// This file was generated by the Gtk# code generator. // Any changes made will be lost if regenerated. namespace Gst.Rtsp { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; #region Autogenerated code [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct RTSPWatchFuncs : IEquatable { private IntPtr _message_received; private IntPtr _message_sent; private IntPtr _closed; private IntPtr _error; private IntPtr _tunnel_start; private IntPtr _tunnel_complete; private IntPtr _error_full; private IntPtr _tunnel_lost; private IntPtr _tunnel_http_response; [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=3)] private IntPtr[] _gstGstReserved; public static Gst.Rtsp.RTSPWatchFuncs Zero = new Gst.Rtsp.RTSPWatchFuncs (); public static Gst.Rtsp.RTSPWatchFuncs New(IntPtr raw) { if (raw == IntPtr.Zero) return Gst.Rtsp.RTSPWatchFuncs.Zero; return (Gst.Rtsp.RTSPWatchFuncs) Marshal.PtrToStructure (raw, typeof (Gst.Rtsp.RTSPWatchFuncs)); } public bool Equals (RTSPWatchFuncs other) { return true && _message_received.Equals (other._message_received) && _message_sent.Equals (other._message_sent) && _closed.Equals (other._closed) && _error.Equals (other._error) && _tunnel_start.Equals (other._tunnel_start) && _tunnel_complete.Equals (other._tunnel_complete) && _error_full.Equals (other._error_full) && _tunnel_lost.Equals (other._tunnel_lost) && _tunnel_http_response.Equals (other._tunnel_http_response); } public override bool Equals (object other) { return other is RTSPWatchFuncs && Equals ((RTSPWatchFuncs) other); } public override int GetHashCode () { return this.GetType ().FullName.GetHashCode () ^ _message_received.GetHashCode () ^ _message_sent.GetHashCode () ^ _closed.GetHashCode () ^ _error.GetHashCode () ^ _tunnel_start.GetHashCode () ^ _tunnel_complete.GetHashCode () ^ _error_full.GetHashCode () ^ _tunnel_lost.GetHashCode () ^ _tunnel_http_response.GetHashCode (); } private static GLib.GType GType { get { return GLib.GType.Pointer; } } #endregion } }