/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2007 Sebastien Moutte * * gstdshow.cpp: * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "gstdshow.h" #include "gstdshowfakesink.h" void gst_dshow_free_mediatype (AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt) { if (pmt != NULL) { if (pmt->cbFormat != 0) { CoTaskMemFree((PVOID)pmt->pbFormat); pmt->cbFormat = 0; pmt->pbFormat = NULL; } if (pmt->pUnk != NULL) { /* Unecessary because pUnk should not be used, but safest. */ pmt->pUnk->Release(); pmt->pUnk = NULL; } CoTaskMemFree(pmt); } } void gst_dshow_free_pin_mediatype (gpointer pt) { GstCapturePinMediaType * pin_mediatype = (GstCapturePinMediaType *) pt; if (pin_mediatype) { if (pin_mediatype->capture_pin) { pin_mediatype->capture_pin->Release(); pin_mediatype->capture_pin = NULL; } if (pin_mediatype->mediatype) { gst_dshow_free_mediatype (pin_mediatype->mediatype); pin_mediatype->mediatype = NULL; } } } void gst_dshow_free_pins_mediatypes (GList *pins_mediatypes) { guint i = 0; for (; i < g_list_length (pins_mediatypes); i++) { GList *mylist = g_list_nth (pins_mediatypes, i); if (mylist && mylist->data) gst_dshow_free_pin_mediatype ((GstCapturePinMediaType *)mylist->data); } g_list_free (pins_mediatypes); } gboolean gst_dshow_check_mediatype (AM_MEDIA_TYPE *media_type, const GUID sub_type, const GUID format_type) { RPC_STATUS rpcstatus; g_return_val_if_fail (media_type != NULL, FALSE); return UuidCompare (&media_type->subtype, (UUID *) &sub_type, &rpcstatus) == 0 && rpcstatus == RPC_S_OK && UuidCompare (&media_type->formattype, (UUID *) &format_type, &rpcstatus) == 0 && rpcstatus == RPC_S_OK; } gboolean gst_dshow_get_pin_from_filter (IBaseFilter *filter, PIN_DIRECTION pindir, IPin **pin) { gboolean ret = FALSE; IEnumPins *enumpins = NULL; IPin *pintmp = NULL; HRESULT hres; *pin = NULL; hres = filter->EnumPins (&enumpins); if (FAILED(hres)) { return ret; } while (enumpins->Next (1, &pintmp, NULL) == S_OK) { PIN_DIRECTION pindirtmp; hres = pintmp->QueryDirection (&pindirtmp); if (hres == S_OK && pindir == pindirtmp) { *pin = pintmp; ret = TRUE; break; } pintmp->Release (); } enumpins->Release (); return ret; } gboolean gst_dshow_find_filter(CLSID input_majortype, CLSID input_subtype, CLSID output_majortype, CLSID output_subtype, gchar * prefered_filter_name, IBaseFilter **filter) { gboolean ret = FALSE; HRESULT hres; GUID arrayInTypes[2]; GUID arrayOutTypes[2]; IFilterMapper2 *mapper = NULL; IEnumMoniker *enum_moniker = NULL; IMoniker *moniker = NULL; ULONG fetched; gchar *prefered_filter_upper = NULL; gboolean exit = FALSE; /* initialize output parameter */ if (filter) *filter = NULL; /* create a private copy of prefered filter substring in upper case */ if (prefered_filter_name) { prefered_filter_upper = g_strdup (prefered_filter_name); _strupr (prefered_filter_upper); } hres = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterMapper2, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IFilterMapper2, (void **) &mapper); if (FAILED(hres)) goto clean; memcpy(&arrayInTypes[0], &input_majortype, sizeof (CLSID)); memcpy(&arrayInTypes[1], &input_subtype, sizeof (CLSID)); memcpy(&arrayOutTypes[0], &output_majortype, sizeof (CLSID)); memcpy(&arrayOutTypes[1], &output_subtype, sizeof (CLSID)); hres = mapper->EnumMatchingFilters (&enum_moniker, 0, FALSE, MERIT_DO_NOT_USE+1, TRUE, 1, arrayInTypes, NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, 1, arrayOutTypes, NULL, NULL); if (FAILED(hres)) goto clean; enum_moniker->Reset (); while(hres = enum_moniker->Next (1, &moniker, &fetched),hres == S_OK && !exit) { IBaseFilter *filter_temp = NULL; IPropertyBag *property_bag = NULL; gchar * friendly_name = NULL; hres = moniker->BindToStorage (NULL, NULL, IID_IPropertyBag, (void **)&property_bag); if(SUCCEEDED(hres) && property_bag) { VARIANT varFriendlyName; VariantInit (&varFriendlyName); hres = property_bag->Read (L"FriendlyName", &varFriendlyName, NULL); if(hres == S_OK && varFriendlyName.bstrVal) { friendly_name = g_utf16_to_utf8((const gunichar2*)varFriendlyName.bstrVal, wcslen(varFriendlyName.bstrVal), NULL, NULL, NULL); if (friendly_name) _strupr (friendly_name); SysFreeString (varFriendlyName.bstrVal); } property_bag->Release (); } hres = moniker->BindToObject(NULL, NULL, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&filter_temp); if(SUCCEEDED(hres) && filter_temp) { ret = TRUE; if (filter) { if (*filter) (*filter)->Release (); *filter = filter_temp; (*filter)->AddRef (); if (prefered_filter_upper && friendly_name && strstr(friendly_name, prefered_filter_upper)) exit = TRUE; } /* if we just want to know if the formats are supported OR if we don't care about what will be the filter used => we can stop enumeration */ if (!filter || !prefered_filter_upper) exit = TRUE; filter_temp->Release (); } if (friendly_name) g_free (friendly_name); moniker->Release (); } clean: if (prefered_filter_upper) g_free (prefered_filter_upper); if (enum_moniker) enum_moniker->Release (); if (mapper) mapper->Release (); return ret; } gchar * gst_dshow_getdevice_from_devicename (const GUID *device_category, gchar **device_name) { gchar *ret = NULL; ICreateDevEnum *devices_enum = NULL; IEnumMoniker *enum_moniker = NULL; IMoniker *moniker = NULL; HRESULT hres = S_FALSE; ULONG fetched; gboolean bfound = FALSE; hres = CoCreateInstance (CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICreateDevEnum, (void**)&devices_enum); if(hres != S_OK) { /*error*/ goto clean; } hres = devices_enum->CreateClassEnumerator (*device_category, &enum_moniker, 0); if (hres != S_OK || !enum_moniker) { /*error*/ goto clean; } enum_moniker->Reset (); while(hres = enum_moniker->Next (1, &moniker, &fetched),hres == S_OK && !bfound) { IPropertyBag *property_bag = NULL; hres = moniker->BindToStorage(NULL, NULL, IID_IPropertyBag, (void **)&property_bag); if(SUCCEEDED(hres) && property_bag) { VARIANT varFriendlyName; VariantInit (&varFriendlyName); hres = property_bag->Read (L"FriendlyName", &varFriendlyName, NULL); if(hres == S_OK && varFriendlyName.bstrVal) { gchar * friendly_name = g_utf16_to_utf8((const gunichar2*)varFriendlyName.bstrVal, wcslen(varFriendlyName.bstrVal), NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!*device_name) { *device_name = g_strdup (friendly_name); } if (_stricmp(*device_name, friendly_name) == 0) { WCHAR *wszDisplayName = NULL; hres = moniker->GetDisplayName (NULL, NULL, &wszDisplayName); if(hres == S_OK && wszDisplayName) { ret = g_utf16_to_utf8((const gunichar2*)wszDisplayName, wcslen(wszDisplayName), NULL, NULL, NULL); CoTaskMemFree (wszDisplayName); } bfound = TRUE; } SysFreeString (varFriendlyName.bstrVal); } property_bag->Release (); } moniker->Release (); } clean: if (enum_moniker) { enum_moniker->Release (); } if (devices_enum) { devices_enum->Release (); } return ret; } gboolean gst_dshow_show_propertypage (IBaseFilter *base_filter) { gboolean ret = FALSE; ISpecifyPropertyPages *pProp = NULL; HRESULT hres = base_filter->QueryInterface (IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages, (void **)&pProp); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { /* Get the filter's name and IUnknown pointer.*/ FILTER_INFO FilterInfo; CAUUID caGUID; IUnknown *pFilterUnk = NULL; hres = base_filter->QueryFilterInfo (&FilterInfo); base_filter->QueryInterface (IID_IUnknown, (void **)&pFilterUnk); /* Show the page. */ pProp->GetPages (&caGUID); pProp->Release (); OleCreatePropertyFrame(GetDesktopWindow(), 0, 0, FilterInfo.achName, 1, &pFilterUnk, caGUID.cElems, caGUID.pElems, 0, 0, NULL); pFilterUnk->Release (); FilterInfo.pGraph->Release (); CoTaskMemFree(caGUID.pElems); } return ret; } GstCaps *gst_dshow_new_video_caps (GstVideoFormat video_format, const gchar* name, const VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS * vscc, const VIDEOINFOHEADER *video_info, GstCaptureVideoDefault *video_default) { GstCaps *video_caps = NULL; GstStructure *video_structure = NULL; video_default->defaultWidth = video_info->bmiHeader.biWidth; video_default->defaultHeight = video_info->bmiHeader.biHeight; video_default->defaultFPS = (gint) (10000000 / video_info->AvgTimePerFrame); video_default->granularityWidth = vscc->OutputGranularityX; video_default->granularityHeight = vscc->OutputGranularityY; /* raw video format */ switch (video_format) { case GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_BGR: video_caps = gst_caps_from_string (GST_VIDEO_CAPS_BGR); break; case GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_I420: video_caps = gst_caps_from_string (GST_VIDEO_CAPS_YUV ("I420")); default: break; } /* other video format */ if (!video_caps){ if (g_strcasecmp (name, "video/x-dv, systemstream=FALSE") == 0) { video_caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("video/x-dv", "systemstream", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FALSE, "format", GST_TYPE_FOURCC, GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('d', 'v', 's', 'd'), NULL); } else if (g_strcasecmp (name, "video/x-dv, systemstream=TRUE") == 0) { video_caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("video/x-dv", "systemstream", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE, NULL); return video_caps; } } if (!video_caps) return NULL; video_structure = gst_caps_get_structure (video_caps, 0); gst_structure_set (video_structure, "width", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, vscc->MinOutputSize.cx, vscc->MaxOutputSize.cx, "height", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, vscc->MinOutputSize.cy, vscc->MaxOutputSize.cy, "framerate", GST_TYPE_FRACTION_RANGE, (gint) (10000000 / vscc->MaxFrameInterval), 1, (gint) (10000000 / vscc->MinFrameInterval), 1, NULL); g_print ("caps are %s\n", gst_caps_to_string (video_caps)); return video_caps; }