/* * GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2013 Matthew Waters * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include "gl.h" #include "gstglutils.h" #ifndef GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED #define GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED 0x8219 #endif #ifndef GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT #define GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT 0x8CD6 #endif #ifndef GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT #define GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT 0x8CD7 #endif #ifndef GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED #define GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED 0x8CDD #endif #ifndef GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS #define GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS 0x8CD9 #endif #define USING_OPENGL(context) (gst_gl_context_get_gl_apie (context) & GST_GL_API_OPENGL) #define USING_OPENGL3(context) (gst_gl_context_get_gl_apie (context) & GST_GL_API_OPENGL3) #define USING_GLES(context) (gst_gl_context_get_gl_apie (context) & GST_GL_API_GLES) #define USING_GLES2(context) (gst_gl_context_get_gl_apie (context)->gl_api & GST_GL_API_GLES2) #define USING_GLES3(context) (gst_gl_context_get_gl_apie (context) & GST_GL_API_GLES3) static gchar *error_message; /* called in the gl thread */ gboolean gst_gl_context_check_framebuffer_status (GstGLContext * context) { GLenum status = 0; status = context->gl_vtable->CheckFramebufferStatus (GL_FRAMEBUFFER); switch (status) { case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE: return TRUE; break; case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED: GST_ERROR ("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED"); break; case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT: GST_ERROR ("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT"); break; case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT: GST_ERROR ("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT"); break; case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS: GST_ERROR ("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS"); break; #if GST_GL_HAVE_OPENGL case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED: GST_ERROR ("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED"); break; #endif default: GST_ERROR ("General FBO error"); } return FALSE; } typedef struct _GenTexture { guint width, height; GstVideoFormat format; guint result; } GenTexture; static void _gen_texture (GstGLContext * context, GenTexture * data) { const GstGLFuncs *gl = context->gl_vtable; GST_TRACE ("Generating texture format:%u dimensions:%ux%u", data->format, data->width, data->height); gl->GenTextures (1, &data->result); gl->BindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, data->result); gl->TexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, data->width, data->height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); gl->TexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); gl->TexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); gl->TexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); gl->TexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); GST_LOG ("generated texture id:%d", data->result); } void gst_gl_context_gen_texture (GstGLContext * context, GLuint * pTexture, GstVideoFormat v_format, GLint width, GLint height) { GenTexture data = { width, height, v_format, 0 }; gst_gl_context_thread_add (context, (GstGLContextThreadFunc) _gen_texture, &data); *pTexture = data.result; } void _del_texture (GstGLContext * context, guint * texture) { glDeleteTextures (1, texture); } void gst_gl_context_del_texture (GstGLContext * context, GLuint * pTexture) { gst_gl_context_thread_add (context, (GstGLContextThreadFunc) _del_texture, pTexture); } typedef struct _GenFBO { GstGLFramebuffer *frame; gint width, height; GLuint *fbo, *depth; } GenFBO; static void _gen_fbo (GstGLContext * context, GenFBO * data) { gst_gl_framebuffer_generate (data->frame, data->width, data->height, data->fbo, data->depth); } gboolean gst_gl_context_gen_fbo (GstGLContext * context, gint width, gint height, GLuint * fbo, GLuint * depthbuffer) { GstGLFramebuffer *frame = gst_gl_framebuffer_new (context); GenFBO data = { frame, width, height, fbo, depthbuffer }; gst_gl_context_thread_add (context, (GstGLContextThreadFunc) _gen_fbo, &data); gst_object_unref (frame); return TRUE; } typedef struct _UseFBO { GstGLFramebuffer *frame; gint texture_fbo_width; gint texture_fbo_height; GLuint fbo; GLuint depth_buffer; GLuint texture_fbo; GLCB cb; gint input_tex_width; gint input_tex_height; GLuint input_tex; gdouble proj_param1; gdouble proj_param2; gdouble proj_param3; gdouble proj_param4; GstGLDisplayProjection projection; gpointer stuff; } UseFBO; static void _use_fbo (GstGLContext * context, UseFBO * data) { gst_gl_framebuffer_use (data->frame, data->texture_fbo_width, data->texture_fbo_height, data->fbo, data->depth_buffer, data->texture_fbo, data->cb, data->input_tex_width, data->input_tex_height, data->input_tex, data->proj_param1, data->proj_param2, data->proj_param3, data->proj_param4, data->projection, data->stuff); } /* Called by glfilter */ /* this function really has to be simplified... do we really need to set projection this way? Wouldn't be better a set_projection separate call? or just make glut functions available out of gst-libs and call it if needed on drawcallback? -- Filippo */ /* GLCB too.. I think that only needed parameters should be * GstGLDisplay *display and gpointer data, or just gpointer data */ /* ..everything here has to be simplified! */ gboolean gst_gl_context_use_fbo (GstGLContext * context, gint texture_fbo_width, gint texture_fbo_height, GLuint fbo, GLuint depth_buffer, GLuint texture_fbo, GLCB cb, gint input_tex_width, gint input_tex_height, GLuint input_tex, gdouble proj_param1, gdouble proj_param2, gdouble proj_param3, gdouble proj_param4, GstGLDisplayProjection projection, gpointer stuff) { GstGLFramebuffer *frame = gst_gl_framebuffer_new (context); UseFBO data = { frame, texture_fbo_width, texture_fbo_height, fbo, depth_buffer, texture_fbo, cb, input_tex_width, input_tex_height, input_tex, proj_param1, proj_param2, proj_param3, proj_param4, projection, stuff }; gst_gl_context_thread_add (context, (GstGLContextThreadFunc) _use_fbo, &data); gst_object_unref (frame); return TRUE; } typedef struct _UseFBO2 { GstGLFramebuffer *frame; gint texture_fbo_width; gint texture_fbo_height; GLuint fbo; GLuint depth_buffer; GLuint texture_fbo; GLCB_V2 cb; gpointer stuff; } UseFBO2; static void _use_fbo_v2 (GstGLContext * context, UseFBO2 * data) { gst_gl_framebuffer_use_v2 (data->frame, data->texture_fbo_width, data->texture_fbo_height, data->fbo, data->depth_buffer, data->texture_fbo, data->cb, data->stuff); } gboolean gst_gl_context_use_fbo_v2 (GstGLContext * context, gint texture_fbo_width, gint texture_fbo_height, GLuint fbo, GLuint depth_buffer, GLuint texture_fbo, GLCB_V2 cb, gpointer stuff) { GstGLFramebuffer *frame = gst_gl_framebuffer_new (context); UseFBO2 data = { frame, texture_fbo_width, texture_fbo_height, fbo, depth_buffer, texture_fbo, cb, stuff }; gst_gl_context_thread_add (context, (GstGLContextThreadFunc) _use_fbo_v2, &data); gst_object_unref (frame); return TRUE; } typedef struct _DelFBO { GstGLFramebuffer *frame; GLuint fbo; GLuint depth; } DelFBO; /* Called in the gl thread */ static void _del_fbo (GstGLContext * context, DelFBO * data) { gst_gl_framebuffer_delete (data->frame, data->fbo, data->depth); } /* Called by gltestsrc and glfilter */ void gst_gl_context_del_fbo (GstGLContext * context, GLuint fbo, GLuint depth_buffer) { GstGLFramebuffer *frame = gst_gl_framebuffer_new (context); DelFBO data = { frame, fbo, depth_buffer }; gst_gl_context_thread_add (context, (GstGLContextThreadFunc) _del_fbo, &data); gst_object_unref (frame); } static void _compile_shader (GstGLContext * context, GstGLShader ** shader) { GError *error = NULL; gst_gl_shader_compile (*shader, &error); if (error) { gst_gl_context_set_error (context, "%s", error->message); g_error_free (error); error = NULL; gst_gl_context_clear_shader (context); gst_object_unref (*shader); *shader = NULL; } } /* Called by glfilter */ gboolean gst_gl_context_gen_shader (GstGLContext * context, const gchar * vert_src, const gchar * frag_src, GstGLShader ** shader) { g_return_val_if_fail (frag_src != NULL || vert_src != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (shader != NULL, FALSE); *shader = gst_gl_shader_new (context); if (frag_src) gst_gl_shader_set_fragment_source (*shader, frag_src); if (vert_src) gst_gl_shader_set_vertex_source (*shader, vert_src); gst_gl_context_thread_add (context, (GstGLContextThreadFunc) _compile_shader, shader); return *shader != NULL; } void gst_gl_context_set_error (GstGLContext * context, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; if (error_message) g_free (error_message); va_start (args, format); error_message = g_strdup_vprintf (format, args); va_end (args); GST_WARNING ("%s", error_message); } gchar * gst_gl_context_get_error (void) { return error_message; } /* Called by glfilter */ void gst_gl_context_del_shader (GstGLContext * context, GstGLShader * shader) { gst_object_unref (shader); } static gboolean gst_gl_display_found (GstElement * element, GstGLDisplay * display) { if (display) { GST_INFO_OBJECT (element, "already have a display (%p)", display); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (GST_CAT_CONTEXT); static gboolean context_pad_query (const GValue * item, GValue * value, gpointer user_data) { GstPad *pad = g_value_get_object (item); GstQuery *query = user_data; gboolean res; res = gst_pad_peer_query (pad, query); if (res) { g_value_set_boolean (value, TRUE); return FALSE; } GST_CAT_INFO_OBJECT (GST_CAT_CONTEXT, pad, "context pad peer query failed"); return TRUE; } static gboolean run_context_query (GstElement * element, GstQuery * query, GstPadDirection direction) { GstIterator *it; GstIteratorFoldFunction func = context_pad_query; GValue res = { 0 }; g_value_init (&res, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); g_value_set_boolean (&res, FALSE); /* Ask neighbor */ if (direction == GST_PAD_SRC) it = gst_element_iterate_src_pads (element); else it = gst_element_iterate_sink_pads (element); while (gst_iterator_fold (it, func, &res, query) == GST_ITERATOR_RESYNC) gst_iterator_resync (it); gst_iterator_free (it); return g_value_get_boolean (&res); } static void gst_gl_display_context_prepare (GstElement * element, GstGLDisplay ** display_ptr) { GstContext *ctxt; GstQuery *query; if (!GST_CAT_CONTEXT) GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_GET (GST_CAT_CONTEXT, "GST_CONTEXT"); /* 2a) Query downstream with GST_QUERY_CONTEXT for the context and * check if downstream already has a context of the specific type * 2b) Query upstream as above. */ ctxt = NULL; query = gst_query_new_context (GST_GL_DISPLAY_CONTEXT_TYPE); if (run_context_query (element, query, GST_PAD_SRC)) { GST_CAT_INFO_OBJECT (GST_CAT_CONTEXT, element, "found context (%p) in downstream query", ctxt); gst_query_parse_context (query, &ctxt); } else if (run_context_query (element, query, GST_PAD_SINK)) { GST_CAT_INFO_OBJECT (GST_CAT_CONTEXT, element, "found context (%p) in upstream query", ctxt); gst_query_parse_context (query, &ctxt); } else { /* 3) Post a GST_MESSAGE_NEED_CONTEXT message on the bus with * the required context type and afterwards check if a * usable context was set now as in 1). The message could * be handled by the parent bins of the element and the * application. */ GstMessage *msg; GST_CAT_INFO_OBJECT (GST_CAT_CONTEXT, element, "posting need context message"); msg = gst_message_new_need_context (GST_OBJECT_CAST (element), GST_GL_DISPLAY_CONTEXT_TYPE); gst_element_post_message (element, msg); } /* * Whomever responds to the need-context message performs a * GstElement::set_context() with the required context in which the element * is required to update the display_ptr or call gst_gl_handle_set_context(). */ if (ctxt) { if (gst_context_has_context_type (ctxt, GST_GL_DISPLAY_CONTEXT_TYPE)) { gst_context_get_gl_display (ctxt, display_ptr); } } gst_query_unref (query); } /* 4) Create a context by itself and post a GST_MESSAGE_HAVE_CONTEXT * message. */ static void gst_gl_display_context_propagate (GstElement * element, GstGLDisplay * display) { GstContext *context; GstMessage *msg; if (!display) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (element, "Could not get GL display connection"); return; } context = gst_context_new (GST_GL_DISPLAY_CONTEXT_TYPE, TRUE); gst_context_set_gl_display (context, display); GST_CAT_INFO_OBJECT (GST_CAT_CONTEXT, element, "posting have context (%p) message with display (%p)", context, display); msg = gst_message_new_have_context (GST_OBJECT_CAST (element), context); gst_element_post_message (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (element), msg); } gboolean gst_gl_ensure_display (gpointer element, GstGLDisplay ** display_ptr) { GstGLDisplay *display; g_return_val_if_fail (element != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (display_ptr != NULL, FALSE); /* 1) Check if the element already has a context of the specific * type. */ display = *display_ptr; if (gst_gl_display_found (element, display)) return TRUE; gst_gl_display_context_prepare (element, display_ptr); /* Neighbour found and it updated the display */ if (gst_gl_display_found (element, *display_ptr)) return TRUE; /* If no neighboor, or application not interested, use system default */ display = gst_gl_display_new (); *display_ptr = display; gst_gl_display_context_propagate (element, display); return display != NULL; } gboolean gst_gl_handle_set_context (GstElement * element, GstContext * context, GstGLDisplay ** display) { GstGLDisplay *replacement = NULL; const gchar *context_type; g_return_val_if_fail (display, FALSE); if (!context) return FALSE; context_type = gst_context_get_context_type (context); if (g_strcmp0 (context_type, GST_GL_DISPLAY_CONTEXT_TYPE) == 0) { if (!gst_context_get_gl_display (context, &replacement)) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (element, "Failed to get display from context"); return FALSE; } } if (replacement) gst_object_replace ((GstObject **) display, (GstObject *) replacement); return TRUE; } gboolean gst_gl_handle_context_query (GstElement * element, GstQuery * query, GstGLDisplay ** display) { gboolean res = FALSE; const gchar *context_type; GstContext *context, *old_context; g_return_val_if_fail (element != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (query != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (display != NULL, FALSE); gst_query_parse_context_type (query, &context_type); if (g_strcmp0 (context_type, GST_GL_DISPLAY_CONTEXT_TYPE) == 0) { gst_query_parse_context (query, &old_context); if (old_context) context = gst_context_copy (old_context); else context = gst_context_new (GST_GL_DISPLAY_CONTEXT_TYPE, TRUE); gst_context_set_gl_display (context, *display); gst_query_set_context (query, context); gst_context_unref (context); res = *display != NULL; } return res; }