== Main components Gst-qa is composed of 4 parts: the issues, the reports, the runner and the reporters. = Issue Gst-QA's main target is finding problems in GStreamer elements/pipelines. To make it easier to track down exactly what happens, the tests run by Gst-QA use an extensible list of 'Issues'. Each Issue describes a potential error situation and has an unique ID and a severity level. The issues list can be extended by 3rd party libraries if specific needs should be met. = Reporters A reporter is the object that implements the GstQaReporter interface and is responsible for performing tests on some target element/scenario. The reporter is able to create 'Reports' whenever a test it executes fails. = Reports The GstQaReports are created whenever a test fails, they are posted to the stderr and also are posted to the GstQaRunner for accumulation. Each report contains information about the object that generated the issue, the issue associated with the report and a specific debug message for the case, this helps tracking down the problem and fixing it. = Runner The GstQaRunner is the point of communication for the app to gst-qa monitoring. It provides an API to gather reports and to make them acessible to the application. == Reporter types = Monitors The monitors are used to wrap around pipelines (and elements and pads) and attach to their data flow handling functions to be able to intercept the data and compare it with the expected behaviors. There are 3 types of monitors: * GstQaElementMonitor * GstQaBinMonitor * GstQaPadMonitor All 3 inherit from the base GstQaMonitor class. Their name suggest what they monitor and they have a relationship to their children and parents. A bin monitor has, possibly, child element monitors and element monitors have child pad monitors. The monitors are responsible for listening to new children added to their monitored object and creating monitors for them. For example, element monitors listen to element's pad-added signal and create pad monitors whenever a new pad is added. Most (if not all) the checks are implemented at the GstQaPadMonitor, as it is where the data flow happens. = FileChecker The file checker is another reporter that is used to make sure a file has a few expected properties. It inspects the file and compares the results with expected values set by the user. Values such as file duration, file size, if it can be played back and also if its encoding and container types.