/* GStreamer * * Copyright (C) 2009 Texas Instruments, Inc - http://www.ti.com/ * * Description: V4L2 sink element * Created on: Jul 2, 2009 * Author: Rob Clark * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** * SECTION:element-v4l2sink * * v4l2sink can be used to display video to v4l2 devices (screen overlays * provided by the graphics hardware, tv-out, etc) * * * Example launch lines * |[ * gst-launch videotestsrc ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video1 * ]| This pipeline displays a test pattern on /dev/video1 * |[ * gst-launch -v videotestsrc ! navigationtest ! v4l2sink * ]| A pipeline to test navigation events. * While moving the mouse pointer over the test signal you will see a black box * following the mouse pointer. If you press the mouse button somewhere on the * video and release it somewhere else a green box will appear where you pressed * the button and a red one where you released it. (The navigationtest element * is part of gst-plugins-good.) You can observe here that even if the images * are scaled through hardware the pointer coordinates are converted back to the * original video frame geometry so that the box can be drawn to the correct * position. This also handles borders correctly, limiting coordinates to the * image area * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "gst/video/gstvideometa.h" #include "gstv4l2colorbalance.h" #include "gstv4l2tuner.h" #ifdef HAVE_XVIDEO #include "gstv4l2videooverlay.h" #endif #include "gstv4l2vidorient.h" #include "gstv4l2sink.h" #include "gst/gst-i18n-plugin.h" #include GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY (v4l2sink_debug); #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT v4l2sink_debug #define DEFAULT_PROP_DEVICE "/dev/video1" enum { PROP_0, V4L2_STD_OBJECT_PROPS, PROP_OVERLAY_TOP, PROP_OVERLAY_LEFT, PROP_OVERLAY_WIDTH, PROP_OVERLAY_HEIGHT, PROP_CROP_TOP, PROP_CROP_LEFT, PROP_CROP_WIDTH, PROP_CROP_HEIGHT, }; GST_IMPLEMENT_V4L2_COLOR_BALANCE_METHODS (GstV4l2Sink, gst_v4l2sink); GST_IMPLEMENT_V4L2_TUNER_METHODS (GstV4l2Sink, gst_v4l2sink); #ifdef HAVE_XVIDEO GST_IMPLEMENT_V4L2_VIDEO_OVERLAY_METHODS (GstV4l2Sink, gst_v4l2sink); #endif GST_IMPLEMENT_V4L2_VIDORIENT_METHODS (GstV4l2Sink, gst_v4l2sink); #ifdef HAVE_XVIDEO static void gst_v4l2sink_navigation_send_event (GstNavigation * navigation, GstStructure * structure); static void gst_v4l2sink_navigation_init (GstNavigationInterface * iface) { iface->send_event = gst_v4l2sink_navigation_send_event; } #endif #define gst_v4l2sink_parent_class parent_class G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GstV4l2Sink, gst_v4l2sink, GST_TYPE_VIDEO_SINK, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GST_TYPE_TUNER, gst_v4l2sink_tuner_interface_init); #ifdef HAVE_XVIDEO G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GST_TYPE_VIDEO_OVERLAY, gst_v4l2sink_video_overlay_interface_init); G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GST_TYPE_NAVIGATION, gst_v4l2sink_navigation_init); #endif G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GST_TYPE_COLOR_BALANCE, gst_v4l2sink_color_balance_interface_init); G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GST_TYPE_VIDEO_ORIENTATION, gst_v4l2sink_video_orientation_interface_init)); static void gst_v4l2sink_dispose (GObject * object); static void gst_v4l2sink_finalize (GstV4l2Sink * v4l2sink); /* GObject methods: */ static void gst_v4l2sink_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec); static void gst_v4l2sink_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec); /* GstElement methods: */ static GstStateChangeReturn gst_v4l2sink_change_state (GstElement * element, GstStateChange transition); /* GstBaseSink methods: */ static gboolean gst_v4l2sink_propose_allocation (GstBaseSink * bsink, GstQuery * query); static GstCaps *gst_v4l2sink_get_caps (GstBaseSink * bsink, GstCaps * filter); static gboolean gst_v4l2sink_set_caps (GstBaseSink * bsink, GstCaps * caps); #if 0 static GstFlowReturn gst_v4l2sink_buffer_alloc (GstBaseSink * bsink, guint64 offset, guint size, GstCaps * caps, GstBuffer ** buf); #endif static GstFlowReturn gst_v4l2sink_show_frame (GstBaseSink * bsink, GstBuffer * buf); static void gst_v4l2sink_class_init (GstV4l2SinkClass * klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class; GstElementClass *element_class; GstBaseSinkClass *basesink_class; gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); element_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (klass); basesink_class = GST_BASE_SINK_CLASS (klass); gobject_class->dispose = gst_v4l2sink_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = (GObjectFinalizeFunc) gst_v4l2sink_finalize; gobject_class->set_property = gst_v4l2sink_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = gst_v4l2sink_get_property; element_class->change_state = gst_v4l2sink_change_state; gst_v4l2_object_install_properties_helper (gobject_class, DEFAULT_PROP_DEVICE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_OVERLAY_TOP, g_param_spec_int ("overlay-top", "Overlay top", "The topmost (y) coordinate of the video overlay; top left corner of screen is 0,0", G_MININT, G_MAXINT, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_OVERLAY_LEFT, g_param_spec_int ("overlay-left", "Overlay left", "The leftmost (x) coordinate of the video overlay; top left corner of screen is 0,0", G_MININT, G_MAXINT, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_OVERLAY_WIDTH, g_param_spec_uint ("overlay-width", "Overlay width", "The width of the video overlay; default is equal to negotiated image width", 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_OVERLAY_HEIGHT, g_param_spec_uint ("overlay-height", "Overlay height", "The height of the video overlay; default is equal to negotiated image height", 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_CROP_TOP, g_param_spec_int ("crop-top", "Crop top", "The topmost (y) coordinate of the video crop; top left corner of image is 0,0", 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_CROP_LEFT, g_param_spec_int ("crop-left", "Crop left", "The leftmost (x) coordinate of the video crop; top left corner of image is 0,0", 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_CROP_WIDTH, g_param_spec_uint ("crop-width", "Crop width", "The width of the video crop; default is equal to negotiated image width", 0, 0xffffffff, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_CROP_HEIGHT, g_param_spec_uint ("crop-height", "Crop height", "The height of the video crop; default is equal to negotiated image height", 0, 0xffffffff, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); gst_element_class_set_static_metadata (element_class, "Video (video4linux2) Sink", "Sink/Video", "Displays frames on a video4linux2 device", "Rob Clark ,"); gst_element_class_add_pad_template (element_class, gst_pad_template_new ("sink", GST_PAD_SINK, GST_PAD_ALWAYS, gst_v4l2_object_get_all_caps ())); basesink_class->get_caps = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_v4l2sink_get_caps); basesink_class->set_caps = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_v4l2sink_set_caps); basesink_class->propose_allocation = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_v4l2sink_propose_allocation); basesink_class->render = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_v4l2sink_show_frame); klass->v4l2_class_devices = NULL; GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (v4l2sink_debug, "v4l2sink", 0, "V4L2 sink element"); } static void gst_v4l2sink_init (GstV4l2Sink * v4l2sink) { v4l2sink->v4l2object = gst_v4l2_object_new (GST_ELEMENT (v4l2sink), V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT, DEFAULT_PROP_DEVICE, gst_v4l2_get_output, gst_v4l2_set_output, NULL); /* same default value for video output device as is used for * v4l2src/capture is no good.. so lets set a saner default * (which can be overridden by the one creating the v4l2sink * after the constructor returns) */ g_object_set (v4l2sink, "device", "/dev/video1", NULL); v4l2sink->probed_caps = NULL; v4l2sink->overlay_fields_set = 0; v4l2sink->crop_fields_set = 0; } static void gst_v4l2sink_dispose (GObject * object) { GstV4l2Sink *v4l2sink = GST_V4L2SINK (object); if (v4l2sink->probed_caps) { gst_caps_unref (v4l2sink->probed_caps); } G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void gst_v4l2sink_finalize (GstV4l2Sink * v4l2sink) { gst_v4l2_object_destroy (v4l2sink->v4l2object); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize ((GObject *) (v4l2sink)); } /* * flags to indicate which overlay/crop properties the user has set (and * therefore which ones should override the defaults from the driver) */ enum { RECT_TOP_SET = 0x01, RECT_LEFT_SET = 0x02, RECT_WIDTH_SET = 0x04, RECT_HEIGHT_SET = 0x08 }; static void gst_v4l2sink_sync_overlay_fields (GstV4l2Sink * v4l2sink) { if (!v4l2sink->overlay_fields_set) return; if (GST_V4L2_IS_OPEN (v4l2sink->v4l2object)) { gint fd = v4l2sink->v4l2object->video_fd; struct v4l2_format format; memset (&format, 0x00, sizeof (struct v4l2_format)); format.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OVERLAY; if (v4l2_ioctl (fd, VIDIOC_G_FMT, &format) < 0) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "VIDIOC_G_FMT failed"); return; } GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "setting overlay: overlay_fields_set=0x%02x, top=%d, left=%d, width=%d, height=%d", v4l2sink->overlay_fields_set, v4l2sink->overlay.top, v4l2sink->overlay.left, v4l2sink->overlay.width, v4l2sink->overlay.height); if (v4l2sink->overlay_fields_set & RECT_TOP_SET) format.fmt.win.w.top = v4l2sink->overlay.top; if (v4l2sink->overlay_fields_set & RECT_LEFT_SET) format.fmt.win.w.left = v4l2sink->overlay.left; if (v4l2sink->overlay_fields_set & RECT_WIDTH_SET) format.fmt.win.w.width = v4l2sink->overlay.width; if (v4l2sink->overlay_fields_set & RECT_HEIGHT_SET) format.fmt.win.w.height = v4l2sink->overlay.height; if (v4l2_ioctl (fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &format) < 0) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "VIDIOC_S_FMT failed"); return; } v4l2sink->overlay_fields_set = 0; v4l2sink->overlay = format.fmt.win.w; } } static void gst_v4l2sink_sync_crop_fields (GstV4l2Sink * v4l2sink) { if (!v4l2sink->crop_fields_set) return; if (GST_V4L2_IS_OPEN (v4l2sink->v4l2object)) { gint fd = v4l2sink->v4l2object->video_fd; struct v4l2_crop crop; memset (&crop, 0x00, sizeof (struct v4l2_crop)); crop.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT; if (v4l2_ioctl (fd, VIDIOC_G_CROP, &crop) < 0) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "VIDIOC_G_CROP failed"); return; } GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "setting crop: crop_fields_set=0x%02x, top=%d, left=%d, width=%d, height=%d", v4l2sink->crop_fields_set, v4l2sink->crop.top, v4l2sink->crop.left, v4l2sink->crop.width, v4l2sink->crop.height); if (v4l2sink->crop_fields_set & RECT_TOP_SET) crop.c.top = v4l2sink->crop.top; if (v4l2sink->crop_fields_set & RECT_LEFT_SET) crop.c.left = v4l2sink->crop.left; if (v4l2sink->crop_fields_set & RECT_WIDTH_SET) crop.c.width = v4l2sink->crop.width; if (v4l2sink->crop_fields_set & RECT_HEIGHT_SET) crop.c.height = v4l2sink->crop.height; if (v4l2_ioctl (fd, VIDIOC_S_CROP, &crop) < 0) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "VIDIOC_S_CROP failed"); return; } v4l2sink->crop_fields_set = 0; v4l2sink->crop = crop.c; } } static void gst_v4l2sink_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstV4l2Sink *v4l2sink = GST_V4L2SINK (object); if (!gst_v4l2_object_set_property_helper (v4l2sink->v4l2object, prop_id, value, pspec)) { switch (prop_id) { case PROP_OVERLAY_TOP: v4l2sink->overlay.top = g_value_get_int (value); v4l2sink->overlay_fields_set |= RECT_TOP_SET; gst_v4l2sink_sync_overlay_fields (v4l2sink); break; case PROP_OVERLAY_LEFT: v4l2sink->overlay.left = g_value_get_int (value); v4l2sink->overlay_fields_set |= RECT_LEFT_SET; gst_v4l2sink_sync_overlay_fields (v4l2sink); break; case PROP_OVERLAY_WIDTH: v4l2sink->overlay.width = g_value_get_uint (value); v4l2sink->overlay_fields_set |= RECT_WIDTH_SET; gst_v4l2sink_sync_overlay_fields (v4l2sink); break; case PROP_OVERLAY_HEIGHT: v4l2sink->overlay.height = g_value_get_uint (value); v4l2sink->overlay_fields_set |= RECT_HEIGHT_SET; gst_v4l2sink_sync_overlay_fields (v4l2sink); break; case PROP_CROP_TOP: v4l2sink->crop.top = g_value_get_int (value); v4l2sink->crop_fields_set |= RECT_TOP_SET; gst_v4l2sink_sync_crop_fields (v4l2sink); break; case PROP_CROP_LEFT: v4l2sink->crop.left = g_value_get_int (value); v4l2sink->crop_fields_set |= RECT_LEFT_SET; gst_v4l2sink_sync_crop_fields (v4l2sink); break; case PROP_CROP_WIDTH: v4l2sink->crop.width = g_value_get_uint (value); v4l2sink->crop_fields_set |= RECT_WIDTH_SET; gst_v4l2sink_sync_crop_fields (v4l2sink); break; case PROP_CROP_HEIGHT: v4l2sink->crop.height = g_value_get_uint (value); v4l2sink->crop_fields_set |= RECT_HEIGHT_SET; gst_v4l2sink_sync_crop_fields (v4l2sink); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } } static void gst_v4l2sink_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { GstV4l2Sink *v4l2sink = GST_V4L2SINK (object); if (!gst_v4l2_object_get_property_helper (v4l2sink->v4l2object, prop_id, value, pspec)) { switch (prop_id) { case PROP_OVERLAY_TOP: g_value_set_int (value, v4l2sink->overlay.top); break; case PROP_OVERLAY_LEFT: g_value_set_int (value, v4l2sink->overlay.left); break; case PROP_OVERLAY_WIDTH: g_value_set_uint (value, v4l2sink->overlay.width); break; case PROP_OVERLAY_HEIGHT: g_value_set_uint (value, v4l2sink->overlay.height); break; case PROP_CROP_TOP: g_value_set_int (value, v4l2sink->crop.top); break; case PROP_CROP_LEFT: g_value_set_int (value, v4l2sink->crop.left); break; case PROP_CROP_WIDTH: g_value_set_uint (value, v4l2sink->crop.width); break; case PROP_CROP_HEIGHT: g_value_set_uint (value, v4l2sink->crop.height); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } } static GstStateChangeReturn gst_v4l2sink_change_state (GstElement * element, GstStateChange transition) { GstStateChangeReturn ret = GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS; GstV4l2Sink *v4l2sink = GST_V4L2SINK (element); GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "%d -> %d", GST_STATE_TRANSITION_CURRENT (transition), GST_STATE_TRANSITION_NEXT (transition)); switch (transition) { case GST_STATE_CHANGE_NULL_TO_READY: /* open the device */ if (!gst_v4l2_object_open (v4l2sink->v4l2object)) return GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE; break; default: break; } ret = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (parent_class)->change_state (element, transition); switch (transition) { case GST_STATE_CHANGE_PAUSED_TO_READY: if (!gst_v4l2_object_stop (v4l2sink->v4l2object)) return GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE; break; case GST_STATE_CHANGE_READY_TO_NULL: /* we need to call stop here too */ if (!gst_v4l2_object_stop (v4l2sink->v4l2object)) return GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE; /* close the device */ if (!gst_v4l2_object_close (v4l2sink->v4l2object)) return GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE; break; default: break; } return ret; } static GstCaps * gst_v4l2sink_get_caps (GstBaseSink * bsink, GstCaps * filter) { GstV4l2Sink *v4l2sink = GST_V4L2SINK (bsink); GstCaps *ret; GSList *walk; GSList *formats; if (!GST_V4L2_IS_OPEN (v4l2sink->v4l2object)) { /* FIXME: copy? */ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "device is not open"); return gst_pad_get_pad_template_caps (GST_BASE_SINK_PAD (v4l2sink)); } if (v4l2sink->probed_caps == NULL) { formats = gst_v4l2_object_get_format_list (v4l2sink->v4l2object); ret = gst_caps_new_empty (); for (walk = formats; walk; walk = walk->next) { struct v4l2_fmtdesc *format; GstStructure *template; format = (struct v4l2_fmtdesc *) walk->data; template = gst_v4l2_object_v4l2fourcc_to_structure (format->pixelformat); if (template) { GstCaps *tmp; tmp = gst_v4l2_object_probe_caps_for_format (v4l2sink->v4l2object, format->pixelformat, template); if (tmp) gst_caps_append (ret, tmp); gst_structure_free (template); } else { GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "unknown format %u", format->pixelformat); } } v4l2sink->probed_caps = ret; } if (filter) { ret = gst_caps_intersect_full (filter, v4l2sink->probed_caps, GST_CAPS_INTERSECT_FIRST); } else { ret = gst_caps_ref (v4l2sink->probed_caps); } GST_INFO_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "probed caps: %p", ret); LOG_CAPS (v4l2sink, ret); return ret; } static gboolean gst_v4l2sink_set_caps (GstBaseSink * bsink, GstCaps * caps) { GstV4l2Sink *v4l2sink = GST_V4L2SINK (bsink); GstV4l2Object *obj = v4l2sink->v4l2object; LOG_CAPS (v4l2sink, caps); if (!GST_V4L2_IS_OPEN (v4l2sink->v4l2object)) { GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "device is not open"); return FALSE; } if (!gst_v4l2_object_stop (obj)) goto stop_failed; if (!gst_v4l2_object_set_format (v4l2sink->v4l2object, caps)) goto invalid_format; gst_v4l2sink_sync_overlay_fields (v4l2sink); gst_v4l2sink_sync_crop_fields (v4l2sink); #ifdef HAVE_XVIDEO gst_v4l2_video_overlay_prepare_window_handle (v4l2sink->v4l2object, TRUE); #endif GST_INFO_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "outputting buffers via mmap()"); v4l2sink->video_width = GST_V4L2_WIDTH (v4l2sink->v4l2object); v4l2sink->video_height = GST_V4L2_HEIGHT (v4l2sink->v4l2object); /* TODO: videosink width/height should be scaled according to * pixel-aspect-ratio */ GST_VIDEO_SINK_WIDTH (v4l2sink) = v4l2sink->video_width; GST_VIDEO_SINK_HEIGHT (v4l2sink) = v4l2sink->video_height; return TRUE; /* ERRORS */ stop_failed: { GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "failed to stop streaming"); return FALSE; } invalid_format: { /* error already posted */ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "can't set format"); return FALSE; } } static gboolean gst_v4l2sink_propose_allocation (GstBaseSink * bsink, GstQuery * query) { GstV4l2Sink *v4l2sink = GST_V4L2SINK (bsink); GstV4l2Object *obj = v4l2sink->v4l2object; GstBufferPool *pool; guint size = 0; GstCaps *caps; gboolean need_pool; gst_query_parse_allocation (query, &caps, &need_pool); if (caps == NULL) goto no_caps; if ((pool = obj->pool)) gst_object_ref (pool); if (pool != NULL) { GstCaps *pcaps; GstStructure *config; /* we had a pool, check caps */ config = gst_buffer_pool_get_config (pool); gst_buffer_pool_config_get_params (config, &pcaps, &size, NULL, NULL); GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "we had a pool with caps %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, pcaps); if (!gst_caps_is_equal (caps, pcaps)) { gst_structure_free (config); gst_object_unref (pool); goto different_caps; } gst_structure_free (config); } /* we need at least 2 buffers to operate */ gst_query_add_allocation_pool (query, pool, size, 2, 0); /* we also support various metadata */ gst_query_add_allocation_meta (query, GST_VIDEO_META_API_TYPE, NULL); gst_query_add_allocation_meta (query, GST_VIDEO_CROP_META_API_TYPE, NULL); if (pool) gst_object_unref (pool); return TRUE; /* ERRORS */ no_caps: { GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "no caps specified"); return FALSE; } different_caps: { /* different caps, we can't use this pool */ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "pool has different caps"); return FALSE; } } /* called after A/V sync to render frame */ static GstFlowReturn gst_v4l2sink_show_frame (GstBaseSink * bsink, GstBuffer * buf) { GstFlowReturn ret; GstV4l2Sink *v4l2sink = GST_V4L2SINK (bsink); GstV4l2Object *obj = v4l2sink->v4l2object; GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (v4l2sink, "render buffer: %p", buf); if (G_UNLIKELY (obj->pool == NULL)) goto not_negotiated; ret = gst_v4l2_buffer_pool_process (GST_V4L2_BUFFER_POOL_CAST (obj->pool), buf); return ret; /* ERRORS */ not_negotiated: { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (bsink, "not negotiated"); return GST_FLOW_NOT_NEGOTIATED; } } #ifdef HAVE_XVIDEO static void gst_v4l2sink_navigation_send_event (GstNavigation * navigation, GstStructure * structure) { GstV4l2Sink *v4l2sink = GST_V4L2SINK (navigation); GstV4l2Xv *xv = v4l2sink->v4l2object->xv; GstPad *peer; if (!xv) return; if ((peer = gst_pad_get_peer (GST_VIDEO_SINK_PAD (v4l2sink)))) { GstVideoRectangle rect; gdouble x, y, xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0; gst_v4l2_video_overlay_get_render_rect (v4l2sink->v4l2object, &rect); /* We calculate scaling using the original video frames geometry to * include pixel aspect ratio scaling. */ xscale = (gdouble) v4l2sink->video_width / rect.w; yscale = (gdouble) v4l2sink->video_height / rect.h; /* Converting pointer coordinates to the non scaled geometry */ if (gst_structure_get_double (structure, "pointer_x", &x)) { x = MIN (x, rect.x + rect.w); x = MAX (x - rect.x, 0); gst_structure_set (structure, "pointer_x", G_TYPE_DOUBLE, (gdouble) x * xscale, NULL); } if (gst_structure_get_double (structure, "pointer_y", &y)) { y = MIN (y, rect.y + rect.h); y = MAX (y - rect.y, 0); gst_structure_set (structure, "pointer_y", G_TYPE_DOUBLE, (gdouble) y * yscale, NULL); } gst_pad_send_event (peer, gst_event_new_navigation (structure)); gst_object_unref (peer); } } #endif