/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2004 Martin Soto * * faircothread.c: High level cothread implementation for the fair scheduler. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #ifdef _COTHREADS_PTH #include "pth-cothreads.h" #else #include "cothreads_compat.h" #endif #include "faircothreads.h" #if !defined(GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG) && defined(FAIRSCHEDULER_USE_GETTID) #include #include _syscall0 (pid_t, gettid) #endif GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_EXTERN (debug_fair_ct); #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT debug_fair_ct /* * Support for Asynchronous Operations */ enum { ASYNC_OP_CHANGE_STATE = 1, ASYNC_OP_AWAKE }; typedef struct _AsyncOp AsyncOp; typedef struct _AsyncOpChangeState AsyncOpChangeState; typedef struct _AsyncOpAwake AsyncOpAwake; struct _AsyncOp { int type; }; struct _AsyncOpChangeState { AsyncOp parent; GstFairSchedulerCothread *ct; /* Cothread whose state will be changed. */ gint new_state; /* New state for the cothread. */ }; struct _AsyncOpAwake { AsyncOp parent; GstFairSchedulerCothread *ct; /* Cothread to awake. */ gint priority; /* Priority for the cothread. */ }; static gchar *gst_fairscheduler_ct_state_names[] = { "stopped", "suspended", "running" }; /* * Helpers */ static int cothread_base_func (int argc, char **argv) { GstFairSchedulerCothread *ct; g_return_val_if_fail (argc >= 1, -1); ct = (GstFairSchedulerCothread *) argv[0]; GST_INFO ("queue %p: Cothread %p starting", ct->queue, ct); #ifndef GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG #ifdef FAIRSCHEDULER_USE_GETTID ct->pid = gettid (); #else ct->pid = 0; #endif #endif /* Call the thread function. This looks sort of funny, but there's no other way I know of doing it. */ switch (argc - 1) { case 0: ct->func (ct, NULL); break; case 1: ct->func (ct, argv[1], NULL); break; case 2: ct->func (ct, argv[1], argv[2], NULL); break; case 3: ct->func (ct, argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], NULL); break; case 4: ct->func (ct, argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], NULL); break; case 5: ct->func (ct, argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], NULL); break; case 6: ct->func (ct, argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6], NULL); break; case 7: ct->func (ct, argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6], argv[7], NULL); break; default: g_return_val_if_reached (-1); break; } /* After the cothread function is finished, we go to the stopped state. */ gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_change_state (ct, GST_FAIRSCHEDULER_CTSTATE_STOPPED); return 0; } static void cothread_activate (GstFairSchedulerCothread * ct, gint priority) { GST_DEBUG ("queue %p: activating cothread %p", ct->queue, ct); if (priority > 0) { g_queue_push_head (ct->queue->ct_queue, ct); } else { g_queue_push_tail (ct->queue->ct_queue, ct); } } static void cothread_deactivate (GstFairSchedulerCothread * ct) { GList *node; GST_DEBUG ("queue %p: deactivating cothread %p", ct->queue, ct); /* Find the node. */ node = g_list_find (ct->queue->ct_queue->head, ct); if (node == NULL) { return; } if (node->next == NULL) { g_queue_pop_tail (ct->queue->ct_queue); } else { ct->queue->ct_queue->head = g_list_remove_link (ct->queue->ct_queue->head, node); } } static void queue_async_op (GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue * queue, AsyncOp * op) { g_mutex_lock (queue->async_mutex); g_queue_push_tail (queue->async_queue, op); g_cond_signal (queue->new_async_op); g_mutex_unlock (queue->async_mutex); } /* * Cothreads API */ extern GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue * gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_queue_new (void) { GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue *new; new = g_malloc (sizeof (GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue)); new->context = NULL; new->ct_queue = g_queue_new (); new->async_queue = g_queue_new (); new->async_mutex = g_mutex_new (); new->new_async_op = g_cond_new (); return new; } extern void gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_queue_destroy (GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue * queue) { GList *iter; /* Destroy all remaining cothreads. */ for (iter = queue->ct_queue->head; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_destroy ( (GstFairSchedulerCothread *) iter->data); } g_queue_free (queue->ct_queue); for (iter = queue->async_queue->head; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { g_free (iter->data); } g_queue_free (queue->async_queue); g_mutex_free (queue->async_mutex); g_cond_free (queue->new_async_op); g_free (queue); } extern void gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_queue_start (GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue * queue) { if (queue->context == NULL) { do_cothreads_init (NULL); queue->context = do_cothread_context_init (); } } extern void gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_queue_stop (GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue * queue) { if (queue->context != NULL) { do_cothread_context_destroy (queue->context); } } gboolean gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_queue_iterate (GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue * queue) { GstFairSchedulerCothread *ct; g_return_val_if_fail (queue->context != NULL, FALSE); GST_LOG ("queue %p: iterating", queue); /* Perform any pending asynchronous operations. Checking the queue is safe and more efficient without locking the mutex. */ if (!g_queue_is_empty (queue->async_queue)) { AsyncOp *basic_op; GST_LOG ("queue %p: processing asynchronous operations", queue); g_mutex_lock (queue->async_mutex); while (!g_queue_is_empty (queue->async_queue)) { basic_op = (AsyncOp *) g_queue_pop_head (queue->async_queue); switch (basic_op->type) { case ASYNC_OP_CHANGE_STATE: { AsyncOpChangeState *op = (AsyncOpChangeState *) basic_op; gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_change_state (op->ct, op->new_state); } break; case ASYNC_OP_AWAKE: { AsyncOpAwake *op = (AsyncOpAwake *) basic_op; gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_awake (op->ct, op->priority); } break; default: g_return_val_if_reached (FALSE); break; } g_free (basic_op); } g_mutex_unlock (queue->async_mutex); } /* First cothread in the queue (if any) should get control. */ ct = g_queue_peek_head (queue->ct_queue); if (ct == NULL) { GTimeVal timeout; g_get_current_time (&timeout); g_time_val_add (&timeout, 5000); /* No cothread available, wait until some other thread queues an operation. */ g_mutex_lock (queue->async_mutex); g_cond_timed_wait (queue->new_async_op, queue->async_mutex, &timeout); g_mutex_unlock (queue->async_mutex); return FALSE; } g_return_val_if_fail (ct->state == GST_FAIRSCHEDULER_CTSTATE_RUNNING, FALSE); /* Check for a cothread mutex. */ if (ct->mutex != NULL) { g_mutex_lock (ct->mutex); ct->mutex = NULL; } GST_LOG ("queue %p: giving control to %p", queue, ct); /* Handle control to the cothread. */ do_cothread_switch (ct->execst); return TRUE; } void gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_queue_show (GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue * queue) { GList *iter; GstFairSchedulerCothread *ct; g_print ("\n Running cothreads (last is active):\n"); for (iter = queue->ct_queue->tail; iter != NULL; iter = iter->prev) { ct = (GstFairSchedulerCothread *) iter->data; g_print (" %p: %s (%d)\n", ct, ct->readable_name->str, ct->pid); } } GstFairSchedulerCothread * gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_new (GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue * queue, GstFairSchedulerCtFunc function, gpointer first_arg, ...) { GstFairSchedulerCothread *new; va_list ap; gpointer arg; new = g_malloc (sizeof (GstFairSchedulerCothread)); new->queue = queue; new->func = function; /* The first parameter is always the cothread structure itself. */ new->argv[0] = (char *) new; new->argc = 1; /* Store the parameters. */ va_start (ap, first_arg); arg = first_arg; while (new->argc < GST_FAIRSCHEDULER_MAX_CTARGS && arg != NULL) { new->argv[new->argc] = (char *) arg; new->argc++; arg = va_arg (ap, gpointer); } /* Make sure we don't have more parameters than we can handle. */ g_return_val_if_fail (arg == NULL, NULL); /* Creation of the actual execution state is defered to transition to running/suspended. */ new->execst = NULL; /* All cothreads are created in the stopped state. */ new->state = GST_FAIRSCHEDULER_CTSTATE_STOPPED; new->mutex = NULL; #ifndef GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG new->readable_name = g_string_new (""); new->pid = 0; #endif GST_DEBUG ("queue %p: cothread %p created", queue, new); return new; } void gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_destroy (GstFairSchedulerCothread * ct) { GST_DEBUG ("queue %p: destroying cothread %p", ct->queue, ct); if (ct->state != GST_FAIRSCHEDULER_CTSTATE_STOPPED) { cothread_deactivate (ct); } if (ct->execst != NULL) { do_cothread_destroy (ct->execst); } #ifndef GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG g_string_free (ct->readable_name, TRUE); #endif g_free (ct); } void gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_change_state (GstFairSchedulerCothread * ct, gint new_state) { if (new_state == ct->state) { return; } GST_DEBUG ("queue %p: changing state of %p from %s to %s", ct->queue, ct, gst_fairscheduler_ct_state_names[ct->state], gst_fairscheduler_ct_state_names[new_state]); switch (ct->state) { case GST_FAIRSCHEDULER_CTSTATE_STOPPED: /* (Re)Initialize the cothread. */ if (ct->execst == NULL) { /* Initialize cothread's execution state. */ do_cothread_create (ct->execst, ct->queue->context, cothread_base_func, ct->argc, ct->argv); GST_LOG_OBJECT (ct->queue, "cothread %p has exec state %p", ct, ct->execst); } else { /* Reset cothread's execution state. */ do_cothread_setfunc (ct->execst, ct->queue->context, cothread_base_func, ct->argc, ct->argv); } ct->sleeping = FALSE; if (new_state == GST_FAIRSCHEDULER_CTSTATE_RUNNING) { cothread_activate (ct, 0); } break; case GST_FAIRSCHEDULER_CTSTATE_RUNNING: if (!ct->sleeping) { cothread_deactivate (ct); } break; case GST_FAIRSCHEDULER_CTSTATE_SUSPENDED: if (new_state == GST_FAIRSCHEDULER_CTSTATE_RUNNING && !ct->sleeping) { cothread_activate (ct, 0); } break; } ct->state = new_state; } void gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_change_state_async (GstFairSchedulerCothread * ct, gint new_state) { AsyncOpChangeState *op; /* Queue an asynchronous operation. */ op = g_new (AsyncOpChangeState, 1); op->parent.type = ASYNC_OP_CHANGE_STATE; op->ct = ct; op->new_state = new_state; queue_async_op (ct->queue, (AsyncOp *) op); } void gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_sleep (GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue * queue) { gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_sleep_mutex (queue, NULL); } /* * Go to sleep but unblock the mutex while sleeping. */ void gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_sleep_mutex (GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue * queue, GMutex * mutex) { GstFairSchedulerCothread *ct; g_return_if_fail (queue->context != NULL); /* The sleep operation can be invoked when the cothread is already deactivated. */ ct = gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_current (queue); if (ct != NULL && ct->execst == do_cothread_get_current (queue->context)) { ct = g_queue_pop_head (queue->ct_queue); ct->sleeping = TRUE; } ct->mutex = mutex; if (mutex != NULL) { g_mutex_unlock (mutex); } GST_LOG ("queue %p: cothread going to sleep", queue); /* Switch back to the main cothread. */ do_cothread_switch (do_cothread_get_main (queue->context)); } void gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_yield (GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue * queue) { gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_yield_mutex (queue, NULL); } void gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_yield_mutex (GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue * queue, GMutex * mutex) { GstFairSchedulerCothread *ct; g_return_if_fail (queue->context != NULL); /* The yield operation can be invoked when the cothread is already deactivated. */ ct = gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_current (queue); if (ct != NULL && ct->execst == do_cothread_get_current (queue->context)) { ct = g_queue_pop_head (queue->ct_queue); g_queue_push_tail (queue->ct_queue, ct); } ct->mutex = mutex; if (mutex != NULL) { g_mutex_unlock (mutex); } GST_LOG ("queue %p: cothread yielding control", queue); /* Switch back to the main cothread. */ do_cothread_switch (do_cothread_get_main (queue->context)); } void gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_awake (GstFairSchedulerCothread * ct, gint priority) { g_return_if_fail (ct->state != GST_FAIRSCHEDULER_CTSTATE_STOPPED); if (!ct->sleeping) { /* Cothread is already awake. */ return; } ct->sleeping = FALSE; if (ct->state == GST_FAIRSCHEDULER_CTSTATE_RUNNING) { cothread_activate (ct, priority); } } void gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_awake_async (GstFairSchedulerCothread * ct, gint priority) { AsyncOpAwake *op; /* Queue an asynchronous operation. */ op = g_new (AsyncOpAwake, 1); op->parent.type = ASYNC_OP_AWAKE; op->ct = ct; op->priority = priority; queue_async_op (ct->queue, (AsyncOp *) op); } GstFairSchedulerCothread * gst_fair_scheduler_cothread_current (GstFairSchedulerCothreadQueue * queue) { return g_queue_peek_head (queue->ct_queue); }