.TH "GStreamer" "1" "April 2014" "" "" .SH "NAME" gst\-play\-1.0 \- Simple command line playback testing tool .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBgst\-play\-1.0\fR \fIFILE|DIRECTORY|URI [FILE2|DIRECTORY2|URI2]\fR .SH "DESCRIPTION" .LP \fIgst\-play\-1.0\fP is a command line tool that can be used to test basic playback using the playbin element. You can pass it individual files, URIs or whole directories (in which case it will recurse into sub-directories as well). .SH "OPTIONS" .l \fIgst\-play\-1.0\fP accepts the following options: .TP 8 .B \-\-help Print help synopsis and available command line options .TP 8 .B \-\-version Print version and exit .TP 8 .B \-\-audiosink=SOMESINK Use the SOMESINK element as audio sink instead of autoaudiosink .TP 8 .B \-\-videosink=SOMESINK Use the SOMESINK element as video sink instead of autovideosink .TP 8 .B \-\-volume=VOLUME Set initial playback volume to VOLUME, where 0.0=silent and 1.0=unchanged .TP 8 .B \-\-shuffle Shuffle playlist (play files in random order) .TP 8 .B \-\-interactive Enable control through keyboard interaction in terminal (see below) .TP 8 .B \-\-gapless Enable gapless playback .SH "INTERACTIVE KEYBOARD CONTROL" .l .TP 8 .B SPACE Pause/Resume playback .TP 8 .B ARROW UP/DOWN Volume up/down .TP 8 .B ARROW LEFT/RIGHT Seek back/forward .TP 8 .B +/- Increase/decrease playback rate .TP 8 .B d Reverse playback direction .TP 8 .B t Cycle through trick modes .TP 8 .B > Skip to next item in playlist .TP 8 .B < Go back to previous item in playlist .TP 8 .B Q, ESC Quit .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR gst\-inspect\-1.0 (1), .BR gst\-launch\-1.0 (1), .BR gst\-discoverer\-1.0 (1), .SH "AUTHOR" The GStreamer team at http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/