building_wpe = false wpe_feat = get_option('wpe').require(gstgl_dep.found(), error_message : 'wpe plugin enabled but GL support was not detected') if not wpe_feat.allowed() subdir_done() endif # Version checks copied from Cog, licensed under MIT. # The difference is that for the 2.0 API we # require version 2.40.1, the first one without strict Application ID # requirement for the WebProcess sandbox. wpe_target_api_version_required = { '2.0': '>=2.40.1', '1.1': '>=2.33.1', '1.0': '>=2.28.0', } wpe_target_api = get_option('wpe_api') if wpe_target_api == 'auto' foreach try_api : ['2.0', '1.1', '1.0'] wpewebkit_dep = dependency('wpe-webkit-' + try_api, version: wpe_target_api_version_required[try_api], required: false) if wpewebkit_dep.found() wpe_target_api = try_api break endif endforeach else wpewebkit_dep = dependency('wpe-webkit-' + wpe_target_api, version: wpe_target_api_version_required[wpe_target_api]) endif if wpe_target_api == 'auto' or not wpewebkit_dep.found() subdir_done() endif use_wpe2 = 0 if wpe_target_api == '2.0' use_wpe2 = 1 endif gst_wpe_c_args = ['-DUSE_WPE2=@0@'.format(use_wpe2)] wpe_fdo_dep = dependency('wpebackend-fdo-1.0', version : '>= 1.8', required : wpe_feat) egl_dep = dependency('egl', required : wpe_feat) xkbcommon_dep = dependency('xkbcommon', version : '>= 0.8', required : wpe_feat) wl_server_dep = dependency('wayland-server', required : wpe_feat) if not (wpe_fdo_dep.found() and egl_dep.found() and xkbcommon_dep.found()) subdir_done() endif giounix_dep = dependency('gio-unix-2.0', required: false) wpe_extension_install_dir = get_option('prefix') / get_option('libdir') / meson.project_name() / 'wpe-extension' building_wpe = true gstwpe = library('gstwpe', ['WPEThreadedView.cpp', 'gstwpe.cpp', 'gstwpevideosrc.cpp', 'gstwpesrcbin.cpp'], dependencies : [egl_dep, wpewebkit_dep, wpe_fdo_dep, gstallocators_dep, gstaudio_dep, gstvideo_dep, gstbase_dep, gstgl_dep, xkbcommon_dep, wl_server_dep, giounix_dep], cpp_args : gst_plugins_bad_args + ['-DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1', '-DWPE_EXTENSION_INSTALL_DIR=' + wpe_extension_install_dir] + gst_wpe_c_args, include_directories : [configinc], install : true, install_dir : plugins_install_dir) if giounix_dep.found() subdir('wpe-extension') endif plugins += [gstwpe]