/* GStreamer * Copyright (C) 2023 Seungha Yang * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "gstd3d12.h" #include "gstd3d12-private.h" #include "gstd3d12commandlistpool.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_DXGIDEBUG_H #include /* *INDENT-OFF* */ typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * DXGIGetDebugInterface_t) (REFIID riid, void **iface); static DXGIGetDebugInterface_t GstDXGIGetDebugInterface = nullptr; static IDXGIInfoQueue *g_dxgi_info_queue = nullptr; static std::mutex g_dxgi_debug_lock; /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (gst_d3d12_sdk_debug); GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (gst_d3d12_dred_debug); GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (gst_d3d12_dxgi_debug); #ifndef GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT ensure_debug_category() static GstDebugCategory * ensure_debug_category (void) { static GstDebugCategory *cat = nullptr; GST_D3D12_CALL_ONCE_BEGIN { cat = _gst_debug_category_new ("d3d12device", 0, "d3d12device"); } GST_D3D12_CALL_ONCE_END; return cat; } #endif /* GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG */ static PFN_D3D11ON12_CREATE_DEVICE GstD3D11On12CreateDevice = nullptr; static gboolean gst_d3d12_device_enable_dred (void); static gboolean load_d3d11on12_symbol (void) { static gboolean ret = FALSE; static GModule *d3d11_lib_module = nullptr; GST_D3D12_CALL_ONCE_BEGIN { d3d11_lib_module = g_module_open ("d3d11.dll", G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY); if (!d3d11_lib_module) return; if (!g_module_symbol (d3d11_lib_module, "D3D11On12CreateDevice", (gpointer *) & GstD3D11On12CreateDevice)) { return; } ret = TRUE; } GST_D3D12_CALL_ONCE_END; return ret; } enum { PROP_0, PROP_ADAPTER_INDEX, PROP_ADAPTER_LUID, PROP_DEVICE_ID, PROP_VENDOR_ID, PROP_HARDWARE, PROP_DESCRIPTION, PROP_DEVICE_REMOVED_REASON, }; static GParamSpec *pspec_removed_reason = nullptr; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ using namespace Microsoft::WRL; struct DeviceInner { DeviceInner () { dev_removed_event = CreateEventEx (nullptr, nullptr, 0, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS); } ~DeviceInner () { Drain (); gst_clear_object (&direct_queue); gst_clear_object (&compute_queue); gst_clear_object (©_queue); for (guint i = 0; i < num_decode_queue; i++) gst_clear_object (&decode_queue[i]); gst_clear_object (&direct_ca_pool); gst_clear_object (&direct_cl_pool); gst_clear_object (&compute_ca_pool); gst_clear_object (&compute_cl_pool); gst_clear_object (©_ca_pool); gst_clear_object (©_cl_pool); gst_clear_object (&fence_data_pool); factory = nullptr; adapter = nullptr; if (removed_reason == S_OK) ReportLiveObjects (); if (dev_removed_monitor_handle) UnregisterWait (dev_removed_monitor_handle); CloseHandle (dev_removed_event); } void Drain () { if (direct_queue) gst_d3d12_command_queue_drain (direct_queue); if (compute_queue) gst_d3d12_command_queue_drain (compute_queue); if (copy_queue) gst_d3d12_command_queue_drain (copy_queue); for (guint i = 0; i < num_decode_queue; i++) gst_d3d12_command_queue_drain (decode_queue[i]); } void ReportLiveObjects () { if (!info_queue || !device) return; ComPtr debug_dev; device.As (&debug_dev); if (!debug_dev) return; debug_dev->ReportLiveDeviceObjects (D3D12_RLDO_DETAIL | D3D12_RLDO_IGNORE_INTERNAL); GST_DEBUG ("Begin live object report %s", description.c_str ()); UINT64 num_msg = info_queue->GetNumStoredMessages (); for (UINT64 i = 0; i < num_msg; i++) { HRESULT hr; SIZE_T msg_len; D3D12_MESSAGE *msg; hr = info_queue->GetMessage (i, nullptr, &msg_len); if (FAILED (hr) || msg_len == 0) continue; msg = (D3D12_MESSAGE *) g_malloc0 (msg_len); hr = info_queue->GetMessage (i, msg, &msg_len); if (FAILED (hr) || msg_len == 0) { g_free (msg); continue; } gst_debug_log (gst_d3d12_sdk_debug, GST_LEVEL_INFO, __FILE__, GST_FUNCTION, __LINE__, nullptr, "D3D12InfoQueue: %s", msg->pDescription); g_free (msg); } GST_DEBUG ("End live object report %s", description.c_str ()); info_queue->ClearStoredMessages (); } void AddClient (GstD3D12Device * client) { std::lock_guard lk (lock); clients.push_back (client); } void RemoveClient (GstD3D12Device * client) { std::lock_guard lk (lock); for (auto it = clients.begin (); it != clients.end(); it++) { if (*it == client) { clients.erase (it); return; } } } ComPtr device; ComPtr adapter; ComPtr factory; ComPtr device11on12; std::unordered_map format_table; std::recursive_mutex extern_lock; std::recursive_mutex device11on12_lock; std::mutex lock; CD3DX12FeatureSupport feature_support; ComPtr info_queue; GstD3D12CommandQueue *direct_queue = nullptr; GstD3D12CommandQueue *compute_queue = nullptr; GstD3D12CommandQueue *copy_queue = nullptr; GstD3D12CommandQueue *decode_queue[2] = { nullptr, }; guint num_decode_queue = 0; guint decode_queue_index = 0; std::recursive_mutex decoder_lock; GstD3D12WAFlags wa_flags = GST_D3D12_WA_NONE; GstD3D12CommandListPool *direct_cl_pool = nullptr; GstD3D12CommandAllocatorPool *direct_ca_pool = nullptr; GstD3D12CommandListPool *compute_cl_pool = nullptr; GstD3D12CommandAllocatorPool *compute_ca_pool = nullptr; GstD3D12CommandListPool *copy_cl_pool = nullptr; GstD3D12CommandAllocatorPool *copy_ca_pool = nullptr; GstD3D12FenceDataPool *fence_data_pool = nullptr; guint rtv_inc_size; guint adapter_index = 0; guint device_id = 0; guint vendor_id = 0; std::string description; gint64 adapter_luid = 0; HANDLE dev_removed_monitor_handle = nullptr; HANDLE dev_removed_event; ComPtr dev_removed_fence; std::atomic removed_reason = { S_OK }; std::vector clients; }; typedef std::shared_ptr DeviceInnerPtr; struct _GstD3D12DevicePrivate { DeviceInnerPtr inner; }; enum GstD3D12DeviceConstructType { GST_D3D12_DEVICE_CONSTRUCT_FOR_INDEX, GST_D3D12_DEVICE_CONSTRUCT_FOR_LUID, }; struct GstD3D12DeviceConstructData { union { guint index; gint64 luid; } data; GstD3D12DeviceConstructType type; }; static GstD3D12Device * gst_d3d12_device_new_internal (const GstD3D12DeviceConstructData * data); class DeviceCacheManager { public: DeviceCacheManager (const DeviceCacheManager &) = delete; DeviceCacheManager& operator= (const DeviceCacheManager &) = delete; static DeviceCacheManager * GetInstance() { static DeviceCacheManager *inst = nullptr; GST_D3D12_CALL_ONCE_BEGIN { inst = new DeviceCacheManager (); } GST_D3D12_CALL_ONCE_END; return inst; } GstD3D12Device * GetDevice (const GstD3D12DeviceConstructData * data) { std::lock_guard lk (lock_); auto it = std::find_if (list_.begin (), list_.end (), [&] (const auto & device) { if (data->type == GST_D3D12_DEVICE_CONSTRUCT_FOR_INDEX) return device->adapter_index == data->data.index; return device->adapter_luid == data->data.luid; }); if (it != list_.end ()) { auto device = (GstD3D12Device *) g_object_new (GST_TYPE_D3D12_DEVICE, nullptr); gst_object_ref_sink (device); device->priv->inner = *it; auto name = buildObjectName ((*it)->adapter_index); gst_object_set_name (GST_OBJECT (device), name.c_str ()); GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (device, "Reusing created device"); device->priv->inner->AddClient (device); return device; } auto device = gst_d3d12_device_new_internal (data); if (!device) return nullptr; auto name = buildObjectName (device->priv->inner->adapter_index); gst_object_set_name (GST_OBJECT (device), name.c_str ()); GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (device, "Created new device"); list_.push_back (device->priv->inner); device->priv->inner->AddClient (device); return device; } void ReleaseDevice (gint64 luid) { std::lock_guard lk (lock_); for (const auto & it : list_) { if (it->adapter_luid == luid) { if (it.use_count () == 1) { it->Drain (); it->ReportLiveObjects (); } return; } } } void OnDeviceRemoved (gint64 luid) { std::lock_guard lk (lock_); DeviceInnerPtr ptr; { auto it = std::find_if (list_.begin (), list_.end (), [&] (const auto & device) { return device->adapter_luid == luid; }); if (it == list_.end ()) return; ptr = *it; list_.erase (it); } UnregisterWait (ptr->dev_removed_monitor_handle); ptr->dev_removed_monitor_handle = nullptr; ptr->removed_reason = ptr->device->GetDeviceRemovedReason (); if (SUCCEEDED (ptr->removed_reason)) ptr->removed_reason = DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED; auto error_text = g_win32_error_message ((guint) ptr->removed_reason); GST_ERROR ("Adapter LUID: %" G_GINT64_FORMAT ", DeviceRemovedReason: 0x%x, %s", ptr->adapter_luid, (guint) ptr->removed_reason, GST_STR_NULL (error_text)); g_free (error_text); if (gst_d3d12_device_enable_dred ()) { ComPtr dred1; auto hr = ptr->device.As (&dred1); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { ComPtr dred2; hr = dred1.As (&dred2); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { GST_CAT_ERROR (gst_d3d12_dred_debug, "D3D12_DRED_DEVICE_STATE: %d", dred2->GetDeviceState ()); } D3D12_DRED_AUTO_BREADCRUMBS_OUTPUT breadcrumbs_output; hr = dred1->GetAutoBreadcrumbsOutput (&breadcrumbs_output); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { guint node_idx = 0; const D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_NODE *node = breadcrumbs_output.pHeadAutoBreadcrumbNode; GST_CAT_ERROR (gst_d3d12_dred_debug, "Reporting GetAutoBreadcrumbsOutput"); while (node) { GST_CAT_ERROR (gst_d3d12_dred_debug, " [%u]%s:%s - " "pLastBreadcrumbValue (%u) BreadcrumbCount (%u)", node_idx, GST_STR_NULL (node->pCommandQueueDebugNameA), GST_STR_NULL (node->pCommandListDebugNameA), node->pLastBreadcrumbValue ? *node->pLastBreadcrumbValue : 0, node->BreadcrumbCount); for (UINT32 count = 0; count < node->BreadcrumbCount; count++) { GST_CAT_ERROR (gst_d3d12_dred_debug, " [%u][%u] D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_OP: %u", node_idx, count, node->pCommandHistory[count]); } node_idx++; node = node->pNext; } } else { GST_CAT_ERROR (gst_d3d12_dred_debug, "GetAutoBreadcrumbsOutput() return 0x%x", (guint) hr); } D3D12_DRED_PAGE_FAULT_OUTPUT fault_output; hr = dred1->GetPageFaultAllocationOutput (&fault_output); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { GST_ERROR ("Reporting GetPageFaultAllocationOutput"); guint node_idx = 0; const D3D12_DRED_ALLOCATION_NODE *node = fault_output.pHeadExistingAllocationNode; GST_CAT_ERROR (gst_d3d12_dred_debug, " Existing allocation nodes: "); while (node) { GST_CAT_ERROR (gst_d3d12_dred_debug, " [%u]%s: %d", node_idx, GST_STR_NULL (node->ObjectNameA), node->AllocationType); node_idx++; node = node->pNext; } GST_ERROR (" Recently freed allocation nodes: "); node_idx = 0; node = fault_output.pHeadRecentFreedAllocationNode; while (node) { GST_CAT_ERROR (gst_d3d12_dred_debug," [%u]%s: %d", node_idx, GST_STR_NULL (node->ObjectNameA), node->AllocationType); node_idx++; node = node->pNext; } } else { GST_CAT_ERROR (gst_d3d12_dred_debug, "GetPageFaultAllocationOutput () return 0x%x", (guint) hr); } } } std::vector clients; { std::lock_guard client_lk (ptr->lock); for (auto it : ptr->clients) { gst_object_ref (it); clients.push_back (it); } } for (auto it : clients) { g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (it), pspec_removed_reason); gst_object_unref (it); } } private: DeviceCacheManager () {} ~DeviceCacheManager () {} std::string buildObjectName (UINT adapter_index) { auto name_it = name_map_.find (adapter_index); UINT idx = 0; if (name_it == name_map_.end ()) { name_map_.insert ({adapter_index, 0}); } else { name_it->second++; idx = name_it->second; } return std::string ("d3d12device") + std::to_string (adapter_index) + "-" + std::to_string (idx); } private: std::recursive_mutex lock_; std::vector list_; std::unordered_map name_map_; }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ static VOID NTAPI on_device_removed (PVOID context, BOOLEAN unused) { DeviceInner *inner = (DeviceInner *) context; auto manager = DeviceCacheManager::GetInstance (); manager->OnDeviceRemoved (inner->adapter_luid); } static gboolean gst_d3d12_device_enable_debug (void) { static gboolean enabled = FALSE; GST_D3D12_CALL_ONCE_BEGIN { GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (gst_d3d12_sdk_debug, "d3d12debuglayer", 0, "d3d12 SDK layer debug"); /* Enables debug layer only if it's requested, otherwise * already configured d3d12 devices (e.g., owned by application) * will be invalidated by ID3D12Debug::EnableDebugLayer() */ if (!g_getenv ("GST_ENABLE_D3D12_DEBUG")) return; HRESULT hr; ComPtr < ID3D12Debug > d3d12_debug; hr = D3D12GetDebugInterface (IID_PPV_ARGS (&d3d12_debug)); if (FAILED (hr)) return; d3d12_debug->EnableDebugLayer (); enabled = TRUE; GST_INFO ("D3D12 debug layer is enabled"); ComPtr < ID3D12Debug5 > d3d12_debug5; hr = d3d12_debug.As (&d3d12_debug5); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) d3d12_debug5->SetEnableAutoName (TRUE); ComPtr < ID3D12Debug1 > d3d12_debug1; hr = d3d12_debug.As (&d3d12_debug1); if (FAILED (hr)) return; d3d12_debug1->SetEnableSynchronizedCommandQueueValidation (TRUE); GST_INFO ("Enabled synchronized command queue validation"); if (!g_getenv ("GST_ENABLE_D3D12_DEBUG_GPU_VALIDATION")) return; d3d12_debug1->SetEnableGPUBasedValidation (TRUE); GST_INFO ("Enabled GPU based validation"); } GST_D3D12_CALL_ONCE_END; return enabled; } static gboolean gst_d3d12_device_enable_dred (void) { static gboolean enabled = FALSE; GST_D3D12_CALL_ONCE_BEGIN { GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (gst_d3d12_dred_debug, "d3d12dred", 0, "d3d12 Device Removed Extended(DRED) debug"); if (gst_debug_category_get_threshold (gst_d3d12_dred_debug) > GST_LEVEL_ERROR) { HRESULT hr; ComPtr < ID3D12DeviceRemovedExtendedDataSettings1 > settings; hr = D3D12GetDebugInterface (IID_PPV_ARGS (&settings)); if (FAILED (hr)) { GST_CAT_WARNING (gst_d3d12_dred_debug, "ID3D12DeviceRemovedExtendedDataSettings1 interface unavailable"); return; } settings->SetAutoBreadcrumbsEnablement (D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT_FORCED_ON); settings->SetPageFaultEnablement (D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT_FORCED_ON); GST_CAT_INFO (gst_d3d12_dred_debug, "D3D12 DRED (Device Removed Extended Data) is enabled"); enabled = TRUE; } } GST_D3D12_CALL_ONCE_END; return enabled; } static gboolean gst_d3d12_device_enable_dxgi_debug (void) { static gboolean enabled = FALSE; #ifdef HAVE_DXGIDEBUG_H static GModule *dxgi_debug_module = nullptr; GST_D3D12_CALL_ONCE_BEGIN { GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (gst_d3d12_dxgi_debug, "d3d12dxgidebug", 0, "d3d12dxgidebug"); if (!g_getenv ("GST_ENABLE_D3D12_DXGI_DEBUG")) return; dxgi_debug_module = g_module_open ("dxgidebug.dll", G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY); if (!dxgi_debug_module) return; if (!g_module_symbol (dxgi_debug_module, "DXGIGetDebugInterface", (gpointer *) & GstDXGIGetDebugInterface)) { return; } auto hr = GstDXGIGetDebugInterface (IID_PPV_ARGS (&g_dxgi_info_queue)); if (FAILED (hr)) return; GST_INFO ("DXGI debug is enabled"); enabled = TRUE; } GST_D3D12_CALL_ONCE_END; #endif return enabled; } #define gst_d3d12_device_parent_class parent_class G_DEFINE_TYPE (GstD3D12Device, gst_d3d12_device, GST_TYPE_OBJECT); static void gst_d3d12_device_dispose (GObject * object); static void gst_d3d12_device_finalize (GObject * object); static void gst_d3d12_device_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec); static void gst_d3d12_device_setup_format_table (GstD3D12Device * self); static void gst_d3d12_device_class_init (GstD3D12DeviceClass * klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GParamFlags readable_flags = (GParamFlags) (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); gobject_class->dispose = gst_d3d12_device_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = gst_d3d12_device_finalize; gobject_class->get_property = gst_d3d12_device_get_property; g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_ADAPTER_INDEX, g_param_spec_uint ("adapter-index", "Adapter Index", "DXGI Adapter index for creating device", 0, G_MAXUINT32, 0, readable_flags)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_ADAPTER_LUID, g_param_spec_int64 ("adapter-luid", "Adapter LUID", "DXGI Adapter LUID (Locally Unique Identifier) of created device", 0, G_MAXINT64, 0, readable_flags)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DEVICE_ID, g_param_spec_uint ("device-id", "Device Id", "DXGI Device ID", 0, G_MAXUINT32, 0, readable_flags)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_VENDOR_ID, g_param_spec_uint ("vendor-id", "Vendor Id", "DXGI Vendor ID", 0, G_MAXUINT32, 0, readable_flags)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DESCRIPTION, g_param_spec_string ("description", "Description", "Human readable device description", nullptr, readable_flags)); pspec_removed_reason = g_param_spec_int ("device-removed-reason", "Device Removed Reason", "HRESULT code returned from ID3D12Device::GetDeviceRemovedReason", G_MININT32, G_MAXINT32, 0, readable_flags); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_DEVICE_REMOVED_REASON, pspec_removed_reason); } static void gst_d3d12_device_init (GstD3D12Device * self) { self->priv = new GstD3D12DevicePrivate (); } static void gst_d3d12_device_dispose (GObject * object) { auto self = GST_D3D12_DEVICE (object); GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Dispose"); if (self->priv->inner) self->priv->inner->RemoveClient (self); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void gst_d3d12_device_finalize (GObject * object) { auto self = GST_D3D12_DEVICE (object); GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Finalize"); gint64 luid = 0; if (self->priv->inner) luid = self->priv->inner->adapter_luid; delete self->priv; auto manager = DeviceCacheManager::GetInstance (); manager->ReleaseDevice (luid); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void gst_d3d12_device_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { auto self = GST_D3D12_DEVICE (object); auto priv = self->priv->inner; switch (prop_id) { case PROP_ADAPTER_INDEX: g_value_set_uint (value, priv->adapter_index); break; case PROP_ADAPTER_LUID: g_value_set_int64 (value, priv->adapter_luid); break; case PROP_DEVICE_ID: g_value_set_uint (value, priv->device_id); break; case PROP_VENDOR_ID: g_value_set_uint (value, priv->vendor_id); break; case PROP_DESCRIPTION: g_value_set_string (value, priv->description.c_str ()); break; case PROP_DEVICE_REMOVED_REASON: g_value_set_int (value, priv->removed_reason); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void make_buffer_format (GstVideoFormat format, GstD3D12Format * d3d12_format) { d3d12_format->format = format; d3d12_format->dimension = D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER; d3d12_format->dxgi_format = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; d3d12_format->support1 = D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_NONE; d3d12_format->support2 = D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_NONE; for (guint i = 0; i < GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES; i++) { d3d12_format->resource_format[i] = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; d3d12_format->uav_format[i] = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; } } static void gst_d3d12_device_setup_format_table (GstD3D12Device * self) { auto priv = self->priv->inner; auto & fs = priv->feature_support; HRESULT hr; for (guint f = 0; f < GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_LAST; f++) { GstD3D12Format format = { }; if (!gst_d3d12_get_format ((GstVideoFormat) f, &format)) continue; g_assert (format.dimension == D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER || format.dimension == D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D); D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1 support1 = D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_NONE; D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 support2 = D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_NONE; bool supported = false; auto dxgi_format = format.dxgi_format; if (format.dimension == D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER) { /* Buffer type is always supported */ supported = true; } if (!supported && dxgi_format != DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { /* packed or yuv semi-planar */ hr = fs.FormatSupport (format.dxgi_format, support1, support2); if (SUCCEEDED (hr) && (support1 & format.support1) == format.support1 && (support2 & format.support2) == format.support2) { supported = true; } else if (dxgi_format == DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM || dxgi_format == DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM) { /* This format may not be supported by old OS. Use R16_UINT * with compute shader */ format.dxgi_format = DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT; format.format_flags = GST_D3D12_FORMAT_FLAG_OUTPUT_UAV; fs.FormatSupport (DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT, support1, support2); format.support1 = support1; format.support2 = support2; format.resource_format[0] = DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT; format.uav_format[0] = DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT; supported = true; } else { format.dxgi_format = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; } } if (!supported) { bool check_failed = false; for (guint i = 0; i < GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES; i++) { auto resource_format = format.resource_format[i]; if (resource_format == DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) break; hr = fs.FormatSupport (resource_format, support1, support2); if (FAILED (hr) || (support1 & format.support1) != format.support1 || (support2 & format.support2) != format.support2) { check_failed = true; break; } } if (!check_failed) supported = true; } if (!supported) { /* Use buffer format */ format.dimension = D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER; format.dxgi_format = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; format.support1 = D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_NONE; format.support2 = D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_NONE; for (guint i = 0; i < GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES; i++) { format.resource_format[i] = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; format.uav_format[i] = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; } } else { format.support1 = support1; format.support2 = support2; } if (format.dimension == D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_BUFFER) { GST_LOG_OBJECT (self, "Format %s support: buffer", gst_video_format_to_string (format.format)); } else { GST_LOG_OBJECT (self, "Format %s support: dxgi-format: %s, " "resource-format: [%s, %s, %s, %s]", gst_video_format_to_string (format.format), D3D12_PROPERTY_LAYOUT_FORMAT_TABLE::GetName (format.dxgi_format), D3D12_PROPERTY_LAYOUT_FORMAT_TABLE:: GetName (format.resource_format[0]), D3D12_PROPERTY_LAYOUT_FORMAT_TABLE:: GetName (format.resource_format[1]), D3D12_PROPERTY_LAYOUT_FORMAT_TABLE:: GetName (format.resource_format[2]), D3D12_PROPERTY_LAYOUT_FORMAT_TABLE:: GetName (format.resource_format[3])); } priv->format_table[format.format] = format; } } static HRESULT gst_d3d12_device_find_adapter (const GstD3D12DeviceConstructData * data, IDXGIFactory2 * factory, guint * index, IDXGIAdapter1 ** rst) { HRESULT hr; switch (data->type) { case GST_D3D12_DEVICE_CONSTRUCT_FOR_INDEX:{ ComPtr < IDXGIAdapter1 > adapter; hr = factory->EnumAdapters1 (data->data.index, &adapter); if (FAILED (hr)) return hr; *index = data->data.index; *rst = adapter.Detach (); return S_OK; } case GST_D3D12_DEVICE_CONSTRUCT_FOR_LUID: for (UINT i = 0;; i++) { ComPtr < IDXGIAdapter1 > adapter; DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1 desc; hr = factory->EnumAdapters1 (i, &adapter); if (FAILED (hr)) return hr; hr = adapter->GetDesc1 (&desc); if (FAILED (hr)) return hr; if (gst_d3d12_luid_to_int64 (&desc.AdapterLuid) != data->data.luid) { continue; } *index = i; *rst = adapter.Detach (); return S_OK; } default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } return E_FAIL; } static gboolean is_intel_gen11_or_older (UINT vendor_id, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL feature_level, const std::string & description) { if (vendor_id != 0x8086) return FALSE; /* Arc GPU supports feature level 12.2 and iGPU Xe does 12.1 */ if (feature_level <= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_12_0) return TRUE; /* gen 11 is UHD xxx, older ones are HD xxx */ if (description.find ("HD") != std::string::npos) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ #ifndef GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG static void dump_feature_support (GstD3D12Device * self) { auto priv = self->priv->inner; auto &fs = priv->feature_support; std::stringstream dump; dump << "Device feature supports of " << priv->description << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS:" << "\n DoublePrecisionFloatShaderOps: " << fs.DoublePrecisionFloatShaderOps() << "\n OutputMergerLogicOp: " << fs.OutputMergerLogicOp() << std::showbase << std::hex << "\n MinPrecisionSupport: " << fs.MinPrecisionSupport() << std::noshowbase << std::dec << "\n TiledResourcesTier: " << fs.TiledResourcesTier() << "\n ResourceBindingTier: " << fs.ResourceBindingTier() << "\n PSSpecifiedStencilRefSupported: " << fs.PSSpecifiedStencilRefSupported() << "\n TypedUAVLoadAdditionalFormats: " << fs.TypedUAVLoadAdditionalFormats() << "\n ROVsSupported: " << fs.ROVsSupported() << "\n ConservativeRasterizationTier: " << fs.ConservativeRasterizationTier() << "\n MaxGPUVirtualAddressBitsPerResource: " << fs.MaxGPUVirtualAddressBitsPerResource() << "\n StandardSwizzle64KBSupported: " << fs.StandardSwizzle64KBSupported() << "\n CrossNodeSharingTier: " << fs.CrossNodeSharingTier() << "\n CrossAdapterRowMajorTextureSupported: " << fs.CrossAdapterRowMajorTextureSupported() << "\n VPAndRTArrayIndexFromAnyShaderFeedingRasterizerSupportedWithoutGSEmulation: " << fs.VPAndRTArrayIndexFromAnyShaderFeedingRasterizerSupportedWithoutGSEmulation() << "\n ResourceHeapTier: " << fs.ResourceHeapTier() << std::showbase << std::hex << "\nMaxSupportedFeatureLevel: " << fs.MaxSupportedFeatureLevel() << "\nHighestShaderModel: " << fs.HighestShaderModel() << std::noshowbase << std::dec << "\nMaxGPUVirtualAddressBitsPerProcess: " << fs.MaxGPUVirtualAddressBitsPerProcess() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS1:" << "\n WaveOps: " << fs.WaveOps() << "\n WaveLaneCountMin: " << fs.WaveLaneCountMin() << "\n WaveLaneCountMax: " << fs.WaveLaneCountMax() << "\n TotalLaneCount: " << fs.TotalLaneCount() << "\n ExpandedComputeResourceStates: " << fs.ExpandedComputeResourceStates() << "\n Int64ShaderOps: " << fs.Int64ShaderOps() << std::showbase << std::hex << "\nProtectedResourceSessionSupport: " << fs.ProtectedResourceSessionSupport() << "\nHighestRootSignatureVersion: " << fs.HighestRootSignatureVersion() << std::noshowbase << std::dec << "\nARCHITECTURE1:" << "\n TileBasedRenderer: " << fs.TileBasedRenderer() << "\n UMA: " << fs.UMA() << "\n CacheCoherentUMA: " << fs.CacheCoherentUMA() << "\n IsolatedMMU: " << fs.IsolatedMMU() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS2:" << "\n DepthBoundsTestSupported: " << fs.DepthBoundsTestSupported() << "\n ProgrammableSamplePositionsTier: " << fs.ProgrammableSamplePositionsTier() << std::showbase << std::hex << "\nShaderCacheSupportFlags: " << fs.ShaderCacheSupportFlags() << std::noshowbase << std::dec << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS3:" << "\n CopyQueueTimestampQueriesSupported: " << fs.CopyQueueTimestampQueriesSupported() << "\n CastingFullyTypedFormatSupported: " << fs.CastingFullyTypedFormatSupported() << std::showbase << std::hex << "\n WriteBufferImmediateSupportFlags: " << fs.WriteBufferImmediateSupportFlags() << std::noshowbase << std::dec << "\n ViewInstancingTier: " << fs.ViewInstancingTier() << "\n BarycentricsSupported: " << fs.BarycentricsSupported() << "\nExistingHeapsSupported: " << fs.ExistingHeapsSupported() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS4:" << "\n MSAA64KBAlignedTextureSupported: " << fs.MSAA64KBAlignedTextureSupported() << "\n SharedResourceCompatibilityTier: " << fs.SharedResourceCompatibilityTier() << "\n Native16BitShaderOpsSupported: " << fs.Native16BitShaderOpsSupported() << "\nHeapSerializationTier: " << fs.HeapSerializationTier() << "\nCrossNodeAtomicShaderInstructions: " << fs.CrossNodeAtomicShaderInstructions() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS5:" << "\n SRVOnlyTiledResourceTier3: " << fs.SRVOnlyTiledResourceTier3() << "\n RenderPassesTier: " << fs.RenderPassesTier() << "\n RaytracingTier: " << fs.RaytracingTier() << "\nDisplayableTexture: " << fs.DisplayableTexture() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS6:" << "\n AdditionalShadingRatesSupported: " << fs.AdditionalShadingRatesSupported() << "\n PerPrimitiveShadingRateSupportedWithViewportIndexing: " << fs.PerPrimitiveShadingRateSupportedWithViewportIndexing() << "\n VariableShadingRateTier: " << fs.VariableShadingRateTier() << "\n ShadingRateImageTileSize: " << fs.ShadingRateImageTileSize() << "\n BackgroundProcessingSupported: " << fs.BackgroundProcessingSupported() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS7:" << "\n MeshShaderTier: " << fs.MeshShaderTier() << "\n SamplerFeedbackTier: " << fs.SamplerFeedbackTier() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS8:" << "\n UnalignedBlockTexturesSupported: " << fs.UnalignedBlockTexturesSupported() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS9:" << "\n MeshShaderPipelineStatsSupported: " << fs.MeshShaderPipelineStatsSupported() << "\n MeshShaderSupportsFullRangeRenderTargetArrayIndex: " << fs.MeshShaderSupportsFullRangeRenderTargetArrayIndex() << "\n AtomicInt64OnTypedResourceSupported: " << fs.AtomicInt64OnTypedResourceSupported() << "\n AtomicInt64OnGroupSharedSupported: " << fs.AtomicInt64OnGroupSharedSupported() << "\n DerivativesInMeshAndAmplificationShadersSupported: " << fs.DerivativesInMeshAndAmplificationShadersSupported() << "\n WaveMMATier: " << fs.WaveMMATier() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS10:" << "\n VariableRateShadingSumCombinerSupported: " << fs.VariableRateShadingSumCombinerSupported() << "\n MeshShaderPerPrimitiveShadingRateSupported: " << fs.MeshShaderPerPrimitiveShadingRateSupported() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS11:" << "\n AtomicInt64OnDescriptorHeapResourceSupported: " << fs.AtomicInt64OnDescriptorHeapResourceSupported() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS12:" << "\n MSPrimitivesPipelineStatisticIncludesCulledPrimitives: " << fs.MSPrimitivesPipelineStatisticIncludesCulledPrimitives() << "\n EnhancedBarriersSupported: " << fs.EnhancedBarriersSupported() << "\n RelaxedFormatCastingSupported: " << fs.RelaxedFormatCastingSupported() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS13:" << "\n UnrestrictedBufferTextureCopyPitchSupported: " << fs.UnrestrictedBufferTextureCopyPitchSupported() << "\n UnrestrictedVertexElementAlignmentSupported: " << fs.UnrestrictedVertexElementAlignmentSupported() << "\n InvertedViewportHeightFlipsYSupported: " << fs.InvertedViewportHeightFlipsYSupported() << "\n InvertedViewportDepthFlipsZSupported: " << fs.InvertedViewportDepthFlipsZSupported() << "\n TextureCopyBetweenDimensionsSupported: " << fs.TextureCopyBetweenDimensionsSupported() << "\n AlphaBlendFactorSupported: " << fs.AlphaBlendFactorSupported() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS14:" << "\n AdvancedTextureOpsSupported: " << fs.AdvancedTextureOpsSupported() << "\n WriteableMSAATexturesSupported: " << fs.WriteableMSAATexturesSupported() << "\n IndependentFrontAndBackStencilRefMaskSupported: " << fs.IndependentFrontAndBackStencilRefMaskSupported() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS15:" << "\n TriangleFanSupported: " << fs.TriangleFanSupported() << "\n DynamicIndexBufferStripCutSupported: " << fs.DynamicIndexBufferStripCutSupported() << "\nD3D12_OPTIONS16:" << "\n DynamicDepthBiasSupported: " << fs.DynamicDepthBiasSupported() << "\n GPUUploadHeapSupported: " << fs.GPUUploadHeapSupported(); auto dump_str = dump.str (); GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "%s", dump_str.c_str ()); } #endif /* *INDENT-ON* */ struct TestFormatInfo { DXGI_FORMAT format; D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1 support1; D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 support2; }; static GstD3D12Device * gst_d3d12_device_new_internal (const GstD3D12DeviceConstructData * data) { ComPtr < IDXGIFactory2 > factory; ComPtr < IDXGIAdapter1 > adapter; ComPtr < ID3D12Device > device; HRESULT hr; UINT factory_flags = 0; guint index = 0; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ const TestFormatInfo required_formats[] = { { DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TEXTURE2D | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TYPED_UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEW | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_SHADER_SAMPLE | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_RENDER_TARGET, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_UAV_TYPED_STORE }, { DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TEXTURE2D | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TYPED_UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEW | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_SHADER_SAMPLE | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_RENDER_TARGET, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_UAV_TYPED_STORE }, { DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TEXTURE2D | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TYPED_UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEW | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_SHADER_SAMPLE | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_RENDER_TARGET, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_UAV_TYPED_STORE }, { DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TEXTURE2D | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_SHADER_SAMPLE | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_RENDER_TARGET, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_NONE }, { DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TEXTURE2D | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_SHADER_SAMPLE | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_RENDER_TARGET, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_NONE }, { DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TEXTURE2D | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_SHADER_SAMPLE | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_RENDER_TARGET, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_NONE }, { DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UNORM, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TEXTURE2D | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_SHADER_SAMPLE | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_RENDER_TARGET, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_NONE }, { DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TEXTURE2D | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_SHADER_SAMPLE | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_RENDER_TARGET, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_NONE }, { DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TEXTURE2D | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TYPED_UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEW | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_SHADER_LOAD, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_UAV_TYPED_STORE }, { DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TEXTURE2D | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_TYPED_UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEW | D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1_SHADER_LOAD, D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_UAV_TYPED_STORE }, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ gst_d3d12_device_enable_debug (); gst_d3d12_device_enable_dred (); gst_d3d12_device_enable_dxgi_debug (); hr = CreateDXGIFactory2 (factory_flags, IID_PPV_ARGS (&factory)); if (FAILED (hr)) { GST_WARNING ("Could create dxgi factory, hr: 0x%x", (guint) hr); return nullptr; } hr = gst_d3d12_device_find_adapter (data, factory.Get (), &index, &adapter); if (FAILED (hr)) { GST_INFO ("Could not find adapter, hr: 0x%x", (guint) hr); return nullptr; } DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1 desc; hr = adapter->GetDesc1 (&desc); if (FAILED (hr)) { GST_WARNING ("Could not get adapter desc, hr: 0x%x", (guint) hr); return nullptr; } hr = D3D12CreateDevice (adapter.Get (), D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0, IID_PPV_ARGS (&device)); if (FAILED (hr)) { GST_WARNING ("Could not create device, hr: 0x%x", (guint) hr); return nullptr; } auto self = (GstD3D12Device *) g_object_new (GST_TYPE_D3D12_DEVICE, nullptr); gst_object_ref_sink (self); self->priv->inner = std::make_shared < DeviceInner > (); auto priv = self->priv->inner; priv->factory = factory; priv->adapter = adapter; priv->device = device; priv->adapter_luid = gst_d3d12_luid_to_int64 (&desc.AdapterLuid); priv->vendor_id = desc.VendorId; priv->device_id = desc.DeviceId; priv->adapter_index = index; std::wstring_convert < std::codecvt_utf8 < wchar_t >, wchar_t >converter; priv->description = converter.to_bytes (desc.Description); priv->feature_support.Init (device.Get ()); GST_INFO_OBJECT (self, "adapter index %d: D3D12 device vendor-id: 0x%04x, device-id: 0x%04x, " "Flags: 0x%x, adapter-luid: %" G_GINT64_FORMAT ", is-UMA: %d, " "feature-level: 0x%x, %s", priv->adapter_index, desc.VendorId, desc.DeviceId, desc.Flags, priv->adapter_luid, priv->feature_support.UMA (), priv->feature_support.MaxSupportedFeatureLevel (), priv->description.c_str ()); /* Minimum required format support. Feature level 11.0 device should support * below formats */ for (guint i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (required_formats); i++) { D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1 support1; D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 support2; const auto & format = required_formats[i]; hr = priv->feature_support.FormatSupport (format.format, support1, support2); if (FAILED (hr) || (support1 & format.support1) != format.support1 || (support2 & format.support2) != format.support2) { auto format_name = D3D12_PROPERTY_LAYOUT_FORMAT_TABLE::GetName (format.format); GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "Device does not support DXGI format %d (%s)", format.format, format_name); gst_object_unref (self); return nullptr; } } #ifndef GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG if (gst_debug_category_get_threshold (GST_CAT_DEFAULT) >= GST_LEVEL_DEBUG) dump_feature_support (self); #endif gst_d3d12_device_setup_format_table (self); if (priv->feature_support.UMA () && is_intel_gen11_or_older (priv->vendor_id, priv->feature_support.MaxSupportedFeatureLevel (), priv->description)) { priv->wa_flags |= GST_D3D12_WA_DECODER_RACE; } if (gst_d3d12_device_enable_debug ()) { ComPtr < ID3D12InfoQueue > info_queue; device.As (&info_queue); priv->info_queue = info_queue; } D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_DESC queue_desc = { }; queue_desc.Type = D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_DIRECT; queue_desc.Flags = D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAG_NONE; priv->direct_queue = gst_d3d12_command_queue_new (device.Get (), &queue_desc, D3D12_FENCE_FLAG_SHARED, 32); if (!priv->direct_queue) goto error; priv->direct_cl_pool = gst_d3d12_command_list_pool_new (device.Get (), D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_DIRECT); if (!priv->direct_cl_pool) goto error; priv->direct_ca_pool = gst_d3d12_command_allocator_pool_new (device.Get (), D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_DIRECT); if (!priv->direct_ca_pool) goto error; queue_desc.Type = D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COMPUTE; priv->compute_queue = gst_d3d12_command_queue_new (device.Get (), &queue_desc, D3D12_FENCE_FLAG_SHARED, 32); if (!priv->compute_queue) goto error; priv->compute_cl_pool = gst_d3d12_command_list_pool_new (device.Get (), D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COMPUTE); if (!priv->compute_cl_pool) goto error; priv->compute_ca_pool = gst_d3d12_command_allocator_pool_new (device.Get (), D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COMPUTE); if (!priv->compute_ca_pool) goto error; queue_desc.Type = D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COPY; priv->copy_queue = gst_d3d12_command_queue_new (device.Get (), &queue_desc, D3D12_FENCE_FLAG_NONE, 32); if (!priv->copy_queue) goto error; priv->copy_cl_pool = gst_d3d12_command_list_pool_new (device.Get (), D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COPY); if (!priv->copy_cl_pool) goto error; priv->copy_ca_pool = gst_d3d12_command_allocator_pool_new (device.Get (), D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COPY); if (!priv->copy_ca_pool) goto error; priv->rtv_inc_size = device->GetDescriptorHandleIncrementSize (D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE_RTV); priv->fence_data_pool = gst_d3d12_fence_data_pool_new (); { ComPtr < ID3D12VideoDevice > video_device; auto hr = device.As (&video_device); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { queue_desc.Type = D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_VIDEO_DECODE; for (guint i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (priv->decode_queue); i++) { priv->decode_queue[i] = gst_d3d12_command_queue_new (device.Get (), &queue_desc, D3D12_FENCE_FLAG_NONE, 8); if (!priv->decode_queue[i]) break; GST_OBJECT_FLAG_SET (priv->decode_queue[i], GST_OBJECT_FLAG_MAY_BE_LEAKED); priv->num_decode_queue++; /* XXX: Old Intel iGPU crashes with multiple decode queues */ if ((priv->wa_flags & GST_D3D12_WA_DECODER_RACE) == GST_D3D12_WA_DECODER_RACE) { break; } } } } GST_OBJECT_FLAG_SET (priv->direct_queue, GST_OBJECT_FLAG_MAY_BE_LEAKED); GST_OBJECT_FLAG_SET (priv->direct_cl_pool, GST_OBJECT_FLAG_MAY_BE_LEAKED); GST_OBJECT_FLAG_SET (priv->direct_ca_pool, GST_OBJECT_FLAG_MAY_BE_LEAKED); GST_OBJECT_FLAG_SET (priv->compute_queue, GST_OBJECT_FLAG_MAY_BE_LEAKED); GST_OBJECT_FLAG_SET (priv->compute_cl_pool, GST_OBJECT_FLAG_MAY_BE_LEAKED); GST_OBJECT_FLAG_SET (priv->compute_ca_pool, GST_OBJECT_FLAG_MAY_BE_LEAKED); GST_OBJECT_FLAG_SET (priv->copy_queue, GST_OBJECT_FLAG_MAY_BE_LEAKED); GST_OBJECT_FLAG_SET (priv->copy_cl_pool, GST_OBJECT_FLAG_MAY_BE_LEAKED); GST_OBJECT_FLAG_SET (priv->copy_ca_pool, GST_OBJECT_FLAG_MAY_BE_LEAKED); GST_OBJECT_FLAG_SET (priv->fence_data_pool, GST_OBJECT_FLAG_MAY_BE_LEAKED); hr = device->CreateFence (0, D3D12_FENCE_FLAG_NONE, IID_PPV_ARGS (&priv->dev_removed_fence)); if (FAILED (hr)) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Couldn't create device removed monitor fence"); gst_object_unref (self); return nullptr; } hr = priv->dev_removed_fence->SetEventOnCompletion (G_MAXUINT64, priv->dev_removed_event); if (FAILED (hr)) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "SetEventOnCompletion failed"); gst_object_unref (self); return nullptr; } RegisterWaitForSingleObject (&priv->dev_removed_monitor_handle, priv->dev_removed_event, on_device_removed, priv.get (), INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE); return self; error: gst_object_unref (self); return nullptr; } /** * gst_d3d12_device_new: * @adapter_index: DXGI adapter index * * Returns: (transfer full) (nullable): a new #GstD3D12Device for @adapter_index * or %NULL when failed to create D3D12 device with given adapter index. * * Since: 1.26 */ GstD3D12Device * gst_d3d12_device_new (guint adapter_index) { auto manager = DeviceCacheManager::GetInstance (); GstD3D12DeviceConstructData data; data.data.index = adapter_index; data.type = GST_D3D12_DEVICE_CONSTRUCT_FOR_INDEX; return manager->GetDevice (&data); } /** * gst_d3d12_device_new_for_adapter_luid: * @adapter_luid: an int64 representation of the DXGI adapter LUID * * Returns: (transfer full) (nullable): a new #GstD3D12Device for @adapter_luid * or %NULL when failed to create D3D12 device with given adapter luid. * * Since: 1.26 */ GstD3D12Device * gst_d3d12_device_new_for_adapter_luid (gint64 adapter_luid) { auto manager = DeviceCacheManager::GetInstance (); GstD3D12DeviceConstructData data; data.data.luid = adapter_luid; data.type = GST_D3D12_DEVICE_CONSTRUCT_FOR_LUID; return manager->GetDevice (&data); } /** * gst_d3d12_device_get_device_handle: * @device: a #GstD3D12Device * * Gets ID3D12Device handle * * Returns: (transfer none): ID3D12Device handle * * Since: 1.26 */ ID3D12Device * gst_d3d12_device_get_device_handle (GstD3D12Device * device) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), nullptr); return device->priv->inner->device.Get (); } /** * gst_d3d12_device_get_adapter_handle: * @device: a #GstD3D12Device * * Gets IDXGIAdapter1 handle * * Returns: (transfer none): IDXGIAdapter1 handle * * Since: 1.26 */ IDXGIAdapter1 * gst_d3d12_device_get_adapter_handle (GstD3D12Device * device) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), nullptr); return device->priv->inner->adapter.Get (); } /** * gst_d3d12_device_get_factory_handle: * @device: a #GstD3D12Device * * Gets IDXGIFactory2 handle * * Returns: (transfer none): IDXGIFactory2 handle * * Since: 1.26 */ IDXGIFactory2 * gst_d3d12_device_get_factory_handle (GstD3D12Device * device) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), nullptr); return device->priv->inner->factory.Get (); } static GstD3D12CommandQueue * gst_d3d12_device_get_queue_unchecked (GstD3D12Device * device, D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE queue_type) { auto priv = device->priv->inner; switch (queue_type) { case D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_DIRECT: return priv->direct_queue; case D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COMPUTE: return priv->compute_queue; case D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COPY: return priv->copy_queue; default: GST_ERROR_OBJECT (device, "Not supported queue type %d", queue_type); break; } return nullptr; } /** * gst_d3d12_device_get_fence_handle: * @device: a #GstD3D12Device * @queue_type: a D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE * * Gets fence handle of command queue * * Returns: (transfer none): ID3D12Fence handle * * Since: 1.26 */ ID3D12Fence * gst_d3d12_device_get_fence_handle (GstD3D12Device * device, D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE queue_type) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), nullptr); auto queue = gst_d3d12_device_get_queue_unchecked (device, queue_type); if (!queue) return nullptr; return gst_d3d12_command_queue_get_fence_handle (queue); } /** * gst_d3d12_device_get_format: * @device: a #GstD3D12Device * @format: a #GstVideoFormat * @device_format: (out caller-allocates): a #GstD3D11Format * * Converts @format to #GstD3D12Format if the @format is supported * by device * * Returns: %TRUE if @format is supported by @device * * Since: 1.26 */ gboolean gst_d3d12_device_get_format (GstD3D12Device * device, GstVideoFormat format, GstD3D12Format * device_format) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (device_format != nullptr, FALSE); auto priv = device->priv->inner; const auto & target = priv->format_table.find (format); if (target == priv->format_table.end ()) return FALSE; *device_format = target->second; return TRUE; } /** * gst_d3d12_device_get_command_queue: * @device: a #GstD3D12Device * @queue_type: a D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE * * Gets #GstD3D12CommandQueue corresponding to @queue_type * * Returns: (transfer none): a #GstD3D12CommandQueue * * Since: 1.26 */ GstD3D12CommandQueue * gst_d3d12_device_get_command_queue (GstD3D12Device * device, D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE queue_type) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), nullptr); return gst_d3d12_device_get_queue_unchecked (device, queue_type); } /** * gst_d3d12_device_execute_command_lists: * @device: a #GstD3D12Device * @queue_type: a D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE * @num_command_lists: command list size * @command_lists: array of ID3D12CommandList * @fence_value: (out) (optional): fence value of submitted command * * Exectues gst_d3d12_command_queue_execute_command_lists () * using a #GstD3D12CommandQueue corresponding to @queue_type * * Returns: HRESULT code * * Since: 1.26 */ HRESULT gst_d3d12_device_execute_command_lists (GstD3D12Device * device, D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE queue_type, guint num_command_lists, ID3D12CommandList ** command_lists, guint64 * fence_value) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), E_INVALIDARG); auto queue = gst_d3d12_device_get_queue_unchecked (device, queue_type); if (!queue) return E_INVALIDARG; return gst_d3d12_command_queue_execute_command_lists (queue, num_command_lists, command_lists, fence_value); } /** * gst_d3d12_device_get_completed_value: * @device: a #GstD3D12Device * @queue_type: a D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE * * Exectues gst_d3d12_command_queue_get_completed_value () * using a #GstD3D12CommandQueue corresponding to @queue_type * * Returns: Completed fence value * * Since: 1.26 */ guint64 gst_d3d12_device_get_completed_value (GstD3D12Device * device, D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE queue_type) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), G_MAXUINT64); auto queue = gst_d3d12_device_get_queue_unchecked (device, queue_type); if (!queue) return G_MAXUINT64; return gst_d3d12_command_queue_get_completed_value (queue); } /** * gst_d3d12_device_set_fence_notify: * @device: a #GstD3D12Device * @queue_type: a D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE * @fence_value: target fence value * @fence_data: user data * @notify: a #GDestroyNotify * * Exectues gst_d3d12_command_queue_set_notify () * using a #GstD3D12CommandQueue corresponding to @queue_type * * Returns: %TRUE if successful * * Since: 1.26 */ gboolean gst_d3d12_device_set_fence_notify (GstD3D12Device * device, D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE queue_type, guint64 fence_value, gpointer fence_data, GDestroyNotify notify) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (fence_data, FALSE); auto queue = gst_d3d12_device_get_queue_unchecked (device, queue_type); if (!queue) return FALSE; gst_d3d12_command_queue_set_notify (queue, fence_value, fence_data, notify); return TRUE; } /** * gst_d3d12_device_fence_wait: * @device: a #GstD3D12Device * @queue_type: a D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE * @fence_value: target fence value * * Exectues gst_d3d12_command_queue_fence_wait () * using a #GstD3D12CommandQueue corresponding to @queue_type * * Returns: HRESULT code * * Since: 1.26 */ HRESULT gst_d3d12_device_fence_wait (GstD3D12Device * device, D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE queue_type, guint64 fence_value) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), E_INVALIDARG); auto queue = gst_d3d12_device_get_queue_unchecked (device, queue_type); if (!queue) return E_INVALIDARG; return gst_d3d12_command_queue_fence_wait (queue, fence_value); } gboolean gst_d3d12_device_copy_texture_region (GstD3D12Device * device, guint num_args, const GstD3D12CopyTextureRegionArgs * args, GstD3D12FenceData * fence_data, guint num_fences_to_wait, ID3D12Fence ** fences_to_wait, const guint64 * fence_values_to_wait, D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE command_type, guint64 * fence_value) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (num_args > 0, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (args, FALSE); HRESULT hr; auto priv = device->priv->inner; GstD3D12CommandAllocatorPool *ca_pool; GstD3D12CommandAllocator *gst_ca = nullptr; GstD3D12CommandListPool *cl_pool; GstD3D12CommandList *gst_cl = nullptr; GstD3D12CommandQueue *queue = nullptr; guint64 fence_val = 0; if (!fence_data) gst_d3d12_fence_data_pool_acquire (priv->fence_data_pool, &fence_data); switch (command_type) { case D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_DIRECT: queue = priv->direct_queue; ca_pool = priv->direct_ca_pool; cl_pool = priv->direct_cl_pool; break; case D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COMPUTE: queue = priv->compute_queue; ca_pool = priv->compute_ca_pool; cl_pool = priv->compute_cl_pool; break; case D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COPY: queue = priv->copy_queue; ca_pool = priv->copy_ca_pool; cl_pool = priv->copy_cl_pool; break; default: GST_ERROR_OBJECT (device, "Not supported command list type %d", command_type); gst_d3d12_fence_data_unref (fence_data); return FALSE; } gst_d3d12_command_allocator_pool_acquire (ca_pool, &gst_ca); if (!gst_ca) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (device, "Couldn't acquire command allocator"); gst_d3d12_fence_data_unref (fence_data); return FALSE; } gst_d3d12_fence_data_push (fence_data, FENCE_NOTIFY_MINI_OBJECT (gst_ca)); auto ca = gst_d3d12_command_allocator_get_handle (gst_ca); gst_d3d12_command_list_pool_acquire (cl_pool, ca, &gst_cl); if (!gst_cl) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (device, "Couldn't acquire command list"); gst_d3d12_fence_data_unref (fence_data); return FALSE; } ComPtr < ID3D12CommandList > cl_base; ComPtr < ID3D12GraphicsCommandList > cl; cl_base = gst_d3d12_command_list_get_handle (gst_cl); cl_base.As (&cl); for (guint i = 0; i < num_args; i++) { const auto arg = args[i]; cl->CopyTextureRegion (&arg.dst, arg.dst_x, arg.dst_y, arg.dst_z, &arg.src, arg.src_box); } hr = cl->Close (); if (!gst_d3d12_result (hr, device)) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (device, "Couldn't close command list"); gst_clear_d3d12_command_list (&gst_cl); gst_d3d12_fence_data_unref (fence_data); return FALSE; } ID3D12CommandList *cmd_list[] = { cl.Get () }; hr = gst_d3d12_command_queue_execute_command_lists_full (queue, num_fences_to_wait, fences_to_wait, fence_values_to_wait, 1, cmd_list, &fence_val); auto ret = gst_d3d12_result (hr, device); /* We can release command list since command list pool will hold it */ gst_d3d12_command_list_unref (gst_cl); if (ret) { gst_d3d12_command_queue_set_notify (queue, fence_val, fence_data, (GDestroyNotify) gst_d3d12_fence_data_unref); } else { gst_d3d12_fence_data_unref (fence_data); } if (fence_value) *fence_value = fence_val; return ret; } gboolean gst_d3d12_device_acquire_fence_data (GstD3D12Device * device, GstD3D12FenceData ** fence_data) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (fence_data, FALSE); auto priv = device->priv->inner; return gst_d3d12_fence_data_pool_acquire (priv->fence_data_pool, fence_data); } static inline GstDebugLevel d3d12_message_severity_to_gst (D3D12_MESSAGE_SEVERITY level) { switch (level) { case D3D12_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_CORRUPTION: case D3D12_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR: return GST_LEVEL_ERROR; case D3D12_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_WARNING: return GST_LEVEL_WARNING; case D3D12_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_INFO: return GST_LEVEL_INFO; case D3D12_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_MESSAGE: return GST_LEVEL_DEBUG; default: break; } return GST_LEVEL_LOG; } void gst_d3d12_device_d3d12_debug (GstD3D12Device * device, const gchar * file, const gchar * function, gint line) { g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device)); auto priv = device->priv->inner; if (priv->info_queue) { std::lock_guard < std::recursive_mutex > lk (priv->extern_lock); ID3D12InfoQueue *info_queue = priv->info_queue.Get (); UINT64 num_msg = info_queue->GetNumStoredMessages (); for (guint64 i = 0; i < num_msg; i++) { HRESULT hr; SIZE_T msg_len; D3D12_MESSAGE *msg; GstDebugLevel msg_level; GstDebugLevel selected_level; hr = info_queue->GetMessage (i, nullptr, &msg_len); if (FAILED (hr) || msg_len == 0) continue; msg = (D3D12_MESSAGE *) g_malloc0 (msg_len); hr = info_queue->GetMessage (i, msg, &msg_len); if (FAILED (hr) || msg_len == 0) { g_free (msg); continue; } msg_level = d3d12_message_severity_to_gst (msg->Severity); if (msg->Category == D3D12_MESSAGE_CATEGORY_STATE_CREATION && msg_level > GST_LEVEL_ERROR) { /* Do not warn for live object, since there would be live object * when ReportLiveDeviceObjects was called */ selected_level = GST_LEVEL_INFO; } else { selected_level = msg_level; } gst_debug_log (gst_d3d12_sdk_debug, selected_level, file, function, line, G_OBJECT (device), "D3D12InfoQueue: %s", msg->pDescription); g_free (msg); } info_queue->ClearStoredMessages (); } #ifdef HAVE_DXGIDEBUG_H if (gst_d3d12_device_enable_dxgi_debug ()) { std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (g_dxgi_debug_lock); UINT64 num_msg = g_dxgi_info_queue->GetNumStoredMessages (DXGI_DEBUG_ALL); for (UINT64 i = 0; i < num_msg; i++) { SIZE_T msg_len; auto hr = g_dxgi_info_queue->GetMessage (DXGI_DEBUG_ALL, i, nullptr, &msg_len); if (FAILED (hr) || msg_len == 0) continue; auto msg = (DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE *) g_malloc0 (msg_len); hr = g_dxgi_info_queue->GetMessage (DXGI_DEBUG_ALL, i, msg, &msg_len); GstDebugLevel level = GST_LEVEL_LOG; switch (msg->Severity) { case DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_CORRUPTION: case DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR: level = GST_LEVEL_ERROR; case DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_WARNING: level = GST_LEVEL_WARNING; case DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_INFO: level = GST_LEVEL_INFO; case DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_MESSAGE: level = GST_LEVEL_DEBUG; default: break; } gst_debug_log (gst_d3d12_dxgi_debug, level, file, function, line, G_OBJECT (device), "DXGIInfoQueue: %s", msg->pDescription); g_free (msg); } g_dxgi_info_queue->ClearStoredMessages (DXGI_DEBUG_ALL); } #endif } void gst_d3d12_device_clear_yuv_texture (GstD3D12Device * device, GstMemory * mem) { auto priv = device->priv->inner; auto dmem = GST_D3D12_MEMORY_CAST (mem); auto resource = gst_d3d12_memory_get_resource_handle (dmem); auto desc = GetDesc (resource); if (desc.Format != DXGI_FORMAT_NV12 && desc.Format != DXGI_FORMAT_P010 && desc.Format != DXGI_FORMAT_P016) { return; } auto heap = gst_d3d12_memory_get_render_target_view_heap (dmem); if (!heap) return; D3D12_RECT rect = { }; if (!gst_d3d12_memory_get_plane_rectangle (dmem, 1, &rect)) return; GstD3D12CommandAllocator *gst_ca = nullptr; gst_d3d12_command_allocator_pool_acquire (priv->direct_ca_pool, &gst_ca); if (!gst_ca) return; auto ca = gst_d3d12_command_allocator_get_handle (gst_ca); GstD3D12CommandList *gst_cl = nullptr; gst_d3d12_command_list_pool_acquire (priv->direct_cl_pool, ca, &gst_cl); if (!gst_cl) { gst_d3d12_command_allocator_unref (gst_ca); return; } ComPtr < ID3D12CommandList > cl_base; ComPtr < ID3D12GraphicsCommandList > cl; cl_base = gst_d3d12_command_list_get_handle (gst_cl); cl_base.As (&cl); auto rtv_handle = CD3DX12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE (GetCPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart (heap), priv->rtv_inc_size); const FLOAT clear_color[4] = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f }; cl->ClearRenderTargetView (rtv_handle, clear_color, 1, &rect); auto hr = cl->Close (); if (!gst_d3d12_result (hr, device)) { gst_clear_d3d12_command_list (&gst_cl); gst_clear_d3d12_command_allocator (&gst_ca); return; } ID3D12CommandList *cmd_list[] = { cl.Get () }; guint64 fence_val = 0; auto fence = gst_d3d12_command_queue_get_fence_handle (priv->direct_queue); hr = gst_d3d12_command_queue_execute_command_lists (priv->direct_queue, 1, cmd_list, &fence_val); auto ret = gst_d3d12_result (hr, device); gst_d3d12_command_list_unref (gst_cl); if (ret) { gst_d3d12_command_queue_set_notify (priv->direct_queue, fence_val, gst_ca, (GDestroyNotify) gst_d3d12_command_allocator_unref); gst_d3d12_memory_set_fence (dmem, fence, fence_val, FALSE); } else { gst_d3d12_command_allocator_unref (gst_ca); } } /** * gst_d3d12_device_is_equal: * @device1: (transfer none) (nullable): a #GstD3D12Device * @device2: (transfer none) (nullable): a #GstD3D12Device * * Checks if the given devices represent the same device * * Returns: %TRUE if both devices are valid and equal * * Since: 1.26 */ gboolean gst_d3d12_device_is_equal (GstD3D12Device * device1, GstD3D12Device * device2) { if (!device1 || !device2) return FALSE; g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device1), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device2), FALSE); if (device1 == device2) return TRUE; if (device1->priv->inner == device2->priv->inner) return TRUE; return FALSE; } IUnknown * gst_d3d12_device_get_11on12_handle (GstD3D12Device * device) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), nullptr); auto priv = device->priv->inner; std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (priv->lock); if (!priv->device11on12) { if (!load_d3d11on12_symbol ()) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (device, "D3D11On12CreateDevice symbol was not found"); return nullptr; } static const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL feature_levels[] = { D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_12_1, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_12_0, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0, }; IUnknown *cq[] = { gst_d3d12_command_queue_get_handle (priv->direct_queue) }; ComPtr < ID3D11Device > device11; auto hr = GstD3D11On12CreateDevice (priv->device.Get (), D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_BGRA_SUPPORT, feature_levels, G_N_ELEMENTS (feature_levels), cq, 1, 0, &device11, nullptr, nullptr); if (FAILED (hr)) { GST_WARNING_OBJECT (device, "Couldn't create 11on12 device, hr: 0x%x", (guint) hr); return nullptr; } hr = device11.As (&priv->device11on12); if (FAILED (hr)) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT (device, "Couldn't get 11on12 interface"); return nullptr; } } return priv->device11on12.Get (); } void gst_d3d12_device_11on12_lock (GstD3D12Device * device) { g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device)); auto priv = device->priv->inner; priv->device11on12_lock.lock (); } void gst_d3d12_device_11on12_unlock (GstD3D12Device * device) { g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device)); auto priv = device->priv->inner; priv->device11on12_lock.unlock (); } void gst_d3d12_device_check_device_removed (GstD3D12Device * device) { g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device)); auto priv = device->priv->inner; auto hr = priv->device->GetDeviceRemovedReason (); if (FAILED (hr)) { auto manager = DeviceCacheManager::GetInstance (); manager->OnDeviceRemoved (priv->adapter_luid); } } GstD3D12CommandQueue * gst_d3d12_device_get_decode_queue (GstD3D12Device * device) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), nullptr); auto priv = device->priv->inner; if (!priv->num_decode_queue) return nullptr; std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (priv->lock); auto queue = priv->decode_queue[priv->decode_queue_index]; priv->decode_queue_index++; priv->decode_queue_index %= priv->num_decode_queue; return queue; } void gst_d3d12_device_decoder_lock (GstD3D12Device * device) { g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device)); auto priv = device->priv->inner; if ((priv->wa_flags & GST_D3D12_WA_DECODER_RACE) == GST_D3D12_WA_DECODER_RACE) priv->decoder_lock.lock (); } void gst_d3d12_device_decoder_unlock (GstD3D12Device * device) { g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device)); auto priv = device->priv->inner; if ((priv->wa_flags & GST_D3D12_WA_DECODER_RACE) == GST_D3D12_WA_DECODER_RACE) priv->decoder_lock.unlock (); } GstD3D12WAFlags gst_d3d12_device_get_workaround_flags (GstD3D12Device * device) { g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_DEVICE (device), GST_D3D12_WA_NONE); return device->priv->inner->wa_flags; }