/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2020 Seungha Yang * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "gstmfutils.h" #include "mediacapturewrapper.h" #include "AsyncOperations.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace ABI::Windows::ApplicationModel::Core; using namespace ABI::Windows::Foundation::Collections; using namespace ABI::Windows::Media::Devices; using namespace ABI::Windows::Media::MediaProperties; G_BEGIN_DECLS GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_EXTERN (gst_mf_source_object_debug); #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT gst_mf_source_object_debug G_END_DECLS static std::string convert_hstring_to_string (HString * hstr) { const wchar_t *raw_hstr; if (!hstr) return std::string(); raw_hstr = hstr->GetRawBuffer (nullptr); if (!raw_hstr) return std::string(); std::wstring_convert, wchar_t> converter; return converter.to_bytes (raw_hstr); } static std::string gst_media_capture_subtype_to_video_format (const std::string &subtype) { /* https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.media.mediaproperties.videoencodingproperties.subtype#Windows_Media_MediaProperties_VideoEncodingProperties_Subtype */ if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (subtype.c_str(), "RGB32") == 0) return "BGRx"; else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (subtype.c_str(), "ARGB32") == 0) return "BGRA"; else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (subtype.c_str(), "RGB24") == 0) return "BGR"; else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (subtype.c_str(), "NV12") == 0) return "NV12"; else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (subtype.c_str(), "YV12") == 0) return "YV12"; else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (subtype.c_str(), "IYUV") == 0) return "I420"; else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (subtype.c_str(), "YUY2") == 0) return "YUY2"; /* FIXME: add more */ return std::string(); } GstWinRTMediaDescription::GstWinRTMediaDescription() : caps_(nullptr) { } GstWinRTMediaDescription::GstWinRTMediaDescription (const GstWinRTMediaDescription& other) : caps_(nullptr) { if (other.source_id_.IsValid()) other.source_id_.CopyTo(source_id_.GetAddressOf()); if (other.subtype_.IsValid()) other.subtype_.CopyTo(subtype_.GetAddressOf()); gst_caps_replace (&caps_, other.caps_); } GstWinRTMediaDescription::~GstWinRTMediaDescription() { Release(); } void GstWinRTMediaDescription::Release() { source_id_.Release(); subtype_.Release(); gst_clear_caps(&caps_); } bool GstWinRTMediaDescription::IsValid() const { if (!source_id_.IsValid()) return false; if (!subtype_.IsValid()) return false; if (!caps_) return false; return true; } HRESULT GstWinRTMediaDescription::Fill(HString &source_id, const ComPtr& desc) { Release(); if (!source_id.IsValid()) { GST_WARNING("Invalid source id"); return E_FAIL; } ComPtr desc2; UINT32 width = 0; UINT32 height = 0; DOUBLE framerate = 0; gint fps_n = 0, fps_d = 1; HString hstr_subtype; std::string subtype; std::string format; GstCaps *caps; HRESULT hr; hr = desc.As (&desc2); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; hr = desc->get_Width (&width); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; hr = desc->get_Height (&height); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; hr = desc->get_FrameRate (&framerate); if (gst_mf_result (hr) && framerate > 0) gst_util_double_to_fraction (framerate, &fps_n, &fps_d); hr = desc2->get_Subtype (hstr_subtype.GetAddressOf ()); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; subtype = convert_hstring_to_string (&hstr_subtype); if (subtype.empty()) return E_FAIL; format = gst_media_capture_subtype_to_video_format (subtype); if (format.empty()) { GST_DEBUG ("Unhandled subtype %s", subtype.c_str()); return E_FAIL; } caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("video/x-raw", "format", G_TYPE_STRING, format.c_str(), "width", G_TYPE_INT, width, "height", G_TYPE_INT, height, NULL); if (fps_n > 0 && fps_d > 0) gst_caps_set_simple (caps, "framerate", GST_TYPE_FRACTION, fps_n, fps_d, NULL); source_id.CopyTo (source_id_.GetAddressOf()); hstr_subtype.CopyTo (subtype_.GetAddressOf()); caps_ = caps; return S_OK; } GstWinRTMediaFrameSourceGroup::GstWinRTMediaFrameSourceGroup() { } GstWinRTMediaFrameSourceGroup::GstWinRTMediaFrameSourceGroup (const GstWinRTMediaFrameSourceGroup& other) { id_ = other.id_; display_name_ = other.display_name_; source_group_ = other.source_group_; source_list_ = other.source_list_; } GstWinRTMediaFrameSourceGroup::~GstWinRTMediaFrameSourceGroup() { Release (); } void GstWinRTMediaFrameSourceGroup::Release() { id_.clear (); display_name_.clear (); source_group_.Reset (); source_list_.clear (); } bool GstWinRTMediaFrameSourceGroup::Contain(const GstWinRTMediaDescription& desc) { if (!desc.IsValid()) return false; if (source_list_.empty()) return false; for (const auto& iter: source_list_) { unsigned int dummy; if (wcscmp (iter.source_id_.GetRawBuffer (&dummy), desc.source_id_.GetRawBuffer (&dummy))) continue; if (wcscmp (iter.subtype_.GetRawBuffer (&dummy), desc.subtype_.GetRawBuffer (&dummy))) continue; if (gst_caps_is_equal (iter.caps_, desc.caps_)) return true; } return false; } HRESULT GstWinRTMediaFrameSourceGroup::Fill (const ComPtr &source_group) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HString hstr_id; HString hstr_display_name; ComPtr> info_list; UINT32 count = 0; Release(); hr = source_group->get_Id(hstr_id.GetAddressOf()); if (!gst_mf_result(hr)) goto error; id_ = convert_hstring_to_string (&hstr_id); if (id_.empty()) { GST_WARNING ("Emptry source group id"); hr = E_FAIL; goto error; } hr = source_group->get_DisplayName (hstr_display_name.GetAddressOf()); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto error; display_name_ = convert_hstring_to_string (&hstr_display_name); if (display_name_.empty()) { GST_WARNING ("Empty display name"); hr = E_FAIL; goto error; } hr = source_group->get_SourceInfos (&info_list); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto error; hr = info_list->get_Size (&count); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto error; if (count == 0) { GST_WARNING ("No available source info"); hr = E_FAIL; goto error; } source_group_ = source_group; GST_DEBUG ("source-group has %d entries", count); for (UINT32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { ComPtr info; ComPtr info2; ComPtr> desc_list; MediaFrameSourceKind source_kind; MediaStreamType source_type; UINT32 desc_count = 0; HString source_id; hr = info_list->GetAt(i, &info); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) continue; hr = info.As (&info2); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) continue; hr = info->get_SourceKind (&source_kind); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) continue; /* This can be depth, infrared or others */ /* FIXME: add audio support */ if (source_kind != MediaFrameSourceKind::MediaFrameSourceKind_Color) { GST_FIXME ("source-info has non-color source kind %d", (gint) source_kind); continue; } hr = info->get_MediaStreamType (&source_type); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) continue; /* FIXME: support audio */ if (source_type != MediaStreamType::MediaStreamType_VideoPreview && source_type != MediaStreamType::MediaStreamType_VideoRecord) { continue; } hr = info->get_Id (source_id.GetAddressOf ()); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) continue; hr = info2->get_VideoProfileMediaDescription (&desc_list); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) continue; hr = desc_list->get_Size (&desc_count); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) continue; if (desc_count == 0) { GST_WARNING("source-info has empty media description"); continue; } for (UINT32 j = 0; j < desc_count; j++) { ComPtr desc; hr = desc_list->GetAt (j, &desc); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) continue; GstWinRTMediaDescription media_desc; hr = media_desc.Fill(source_id, desc); if (FAILED (hr)) continue; source_list_.push_back(media_desc); } } if (source_list_.empty()) { GST_WARNING ("No usable source infos"); hr = E_FAIL; goto error; } return S_OK; error: Release (); return hr; } MediaCaptureWrapper::MediaCaptureWrapper(gpointer dispatcher) : user_data_(nullptr) { user_cb_.frame_arrived = nullptr; user_cb_.failed = nullptr; if (dispatcher) { ComPtr inspectable = reinterpret_cast (dispatcher); HRESULT hr; hr = inspectable.As (&dispatcher_); if (gst_mf_result (hr)) GST_INFO("Main UI dispatcher is available"); } } MediaCaptureWrapper::~MediaCaptureWrapper() { stopCapture(); if (frame_reader_) frame_reader_->remove_FrameArrived (token_frame_arrived_); if (media_capture_) media_capture_->remove_Failed (token_capture_failed_); } void MediaCaptureWrapper::RegisterCb (const MediaCaptureWrapperCallbacks &cb, void * user_data) { user_cb_.frame_arrived = cb.frame_arrived; user_cb_.failed = cb.failed; user_data_ = user_data; } HRESULT MediaCaptureWrapper::EnumrateFrameSourceGroup (std::vector &group_list) { return enumrateFrameSourceGroup (group_list); } HRESULT MediaCaptureWrapper::SetSourceGroup(const GstWinRTMediaFrameSourceGroup &group) { if (group.source_group_ == nullptr) { GST_WARNING ("Invalid MediaFrameSourceGroup"); return E_FAIL; } if (group.source_list_.empty()) { GST_WARNING ("group doesn't include source lifo"); return E_FAIL; } source_group_ = std::unique_ptr (new GstWinRTMediaFrameSourceGroup(group)); return S_OK; } HRESULT MediaCaptureWrapper::SetMediaDescription(const GstWinRTMediaDescription &desc) { /* Must be source group was specified before this */ if (source_group_ == nullptr) { GST_WARNING ("No frame source group was specified"); return E_FAIL; } if (!desc.IsValid()) { GST_WARNING("Invalid MediaDescription"); return E_FAIL; } if (!source_group_->Contain(desc)) { GST_WARNING ("MediaDescription is not part of current source group"); return E_FAIL; } media_desc_ = std::unique_ptr (new GstWinRTMediaDescription(desc)); return S_OK; } HRESULT MediaCaptureWrapper::StartCapture() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = openMediaCapture (); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; return startCapture (); } HRESULT MediaCaptureWrapper::StopCapture() { return stopCapture (); } HRESULT MediaCaptureWrapper::GetAvailableDescriptions (std::vector &desc_list) { desc_list.clear(); if (!source_group_) { GST_WARNING ("No frame source group available"); return E_FAIL; } desc_list = source_group_->source_list_; return S_OK; } HRESULT MediaCaptureWrapper::openMediaCapture() { HRESULT hr; if (frame_reader_) { GST_INFO ("Frame reader was configured"); return S_OK; } if (source_group_ == nullptr) { GST_WARNING ("No frame source group was specified"); return E_FAIL; } if (media_desc_ == nullptr) { GST_WARNING ("No media description was specified"); return E_FAIL; } hr = mediaCaptureInitPre (); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; /* Wait user action and resulting mediaCaptureInitPost */ std::unique_lock Lock(lock_); if (!init_done_) cond_.wait (Lock); return frame_reader_ ? S_OK : E_FAIL; } HRESULT MediaCaptureWrapper::mediaCaptureInitPre() { ComPtr async_action; HRESULT hr; auto work_item = Callback, IDispatchedHandler, FtmBase>>([this]{ ComPtr settings; ComPtr settings5; ComPtr media_capture; ComPtr media_capture5; ComPtr init_async; HRESULT hr; HStringReference hstr_setting = HStringReference ( RuntimeClass_Windows_Media_Capture_MediaCaptureInitializationSettings); HStringReference hstr_capture = HStringReference (RuntimeClass_Windows_Media_Capture_MediaCapture); IMediaFrameSourceGroup * source_group = source_group_->source_group_.Get(); hr = ActivateInstance (hstr_setting.Get(), &settings); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; hr = settings->put_StreamingCaptureMode ( StreamingCaptureMode::StreamingCaptureMode_Video); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; hr = settings.As (&settings5); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; hr = settings5->put_SourceGroup (source_group); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; /* TODO: support D3D11 memory */ hr = settings5->put_MemoryPreference ( MediaCaptureMemoryPreference::MediaCaptureMemoryPreference_Cpu); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; hr = settings5.As (&settings); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; hr = ActivateInstance (hstr_capture.Get(), &media_capture5); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; hr = media_capture5.As (&media_capture); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; hr = media_capture->InitializeWithSettingsAsync (settings.Get(), &init_async); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; return StartAsyncThen( init_async.Get(), [this, init_async, media_capture](_In_ HRESULT hr, _In_ IAsyncAction *asyncResult, _In_ AsyncStatus asyncStatus) -> HRESULT { return mediaCaptureInitPost (init_async, media_capture); }); }); init_done_ = false; if (dispatcher_) { hr = dispatcher_->RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority_Normal, work_item.Get(), &async_action); } else { hr = work_item->Invoke (); } return hr; } HRESULT MediaCaptureWrapper::mediaCaptureInitPost (ComPtr init_async, ComPtr media_capture) { std::unique_lock Lock(lock_); ComPtr frame_source; ComPtr> frameSources; ComPtr source; ComPtr format; ComPtr> formatList; ComPtr media_capture5; ComPtr set_format_async; ComPtr> create_reader_async; ComPtr frame_reader; boolean has_key; UINT32 count = 0; GstVideoInfo videoInfo; HRESULT hr; ComPtr> frame_arrived_handler = Callback> ([&] (IMediaFrameReader * reader, IMediaFrameArrivedEventArgs* args) { return onFrameArrived(reader, args); } ); GST_DEBUG ("InitializeWithSettingsAsync done"); hr = init_async->GetResults (); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; if (!gst_video_info_from_caps (&videoInfo, media_desc_->caps_)) { GST_WARNING ("Couldn't convert caps to videoinfo"); hr = E_FAIL; goto done; } hr = media_capture.As (&media_capture5); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; hr = media_capture5->get_FrameSources (&frameSources); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; hr = frameSources->HasKey (media_desc_->source_id_.Get(), &has_key); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; if (!has_key) { GST_ERROR ("MediaFrameSource unavailable"); hr = E_FAIL; goto done; } hr = frameSources->Lookup (media_desc_->source_id_.Get(), &source); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; hr = source->get_SupportedFormats (&formatList); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; hr = formatList->get_Size (&count); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; if (count == 0) { GST_ERROR ("No supported format object"); hr = E_FAIL; goto done; } /* FIXME: support audio */ for (UINT32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { ComPtr fmt; ComPtr videoFmt; ComPtr ratio; HString subtype; UINT32 width = 0; UINT32 height = 0; hr = formatList->GetAt (i, &fmt); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) continue; hr = fmt->get_VideoFormat (&videoFmt); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) continue; hr = videoFmt->get_Width (&width); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) continue; hr = videoFmt->get_Height (&height); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) continue; if (width != GST_VIDEO_INFO_WIDTH (&videoInfo)) continue; if (height != GST_VIDEO_INFO_HEIGHT (&videoInfo)) continue; /* TODO: check major type for audio */ hr = fmt->get_Subtype (subtype.GetAddressOf ()); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) continue; if (wcscmp (subtype.GetRawBuffer (nullptr), media_desc_->subtype_.GetRawBuffer (nullptr))) continue; format = fmt; break; } if (!format) { GST_ERROR ( "Couldn't find matching IMediaFrameFormat interface"); hr = E_FAIL; goto done; } hr = source->SetFormatAsync (format.Get (), &set_format_async); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; hr = SyncWait(set_format_async.Get ()); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; hr = set_format_async->GetResults (); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; hr = media_capture5->CreateFrameReaderAsync (source.Get(), &create_reader_async); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; hr = SyncWait(create_reader_async.Get()); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; hr = create_reader_async->GetResults(&frame_reader); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; hr = frame_reader->add_FrameArrived (frame_arrived_handler.Get(), &token_frame_arrived_); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; hr = media_capture->add_Failed (Callback ([this] (IMediaCapture * capture, IMediaCaptureFailedEventArgs* args) { return onCaptureFailed(capture, args); } ).Get(), &token_capture_failed_); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) goto done; frame_reader_ = frame_reader; media_capture_ = media_capture; done: init_done_ = true; cond_.notify_all(); return S_OK; } HRESULT MediaCaptureWrapper::startCapture() { HRESULT hr; if (!frame_reader_) { GST_ERROR ("Frame reader wasn't configured"); return E_FAIL; } ComPtr> start_async; hr = frame_reader_->StartAsync (&start_async); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; hr = SyncWait(start_async.Get()); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; MediaFrameReaderStartStatus reader_status; hr = start_async->GetResults(&reader_status); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; if (reader_status != MediaFrameReaderStartStatus::MediaFrameReaderStartStatus_Success) { GST_ERROR ("Cannot start frame reader, status %d", (gint) reader_status); return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; } HRESULT MediaCaptureWrapper::stopCapture() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (frame_reader_) { ComPtr async_action; hr = frame_reader_->StopAsync (&async_action); if (gst_mf_result (hr)) hr = SyncWait(async_action.Get ()); } return hr; } HRESULT MediaCaptureWrapper::onFrameArrived(IMediaFrameReader *reader, IMediaFrameArrivedEventArgs *args) { HRESULT hr; ComPtr frame_ref; ComPtr video_frame; ComPtr bitmap; hr = reader->TryAcquireLatestFrame (&frame_ref); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; if (!frame_ref) return S_OK; hr = frame_ref->get_VideoMediaFrame (&video_frame); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) return hr; hr = video_frame->get_SoftwareBitmap (&bitmap); if (!gst_mf_result (hr) || !bitmap) return hr; /* nothing to do if no callback was installed */ if (!user_cb_.frame_arrived) return S_OK; return user_cb_.frame_arrived (bitmap.Get(), user_data_); } HRESULT MediaCaptureWrapper::onCaptureFailed(IMediaCapture *capture, IMediaCaptureFailedEventArgs *args) { HRESULT hr; UINT32 error_code = 0; HString hstr_error_msg; std::string error_msg; hr = args->get_Code (&error_code); gst_mf_result (hr); hr = args->get_Message (hstr_error_msg.GetAddressOf()); gst_mf_result (hr); error_msg = convert_hstring_to_string (&hstr_error_msg); GST_WARNING ("Have error %s (%d)", error_msg.c_str(), error_code); if (user_cb_.failed) user_cb_.failed (error_msg, error_code, user_data_); return S_OK; } HRESULT MediaCaptureWrapper::enumrateFrameSourceGroup (std::vector &groupList) { ComPtr frame_source_group_statics; ComPtr*>> async_op; ComPtr> source_group_list; HRESULT hr; unsigned int cnt = 0; HStringReference hstr_frame_source_group = HStringReference ( RuntimeClass_Windows_Media_Capture_Frames_MediaFrameSourceGroup); groupList.clear(); hr = GetActivationFactory (hstr_frame_source_group.Get(), &frame_source_group_statics); if (!gst_mf_result(hr)) return hr; hr = frame_source_group_statics->FindAllAsync (&async_op); if (!gst_mf_result(hr)) return hr; hr = SyncWait*>(async_op.Get(), 5000); if (!gst_mf_result(hr)) return hr; hr = async_op->GetResults (&source_group_list); if (!gst_mf_result(hr)) return hr; hr = source_group_list->get_Size (&cnt); if (!gst_mf_result(hr)) return hr; if (cnt == 0) { GST_WARNING ("No available source group"); return E_FAIL; } GST_DEBUG("Have %u source group", cnt); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { ComPtr group; hr = source_group_list->GetAt (i, &group); if (!gst_mf_result(hr)) continue; GstWinRTMediaFrameSourceGroup source_group; hr = source_group.Fill(group); if (!gst_mf_result (hr)) continue; groupList.push_back (source_group); } if (groupList.empty ()) { GST_WARNING("No available source group"); return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; } HRESULT FindCoreDispatcherForCurrentThread (ICoreDispatcher ** dispatcher) { HStringReference hstr_core_app = HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_ApplicationModel_Core_CoreApplication); HRESULT hr; ComPtr core_app; hr = GetActivationFactory (hstr_core_app.Get(), &core_app); if (FAILED (hr)) return hr; ComPtr core_app_view; hr = core_app->GetCurrentView (&core_app_view); if (FAILED (hr)) return hr; ComPtr core_window; hr = core_app_view->get_CoreWindow (&core_window); if (FAILED (hr)) return hr; return core_window->get_Dispatcher (dispatcher); }