# Basic Media Player ## Goal This tutorial shows how to create a basic media player with [Qt](http://qt-project.org/) and [QtGStreamer](http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/qt-gstreamer/html/index.html). It assumes that you are already familiar with the basics of Qt and GStreamer. If not, please refer to the other tutorials in this documentation. In particular, you will learn: - How to create a basic pipeline - How to create a video output - Updating the GUI based on playback time ## A media player with Qt These files are located in the qt-gstreamer SDK's `examples/` directory. Due to the length of these samples, they are initially hidden. Click on each file to expand. CMakeLists.txt **CMakeLists.txt** ``` project(qtgst-example-player) find_package(QtGStreamer REQUIRED) ## automoc is now a built-in tool since CMake 2.8.6. if (${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "2.8.6") find_package(Automoc4 REQUIRED) else() set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC TRUE) macro(automoc4_add_executable) add_executable(${ARGV}) endmacro() endif() include_directories(${QTGSTREAMER_INCLUDES} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${QT_QTWIDGETS_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_definitions(${QTGSTREAMER_DEFINITIONS}) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${QTGSTREAMER_FLAGS}") set(player_SOURCES main.cpp player.cpp mediaapp.cpp) automoc4_add_executable(player ${player_SOURCES}) target_link_libraries(player ${QTGSTREAMER_UI_LIBRARIES} ${QT_QTOPENGL_LIBRARIES} ${QT_QTWIDGETS_LIBRARIES}) ``` main.cpp **main.cpp** ``` c #include "mediaapp.h" #include <QtWidgets/QApplication> #include <QGst/Init> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QGst::init(&argc, &argv); MediaApp media; media.show(); if (argc == 2) { media.openFile(argv[1]); } return app.exec(); } ``` mediaapp.h **mediaapp.h** ``` c #ifndef MEDIAAPP_H #define MEDIAAPP_H #include <QtCore/QTimer> #include <QtWidgets/QWidget> #include <QtWidgets/QStyle> class Player; class QBoxLayout; class QLabel; class QSlider; class QToolButton; class QTimer; class MediaApp : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: MediaApp(QWidget *parent = 0); ~MediaApp(); void openFile(const QString & fileName); private Q_SLOTS: void open(); void toggleFullScreen(); void onStateChanged(); void onPositionChanged(); void setPosition(int position); void showControls(bool show = true); void hideControls() { showControls(false); } protected: void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event); private: QToolButton *initButton(QStyle::StandardPixmap icon, const QString & tip, QObject *dstobj, const char *slot_method, QLayout *layout); void createUI(QBoxLayout *appLayout); QString m_baseDir; Player *m_player; QToolButton *m_openButton; QToolButton *m_fullScreenButton; QToolButton *m_playButton; QToolButton *m_pauseButton; QToolButton *m_stopButton; QSlider *m_positionSlider; QSlider *m_volumeSlider; QLabel *m_positionLabel; QLabel *m_volumeLabel; QTimer m_fullScreenTimer; }; #endif ``` mediaapp.cpp **mediaapp.cpp** ``` c #include "mediaapp.h" #include "player.h" #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0)) #include <QtWidgets/QBoxLayout> #include <QtWidgets/QFileDialog> #include <QtWidgets/QToolButton> #include <QtWidgets/QLabel> #include <QtWidgets/QSlider> #else #include <QtGui/QBoxLayout> #include <QtGui/QFileDialog> #include <QtGui/QToolButton> #include <QtGui/QLabel> #include <QtGui/QSlider> #include <QtGui/QMouseEvent> #endif MediaApp::MediaApp(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { //create the player m_player = new Player(this); connect(m_player, SIGNAL(positionChanged()), this, SLOT(onPositionChanged())); connect(m_player, SIGNAL(stateChanged()), this, SLOT(onStateChanged())); //m_baseDir is used to remember the last directory that was used. //defaults to the current working directory m_baseDir = QLatin1String("."); //this timer (re-)hides the controls after a few seconds when we are in fullscreen mode m_fullScreenTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&m_fullScreenTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(hideControls())); //create the UI QVBoxLayout *appLayout = new QVBoxLayout; appLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); createUI(appLayout); setLayout(appLayout); onStateChanged(); //set the controls to their default state setWindowTitle(tr("QtGStreamer example player")); resize(400, 400); } MediaApp::~MediaApp() { delete m_player; } void MediaApp::openFile(const QString & fileName) { m_baseDir = QFileInfo(fileName).path(); m_player->stop(); m_player->setUri(fileName); m_player->play(); } void MediaApp::open() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open a Movie"), m_baseDir); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { openFile(fileName); } } void MediaApp::toggleFullScreen() { if (isFullScreen()) { setMouseTracking(false); m_player->setMouseTracking(false); m_fullScreenTimer.stop(); showControls(); showNormal(); } else { setMouseTracking(true); m_player->setMouseTracking(true); hideControls(); showFullScreen(); } } void MediaApp::onStateChanged() { QGst::State newState = m_player->state(); m_playButton->setEnabled(newState != QGst::StatePlaying); m_pauseButton->setEnabled(newState == QGst::StatePlaying); m_stopButton->setEnabled(newState != QGst::StateNull); m_positionSlider->setEnabled(newState != QGst::StateNull); m_volumeSlider->setEnabled(newState != QGst::StateNull); m_volumeLabel->setEnabled(newState != QGst::StateNull); m_volumeSlider->setValue(m_player->volume()); //if we are in Null state, call onPositionChanged() to restore //the position of the slider and the text on the label if (newState == QGst::StateNull) { onPositionChanged(); } } /* Called when the positionChanged() is received from the player */ void MediaApp::onPositionChanged() { QTime length(0,0); QTime curpos(0,0); if (m_player->state() != QGst::StateReady && m_player->state() != QGst::StateNull) { length = m_player->length(); curpos = m_player->position(); } m_positionLabel->setText(curpos.toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz") + "/" + length.toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz")); if (length != QTime(0,0)) { m_positionSlider->setValue(curpos.msecsTo(QTime(0,0)) * 1000 / length.msecsTo(QTime(0,0))); } else { m_positionSlider->setValue(0); } if (curpos != QTime(0,0)) { m_positionLabel->setEnabled(true); m_positionSlider->setEnabled(true); } } /* Called when the user changes the slider's position */ void MediaApp::setPosition(int value) { uint length = -m_player->length().msecsTo(QTime(0,0)); if (length != 0 && value > 0) { QTime pos(0,0); pos = pos.addMSecs(length * (value / 1000.0)); m_player->setPosition(pos); } } void MediaApp::showControls(bool show) { m_openButton->setVisible(show); m_playButton->setVisible(show); m_pauseButton->setVisible(show); m_stopButton->setVisible(show); m_fullScreenButton->setVisible(show); m_positionSlider->setVisible(show); m_volumeSlider->setVisible(show); m_volumeLabel->setVisible(show); m_positionLabel->setVisible(show); } void MediaApp::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event); if (isFullScreen()) { showControls(); m_fullScreenTimer.start(3000); //re-hide controls after 3s } } QToolButton *MediaApp::initButton(QStyle::StandardPixmap icon, const QString & tip, QObject *dstobj, const char *slot_method, QLayout *layout) { QToolButton *button = new QToolButton; button->setIcon(style()->standardIcon(icon)); button->setIconSize(QSize(36, 36)); button->setToolTip(tip); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), dstobj, slot_method); layout->addWidget(button); return button; } void MediaApp::createUI(QBoxLayout *appLayout) { appLayout->addWidget(m_player); m_positionLabel = new QLabel(); m_positionSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal); m_positionSlider->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow); m_positionSlider->setTickInterval(10); m_positionSlider->setMaximum(1000); connect(m_positionSlider, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(setPosition(int))); m_volumeSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal); m_volumeSlider->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksLeft); m_volumeSlider->setTickInterval(2); m_volumeSlider->setMaximum(10); m_volumeSlider->setMaximumSize(64,32); connect(m_volumeSlider, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), m_player, SLOT(setVolume(int))); QGridLayout *posLayout = new QGridLayout; posLayout->addWidget(m_positionLabel, 1, 0); posLayout->addWidget(m_positionSlider, 1, 1, 1, 2); appLayout->addLayout(posLayout); QHBoxLayout *btnLayout = new QHBoxLayout; btnLayout->addStretch(); m_openButton = initButton(QStyle::SP_DialogOpenButton, tr("Open File"), this, SLOT(open()), btnLayout); m_playButton = initButton(QStyle::SP_MediaPlay, tr("Play"), m_player, SLOT(play()), btnLayout); m_pauseButton = initButton(QStyle::SP_MediaPause, tr("Pause"), m_player, SLOT(pause()), btnLayout); m_stopButton = initButton(QStyle::SP_MediaStop, tr("Stop"), m_player, SLOT(stop()), btnLayout); m_fullScreenButton = initButton(QStyle::SP_TitleBarMaxButton, tr("Fullscreen"), this, SLOT(toggleFullScreen()), btnLayout); btnLayout->addStretch(); m_volumeLabel = new QLabel(); m_volumeLabel->setPixmap( style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MediaVolume).pixmap(QSize(32, 32), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On)); btnLayout->addWidget(m_volumeLabel); btnLayout->addWidget(m_volumeSlider); appLayout->addLayout(btnLayout); } #include "moc_mediaapp.cpp" ``` player.h **player.h** ``` c #ifndef PLAYER_H #define PLAYER_H #include <QtCore/QTimer> #include <QtCore/QTime> #include <QGst/Pipeline> #include <QGst/Ui/VideoWidget> class Player : public QGst::Ui::VideoWidget { Q_OBJECT public: Player(QWidget *parent = 0); ~Player(); void setUri(const QString &uri); QTime position() const; void setPosition(const QTime &pos); int volume() const; QTime length() const; QGst::State state() const; public Q_SLOTS: void play(); void pause(); void stop(); void setVolume(int volume); Q_SIGNALS: void positionChanged(); void stateChanged(); private: void onBusMessage(const QGst::MessagePtr &message); void handlePipelineStateChange(const QGst::StateChangedMessagePtr &scm); QGst::PipelinePtr m_pipeline; QTimer m_positionTimer; }; #endif //PLAYER_H ``` player.cpp **player.cpp** ``` c #include "player.h" #include <QtCore/QDir> #include <QtCore/QUrl> #include <QGlib/Connect> #include <QGlib/Error> #include <QGst/Pipeline> #include <QGst/ElementFactory> #include <QGst/Bus> #include <QGst/Message> #include <QGst/Query> #include <QGst/ClockTime> #include <QGst/Event> #include <QGst/StreamVolume> Player::Player(QWidget *parent) : QGst::Ui::VideoWidget(parent) { //this timer is used to tell the ui to change its position slider & label //every 100 ms, but only when the pipeline is playing connect(&m_positionTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SIGNAL(positionChanged())); } Player::~Player() { if (m_pipeline) { m_pipeline->setState(QGst::StateNull); stopPipelineWatch(); } } void Player::setUri(const QString & uri) { QString realUri = uri; //if uri is not a real uri, assume it is a file path if (realUri.indexOf("://") < 0) { realUri = QUrl::fromLocalFile(realUri).toEncoded(); } if (!m_pipeline) { m_pipeline = QGst::ElementFactory::make("playbin").dynamicCast<QGst::Pipeline>(); if (m_pipeline) { //let the video widget watch the pipeline for new video sinks watchPipeline(m_pipeline); //watch the bus for messages QGst::BusPtr bus = m_pipeline->bus(); bus->addSignalWatch(); QGlib::connect(bus, "message", this, &Player::onBusMessage); } else { qCritical() << "Failed to create the pipeline"; } } if (m_pipeline) { m_pipeline->setProperty("uri", realUri); } } QTime Player::position() const { if (m_pipeline) { //here we query the pipeline about its position //and we request that the result is returned in time format QGst::PositionQueryPtr query = QGst::PositionQuery::create(QGst::FormatTime); m_pipeline->query(query); return QGst::ClockTime(query->position()).toTime(); } else { return QTime(0,0); } } void Player::setPosition(const QTime & pos) { QGst::SeekEventPtr evt = QGst::SeekEvent::create( 1.0, QGst::FormatTime, QGst::SeekFlagFlush, QGst::SeekTypeSet, QGst::ClockTime::fromTime(pos), QGst::SeekTypeNone, QGst::ClockTime::None ); m_pipeline->sendEvent(evt); } int Player::volume() const { if (m_pipeline) { QGst::StreamVolumePtr svp = m_pipeline.dynamicCast<QGst::StreamVolume>(); if (svp) { return svp->volume(QGst::StreamVolumeFormatCubic) * 10; } } return 0; } void Player::setVolume(int volume) { if (m_pipeline) { QGst::StreamVolumePtr svp = m_pipeline.dynamicCast<QGst::StreamVolume>(); if(svp) { svp->setVolume((double)volume / 10, QGst::StreamVolumeFormatCubic); } } } QTime Player::length() const { if (m_pipeline) { //here we query the pipeline about the content's duration //and we request that the result is returned in time format QGst::DurationQueryPtr query = QGst::DurationQuery::create(QGst::FormatTime); m_pipeline->query(query); return QGst::ClockTime(query->duration()).toTime(); } else { return QTime(0,0); } } QGst::State Player::state() const { return m_pipeline ? m_pipeline->currentState() : QGst::StateNull; } void Player::play() { if (m_pipeline) { m_pipeline->setState(QGst::StatePlaying); } } void Player::pause() { if (m_pipeline) { m_pipeline->setState(QGst::StatePaused); } } void Player::stop() { if (m_pipeline) { m_pipeline->setState(QGst::StateNull); //once the pipeline stops, the bus is flushed so we will //not receive any StateChangedMessage about this. //so, to inform the ui, we have to emit this signal manually. Q_EMIT stateChanged(); } } void Player::onBusMessage(const QGst::MessagePtr & message) { switch (message->type()) { case QGst::MessageEos: //End of stream. We reached the end of the file. stop(); break; case QGst::MessageError: //Some error occurred. qCritical() << message.staticCast<QGst::ErrorMessage>()->error(); stop(); break; case QGst::MessageStateChanged: //The element in message->source() has changed state if (message->source() == m_pipeline) { handlePipelineStateChange(message.staticCast<QGst::StateChangedMessage>()); } break; default: break; } } void Player::handlePipelineStateChange(const QGst::StateChangedMessagePtr & scm) { switch (scm->newState()) { case QGst::StatePlaying: //start the timer when the pipeline starts playing m_positionTimer.start(100); break; case QGst::StatePaused: //stop the timer when the pipeline pauses if(scm->oldState() == QGst::StatePlaying) { m_positionTimer.stop(); } break; default: break; } Q_EMIT stateChanged(); } #include "moc_player.cpp" ``` ## Walkthrough ### Setting up GStreamer We begin by looking at `main()`: **main.cpp** ``` c int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QGst::init(&argc, &argv); MediaApp media; media.show(); if (argc == 2) { media.openFile(argv[1]); } return app.exec(); } ``` We first initialize QtGStreamer by calling `QGst::init()`, passing `argc` and `argv`. Internally, this ensures that the GLib type system and GStreamer plugin registry is configured and initialized, along with handling helpful environment variables such as `GST_DEBUG` and common command line options. Please see the [Running GStreamer Applications](http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gstreamer/html/gst-running.html) section of the core reference manual for details. Construction of the `MediaApp` (derived from [`QApplication`](http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtwidgets/qapplication.html)) involves constructing the `Player` object and connecting its signals to the UI: **MediaApp::MediaApp()** ``` c //create the player m_player = new Player(this); connect(m_player, SIGNAL(positionChanged()), this, SLOT(onPositionChanged())); connect(m_player, SIGNAL(stateChanged()), this, SLOT(onStateChanged())); ``` Next, we instruct the `MediaApp` to open the file given on the command line, if any: **MediaApp::openFile()** ``` c void MediaApp::openFile(const QString & fileName) { m_baseDir = QFileInfo(fileName).path(); m_player->stop(); m_player->setUri(fileName); m_player->play(); } ``` This in turn instructs the `Player` to construct our GStreamer pipeline: **Player::setUri()** ``` c void Player::setUri(const QString & uri) { QString realUri = uri; //if uri is not a real uri, assume it is a file path if (realUri.indexOf("://") < 0) { realUri = QUrl::fromLocalFile(realUri).toEncoded(); } if (!m_pipeline) { m_pipeline = QGst::ElementFactory::make("playbin").dynamicCast<QGst::Pipeline>(); if (m_pipeline) { //let the video widget watch the pipeline for new video sinks watchPipeline(m_pipeline); //watch the bus for messages QGst::BusPtr bus = m_pipeline->bus(); bus->addSignalWatch(); QGlib::connect(bus, "message", this, &Player::onBusMessage); } else { qCritical() << "Failed to create the pipeline"; } } if (m_pipeline) { m_pipeline->setProperty("uri", realUri); } } ``` Here, we first ensure that the pipeline will receive a proper URI. If `Player::setUri()` is called with `/home/user/some/file.mp3`, the path is modified to `file:///home/user/some/file.mp3`. `playbin` only accepts complete URIs. The pipeline is created via `QGst::ElementFactory::make()`. The `Player` object inherits from the `QGst::Ui::VideoWidget` class, which includes a function to watch for the `prepare-xwindow-id` message, which associates the underlying video sink with a Qt widget used for rendering. For clarity, here is a portion of the implementation: **prepare-xwindow-id handling** ``` c QGlib::connect(pipeline->bus(), "sync-message", this, &PipelineWatch::onBusSyncMessage); ... void PipelineWatch::onBusSyncMessage(const MessagePtr & msg) { ... if (msg->internalStructure()->name() == QLatin1String("prepare-xwindow-id")) { XOverlayPtr overlay = msg->source().dynamicCast<XOverlay>(); m_renderer->setVideoSink(overlay); } ``` Once the pipeline is created, we connect to the bus' message signal (via `QGlib::connect()`) to dispatch state change signals: ``` c void Player::onBusMessage(const QGst::MessagePtr & message) { switch (message->type()) { case QGst::MessageEos: //End of stream. We reached the end of the file. stop(); break; case QGst::MessageError: //Some error occurred. qCritical() << message.staticCast<QGst::ErrorMessage>()->error(); stop(); break; case QGst::MessageStateChanged: //The element in message->source() has changed state if (message->source() == m_pipeline) { handlePipelineStateChange(message.staticCast<QGst::StateChangedMessage>()); } break; default: break; } } void Player::handlePipelineStateChange(const QGst::StateChangedMessagePtr & scm) { switch (scm->newState()) { case QGst::StatePlaying: //start the timer when the pipeline starts playing m_positionTimer.start(100); break; case QGst::StatePaused: //stop the timer when the pipeline pauses if(scm->oldState() == QGst::StatePlaying) { m_positionTimer.stop(); } break; default: break; } Q_EMIT stateChanged(); } ``` Finally, we tell `playbin` what to play by setting the `uri` property: ``` c m_pipeline->setProperty("uri", realUri); ``` ### Starting Playback After `Player::setUri()` is called, `MediaApp::openFile()` calls `play()` on the `Player` object: **Player::play()** ``` c void Player::play() { if (m_pipeline) { m_pipeline->setState(QGst::StatePlaying); } } ``` The other state control methods are equally simple: **Player state functions** ``` c void Player::pause() { if (m_pipeline) { m_pipeline->setState(QGst::StatePaused); } } void Player::stop() { if (m_pipeline) { m_pipeline->setState(QGst::StateNull); //once the pipeline stops, the bus is flushed so we will //not receive any StateChangedMessage about this. //so, to inform the ui, we have to emit this signal manually. Q_EMIT stateChanged(); } } ``` Once the pipeline has entered the playing state, a state change message is emitted on the GStreamer bus which gets picked up by the `Player`: **Player::onBusMessage()** ``` c void Player::onBusMessage(const QGst::MessagePtr & message) { switch (message->type()) { case QGst::MessageEos: //End of stream. We reached the end of the file. stop(); break; case QGst::MessageError: //Some error occurred. qCritical() << message.staticCast<QGst::ErrorMessage>()->error(); stop(); break; case QGst::MessageStateChanged: //The element in message->source() has changed state if (message->source() == m_pipeline) { handlePipelineStateChange(message.staticCast<QGst::StateChangedMessage>()); } break; default: break; } } ``` The `stateChanged` signal we connected to earlier is emitted and handled: **MediaApp::onStateChanged()** ``` c void MediaApp::onStateChanged() { QGst::State newState = m_player->state(); m_playButton->setEnabled(newState != QGst::StatePlaying); m_pauseButton->setEnabled(newState == QGst::StatePlaying); m_stopButton->setEnabled(newState != QGst::StateNull); m_positionSlider->setEnabled(newState != QGst::StateNull); m_volumeSlider->setEnabled(newState != QGst::StateNull); m_volumeLabel->setEnabled(newState != QGst::StateNull); m_volumeSlider->setValue(m_player->volume()); //if we are in Null state, call onPositionChanged() to restore //the position of the slider and the text on the label if (newState == QGst::StateNull) { onPositionChanged(); } } ``` This updates the UI to reflect the current state of the player's pipeline. Driven by a [`QTimer`](http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qtimer.html), the `Player` emits the `positionChanged` signal at regular intervals for the UI to handle: **MediaApp::onPositionChanged()** ``` c void MediaApp::onPositionChanged() { QTime length(0,0); QTime curpos(0,0); if (m_player->state() != QGst::StateReady && m_player->state() != QGst::StateNull) { length = m_player->length(); curpos = m_player->position(); } m_positionLabel->setText(curpos.toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz") + "/" + length.toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz")); if (length != QTime(0,0)) { m_positionSlider->setValue(curpos.msecsTo(QTime(0,0)) * 1000 / length.msecsTo(QTime(0,0))); } else { m_positionSlider->setValue(0); } if (curpos != QTime(0,0)) { m_positionLabel->setEnabled(true); m_positionSlider->setEnabled(true); } } ``` The `MediaApp` queries the pipeline via the `Player`'s `position()` method, which submits a position query. This is analogous to `gst_element_query_position()`: **Player::position()** ``` c QTime Player::position() const { if (m_pipeline) { //here we query the pipeline about its position //and we request that the result is returned in time format QGst::PositionQueryPtr query = QGst::PositionQuery::create(QGst::FormatTime); m_pipeline->query(query); return QGst::ClockTime(query->position()).toTime(); } else { return QTime(0,0); } } ``` Due to the way Qt handles signals that cross threads, there is no need to worry about calling UI functions from outside the UI thread in this example. ## Conclusion This tutorial has shown: - How to create a basic pipeline - How to create a video output - Updating the GUI based on playback time It has been a pleasure having you here, and see you soon\!