GstBuffer The basic structure of a buffer. @data_type: @data: @size: @maxsize: @timestamp: @duration: @offset: @offset_end: @free_data: @buffer_private: @_gst_reserved: @buffer: The name used for tracing memory allocations Gets a handle to the refcount structure of the buffer. @buf: a #GstBuffer to get the refcount structure of. Gets the current refcount value of the buffer. @buf: a #GstBuffer to get the refcount value of. Calls the buffer-specific copy function on the given buffer. @buf: a #GstBuffer to copy. Calls the buffer-specific free function on the given buffer. @buf: a #GstBuffer to free. Gets the flags from this buffer. @buf: a #GstBuffer to retrieve the flags from. Gives the status of a given flag of a buffer. @buf: a #GstBuffer to query flags of. @flag: the #GstBufferFlag to check. Sets a buffer flag. @buf: a #GstBuffer to modify flags of. @flag: the #GstBufferFlag to set. Clears a buffer flag. @buf: a #GstBuffer to modify flags of. @flag: the #GstBufferFlag to clear. Retrieves a pointer to the data element of this buffer. @buf: a #GstBuffer to get data pointer of. @Returns: the pointer to the actual data contents of the buffer. Gets the size of the data in this buffer. @buf: a #GstBuffer to get data size of. Gets the maximum size of this buffer. @buf: a #GstBuffer to get maximum size of. Gets the timestamp for this buffer. @buf: a #GstBuffer to get timestamp of. @buf: @buf: Gets the offset in the source file of this buffer. @buf: a #GstBuffer to get offset of. @buf: @buf: @buf: @buffer: @buffer: @buffer: @buffer: @buffer: A set of buffer flags used to describe properties of a #GstBuffer. @GST_BUFFER_READONLY: the buffer is read-only. @GST_BUFFER_SUBBUFFER: the buffer is a subbuffer, the parent buffer can be found with the GST_BUFFER_POOL_PRIVATE() macro. @GST_BUFFER_ORIGINAL: buffer is not a copy of another buffer. @GST_BUFFER_DONTFREE: do not try to free the data when this buffer is unreferenced. @GST_BUFFER_KEY_UNIT: the buffer holds a key unit, a unit that can be decoded independently of other buffers. @GST_BUFFER_DONTKEEP: @GST_BUFFER_FLAG_LAST: additional flags can be added starting from this flag. @Returns: @size: @Returns: A convenience function to set the data and size on a buffer @buf: The buffer to modify @data: The data to set on the buffer @size: The size to set on the buffer Increases the refcount of the given buffer by one. @buf: a #GstBuffer to increase the refcount of. Increases the refcount of the buffer by the given value. @buf: a #GstBuffer to increase the refcount of. @c: the value to add to the refcount. Decreases the refcount of the buffer. If the refcount reaches 0, the buffer will be freed. @buf: a #GstBuffer to unref. @dest: @src: Copies the given buffer using the copy function of the parent GstData structure. @buf: a #GstBuffer to copy. @Returns: a new #GstBuffer copy of the buffer. @buf: This function returns a buffer that is safe to write to. Copy the buffer if the refcount > 1 so that the newly created buffer can be safely written to. If the refcount is 1, this function just returns the original buffer. @buf: a #GstBuffer to copy @Returns: the #GstBuffer that can safely be written to. @parent: @offset: @size: @Returns: @buf1: @buf2: @Returns: @buf1: @buf2: @Returns: @buf1: @offset: @buf2: @len: @Returns: @buffer: @buffer: @Returns: