#include <gst/gst.h> void assert_feature_names (gchar * names, GType feature_type, gboolean spook) { GstPluginFeature *feature = NULL; gchar **split = NULL; int i; if (names) split = g_strsplit (names, ",", 0); if (split) { for (i = 0; split[i]; i++) { feature = gst_registry_find_feature (gst_registry_get (), split[i], feature_type); if (spook) g_assert_null (feature); else g_assert_nonnull (feature); if (feature) gst_object_unref (feature); } g_strfreev (split); } } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { GOptionContext *ctx; GError *err = NULL; gchar *elements, *typefinds, *deviceproviders, *dynamictypes; gchar *spook_elements, *spook_typefinds, *spook_deviceproviders, *spook_dynamictypes; elements = typefinds = deviceproviders = dynamictypes = NULL; spook_elements = spook_typefinds = spook_deviceproviders = spook_dynamictypes = NULL; GOptionEntry options[] = { {"elements", 'e', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &elements, "Element(s) which should be available. Specify multiple ones using ',' as separator", NULL}, {"spook-elements", 'E', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &spook_elements, "Element(s) which should NOT be available. Specify multiple ones using ',' as separator", NULL}, {"typefinds", 't', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &typefinds, "Typefind(s) which should be available. Specify multiple ones using ',' as separator", NULL}, {"spook-typefinds", 'T', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &spook_typefinds, "Typefind(s) which should NOT be available. Specify multiple ones using ',' as separator", NULL}, {"deviceproviders", 'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &deviceproviders, "Deviceprovider(s) which should be available. Specify multiple ones using ',' as separator", NULL}, {"spook-deviceproviders", 'D', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &spook_deviceproviders, "Deviceprovider(s) which should NOT be available. Specify multiple ones using ',' as separator", NULL}, {"dynamictypes", 'l', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &dynamictypes, "Dynamictype(s) which should be available. Specify multiple ones using ',' as separator", NULL}, {"spook-dynamictypes", 'L', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &spook_dynamictypes, "Dynamictype(s) which should NOT be available. Specify multiple ones using ',' as separator", NULL}, {NULL} }; ctx = g_option_context_new ("elements ..."); g_option_context_add_main_entries (ctx, options, NULL); g_option_context_add_group (ctx, gst_init_get_option_group ()); if (!g_option_context_parse (ctx, &argc, &argv, &err)) { g_print ("Error initializing: %s\n", GST_STR_NULL (err->message)); g_clear_error (&err); g_option_context_free (ctx); return 1; } g_option_context_free (ctx); gst_init (&argc, &argv); /* Test that elements are instanciable. */ assert_feature_names (elements, GST_TYPE_ELEMENT_FACTORY, FALSE); /* Test that elements are NOT instanciable. */ assert_feature_names (spook_elements, GST_TYPE_ELEMENT_FACTORY, TRUE); /* Test that typefinds are instanciable. */ assert_feature_names (typefinds, GST_TYPE_TYPE_FIND_FACTORY, FALSE); /* Test that typefinds are NOT instanciable. */ assert_feature_names (spook_typefinds, GST_TYPE_TYPE_FIND_FACTORY, TRUE); /* Test that device providers are instanciable. */ assert_feature_names (deviceproviders, GST_TYPE_DEVICE_PROVIDER_FACTORY, FALSE); /* Test that device providers are NOT instanciable. */ assert_feature_names (spook_deviceproviders, GST_TYPE_DEVICE_PROVIDER_FACTORY, TRUE); /* Test that dynamic types are instanciable. */ assert_feature_names (dynamictypes, GST_TYPE_DYNAMIC_TYPE_FACTORY, FALSE); /* Test that dynamic types are NOT instanciable. */ assert_feature_names (spook_dynamictypes, GST_TYPE_DYNAMIC_TYPE_FACTORY, TRUE); gst_deinit (); return 0; }