// This file was generated by the Gtk# code generator. // Any changes made will be lost if regenerated. namespace Gst.Rtsp { using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; #region Autogenerated code [GLib.GType (typeof (Gst.Rtsp.RTSPHeaderFieldGType))] public enum RTSPHeaderField { Invalid = 0, Accept = 1, AcceptEncoding = 2, AcceptLanguage = 3, Allow = 4, Authorization = 5, Bandwidth = 6, Blocksize = 7, CacheControl = 8, Conference = 9, Connection = 10, ContentBase = 11, ContentEncoding = 12, ContentLanguage = 13, ContentLength = 14, ContentLocation = 15, ContentType = 16, Cseq = 17, Date = 18, Expires = 19, From = 20, IfModifiedSince = 21, LastModified = 22, ProxyAuthenticate = 23, ProxyRequire = 24, Public = 25, Range = 26, Referer = 27, Require = 28, RetryAfter = 29, RtpInfo = 30, Scale = 31, Session = 32, Server = 33, Speed = 34, Transport = 35, Unsupported = 36, UserAgent = 37, Via = 38, WwwAuthenticate = 39, ClientChallenge = 40, RealChallenge1 = 41, RealChallenge2 = 42, RealChallenge3 = 43, Subscribe = 44, Alert = 45, ClientId = 46, CompanyId = 47, Guid = 48, RegionData = 49, MaxAsmWidth = 50, Language = 51, PlayerStartTime = 52, Location = 53, Etag = 54, IfMatch = 55, AcceptCharset = 56, Supported = 57, Vary = 58, XAccelerateStreaming = 59, XAcceptAuthent = 60, XAcceptProxyAuthent = 61, XBroadcastId = 62, XBurstStreaming = 63, XNotice = 64, XPlayerLagTime = 65, XPlaylist = 66, XPlaylistChangeNotice = 67, XPlaylistGenId = 68, XPlaylistSeekId = 69, XProxyClientAgent = 70, XProxyClientVerb = 71, XRecedingPlaylistchange = 72, XRtpInfo = 73, XStartupprofile = 74, Timestamp = 75, AuthenticationInfo = 76, Host = 77, Pragma = 78, XServerIpAddress = 79, XSessioncookie = 80, RtcpInterval = 81, Keymgmt = 82, PipelinedRequests = 83, MediaProperties = 84, SeekStyle = 85, AcceptRanges = 86, Last = 87, } internal class RTSPHeaderFieldGType { [DllImport ("libgstrtsp-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_rtsp_header_field_get_type (); public static GLib.GType GType { get { return new GLib.GType (gst_rtsp_header_field_get_type ()); } } } #endregion }