/* GStreamer Editing Services
 * Copyright (C) <2013> Thibault Saunier <thibault.saunier@collabora.com>
 *               <2013> Collabora Ltd.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

 * SECTION:gescontainer
 * @title: GESContainer
 * @short_description: Base Class for elements responsible for controlling
 * other #GESTimelineElement-s
 * A #GESContainer is a timeline element that controls other
 * #GESTimelineElement-s, which are its children. In particular, it is
 * responsible for maintaining the relative #GESTimelineElement:start and
 * #GESTimelineElement:duration times of its children. Therefore, if a
 * container is temporally adjusted or moved to a new layer, it may
 * accordingly adjust and move its children. Similarly, a change in one of
 * its children may prompt the parent to correspondingly change its
 * siblings.
#include "config.h"

#include "ges-container.h"
#include "ges.h"
#include "ges-internal.h"

#include <string.h>

GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (ges_container_debug);
#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT ges_container_debug

/* Mapping of relationship between a Container and the TimelineElements
 * it controls
 * NOTE : Does it make sense to make it public in the future ?
typedef struct
  GESTimelineElement *child;

  GstClockTime start_offset;
  GstClockTime duration_offset;

  gulong start_notifyid;
  gulong duration_notifyid;
  gulong child_property_added_notifyid;
  gulong child_property_removed_notifyid;
} ChildMapping;


static guint ges_container_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };

struct _GESContainerPrivate
  /*< public > */
  GESLayer *layer;

  /*< private > */
  /* Set to TRUE when the container is doing updates of track object
   * properties so we don't end up in infinite property update loops
  GHashTable *mappings;

  /* List of GESTimelineElement being in the "child-added" signal
   * emission stage */
  GList *adding_children;

  GList *copied_children;


static GParamSpec *properties[PROP_LAST];


 *   Private  methods   *
static void
_free_mapping (ChildMapping * mapping)
  GESTimelineElement *child = mapping->child;

  /* Disconnect all notify listeners */
  if (mapping->start_notifyid)
    g_signal_handler_disconnect (child, mapping->start_notifyid);
  if (mapping->duration_notifyid)
    g_signal_handler_disconnect (child, mapping->duration_notifyid);
  if (mapping->child_property_added_notifyid)
    g_signal_handler_disconnect (child, mapping->child_property_added_notifyid);
  if (mapping->child_property_removed_notifyid)
    g_signal_handler_disconnect (child,
  if (child) {
    ges_timeline_element_set_parent (child, NULL);
    gst_object_unref (child);

  g_slice_free (ChildMapping, mapping);

static gint
compare_grouping_prio (GType * a, GType * b)
  gint ret = 0;
  GObjectClass *aclass = g_type_class_ref (*a);
  GObjectClass *bclass = g_type_class_ref (*b);

  /* We want higher prios to be first */
  if (GES_CONTAINER_CLASS (aclass)->grouping_priority <
      GES_CONTAINER_CLASS (bclass)->grouping_priority)
    ret = 1;
  else if (GES_CONTAINER_CLASS (aclass)->grouping_priority >
      GES_CONTAINER_CLASS (bclass)->grouping_priority)
    ret = -1;

  g_type_class_unref (aclass);
  g_type_class_unref (bclass);
  return ret;

static void
_resync_position_offsets (GESTimelineElement * child,
    ChildMapping * map, GESContainer * container)
  map->start_offset = _START (container) - _START (child);
  map->duration_offset = _DURATION (container) - _DURATION (child);

 *                                                   *
 * GESTimelineElement virtual methods implementation *
 *                                                   *
static gboolean
_set_start (GESTimelineElement * element, GstClockTime start)
  GList *tmp;
  ChildMapping *map;
  GESContainer *container = GES_CONTAINER (element);
  GESContainerPrivate *priv = container->priv;

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (element, "Updating children offsets, (initiated_move: %"
      GST_PTR_FORMAT ")", container->initiated_move);

  for (tmp = container->children; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) {
    GESTimelineElement *child = (GESTimelineElement *) tmp->data;

    map = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->mappings, child);
    map->start_offset = start - _START (child);
  container->children_control_mode = GES_CHILDREN_UPDATE;

  return TRUE;

static gboolean
_set_duration (GESTimelineElement * element, GstClockTime duration)
  GList *tmp;
  GESContainer *container = GES_CONTAINER (element);
  GESContainerPrivate *priv = container->priv;

  for (tmp = container->children; tmp; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) {
    GESTimelineElement *child = (GESTimelineElement *) tmp->data;
    ChildMapping *map = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->mappings, child);

    map->duration_offset = duration - _DURATION (child);

  return TRUE;

static void
_add_childs_child_property (GESTimelineElement * container_child,
    GObject * prop_child, GParamSpec * property, GESContainer * container)
  /* the container_child is kept as the owner of this child property when
   * we register it on ourselves, but we use the same GObject child
   * instance who the property comes from */
  gboolean res =
      ges_timeline_element_add_child_property_full (GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT
      (container), container_child, property, prop_child);
  if (!res)
    GST_INFO_OBJECT (container, "Could not register the child property '%s' "
        "of our child %" GES_FORMAT " for the object %" GST_PTR_FORMAT,
        property->name, GES_ARGS (container_child), prop_child);

static void
_ges_container_add_child_properties (GESContainer * container,
    GESTimelineElement * child)
  guint n_props, i;

  /* use get_children_properties, rather than list_children_properties
   * to ensure we are getting all the properties, without any interference
   * from the ->list_children_properties vmethods */
  GParamSpec **child_props =
      ges_timeline_element_get_children_properties (child,

  for (i = 0; i < n_props; i++) {
    GParamSpec *property = child_props[i];
    GObject *prop_child =
        ges_timeline_element_get_child_from_child_property (child, property);
    if (prop_child)
      _add_childs_child_property (child, prop_child, property, container);
    g_param_spec_unref (property);

  g_free (child_props);

static void
_remove_childs_child_property (GESTimelineElement * container_child,
    GObject * prop_child, GParamSpec * property, GESContainer * container)
  /* NOTE: some children may share the same GParamSpec. Currently, only
   * the first such child added will have its children properties
   * successfully registered for the container (even though the GObject
   * child who the properties belong to will be a different instance). As
   * such, we only want to remove the child property if it corresponds to
   * the same instance that the parent container has.
   * E.g. if we add child1 and child2, that have the same (or some
   * overlapping) children properties. And child1 is added before child2,
   * then child2's overlapping children properties would not be registered.
   * If we remove child2, we do *not* want to removed the child properties
   * for child1 because they belong to a GObject instance that we still
   * have in our control.
   * If we remove child1, we *do* want to remove the child properties for
   * child1, even though child2 may overlap with some of them, because we
   * are loosing the specific GObject instance that it belongs to!
   * We could try and register the ones that match for the other children.
   * However, it is probably simpler to change
   * ges_timeline_element_add_child_property_full to accept the same
   * GParamSpec, for different instances.
  GESTimelineElement *element = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (container);
  GObject *our_prop_child =
      ges_timeline_element_get_child_from_child_property (element, property);
  if (our_prop_child == prop_child)
    ges_timeline_element_remove_child_property (element, property);
    GST_INFO_OBJECT (container, "Not removing child property '%s' for child"
        " %" GES_FORMAT " because it derives from the object %" GST_PTR_FORMAT
        "(%p) rather than the object %" GST_PTR_FORMAT "(%p)", property->name,
        GES_ARGS (container_child), prop_child, prop_child, our_prop_child,

static void
_ges_container_remove_child_properties (GESContainer * container,
    GESTimelineElement * child)
  guint n_props, i;

  /* use get_children_properties, rather than list_children_properties
   * to ensure we are getting all the properties, without any interference
   * from the ->list_children_properties vmethods */
  GParamSpec **child_props =
      ges_timeline_element_get_children_properties (child,

  for (i = 0; i < n_props; i++) {
    GParamSpec *property = child_props[i];
    GObject *prop_child =
        ges_timeline_element_get_child_from_child_property (child, property);
    if (prop_child)
      _remove_childs_child_property (child, prop_child, property, container);
    g_param_spec_unref (property);

  g_free (child_props);

static gboolean
_lookup_child (GESTimelineElement * self, const gchar * prop_name,
    GObject ** child, GParamSpec ** pspec)
  GList *tmp;

  /* FIXME Implement a syntax to precisely get properties by path */
  for (tmp = GES_CONTAINER_CHILDREN (self); tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
    if (ges_timeline_element_lookup_child (tmp->data, prop_name, child, pspec))
      return TRUE;

  return FALSE;

static GESTrackType
_get_track_types (GESTimelineElement * object)
  GList *tmp, *children = ges_container_get_children (GES_CONTAINER (object),

  for (tmp = children; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
    if (GES_IS_TRACK_ELEMENT (tmp->data)) {
      types |= ges_timeline_element_get_track_types (tmp->data);

  g_list_free_full (children, gst_object_unref);

  return types ^ GES_TRACK_TYPE_UNKNOWN;

static void
_deep_copy (GESTimelineElement * element, GESTimelineElement * copy)
  GList *tmp;
  GESContainer *self = GES_CONTAINER (element), *ccopy = GES_CONTAINER (copy);

  for (tmp = GES_CONTAINER_CHILDREN (element); tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
    ChildMapping *map, *orig_map;
    orig_map = g_hash_table_lookup (self->priv->mappings, tmp->data);
    map = g_slice_new0 (ChildMapping);
    map->child = ges_timeline_element_copy (tmp->data, TRUE);
    map->start_offset = orig_map->start_offset;

    ccopy->priv->copied_children = g_list_prepend (ccopy->priv->copied_children,

static GESTimelineElement *
_paste (GESTimelineElement * element, GESTimelineElement * ref,
    GstClockTime paste_position)
  GList *tmp;
  ChildMapping *map;
  GESContainer *ncontainer =
      GES_CONTAINER (ges_timeline_element_copy (element, FALSE));
  GESContainer *self = GES_CONTAINER (element);

  for (tmp = self->priv->copied_children; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
    GESTimelineElement *nchild;

    map = tmp->data;
    nchild =
        ges_timeline_element_paste (map->child,
        paste_position - map->start_offset);

    if (!nchild) {
      while (ncontainer->children)
        ges_container_remove (ncontainer, ncontainer->children->data);

      g_object_unref (ncontainer);
      return NULL;

    /* for GESGroups, this may register the group on the timeline */
    if (!ges_container_add (ncontainer, nchild))
      GST_ERROR ("%" GES_FORMAT " could not add child %p while"
          " copying, this should never happen", GES_ARGS (ncontainer), nchild);

  return GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (ncontainer);

 *                                        *
 * GObject virtual methods implementation *
 *                                        *
static void
_dispose (GObject * object)
  GList *tmp;
  GESContainer *self = GES_CONTAINER (object);
  GList *children;

  _ges_container_sort_children (self);
  children = ges_container_get_children (self, FALSE);

  for (tmp = g_list_last (children); tmp; tmp = tmp->prev)
    ges_container_remove (self, tmp->data);

  g_list_free_full (children, gst_object_unref);
  self->children = NULL;

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (ges_container_parent_class)->dispose (object);

static void
_finalize (GObject * object)
  GESContainer *self = GES_CONTAINER (object);

  g_list_free_full (self->priv->copied_children,
      (GDestroyNotify) _free_mapping);

  if (self->priv->mappings)
    g_hash_table_destroy (self->priv->mappings);

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (ges_container_parent_class)->finalize (object);

static void
_get_property (GObject * container, guint property_id,
    GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec)
  GESContainer *tobj = GES_CONTAINER (container);

  switch (property_id) {
    case PROP_HEIGHT:
      g_value_set_uint (value, tobj->height);
      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (container, property_id, pspec);

static void
_set_property (GObject * container, guint property_id,
    const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec)
  switch (property_id) {
      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (container, property_id, pspec);

static void
ges_container_class_init (GESContainerClass * klass)
  GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
  GESTimelineElementClass *element_class = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_CLASS (klass);

  GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (ges_container_debug, "gescontainer",
      GST_DEBUG_FG_YELLOW, "ges container");

  object_class->get_property = _get_property;
  object_class->set_property = _set_property;
  object_class->dispose = _dispose;
  object_class->finalize = _finalize;

   * GESContainer:height:
   * The span of the container's children's #GESTimelineElement:priority
   * values, which is the number of integers that lie between (inclusive)
   * the minimum and maximum priorities found amongst the container's
   * children (maximum - minimum + 1).
  properties[PROP_HEIGHT] = g_param_spec_uint ("height", "Height",
      "The span of priorities this container occupies", 0, G_MAXUINT, 1,
  g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_HEIGHT,

   * GESContainer::child-added:
   * @container: The #GESContainer
   * @element: The child that was added
   * Will be emitted after a child is added to the container. Usually,
   * you should connect with g_signal_connect_after() since the signal
   * may be stopped internally.
  ges_container_signals[CHILD_ADDED_SIGNAL] =
      g_signal_new ("child-added", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass),
      G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GESContainerClass, child_added),

   * GESContainer::child-removed:
   * @container: The #GESContainer
   * @element: The child that was removed
   * Will be emitted after a child is removed from the container.
  ges_container_signals[CHILD_REMOVED_SIGNAL] =
      g_signal_new ("child-removed", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass),
      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GESContainerClass, child_removed),

  element_class->set_start = _set_start;
  element_class->set_duration = _set_duration;
  element_class->lookup_child = _lookup_child;
  element_class->get_track_types = _get_track_types;
  element_class->paste = _paste;
  element_class->deep_copy = _deep_copy;

  /* No default implementations */
  klass->remove_child = NULL;
  klass->add_child = NULL;
  klass->ungroup = NULL;
  klass->group = NULL;
  klass->grouping_priority = 0;
  klass->edit = NULL;

static void
ges_container_init (GESContainer * self)
  self->priv = ges_container_get_instance_private (self);

  /* FIXME, check why default was GST_SECOND? (before the existend of
   * ges-container)
   * _DURATION (self) = GST_SECOND; */
  self->height = 1;             /* FIXME Why 1 and not 0? */
  self->children = NULL;

  self->priv->mappings = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal,
      NULL, (GDestroyNotify) _free_mapping);

 *                                            *
 *    Property notifications from Children    *
 *                                            *

static void
_update_start_duration (GESContainer * container, GESTimelineElement * child)
  GList *tmp;
  GstClockTime duration, end = 0, start = G_MAXUINT64;
  gboolean was_being_edited = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_BEING_EDITED (container);

  if (!container->children) {
    /* If we are now empty, keep the same duration and start. This works
     * well for a clip. For a group, the duration should probably be set
     * to 0, but it gets automatically removed from the timeline when it
     * is emptied */


  for (tmp = container->children; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
    start = MIN (start, _START (tmp->data));
    end = MAX (end, _END (tmp->data));

  if (end < start)
    duration = 0;
    duration = end - start;

  if (start != _START (container) || duration != _DURATION (container)) {
    GstClockTime prev_dur = _DURATION (container);
    GstClockTime prev_start = _START (container);

    _DURATION (container) = duration;
    _START (container) = start;

    GST_INFO ("%" GES_FORMAT " child %" GES_FORMAT " move made us move",
        GES_ARGS (container), GES_ARGS (child));

    if (prev_start != start)
      g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (container), "start");
    if (prev_dur != duration)
      g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (container), "duration");
  if (!was_being_edited)

  g_hash_table_foreach (container->priv->mappings,
      (GHFunc) _resync_position_offsets, container);

static void
_child_start_changed_cb (GESTimelineElement * child,
    GParamSpec * arg G_GNUC_UNUSED, GESContainer * container)
  ChildMapping *map;

  GESContainerPrivate *priv = container->priv;
  GESTimelineElement *element = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (container);
  GESChildrenControlMode mode = container->children_control_mode;



  map = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->mappings, child);
  g_assert (map);

  switch (mode) {
      _update_start_duration (container, child);
      map->start_offset = _START (container) - _START (child);
      /* We update all the children calling our set_start method */
      container->initiated_move = child;
      _set_start0 (element, _START (child) + map->start_offset);
      container->initiated_move = NULL;

static void
_child_duration_changed_cb (GESTimelineElement * child,
    GParamSpec * arg G_GNUC_UNUSED, GESContainer * container)
  ChildMapping *map;

  GESContainerPrivate *priv = container->priv;
  GESTimelineElement *element = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (container);
  GESChildrenControlMode mode = container->children_control_mode;



  map = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->mappings, child);
  g_assert (map);

  switch (mode) {
      _update_start_duration (container, child);
      map->duration_offset = _DURATION (container) - _DURATION (child);
      /* We update all the children calling our set_duration method */
      container->initiated_move = child;
      /* FIXME: this is *not* the correct duration for a group!
       * the ->set_duration method for GESGroup tries to hack around
       * this by calling set_duration on itself to the actual value */
      _set_duration0 (element, _DURATION (child) + map->duration_offset);
      container->initiated_move = NULL;

 *                                                  *
 *         Internal methods implementation          *
 *                                                  *

_ges_container_sort_children (GESContainer * container)
  container->children = g_list_sort (container->children,
      (GCompareFunc) element_start_compare);

_ges_container_set_height (GESContainer * container, guint32 height)
  if (container->height != height) {
    container->height = height;
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (container, "Updating height %i", container->height);
    g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (container), "height");

 *                                            *
 *            API implementation              *
 *                                            *

 * ges_container_add:
 * @container: A #GESContainer
 * @child: The element to add as a child
 * Adds a timeline element to the container. The element will now be a
 * child of the container (and the container will be the
 * #GESTimelineElement:parent of the added element), which means that it
 * is now controlled by the container. This may change the properties of
 * the child or the container, depending on the subclass.
 * Additionally, the children properties of the newly added element will
 * be shared with the container, meaning they can also be read and set
 * using ges_timeline_element_get_child_property() and
 * ges_timeline_element_set_child_property() on the container.
 * Returns: %TRUE if @child was successfully added to @container.
ges_container_add (GESContainer * container, GESTimelineElement * child)
  ChildMapping *mapping;
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  GESContainerClass *class;
  GList *current_children, *tmp;
  GESContainerPrivate *priv;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_CONTAINER (container), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (child), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_PARENT (child) == NULL, FALSE);

  class = GES_CONTAINER_GET_CLASS (container);
  priv = container->priv;

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (container, "adding timeline element %" GST_PTR_FORMAT,

  /* freeze all notifies */
  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (container));
  /* copy to use at end, since container->children may have child
   * added to it */
  current_children = g_list_copy_deep (container->children,
      (GCopyFunc) gst_object_ref, NULL);
  for (tmp = current_children; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
    g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (tmp->data));
  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (child));
  gst_object_ref_sink (child);

  if (class->add_child) {
    if (class->add_child (container, child) == FALSE) {
      GST_WARNING_OBJECT (container, "Error adding child %p", child);
      goto done;

  mapping = g_slice_new0 (ChildMapping);
  mapping->child = gst_object_ref (child);
  g_hash_table_insert (priv->mappings, child, mapping);
  container->children = g_list_append (container->children, child);

  /* Listen to all property changes */
  mapping->start_notifyid =
      g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (child), "notify::start",
      G_CALLBACK (_child_start_changed_cb), container);
  mapping->duration_notifyid =
      g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (child), "notify::duration",
      G_CALLBACK (_child_duration_changed_cb), container);

  if (ges_timeline_element_set_parent (child, GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (container))
      == FALSE) {
    if (class->remove_child)
      class->remove_child (container, child);

    g_hash_table_remove (priv->mappings, child);
    container->children = g_list_remove (container->children, child);

    goto done;

  _update_start_duration (container, child);
  _ges_container_sort_children (container);

  _ges_container_add_child_properties (container, child);
  mapping->child_property_added_notifyid =
      g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (child), "child-property-added",
      G_CALLBACK (_add_childs_child_property), container);
  mapping->child_property_removed_notifyid =
      g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (child), "child-property-removed",
      G_CALLBACK (_remove_childs_child_property), container);

  priv->adding_children = g_list_prepend (priv->adding_children, child);
  g_signal_emit (container, ges_container_signals[CHILD_ADDED_SIGNAL], 0,
  priv->adding_children = g_list_remove (priv->adding_children, child);

  ret = TRUE;

  /* thaw all notifies */
  /* Ignore notifies for the start and duration since the child should
   * already be correctly set up */
  container->children_control_mode = GES_CHILDREN_IGNORE_NOTIFIES;
  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (container));
  for (tmp = current_children; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
    g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (tmp->data));
  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (child));
  g_list_free_full (current_children, gst_object_unref);
  gst_object_unref (child);
  container->children_control_mode = GES_CHILDREN_UPDATE;
  return ret;

 * ges_container_remove:
 * @container: A #GESContainer
 * @child: The child to remove
 * Removes a timeline element from the container. The element will no
 * longer be controlled by the container.
 * Returns: %TRUE if @child was successfully removed from @container.
ges_container_remove (GESContainer * container, GESTimelineElement * child)
  GESContainerClass *klass;
  GESContainerPrivate *priv;
  GList *current_children, *tmp;
  gboolean ret = FALSE;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_CONTAINER (container), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (child), FALSE);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (container, "removing child: %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, child);

  klass = GES_CONTAINER_GET_CLASS (container);
  priv = container->priv;

  if (!(g_hash_table_lookup (priv->mappings, child))) {
    GST_WARNING_OBJECT (container, "Element isn't controlled by this "
    return FALSE;

  /* ref the container since it might be destroyed when the child is
   * removed! (see GESGroup ->child_removed) */
  gst_object_ref (container);
  /* freeze all notifies */
  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (container));
  /* copy to use at end, since container->children may have child
   * removed from it */
  current_children = g_list_copy_deep (container->children,
      (GCopyFunc) gst_object_ref, NULL);
  for (tmp = current_children; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
    g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (tmp->data));

  if (klass->remove_child) {
    if (klass->remove_child (container, child) == FALSE)
      goto done;

  container->children = g_list_remove (container->children, child);
  g_hash_table_remove (priv->mappings, child);

  _ges_container_remove_child_properties (container, child);

  if (!g_list_find (container->priv->adding_children, child)) {
    g_signal_emit (container, ges_container_signals[CHILD_REMOVED_SIGNAL], 0,
  } else {
    GESContainerClass *klass = GES_CONTAINER_GET_CLASS (container);

    if (klass->child_removed)
      klass->child_removed (container, child);

    GST_INFO_OBJECT (container,
        "Not emitting 'child-removed' signal as child"
        " removal happend during 'child-added' signal emission");

  _update_start_duration (container, child);

  ret = TRUE;

  /* thaw all notifies */
  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (container));
  for (tmp = current_children; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
    g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (tmp->data));
  g_list_free_full (current_children, gst_object_unref);

  gst_object_unref (container);

  return ret;

static void
_get_children_recursively (GESContainer * container, GList ** children)
  GList *tmp;

  *children =
      g_list_concat (*children, g_list_copy_deep (container->children,
          (GCopyFunc) gst_object_ref, NULL));

  for (tmp = container->children; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
    GESTimelineElement *element = tmp->data;

    if (GES_IS_CONTAINER (element))
      _get_children_recursively (tmp->data, children);

 * ges_container_get_children:
 * @container: A #GESContainer
 * @recursive:  Whether to recursively get children in @container
 * Get the list of timeline elements contained in the container. If
 * @recursive is %TRUE, and the container contains other containers as
 * children, then their children will be added to the list, in addition to
 * themselves, and so on.
 * Returns: (transfer full) (element-type GESTimelineElement): The list of
 * #GESTimelineElement-s contained in @container.
GList *
ges_container_get_children (GESContainer * container, gboolean recursive)
  GList *children = NULL;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_CONTAINER (container), NULL);

  if (!recursive)
    return g_list_copy_deep (container->children, (GCopyFunc) gst_object_ref,

  _get_children_recursively (container, &children);
  return children;

 * ges_container_ungroup:
 * @container: (transfer full): The container to ungroup
 * @recursive: Whether to recursively ungroup @container
 * Ungroups the container by splitting it into several containers
 * containing various children of the original. The rules for how the
 * container splits depends on the subclass. A #GESGroup will simply split
 * into its children. A #GESClip will split into one #GESClip per
 * #GESTrackType it overlaps with (so an audio-video clip will split into
 * an audio clip and a video clip), where each clip contains all the
 * #GESTrackElement-s from the original clip with a matching
 * #GESTrackElement:track-type.
 * If @recursive is %TRUE, and the container contains other containers as
 * children, then they will also be ungrouped, and so on.
 * Returns: (transfer full) (element-type GESContainer): The list of
 * new #GESContainer-s created from the splitting of @container.
GList *
ges_container_ungroup (GESContainer * container, gboolean recursive)
  GESContainerClass *klass;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_CONTAINER (container), NULL);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (container, "Ungrouping container %s recursively",
      recursive ? "" : "not");

  klass = GES_CONTAINER_GET_CLASS (container);
  if (klass->ungroup == NULL) {
    GST_INFO_OBJECT (container, "No ungoup virtual method, doint nothing");
    return NULL;

  return klass->ungroup (container, recursive);

 * ges_container_group:
 * @containers: (transfer none) (element-type GESContainer) (nullable):
 * The #GESContainer-s to group
 * Groups the containers into a single container by merging them. The
 * containers must all belong to the same #GESTimelineElement:timeline.
 * If the elements are all #GESClip-s then this method will attempt to
 * combine them all into a single #GESClip. This should succeed if they:
 * share the same #GESTimelineElement:start, #GESTimelineElement:duration
 * and #GESTimelineElement:in-point; exist in the same layer; and all of
 * the sources share the same #GESAsset. If this fails, or one of the
 * elements is not a #GESClip, this method will try to create a #GESGroup
 * instead.
 * Returns: (transfer floating) (nullable): The container created by merging
 * @containers, or %NULL if they could not be merged into a single
 * container.
GESContainer *
ges_container_group (GList * containers)
  GList *tmp;
  guint n_children;
  GType *children_types;
  GESTimelineElement *element;
  GObjectClass *clip_class;

  guint i = 0;
  GESContainer *ret = NULL;
  GESTimeline *timeline = NULL;

  if (containers) {
    element = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (containers->data);
    timeline = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_TIMELINE (element);
    g_return_val_if_fail (timeline, NULL);

  if (g_list_length (containers) == 1) {
    /* FIXME: Should return a floating **copy**. API specifies that the
     * returned element is created. So users might expect to be able to
     * freely dispose of the list, without the risk of the returned
     * element being freed as well.
     * TODO 2.0: (transfer full) would have been better */
    return containers->data;

  for (tmp = containers; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
    g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_CONTAINER (tmp->data), NULL);
    g_return_val_if_fail (GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_PARENT (tmp->data) == NULL,
    g_return_val_if_fail (GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_TIMELINE (tmp->data) == timeline,

  /* FIXME: how can user sub-classes interact with this if
   * ->grouping_priority is private? */
  children_types = g_type_children (GES_TYPE_CONTAINER, &n_children);
  g_qsort_with_data (children_types, n_children, sizeof (GType),
      (GCompareDataFunc) compare_grouping_prio, NULL);

  for (i = 0; i < n_children; i++) {
    clip_class = g_type_class_peek (children_types[i]);
    /* FIXME: handle NULL ->group */
    ret = GES_CONTAINER_CLASS (clip_class)->group (containers);

    if (ret)

  g_free (children_types);
  return ret;

 * ges_container_edit:
 * @container: The #GESContainer to edit
 * @layers: (element-type GESLayer) (nullable): A whitelist of layers
 * where the edit can be performed, %NULL allows all layers in the
 * timeline
 * @new_layer_priority: The priority/index of the layer @container should
 * be moved to. -1 means no move
 * @mode: The edit mode
 * @edge: The edge of @container where the edit should occur
 * @position: The edit position: a new location for the edge of @container
 * (in nanoseconds)
 * Edits the container within its timeline.
 * Returns: %TRUE if the edit of @container completed, %FALSE on failure.
 * Deprecated: 1.18: use #ges_timeline_element_edit instead.
ges_container_edit (GESContainer * container, GList * layers,
    gint new_layer_priority, GESEditMode mode, GESEdge edge, guint64 position)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_CONTAINER (container), FALSE);

  return ges_timeline_element_edit (GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (container),
      layers, new_layer_priority, mode, edge, position);