testsuites: ----------- The testsuites implemented in testsuites/ should follow the PEP8 coding style. ## Add a new media file We use `git-lfs` with a backup on the fdo server. You need access to gstreamer.freedesktop.org to be able to upload media files and `rsync` needs to be installed on the system 1) Make sure to get all assets first doing: medias/get_files.py # no argument 2) Add your media file in the tree and generate the media_info: gst-validate-media-check-1.0 [--full] file://full_path_to/path/to/your/new/file -o medias/path/to/your/new/file (you can also do it with gst-validate-launcher -G) 3) Make sure that you media file is tracked by `git-lfs`: git lfs track "*.file_extension" 4) Add the media info in git: git add medias/path/to/your/new/file.media_info git add medias/path/to/your/new/file 5) Check everything is ready to uploaded. python medias/upload_media_files.py # Dry run 6) Check and update the `medias/files.json` file git add medias/files.json 7) Generate the new tests list gst-validate-launcher -L git add testsuites/validate.testslist 8) Commit and push