHOLD_BYTES, ARG_MIN_THRESHOLD_TIME, ARG_LEAKY, ARG_MAY_DEADLOCK, ARG_BLOCK_TIMEOUT /* FILL ME */ }; #define GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_LOCK G_STMT_START { \ GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, \ "locking qlock from thread %p", \ g_thread_self ()); \ g_mutex_lock (queue->qlock); \ GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, \ "locked qlock from thread %p", \ g_thread_self ()); \ } G_STMT_END #define GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK G_STMT_START { \ GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, \ "unlocking qlock from thread %p", \ g_thread_self ()); \ g_mutex_unlock (queue->qlock); \ } G_STMT_END typedef struct _GstQueueEventResponse { GstEvent *event; gboolean ret, handled; } GstQueueEventResponse; static void gst_queue_base_init (GstQueueClass * klass); static void gst_queue_class_init (GstQueueClass * klass); static void gst_queue_init (GstQueue * queue); static void gst_queue_finalize (GObject * object); static void gst_queue_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec); static void gst_queue_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec); static void gst_queue_chain (GstPad * pad, GstData * data); static GstData *gst_queue_get (GstPad * pad); static gboolean gst_queue_handle_src_event (GstPad * pad, GstEvent * event); static gboolean gst_queue_handle_src_query (GstPad * pad, GstQueryType type, GstFormat * fmt, gint64 * value); static GstCaps *gst_queue_getcaps (GstPad * pad); static GstPadLinkReturn gst_queue_link_sink (GstPad * pad, const GstCaps * caps); static GstPadLinkReturn gst_queue_link_src (GstPad * pad, const GstCaps * caps); static void gst_queue_locked_flush (GstQueue * queue); static GstElementStateReturn gst_queue_change_state (GstElement * element); static gboolean gst_queue_release_locks (GstElement * element); #define GST_TYPE_QUEUE_LEAKY (queue_leaky_get_type ()) static GType queue_leaky_get_type (void) { static GType queue_leaky_type = 0; static GEnumValue queue_leaky[] = { {GST_QUEUE_NO_LEAK, "0", "Not Leaky"}, {GST_QUEUE_LEAK_UPSTREAM, "1", "Leaky on Upstream"}, {GST_QUEUE_LEAK_DOWNSTREAM, "2", "Leaky on Downstream"}, {0, NULL, NULL}, }; if (!queue_leaky_type) { queue_leaky_type = g_enum_register_static ("GstQueueLeaky", queue_leaky); } return queue_leaky_type; } static GstElementClass *parent_class = NULL; static guint gst_queue_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; GType gst_queue_get_type (void) { static GType queue_type = 0; if (!queue_type) { static const GTypeInfo queue_info = { sizeof (GstQueueClass), (GBaseInitFunc) gst_queue_base_init, NULL, (GClassInitFunc) gst_queue_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof (GstQueue), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) gst_queue_init, NULL }; queue_type = g_type_register_static (GST_TYPE_ELEMENT, "GstQueue", &queue_info, 0); GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (queue_dataflow, "queue_dataflow", 0, "dataflow inside the queue element"); } return queue_type; } static void gst_queue_base_init (GstQueueClass * klass) { GstElementClass *gstelement_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (klass); gst_element_class_add_pad_template (gstelement_class, gst_static_pad_template_get (&srctemplate)); gst_element_class_add_pad_template (gstelement_class, gst_static_pad_template_get (&sinktemplate)); gst_element_class_set_details (gstelement_class, &gst_queue_details); } static void gst_queue_class_init (GstQueueClass * klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GstElementClass *gstelement_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (klass); parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); /* signals */ gst_queue_signals[SIGNAL_UNDERRUN] = g_signal_new ("underrun", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GstQueueClass, underrun), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); gst_queue_signals[SIGNAL_RUNNING] = g_signal_new ("running", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GstQueueClass, running), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); gst_queue_signals[SIGNAL_OVERRUN] = g_signal_new ("overrun", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GstQueueClass, overrun), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); /* properties */ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_CUR_LEVEL_BYTES, g_param_spec_uint ("current-level-bytes", "Current level (kB)", "Current amount of data in the queue (bytes)", 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_CUR_LEVEL_BUFFERS, g_param_spec_uint ("current-level-buffers", "Current level (buffers)", "Current number of buffers in the queue", 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_CUR_LEVEL_TIME, g_param_spec_uint64 ("current-level-time", "Current level (ns)", "Current amount of data in the queue (in ns)", 0, G_MAXUINT64, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_MAX_SIZE_BYTES, g_param_spec_uint ("max-size-bytes", "Max. size (kB)", "Max. amount of data in the queue (bytes, 0=disable)", 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_MAX_SIZE_BUFFERS, g_param_spec_uint ("max-size-buffers", "Max. size (buffers)", "Max. number of buffers in the queue (0=disable)", 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_MAX_SIZE_TIME, g_param_spec_uint64 ("max-size-time", "Max. size (ns)", "Max. amount of data in the queue (in ns, 0=disable)", 0, G_MAXUINT64, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_MIN_THRESHOLD_BYTES, g_param_spec_uint ("min-threshold-bytes", "Min. threshold (kB)", "Min. amount of data in the queue to allow reading (bytes, 0=disable)", 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_MIN_THRESHOLD_BUFFERS, g_param_spec_uint ("min-threshold-buffers", "Min. threshold (buffers)", "Min. number of buffers in the queue to allow reading (0=disable)", 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_MIN_THRESHOLD_TIME, g_param_spec_uint64 ("min-threshold-time", "Min. threshold (ns)", "Min. amount of data in the queue to allow reading (in ns, 0=disable)", 0, G_MAXUINT64, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_LEAKY, g_param_spec_enum ("leaky", "Leaky", "Where the queue leaks, if at all", GST_TYPE_QUEUE_LEAKY, GST_QUEUE_NO_LEAK, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_MAY_DEADLOCK, g_param_spec_boolean ("may_deadlock", "May Deadlock", "The queue may deadlock if it's full and not PLAYING", TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_BLOCK_TIMEOUT, g_param_spec_uint64 ("block_timeout", "Timeout for Block", "Nanoseconds until blocked queue times out and returns filler event. " "Value of -1 disables timeout", 0, G_MAXUINT64, -1, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); /* set several parent class virtual functions */ gobject_class->finalize = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_queue_finalize); gobject_class->set_property = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_queue_set_property); gobject_class->get_property = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_queue_get_property); gstelement_class->change_state = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_queue_change_state); gstelement_class->release_locks = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_queue_release_locks); } static void gst_queue_init (GstQueue * queue) { /* scheduling on this kind of element is, well, interesting */ GST_FLAG_SET (queue, GST_ELEMENT_DECOUPLED); GST_FLAG_SET (queue, GST_ELEMENT_EVENT_AWARE); queue->sinkpad = gst_pad_new_from_template (gst_static_pad_template_get (&sinktemplate), "sink"); gst_pad_set_chain_function (queue->sinkpad, GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_queue_chain)); gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (queue), queue->sinkpad); gst_pad_set_link_function (queue->sinkpad, GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_queue_link_sink)); gst_pad_set_getcaps_function (queue->sinkpad, GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_queue_getcaps)); gst_pad_set_active (queue->sinkpad, TRUE); queue->srcpad = gst_pad_new_from_template (gst_static_pad_template_get (&srctemplate), "src"); gst_pad_set_get_function (queue->srcpad, GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_queue_get)); gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (queue), queue->srcpad); gst_pad_set_link_function (queue->srcpad, GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_queue_link_src)); gst_pad_set_getcaps_function (queue->srcpad, GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_queue_getcaps)); gst_pad_set_event_function (queue->srcpad, GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_queue_handle_src_event)); gst_pad_set_query_function (queue->srcpad, GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_queue_handle_src_query)); gst_pad_set_active (queue->srcpad, TRUE); queue->cur_level.buffers = 0; /* no content */ queue->cur_level.bytes = 0; /* no content */ queue->cur_level.time = 0; /* no content */ queue->max_size.buffers = 100; /* 100 buffers */ queue->max_size.bytes = 10 * 1024 * 1024; /* 10 MB */ queue->max_size.time = GST_SECOND; /* 1 s. */ queue->min_threshold.buffers = 0; /* no threshold */ queue->min_threshold.bytes = 0; /* no threshold */ queue->min_threshold.time = 0; /* no threshold */ queue->leaky = GST_QUEUE_NO_LEAK; queue->may_deadlock = TRUE; queue->block_timeout = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE; queue->interrupt = FALSE; queue->flush = FALSE; queue->qlock = g_mutex_new (); queue->item_add = g_cond_new (); queue->item_del = g_cond_new (); queue->event_done = g_cond_new (); queue->events = g_queue_new (); queue->event_lock = g_mutex_new (); queue->queue = g_queue_new (); GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (GST_CAT_THREAD, queue, "initialized queue's not_empty & not_full conditions"); GST_FLAG_SET (queue, GST_ELEMENT_WORK_IN_PLACE); } /* called only once, as opposed to dispose */ static void gst_queue_finalize (GObject * object) { GstQueue *queue = GST_QUEUE (object); GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue, "finalizing queue"); while (!g_queue_is_empty (queue->queue)) { GstData *data = g_queue_pop_head (queue->queue); gst_data_unref (data); } g_queue_free (queue->queue); g_mutex_free (queue->qlock); g_cond_free (queue->item_add); g_cond_free (queue->item_del); g_cond_free (queue->event_done); g_mutex_lock (queue->event_lock); while (!g_queue_is_empty (queue->events)) { GstQueueEventResponse *er = g_queue_pop_head (queue->events); gst_event_unref (er->event); g_free (er); } g_mutex_unlock (queue->event_lock); g_mutex_free (queue->event_lock); g_queue_free (queue->events); if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize) G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } static GstCaps * gst_queue_getcaps (GstPad * pad) { GstQueue *queue; queue = GST_QUEUE (gst_pad_get_parent (pad)); if (pad == queue->srcpad && queue->cur_level.bytes > 0) { return gst_caps_copy (queue->negotiated_caps); } return gst_pad_proxy_getcaps (pad); } static GstPadLinkReturn gst_queue_link_sink (GstPad * pad, const GstCaps * caps) { GstQueue *queue; GstPadLinkReturn link_ret; queue = GST_QUEUE (gst_pad_get_parent (pad)); if (queue->cur_level.bytes > 0) { if (gst_caps_is_equal (caps, queue->negotiated_caps)) { return GST_PAD_LINK_OK; } else if (GST_STATE (queue) != GST_STATE_PLAYING) { return GST_PAD_LINK_DELAYED; } /* Wait until the queue is empty before attempting the pad negotiation. */ GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_LOCK; STATUS (queue, "waiting for queue to get empty"); while (queue->cur_level.bytes > 0) { g_cond_wait (queue->item_del, queue->qlock); if (queue->interrupt) { GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; return GST_PAD_LINK_DELAYED; } } STATUS (queue, "queue is now empty"); GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; } link_ret = gst_pad_proxy_pad_link (pad, caps); if (GST_PAD_LINK_SUCCESSFUL (link_ret)) { /* we store an extra copy of the negotiated caps, just in case * the pads become unnegotiated while we have buffers */ gst_caps_replace (&queue->negotiated_caps, gst_caps_copy (caps)); } return link_ret; } static GstPadLinkReturn gst_queue_link_src (GstPad * pad, const GstCaps * caps) { GstQueue *queue; GstPadLinkReturn link_ret; queue = GST_QUEUE (gst_pad_get_parent (pad)); if (queue->cur_level.bytes > 0) { if (gst_caps_is_equal (caps, queue->negotiated_caps)) { return GST_PAD_LINK_OK; } return GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED; } link_ret = gst_pad_proxy_pad_link (pad, caps); if (GST_PAD_LINK_SUCCESSFUL (link_ret)) { /* we store an extra copy of the negotiated caps, just in case * the pads become unnegotiated while we have buffers */ gst_caps_replace (&queue->negotiated_caps, gst_caps_copy (caps)); } return link_ret; } static void gst_queue_locked_flush (GstQueue * queue) { GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "Flushing contents..."); while (!g_queue_is_empty (queue->queue)) { GstData *data = g_queue_pop_head (queue->queue); /* First loose the reference we added when putting that data in the queue */ gst_data_unref (data); /* Then loose another reference because we are supposed to destroy that data when flushing */ gst_data_unref (data); } queue->timeval = NULL; queue->cur_level.buffers = 0; queue->cur_level.bytes = 0; queue->cur_level.time = 0; /* make sure any pending buffers to be added are flushed too */ queue->flush = TRUE; /* we deleted something... */ g_cond_signal (queue->item_del); } static void gst_queue_handle_pending_events (GstQueue * queue) { /* check for events to send upstream */ /* g_queue_get_length is glib 2.4, so don't depend on it yet, use ->length */ GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "handling pending events, events queue of size %d", queue->events->length); g_mutex_lock (queue->event_lock); while (!g_queue_is_empty (queue->events)) { GstQueueEventResponse *er; gboolean need_response; er = g_queue_pop_head (queue->events); GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "sending event %p (%d) from event response %p upstream", er->event, GST_EVENT_TYPE (er->event), er); if (er->handled) { /* change this to an assert when this file gets reviewed properly. */ GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (queue, CORE, EVENT, (NULL), ("already handled event %p (%d) from event response %p upstream", er->event, GST_EVENT_TYPE (er->event), er)); break; } g_mutex_unlock (queue->event_lock); need_response = GST_DATA_FLAG_IS_SET (GST_DATA (er->event), GST_EVENT_COMMON_FLAG_NEED_RESPONSE); er->ret = gst_pad_event_default (queue->srcpad, er->event); if (need_response) { er->handled = TRUE; g_cond_signal (queue->event_done); } else { g_free (er); } g_mutex_lock (queue->event_lock); GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "event sent"); } g_mutex_unlock (queue->event_lock); } static void gst_queue_chain (GstPad * pad, GstData * data) { GstQueue *queue; g_return_if_fail (pad != NULL); g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_PAD (pad)); g_return_if_fail (data != NULL); queue = GST_QUEUE (GST_OBJECT_PARENT (pad)); restart: /* we have to lock the queue since we span threads */ GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_LOCK; gst_queue_handle_pending_events (queue); /* assume don't need to flush this buffer when the queue is filled */ queue->flush = FALSE; if (GST_IS_EVENT (data)) { switch (GST_EVENT_TYPE (data)) { case GST_EVENT_FLUSH: STATUS (queue, "received flush event"); gst_queue_locked_flush (queue); STATUS (queue, "after flush"); break; case GST_EVENT_EOS: STATUS (queue, "received EOS"); break; default: /* we put the event in the queue, we don't have to act ourselves */ GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "adding event %p of type %d", data, GST_EVENT_TYPE (data)); break; } } if (GST_IS_BUFFER (data)) GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "adding buffer %p of size %d and time %" GST_TIME_FORMAT, data, GST_BUFFER_SIZE (data), GST_TIME_ARGS (GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (data))); /* We make space available if we're "full" according to whatever * the user defined as "full". Note that this only applies to buffers, * and filler events with a duration * We always handle events and they don't count in our statistics. */ if ((GST_IS_BUFFER (data) || (GST_IS_EVENT (data) && GST_EVENT_TYPE (data) == GST_EVENT_FILLER && gst_event_filler_get_duration (GST_EVENT (data)) != GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE)) && IS_FULL (queue)) { GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (queue), gst_queue_signals[SIGNAL_OVERRUN], 0); GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_LOCK; /* how are we going to make space for this buffer? */ switch (queue->leaky) { /* leak current buffer */ case GST_QUEUE_LEAK_UPSTREAM: GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "queue is full, leaking buffer on upstream end"); /* now we can clean up and exit right away */ GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; goto out_unref; /* leak first buffer in the queue */ case GST_QUEUE_LEAK_DOWNSTREAM:{ /* this is a bit hacky. We'll manually iterate the list * and find the first buffer from the head on. We'll * unref that and "fix up" the GQueue object... */ GList *item; GstData *leak = NULL; GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "queue is full, leaking buffer on downstream end"); for (item = queue->queue->head; item != NULL; item = item->next) { if (GST_IS_BUFFER (item->data)) { leak = item->data; break; } } /* if we didn't find anything, it means we have no buffers * in here. That cannot happen, since we had >= 1 bufs */ g_assert (leak); /* Now remove it from the list, fixing up the GQueue * CHECKME: is a queue->head the first or the last item? */ item = g_list_delete_link (queue->queue->head, item); queue->queue->head = g_list_first (item); queue->queue->tail = g_list_last (item); queue->queue->length--; /* and unref the data at the end. Twice, because we keep a ref * to make things read-only. Also keep our list uptodate. */ queue->cur_level.bytes -= GST_BUFFER_SIZE (data); queue->cur_level.buffers--; if (GST_BUFFER_DURATION (data) != GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) queue->cur_level.time -= GST_BUFFER_DURATION (data); gst_data_unref (data); gst_data_unref (data); break; } default: g_warning ("Unknown leaky type, using default"); /* fall-through */ /* don't leak. Instead, wait for space to be available */ case GST_QUEUE_NO_LEAK: STATUS (queue, "pre-full wait"); while (IS_FULL (queue)) { /* if there's a pending state change for this queue * or its manager, switch back to iterator so bottom * half of state change executes */ if (queue->interrupt) { GstScheduler *sched; GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "interrupted"); sched = gst_pad_get_scheduler (queue->sinkpad); if (!sched || gst_scheduler_interrupt (sched, GST_ELEMENT (queue))) { goto ignore_interrupt; } GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; /* if we got here because we were unlocked after a * flush, we don't need to add the buffer to the * queue again */ if (queue->flush) { GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "not adding pending buffer after flush"); goto out_unref; } GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "adding pending buffer after interrupt"); goto restart; } if (GST_STATE (queue) != GST_STATE_PLAYING) { /* this means the other end is shut down. Try to * signal to resolve the error */ if (!queue->may_deadlock) { GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; gst_data_unref (data); GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (queue, CORE, THREAD, (NULL), ("deadlock found, shutting down source pad elements")); /* we don't go to out_unref here, since we want to * unref the buffer *before* calling GST_ELEMENT_ERROR */ return; } else { GST_CAT_WARNING_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "%s: waiting for the app to restart " "source pad elements", GST_ELEMENT_NAME (queue)); } } ignore_interrupt: /* OK, we've got a serious issue here. Imagine the situation * where the puller (next element) is sending an event here, * so it cannot pull events from the queue, and we cannot * push data further because the queue is 'full' and therefore, * we wait here (and do not handle events): deadlock! to solve * that, we handle pending upstream events here, too. */ gst_queue_handle_pending_events (queue); if (!queue->interrupt) { STATUS (queue, "waiting for item_del signal from thread using qlock"); g_cond_wait (queue->item_del, queue->qlock); STATUS (queue, "received item_del signal from thread using qlock"); } else { queue->interrupt = FALSE; GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "Not waiting, just adding buffer, after interrupt (bad!)"); break; } } STATUS (queue, "post-full wait"); GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (queue), gst_queue_signals[SIGNAL_RUNNING], 0); GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_LOCK; break; } } /* put the buffer on the tail of the list. We keep a reference, * so that the data is read-only while in here. There's a good * reason to do so: we have a size and time counter, and any * modification to the content could change any of the two. */ gst_data_ref (data); g_queue_push_tail (queue->queue, data); /* Note that we only add buffers (not events) to the statistics */ if (GST_IS_BUFFER (data)) { queue->cur_level.buffers++; queue->cur_level.bytes += GST_BUFFER_SIZE (data); if (GST_BUFFER_DURATION (data) != GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) queue->cur_level.time += GST_BUFFER_DURATION (data); } if (GST_IS_EVENT (data) && GST_EVENT_TYPE (data) == GST_EVENT_FILLER) { gint64 dur = gst_event_filler_get_duration (GST_EVENT (data)); if (dur != GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) { queue->cur_level.time += dur; } } STATUS (queue, "+ level"); GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "signalling item_add"); g_cond_signal (queue->item_add); GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; return; out_unref: gst_data_unref (data); return; } static GstData * gst_queue_get (GstPad * pad) { GstQueue *queue; GstData *data; g_return_val_if_fail (pad != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_PAD (pad), NULL); queue = GST_QUEUE (gst_pad_get_parent (pad)); restart: /* have to lock for thread-safety */ GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_LOCK; if (IS_EMPTY (queue)) { GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (queue), gst_queue_signals[SIGNAL_UNDERRUN], 0); GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_LOCK; STATUS (queue, "pre-empty wait"); while (IS_EMPTY (queue)) { /* if there's an EOS in the queue, just run */ GList *item; gboolean got_eos = FALSE; for (item = queue->queue->head; item != NULL; item = item->next) { if (GST_IS_EVENT (item->data) && GST_EVENT_TYPE (item->data) == GST_EVENT_EOS) { GST_CAT_DEBUG (queue_dataflow, "got eos, exit loop"); got_eos = TRUE; break; } } if (got_eos) break; /* if there's a pending state change for this queue or its * manager, switch back to iterator so bottom half of state * change executes. */ if (queue->interrupt) { GstScheduler *sched; GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "interrupted"); GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; sched = gst_pad_get_scheduler (queue->srcpad); queue->interrupt = FALSE; if (!sched || gst_scheduler_interrupt (sched, GST_ELEMENT (queue))) return GST_DATA (gst_event_new (GST_EVENT_INTERRUPT)); goto restart; } if (GST_STATE (queue) != GST_STATE_PLAYING) { /* this means the other end is shut down */ if (!queue->may_deadlock) { GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (queue, CORE, THREAD, (NULL), ("deadlock found, shutting down sink pad elements")); goto restart; } else { GST_CAT_WARNING_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "%s: waiting for the app to restart " "source pad elements", GST_ELEMENT_NAME (queue)); } } STATUS (queue, "waiting for item_add"); if (queue->block_timeout != GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) { GTimeVal timeout; g_get_current_time (&timeout); g_time_val_add (&timeout, queue->block_timeout / 1000); GST_LOG_OBJECT (queue, "g_cond_time_wait using qlock from thread %p", g_thread_self ()); if (!g_cond_timed_wait (queue->item_add, queue->qlock, &timeout)) { GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; GST_CAT_WARNING_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "Sending filler event"); return GST_DATA (gst_event_new_filler ()); } } else { GST_LOG_OBJECT (queue, "doing g_cond_wait using qlock from thread %p", g_thread_self ()); g_cond_wait (queue->item_add, queue->qlock); GST_LOG_OBJECT (queue, "done g_cond_wait using qlock from thread %p", g_thread_self ()); } STATUS (queue, "got item_add signal"); } STATUS (queue, "post-empty wait"); GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (queue), gst_queue_signals[SIGNAL_RUNNING], 0); GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_LOCK; } /* There's something in the list now, whatever it is */ data = g_queue_pop_head (queue->queue); GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "retrieved data %p from queue", data); if (data == NULL) return NULL; if (GST_IS_BUFFER (data)) { /* Update statistics */ queue->cur_level.buffers--; queue->cur_level.bytes -= GST_BUFFER_SIZE (data); if (GST_BUFFER_DURATION (data) != GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) queue->cur_level.time -= GST_BUFFER_DURATION (data); GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "Got buffer of time %" GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (data))); } if (GST_IS_EVENT (data) && GST_EVENT_TYPE (data) == GST_EVENT_FILLER) { gint64 dur = gst_event_filler_get_duration (GST_EVENT (data)); if (dur != GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) { queue->cur_level.time -= dur; } } /* Now that we're done, we can lose our own reference to * the item, since we're no longer in danger. */ gst_data_unref (data); STATUS (queue, "after _get()"); GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "signalling item_del"); g_cond_signal (queue->item_del); GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; /* FIXME: I suppose this needs to be locked, since the EOS * bit affects the pipeline state. However, that bit is * locked too so it'd cause a deadlock. */ if (GST_IS_EVENT (data)) { GstEvent *event = GST_EVENT (data); switch (GST_EVENT_TYPE (event)) { case GST_EVENT_EOS: GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "queue \"%s\" eos", GST_ELEMENT_NAME (queue)); gst_element_set_eos (GST_ELEMENT (queue)); break; default: break; } } return data; } static gboolean gst_queue_handle_src_event (GstPad * pad, GstEvent * event) { GstQueue *queue = GST_QUEUE (gst_pad_get_parent (pad)); gboolean res; GstQueueEventResponse *er = NULL; GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "got event %p (%d)", event, GST_EVENT_TYPE (event)); GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_LOCK; if (gst_element_get_state (GST_ELEMENT (queue)) == GST_STATE_PLAYING) { gboolean need_response = GST_DATA_FLAG_IS_SET (GST_DATA (event), GST_EVENT_COMMON_FLAG_NEED_RESPONSE); er = g_new (GstQueueEventResponse, 1); /* push the event to the queue and wait for upstream consumption */ er->event = event; er->handled = FALSE; g_mutex_lock (queue->event_lock); GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "putting event %p (%d) on internal queue", event, GST_EVENT_TYPE (event)); g_queue_push_tail (queue->events, er); g_mutex_unlock (queue->event_lock); if (!need_response) { /* Leave for upstream to delete */ er = NULL; res = TRUE; goto handled; } GST_CAT_WARNING_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "Preparing for loop for event handler"); /* see the chain function on why this is here - it prevents a deadlock */ g_cond_signal (queue->item_del); while (!er->handled) { GTimeVal timeout; g_get_current_time (&timeout); g_time_val_add (&timeout, 500 * 1000); /* half a second */ GST_LOG_OBJECT (queue, "doing g_cond_wait using qlock from thread %p", g_thread_self ()); if (!g_cond_timed_wait (queue->event_done, queue->qlock, &timeout) && !er->handled) { GST_CAT_WARNING_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "timeout in upstream event handling, dropping event %p (%d)", er->event, GST_EVENT_TYPE (er->event)); g_mutex_lock (queue->event_lock); /* since this queue is for src events (ie upstream), this thread is * the only one that is pushing stuff on it, so we're sure that * it's still the tail element. FIXME: But in practice, we should use * GList instead of GQueue for this so we can remove any element in * the list. */ g_queue_pop_tail (queue->events); g_mutex_unlock (queue->event_lock); gst_event_unref (er->event); res = FALSE; goto handled; } } GST_CAT_WARNING_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "Event handled"); res = er->ret; } else { res = gst_pad_event_default (pad, event); switch (GST_EVENT_TYPE (event)) { case GST_EVENT_FLUSH: GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (queue_dataflow, queue, "FLUSH event, flushing queue\n"); gst_queue_locked_flush (queue); break; case GST_EVENT_SEEK: if (GST_EVENT_SEEK_FLAGS (event) & GST_SEEK_FLAG_FLUSH) { gst_queue_locked_flush (queue); } break; default: break; } } handled: GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; if (er) g_free (er); return res; } static gboolean gst_queue_handle_src_query (GstPad * pad, GstQueryType type, GstFormat * fmt, gint64 * value) { GstQueue *queue = GST_QUEUE (gst_pad_get_parent (pad)); gboolean res; if (!GST_PAD_PEER (queue->sinkpad)) return FALSE; res = gst_pad_query (GST_PAD_PEER (queue->sinkpad), type, fmt, value); if (!res) return FALSE; if (type == GST_QUERY_POSITION) { /* FIXME: this code assumes that there's no discont in the queue */ switch (*fmt) { case GST_FORMAT_BYTES: if (*value >= queue->cur_level.bytes) *value -= queue->cur_level.bytes; else *value = 0; break; case GST_FORMAT_TIME: if (*value >= queue->cur_level.time) *value -= queue->cur_level.time; else *value = 0; break; default: /* FIXME */ break; } } return TRUE; } static gboolean gst_queue_release_locks (GstElement * element) { GstQueue *queue; queue = GST_QUEUE (element); GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_LOCK; queue->interrupt = TRUE; g_cond_signal (queue->item_add); g_cond_signal (queue->item_del); GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; return TRUE; } static GstElementStateReturn gst_queue_change_state (GstElement * element) { GstQueue *queue; GstElementStateReturn ret = GST_STATE_SUCCESS; queue = GST_QUEUE (element); GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (GST_CAT_STATES, element, "starting state change 0x%x", GST_STATE_TRANSITION (element)); /* lock the queue so another thread (not in sync with this thread's state) * can't call this queue's _get (or whatever) */ GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_LOCK; switch (GST_STATE_TRANSITION (element)) { case GST_STATE_NULL_TO_READY: gst_queue_locked_flush (queue); break; case GST_STATE_PAUSED_TO_PLAYING: if (!GST_PAD_IS_LINKED (queue->sinkpad)) { GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (GST_CAT_STATES, queue, "queue %s is not linked", GST_ELEMENT_NAME (queue)); /* FIXME can this be? */ g_cond_signal (queue->item_add); ret = GST_STATE_FAILURE; goto unlock; } else { GstScheduler *src_sched, *sink_sched; src_sched = gst_pad_get_scheduler (GST_PAD (queue->srcpad)); sink_sched = gst_pad_get_scheduler (GST_PAD (queue->sinkpad)); if (src_sched == sink_sched) { GST_CAT_DEBUG_OBJECT (GST_CAT_STATES, queue, "queue %s does not connect different schedulers", GST_ELEMENT_NAME (queue)); g_warning ("queue %s does not connect different schedulers", GST_ELEMENT_NAME (queue)); ret = GST_STATE_FAILURE; goto unlock; } } queue->interrupt = FALSE; break; case GST_STATE_PAUSED_TO_READY: gst_queue_locked_flush (queue); gst_caps_replace (&queue->negotiated_caps, NULL); break; default: break; } GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; if (GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (parent_class)->change_state) ret = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (parent_class)->change_state (element); /* this is an ugly hack to make sure our pads are always active. * Reason for this is that pad activation for the queue element * depends on 2 schedulers (ugh) */ gst_pad_set_active (queue->sinkpad, TRUE); gst_pad_set_active (queue->srcpad, TRUE); GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (GST_CAT_STATES, element, "done with state change"); return ret; unlock: GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; GST_CAT_LOG_OBJECT (GST_CAT_STATES, element, "done with state change"); return ret; } static void gst_queue_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstQueue *queue = GST_QUEUE (object); /* someone could change levels here, and since this * affects the get/put funcs, we need to lock for safety. */ GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_LOCK; switch (prop_id) { case ARG_MAX_SIZE_BYTES: queue->max_size.bytes = g_value_get_uint (value); break; case ARG_MAX_SIZE_BUFFERS: queue->max_size.buffers = g_value_get_uint (value); break; case ARG_MAX_SIZE_TIME: queue->max_size.time = g_value_get_uint64 (value); break; case ARG_MIN_THRESHOLD_BYTES: queue->min_threshold.bytes = g_value_get_uint (value); break; case ARG_MIN_THRESHOLD_BUFFERS: queue->min_threshold.buffers = g_value_get_uint (value); break; case ARG_MIN_THRESHOLD_TIME: queue->min_threshold.time = g_value_get_uint64 (value); break; case ARG_LEAKY: queue->leaky = g_value_get_enum (value); break; case ARG_MAY_DEADLOCK: queue->may_deadlock = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case ARG_BLOCK_TIMEOUT: queue->block_timeout = g_value_get_uint64 (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } GST_QUEUE_MUTEX_UNLOCK; } static void gst_queue_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstQueue *queue = GST_QUEUE (object); switch (prop_id) { case ARG_CUR_LEVEL_BYTES: g_value_set_uint (value, queue->cur_level.bytes); break; case ARG_CUR_LEVEL_BUFFERS: g_value_set_uint (value, queue->cur_level.buffers); break; case ARG_CUR_LEVEL_TIME: g_value_set_uint64 (value, queue->cur_level.time); break; case ARG_MAX_SIZE_BYTES: g_value_set_uint (value, queue->max_size.bytes); break; case ARG_MAX_SIZE_BUFFERS: g_value_set_uint (value, queue->max_size.buffers); break; case ARG_MAX_SIZE_TIME: g_value_set_uint64 (value, queue->max_size.time); break; case ARG_MIN_THRESHOLD_BYTES: g_value_set_uint (value, queue->min_threshold.bytes); break; case ARG_MIN_THRESHOLD_BUFFERS: g_value_set_uint (value, queue->min_threshold.buffers); break; case ARG_MIN_THRESHOLD_TIME: g_value_set_uint64 (value, queue->min_threshold.time); break; case ARG_LEAKY: g_value_set_enum (value, queue->leaky); break; case ARG_MAY_DEADLOCK: g_value_set_boolean (value, queue->may_deadlock); break; case ARG_BLOCK_TIMEOUT: g_value_set_uint64 (value, queue->block_timeout); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } }