# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Pitivi video editor # Copyright (c) 2009, Alessandro Decina # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. import collections import errno import fnmatch import os import re import sys import threading import time import traceback import types # environment variables controlling levels for each category _DEBUG = "*:1" # name of the environment variable controlling our logging _ENV_VAR_NAME = None # package names we should scrub filenames for _PACKAGE_SCRUB_LIST = [] # dynamic dictionary of categories already seen and their level _categories = {} # log handlers registered _log_handlers = [] _log_handlers_limited = [] _initialized = False _stdout = None _stderr = None _old_hup_handler = None _outfile = None # public log levels (ERROR, WARN, FIXME, INFO, DEBUG, LOG) = list(range(1, 7)) COLORS = {ERROR: 'RED', WARN: 'YELLOW', FIXME: 'MAGENTA', INFO: 'GREEN', DEBUG: 'BLUE', LOG: 'CYAN'} _FORMATTED_LEVELS = [] _LEVEL_NAMES = ['ERROR', 'WARN', 'FIXME', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'LOG'] class TerminalController: """A class for generating formatted output to a terminal. `TerminalController` defines a set of instance variables whose values are initialized to the control sequence necessary to perform a given action. These can be simply included in normal output to the terminal: >>> term = TerminalController() >>> print('This is '+term.GREEN+'green'+term.NORMAL) Alternatively, the `render()` method can used, which replaces '${action}' with the string required to perform 'action': >>> term = TerminalController() >>> print(term.render('This is ${GREEN}green${NORMAL}')) If the terminal doesn't support a given action, then the value of the corresponding instance variable will be set to ''. As a result, the above code will still work on terminals that do not support color, except that their output will not be colored. Also, this means that you can test whether the terminal supports a given action by simply testing the truth value of the corresponding instance variable: >>> term = TerminalController() >>> if term.CLEAR_SCREEN: ... print('This terminal supports clearning the screen.') Finally, if the width and height of the terminal are known, then they will be stored in the `COLS` and `LINES` attributes. Args: term_stream (Optional): The stream that will be used for terminal output; if this stream is not a tty, then the terminal is assumed to be a dumb terminal (i.e., have no capabilities). """ # Cursor movement: BOL = '' # : Move the cursor to the beginning of the line UP = '' # : Move the cursor up one line DOWN = '' # : Move the cursor down one line LEFT = '' # : Move the cursor left one char RIGHT = '' # : Move the cursor right one char # Deletion: CLEAR_SCREEN = '' # : Clear the screen and move to home position CLEAR_EOL = '' # : Clear to the end of the line. CLEAR_BOL = '' # : Clear to the beginning of the line. CLEAR_EOS = '' # : Clear to the end of the screen # Output modes: BOLD = '' # : Turn on bold mode BLINK = '' # : Turn on blink mode DIM = '' # : Turn on half-bright mode REVERSE = '' # : Turn on reverse-video mode NORMAL = '' # : Turn off all modes # Cursor display: HIDE_CURSOR = '' # : Make the cursor invisible SHOW_CURSOR = '' # : Make the cursor visible # Terminal size: COLS = None # : Width of the terminal (None for unknown) LINES = None # : Height of the terminal (None for unknown) # Foreground colors: BLACK = BLUE = GREEN = CYAN = RED = MAGENTA = YELLOW = WHITE = '' # Background colors: BG_BLACK = BG_BLUE = BG_GREEN = BG_CYAN = '' BG_RED = BG_MAGENTA = BG_YELLOW = BG_WHITE = '' _STRING_CAPABILITIES = """ BOL=cr UP=cuu1 DOWN=cud1 LEFT=cub1 RIGHT=cuf1 CLEAR_SCREEN=clear CLEAR_EOL=el CLEAR_BOL=el1 CLEAR_EOS=ed BOLD=bold BLINK=blink DIM=dim REVERSE=rev UNDERLINE=smul NORMAL=sgr0 HIDE_CURSOR=cinvis SHOW_CURSOR=cnorm""".split() _COLORS = """BLACK BLUE GREEN CYAN RED MAGENTA YELLOW WHITE""".split() _ANSICOLORS = "BLACK RED GREEN YELLOW BLUE MAGENTA CYAN WHITE".split() def __init__(self, term_stream=sys.stdout): # Curses isn't available on all platforms try: import curses except ImportError: return # If the stream isn't a tty, then assume it has no capabilities. if not term_stream.isatty(): return # Check the terminal type. If we fail, then assume that the # terminal has no capabilities. try: curses.setupterm() except BaseException: return # Look up numeric capabilities. self.COLS = curses.tigetnum('cols') self.LINES = curses.tigetnum('lines') # Look up string capabilities. for capability in self._STRING_CAPABILITIES: (attrib, cap_name) = capability.split('=') setattr(self, attrib, self._tigetstr(cap_name) or b'') # Colors set_fg = self._tigetstr('setf') if set_fg: for i, color in zip(list(range(len(self._COLORS))), self._COLORS): setattr(self, color, curses.tparm(set_fg, i) or b'') set_fg_ansi = self._tigetstr('setaf') if set_fg_ansi: for i, color in zip(list(range(len(self._ANSICOLORS))), self._ANSICOLORS): setattr(self, color, curses.tparm(set_fg_ansi, i) or b'') set_bg = self._tigetstr('setb') if set_bg: for i, color in zip(list(range(len(self._COLORS))), self._COLORS): setattr(self, 'BG_' + color, curses.tparm(set_bg, i) or b'') set_bg_ansi = self._tigetstr('setab') if set_bg_ansi: for i, color in zip(list(range(len(self._ANSICOLORS))), self._ANSICOLORS): setattr( self, 'BG_' + color, curses.tparm(set_bg_ansi, i) or b'') def _tigetstr(self, cap_name): # String capabilities can include "delays" of the form "$<2>". # For any modern terminal, we should be able to just ignore # these, so strip them out. import curses cap = curses.tigetstr(cap_name) or b'' return re.sub(r'\$<\d+>[/*]?', '', cap.decode()).encode() def render(self, template): """Replaces each $-substitutions in the specified template string. The placeholders are replaced with the corresponding terminal control string (if it's defined) or '' (if it's not). """ return re.sub(r'\$\$|\${\w+}', self._render_sub, template) def _render_sub(self, match): s = match.group() if s == '$$': return s else: return getattr(self, s[2:-1]) # # Example use case: progress bar # class ProgressBar: """A 3-line progress bar. Looks like this: Header 20% [===========----------------------------------] progress message The progress bar is colored, if the terminal supports color output; and adjusts to the width of the terminal. """ BAR = '%3d%% ${GREEN}[${BOLD}%s%s${NORMAL}${GREEN}]${NORMAL}\n' HEADER = '${BOLD}${CYAN}%s${NORMAL}\n\n' def __init__(self, term, header): self.term = term if not (self.term.CLEAR_EOL and self.term.UP and self.term.BOL): raise ValueError("Terminal isn't capable enough -- you " "should use a simpler progress dispaly.") self.width = self.term.COLS or 75 self.bar = term.render(self.BAR) self.header = self.term.render(self.HEADER % header.center(self.width)) self.cleared = 1 # : true if we haven't drawn the bar yet. self.update(0, '') def update(self, percent, message): if self.cleared: sys.stdout.write(self.header) self.cleared = 0 n = int((self.width - 10) * percent) sys.stdout.write( self.term.BOL + self.term.UP + self.term.CLEAR_EOL + (self.bar % (100 * percent, '=' * n, '-' * (self.width - 10 - n))) + self.term.CLEAR_EOL + message.center(self.width)) def clear(self): if not self.cleared: sys.stdout.write(self.term.BOL + self.term.CLEAR_EOL + self.term.UP + self.term.CLEAR_EOL + self.term.UP + self.term.CLEAR_EOL) self.cleared = 1 def getLevelName(level): """Returns the name of the specified log level. Args: level (int): The level we want to know the name. Returns: str: The name of the level. """ assert isinstance(level, int) and level > 0 and level < 7, \ TypeError("Bad debug level") return getLevelNames()[level - 1] def getLevelNames(): """Returns a list with the level names. Returns: List[str]: A list with the level names. """ return _LEVEL_NAMES def getLevelInt(levelName): """Returns the integer value of the levelName. Args: levelName (str): The string value of the level name. Returns: int: The value of the level name we are interested in. """ assert isinstance(levelName, str) and levelName in getLevelNames(), \ "Bad debug level name" return getLevelNames().index(levelName) + 1 def getFormattedLevelName(level): assert isinstance(level, int) and level > 0 and level < len(_LEVEL_NAMES) + 1, \ TypeError("Bad debug level") return _FORMATTED_LEVELS[level - 1] def registerCategory(category): """Registers the specified category in the debug system. A level will be assigned to it based on previous calls to setDebug. """ # parse what level it is set to based on _DEBUG # example: *:2,admin:4 global _DEBUG global _levels global _categories level = 0 chunks = _DEBUG.split(',') for chunk in chunks: if not chunk: continue if ':' in chunk: spec, value = chunk.split(':') else: spec = '*' value = chunk # our glob is unix filename style globbing, so cheat with fnmatch # fnmatch.fnmatch didn't work for this, so don't use it if category in fnmatch.filter((category, ), spec): # we have a match, so set level based on string or int if not value: continue try: level = int(value) except ValueError: # e.g. *; we default to most level = 5 # store it _categories[category] = level def getCategoryLevel(category): """Gets the debug level at which the specified category is being logged. Registers the category and thus assigns a log level if it wasn't registered yet. Args: category (string): The category we are interested in. """ global _categories if category not in _categories: registerCategory(category) return _categories[category] def setLogSettings(state): """Updates the current log settings. This can restore an old saved log settings object returned by getLogSettings. Args: state: The settings to set. """ global _DEBUG global _log_handlers global _log_handlers_limited (_DEBUG, _categories, _log_handlers, _log_handlers_limited) = state for category in _categories: registerCategory(category) def getLogSettings(): """Fetches the current log settings. The returned object can be sent to setLogSettings to restore the returned settings Returns: The current settings. """ return (_DEBUG, _categories, _log_handlers, _log_handlers_limited) def _canShortcutLogging(category, level): if _log_handlers: # we have some loggers operating without filters, have to do # everything return False else: return level > getCategoryLevel(category) def scrubFilename(filename): ''' Scrub the filename to a relative path for all packages in our scrub list. ''' global _PACKAGE_SCRUB_LIST for package in _PACKAGE_SCRUB_LIST: i = filename.rfind(package) if i > -1: return filename[i:] return filename def getFileLine(where=-1): """Returns the filename and line number for the specified location. Args: where(int or function): If it's a (negative) integer, looks for the code entry in the current stack that is the given number of frames above this module. If it's a function, look for the code entry of the function. Returns: str, int, str: file, line, function_name. """ co = None lineno = None name = None if isinstance(where, types.FunctionType): co = where.__code__ lineno = co.co_firstlineno name = co.co_name elif isinstance(where, types.MethodType): co = where.__func__.__code__ lineno = co.co_firstlineno name = co.co_name else: stackFrame = sys._getframe() while stackFrame: co = stackFrame.f_code if not co.co_filename.endswith('loggable.py'): co = stackFrame.f_code lineno = stackFrame.f_lineno name = co.co_name break stackFrame = stackFrame.f_back if not co: return "", 0, None return scrubFilename(co.co_filename), lineno, name def ellipsize(o): """Ellipsizes the representation of the given object.""" r = repr(o) if len(r) < 800: return r r = r[:60] + ' ... ' + r[-15:] return r def getFormatArgs(startFormat, startArgs, endFormat, endArgs, args, kwargs): """Creates a format and args to use for logging. This avoids needlessly interpolating variables. """ debugArgs = startArgs[:] for a in args: debugArgs.append(ellipsize(a)) for items in list(kwargs.items()): debugArgs.extend(items) debugArgs.extend(endArgs) format = startFormat \ + ', '.join(('%s', ) * len(args)) \ + (kwargs and ', ' or '') \ + ', '.join(('%s=%r', ) * len(kwargs)) \ + endFormat return format, debugArgs def doLog(level, object, category, format, args, where=-1, filePath=None, line=None): """Logs something. Args: where (int or function): What to log file and line number for; -1 for one frame above log.py; -2 and down for higher up; a function for a (future) code object. filePath (Optional[str]): The file to show the message as coming from, if caller knows best. line (Optional[int]): The line to show the message as coming from, if caller knows best. Returns: A dict of calculated variables, if they needed calculating. currently contains file and line; this prevents us from doing this work in the caller when it isn't needed because of the debug level. """ ret = {} if args: message = format % args else: message = format funcname = None if level > getCategoryLevel(category): handlers = _log_handlers else: handlers = _log_handlers + _log_handlers_limited if handlers: if filePath is None and line is None: (filePath, line, funcname) = getFileLine(where=where) ret['filePath'] = filePath ret['line'] = line if funcname: message = "\033[00m\033[32;01m%s:\033[00m %s" % (funcname, message) for handler in handlers: try: handler(level, object, category, filePath, line, message) except TypeError as e: raise SystemError("handler %r raised a TypeError: %s" % ( handler, getExceptionMessage(e))) return ret def errorObject(object, cat, format, *args): """Logs a fatal error message in the specified category. This will also raise a `SystemExit`. """ doLog(ERROR, object, cat, format, args) def warningObject(object, cat, format, *args): """Logs a warning message in the specified category. This is used for non-fatal problems. """ doLog(WARN, object, cat, format, args) def fixmeObject(object, cat, format, *args): """Logs a fixme message in the specified category. This is used for not implemented codepaths or known issues in the code. """ doLog(FIXME, object, cat, format, args) def infoObject(object, cat, format, *args): """Logs an informational message in the specified category.""" doLog(INFO, object, cat, format, args) def debugObject(object, cat, format, *args): """Logs a debug message in the specified category.""" doLog(DEBUG, object, cat, format, args) def logObject(object, cat, format, *args): """Logs a log message. Used for debugging recurring events. """ doLog(LOG, object, cat, format, args) def safeprintf(file, format, *args): """Writes to a file object, ignoring errors.""" try: if args: file.write(format % args) else: file.write(format) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: # if our output is closed, exit; e.g. when logging over an # ssh connection and the ssh connection is closed os._exit(os.EX_OSERR) # otherwise ignore it, there's nothing you can do def printHandler(level, object, category, file, line, message): """Writes to stderr. The output will be different depending the value of "_enableCrackOutput"; in Pitivi's case, that is True when the GST_DEBUG env var is defined. Args: level (str): object (str): Can be None. category (str): message (str): """ global _outfile # Make the file path more compact for readability file = os.path.relpath(file) where = "(%s:%d)" % (file, line) # If GST_DEBUG is not set, we can assume only PITIVI_DEBUG is set, so don't # show a bazillion of debug details that are not relevant to Pitivi. if not _enableCrackOutput: safeprintf(_outfile, '%s %-8s %-17s %-2s %s %s\n', getFormattedLevelName(level), time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), category, object, message, where) else: o = "" if object: o = '"' + object + '"' # level pid object cat time # 5 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 32 + 1 + 17 + 1 + 15 == 80 safeprintf( _outfile, '%s [%5d] [0x%12x] %-32s %-17s %-15s %-4s %s %s\n', getFormattedLevelName(level), os.getpid(), threading.current_thread().ident, o[:32], category, time.strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S"), "", message, where) _outfile.flush() def logLevelName(level): format = '%-5s' return format % (_LEVEL_NAMES[level - 1], ) def _as_string(string_or_bytes): return string_or_bytes.decode() if isinstance(string_or_bytes, bytes) else string_or_bytes def _preformatLevels(enableColorOutput): terminal_controller = TerminalController() for level in ERROR, WARN, FIXME, INFO, DEBUG, LOG: if enableColorOutput: formatter = ''.join( (_as_string(terminal_controller.BOLD), _as_string(getattr(terminal_controller, COLORS[level])), logLevelName(level), _as_string(terminal_controller.NORMAL))) else: formatter = logLevelName(level) _FORMATTED_LEVELS.append(formatter) # "public" useful API # setup functions def init(envVarName, enableColorOutput=True, enableCrackOutput=True): """Initializes the logging system. Needs to be called before using the log methods. Args: envVarName (str): The name of the environment variable with additional settings. """ global _initialized global _outfile global _enableCrackOutput _enableCrackOutput = enableCrackOutput if _initialized: return global _ENV_VAR_NAME _ENV_VAR_NAME = envVarName _preformatLevels(enableColorOutput) if envVarName in os.environ: # install a log handler that uses the value of the environment var setDebug(os.environ[envVarName]) filenameEnvVarName = envVarName + "_FILE" if filenameEnvVarName in os.environ: # install a log handler that uses the value of the environment var _outfile = open(os.environ[filenameEnvVarName], "w+") else: _outfile = sys.stderr addLimitedLogHandler(printHandler) _initialized = True def setDebug(string): """Sets the DEBUG string. This controls the log output. """ global _DEBUG global _ENV_VAR_NAME global _categories _DEBUG = string debug('log', "%s set to %s" % (_ENV_VAR_NAME, _DEBUG)) # reparse all already registered category levels for category in _categories: registerCategory(category) def getDebug(): """Returns the currently active DEBUG string.""" global _DEBUG return _DEBUG def setPackageScrubList(*packages): """Sets the package names to scrub from filenames. Filenames from these paths in log messages will be scrubbed to their relative file path instead of the full absolute path. Args: *packages (List[str]): The packages names to scrub. """ global _PACKAGE_SCRUB_LIST _PACKAGE_SCRUB_LIST = packages def reset(): """Resets the logging system, removing all log handlers.""" global _log_handlers, _log_handlers_limited, _initialized _log_handlers = [] _log_handlers_limited = [] _initialized = False def addLogHandler(func): """Adds a custom log handler. The log handler receives all the log messages. Args: func (function): A function object with prototype (level, object, category, message) where level is either ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, or LOG, and the rest of the arguments are strings or None. Use getLevelName(level) to get a printable name for the log level. Raises: TypeError: When func is not a callable. """ if not isinstance(func, collections.Callable): raise TypeError("func must be callable") if func not in _log_handlers: _log_handlers.append(func) def addLimitedLogHandler(func): """Adds a custom limited log handler. The log handler receives only the messages passing the filter. Args: func (function): A function object with prototype (level, object, category, message) where level is either ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, or LOG, and the rest of the arguments are strings or None. Use getLevelName(level) to get a printable name for the log level. Raises: TypeError: When func is not a callable. """ if not isinstance(func, collections.Callable): raise TypeError("func must be callable") if func not in _log_handlers_limited: _log_handlers_limited.append(func) def removeLogHandler(func): """Removes a registered log handler. Raises: ValueError: When func is not registered. """ _log_handlers.remove(func) def removeLimitedLogHandler(func): """Removes a registered limited log handler. Raises: ValueError: When func is not registered. """ _log_handlers_limited.remove(func) # public log functions def error(cat, format, *args): errorObject(None, cat, format, *args) def warning(cat, format, *args): warningObject(None, cat, format, *args) def fixme(cat, format, *args): fixmeObject(None, cat, format, *args) def info(cat, format, *args): infoObject(None, cat, format, *args) def debug(cat, format, *args): debugObject(None, cat, format, *args) def log(cat, format, *args): logObject(None, cat, format, *args) # public utility functions def getExceptionMessage(exception, frame=-1, filename=None): """Returns a short message based on an exception. Useful for debugging. Tries to find where the exception was triggered. """ stack = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) if filename: stack = [f for f in stack if f[0].find(filename) > -1] # import code; code.interact(local=locals()) (filename, line, func, text) = stack[frame] filename = scrubFilename(filename) exc = exception.__class__.__name__ msg = "" # a shortcut to extract a useful message out of most exceptions # for now if str(exception): msg = ": %s" % str(exception) return "exception %(exc)s at %(filename)s:%(line)s: %(func)s()%(msg)s" \ % locals() def reopenOutputFiles(): """Reopens the stdout and stderr output files, as set by `outputToFiles`.""" if not _stdout and not _stderr: debug('log', 'told to reopen log files, but log files not set') return def reopen(name, fileno, *args): oldmask = os.umask(0o026) try: f = open(name, 'a+', *args) finally: os.umask(oldmask) os.dup2(f.fileno(), fileno) if _stdout: reopen(_stdout, sys.stdout.fileno()) if _stderr: reopen(_stderr, sys.stderr.fileno(), 0) debug('log', 'opened log %r', _stderr) def outputToFiles(stdout=None, stderr=None): """Redirects stdout and stderr to the specified files. Records the file names so that a future call to reopenOutputFiles() can open the same files. Installs a SIGHUP handler that will reopen the output files. Note that stderr is opened unbuffered, so if it shares a file with stdout then interleaved output may not appear in the order that you expect. """ global _stdout, _stderr, _old_hup_handler _stdout, _stderr = stdout, stderr reopenOutputFiles() def sighup(signum, frame): info('log', "Received SIGHUP, reopening logs") reopenOutputFiles() if _old_hup_handler: info('log', "Calling old SIGHUP hander") _old_hup_handler(signum, frame) debug('log', 'installing SIGHUP handler') from . import signal handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, sighup) if handler == signal.SIG_DFL or handler == signal.SIG_IGN: _old_hup_handler = None else: _old_hup_handler = handler # base class for loggable objects class BaseLoggable(object): """Base class for objects that want to be able to log messages. The levels of severity for the messages are, in order from least to most: log, debug, info, warning, error. Attributes: logCategory (str): The category under which the messages will be filed. Can be used to set a display filter. """ def error(self, *args): """Logs an error. By default this will also raise an exception. """ if _canShortcutLogging(self.logCategory, ERROR): return errorObject(self.logObjectName(), self.logCategory, *self.logFunction(*args)) def warning(self, *args): """Logs a warning. Used for non-fatal problems. """ if _canShortcutLogging(self.logCategory, WARN): return warningObject( self.logObjectName(), self.logCategory, *self.logFunction(*args)) def fixme(self, *args): """Logs a fixme. Used for FIXMEs. """ if _canShortcutLogging(self.logCategory, FIXME): return fixmeObject(self.logObjectName(), self.logCategory, *self.logFunction(*args)) def info(self, *args): """Logs an informational message. Used for normal operation. """ if _canShortcutLogging(self.logCategory, INFO): return infoObject(self.logObjectName(), self.logCategory, *self.logFunction(*args)) def debug(self, *args): """Logs a debug message. Used for debugging. """ if _canShortcutLogging(self.logCategory, DEBUG): return debugObject(self.logObjectName(), self.logCategory, *self.logFunction(*args)) def log(self, *args): """Logs a log message. Used for debugging recurring events. """ if _canShortcutLogging(self.logCategory, LOG): return logObject(self.logObjectName(), self.logCategory, *self.logFunction(*args)) def doLog(self, level, where, format, *args, **kwargs): """Logs a message at the specified level, with the possibility of going higher up in the stack. Args: level (int): The log level. where (int or function): How many frames to go back from the last log frame, must be negative; or a function (to log for a future call). format (str): The string template for the message. *args: The arguments used when converting the `format` string template to the message. **kwargs: The pre-calculated values from a previous doLog call. Returns: dict: The calculated variables, to be reused in a call to doLog that should show the same location. """ if _canShortcutLogging(self.logCategory, level): return {} args = self.logFunction(*args) return doLog(level, self.logObjectName(), self.logCategory, format, args, where=where, **kwargs) def logFunction(self, *args): """Processes the arguments applied to the message template. Default just returns the arguments unchanged. """ return args def logObjectName(self): """Gets the name of this object.""" # cheat pychecker for name in ['logName', 'name']: if hasattr(self, name): return getattr(self, name) return None def handleException(self, exc): self.warning(getExceptionMessage(exc)) class Loggable(BaseLoggable): def __init__(self, logCategory=None): if logCategory: self.logCategory = logCategory elif not hasattr(self, 'logCategory'): self.logCategory = self.__class__.__name__.lower() def logObjectName(self): res = BaseLoggable.logObjectName(self) if not res: return "<%s at 0x%x>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self)) return res def error(self, format, *args): if _canShortcutLogging(self.logCategory, ERROR): return doLog(ERROR, self.logObjectName(), self.logCategory, format, self.logFunction(*args), where=-2)