project('webview2', version : '1.0.2420.47') py3 = import('python3').find_python() if host_machine.system() != 'windows' error('Can only download webview2 for Windows') endif message('Downloading and extracting webview2 nuget package') arch = target_machine.cpu_family() if arch != 'x86_64' and arch != 'x86' and arch != 'aarch64' error('Unexpected architecture' + arch) endif zip_hash = '8e5a7307d71507edbbe02cac27215d71058bbd82cd256cef60f06b945907610a' version = meson.project_version() ret = run_command(py3, files(''), meson.project_version(), zip_hash, check: true) base_path = join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'webview2-@0@'.format(version), 'build', 'native') inc_dir = include_directories(join_paths(base_path, 'include')) lib_path = '' if arch == 'x86_64' lib_path = join_paths(base_path, 'x64') elif arch == 'x86' lib_path = join_paths(base_path, 'x86') else lib_path = join_paths(base_path, 'arm64') endif cc = meson.get_compiler('c') loader_static = cc.find_library('WebView2LoaderStatic', dirs: [lib_path]) webview2_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories: inc_dir, dependencies: loader_static)