#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2018 Matthew Waters # 2022 Nirbheek Chauhan # # Demo gstreamer app for negotiating and streaming a sendrecv webrtc stream # with a browser JS app, implemented in Python. import random import ssl import websockets import asyncio import os import sys import json import argparse import gi gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0') from gi.repository import Gst gi.require_version('GstWebRTC', '1.0') from gi.repository import GstWebRTC gi.require_version('GstSdp', '1.0') from gi.repository import GstSdp # Ensure that gst-python is installed try: from gi.overrides import Gst as _ except ImportError: print('gstreamer-python binding overrides aren\'t available, please install them') raise # These properties all mirror the ones in webrtc-sendrecv.c, see there for explanations PIPELINE_DESC = ''' webrtcbin name=sendrecv bundle-policy=max-bundle stun-server=stun://stun.l.google.com:19302 videotestsrc is-live=true pattern=ball ! videoconvert ! queue ! \ vp8enc deadline=1 keyframe-max-dist=2000 ! rtpvp8pay picture-id-mode=15-bit ! queue ! application/x-rtp,media=video,encoding-name=VP8,payload={vp8_pt} ! sendrecv. audiotestsrc is-live=true wave=red-noise ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! queue ! opusenc ! rtpopuspay ! queue ! application/x-rtp,media=audio,encoding-name=OPUS,payload={opus_pt} ! sendrecv. ''' from websockets.version import version as wsv def print_status(msg): print(f'--- {msg}') def print_error(msg): print(f'!!! {msg}', file=sys.stderr) def get_payload_types(sdpmsg, video_encoding, audio_encoding): ''' Find the payload types for the specified video and audio encoding. Very simplistically finds the first payload type matching the encoding name. More complex applications will want to match caps on profile-level-id, packetization-mode, etc. ''' video_pt = None audio_pt = None for i in range(0, sdpmsg.medias_len()): media = sdpmsg.get_media(i) for j in range(0, media.formats_len()): fmt = media.get_format(j) if fmt == 'webrtc-datachannel': continue pt = int(fmt) caps = media.get_caps_from_media(pt) s = caps.get_structure(0) encoding_name = s['encoding-name'] if video_pt is None and encoding_name == video_encoding: video_pt = pt elif audio_pt is None and encoding_name == audio_encoding: audio_pt = pt return {video_encoding: video_pt, audio_encoding: audio_pt} class WebRTCClient: def __init__(self, loop, our_id, peer_id, server, remote_is_offerer): self.conn = None self.pipe = None self.webrtc = None self.event_loop = loop self.server = server # An optional user-specified ID we can use to register self.our_id = our_id # The actual ID we used to register self.id_ = None # An optional peer ID we should connect to self.peer_id = peer_id # Whether we will send the offer or the remote peer will self.remote_is_offerer = remote_is_offerer async def send(self, msg): assert self.conn print(f'>>> {msg}') await self.conn.send(msg) async def connect(self): self.conn = await websockets.connect(self.server) if self.our_id is None: self.id_ = str(random.randrange(10, 10000)) else: self.id_ = self.our_id await self.send(f'HELLO {self.id_}') async def setup_call(self): assert self.peer_id await self.send(f'SESSION {self.peer_id}') def send_soon(self, msg): asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.send(msg), self.event_loop) def send_sdp(self, offer): text = offer.sdp.as_text() if offer.type == GstWebRTC.WebRTCSDPType.OFFER: print_status('Sending offer:\n%s' % text) msg = json.dumps({'sdp': {'type': 'offer', 'sdp': text}}) elif offer.type == GstWebRTC.WebRTCSDPType.ANSWER: print_status('Sending answer:\n%s' % text) msg = json.dumps({'sdp': {'type': 'answer', 'sdp': text}}) else: raise AssertionError(offer.type) self.send_soon(msg) def on_offer_created(self, promise, _, __): assert(promise.wait() == Gst.PromiseResult.REPLIED) reply = promise.get_reply() offer = reply['offer'] promise = Gst.Promise.new() print_status('Offer created, setting local description') self.webrtc.emit('set-local-description', offer, promise) promise.interrupt() # we don't care about the result, discard it self.send_sdp(offer) def on_negotiation_needed(self, _, create_offer): if create_offer: print_status('Call was connected: creating offer') promise = Gst.Promise.new_with_change_func(self.on_offer_created, None, None) self.webrtc.emit('create-offer', None, promise) def send_ice_candidate_message(self, _, mlineindex, candidate): icemsg = json.dumps({'ice': {'candidate': candidate, 'sdpMLineIndex': mlineindex}}) self.send_soon(icemsg) def on_incoming_decodebin_stream(self, _, pad): if not pad.has_current_caps(): print_error(pad, 'has no caps, ignoring') return caps = pad.get_current_caps() assert (len(caps)) s = caps[0] name = s.get_name() if name.startswith('video'): q = Gst.ElementFactory.make('queue') conv = Gst.ElementFactory.make('videoconvert') sink = Gst.ElementFactory.make('autovideosink') self.pipe.add(q, conv, sink) self.pipe.sync_children_states() pad.link(q.get_static_pad('sink')) q.link(conv) conv.link(sink) elif name.startswith('audio'): q = Gst.ElementFactory.make('queue') conv = Gst.ElementFactory.make('audioconvert') resample = Gst.ElementFactory.make('audioresample') sink = Gst.ElementFactory.make('autoaudiosink') self.pipe.add(q, conv, resample, sink) self.pipe.sync_children_states() pad.link(q.get_static_pad('sink')) q.link(conv) conv.link(resample) resample.link(sink) def on_ice_gathering_state_notify(self, pspec, _): state = self.webrtc.get_property('ice-gathering-state') print_status(f'ICE gathering state changed to {state}') def on_incoming_stream(self, _, pad): if pad.direction != Gst.PadDirection.SRC: return decodebin = Gst.ElementFactory.make('decodebin') decodebin.connect('pad-added', self.on_incoming_decodebin_stream) self.pipe.add(decodebin) decodebin.sync_state_with_parent() pad.link(decodebin.get_static_pad('sink')) def start_pipeline(self, create_offer=True, opus_pt=96, vp8_pt=97): print_status(f'Creating pipeline, create_offer: {create_offer}') self.pipe = Gst.parse_launch(PIPELINE_DESC.format(vp8_pt=vp8_pt, opus_pt=opus_pt)) self.webrtc = self.pipe.get_by_name('sendrecv') self.webrtc.connect('on-negotiation-needed', self.on_negotiation_needed, create_offer) self.webrtc.connect('on-ice-candidate', self.send_ice_candidate_message) self.webrtc.connect('notify::ice-gathering-state', self.on_ice_gathering_state_notify) self.webrtc.connect('pad-added', self.on_incoming_stream) self.pipe.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) def on_answer_created(self, promise, _, __): assert(promise.wait() == Gst.PromiseResult.REPLIED) reply = promise.get_reply() answer = reply['answer'] promise = Gst.Promise.new() self.webrtc.emit('set-local-description', answer, promise) promise.interrupt() # we don't care about the result, discard it self.send_sdp(answer) def on_offer_set(self, promise, _, __): assert(promise.wait() == Gst.PromiseResult.REPLIED) promise = Gst.Promise.new_with_change_func(self.on_answer_created, None, None) self.webrtc.emit('create-answer', None, promise) def handle_json(self, message): try: msg = json.loads(message) except json.decoder.JSONDecoderError: print_error('Failed to parse JSON message, this might be a bug') raise if 'sdp' in msg: sdp = msg['sdp']['sdp'] if msg['sdp']['type'] == 'answer': print_status('Received answer:\n%s' % sdp) res, sdpmsg = GstSdp.SDPMessage.new() GstSdp.sdp_message_parse_buffer(bytes(sdp.encode()), sdpmsg) answer = GstWebRTC.WebRTCSessionDescription.new(GstWebRTC.WebRTCSDPType.ANSWER, sdpmsg) promise = Gst.Promise.new() self.webrtc.emit('set-remote-description', answer, promise) promise.interrupt() # we don't care about the result, discard it else: print_status('Received offer:\n%s' % sdp) res, sdpmsg = GstSdp.SDPMessage.new() GstSdp.sdp_message_parse_buffer(bytes(sdp.encode()), sdpmsg) if not self.webrtc: print_status('Incoming call: received an offer, creating pipeline') pts = get_payload_types(sdpmsg, video_encoding='VP8', audio_encoding='OPUS') assert('VP8' in pts) assert('OPUS' in pts) self.start_pipeline(create_offer=False, vp8_pt=pts['VP8'], opus_pt=pts['OPUS']) assert(self.webrtc) offer = GstWebRTC.WebRTCSessionDescription.new(GstWebRTC.WebRTCSDPType.OFFER, sdpmsg) promise = Gst.Promise.new_with_change_func(self.on_offer_set, None, None) self.webrtc.emit('set-remote-description', offer, promise) elif 'ice' in msg: assert(self.webrtc) ice = msg['ice'] candidate = ice['candidate'] sdpmlineindex = ice['sdpMLineIndex'] self.webrtc.emit('add-ice-candidate', sdpmlineindex, candidate) else: print_error('Unknown JSON message') def close_pipeline(self): if self.pipe: self.pipe.set_state(Gst.State.NULL) self.pipe = None self.webrtc = None async def loop(self): assert self.conn async for message in self.conn: print(f'<<< {message}') if message == 'HELLO': assert self.id_ # If a peer ID is specified, we want to connect to it. If not, # we wait for an incoming call. if not self.peer_id: print_status(f'Waiting for incoming call: ID is {self.id_}') else: if self.remote_is_offerer: print_status('Have peer ID: initiating call (will request remote peer to create offer)') else: print_status('Have peer ID: initiating call (will create offer)') await self.setup_call() elif message == 'SESSION_OK': if self.remote_is_offerer: # We are initiating the call, but we want the remote peer to create the offer print_status('Call was connected: requesting remote peer for offer') await self.send('OFFER_REQUEST') else: self.start_pipeline() elif message == 'OFFER_REQUEST': print_status('Incoming call: we have been asked to create the offer') self.start_pipeline() elif message.startswith('ERROR'): print_error(message) self.close_pipeline() return 1 else: self.handle_json(message) self.close_pipeline() return 0 async def stop(self): if self.conn: await self.conn.close() self.conn = None def check_plugins(): needed = ["opus", "vpx", "nice", "webrtc", "dtls", "srtp", "rtp", "rtpmanager", "videotestsrc", "audiotestsrc"] missing = list(filter(lambda p: Gst.Registry.get().find_plugin(p) is None, needed)) if len(missing): print_error('Missing gstreamer plugins:', missing) return False return True if __name__ == '__main__': Gst.init(None) if not check_plugins(): sys.exit(1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--peer-id', help='String ID of the peer to connect to') parser.add_argument('--our-id', help='String ID that the peer can use to connect to us') parser.add_argument('--server', default='wss://webrtc.nirbheek.in:8443', help='Signalling server to connect to, eg "wss://"') parser.add_argument('--remote-offerer', default=False, action='store_true', dest='remote_is_offerer', help='Request that the peer generate the offer and we\'ll answer') args = parser.parse_args() if not args.peer_id and not args.our_id: print('You must pass either --peer-id or --our-id') sys.exit(1) loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() c = WebRTCClient(loop, args.our_id, args.peer_id, args.server, args.remote_is_offerer) loop.run_until_complete(c.connect()) res = loop.run_until_complete(c.loop()) sys.exit(res)