/* * GStreamer * * Copyright 2006 Collabora Ltd, * Copyright 2006 Nokia Corporation * @author: Philippe Kalaf <philippe.kalaf@collabora.co.uk>. * Copyright 2012-2015 Pexip * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <string.h> #include "gstnetsim.h" GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY (netsim_debug); #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT (netsim_debug) enum { ARG_0, ARG_MIN_DELAY, ARG_MAX_DELAY, ARG_DELAY_PROBABILITY, ARG_DROP_PROBABILITY, ARG_DUPLICATE_PROBABILITY, ARG_DROP_PACKETS }; struct _GstNetSimPrivate { GstPad *sinkpad, *srcpad; GMutex loop_mutex; GCond start_cond; GMainLoop *main_loop; gboolean running; GRand *rand_seed; gint min_delay; gint max_delay; gfloat delay_probability; gfloat drop_probability; gfloat duplicate_probability; guint drop_packets; }; /* these numbers are nothing but wild guesses and dont reflect any reality */ #define DEFAULT_MIN_DELAY 200 #define DEFAULT_MAX_DELAY 400 #define DEFAULT_DELAY_PROBABILITY 0.0 #define DEFAULT_DROP_PROBABILITY 0.0 #define DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_PROBABILITY 0.0 #define DEFAULT_DROP_PACKETS 0 #define GST_NET_SIM_GET_PRIVATE(o) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((o), GST_TYPE_NET_SIM, \ GstNetSimPrivate)) static GstStaticPadTemplate gst_net_sim_sink_template = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("sink", GST_PAD_SINK, GST_PAD_ALWAYS, GST_STATIC_CAPS_ANY); static GstStaticPadTemplate gst_net_sim_src_template = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("src", GST_PAD_SRC, GST_PAD_ALWAYS, GST_STATIC_CAPS_ANY); G_DEFINE_TYPE (GstNetSim, gst_net_sim, GST_TYPE_ELEMENT); static void gst_net_sim_loop (GstNetSim * netsim) { GMainLoop *loop; GST_TRACE_OBJECT (netsim, "TASK: begin"); g_mutex_lock (&netsim->priv->loop_mutex); loop = g_main_loop_ref (netsim->priv->main_loop); netsim->priv->running = TRUE; GST_TRACE_OBJECT (netsim, "TASK: signal start"); g_cond_signal (&netsim->priv->start_cond); g_mutex_unlock (&netsim->priv->loop_mutex); GST_TRACE_OBJECT (netsim, "TASK: run"); g_main_loop_run (loop); g_main_loop_unref (loop); g_mutex_lock (&netsim->priv->loop_mutex); GST_TRACE_OBJECT (netsim, "TASK: pause"); gst_pad_pause_task (netsim->priv->srcpad); netsim->priv->running = FALSE; GST_TRACE_OBJECT (netsim, "TASK: signal end"); g_cond_signal (&netsim->priv->start_cond); g_mutex_unlock (&netsim->priv->loop_mutex); GST_TRACE_OBJECT (netsim, "TASK: end"); } static gboolean _main_loop_quit_and_remove_source (gpointer user_data) { GMainLoop *main_loop = user_data; GST_DEBUG ("MAINLOOP: Quit %p", main_loop); g_main_loop_quit (main_loop); g_assert (!g_main_loop_is_running (main_loop)); return FALSE; /* Remove source */ } static gboolean gst_net_sim_src_activatemode (GstPad * pad, GstObject * parent, GstPadMode mode, gboolean active) { GstNetSim *netsim = GST_NET_SIM (parent); gboolean result = FALSE; (void) pad; (void) mode; g_mutex_lock (&netsim->priv->loop_mutex); if (active) { if (netsim->priv->main_loop == NULL) { GMainContext *main_context = g_main_context_new (); netsim->priv->main_loop = g_main_loop_new (main_context, FALSE); g_main_context_unref (main_context); GST_TRACE_OBJECT (netsim, "ACT: Starting task on srcpad"); result = gst_pad_start_task (netsim->priv->srcpad, (GstTaskFunction) gst_net_sim_loop, netsim, NULL); GST_TRACE_OBJECT (netsim, "ACT: Wait for task to start"); g_assert (!netsim->priv->running); while (!netsim->priv->running) g_cond_wait (&netsim->priv->start_cond, &netsim->priv->loop_mutex); GST_TRACE_OBJECT (netsim, "ACT: Task on srcpad started"); } } else { if (netsim->priv->main_loop != NULL) { GSource *source; guint id; /* Adds an Idle Source which quits the main loop from within. * This removes the possibility for run/quit race conditions. */ GST_TRACE_OBJECT (netsim, "DEACT: Stopping main loop on deactivate"); source = g_idle_source_new (); g_source_set_callback (source, _main_loop_quit_and_remove_source, g_main_loop_ref (netsim->priv->main_loop), (GDestroyNotify) g_main_loop_unref); id = g_source_attach (source, g_main_loop_get_context (netsim->priv->main_loop)); g_source_unref (source); g_assert_cmpuint (id, >, 0); g_main_loop_unref (netsim->priv->main_loop); netsim->priv->main_loop = NULL; GST_TRACE_OBJECT (netsim, "DEACT: Wait for mainloop and task to pause"); g_assert (netsim->priv->running); while (netsim->priv->running) g_cond_wait (&netsim->priv->start_cond, &netsim->priv->loop_mutex); GST_TRACE_OBJECT (netsim, "DEACT: Stopping task on srcpad"); result = gst_pad_stop_task (netsim->priv->srcpad); GST_TRACE_OBJECT (netsim, "DEACT: Mainloop and GstTask stopped"); } } g_mutex_unlock (&netsim->priv->loop_mutex); return result; } typedef struct { GstPad *pad; GstBuffer *buf; } PushBufferCtx; G_INLINE_FUNC PushBufferCtx * push_buffer_ctx_new (GstPad * pad, GstBuffer * buf) { PushBufferCtx *ctx = g_slice_new (PushBufferCtx); ctx->pad = gst_object_ref (pad); ctx->buf = gst_buffer_ref (buf); return ctx; } G_INLINE_FUNC void push_buffer_ctx_free (PushBufferCtx * ctx) { if (G_LIKELY (ctx != NULL)) { gst_buffer_unref (ctx->buf); gst_object_unref (ctx->pad); g_slice_free (PushBufferCtx, ctx); } } static gboolean push_buffer_ctx_push (PushBufferCtx * ctx) { GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (ctx->pad, "Pushing buffer now"); gst_pad_push (ctx->pad, gst_buffer_ref (ctx->buf)); return FALSE; } static GstFlowReturn gst_net_sim_delay_buffer (GstNetSim * netsim, GstBuffer * buf) { GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK; g_mutex_lock (&netsim->priv->loop_mutex); if (netsim->priv->main_loop != NULL && netsim->priv->delay_probability > 0 && g_rand_double (netsim->priv->rand_seed) < netsim->priv->delay_probability) { PushBufferCtx *ctx = push_buffer_ctx_new (netsim->priv->srcpad, buf); gint delay = g_rand_int_range (netsim->priv->rand_seed, netsim->priv->min_delay, netsim->priv->max_delay); GSource *source = g_timeout_source_new (delay); GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (netsim, "Delaying packet by %d", delay); g_source_set_callback (source, (GSourceFunc) push_buffer_ctx_push, ctx, (GDestroyNotify) push_buffer_ctx_free); g_source_attach (source, g_main_loop_get_context (netsim->priv->main_loop)); g_source_unref (source); } else { ret = gst_pad_push (netsim->priv->srcpad, gst_buffer_ref (buf)); } g_mutex_unlock (&netsim->priv->loop_mutex); return ret; } static GstFlowReturn gst_net_sim_chain (GstPad * pad, GstObject * parent, GstBuffer * buf) { GstNetSim *netsim = GST_NET_SIM (parent); GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK; (void) pad; if (netsim->priv->drop_packets > 0) { netsim->priv->drop_packets--; GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (netsim, "Dropping packet (%d left)", netsim->priv->drop_packets); } else if (netsim->priv->drop_probability > 0 && g_rand_double (netsim->priv->rand_seed) < (gdouble) netsim->priv->drop_probability) { GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (netsim, "Dropping packet"); } else if (netsim->priv->duplicate_probability > 0 && g_rand_double (netsim->priv->rand_seed) < (gdouble) netsim->priv->duplicate_probability) { GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (netsim, "Duplicating packet"); gst_net_sim_delay_buffer (netsim, buf); ret = gst_net_sim_delay_buffer (netsim, buf); } else { ret = gst_net_sim_delay_buffer (netsim, buf); } gst_buffer_unref (buf); return ret; } static void gst_net_sim_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstNetSim *netsim = GST_NET_SIM (object); switch (prop_id) { default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; case ARG_MIN_DELAY: netsim->priv->min_delay = g_value_get_int (value); break; case ARG_MAX_DELAY: netsim->priv->max_delay = g_value_get_int (value); break; case ARG_DELAY_PROBABILITY: netsim->priv->delay_probability = g_value_get_float (value); break; case ARG_DROP_PROBABILITY: netsim->priv->drop_probability = g_value_get_float (value); break; case ARG_DUPLICATE_PROBABILITY: netsim->priv->duplicate_probability = g_value_get_float (value); break; case ARG_DROP_PACKETS: netsim->priv->drop_packets = g_value_get_uint (value); break; } } static void gst_net_sim_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstNetSim *netsim = GST_NET_SIM (object); switch (prop_id) { default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; case ARG_MIN_DELAY: g_value_set_int (value, netsim->priv->min_delay); break; case ARG_MAX_DELAY: g_value_set_int (value, netsim->priv->max_delay); break; case ARG_DELAY_PROBABILITY: g_value_set_float (value, netsim->priv->delay_probability); break; case ARG_DROP_PROBABILITY: g_value_set_float (value, netsim->priv->drop_probability); break; case ARG_DUPLICATE_PROBABILITY: g_value_set_float (value, netsim->priv->duplicate_probability); break; case ARG_DROP_PACKETS: g_value_set_uint (value, netsim->priv->drop_packets); break; } } static void gst_net_sim_init (GstNetSim * netsim) { netsim->priv = GST_NET_SIM_GET_PRIVATE (netsim); netsim->priv->srcpad = gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&gst_net_sim_src_template, "src"); netsim->priv->sinkpad = gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&gst_net_sim_sink_template, "sink"); gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (netsim), netsim->priv->srcpad); gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (netsim), netsim->priv->sinkpad); g_mutex_init (&netsim->priv->loop_mutex); g_cond_init (&netsim->priv->start_cond); netsim->priv->rand_seed = g_rand_new (); netsim->priv->main_loop = NULL; GST_OBJECT_FLAG_SET (netsim->priv->sinkpad, GST_PAD_FLAG_PROXY_CAPS | GST_PAD_FLAG_PROXY_ALLOCATION); gst_pad_set_chain_function (netsim->priv->sinkpad, GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_net_sim_chain)); gst_pad_set_activatemode_function (netsim->priv->srcpad, GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_net_sim_src_activatemode)); } static void gst_net_sim_finalize (GObject * object) { GstNetSim *netsim = GST_NET_SIM (object); g_rand_free (netsim->priv->rand_seed); g_mutex_clear (&netsim->priv->loop_mutex); g_cond_clear (&netsim->priv->start_cond); G_OBJECT_CLASS (gst_net_sim_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void gst_net_sim_dispose (GObject * object) { GstNetSim *netsim = GST_NET_SIM (object); g_assert (netsim->priv->main_loop == NULL); G_OBJECT_CLASS (gst_net_sim_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void gst_net_sim_class_init (GstNetSimClass * klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GstElementClass *gstelement_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (klass); g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (GstNetSimPrivate)); gst_element_class_add_static_pad_template (gstelement_class, &gst_net_sim_src_template); gst_element_class_add_static_pad_template (gstelement_class, &gst_net_sim_sink_template); gst_element_class_set_metadata (gstelement_class, "Network Simulator", "Filter/Network", "An element that simulates network jitter, " "packet loss and packet duplication", "Philippe Kalaf <philippe.kalaf@collabora.co.uk>"); gobject_class->dispose = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_net_sim_dispose); gobject_class->finalize = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_net_sim_finalize); gobject_class->set_property = gst_net_sim_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = gst_net_sim_get_property; g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_MIN_DELAY, g_param_spec_int ("min-delay", "Minimum delay (ms)", "The minimum delay in ms to apply to buffers", G_MININT, G_MAXINT, DEFAULT_MIN_DELAY, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_MAX_DELAY, g_param_spec_int ("max-delay", "Maximum delay (ms)", "The maximum delay in ms to apply to buffers", G_MININT, G_MAXINT, DEFAULT_MAX_DELAY, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_DELAY_PROBABILITY, g_param_spec_float ("delay-probability", "Delay Probability", "The Probability a buffer is delayed", 0.0, 1.0, DEFAULT_DELAY_PROBABILITY, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_DROP_PROBABILITY, g_param_spec_float ("drop-probability", "Drop Probability", "The Probability a buffer is dropped", 0.0, 1.0, DEFAULT_DROP_PROBABILITY, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_DUPLICATE_PROBABILITY, g_param_spec_float ("duplicate-probability", "Duplicate Probability", "The Probability a buffer is duplicated", 0.0, 1.0, DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_PROBABILITY, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, ARG_DROP_PACKETS, g_param_spec_uint ("drop-packets", "Drop Packets", "Drop the next n packets", 0, G_MAXUINT, DEFAULT_DROP_PACKETS, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (netsim_debug, "netsim", 0, "Network simulator"); } static gboolean gst_net_sim_plugin_init (GstPlugin * plugin) { return gst_element_register (plugin, "netsim", GST_RANK_MARGINAL, GST_TYPE_NET_SIM); } GST_PLUGIN_DEFINE (GST_VERSION_MAJOR, GST_VERSION_MINOR, netsim, "Network Simulator", gst_net_sim_plugin_init, PACKAGE_VERSION, "LGPL", GST_PACKAGE_NAME, GST_PACKAGE_ORIGIN)