GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band0 gdouble [-24,12] rw 29 Hz gain for the frequency band 29 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band1 gdouble [-24,12] rw 59 Hz gain for the frequency band 59 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band2 gdouble [-24,12] rw 119 Hz gain for the frequency band 119 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band3 gdouble [-24,12] rw 227 Hz gain for the frequency band 227 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band4 gdouble [-24,12] rw 474 Hz gain for the frequency band 474 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band5 gdouble [-24,12] rw 947 Hz gain for the frequency band 947 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band6 gdouble [-24,12] rw 1889 Hz gain for the frequency band 1889 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band7 gdouble [-24,12] rw 3770 Hz gain for the frequency band 3770 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band8 gdouble [-24,12] rw 7523 Hz gain for the frequency band 7523 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer10Bands::band9 gdouble [-24,12] rw 15011 Hz gain for the frequency band 15011 Hz, ranging from -24 dB to +12 dB. 0 GstIirEqualizer3Bands::band0 gdouble [-24,12] rw 110 Hz gain for the frequency band 100 Hz, ranging from -24.0 to +12.0. 0 GstIirEqualizer3Bands::band1 gdouble [-24,12] rw 1100 Hz gain for the frequency band 1100 Hz, ranging from -24.0 to +12.0. 0 GstIirEqualizer3Bands::band2 gdouble [-24,12] rw 11 kHz gain for the frequency band 11 kHz, ranging from -24.0 to +12.0. 0 GstIirEqualizerNBands::num-bands guint [1,64] rwx num-bands number of different bands to use. 10 GstMultiFileSink::location gchar* rw File Location Location of the file to write. NULL GstMultiFileSink::index gint >= 0 rw Index Index to use with location property to create file names. The index is incremented by one for each buffer read. 0 GstMultiFileSrc::caps GstCaps* rw Caps Caps describing the format of the data. GstMultiFileSrc::index gint >= 0 rw File Index Index to use with location property to create file names. The index is incremented by one for each buffer read. 0 GstMultiFileSrc::location gchar* rw File Location Pattern to create file names of input files. File names are created by calling sprintf() with the pattern and the current index. "%05d" GstOssSrc::device gchar* rw Device OSS device (usually /dev/dspN). "/dev/dsp" GstOssSrc::device-name gchar* r Device name Human-readable name of the sound device. "" GstSpectrum::bands guint rw Bands Number of frequency bands. 128 GstSpectrum::interval guint64 >= 1 rw Interval Interval of time between message posts (in nanoseconds). 100000000 GstSpectrum::message gboolean rw Message Whether to post a 'spectrum' element message on the bus for each passed interval. TRUE GstSpectrum::threshold gint <= 0 rw Threshold dB threshold for result. All lower values will be set to this. -60 GstSpectrum::message-magnitude gboolean rw Magnitude Whether to add a 'magnitude' field to the structure of any 'spectrum' element messages posted on the bus. TRUE GstSpectrum::message-phase gboolean rw Phase Whether to add a 'phase' field to the structure of any 'spectrum' element messages posted on the bus. FALSE GstVideoflip::method GstVideoflipMethod rw method method. Rotate clockwise 90 degrees GstVideoBox::alpha gdouble [0,1] rw Alpha Alpha value picture. 1 GstVideoBox::border-alpha gdouble [0,1] rw Border Alpha Alpha value of the border. 1 GstVideoBox::bottom gint rw Bottom Pixels to box at bottom (<0 = add a border). 0 GstVideoBox::fill GstVideoBoxFill rw Fill How to fill the borders. Black GstVideoBox::left gint rw Left Pixels to box at left (<0 = add a border). 0 GstVideoBox::right gint rw Right Pixels to box at right (<0 = add a border). 0 GstVideoBox::top gint rw Top Pixels to box at top (<0 = add a border). 0 GstUDPSink::host gchar* rw host The host/IP/Multicast group to send the packets to. "localhost" GstUDPSink::port gint [0,65535] rw port The port to send the packets to. 4951 GstUDPSrc::caps GstCaps* rw Caps The caps of the source pad. GstUDPSrc::multicast-group gchar* rw Multicast Group The Address of multicast group to join. "" GstUDPSrc::port gint [0,65535] rw Port The port to receive the packets from, 0=allocate. 4951 GstUDPSrc::uri gchar* rw URI URI in the form of udp://multicast_group:port. "udp://" GstUDPSrc::sockfd gint >= G_MAXULONG rw Socket Handle Socket to use for UDP reception. (-1 == allocate). -1 GstUDPSrc::buffer-size gint >= 0 rw Buffer Size Size of the kernel receive buffer in bytes, 0=default. 0 GstUDPSrc::timeout guint64 rw Timeout Post a message after timeout microseconds (0 = disabled). 0 GstUDPSrc::closefd gboolean rw Close sockfd Close sockfd if passed as property on state change. TRUE GstUDPSrc::skip-first-bytes gint >= 0 rw Skip first bytes number of bytes to skip for each udp packet. 0 GstUDPSrc::sock gint >= G_MAXULONG r Socket Handle Socket currently in use for UDP reception. (-1 = no socket). -1 GstUDPSrc::auto-multicast gboolean rw Auto Multicast Automatically join/leave multicast groups. TRUE GstUDPSrc::multicast-iface gchar* rw Multicast Interface The network interface on which to join the multicast group. NULL GstSMPTE::border gint >= 0 rw Border The border width of the transition. 0 GstSMPTE::depth gint [1,24] rw Depth Depth of the mask in bits. 16 GstSMPTE::fps gfloat >= 0 rw FPS Frames per second if no input files are given (deprecated). 0 GstSMPTE::type GstSMPTETransitionType rw Type The type of transition to use. A bar moves from left to right GstSMPTE::duration guint64 rw Duration Duration of the transition effect in nanoseconds. 1000000000 GstRTSPSrc::debug gboolean rwx Debug Dump request and response messages to stdout. FALSE GstRTSPSrc::location gchar* rw RTSP Location Location of the RTSP url to read. NULL GstRTSPSrc::protocols GstRTSPLowerTrans rwx Protocols Allowed lower transport protocols. UDP Unicast Mode|UDP Multicast Mode|TCP interleaved mode GstRTSPSrc::retry guint <= 65535 rwx Retry Max number of retries when allocating RTP ports. 20 GstRTSPSrc::timeout guint64 rwx Timeout Retry TCP transport after UDP timeout microseconds (0 = disabled). 5000000 GstRTSPSrc::latency guint rwx Buffer latency in ms Amount of ms to buffer. 3000 GstRTSPSrc::tcp-timeout guint64 rwx TCP Timeout Fail after timeout microseconds on TCP connections (0 = disabled). 20000000 GstRTSPSrc::connection-speed guint <= 2147483 rwx Connection Speed Network connection speed in kbps (0 = unknown). 0 GstRTSPSrc::nat-method GstRTSPNatMethod rwx NAT Method Method to use for traversing firewalls and NAT. Send Dummy packets GstRTSPSrc::do-rtcp gboolean rwx Do RTCP Send RTCP packets, disable for old incompatible server. TRUE GstRTSPSrc::proxy gchar* rwx Proxy Proxy settings for HTTP tunneling. Format: [http://][user:passwd@]host[:port]. NULL GstRTPDec::skip gint rw Skip skip (unused). 0 GstRTPDec::latency guint rw Buffer latency in ms Amount of ms to buffer. 200 GstLevel::interval guint64 >= 1 rw Interval Interval of time between message posts (in nanoseconds). 100000000 GstLevel::message gboolean rw mesage Post a level message for each passed interval. TRUE GstLevel::peak-falloff gdouble >= 0 rw Peak Falloff Decay rate of decay peak after TTL (in dB/sec). 10 GstLevel::peak-ttl guint64 rw Peak TTL Time To Live of decay peak before it falls back (in nanoseconds). 300000000 GstDiceTV::square-bits gint [0,5] rw Square Bits The size of the Squares. 4 GstVertigoTV::speed gfloat [0.01,100] rw Speed Control the speed of movement. 0.02 GstVertigoTV::zoom-speed gfloat [1.01,1.1] rw Zoom Speed Control the rate of zooming. 1.01 GstRevTV::delay gint [1,100] rw Delay Delay in frames between updates. 1 GstRevTV::gain gint [1,200] rw Gain Control gain. 50 GstRevTV::linespace gint [1,100] rw Linespace Control line spacing. 6 GstQuarkTV::planes gint [1,32] rw Planes Number of frames in the buffer. 16 GstEFence::fence-top gboolean rw Fence Top Align buffers with top of fenced region. TRUE GstAlpha::alpha gdouble [0,1] rw Alpha The value for the alpha channel. 1 GstAlpha::angle gfloat [0,90] rw Angle Size of the colorcube to change. 20 GstAlpha::method GstAlphaMethod rw Method How the alpha channels should be created. Set/adjust alpha channel GstAlpha::noise-level gfloat [0,64] rw Noise Level Size of noise radius. 2 GstAlpha::target-b guint <= 255 rw Target Blue The Blue target. 0 GstAlpha::target-g guint <= 255 rw Target Green The Green target. 255 GstAlpha::target-r guint <= 255 rw Target Red The Red target. 0 GstAlpha::black-sensitivity guint <= 128 rw Black Sensitivity Sensitivity to dark colors. 100 GstAlpha::white-sensitivity guint <= 128 rw Sensitivity Sensitivity to bright colors. 100 GstShout2send::description gchar* rw description description. "" GstShout2send::genre gchar* rw genre genre. "" GstShout2send::ip gchar* rw ip ip. "" GstShout2send::mount gchar* rw mount mount. "" GstShout2send::password gchar* rw password password. "hackme" GstShout2send::port gint [1,65535] rw port port. 8000 GstShout2send::protocol GstShout2SendProtocol rw protocol Connection Protocol to use. Http Protocol (icecast 2.x) GstShout2send::streamname gchar* rw streamname name of the stream. "" GstShout2send::sync gboolean rw Sync Sync on the clock. FALSE GstShout2send::url gchar* rw url url. "" GstShout2send::username gchar* rw username username. "source" GstSpeexDec::enh gboolean rw Enh Enable perceptual enhancement. TRUE DV1394Src::channel gint [0,64] rw Channel Channel number for listening. 63 DV1394Src::consecutive gint >= 1 rw consecutive frames send n consecutive frames after skipping. 1 DV1394Src::drop-incomplete gboolean rw drop_incomplete drop incomplete frames. TRUE DV1394Src::guid guint64 rw GUID select one of multiple DV devices by its GUID. use a hexadecimal like 0xhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (0 = no guid). 0 DV1394Src::port gint [-1,16] rw Port Port number (-1 automatic). -1 DV1394Src::skip gint >= 0 rw skip frames skip n frames. 0 DV1394Src::use-avc gboolean rw Use AV/C Use AV/C VTR control. TRUE GstPngEnc::compression-level guint <= 9 rw compression-level PNG compression level. 6 GstPngEnc::snapshot gboolean rw Snapshot Send EOS after encoding a frame, useful for snapshots. TRUE GstCACASink::anti-aliasing gboolean rw Anti Aliasing Enables Anti-Aliasing. TRUE GstCACASink::dither GstCACASinkDithering rw Dither Type Set type of Dither. No dithering GstCACASink::screen-height gint >= 0 r Screen Height The height of the screen. 25 GstCACASink::screen-width gint >= 0 r Screen Width The width of the screen. 80 GstJpegEnc::quality gint [0,100] rw Quality Quality of encoding. 85 GstSmokeEnc::keyframe gint [1,100000] rw Keyframe Insert keyframe every N frames. 20 GstSmokeEnc::qmax gint [0,100] rw Qmax Maximum quality. 85 GstSmokeEnc::qmin gint [0,100] rw Qmin Minimum quality. 10 GstSmokeEnc::threshold gint [0,100000000] rw Threshold Motion estimation threshold. 3000 GstEsdSink::host gchar* rw Host The host running the esound daemon. NULL GstDVDec::clamp-chroma gboolean rw Clamp chroma Clamp chroma. FALSE GstDVDec::clamp-luma gboolean rw Clamp luma Clamp luma. FALSE GstDVDec::drop-factor gint >= 1 rw Drop Factor Only decode Nth frame. 1 GstDVDec::quality GstDVDecQualityEnum rw Quality Decoding quality. Highest quality colour decoding GstAASink::brightness gint rw brightness brightness. 0 GstAASink::contrast gint rw contrast contrast. 0 GstAASink::dither GstAASinkDitherers rw dither dither. no dithering GstAASink::driver GstAASinkDrivers rw driver driver. X11 driver 1.1 GstAASink::frame-time gint r frame_time frame_time. 0 GstAASink::frames-displayed gint r frames_displayed frames_displayed. 0 GstAASink::gamma gfloat [0,5] rw gamma gamma. 1 GstAASink::height gint rw height height. 0 GstAASink::inversion gboolean rw inversion inversion. TRUE GstAASink::randomval gint rw randomval randomval. 0 GstAASink::width gint rw width width. 0 GstRtpGSMParse::frequency gint rw frequency frequency. 8000 GstSpeexEnc::abr gint >= 0 rw ABR Enable average bit-rate (0 = disabled). 0 GstSpeexEnc::bitrate gint >= 0 rw Encoding Bit-rate Specify an encoding bit-rate (in bps). (0 = automatic). 0 GstSpeexEnc::complexity gint >= 0 rw Complexity Set encoding complexity. 3 GstSpeexEnc::dtx gboolean rw DTX Enable discontinuous transmission. FALSE GstSpeexEnc::last-message gchar* r last-message The last status message. NULL GstSpeexEnc::nframes gint >= 0 rw NFrames Number of frames per buffer. 1 GstSpeexEnc::quality gfloat [0,10] rw Quality Encoding quality. 8 GstSpeexEnc::vad gboolean rw VAD Enable voice activity detection. FALSE GstSpeexEnc::vbr gboolean rw VBR Enable variable bit-rate. FALSE GstSpeexEnc::mode GstSpeexEncMode rw Mode The encoding mode. Auto GstDV1394Src::channel gint [0,64] rw Channel Channel number for listening. 63 GstDV1394Src::consecutive gint >= 1 rw consecutive frames send n consecutive frames after skipping. 1 GstDV1394Src::drop-incomplete gboolean rw drop_incomplete drop incomplete frames. TRUE GstDV1394Src::guid guint64 rw GUID select one of multiple DV devices by its GUID. use a hexadecimal like 0xhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (0 = no guid). 0 GstDV1394Src::port gint [G_MAXULONG,16] rw Port Port number (-1 automatic). -1 GstDV1394Src::skip gint >= 0 rw skip frames skip n frames. 0 GstDV1394Src::use-avc gboolean rw Use AV/C Use AV/C VTR control. TRUE GstDV1394Src::device-name gchar* r device name user-friendly name of the device. "Default" GstFlacEnc::blocksize guint [16,65535] rwx Blocksize Blocksize in samples. 4608 GstFlacEnc::escape-coding gboolean rwx Do Escape coding search for escape codes in the entropy coding stage for slightly better compression. FALSE GstFlacEnc::exhaustive-model-search gboolean rwx Do exhaustive model search do exhaustive search of LP coefficient quantization (expensive!). FALSE GstFlacEnc::loose-mid-side-stereo gboolean rwx Loose mid side stereo Loose mid side stereo. FALSE GstFlacEnc::max-lpc-order guint <= 32 rwx Max LPC order Max LPC order; 0 => use only fixed predictors. 8 GstFlacEnc::max-residual-partition-order guint <= 16 rwx Max residual partition order Max residual partition order (above 4 doesn't usually help much). 3 GstFlacEnc::mid-side-stereo gboolean rwx Do mid side stereo Do mid side stereo (only for stereo input). TRUE GstFlacEnc::min-residual-partition-order guint <= 16 rwx Min residual partition order Min residual partition order (above 4 doesn't usually help much). 3 GstFlacEnc::qlp-coeff-prec-search gboolean rwx Do QLP coefficients precision search false = use qlp_coeff_precision, true = search around qlp_coeff_precision, take best. FALSE GstFlacEnc::qlp-coeff-precision guint <= 32 rwx QLP coefficients precision Precision in bits of quantized linear-predictor coefficients; 0 = automatic. 0 GstFlacEnc::quality GstFlacEncQuality rwx Quality Speed versus compression tradeoff. 5 - Default GstFlacEnc::rice-parameter-search-dist guint <= 15 rwx rice_parameter_search_dist 0 = try only calc'd parameter k; else try all [k-dist..k+dist] parameters, use best. 0 GstFlacEnc::streamable-subset gboolean rwx Streamable subset true to limit encoder to generating a Subset stream, else false. TRUE GstOssSink::device gchar* rw Device OSS device (usually /dev/dspN). "/dev/dsp" GstVideoMixer::background GstVideoMixerBackground rw Background Background type. Checker pattern GstMatroskaMux::writing-app gchar* rw Writing application. The name the application that creates the matroska file. NULL GstMatroskaMux::version gint [1,2] rw Matroska version This parameter determines what matroska features can be used. 1 GstTest::allowed-timestamp-deviation gint64 >= G_MAXULONG rwx allowed timestamp deviation allowed average difference in usec between timestamp of next buffer and expected timestamp from analyzing last buffer. -1 GstTest::buffer-count gint64 >= G_MAXULONG r buffer count number of buffers in stream. -1 GstTest::expected-buffer-count gint64 >= G_MAXULONG rwx expected buffer count expected number of buffers in stream. -1 GstTest::expected-length gint64 >= G_MAXULONG rwx expected length expected length of stream. -1 GstTest::expected-md5 gchar* rwx expected md5 expected md5 of processing the whole data. "---" GstTest::length gint64 >= G_MAXULONG r length length of stream. -1 GstTest::md5 gchar* r md5 md5 of processing the whole data. "---" GstTest::timestamp-deviation gint64 >= G_MAXULONG r timestamp deviation average difference in usec between timestamp of next buffer and expected timestamp from analyzing last buffer. -1 GstProgressReport::silent gboolean rw Do not print output to stdout Do not print output to stdout. FALSE GstProgressReport::update-freq gint >= 1 rw Update Frequency Number of seconds between reports when data is flowing. 5 GstProgressReport::format gchar* rw format Format to use for the querying. "auto" GstNavSeek::seek-offset gdouble >= 0 rw Seek Offset Time in seconds to seek by. 5 GstBreakMyData::probability gdouble [0,1] rwx probability probability for each byte in the buffer to be changed. 0 GstBreakMyData::seed guint rwx seed seed for randomness (initialized when going from READY to PAUSED). 0 GstBreakMyData::set-to gint [G_MAXULONG,255] rwx set-to set changed bytes to this value (-1 means random value. -1 GstBreakMyData::skip guint rwx skip amount of bytes skipped at the beginning of stream. 0 GstTextOverlay::deltax gint w X position modifier Shift X position to the left or to the right. Unit is pixels. 0 GstTextOverlay::deltay gint w Y position modifier Shift Y position up or down. Unit is pixels. 0 GstTextOverlay::font-desc gchararray w font description Pango font description of font to be used for rendering. See documentation of pango_font_description_from_string for syntax. "" GstTextOverlay::halign gchararray w horizontal alignment Horizontal alignment of the text. Can be either 'left', 'right', or 'center'. "center" GstTextOverlay::shaded-background gboolean w shaded background Whether to shade the background under the text area. FALSE GstTextOverlay::text gchararray w text Text to be display. "" GstTextOverlay::valign gchararray w vertical alignment Vertical alignment of the text. Can be either 'baseline', 'bottom', or 'top'. "baseline" GstTextOverlay::xpad gint w horizontal paddding Horizontal paddding when using left/right alignment. 25 GstTextOverlay::ypad gint w vertical padding Vertical padding when using top/bottom alignment. 25 GstCutter::leaky gboolean rw Leaky do we leak buffers when below threshold ?. FALSE GstCutter::pre-length guint64 rw Pre-recording buffer length Length of pre-recording buffer (in nanoseconds). 0 GstCutter::run-length guint64 rw Run length Length of drop below threshold before cut_stop (in nanoseconds). 0 GstCutter::threshold gdouble rw Threshold Volume threshold before trigger. 0 GstCutter::threshold-dB gdouble rw Threshold (dB) Volume threshold before trigger (in dB). 0 GstVideoFlip::method GstVideoFlipMethod rw method method. Rotate clockwise 90 degrees GstRtpMP4VPay::send-config gboolean rw Send Config Send the config parameters in RTP packets as well. FALSE GstRTPDepay::skip gint rw skip skip. 0 GstMultipartMux::boundary gchar* rw Boundary Boundary string. "ThisRandomString" GstCairoTextOverlay::deltax gint w X position modifier Shift X position to the left or to the right. Unit is pixels. 0 GstCairoTextOverlay::deltay gint w Y position modifier Shift Y position up or down. Unit is pixels. 0 GstCairoTextOverlay::font-desc gchar* w font description Pango font description of font to be used for rendering. See documentation of pango_font_description_from_string for syntax. "" GstCairoTextOverlay::halign gchar* w horizontal alignment Horizontal alignment of the text. Can be either 'left', 'right', or 'center'. "center" GstCairoTextOverlay::shaded-background gboolean w shaded background Whether to shade the background under the text area. FALSE GstCairoTextOverlay::text gchar* w text Text to be display. "" GstCairoTextOverlay::valign gchar* w vertical alignment Vertical alignment of the text. Can be either 'baseline', 'bottom', or 'top'. "baseline" GstCairoTextOverlay::xpad gint w horizontal paddding Horizontal paddding when using left/right alignment. 25 GstCairoTextOverlay::ypad gint w vertical padding Vertical padding when using top/bottom alignment. 25 GstOssMixerElement::device-name gchar* r Device name Human-readable name of the sound device. NULL GstOssMixerElement::device gchar* rw Device OSS mixer device (usually /dev/mixer). "/dev/mixer" GstID3Demux::prefer-v1 gboolean rwx Prefer version 1 tag Prefer tags from ID3v1 tag at end of file when both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags are present. FALSE GstDynUDPSink::sockfd gint [G_MAXULONG,32767] rw socket handle Socket to use for UDP sending. (-1 == allocate). -1 GstDynUDPSink::closefd gboolean rw Close sockfd Close sockfd if passed as property on state change. TRUE GstCdioCddaSrc::read-speed gint [-1,100] rw Read speed Read from device at the specified speed (-1 = default). -1 GstMultiUDPSink::bytes-served guint64 r Bytes served Total number of bytes send to all clients. 0 GstMultiUDPSink::bytes-to-serve guint64 r Bytes to serve Number of bytes received to serve to clients. 0 GstMultiUDPSink::clients gchar* rw Clients A comma separated list of host:port pairs with destinations. NULL GstMultiUDPSink::closefd gboolean rw Close sockfd Close sockfd if passed as property on state change. TRUE GstMultiUDPSink::sock gint >= G_MAXULONG r Socket Handle Socket currently in use for UDP sending. (-1 == no socket). -1 GstMultiUDPSink::sockfd gint >= G_MAXULONG rw Socket Handle Socket to use for UDP sending. (-1 == allocate). -1 GstMultiUDPSink::auto-multicast gboolean rw Automatically join/leave multicast groups Automatically join/leave the multicast groups, FALSE means user has to do it himself. TRUE GstMultiUDPSink::loop gboolean rw Multicast Loopback Used for setting the multicast loop parameter. TRUE = enable, FALSE = disable. TRUE GstMultiUDPSink::qos-dscp gint [G_MAXULONG,63] rw QoS diff srv code point Quality of Service, differentiated services code point (-1 default). -1 GstMultiUDPSink::ttl gint [0,255] rw Multicast TTL Used for setting the multicast TTL parameter. 64 GstCmmlDec::wait-clip-end-time gboolean rw Wait clip end time Send a tag for a clip when the clip ends, setting its end-time. Use when you need to know both clip's start-time and end-time. FALSE GstCmmlEnc::granule-rate-denominator gint64 >= 0 rwx Granulerate denominator Granulerate denominator. 1 GstCmmlEnc::granule-rate-numerator gint64 >= 0 rwx Granulerate numerator Granulerate numerator. 1000 GstCmmlEnc::granule-shift guchar <= 64 rwx Granuleshift The number of lower bits to use for partitioning a granule position. 32 GstHalAudioSrc::udi gchar* rw UDI Unique Device Id. NULL GstHalAudioSink::udi gchar* rw UDI Unique Device Id. NULL GstPixbufScale::method GstPixbufScaleMethod rw method method. 2 GstGdkPixbuf::silent gboolean rw Silent Produce verbose output ? (deprecated). FALSE GstGConfAudioSink::profile GstGConfProfile rw Profile Profile. Sound Events GstXImageSrc::display-name gchar* rw Display X Display Name. NULL GstXImageSrc::screen-num guint <= G_MAXINT rw Screen number X Screen Number. 0 GstXImageSrc::show-pointer gboolean rw Show Mouse Pointer Show mouse pointer (if XFixes extension enabled). TRUE GstXImageSrc::endx guint <= G_MAXINT rw End X X coordinate of bottom right corner of area to be recorded (0 for bottom right of screen). 0 GstXImageSrc::endy guint <= G_MAXINT rw End Y Y coordinate of bottom right corner of area to be recorded (0 for bottom right of screen). 0 GstXImageSrc::startx guint <= G_MAXINT rw Start X co-ordinate X coordinate of top left corner of area to be recorded (0 for top left of screen). 0 GstXImageSrc::starty guint <= G_MAXINT rw Start Y co-ordinate Y coordinate of top left corner of area to be recorded (0 for top left of screen). 0 GstXImageSrc::use-damage gboolean rw Use XDamage Use XDamage (if XDamage extension enabled). TRUE GstVideoBalance::brightness gdouble [-1,1] rw Brightness brightness. 0 GstVideoBalance::contrast gdouble [0,2] rw Contrast contrast. 1 GstVideoBalance::hue gdouble [-1,1] rw Hue hue. 0 GstVideoBalance::saturation gdouble [0,2] rw Saturation saturation. 1 GstMultipartDemux::autoscan gboolean rw autoscan Try to autofind the prefix (deprecated unused, see boundary). FALSE GstMultipartDemux::boundary gchar* rwx Boundary The boundary string separating data, automatic if NULL. NULL GstAviMux::bigfile gboolean rw Bigfile Support (>2GB) Support for openDML-2.0 (big) AVI files. TRUE GstJpegDec::idct-method GstIDCTMethod rw IDCT Method The IDCT algorithm to use. Faster, less accurate integer method GstRTPiLBCDepay::mode iLBCMode rw Mode iLBC frame mode. 30ms frames GstAudioPanorama::panorama gfloat [-1,1] rw Panorama Position in stereo panorama (-1.0 left -> 1.0 right). 0 GstAudioPanorama::method GstAudioPanoramaMethod rw Panning method Psychoacoustic mode keeps same perceived loudness, simple mode just controls volume of one channel. Psychoacoustic Panning (default) GstAudioInvert::degree gfloat [0,1] rw Degree Degree of inversion. 0 GstAudioAmplify::amplification gfloat >= 0 rw Amplification Factor of amplification. 1 GstAudioAmplify::clipping-method GstAudioPanoramaClippingMethod rw Clipping method Selects how to handle values higher than the maximum. Normal Clipping (default) GstAudioDynamic::characteristics GstAudioDynamicCharacteristics rw Characteristics Selects whether the ratio should be applied smooth (soft-knee) or hard (hard-knee). Hard Knee (default) GstAudioDynamic::mode GstAudioDynamicMode rw Mode Selects whether the filter should work on loud samples (compressor) orquiet samples (expander). Compressor (default) GstAudioDynamic::ratio gfloat >= 0 rw Ratio Ratio that should be applied. 1 GstAudioDynamic::threshold gfloat [0,1] rw Threshold Threshold until the filter is activated. 0 GstDirectDrawSink::force-aspect-ratio gboolean rw Force aspect ratio When enabled, scaling will respect original aspect ratio. FALSE GstWavpackEnc::bitrate guint <= 9600000 rw Bitrate Try to encode with this average bitrate (bits/sec). This enables lossy encoding, values smaller than 24000 disable it again. 0 GstWavpackEnc::bits-per-sample gdouble [0,24] rw Bits per sample Try to encode with this amount of bits per sample. This enables lossy encoding, values smaller than 2.0 disable it again. 0 GstWavpackEnc::correction-mode GstWavpackEncCorrectionMode rw Correction stream mode Use this mode for the correction stream. Only works in lossy mode!. Create no correction file GstWavpackEnc::extra-processing guint <= 6 rw Extra processing Use better but slower filters for better compression/quality. 0 GstWavpackEnc::joint-stereo-mode GstWavpackEncJSMode rw Joint-Stereo mode Use this joint-stereo mode. auto GstWavpackEnc::md5 gboolean rw MD5 Store MD5 hash of raw samples within the file. FALSE GstWavpackEnc::mode GstWavpackEncMode rw Encoding mode Speed versus compression tradeoff. Normal Compression GstRtpMP2TDepay::skip-first-bytes guint rw Skip first bytes The amount of bytes that need to be skipped at the beginning of the payload. 0 GstRtpH263PPay::fragmentation-mode GstFragmentationMode rw Fragmentation Mode Packet Fragmentation Mode. Normal GstGamma::gamma gdouble [0.01,10] rw Gamma gamma. 1 GstVideoCrop::bottom gint >= 0 rw Bottom Pixels to crop at bottom. 0 GstVideoCrop::left gint >= 0 rw Left Pixels to crop at left. 0 GstVideoCrop::right gint >= 0 rw Right Pixels to crop at right. 0 GstVideoCrop::top gint >= 0 rw Top Pixels to crop at top. 0 GstV4l2Src::device gchar* rw Device Device location. "/dev/video0" GstV4l2Src::device-name gchar* r Device name Name of the device. NULL GstV4l2Src::flags GstV4l2DeviceTypeFlags r Flags Device type flags. GstV4l2Src::queue-size guint [2,16] rw Queue size Number of buffers to be enqueud in the driver. 2 GstV4l2Src::always-copy gboolean rw Always Copy If the buffer will or not be used directly from mmap. TRUE GstV4l2Src::device-fd gint >= G_MAXULONG r File descriptor File descriptor of the device. -1 GstAudioChebBand::lower-frequency gfloat [0,100000] rw Lower frequency Start frequency of the band (Hz). 0 GstAudioChebBand::mode GstAudioChebBandMode rw Mode Low pass or high pass mode. Band pass (default) GstAudioChebBand::poles gint [4,32] rw Poles Number of poles to use, will be rounded up to the next multiply of four. 4 GstAudioChebBand::ripple gfloat [0,200] rw Ripple Amount of ripple (dB). 0.25 GstAudioChebBand::type gint [1,2] rw Type Type of the chebychev filter. 1 GstAudioChebBand::upper-frequency gfloat [0,100000] rw Upper frequency Stop frequency of the band (Hz). 0 GstAudioChebLimit::cutoff gfloat [0,100000] rw Cutoff Cut off frequency (Hz). 0 GstAudioChebLimit::mode GstAudioChebLimitMode rw Mode Low pass or high pass mode. Low pass (default) GstAudioChebLimit::poles gint [2,32] rw Poles Number of poles to use, will be rounded up to the next even number. 4 GstAudioChebLimit::ripple gfloat [0,200] rw Ripple Amount of ripple (dB). 0.25 GstAudioChebLimit::type gint [1,2] rw Type Type of the chebychev filter. 1 GstAudioWSincBand::lower-frequency gfloat [0,100000] rw Lower Frequency Cut-off lower frequency (Hz). 0 GstAudioWSincBand::upper-frequency gfloat [0,100000] rw Upper Frequency Cut-off upper frequency (Hz). 0 GstAudioWSincBand::mode GstAudioWSincBandMode rw Mode Band pass or band reject mode. Band pass (default) GstAudioWSincBand::window GstAudioWSincBandWindow rw Window Window function to use. Hamming window (default) GstAudioWSincBand::length gint [3,50000] rw Length Filter kernel length, will be rounded to the next odd number. 101 GstAudioWSincLimit::frequency gdouble >= 0 rw Frequency Cut-off Frequency (Hz). 0 GstAudioWSincLimit::length gint [3,50000] rw Length Filter kernel length, will be rounded to the next odd number. 101 GstAudioWSincLimit::mode GstAudioWSincLimitMode rw Mode Low pass or high pass mode. Low pass (default) GstAudioWSincLimit::window GstAudioWSincLimitWindow rw Window Window function to use. Hamming window (default) GstAudioWSincLimit::cutoff gfloat [0,100000] rw Cutoff Cut-off Frequency (Hz). 0 GstRndBufferSize::max glong [1,G_MAXINT] rwx maximum maximum buffer size. 8192 GstRndBufferSize::min glong [0,G_MAXINT] rwx mininum mininum buffer size. 1 GstRndBufferSize::seed gulong <= G_MAXUINT rwx random number seed seed for randomness (initialized when going from READY to PAUSED). GstAutoAudioSink::filter-caps GstCaps* rw Filter caps Filter sink candidates using these caps. GstAutoVideoSink::filter-caps GstCaps* rw Filter caps Filter sink candidates using these caps. GstOsxAudioSink::device gint >= 0 rw Device ID Device ID of output device. 0 GstOsxAudioSrc::device gint >= 0 rw Device ID Device ID of input device. 0 GstOSXVideoSink::embed gboolean rw embed When enabled, it can be embedded. FALSE GstOSXVideoSink::fullscreen gboolean rw fullscreen When enabled, the view is fullscreen. FALSE GstGdkPixbufSink::last-pixbuf GdkPixbuf* r Last Pixbuf Last GdkPixbuf object rendered. GstGdkPixbufSink::send-messages gboolean rw Send Messages Whether to post messages containing pixbufs on the bus. TRUE GstSoupHTTPSrc::automatic-redirect gboolean rw automatic-redirect Automatically follow HTTP redirects (HTTP Status Code 3xx). TRUE GstSoupHTTPSrc::cookies GStrv* rw Cookies HTTP request cookies. GstSoupHTTPSrc::iradio-genre gchar* r iradio-genre Genre of the stream. NULL GstSoupHTTPSrc::iradio-mode gboolean rw iradio-mode Enable internet radio mode (extraction of shoutcast/icecast metadata). FALSE GstSoupHTTPSrc::iradio-name gchar* r iradio-name Name of the stream. NULL GstSoupHTTPSrc::iradio-title gchar* r iradio-title Name of currently playing song. NULL GstSoupHTTPSrc::iradio-url gchar* r iradio-url Homepage URL for radio stream. NULL GstSoupHTTPSrc::location gchar* rw Location Location to read from. "" GstSoupHTTPSrc::proxy gchar* rw Proxy HTTP proxy server URI. "" GstSoupHTTPSrc::user-agent gchar* rw User-Agent Value of the User-Agent HTTP request header field. "GStreamer souphttpsrc " GstSoupHTTPSrc::is-live gboolean rw is-live Act like a live source. FALSE GstSoupHTTPSrc::proxy-id gchar* rw proxy-id HTTP proxy URI user id for authentication. "" GstSoupHTTPSrc::proxy-pw gchar* rw proxy-pw HTTP proxy URI user password for authentication. "" GstSoupHTTPSrc::user-id gchar* rw user-id HTTP location URI user id for authentication. "" GstSoupHTTPSrc::user-pw gchar* rw user-pw HTTP location URI user password for authentication. "" GstSoupHTTPSrc::extra-headers GstStructure* rw Extra Headers Extra headers to append to the HTTP request. GstSoupHTTPSrc::timeout guint <= 3600 rw timeout Value in seconds to timeout a blocking I/O (0 = No timeout). 0 GstRTPDVPay::mode GstDVPayMode rw Mode The payload mode of payloading. Video only GstRtpH264Pay::profile-level-id gchar* rw profile-level-id The base64 profile-level-id to set in out caps (set to NULL to extract from stream). NULL GstRtpH264Pay::sprop-parameter-sets gchar* rw sprop-parameter-sets The base64 sprop-parameter-sets to set in out caps (set to NULL to extract from stream). NULL GstRtpH264Pay::scan-mode GstH264PayScanMode rw Scan Mode How to scan the input buffers for NAL units. Performance can be increased when certain assumptions are made about the input buffers. Buffers contain multiple complete NALUs ladspa-hardLimiter::Residue-level gfloat [0,1] rwx Residue-level Residue-level. 0 ladspa-hardLimiter::Wet-level gfloat [0,1] rwx Wet-level Wet-level. 1 ladspa-hardLimiter::dB-limit gfloat [-50,0] rwx dB-limit dB-limit. 0 ladspa-dj-eq-mono::Hi-gain gfloat [-70,6] rwx Hi-gain Hi-gain. 0 ladspa-dj-eq-mono::Lo-gain gfloat [-70,6] rwx Lo-gain Lo-gain. 0 ladspa-dj-eq-mono::Mid-gain gfloat [-70,6] rwx Mid-gain Mid-gain. 0 ladspa-dj-eq-mono::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-dj-eq::Hi-gain gfloat [-70,6] rwx Hi-gain Hi-gain. 0 ladspa-dj-eq::Lo-gain gfloat [-70,6] rwx Lo-gain Lo-gain. 0 ladspa-dj-eq::Mid-gain gfloat [-70,6] rwx Mid-gain Mid-gain. 0 ladspa-dj-eq::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-branch-ic-ococ::First-Output gfloat r First-Output First-Output. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-branch-ic-ococ::Input gfloat rwx Input Input. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-branch-ic-ococ::Second-Output gfloat r Second-Output Second-Output. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-Exaggerate::amount gfloat [-1,10] rwx amount amount. 1 ladspa-Transpose::transpose gfloat [-24,24] rwx transpose transpose. 0 ladspa-Accumulate::decay gfloat [0,1] rwx decay decay. 0,25 ladspa-Accumulate::glissando gfloat [-1,1] rwx glissando glissando. 0 ladspa-sinusWavewrapper::Wrap-degree gfloat [0,10] rwx Wrap-degree Wrap-degree. 0 ladspa-foverdrive::Drive-level gfloat [1,3] rwx Drive-level Drive-level. 1 ladspa-mbeq::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-mbeq::param-10000Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-10000Hz-gain param-10000Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-mbeq::param-100Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-100Hz-gain param-100Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-mbeq::param-1250Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-1250Hz-gain param-1250Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-mbeq::param-156Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-156Hz-gain param-156Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-mbeq::param-1750Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-1750Hz-gain param-1750Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-mbeq::param-20000Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-20000Hz-gain param-20000Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-mbeq::param-220Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-220Hz-gain param-220Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-mbeq::param-2500Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-2500Hz-gain param-2500Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-mbeq::param-311Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-311Hz-gain param-311Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-mbeq::param-3500Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-3500Hz-gain param-3500Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-mbeq::param-440Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-440Hz-gain param-440Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-mbeq::param-5000Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-5000Hz-gain param-5000Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-mbeq::param-50Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-50Hz-gain param-50Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-mbeq::param-622Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-622Hz-gain param-622Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-mbeq::param-880Hz-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx param-880Hz-gain param-880Hz-gain. 0 ladspa-delayorama::Amplitude-change gfloat [0,2,5] rwx Amplitude-change Amplitude-change. 1 ladspa-delayorama::Amplitude-random gfloat [0,100] rwx Amplitude-random Amplitude-random. 0 ladspa-delayorama::Delay-change gfloat [0,2,5] rwx Delay-change Delay-change. 1 ladspa-delayorama::Delay-random gfloat [0,100] rwx Delay-random Delay-random. 0 ladspa-delayorama::Delay-range gfloat [0,0001,6] rwx Delay-range Delay-range. 6 ladspa-delayorama::Dry-wet-mix gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-wet-mix Dry-wet-mix. 1 ladspa-delayorama::Feedback gfloat [0,100] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0 ladspa-delayorama::First-delay gfloat [0,5] rwx First-delay First-delay. 0 ladspa-delayorama::Input-gain gfloat [-96,24] rwx Input-gain Input-gain. 0 ladspa-delayorama::Number-of-taps gint [2,128] rwx Number-of-taps Number-of-taps. 2 ladspa-delayorama::Random-seed gint [0,1000] rwx Random-seed Random-seed. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-1-Bandwidth--octaves- gfloat [0,1,5] rwx Band-1-Bandwidth--octaves- Band-1-Bandwidth--octaves-. 1 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-1-Freq--Hz- gfloat [40,280] rwx Band-1-Freq--Hz- Band-1-Freq--Hz-. 100 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-1-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-1-Gain--dB- Band-1-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-2-Bandwidth--octaves- gfloat [0,1,5] rwx Band-2-Bandwidth--octaves- Band-2-Bandwidth--octaves-. 1 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-2-Freq--Hz- gfloat [100,500] rwx Band-2-Freq--Hz- Band-2-Freq--Hz-. 200 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-2-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-2-Gain--dB- Band-2-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-3-Bandwidth--octaves- gfloat [0,1,5] rwx Band-3-Bandwidth--octaves- Band-3-Bandwidth--octaves-. 1 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-3-Freq--Hz- gfloat [200,1000] rwx Band-3-Freq--Hz- Band-3-Freq--Hz-. 400 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-3-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-3-Gain--dB- Band-3-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-4-Bandwidth--octaves- gfloat [0,1,5] rwx Band-4-Bandwidth--octaves- Band-4-Bandwidth--octaves-. 1 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-4-Freq--Hz- gfloat [400,2800] rwx Band-4-Freq--Hz- Band-4-Freq--Hz-. 1000 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-4-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-4-Gain--dB- Band-4-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-5-Bandwidth--octaves- gfloat [0,1,5] rwx Band-5-Bandwidth--octaves- Band-5-Bandwidth--octaves-. 1 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-5-Freq--Hz- gfloat [1000,5000] rwx Band-5-Freq--Hz- Band-5-Freq--Hz-. 3000 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-5-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-5-Gain--dB- Band-5-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-6-Bandwidth--octaves- gfloat [0,1,5] rwx Band-6-Bandwidth--octaves- Band-6-Bandwidth--octaves-. 1 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-6-Freq--Hz- gfloat [3000,9000] rwx Band-6-Freq--Hz- Band-6-Freq--Hz-. 6000 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-6-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-6-Gain--dB- Band-6-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-7-Bandwidth--octaves- gfloat [0,1,5] rwx Band-7-Bandwidth--octaves- Band-7-Bandwidth--octaves-. 1 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-7-Freq--Hz- gfloat [6000,18000] rwx Band-7-Freq--Hz- Band-7-Freq--Hz-. 12000 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-7-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-7-Gain--dB- Band-7-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-8-Bandwidth--octaves- gfloat [0,1,5] rwx Band-8-Bandwidth--octaves- Band-8-Bandwidth--octaves-. 1 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-8-Freq--Hz- gfloat [10000,20000] rwx Band-8-Freq--Hz- Band-8-Freq--Hz-. 15000 ladspa-tap-equalizer-bw::Band-8-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-8-Gain--dB- Band-8-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-crossoverDist::Crossover-amplitude gfloat [0,0,1] rwx Crossover-amplitude Crossover-amplitude. 0 ladspa-crossoverDist::Smoothing gfloat [0,1] rwx Smoothing Smoothing. 1 ladspa-fadDelay::Delay gfloat [0,1,10] rwx Delay Delay. 1 ladspa-fadDelay::Feedback gfloat [-70,0] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0 ladspa-multivoiceChorus::Delay-base gfloat [10,40] rwx Delay-base Delay-base. 10 ladspa-multivoiceChorus::Detune gfloat [0,5] rwx Detune Detune. 1 ladspa-multivoiceChorus::LFO-frequency gfloat [2,30] rwx LFO-frequency LFO-frequency. 9 ladspa-multivoiceChorus::Number-of-voices gint [1,8] rwx Number-of-voices Number-of-voices. 1 ladspa-multivoiceChorus::Output-attenuation gfloat [-20,0] rwx Output-attenuation Output-attenuation. 0 ladspa-multivoiceChorus::Voice-separation gfloat [0,2] rwx Voice-separation Voice-separation. 0,5 ladspa-syncsquare-fcga-oa::Frequency gfloat [0,64] rwx Frequency Frequency. 16 ladspa-smoothDecimate::Resample-rate gfloat [0,44100] rwx Resample-rate Resample-rate. 44100 ladspa-smoothDecimate::Smoothing gfloat [0,1] rwx Smoothing Smoothing. 1 ladspa-allpass-n::Decay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Decay-Time Decay-Time. 0 ladspa-allpass-n::Delay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Delay-Time Delay-Time. 0 ladspa-allpass-n::Max-Delay gfloat >= 0 rwx Max-Delay Max-Delay. 0 ladspa-allpass-l::Decay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Decay-Time Decay-Time. 0 ladspa-allpass-l::Delay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Delay-Time Delay-Time. 0 ladspa-allpass-l::Max-Delay gfloat >= 0 rwx Max-Delay Max-Delay. 0 ladspa-allpass-c::Decay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Decay-Time Decay-Time. 0 ladspa-allpass-c::Delay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Delay-Time Delay-Time. 0 ladspa-allpass-c::Max-Delay gfloat >= 0 rwx Max-Delay Max-Delay. 0 ladspa-fmOsc::Waveform gint [1,4] rwx Waveform Waveform. 1 ladspa-foldover::Drive gfloat [0,1] rwx Drive Drive. 0 ladspa-foldover::Skew gfloat [0,1] rwx Skew Skew. 0 ladspa-valve::Distortion-character gfloat [0,1] rwx Distortion-character Distortion-character. 0 ladspa-valve::Distortion-level gfloat [0,1] rwx Distortion-level Distortion-level. 0 ladspa-difference-iamc-oa::Input-to-Subtract gfloat rwx Input-to-Subtract Input-to-Subtract. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-difference-icma-oa::Input gfloat rwx Input Input. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-difference-icmc-oc::Difference-Output gfloat r Difference-Output Difference-Output. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-difference-icmc-oc::Input gfloat rwx Input Input. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-difference-icmc-oc::Input-to-Subtract gfloat rwx Input-to-Subtract Input-to-Subtract. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-Mvclpf-1::Exp-FM-gain gfloat [0,10] rwx Exp-FM-gain Exp-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-1::Frequency gfloat [-6,6] rwx Frequency Frequency. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-1::Input-gain gfloat [-60,10] rwx Input-gain Input-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-1::Output-gain gfloat [-15,15] rwx Output-gain Output-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-1::Resonance gfloat [0,1] rwx Resonance Resonance. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-1::Resonance-gain gfloat [0,1] rwx Resonance-gain Resonance-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-2::Exp-FM-gain gfloat [0,10] rwx Exp-FM-gain Exp-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-2::Frequency gfloat [-6,6] rwx Frequency Frequency. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-2::Input-gain gfloat [-60,10] rwx Input-gain Input-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-2::Output-gain gfloat [-15,15] rwx Output-gain Output-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-2::Resonance gfloat [0,1] rwx Resonance Resonance. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-2::Resonance-gain gfloat [0,1] rwx Resonance-gain Resonance-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-3::Exp-FM-gain gfloat [0,10] rwx Exp-FM-gain Exp-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-3::Frequency gfloat [-6,6] rwx Frequency Frequency. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-3::Input-gain gfloat [-60,10] rwx Input-gain Input-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-3::Output-gain gfloat [-15,15] rwx Output-gain Output-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-3::Resonance gfloat [0,1] rwx Resonance Resonance. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-3::Resonance-gain gfloat [0,1] rwx Resonance-gain Resonance-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-4::Exp-FM-gain gfloat [0,10] rwx Exp-FM-gain Exp-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-4::Filter-poles gint [0,4] rwx Filter-poles Filter-poles. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-4::Frequency gfloat [-6,6] rwx Frequency Frequency. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-4::Input-gain gfloat [-60,10] rwx Input-gain Input-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-4::Output-gain gfloat [-15,15] rwx Output-gain Output-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-4::Resonance gfloat [0,1] rwx Resonance Resonance. 0 ladspa-Mvclpf-4::Resonance-gain gfloat [0,1] rwx Resonance-gain Resonance-gain. 0 ladspa-alienwah-mono::Delay gint [5,50] rwx Delay Delay. 5 ladspa-alienwah-mono::Feedback gfloat [0,1] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0 ladspa-alienwah-mono::Frequency gfloat [0,inf] rwx Frequency Frequency. 0 ladspa-alienwah-mono::Initial-phase-for-stereo gfloat rwx Initial-phase-for-stereo Initial-phase-for-stereo. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-alienwah-stereo::Delay gint [5,50] rwx Delay Delay. 5 ladspa-alienwah-stereo::Feedback gfloat [0,2] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0 ladspa-alienwah-stereo::Frequency gfloat [0,inf] rwx Frequency Frequency. 0 ladspa-alienwah-stereo::Initial-phase-for-stereo gfloat [0,6,28319] rwx Initial-phase-for-stereo Initial-phase-for-stereo. 6,28319 ladspa-gongBeater::Impulse-gain gfloat [-70,0] rwx Impulse-gain Impulse-gain. -70 ladspa-gongBeater::Strike-duration gfloat [0,001,0,2] rwx Strike-duration Strike-duration. 0,1005 ladspa-gongBeater::Strike-gain gfloat [-70,0] rwx Strike-gain Strike-gain. 0 ladspa-Chorus1::Delay gfloat [0,30] rwx Delay Delay. 0 ladspa-Chorus1::Mod-Amplitude-1 gfloat [0,10] rwx Mod-Amplitude-1 Mod-Amplitude-1. 0 ladspa-Chorus1::Mod-Amplitude-2 gfloat [0,3] rwx Mod-Amplitude-2 Mod-Amplitude-2. 0 ladspa-Chorus1::Mod-Frequency-1 gfloat [0,003,10] rwx Mod-Frequency-1 Mod-Frequency-1. 0,003 ladspa-Chorus1::Mod-Frequency-2 gfloat [0,01,30] rwx Mod-Frequency-2 Mod-Frequency-2. 0,01 ladspa-Chorus2::Delay gfloat [0,30] rwx Delay Delay. 0 ladspa-Chorus2::Mod-Amplitude-1 gfloat [0,10] rwx Mod-Amplitude-1 Mod-Amplitude-1. 0 ladspa-Chorus2::Mod-Amplitude-2 gfloat [0,3] rwx Mod-Amplitude-2 Mod-Amplitude-2. 0 ladspa-Chorus2::Mod-Frequency-1 gfloat [0,003,10] rwx Mod-Frequency-1 Mod-Frequency-1. 0,003 ladspa-Chorus2::Mod-Frequency-2 gfloat [0,01,30] rwx Mod-Frequency-2 Mod-Frequency-2. 0,01 ladspa-hilbert::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-tapeDelay::Dry-level gfloat [-90,0] rwx Dry-level Dry-level. -90 ladspa-tapeDelay::Tap-1-distance gfloat [0,4] rwx Tap-1-distance Tap-1-distance. 0 ladspa-tapeDelay::Tap-1-level gfloat [-90,0] rwx Tap-1-level Tap-1-level. 0 ladspa-tapeDelay::Tap-2-distance gfloat [0,4] rwx Tap-2-distance Tap-2-distance. 1 ladspa-tapeDelay::Tap-2-level gfloat [-90,0] rwx Tap-2-level Tap-2-level. -90 ladspa-tapeDelay::Tap-3-distance gfloat [0,4] rwx Tap-3-distance Tap-3-distance. 2 ladspa-tapeDelay::Tap-3-level gfloat [-90,0] rwx Tap-3-level Tap-3-level. -90 ladspa-tapeDelay::Tap-4-distance gfloat [0,4] rwx Tap-4-distance Tap-4-distance. 3 ladspa-tapeDelay::Tap-4-level gfloat [-90,0] rwx Tap-4-level Tap-4-level. -90 ladspa-tapeDelay::Tape-speed gfloat [0,10] rwx Tape-speed Tape-speed. 1 ladspa-sum-iaic-oa::Second-Input gfloat rwx Second-Input Second-Input. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sum-icic-oc::First-Input gfloat rwx First-Input First-Input. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sum-icic-oc::Second-Input gfloat rwx Second-Input Second-Input. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sum-icic-oc::Summed-Output gfloat r Summed-Output Summed-Output. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sc1::Attack-time gfloat [2,400] rwx Attack-time Attack-time. 101,5 ladspa-sc1::Knee-radius gfloat [1,10] rwx Knee-radius Knee-radius. 3,25 ladspa-sc1::Makeup-gain gfloat [0,24] rwx Makeup-gain Makeup-gain. 0 ladspa-sc1::Ratio gfloat [1,10] rwx Ratio Ratio. 1 ladspa-sc1::Release-time gfloat [2,800] rwx Release-time Release-time. 401 ladspa-sc1::Threshold-level gfloat [-30,0] rwx Threshold-level Threshold-level. 0 ladspa-combSplitter::Band-separation gfloat [16,640] rwx Band-separation Band-separation. 172 ladspa-sc4m::Amplitude gfloat [-40,12] r Amplitude Amplitude. -40 ladspa-sc4m::Attack-time gfloat [1,5,400] rwx Attack-time Attack-time. 101,125 ladspa-sc4m::Gain-reduction gfloat [-24,0] r Gain-reduction Gain-reduction. -24 ladspa-sc4m::Knee-radius gfloat [1,10] rwx Knee-radius Knee-radius. 3,25 ladspa-sc4m::Makeup-gain gfloat [0,24] rwx Makeup-gain Makeup-gain. 0 ladspa-sc4m::RMS-peak gfloat [0,1] rwx RMS-peak RMS-peak. 0 ladspa-sc4m::Ratio gfloat [1,20] rwx Ratio Ratio. 1 ladspa-sc4m::Release-time gfloat [2,800] rwx Release-time Release-time. 401 ladspa-sc4m::Threshold-level gfloat [-30,0] rwx Threshold-level Threshold-level. 0 ladspa-preamp::fc gfloat [20,4000] rwx fc fc. 440 ladspa-preamp::gain gfloat [0,10] rwx gain gain. 1 ladspa-lsFilter::Cutoff-frequency gfloat [88,2,22050] rwx Cutoff-frequency Cutoff-frequency. 1394,56 ladspa-lsFilter::Filter-type gint [0,2] rwx Filter-type Filter-type. 0 ladspa-lsFilter::Resonance gfloat [0,1] rwx Resonance Resonance. 0 ladspa-matrixMSSt::Width gfloat [0,2] rwx Width Width. 1 ladspa-lpf::Cutoff-Frequency gfloat [0,22050] rwx Cutoff-Frequency Cutoff-Frequency. 440 ladspa-hpf::Cutoff-Frequency gfloat [0,22050] rwx Cutoff-Frequency Cutoff-Frequency. 440 ladspa-quantiser50::Match-Range gfloat >= 0 rwx Match-Range Match-Range. 0 ladspa-quantiser50::Mode gint [0,2] rwx Mode Mode. 0 ladspa-quantiser50::Quantise-Range-Maximum gfloat rwx Quantise-Range-Maximum Quantise-Range-Maximum. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Quantise-Range-Minimum gfloat rwx Quantise-Range-Minimum Quantise-Range-Minimum. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Steps gint [1,50] rwx Steps Steps. 50 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-0 gfloat rwx Value-0 Value-0. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-1 gfloat rwx Value-1 Value-1. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-10 gfloat rwx Value-10 Value-10. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-11 gfloat rwx Value-11 Value-11. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-12 gfloat rwx Value-12 Value-12. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-13 gfloat rwx Value-13 Value-13. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-14 gfloat rwx Value-14 Value-14. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-15 gfloat rwx Value-15 Value-15. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-16 gfloat rwx Value-16 Value-16. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-17 gfloat rwx Value-17 Value-17. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-18 gfloat rwx Value-18 Value-18. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-19 gfloat rwx Value-19 Value-19. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-2 gfloat rwx Value-2 Value-2. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-20 gfloat rwx Value-20 Value-20. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-21 gfloat rwx Value-21 Value-21. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-22 gfloat rwx Value-22 Value-22. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-23 gfloat rwx Value-23 Value-23. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-24 gfloat rwx Value-24 Value-24. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-25 gfloat rwx Value-25 Value-25. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-26 gfloat rwx Value-26 Value-26. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-27 gfloat rwx Value-27 Value-27. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-28 gfloat rwx Value-28 Value-28. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-29 gfloat rwx Value-29 Value-29. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-3 gfloat rwx Value-3 Value-3. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-30 gfloat rwx Value-30 Value-30. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-31 gfloat rwx Value-31 Value-31. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-32 gfloat rwx Value-32 Value-32. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-33 gfloat rwx Value-33 Value-33. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-34 gfloat rwx Value-34 Value-34. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-35 gfloat rwx Value-35 Value-35. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-36 gfloat rwx Value-36 Value-36. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-37 gfloat rwx Value-37 Value-37. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-38 gfloat rwx Value-38 Value-38. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-39 gfloat rwx Value-39 Value-39. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-4 gfloat rwx Value-4 Value-4. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-40 gfloat rwx Value-40 Value-40. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-41 gfloat rwx Value-41 Value-41. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-42 gfloat rwx Value-42 Value-42. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-43 gfloat rwx Value-43 Value-43. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-44 gfloat rwx Value-44 Value-44. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-45 gfloat rwx Value-45 Value-45. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-46 gfloat rwx Value-46 Value-46. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-47 gfloat rwx Value-47 Value-47. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-48 gfloat rwx Value-48 Value-48. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-49 gfloat rwx Value-49 Value-49. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-5 gfloat rwx Value-5 Value-5. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-6 gfloat rwx Value-6 Value-6. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-7 gfloat rwx Value-7 Value-7. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-8 gfloat rwx Value-8 Value-8. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser50::Value-9 gfloat rwx Value-9 Value-9. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-plate::Damping gfloat [0,1] rwx Damping Damping. 0,25 ladspa-plate::Dry-wet-mix gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-wet-mix Dry-wet-mix. 0,25 ladspa-plate::Reverb-time gfloat [0,01,8,5] rwx Reverb-time Reverb-time. 4,255 ladspa-diode::Mode gfloat [0,3] rwx Mode Mode. 0 ladspa-quantiser100::Match-Range gfloat >= 0 rwx Match-Range Match-Range. 0 ladspa-quantiser100::Mode gint [0,2] rwx Mode Mode. 0 ladspa-quantiser100::Quantise-Range-Maximum gfloat rwx Quantise-Range-Maximum Quantise-Range-Maximum. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Quantise-Range-Minimum gfloat rwx Quantise-Range-Minimum Quantise-Range-Minimum. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Steps gint [1,100] rwx Steps Steps. 100 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-0 gfloat rwx Value-0 Value-0. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-1 gfloat rwx Value-1 Value-1. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-10 gfloat rwx Value-10 Value-10. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-11 gfloat rwx Value-11 Value-11. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-12 gfloat rwx Value-12 Value-12. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-13 gfloat rwx Value-13 Value-13. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-14 gfloat rwx Value-14 Value-14. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-15 gfloat rwx Value-15 Value-15. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-16 gfloat rwx Value-16 Value-16. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-17 gfloat rwx Value-17 Value-17. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-18 gfloat rwx Value-18 Value-18. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-19 gfloat rwx Value-19 Value-19. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-2 gfloat rwx Value-2 Value-2. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-20 gfloat rwx Value-20 Value-20. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-21 gfloat rwx Value-21 Value-21. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-22 gfloat rwx Value-22 Value-22. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-23 gfloat rwx Value-23 Value-23. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-24 gfloat rwx Value-24 Value-24. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-25 gfloat rwx Value-25 Value-25. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-26 gfloat rwx Value-26 Value-26. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-27 gfloat rwx Value-27 Value-27. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-28 gfloat rwx Value-28 Value-28. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-29 gfloat rwx Value-29 Value-29. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-3 gfloat rwx Value-3 Value-3. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-30 gfloat rwx Value-30 Value-30. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-31 gfloat rwx Value-31 Value-31. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-32 gfloat rwx Value-32 Value-32. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-33 gfloat rwx Value-33 Value-33. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-34 gfloat rwx Value-34 Value-34. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-35 gfloat rwx Value-35 Value-35. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-36 gfloat rwx Value-36 Value-36. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-37 gfloat rwx Value-37 Value-37. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-38 gfloat rwx Value-38 Value-38. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-39 gfloat rwx Value-39 Value-39. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-4 gfloat rwx Value-4 Value-4. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-40 gfloat rwx Value-40 Value-40. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-41 gfloat rwx Value-41 Value-41. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-42 gfloat rwx Value-42 Value-42. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-43 gfloat rwx Value-43 Value-43. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-44 gfloat rwx Value-44 Value-44. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-45 gfloat rwx Value-45 Value-45. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-46 gfloat rwx Value-46 Value-46. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-47 gfloat rwx Value-47 Value-47. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-48 gfloat rwx Value-48 Value-48. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-49 gfloat rwx Value-49 Value-49. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-5 gfloat rwx Value-5 Value-5. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-50 gfloat rwx Value-50 Value-50. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-51 gfloat rwx Value-51 Value-51. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-52 gfloat rwx Value-52 Value-52. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-53 gfloat rwx Value-53 Value-53. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-54 gfloat rwx Value-54 Value-54. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-55 gfloat rwx Value-55 Value-55. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-56 gfloat rwx Value-56 Value-56. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-57 gfloat rwx Value-57 Value-57. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-58 gfloat rwx Value-58 Value-58. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-59 gfloat rwx Value-59 Value-59. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-6 gfloat rwx Value-6 Value-6. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-60 gfloat rwx Value-60 Value-60. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-61 gfloat rwx Value-61 Value-61. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-62 gfloat rwx Value-62 Value-62. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-63 gfloat rwx Value-63 Value-63. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-64 gfloat rwx Value-64 Value-64. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-65 gfloat rwx Value-65 Value-65. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-66 gfloat rwx Value-66 Value-66. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-67 gfloat rwx Value-67 Value-67. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-68 gfloat rwx Value-68 Value-68. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-69 gfloat rwx Value-69 Value-69. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-7 gfloat rwx Value-7 Value-7. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-70 gfloat rwx Value-70 Value-70. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-71 gfloat rwx Value-71 Value-71. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-72 gfloat rwx Value-72 Value-72. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-73 gfloat rwx Value-73 Value-73. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-74 gfloat rwx Value-74 Value-74. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-75 gfloat rwx Value-75 Value-75. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-76 gfloat rwx Value-76 Value-76. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-77 gfloat rwx Value-77 Value-77. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-78 gfloat rwx Value-78 Value-78. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-79 gfloat rwx Value-79 Value-79. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-8 gfloat rwx Value-8 Value-8. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-80 gfloat rwx Value-80 Value-80. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-81 gfloat rwx Value-81 Value-81. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-82 gfloat rwx Value-82 Value-82. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-83 gfloat rwx Value-83 Value-83. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-84 gfloat rwx Value-84 Value-84. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-85 gfloat rwx Value-85 Value-85. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-86 gfloat rwx Value-86 Value-86. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-87 gfloat rwx Value-87 Value-87. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-88 gfloat rwx Value-88 Value-88. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-89 gfloat rwx Value-89 Value-89. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-9 gfloat rwx Value-9 Value-9. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-90 gfloat rwx Value-90 Value-90. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-91 gfloat rwx Value-91 Value-91. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-92 gfloat rwx Value-92 Value-92. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-93 gfloat rwx Value-93 Value-93. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-94 gfloat rwx Value-94 Value-94. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-95 gfloat rwx Value-95 Value-95. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-96 gfloat rwx Value-96 Value-96. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-97 gfloat rwx Value-97 Value-97. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-98 gfloat rwx Value-98 Value-98. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser100::Value-99 gfloat rwx Value-99 Value-99. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-tap-tubewarmth::Drive gfloat [0,1,10] rwx Drive Drive. 2,575 ladspa-tap-tubewarmth::Tape--Tube-Blend gfloat [-10,10] rwx Tape--Tube-Blend Tape--Tube-Blend. 10 ladspa-vcf-reslp::Frequency-Offset gfloat [20,20000] rwx Frequency-Offset Frequency-Offset. 20 ladspa-vcf-reslp::Frequency-Pitch gfloat [-2,2] rwx Frequency-Pitch Frequency-Pitch. -2 ladspa-vcf-reslp::Gain gfloat [0,1] rwx Gain Gain. 0 ladspa-vcf-reslp::Resonance-Offset gfloat [0,001,1] rwx Resonance-Offset Resonance-Offset. 0,001 ladspa-vcf-lp::Frequency-Offset gfloat [20,20000] rwx Frequency-Offset Frequency-Offset. 20 ladspa-vcf-lp::Frequency-Pitch gfloat [-2,2] rwx Frequency-Pitch Frequency-Pitch. -2 ladspa-vcf-lp::Gain gfloat [0,1] rwx Gain Gain. 0 ladspa-vcf-lp::Resonance-Offset gfloat [0,001,1] rwx Resonance-Offset Resonance-Offset. 0,001 ladspa-vcf-hp::Frequency-Offset gfloat [20,20000] rwx Frequency-Offset Frequency-Offset. 20 ladspa-vcf-hp::Frequency-Pitch gfloat [-2,2] rwx Frequency-Pitch Frequency-Pitch. -2 ladspa-vcf-hp::Gain gfloat [0,1] rwx Gain Gain. 0 ladspa-vcf-hp::Resonance-Offset gfloat [0,001,1] rwx Resonance-Offset Resonance-Offset. 0,001 ladspa-vcf-bp1::Frequency-Offset gfloat [20,20000] rwx Frequency-Offset Frequency-Offset. 20 ladspa-vcf-bp1::Frequency-Pitch gfloat [-2,2] rwx Frequency-Pitch Frequency-Pitch. -2 ladspa-vcf-bp1::Gain gfloat [0,1] rwx Gain Gain. 0 ladspa-vcf-bp1::Resonance-Offset gfloat [0,001,1] rwx Resonance-Offset Resonance-Offset. 0,001 ladspa-vcf-bp2::Frequency-Offset gfloat [20,20000] rwx Frequency-Offset Frequency-Offset. 20 ladspa-vcf-bp2::Frequency-Pitch gfloat [-2,2] rwx Frequency-Pitch Frequency-Pitch. -2 ladspa-vcf-bp2::Gain gfloat [0,1] rwx Gain Gain. 0 ladspa-vcf-bp2::Resonance-Offset gfloat [0,001,1] rwx Resonance-Offset Resonance-Offset. 0,001 ladspa-vcf-notch::Frequency-Offset gfloat [20,20000] rwx Frequency-Offset Frequency-Offset. 20 ladspa-vcf-notch::Frequency-Pitch gfloat [-2,2] rwx Frequency-Pitch Frequency-Pitch. -2 ladspa-vcf-notch::Gain gfloat [0,1] rwx Gain Gain. 0 ladspa-vcf-notch::Resonance-Offset gfloat [0,001,1] rwx Resonance-Offset Resonance-Offset. 0,001 ladspa-vcf-peakeq::Frequency-Offset gfloat [20,20000] rwx Frequency-Offset Frequency-Offset. 20 ladspa-vcf-peakeq::Frequency-Pitch gfloat [-2,2] rwx Frequency-Pitch Frequency-Pitch. -2 ladspa-vcf-peakeq::Gain gfloat [0,1] rwx Gain Gain. 0 ladspa-vcf-peakeq::Resonance-Offset gfloat [0,001,1] rwx Resonance-Offset Resonance-Offset. 0,001 ladspa-vcf-peakeq::dBgain-Offset gfloat [6,24] rwx dBgain-Offset dBgain-Offset. 6 ladspa-vcf-lshelf::Frequency-Offset gfloat [20,20000] rwx Frequency-Offset Frequency-Offset. 20 ladspa-vcf-lshelf::Frequency-Pitch gfloat [-2,2] rwx Frequency-Pitch Frequency-Pitch. -2 ladspa-vcf-lshelf::Gain gfloat [0,1] rwx Gain Gain. 0 ladspa-vcf-lshelf::Resonance-Offset gfloat [0,001,1] rwx Resonance-Offset Resonance-Offset. 0,001 ladspa-vcf-lshelf::dBgain-Offset gfloat [6,24] rwx dBgain-Offset dBgain-Offset. 6 ladspa-vcf-hshelf::Frequency-Offset gfloat [20,20000] rwx Frequency-Offset Frequency-Offset. 20 ladspa-vcf-hshelf::Frequency-Pitch gfloat [-2,2] rwx Frequency-Pitch Frequency-Pitch. -2 ladspa-vcf-hshelf::Gain gfloat [0,1] rwx Gain Gain. 0 ladspa-vcf-hshelf::Resonance-Offset gfloat [0,001,1] rwx Resonance-Offset Resonance-Offset. 0,001 ladspa-vcf-hshelf::dBgain-Offset gfloat [6,24] rwx dBgain-Offset dBgain-Offset. 6 ladspa-satanMaximiser::Decay-time gfloat [2,30] rwx Decay-time Decay-time. 30 ladspa-satanMaximiser::Knee-point gfloat [-90,0] rwx Knee-point Knee-point. 0 ladspa-syncpulse-fcpcga-oa::Frequenz gfloat [0,64] rwx Frequenz Frequenz. 16 ladspa-syncpulse-fcpcga-oa::Pulse-Width gfloat [0,1] rwx Pulse-Width Pulse-Width. 0,5 ladspa-transient::Attack-speed gfloat [-1,1] rwx Attack-speed Attack-speed. 0 ladspa-transient::Sustain-time gfloat [-1,1] rwx Sustain-time Sustain-time. 0 ladspa-sc3::Attack-time gfloat [2,400] rwx Attack-time Attack-time. 101,5 ladspa-sc3::Chain-balance gfloat [0,1] rwx Chain-balance Chain-balance. 0 ladspa-sc3::Knee-radius gfloat [1,10] rwx Knee-radius Knee-radius. 3,25 ladspa-sc3::Makeup-gain gfloat [0,24] rwx Makeup-gain Makeup-gain. 0 ladspa-sc3::Ratio gfloat [1,10] rwx Ratio Ratio. 1 ladspa-sc3::Release-time gfloat [2,800] rwx Release-time Release-time. 401 ladspa-sc3::Threshold-level gfloat [-30,0] rwx Threshold-level Threshold-level. 0 ladspa-tap-sigmoid::Post-Gain--dB- gfloat [-90,20] rwx Post-Gain--dB- Post-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-sigmoid::Pre-Gain--dB- gfloat [-90,20] rwx Pre-Gain--dB- Pre-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-analogueOsc::Frequency gfloat [0,0441,22005,9] rwx Frequency Frequency. 440 ladspa-analogueOsc::Instability gfloat [0,1] rwx Instability Instability. 0 ladspa-analogueOsc::Warmth gfloat [0,1] rwx Warmth Warmth. 0 ladspa-analogueOsc::Waveform gint [1,4] rwx Waveform Waveform. 1 ladspa-adsr::Abklingzeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Abklingzeit Abklingzeit. 0 ladspa-adsr::Ausklingzeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Ausklingzeit Ausklingzeit. 0 ladspa-adsr::Einschwingzeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Einschwingzeit Einschwingzeit. 0 ladspa-adsr::Haltewert gfloat [0,1] rwx Haltewert Haltewert. 1 ladspa-adsr::Trigger-Threshold gfloat rwx Trigger-Threshold Trigger-Threshold. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sifter::Sift-size gfloat [1,1000] rwx Sift-size Sift-size. 1 ladspa-adsr-g+t::Abklingzeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Abklingzeit Abklingzeit. 0 ladspa-adsr-g+t::Ausklingzeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Ausklingzeit Ausklingzeit. 0 ladspa-adsr-g+t::Einschwingzeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Einschwingzeit Einschwingzeit. 0 ladspa-adsr-g+t::Haltewert gfloat [0,1] rwx Haltewert Haltewert. 1 ladspa-ratio-nadc-oa::Denominator gfloat rwx Denominator Denominator. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-ratio-ncda-oa::Numerator gfloat rwx Numerator Numerator. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-ratio-ncdc-oc::Denominator gfloat rwx Denominator Denominator. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-ratio-ncdc-oc::Numerator gfloat rwx Numerator Numerator. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-ratio-ncdc-oc::Ratio-Output gfloat r Ratio-Output Ratio-Output. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-giantFlange::Delay-1-range gfloat [0,10,5] rwx Delay-1-range Delay-1-range. 2,625 ladspa-giantFlange::Delay-2-range gfloat [0,10,5] rwx Delay-2-range Delay-2-range. 0 ladspa-giantFlange::Double-delay gfloat rwx Double-delay Double-delay. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-giantFlange::Dry-Wet-level gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Wet-level Dry-Wet-level. 0 ladspa-giantFlange::Feedback gfloat [-100,100] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0 ladspa-giantFlange::LFO-frequency-1 gfloat [0,30] rwx LFO-frequency-1 LFO-frequency-1. 1 ladspa-giantFlange::LFO-frequency-2 gfloat [0,30] rwx LFO-frequency-2 LFO-frequency-2. 1 ladspa-svf::Filter-Q gfloat [0,1] rwx Filter-Q Filter-Q. 0,25 ladspa-svf::Filter-freq gfloat [0,6000] rwx Filter-freq Filter-freq. 440 ladspa-svf::Filter-resonance gfloat [0,1] rwx Filter-resonance Filter-resonance. 0 ladspa-svf::Filter-type gint [0,5] rwx Filter-type Filter-type. 0 ladspa-lp4pole-fcrcia-oa::Cutoff-Frequency gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Cutoff-Frequency Cutoff-Frequency. 22050 ladspa-lp4pole-fcrcia-oa::Resonanz gfloat [0,4] rwx Resonanz Resonanz. 0 ladspa-tap-pitch::Dry-Level--dB- gfloat [-90,20] rwx Dry-Level--dB- Dry-Level--dB-. -90 ladspa-tap-pitch::Rate-Shift---- gfloat [-50,100] rwx Rate-Shift---- Rate-Shift----. 0 ladspa-tap-pitch::Semitone-Shift gfloat [-12,12] rwx Semitone-Shift Semitone-Shift. 0 ladspa-tap-pitch::Wet-Level--dB- gfloat [-90,20] rwx Wet-Level--dB- Wet-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-pitch::latency gfloat [0,16027] r latency latency. 16027 ladspa-square-fc-oa::Frequenz gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Frequenz Frequenz. 440 ladspa-bandpass-a-iir::Bandwidth gfloat [4,41,19845] rwx Bandwidth Bandwidth. 295,832 ladspa-bandpass-a-iir::Center-Frequency gfloat [4,41,19845] rwx Center-Frequency Center-Frequency. 36,1195 ladspa-amp-mono::Gain gfloat >= 0 rwx Gain Gain. 1 ladspa-amp-stereo::Gain gfloat >= 0 rwx Gain Gain. 1 ladspa-ringmod-2i1o::Modulation-depth gfloat [0,2] rwx Modulation-depth Modulation-depth. 0 ladspa-ringmod-1i1o1l::Frequency gfloat [1,1000] rwx Frequency Frequency. 440 ladspa-ringmod-1i1o1l::Modulation-depth gfloat [0,2] rwx Modulation-depth Modulation-depth. 0 ladspa-ringmod-1i1o1l::Sawtooth-level gfloat [-1,1] rwx Sawtooth-level Sawtooth-level. 0 ladspa-ringmod-1i1o1l::Sine-level gfloat [-1,1] rwx Sine-level Sine-level. 1 ladspa-ringmod-1i1o1l::Square-level gfloat [-1,1] rwx Square-level Square-level. 0 ladspa-ringmod-1i1o1l::Triangle-level gfloat [-1,1] rwx Triangle-level Triangle-level. 0 ladspa-delay-n::Delay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Delay-Time Delay-Time. 0 ladspa-delay-n::Max-Delay gfloat >= 0 rwx Max-Delay Max-Delay. 0 ladspa-delay-l::Delay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Delay-Time Delay-Time. 0 ladspa-delay-l::Max-Delay gfloat >= 0 rwx Max-Delay Max-Delay. 0 ladspa-delay-c::Delay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Delay-Time Delay-Time. 0 ladspa-delay-c::Max-Delay gfloat >= 0 rwx Max-Delay Max-Delay. 0 ladspa-fmod-famc-oa::Modulation gfloat rwx Modulation Modulation. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-fmod-fcma-oa::Frequenz gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Frequenz Frequenz. 440 ladspa-fmod-fcmc-oc::Frequenz gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Frequenz Frequenz. 440 ladspa-fmod-fcmc-oc::Modulation gfloat rwx Modulation Modulation. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-fmod-fcmc-oc::Modulierte-Frequenz gfloat r Modulierte-Frequenz Modulierte-Frequenz. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-gverb::Damping gfloat [0,1] rwx Damping Damping. 0,5 ladspa-gverb::Dry-signal-level gfloat [-70,0] rwx Dry-signal-level Dry-signal-level. -70 ladspa-gverb::Early-reflection-level gfloat [-70,0] rwx Early-reflection-level Early-reflection-level. 0 ladspa-gverb::Input-bandwidth gfloat [0,1] rwx Input-bandwidth Input-bandwidth. 0,75 ladspa-gverb::Reverb-time gfloat [0,1,30] rwx Reverb-time Reverb-time. 7,575 ladspa-gverb::Roomsize gfloat [1,300] rwx Roomsize Roomsize. 75,75 ladspa-gverb::Tail-level gfloat [-70,0] rwx Tail-level Tail-level. -17,5 ladspa-se4::Amplitude gfloat [-40,12] r Amplitude Amplitude. -40 ladspa-se4::Attack-time gfloat [1,5,400] rwx Attack-time Attack-time. 101,125 ladspa-se4::Attenuation gfloat [-24,0] rwx Attenuation Attenuation. 0 ladspa-se4::Gain-expansion gfloat [0,24] r Gain-expansion Gain-expansion. 0 ladspa-se4::Knee-radius gfloat [1,10] rwx Knee-radius Knee-radius. 3,25 ladspa-se4::RMS-peak gfloat [0,1] rwx RMS-peak RMS-peak. 0 ladspa-se4::Ratio gfloat [1,20] rwx Ratio Ratio. 1 ladspa-se4::Release-time gfloat [2,800] rwx Release-time Release-time. 401 ladspa-se4::Threshold-level gfloat [-30,0] rwx Threshold-level Threshold-level. 0 ladspa-gong::Inner-damping gfloat [0,1] rwx Inner-damping Inner-damping. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Inner-size-1 gfloat [0,1] rwx Inner-size-1 Inner-size-1. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Inner-size-2 gfloat [0,1] rwx Inner-size-2 Inner-size-2. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Inner-size-3 gfloat [0,1] rwx Inner-size-3 Inner-size-3. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Inner-size-4 gfloat [0,1] rwx Inner-size-4 Inner-size-4. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Inner-stiffness-1-- gfloat [0,1] rwx Inner-stiffness-1-- Inner-stiffness-1--. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Inner-stiffness-1---1 gfloat [0,1] rwx Inner-stiffness-1---1 Inner-stiffness-1---1. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Inner-stiffness-2-- gfloat [0,1] rwx Inner-stiffness-2-- Inner-stiffness-2--. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Inner-stiffness-2---1 gfloat [0,1] rwx Inner-stiffness-2---1 Inner-stiffness-2---1. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Inner-stiffness-3-- gfloat [0,1] rwx Inner-stiffness-3-- Inner-stiffness-3--. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Inner-stiffness-3---1 gfloat [0,1] rwx Inner-stiffness-3---1 Inner-stiffness-3---1. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Inner-stiffness-4-- gfloat [0,1] rwx Inner-stiffness-4-- Inner-stiffness-4--. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Inner-stiffness-4---1 gfloat [0,1] rwx Inner-stiffness-4---1 Inner-stiffness-4---1. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Mic-position gfloat [0,1] rwx Mic-position Mic-position. 0,25 ladspa-gong::Outer-damping gfloat [0,1] rwx Outer-damping Outer-damping. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Outer-size-1 gfloat [0,1] rwx Outer-size-1 Outer-size-1. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Outer-size-2 gfloat [0,1] rwx Outer-size-2 Outer-size-2. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Outer-size-3 gfloat [0,1] rwx Outer-size-3 Outer-size-3. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Outer-size-4 gfloat [0,1] rwx Outer-size-4 Outer-size-4. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Outer-stiffness-1-- gfloat [0,1] rwx Outer-stiffness-1-- Outer-stiffness-1--. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Outer-stiffness-1---1 gfloat [0,1] rwx Outer-stiffness-1---1 Outer-stiffness-1---1. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Outer-stiffness-2-- gfloat [0,1] rwx Outer-stiffness-2-- Outer-stiffness-2--. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Outer-stiffness-2---1 gfloat [0,1] rwx Outer-stiffness-2---1 Outer-stiffness-2---1. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Outer-stiffness-3-- gfloat [0,1] rwx Outer-stiffness-3-- Outer-stiffness-3--. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Outer-stiffness-3---1 gfloat [0,1] rwx Outer-stiffness-3---1 Outer-stiffness-3---1. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Outer-stiffness-4-- gfloat [0,1] rwx Outer-stiffness-4-- Outer-stiffness-4--. 0,5 ladspa-gong::Outer-stiffness-4---1 gfloat [0,1] rwx Outer-stiffness-4---1 Outer-stiffness-4---1. 0,5 ladspa-encode-bformat::Sound-Source-X-Coordinate gfloat rwx Sound-Source-X-Coordinate Sound-Source-X-Coordinate. 1 ladspa-encode-bformat::Sound-Source-Y-Coordinate gfloat rwx Sound-Source-Y-Coordinate Sound-Source-Y-Coordinate. 0 ladspa-encode-bformat::Sound-Source-Z-Coordinate gfloat rwx Sound-Source-Z-Coordinate Sound-Source-Z-Coordinate. 0 ladspa-encode-fmh::Sound-Source-X-Coordinate gfloat rwx Sound-Source-X-Coordinate Sound-Source-X-Coordinate. 1 ladspa-encode-fmh::Sound-Source-Y-Coordinate gfloat rwx Sound-Source-Y-Coordinate Sound-Source-Y-Coordinate. 0 ladspa-encode-fmh::Sound-Source-Z-Coordinate gfloat rwx Sound-Source-Z-Coordinate Sound-Source-Z-Coordinate. 0 ladspa-bf-rotate-z::Angle-of-Rotation gfloat [-180,180] rwx Angle-of-Rotation Angle-of-Rotation. 90 ladspa-fmh-rotate-z::Angle-of-Rotation gfloat [-180,180] rwx Angle-of-Rotation Angle-of-Rotation. 90 ladspa-analogue::DCO1-Attack gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO1-Attack DCO1-Attack. 0 ladspa-analogue::DCO1-Decay gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO1-Decay DCO1-Decay. 0 ladspa-analogue::DCO1-LFO-Frequency-Modulation gfloat [-2,2] rwx DCO1-LFO-Frequency-Modulation DCO1-LFO-Frequency-Modulation. -2 ladspa-analogue::DCO1-LFO-Pulse-Width-Modulation gint [0,5] rwx DCO1-LFO-Pulse-Width-Modulation DCO1-LFO-Pulse-Width-Modulation. 0 ladspa-analogue::DCO1-Octave gfloat [0,001,1] rwx DCO1-Octave DCO1-Octave. 0,001 ladspa-analogue::DCO1-Release gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO1-Release DCO1-Release. 0,01 ladspa-analogue::DCO1-Sustain gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO1-Sustain DCO1-Sustain. 0,01 ladspa-analogue::DCO1-Waveform gfloat [0,10] rwx DCO1-Waveform DCO1-Waveform. 0 ladspa-analogue::DCO2-Attack gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO2-Attack DCO2-Attack. 0 ladspa-analogue::DCO2-Decay gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO2-Decay DCO2-Decay. 0 ladspa-analogue::DCO2-LFO-Frequency-Modulation gfloat [-2,2] rwx DCO2-LFO-Frequency-Modulation DCO2-LFO-Frequency-Modulation. -2 ladspa-analogue::DCO2-LFO-Pulse-Width-Modulation gint [0,5] rwx DCO2-LFO-Pulse-Width-Modulation DCO2-LFO-Pulse-Width-Modulation. 0 ladspa-analogue::DCO2-Octave gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO2-Octave DCO2-Octave. 0 ladspa-analogue::DCO2-Release gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO2-Release DCO2-Release. 0,01 ladspa-analogue::DCO2-Sustain gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO2-Sustain DCO2-Sustain. 0,01 ladspa-analogue::DCO2-Waveform gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO2-Waveform DCO2-Waveform. 0,01 ladspa-analogue::Filter-Attack gfloat [0,1] rwx Filter-Attack Filter-Attack. 0 ladspa-analogue::Filter-Decay gfloat [0,1] rwx Filter-Decay Filter-Decay. 0 ladspa-analogue::Filter-Envelope-Modulation gfloat [0,20] rwx Filter-Envelope-Modulation Filter-Envelope-Modulation. 0 ladspa-analogue::Filter-LFO-Modulation gfloat [0,01,8] rwx Filter-LFO-Modulation Filter-LFO-Modulation. 0,01 ladspa-analogue::Filter-Release gfloat [0,01,8] rwx Filter-Release Filter-Release. 0,01 ladspa-analogue::Filter-Resonance gfloat [0,1] rwx Filter-Resonance Filter-Resonance. 0 ladspa-analogue::Filter-Sustain gfloat [0,01,8] rwx Filter-Sustain Filter-Sustain. 0,01 ladspa-analogue::Frequency gfloat [0,20000] rwx Frequency Frequency. 0 ladspa-analogue::Gate gboolean rwx Gate Gate. FALSE ladspa-analogue::LFO-Fadein gfloat [0,01,8] rwx LFO-Fadein LFO-Fadein. 0,01 ladspa-analogue::LFO-Frequency gfloat [0,1] rwx LFO-Frequency LFO-Frequency. 0 ladspa-analogue::Velocity gfloat [0,1] rwx Velocity Velocity. 0 ladspa-canyon-delay::Left-to-Right-Feedback gfloat [-1,1] rwx Left-to-Right-Feedback Left-to-Right-Feedback. -1 ladspa-canyon-delay::Left-to-Right-Time gfloat [0,01,0,99] rwx Left-to-Right-Time Left-to-Right-Time. 0,01 ladspa-canyon-delay::Low-Pass-Cutoff gfloat [1,5000] rwx Low-Pass-Cutoff Low-Pass-Cutoff. 1 ladspa-canyon-delay::Right-to-Left-Feedback gfloat [-1,1] rwx Right-to-Left-Feedback Right-to-Left-Feedback. -1 ladspa-canyon-delay::Right-to-Left-Time gfloat [0,01,0,99] rwx Right-to-Left-Time Right-to-Left-Time. 0,01 ladspa-disintegrator::Multiplier gfloat [-1,1] rwx Multiplier Multiplier. 0 ladspa-disintegrator::Probability gfloat [0,1] rwx Probability Probability. 0 ladspa-sledgehammer::Carrier-influence gfloat [-1,1] rwx Carrier-influence Carrier-influence. 1 ladspa-sledgehammer::Modulator-influence gfloat [-1,1] rwx Modulator-influence Modulator-influence. 0 ladspa-sledgehammer::Rate gfloat [1e-05,0,001] rwx Rate Rate. 0,000505 ladspa-delay-0-01s::Delay gfloat [0,0,01] rwx Delay Delay. 0,01 ladspa-delay-0-01s::Dry-Wet-Balance gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Wet-Balance Dry-Wet-Balance. 0,5 ladspa-delay-0-1s::Delay gfloat [0,0,1] rwx Delay Delay. 0,1 ladspa-delay-0-1s::Dry-Wet-Balance gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Wet-Balance Dry-Wet-Balance. 0,5 ladspa-delay-1s::Delay gfloat [0,1] rwx Delay Delay. 1 ladspa-delay-1s::Dry-Wet-Balance gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Wet-Balance Dry-Wet-Balance. 0,5 ladspa-delay-5s::Delay gfloat [0,5] rwx Delay Delay. 1 ladspa-delay-5s::Dry-Wet-Balance gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Wet-Balance Dry-Wet-Balance. 0,5 ladspa-delay-60s::Delay gfloat [0,60] rwx Delay Delay. 1 ladspa-delay-60s::Dry-Wet-Balance gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Wet-Balance Dry-Wet-Balance. 0,5 ladspa-track-max-peak::Envelope-Forgetting-Factor gfloat >= 0 rwx Envelope-Forgetting-Factor Envelope-Forgetting-Factor. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-track-max-peak::Output gfloat >= 0 r Output Output. 0 ladspa-track-max-rms::Envelope-Forgetting-Factor gfloat >= 0 rwx Envelope-Forgetting-Factor Envelope-Forgetting-Factor. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-track-max-rms::Output gfloat >= 0 r Output Output. 0 ladspa-track-peak::Output gfloat >= 0 r Output Output. 0 ladspa-track-peak::Smoothing-Factor gfloat [0,1] rwx Smoothing-Factor Smoothing-Factor. 0 ladspa-track-rms::Output gfloat >= 0 r Output Output. 0 ladspa-track-rms::Smoothing-Factor gfloat [0,1] rwx Smoothing-Factor Smoothing-Factor. 0 ladspa-fbdelay-0-01s::Delay gfloat [0,0,01] rwx Delay Delay. 0,01 ladspa-fbdelay-0-01s::Dry-Wet-Balance gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Wet-Balance Dry-Wet-Balance. 0,5 ladspa-fbdelay-0-01s::Feedback gfloat [-1,1] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0,5 ladspa-fbdelay-0-1s::Delay gfloat [0,0,1] rwx Delay Delay. 0,1 ladspa-fbdelay-0-1s::Dry-Wet-Balance gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Wet-Balance Dry-Wet-Balance. 0,5 ladspa-fbdelay-0-1s::Feedback gfloat [-1,1] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0,5 ladspa-fbdelay-1s::Delay gfloat [0,1] rwx Delay Delay. 1 ladspa-fbdelay-1s::Dry-Wet-Balance gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Wet-Balance Dry-Wet-Balance. 0,5 ladspa-fbdelay-1s::Feedback gfloat [-1,1] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0,5 ladspa-fbdelay-5s::Delay gfloat [0,5] rwx Delay Delay. 1 ladspa-fbdelay-5s::Dry-Wet-Balance gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Wet-Balance Dry-Wet-Balance. 0,5 ladspa-fbdelay-5s::Feedback gfloat [-1,1] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0,5 ladspa-fbdelay-60s::Delay gfloat [0,60] rwx Delay Delay. 1 ladspa-fbdelay-60s::Dry-Wet-Balance gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Wet-Balance Dry-Wet-Balance. 0,5 ladspa-fbdelay-60s::Feedback gfloat [-1,1] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0,5 ladspa-freeverb3::Damping gfloat [0,1] rwx Damping Damping. 0 ladspa-freeverb3::Dry-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Level Dry-Level. 1 ladspa-freeverb3::Freeze-Mode gboolean rwx Freeze-Mode Freeze-Mode. FALSE ladspa-freeverb3::Room-Size gfloat [0,1] rwx Room-Size Room-Size. 0,5 ladspa-freeverb3::Wet-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Wet-Level Wet-Level. 0 ladspa-freeverb3::Width gfloat [0,1] rwx Width Width. 0,5 ladspa-grain-scatter::Density gfloat >= 0 rwx Density Density. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-grain-scatter::Grain-Attack gfloat >= 0 rwx Grain-Attack Grain-Attack. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-grain-scatter::Grain-Length gfloat >= 0 rwx Grain-Length Grain-Length. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-grain-scatter::Scatter gfloat [0,5] rwx Scatter Scatter. 2,5 ladspa-hard-gate::Threshold gfloat [0,1] rwx Threshold Threshold. 0 ladspa-identity-control::Input gfloat rwx Input Input. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-identity-control::Output gfloat r Output Output. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-lofi::Crackling gint [0,100] rwx Crackling Crackling. 0 ladspa-lofi::Opamp-Bandwidth-Limiting gfloat [1,10000] rwx Opamp-Bandwidth-Limiting Opamp-Bandwidth-Limiting. 1 ladspa-lofi::Powersupply-Overloading gfloat [0,100] rwx Powersupply-Overloading Powersupply-Overloading. 0 ladspa-logistic::Step-frequency gfloat [0,44,1] rwx Step-frequency Step-frequency. 22,05 ladspa-logistic::param--r--parameter gfloat [2,9,3,9999] rwx param--r--parameter param--r--parameter. 3,9999 ladspa-noise-source-white::Amplitude gfloat >= 0 rwx Amplitude Amplitude. 1 ladspa-null-ci::Input gfloat rwx Input Input. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-null-co::Output gfloat r Output Output. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-organ::Attack-Hi gfloat [0,01,1] rwx Attack-Hi Attack-Hi. 0,01 ladspa-organ::Attack-Lo gfloat [0,01,1] rwx Attack-Lo Attack-Lo. 0,01 ladspa-organ::Brass gboolean rwx Brass Brass. FALSE ladspa-organ::Decay-Hi gfloat [0,01,1] rwx Decay-Hi Decay-Hi. 0,01 ladspa-organ::Decay-Lo gfloat [0,01,1] rwx Decay-Lo Decay-Lo. 0,01 ladspa-organ::Flute gboolean rwx Flute Flute. FALSE ladspa-organ::Frequency gfloat [0,20000] rwx Frequency Frequency. 0 ladspa-organ::Gate gboolean rwx Gate Gate. FALSE ladspa-organ::Reed gboolean rwx Reed Reed. FALSE ladspa-organ::Release-Hi gfloat [0,01,1] rwx Release-Hi Release-Hi. 0,01 ladspa-organ::Release-Lo gfloat [0,01,1] rwx Release-Lo Release-Lo. 0,01 ladspa-organ::Sustain-Hi gfloat [0,1] rwx Sustain-Hi Sustain-Hi. 0 ladspa-organ::Sustain-Lo gfloat [0,1] rwx Sustain-Lo Sustain-Lo. 0 ladspa-organ::Velocity gfloat [0,1] rwx Velocity Velocity. 0 ladspa-organ::param-16th-Harmonic gfloat [0,1] rwx param-16th-Harmonic param-16th-Harmonic. 0 ladspa-organ::param-2-2-3rd-Harmonic gfloat [0,1] rwx param-2-2-3rd-Harmonic param-2-2-3rd-Harmonic. 0 ladspa-organ::param-2nd-Harmonic gfloat [0,1] rwx param-2nd-Harmonic param-2nd-Harmonic. 0 ladspa-organ::param-4th-Harmonic gfloat [0,1] rwx param-4th-Harmonic param-4th-Harmonic. 0 ladspa-organ::param-5-1-3rd-Harmonic gfloat [0,1] rwx param-5-1-3rd-Harmonic param-5-1-3rd-Harmonic. 0 ladspa-organ::param-8th-Harmonic gfloat [0,1] rwx param-8th-Harmonic param-8th-Harmonic. 0 ladspa-peak::Peak gfloat >= 0 r Peak Peak. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO1-Attack gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO1-Attack DCO1-Attack. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO1-Decay gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO1-Decay DCO1-Decay. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO1-Modulation gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO1-Modulation DCO1-Modulation. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO1-Octave gfloat [-2,2] rwx DCO1-Octave DCO1-Octave. -2 ladspa-phasemod::DCO1-Release gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO1-Release DCO1-Release. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO1-Sustain gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO1-Sustain DCO1-Sustain. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO1-Waveform gint [0,5] rwx DCO1-Waveform DCO1-Waveform. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO2-Attack gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO2-Attack DCO2-Attack. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO2-Decay gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO2-Decay DCO2-Decay. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO2-Modulation gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO2-Modulation DCO2-Modulation. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO2-Octave gfloat [-2,2] rwx DCO2-Octave DCO2-Octave. -2 ladspa-phasemod::DCO2-Release gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO2-Release DCO2-Release. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO2-Sustain gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO2-Sustain DCO2-Sustain. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO2-Waveform gint [0,5] rwx DCO2-Waveform DCO2-Waveform. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO3-Attack gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO3-Attack DCO3-Attack. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO3-Decay gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO3-Decay DCO3-Decay. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO3-Modulation gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO3-Modulation DCO3-Modulation. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO3-Octave gfloat [-2,2] rwx DCO3-Octave DCO3-Octave. -2 ladspa-phasemod::DCO3-Release gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO3-Release DCO3-Release. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO3-Sustain gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO3-Sustain DCO3-Sustain. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO3-Waveform gint [0,5] rwx DCO3-Waveform DCO3-Waveform. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO4-Attack gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO4-Attack DCO4-Attack. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO4-Decay gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO4-Decay DCO4-Decay. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO4-Modulation gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO4-Modulation DCO4-Modulation. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO4-Octave gfloat [-2,2] rwx DCO4-Octave DCO4-Octave. -2 ladspa-phasemod::DCO4-Release gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO4-Release DCO4-Release. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO4-Sustain gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO4-Sustain DCO4-Sustain. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO4-Waveform gint [0,5] rwx DCO4-Waveform DCO4-Waveform. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO5-Attack gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO5-Attack DCO5-Attack. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO5-Decay gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO5-Decay DCO5-Decay. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO5-Modulation gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO5-Modulation DCO5-Modulation. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO5-Octave gfloat [-2,2] rwx DCO5-Octave DCO5-Octave. -2 ladspa-phasemod::DCO5-Release gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO5-Release DCO5-Release. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO5-Sustain gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO5-Sustain DCO5-Sustain. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO5-Waveform gint [0,5] rwx DCO5-Waveform DCO5-Waveform. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO6-Attack gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO6-Attack DCO6-Attack. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO6-Decay gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO6-Decay DCO6-Decay. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO6-Modulation gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO6-Modulation DCO6-Modulation. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO6-Octave gfloat [-2,2] rwx DCO6-Octave DCO6-Octave. -2 ladspa-phasemod::DCO6-Release gfloat [0,01,8] rwx DCO6-Release DCO6-Release. 0,01 ladspa-phasemod::DCO6-Sustain gfloat [0,1] rwx DCO6-Sustain DCO6-Sustain. 0 ladspa-phasemod::DCO6-Waveform gint [0,5] rwx DCO6-Waveform DCO6-Waveform. 0 ladspa-phasemod::Frequency gfloat [0,20000] rwx Frequency Frequency. 0 ladspa-phasemod::Gate gboolean rwx Gate Gate. FALSE ladspa-phasemod::Velocity gfloat [0,1] rwx Velocity Velocity. 0 ladspa-pink-interpolated-audio::Highest-frequency gfloat [0,44100] rwx Highest-frequency Highest-frequency. 1 ladspa-pink-sh::Sample-and-hold-frequency gfloat [0,882] rwx Sample-and-hold-frequency Sample-and-hold-frequency. 1 ladspa-compress-peak::Compression-Ratio gfloat <= 1 rwx Compression-Ratio Compression-Ratio. -1,70141e+38 ladspa-compress-peak::Output-Envelope-Attack gfloat >= 0 rwx Output-Envelope-Attack Output-Envelope-Attack. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-compress-peak::Output-Envelope-Decay gfloat >= 0 rwx Output-Envelope-Decay Output-Envelope-Decay. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-compress-peak::Threshold gfloat >= 0 rwx Threshold Threshold. 1 ladspa-compress-rms::Compression-Ratio gfloat <= 1 rwx Compression-Ratio Compression-Ratio. -1,70141e+38 ladspa-compress-rms::Output-Envelope-Attack gfloat >= 0 rwx Output-Envelope-Attack Output-Envelope-Attack. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-compress-rms::Output-Envelope-Decay gfloat >= 0 rwx Output-Envelope-Decay Output-Envelope-Decay. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-compress-rms::Threshold gfloat >= 0 rwx Threshold Threshold. 1 ladspa-expand-peak::Expansion-Ratio gfloat <= 1 rwx Expansion-Ratio Expansion-Ratio. -1,70141e+38 ladspa-expand-peak::Output-Envelope-Attack gfloat >= 0 rwx Output-Envelope-Attack Output-Envelope-Attack. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-expand-peak::Output-Envelope-Decay gfloat >= 0 rwx Output-Envelope-Decay Output-Envelope-Decay. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-expand-peak::Threshold gfloat >= 0 rwx Threshold Threshold. 1 ladspa-expand-rms::Expansion-Ratio gfloat <= 1 rwx Expansion-Ratio Expansion-Ratio. -1,70141e+38 ladspa-expand-rms::Output-Envelope-Attack gfloat >= 0 rwx Output-Envelope-Attack Output-Envelope-Attack. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-expand-rms::Output-Envelope-Decay gfloat >= 0 rwx Output-Envelope-Decay Output-Envelope-Decay. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-expand-rms::Threshold gfloat >= 0 rwx Threshold Threshold. 1 ladspa-limit-peak::Output-Envelope-Attack gfloat >= 0 rwx Output-Envelope-Attack Output-Envelope-Attack. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-limit-peak::Output-Envelope-Decay gfloat >= 0 rwx Output-Envelope-Decay Output-Envelope-Decay. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-limit-peak::Threshold gfloat >= 0 rwx Threshold Threshold. 1 ladspa-limit-rms::Output-Envelope-Attack gfloat >= 0 rwx Output-Envelope-Attack Output-Envelope-Attack. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-limit-rms::Output-Envelope-Decay gfloat >= 0 rwx Output-Envelope-Decay Output-Envelope-Decay. 3,40282e+38 ladspa-limit-rms::Threshold gfloat >= 0 rwx Threshold Threshold. 1 ladspa-sine-faac::Amplitude gfloat >= 0 rwx Amplitude Amplitude. 1 ladspa-sine-fcaa::Frequency gfloat [0,22050] rwx Frequency Frequency. 440 ladspa-sine-fcac::Amplitude gfloat >= 0 rwx Amplitude Amplitude. 1 ladspa-sine-fcac::Frequency gfloat [0,22050] rwx Frequency Frequency. 440 ladspa-syndrum::Frequency gfloat [0,20000] rwx Frequency Frequency. 0 ladspa-syndrum::Frequency-Ratio gfloat [0,10] rwx Frequency-Ratio Frequency-Ratio. 0 ladspa-syndrum::Resonance gfloat [0,001,1] rwx Resonance Resonance. 0,001 ladspa-syndrum::Trigger gboolean rwx Trigger Trigger. FALSE ladspa-syndrum::Velocity gfloat [0,10] rwx Velocity Velocity. 0 ladspa-vcf303::Cutoff gfloat [0,1] rwx Cutoff Cutoff. 0 ladspa-vcf303::Decay gfloat [0,1] rwx Decay Decay. 0 ladspa-vcf303::Envelope-Modulation gfloat [0,1] rwx Envelope-Modulation Envelope-Modulation. 0 ladspa-vcf303::Resonance gfloat [0,1] rwx Resonance Resonance. 0 ladspa-vcf303::Trigger gboolean rwx Trigger Trigger. FALSE ladspa-wshape-sine::Limiting-Amplitude gfloat >= 0 rwx Limiting-Amplitude Limiting-Amplitude. 1 ladspa-chebstortion::Distortion gfloat [0,3] rwx Distortion Distortion. 0 ladspa-lcrDelay::C-delay gfloat [0,2700] rwx C-delay C-delay. 675 ladspa-lcrDelay::C-level gfloat [0,50] rwx C-level C-level. 25 ladspa-lcrDelay::Dry-Wet-level gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Wet-level Dry-Wet-level. 0 ladspa-lcrDelay::Feedback gfloat [-100,100] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0 ladspa-lcrDelay::High-damp gfloat [0,100] rwx High-damp High-damp. 50 ladspa-lcrDelay::L-delay gfloat [0,2700] rwx L-delay L-delay. 675 ladspa-lcrDelay::L-level gfloat [0,50] rwx L-level L-level. 25 ladspa-lcrDelay::Low-damp gfloat [0,100] rwx Low-damp Low-damp. 50 ladspa-lcrDelay::R-delay gfloat [0,2700] rwx R-delay R-delay. 675 ladspa-lcrDelay::R-level gfloat [0,50] rwx R-level R-level. 25 ladspa-lcrDelay::Spread gfloat [0,50] rwx Spread Spread. 25 ladspa-divider::Denominator gint [1,8] rwx Denominator Denominator. 1 ladspa-random-fasc-oa::Wave-Smoothness gfloat [0,1] rwx Wave-Smoothness Wave-Smoothness. 1 ladspa-random-fcsa-oa::Frequenz gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Frequenz Frequenz. 440 ladspa-random-fcsc-oa::Frequenz gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Frequenz Frequenz. 440 ladspa-random-fcsc-oa::Wave-Smoothness gfloat [0,1] rwx Wave-Smoothness Wave-Smoothness. 1 ladspa-lfoPhaser::Feedback gfloat [-1,1] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0 ladspa-lfoPhaser::LFO-depth gfloat [0,1] rwx LFO-depth LFO-depth. 0,25 ladspa-lfoPhaser::LFO-rate gfloat [0,100] rwx LFO-rate LFO-rate. 25 ladspa-lfoPhaser::Spread gfloat [0,2] rwx Spread Spread. 1 ladspa-fourByFourPole::Feedback-1 gfloat [-1,1] rwx Feedback-1 Feedback-1. 0 ladspa-fourByFourPole::Feedback-2 gfloat [-1,1] rwx Feedback-2 Feedback-2. 0 ladspa-fourByFourPole::Feedback-3 gfloat [-1,1] rwx Feedback-3 Feedback-3. 0 ladspa-fourByFourPole::Feedback-4 gfloat [-1,1] rwx Feedback-4 Feedback-4. 0 ladspa-fourByFourPole::Frequency-1 gfloat [1,20000] rwx Frequency-1 Frequency-1. 5000,75 ladspa-fourByFourPole::Frequency-2 gfloat [1,20000] rwx Frequency-2 Frequency-2. 10000,5 ladspa-fourByFourPole::Frequency-3 gfloat [1,20000] rwx Frequency-3 Frequency-3. 15000,2 ladspa-fourByFourPole::Frequency-4 gfloat [1,20000] rwx Frequency-4 Frequency-4. 20000 ladspa-autoPhaser::Attack-time gfloat [0,1] rwx Attack-time Attack-time. 0,25 ladspa-autoPhaser::Decay-time gfloat [0,1] rwx Decay-time Decay-time. 0,25 ladspa-autoPhaser::Feedback gfloat [-1,1] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0 ladspa-autoPhaser::Modulation-depth gfloat [0,1] rwx Modulation-depth Modulation-depth. 0,25 ladspa-autoPhaser::Spread gfloat [0,2] rwx Spread Spread. 1 ladspa-tap-reflector::Dry-Level--dB- gfloat [-90,20] rwx Dry-Level--dB- Dry-Level--dB-. -90 ladspa-tap-reflector::Fragment-Length--ms- gfloat [20,1600] rwx Fragment-Length--ms- Fragment-Length--ms-. 415 ladspa-tap-reflector::Wet-Level--dB- gfloat [-90,20] rwx Wet-Level--dB- Wet-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-fastLookaheadLimiter::Attenuation gfloat [0,70] r Attenuation Attenuation. 0 ladspa-fastLookaheadLimiter::Input-gain gfloat [-20,20] rwx Input-gain Input-gain. 0 ladspa-fastLookaheadLimiter::Limit gfloat [-20,0] rwx Limit Limit. 0 ladspa-fastLookaheadLimiter::Release-time gfloat [0,01,2] rwx Release-time Release-time. 0,5075 ladspa-fastLookaheadLimiter::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Match-Range gfloat >= 0 rwx Match-Range Match-Range. 0 ladspa-quantiser20::Mode gint [0,2] rwx Mode Mode. 0 ladspa-quantiser20::Quantise-Range-Maximum gfloat rwx Quantise-Range-Maximum Quantise-Range-Maximum. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Quantise-Range-Minimum gfloat rwx Quantise-Range-Minimum Quantise-Range-Minimum. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Steps gint [1,20] rwx Steps Steps. 20 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-0 gfloat rwx Value-0 Value-0. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-1 gfloat rwx Value-1 Value-1. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-10 gfloat rwx Value-10 Value-10. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-11 gfloat rwx Value-11 Value-11. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-12 gfloat rwx Value-12 Value-12. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-13 gfloat rwx Value-13 Value-13. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-14 gfloat rwx Value-14 Value-14. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-15 gfloat rwx Value-15 Value-15. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-16 gfloat rwx Value-16 Value-16. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-17 gfloat rwx Value-17 Value-17. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-18 gfloat rwx Value-18 Value-18. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-19 gfloat rwx Value-19 Value-19. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-2 gfloat rwx Value-2 Value-2. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-3 gfloat rwx Value-3 Value-3. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-4 gfloat rwx Value-4 Value-4. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-5 gfloat rwx Value-5 Value-5. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-6 gfloat rwx Value-6 Value-6. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-7 gfloat rwx Value-7 Value-7. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-8 gfloat rwx Value-8 Value-8. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-quantiser20::Value-9 gfloat rwx Value-9 Value-9. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-vynil::Crackle gfloat [0,1] rwx Crackle Crackle. 0 ladspa-vynil::RPM gfloat [33,78] rwx RPM RPM. 33 ladspa-vynil::Surface-warping gfloat [0,1] rwx Surface-warping Surface-warping. 0 ladspa-vynil::Wear gfloat [0,1] rwx Wear Wear. 0 ladspa-vynil::Year gfloat [1900,1990] rwx Year Year. 1990 ladspa-const::Signal-amplitude gfloat [-1,1,1] rwx Signal-amplitude Signal-amplitude. 0 ladspa-product-iaic-oa::Second-Input gfloat rwx Second-Input Second-Input. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-product-icic-oc::First-Input gfloat rwx First-Input First-Input. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-product-icic-oc::Product-Output gfloat r Product-Output Product-Output. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-product-icic-oc::Second-Input gfloat rwx Second-Input Second-Input. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-tap-reverb::Allpass-Filters gboolean rwx Allpass-Filters Allpass-Filters. FALSE ladspa-tap-reverb::Bandpass-Filter gboolean rwx Bandpass-Filter Bandpass-Filter. FALSE ladspa-tap-reverb::Comb-Filters gboolean rwx Comb-Filters Comb-Filters. FALSE ladspa-tap-reverb::Decay--ms- gfloat [0,10000] rwx Decay--ms- Decay--ms-. 2500 ladspa-tap-reverb::Dry-Level--dB- gfloat [-70,10] rwx Dry-Level--dB- Dry-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-reverb::Enhanced-Stereo gboolean rwx Enhanced-Stereo Enhanced-Stereo. FALSE ladspa-tap-reverb::Reverb-Type gint [0,42] rwx Reverb-Type Reverb-Type. 0 ladspa-tap-reverb::Wet-Level--dB- gfloat [-70,10] rwx Wet-Level--dB- Wet-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-Pulse-VCO::Exp-FM-gain gfloat [0,4] rwx Exp-FM-gain Exp-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Pulse-VCO::LP-filter gfloat [0,1] rwx LP-filter LP-filter. 1 ladspa-Pulse-VCO::Lin-FM-gain gfloat [0,4] rwx Lin-FM-gain Lin-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Pulse-VCO::Octave gint [-4,4] rwx Octave Octave. 0 ladspa-Pulse-VCO::Tune gfloat [0,1] rwx Tune Tune. 0 ladspa-Saw-VCO::Exp-FM-gain gfloat [0,4] rwx Exp-FM-gain Exp-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Saw-VCO::LP-filter gfloat [0,1] rwx LP-filter LP-filter. 1 ladspa-Saw-VCO::Lin-FM-gain gfloat [0,4] rwx Lin-FM-gain Lin-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Saw-VCO::Octave gint [-4,4] rwx Octave Octave. 0 ladspa-Saw-VCO::Tune gfloat [0,1] rwx Tune Tune. 0 ladspa-Rec-VCO::Exp-FM-gain gfloat [0,4] rwx Exp-FM-gain Exp-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Rec-VCO::Form-mod gfloat [0,4] rwx Form-mod Form-mod. 0 ladspa-Rec-VCO::LP-filter gfloat [0,1] rwx LP-filter LP-filter. 1 ladspa-Rec-VCO::Lin-FM-gain gfloat [0,4] rwx Lin-FM-gain Lin-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Rec-VCO::Octave gint [-4,4] rwx Octave Octave. 0 ladspa-Rec-VCO::Tune gfloat [0,1] rwx Tune Tune. 0 ladspa-Rec-VCO::Waveform gfloat [-1,1] rwx Waveform Waveform. 0 ladspa-singlePara::Bandwidth gfloat [0,4] rwx Bandwidth Bandwidth. 1 ladspa-singlePara::Frequency gfloat [0,17640] rwx Frequency Frequency. 440 ladspa-singlePara::Gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx Gain Gain. 0 ladspa-gate::Attack gfloat [0,01,1000] rwx Attack Attack. 250,008 ladspa-gate::Decay gfloat [2,4000] rwx Decay Decay. 2001 ladspa-gate::HF-key-filter gfloat [220,5,21609] rwx HF-key-filter HF-key-filter. 21609 ladspa-gate::Hold gfloat [2,2000] rwx Hold Hold. 1500,5 ladspa-gate::LF-key-filter gfloat [30,87,4410] rwx LF-key-filter LF-key-filter. 30,87 ladspa-gate::Output-select gint [-1,1] rwx Output-select Output-select. 0 ladspa-gate::Range gfloat [-90,0] rwx Range Range. -90 ladspa-gate::Threshold gfloat [-70,20] rwx Threshold Threshold. -70 ladspa-tap-dynamics-st::Attack--ms- gfloat [4,500] rwx Attack--ms- Attack--ms-. 128 ladspa-tap-dynamics-st::Envelope-Volume gfloat [-60,20] r Envelope-Volume Envelope-Volume. 0 ladspa-tap-dynamics-st::Envelope-Volume-1 gfloat [-60,20] r Envelope-Volume-1 Envelope-Volume-1. 0 ladspa-tap-dynamics-st::Function gint [0,14] rwx Function Function. 0 ladspa-tap-dynamics-st::Gain-Adjustment gfloat [-60,20] r Gain-Adjustment Gain-Adjustment. 0 ladspa-tap-dynamics-st::Gain-Adjustment-1 gfloat [-60,20] r Gain-Adjustment-1 Gain-Adjustment-1. 0 ladspa-tap-dynamics-st::Makeup-Gain--dB- gfloat [-20,20] rwx Makeup-Gain--dB- Makeup-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-dynamics-st::Offset-Gain--dB- gfloat [-20,20] rwx Offset-Gain--dB- Offset-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-dynamics-st::Release--ms- gfloat [4,1000] rwx Release--ms- Release--ms-. 502 ladspa-tap-dynamics-st::Stereo-Mode gint [0,2] rwx Stereo-Mode Stereo-Mode. 0 ladspa-Parametric1::Bandwidth-1 gfloat [0,125,8] rwx Bandwidth-1 Bandwidth-1. 1 ladspa-Parametric1::Bandwidth-2 gfloat [0,125,8] rwx Bandwidth-2 Bandwidth-2. 1 ladspa-Parametric1::Bandwidth-3 gfloat [0,125,8] rwx Bandwidth-3 Bandwidth-3. 1 ladspa-Parametric1::Bandwidth-4 gfloat [0,125,8] rwx Bandwidth-4 Bandwidth-4. 1 ladspa-Parametric1::Filter gboolean rwx Filter Filter. FALSE ladspa-Parametric1::Frequency-1 gfloat [20,2000] rwx Frequency-1 Frequency-1. 200 ladspa-Parametric1::Frequency-2 gfloat [40,4000] rwx Frequency-2 Frequency-2. 400 ladspa-Parametric1::Frequency-3 gfloat [100,10000] rwx Frequency-3 Frequency-3. 1000 ladspa-Parametric1::Frequency-4 gfloat [200,20000] rwx Frequency-4 Frequency-4. 2000 ladspa-Parametric1::Gain gfloat [-20,20] rwx Gain Gain. 0 ladspa-Parametric1::Gain-1 gfloat [-20,20] rwx Gain-1 Gain-1. 0 ladspa-Parametric1::Gain-2 gfloat [-20,20] rwx Gain-2 Gain-2. 0 ladspa-Parametric1::Gain-3 gfloat [-20,20] rwx Gain-3 Gain-3. 0 ladspa-Parametric1::Gain-4 gfloat [-20,20] rwx Gain-4 Gain-4. 0 ladspa-Parametric1::Section-1 gboolean rwx Section-1 Section-1. FALSE ladspa-Parametric1::Section-2 gboolean rwx Section-2 Section-2. FALSE ladspa-Parametric1::Section-3 gboolean rwx Section-3 Section-3. FALSE ladspa-Parametric1::Section-4 gboolean rwx Section-4 Section-4. FALSE ladspa-sinCos::Base-frequency gfloat [0,0441,22050] rwx Base-frequency Base-frequency. 440 ladspa-sinCos::Pitch-offset gfloat [0,8] rwx Pitch-offset Pitch-offset. 0 ladspa-matrixSpatialiser::Width gint [-512,512] rwx Width Width. 0 ladspa-tap-limiter::Limit-Level--dB- gfloat [-30,20] rwx Limit-Level--dB- Limit-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-limiter::Output-Volume--dB- gfloat [-30,20] rwx Output-Volume--dB- Output-Volume--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-limiter::latency gfloat [0,2500,1] r latency latency. 2500,1 ladspa-bodeShifterCV::Base-shift gfloat [0,5000] rwx Base-shift Base-shift. 0 ladspa-bodeShifterCV::CV-Attenuation gfloat [0,1] rwx CV-Attenuation CV-Attenuation. 1 ladspa-bodeShifterCV::Mix gfloat [-1,1] rwx Mix Mix. 0 ladspa-bodeShifterCV::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-Phaser1::Exp-FM-gain gfloat [0,10] rwx Exp-FM-gain Exp-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Phaser1::Feedback-gain gfloat [-1,1] rwx Feedback-gain Feedback-gain. 0 ladspa-Phaser1::Frequency gfloat [-6,6] rwx Frequency Frequency. 0 ladspa-Phaser1::Input-gain gfloat [-40,10] rwx Input-gain Input-gain. 0 ladspa-Phaser1::Lin-FM-gain gfloat [0,10] rwx Lin-FM-gain Lin-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Phaser1::Output-mix gfloat [-1,1] rwx Output-mix Output-mix. 0 ladspa-Phaser1::Sections gint [1,30] rwx Sections Sections. 1 ladspa-Phaser1+LFO::Feedback-gain gfloat [-1,1] rwx Feedback-gain Feedback-gain. 0 ladspa-Phaser1+LFO::Frequency gfloat [-6,6] rwx Frequency Frequency. 0 ladspa-Phaser1+LFO::Input-gain gfloat [-40,10] rwx Input-gain Input-gain. 0 ladspa-Phaser1+LFO::LFO-frequency gfloat [0,01,30] rwx LFO-frequency LFO-frequency. 0,01 ladspa-Phaser1+LFO::LFO-waveform gfloat [-1,1] rwx LFO-waveform LFO-waveform. 0 ladspa-Phaser1+LFO::Modulation-gain gfloat [0,10] rwx Modulation-gain Modulation-gain. 0 ladspa-Phaser1+LFO::Output-mix gfloat [-1,1] rwx Output-mix Output-mix. 0 ladspa-Phaser1+LFO::Sections gint [1,30] rwx Sections Sections. 1 ladspa-decimator::Bit-depth gfloat [1,24] rwx Bit-depth Bit-depth. 24 ladspa-decimator::Sample-rate gfloat [44,1,44100] rwx Sample-rate Sample-rate. 44100 ladspa-shaper::Waveshape gfloat [-10,10] rwx Waveshape Waveshape. 0 ladspa-triangle-fasc-oa::Slope gfloat [0,1] rwx Slope Slope. 0,5 ladspa-triangle-fcsa-oa::Frequenz gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Frequenz Frequenz. 440 ladspa-triangle-fcsc-oa::Frequenz gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Frequenz Frequenz. 440 ladspa-triangle-fcsc-oa::Slope gfloat [0,1] rwx Slope Slope. 0,5 ladspa-djFlanger::Feedback gfloat [-100,100] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0 ladspa-djFlanger::LFO-depth gfloat [1,5] rwx LFO-depth LFO-depth. 4 ladspa-djFlanger::LFO-period gfloat [0,1,32] rwx LFO-period LFO-period. 1 ladspa-djFlanger::LFO-sync gfloat rwx LFO-sync LFO-sync. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-imp::Gain gfloat [-90,24] rwx Gain Gain. 0 ladspa-imp::High-latency-mode gint [0,1] rwx High-latency-mode High-latency-mode. 0 ladspa-imp::Impulse-ID gint [1,21] rwx Impulse-ID Impulse-ID. 1 ladspa-imp::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-tap-dynamics-m::Attack--ms- gfloat [4,500] rwx Attack--ms- Attack--ms-. 128 ladspa-tap-dynamics-m::Envelope-Volume--dB- gfloat [-60,20] r Envelope-Volume--dB- Envelope-Volume--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-dynamics-m::Function gint [0,14] rwx Function Function. 0 ladspa-tap-dynamics-m::Gain-Adjustment--dB- gfloat [-60,20] r Gain-Adjustment--dB- Gain-Adjustment--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-dynamics-m::Makeup-Gain--dB- gfloat [-20,20] rwx Makeup-Gain--dB- Makeup-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-dynamics-m::Offset-Gain--dB- gfloat [-20,20] rwx Offset-Gain--dB- Offset-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-dynamics-m::Release--ms- gfloat [4,1000] rwx Release--ms- Release--ms-. 502 ladspa-xfade::Crossfade gfloat [-1,1] rwx Crossfade Crossfade. 0 ladspa-xfade4::Crossfade gfloat [-1,1] rwx Crossfade Crossfade. 0 ladspa-tap-tremolo::Depth---- gfloat [0,100] rwx Depth---- Depth----. 0 ladspa-tap-tremolo::Frequency--Hz- gfloat [0,20] rwx Frequency--Hz- Frequency--Hz-. 0 ladspa-tap-tremolo::Gain--dB- gfloat [-70,20] rwx Gain--dB- Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-pitchScale::Pitch-co-efficient gfloat [0,5,2] rwx Pitch-co-efficient Pitch-co-efficient. 1 ladspa-pitchScale::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-pitchScaleHQ::Pitch-co-efficient gfloat [0,5,2] rwx Pitch-co-efficient Pitch-co-efficient. 1 ladspa-pitchScaleHQ::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-valveRect::Distortion gfloat [0,1] rwx Distortion Distortion. 0 ladspa-valveRect::Sag-level gfloat [0,1] rwx Sag-level Sag-level. 0 ladspa-tap-pinknoise::Fractal-Dimension gfloat [0,1] rwx Fractal-Dimension Fractal-Dimension. 0,5 ladspa-tap-pinknoise::Noise-Level--dB- gfloat [-90,20] rwx Noise-Level--dB- Noise-Level--dB-. -90 ladspa-tap-pinknoise::Signal-Level--dB- gfloat [-90,20] rwx Signal-Level--dB- Signal-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-interpolator::Control-Input gfloat rwx Control-Input Control-Input. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-hermesFilter::Band-1-gain gfloat [-70,20] rwx Band-1-gain Band-1-gain. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Band-2-gain gfloat [-70,20] rwx Band-2-gain Band-2-gain. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Band-3-gain gfloat [-70,20] rwx Band-3-gain Band-3-gain. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Delay1-feedback gfloat [0,1] rwx Delay1-feedback Delay1-feedback. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Delay1-length gfloat [0,2] rwx Delay1-length Delay1-length. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Delay1-wetness gfloat [0,1] rwx Delay1-wetness Delay1-wetness. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Delay2-feedback gfloat [0,1] rwx Delay2-feedback Delay2-feedback. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Delay2-length gfloat [0,2] rwx Delay2-length Delay2-length. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Delay2-wetness gfloat [0,1] rwx Delay2-wetness Delay2-wetness. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Delay3-feedback gfloat [0,1] rwx Delay3-feedback Delay3-feedback. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Delay3-length gfloat [0,2] rwx Delay3-length Delay3-length. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Delay3-wetness gfloat [0,1] rwx Delay3-wetness Delay3-wetness. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Dist1-drive gfloat [0,3] rwx Dist1-drive Dist1-drive. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Dist2-drive gfloat [0,3] rwx Dist2-drive Dist2-drive. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Dist3-drive gfloat [0,3] rwx Dist3-drive Dist3-drive. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt1-LFO1-level gfloat [-500,500] rwx Filt1-LFO1-level Filt1-LFO1-level. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt1-LFO2-level gfloat [-500,500] rwx Filt1-LFO2-level Filt1-LFO2-level. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt1-freq gfloat [0,8000] rwx Filt1-freq Filt1-freq. 440 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt1-q gfloat [0,1] rwx Filt1-q Filt1-q. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt1-resonance gfloat [0,1] rwx Filt1-resonance Filt1-resonance. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt1-type gint [0,5] rwx Filt1-type Filt1-type. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt2-LFO1-level gfloat [-500,500] rwx Filt2-LFO1-level Filt2-LFO1-level. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt2-LFO2-level gfloat [-500,500] rwx Filt2-LFO2-level Filt2-LFO2-level. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt2-freq gfloat [0,8000] rwx Filt2-freq Filt2-freq. 440 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt2-q gfloat [0,1] rwx Filt2-q Filt2-q. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt2-resonance gfloat [0,1] rwx Filt2-resonance Filt2-resonance. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt2-type gint [0,5] rwx Filt2-type Filt2-type. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt3-LFO1-level gfloat [-500,500] rwx Filt3-LFO1-level Filt3-LFO1-level. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt3-LFO2-level gfloat [-500,500] rwx Filt3-LFO2-level Filt3-LFO2-level. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt3-freq gfloat [0,8000] rwx Filt3-freq Filt3-freq. 440 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt3-q gfloat [0,1] rwx Filt3-q Filt3-q. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt3-resonance gfloat [0,1] rwx Filt3-resonance Filt3-resonance. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Filt3-type gint [0,5] rwx Filt3-type Filt3-type. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Input-gain gfloat [-70,20] rwx Input-gain Input-gain. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::LFO1-freq gfloat [0,1000] rwx LFO1-freq LFO1-freq. 250 ladspa-hermesFilter::LFO1-wave gint [0,4] rwx LFO1-wave LFO1-wave. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::LFO2-freq gfloat [0,1000] rwx LFO2-freq LFO2-freq. 250 ladspa-hermesFilter::LFO2-wave gint [0,4] rwx LFO2-wave LFO2-wave. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Osc1-freq gfloat [0,4000] rwx Osc1-freq Osc1-freq. 440 ladspa-hermesFilter::Osc1-gain gfloat [-70,20] rwx Osc1-gain Osc1-gain. -70 ladspa-hermesFilter::Osc1-wave gint [0,4] rwx Osc1-wave Osc1-wave. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Osc2-freq gfloat [0,4000] rwx Osc2-freq Osc2-freq. 440 ladspa-hermesFilter::Osc2-gain gfloat [-70,20] rwx Osc2-gain Osc2-gain. -70 ladspa-hermesFilter::Osc2-wave gint [0,4] rwx Osc2-wave Osc2-wave. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::RM1-gain gfloat [-70,20] rwx RM1-gain RM1-gain. -70 ladspa-hermesFilter::RM2-gain gfloat [-70,20] rwx RM2-gain RM2-gain. -70 ladspa-hermesFilter::RM3-gain gfloat [-70,20] rwx RM3-gain RM3-gain. -70 ladspa-hermesFilter::Ringmod-1-depth gfloat [0,2] rwx Ringmod-1-depth Ringmod-1-depth. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Ringmod-2-depth gfloat [0,2] rwx Ringmod-2-depth Ringmod-2-depth. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Ringmod-3-depth gfloat [0,2] rwx Ringmod-3-depth Ringmod-3-depth. 0 ladspa-hermesFilter::Xover-lower-freq gfloat [50,6000] rwx Xover-lower-freq Xover-lower-freq. 1537,5 ladspa-hermesFilter::Xover-upper-freq gfloat [1000,10000] rwx Xover-upper-freq Xover-upper-freq. 7750 ladspa-impulse-fc::Frequency gfloat >= 0 rwx Frequency Frequency. 0 ladspa-bodeShifter::Frequency-shift gfloat [0,5000] rwx Frequency-shift Frequency-shift. 0 ladspa-bodeShifter::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-harmonicGen::Fundamental-magnitude gfloat [-1,1] rwx Fundamental-magnitude Fundamental-magnitude. 1 ladspa-harmonicGen::param-10th-harmonic-magnitude gfloat [-1,1] rwx param-10th-harmonic-magnitude param-10th-harmonic-magnitude. 0 ladspa-harmonicGen::param-2nd-harmonic-magnitude gfloat [-1,1] rwx param-2nd-harmonic-magnitude param-2nd-harmonic-magnitude. 0 ladspa-harmonicGen::param-3rd-harmonic-magnitude gfloat [-1,1] rwx param-3rd-harmonic-magnitude param-3rd-harmonic-magnitude. 0 ladspa-harmonicGen::param-4th-harmonic-magnitude gfloat [-1,1] rwx param-4th-harmonic-magnitude param-4th-harmonic-magnitude. 0 ladspa-harmonicGen::param-5th-harmonic-magnitude gfloat [-1,1] rwx param-5th-harmonic-magnitude param-5th-harmonic-magnitude. 0 ladspa-harmonicGen::param-6th-harmonic-magnitude gfloat [-1,1] rwx param-6th-harmonic-magnitude param-6th-harmonic-magnitude. 0 ladspa-harmonicGen::param-7th-harmonic-magnitude gfloat [-1,1] rwx param-7th-harmonic-magnitude param-7th-harmonic-magnitude. 0 ladspa-harmonicGen::param-8th-harmonic-magnitude gfloat [-1,1] rwx param-8th-harmonic-magnitude param-8th-harmonic-magnitude. 0 ladspa-harmonicGen::param-9th-harmonic-magnitude gfloat [-1,1] rwx param-9th-harmonic-magnitude param-9th-harmonic-magnitude. 0 ladspa-pulse-fapc-oa::Pulse-Width gfloat [0,1] rwx Pulse-Width Pulse-Width. 0,5 ladspa-pulse-fcpa-oa::Frequenz gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Frequenz Frequenz. 440 ladspa-pulse-fcpc-oa::Frequenz gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Frequenz Frequenz. 440 ladspa-pulse-fcpc-oa::Pulse-Width gfloat [0,1] rwx Pulse-Width Pulse-Width. 0,5 ladspa-lowpass-iir::Cutoff-Frequency gfloat [4,41,19845] rwx Cutoff-Frequency Cutoff-Frequency. 2422,97 ladspa-lowpass-iir::Stages-2-poles-per-stage- gint [1,10] rwx Stages-2-poles-per-stage- Stages-2-poles-per-stage-. 1 ladspa-tap-rotspeak::Horn-Frequency--Hz- gfloat [0,30] rwx Horn-Frequency--Hz- Horn-Frequency--Hz-. 0 ladspa-tap-rotspeak::Mic-Distance---- gfloat [0,100] rwx Mic-Distance---- Mic-Distance----. 25 ladspa-tap-rotspeak::Rotor-Frequency--Hz- gfloat [0,30] rwx Rotor-Frequency--Hz- Rotor-Frequency--Hz-. 0 ladspa-tap-rotspeak::Rotor-Horn-Mix gfloat [0,1] rwx Rotor-Horn-Mix Rotor-Horn-Mix. 0,5 ladspa-tap-rotspeak::latency gfloat [0,9200] r latency latency. 9200 ladspa-tap-vibrato::Depth---- gfloat [0,20] rwx Depth---- Depth----. 0 ladspa-tap-vibrato::Dry-Level--dB- gfloat [-90,20] rwx Dry-Level--dB- Dry-Level--dB-. -90 ladspa-tap-vibrato::Frequency--Hz- gfloat [0,30] rwx Frequency--Hz- Frequency--Hz-. 0 ladspa-tap-vibrato::Wet-Level--dB- gfloat [-90,20] rwx Wet-Level--dB- Wet-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-vibrato::latency gfloat [0,6300] r latency latency. 6300 ladspa-stepMuxer::Crossfade-time gfloat [0,100] rwx Crossfade-time Crossfade-time. 50 ladspa-flanger::Delay-base gfloat [0,1,25] rwx Delay-base Delay-base. 6,325 ladspa-flanger::Feedback gfloat [-1,1] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0 ladspa-flanger::LFO-frequency gfloat [0,05,100] rwx LFO-frequency LFO-frequency. 0,33437 ladspa-flanger::Max-slowdown gfloat [0,10] rwx Max-slowdown Max-slowdown. 2,5 ladspa-amp::Amps-gain gfloat [-70,70] rwx Amps-gain Amps-gain. 0 ladspa-dahdsr-g+t-control::Abklingzeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Abklingzeit Abklingzeit. 0 ladspa-dahdsr-g+t-control::Ausklingzeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Ausklingzeit Ausklingzeit. 0 ladspa-dahdsr-g+t-control::Einschwingzeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Einschwingzeit Einschwingzeit. 0 ladspa-dahdsr-g+t-control::Haltewert gfloat [0,1] rwx Haltewert Haltewert. 1 ladspa-dahdsr-g+t-control::Haltezeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Haltezeit Haltezeit. 0 ladspa-dahdsr-g+t-control::Verz--gerungszeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Verz--gerungszeit Verz--gerungszeit. 0 ladspa-dahdsr-cg+t-control::Abklingzeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Abklingzeit Abklingzeit. 0 ladspa-dahdsr-cg+t-control::Ausklingzeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Ausklingzeit Ausklingzeit. 0 ladspa-dahdsr-cg+t-control::Ausl--ser gboolean rwx Ausl--ser Ausl--ser. FALSE ladspa-dahdsr-cg+t-control::Einschwingzeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Einschwingzeit Einschwingzeit. 0 ladspa-dahdsr-cg+t-control::Gatter gboolean rwx Gatter Gatter. FALSE ladspa-dahdsr-cg+t-control::Haltewert gfloat [0,1] rwx Haltewert Haltewert. 1 ladspa-dahdsr-cg+t-control::Haltezeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Haltezeit Haltezeit. 0 ladspa-dahdsr-cg+t-control::Verz--gerungszeit gfloat >= 0 rwx Verz--gerungszeit Verz--gerungszeit. 0 ladspa-Sync-Saw-VCO::Exp-FM-gain gfloat [0,4] rwx Exp-FM-gain Exp-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Sync-Saw-VCO::LP-filter gfloat [0,1] rwx LP-filter LP-filter. 0,5 ladspa-Sync-Saw-VCO::Lin-FM-gain gfloat [0,4] rwx Lin-FM-gain Lin-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Sync-Saw-VCO::Octave gint [-4,4] rwx Octave Octave. 0 ladspa-Sync-Saw-VCO::Tune gfloat [0,1] rwx Tune Tune. 0 ladspa-Sync-Rect-VCO::Exp-FM-gain gfloat [0,4] rwx Exp-FM-gain Exp-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Sync-Rect-VCO::LP-filter gfloat [0,1] rwx LP-filter LP-filter. 0,5 ladspa-Sync-Rect-VCO::Lin-FM-gain gfloat [0,4] rwx Lin-FM-gain Lin-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Sync-Rect-VCO::Octave gint [-4,4] rwx Octave Octave. 0 ladspa-Sync-Rect-VCO::Tune gfloat [0,1] rwx Tune Tune. 0 ladspa-Sync-Rect-VCO::WMod-gain gfloat [0,4] rwx WMod-gain WMod-gain. 0 ladspa-Sync-Rect-VCO::Waveform gfloat [-1,1] rwx Waveform Waveform. 0 ladspa-Sync-Tri-VCO::Exp-FM-gain gfloat [0,4] rwx Exp-FM-gain Exp-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Sync-Tri-VCO::LP-filter gfloat [0,1] rwx LP-filter LP-filter. 0,5 ladspa-Sync-Tri-VCO::Lin-FM-gain gfloat [0,4] rwx Lin-FM-gain Lin-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Sync-Tri-VCO::Octave gint [-4,4] rwx Octave Octave. 0 ladspa-Sync-Tri-VCO::Tune gfloat [0,1] rwx Tune Tune. 0 ladspa-Sync-Tri-VCO::WMod-gain gfloat [0,4] rwx WMod-gain WMod-gain. 0 ladspa-Sync-Tri-VCO::Waveform gfloat [-1,1] rwx Waveform Waveform. 0 ladspa-bwxover-iir::Cutoff-Frequency gfloat [4,41,19845] rwx Cutoff-Frequency Cutoff-Frequency. 36,1195 ladspa-bwxover-iir::Resonance gfloat [0,1,1,41] rwx Resonance Resonance. 0,755 ladspa-buttlow-iir::Cutoff-Frequency gfloat [4,41,19845] rwx Cutoff-Frequency Cutoff-Frequency. 36,1195 ladspa-buttlow-iir::Resonance gfloat [0,1,1,41] rwx Resonance Resonance. 0,755 ladspa-butthigh-iir::Cutoff-Frequency gfloat [4,41,19845] rwx Cutoff-Frequency Cutoff-Frequency. 36,1195 ladspa-butthigh-iir::Resonance gfloat [0,1,1,41] rwx Resonance Resonance. 0,755 ladspa-Mvchpf-1::Exp-FM-gain gfloat [0,10] rwx Exp-FM-gain Exp-FM-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvchpf-1::Frequency gfloat [-6,6] rwx Frequency Frequency. 0 ladspa-Mvchpf-1::Input-gain gfloat [-60,10] rwx Input-gain Input-gain. 0 ladspa-Mvchpf-1::Output-gain gfloat [-15,15] rwx Output-gain Output-gain. 0 ladspa-tracker-gaacdcia-oa::Attack-Rate gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Attack-Rate Attack-Rate. 100 ladspa-tracker-gaacdcia-oa::Attack-Rate-1 gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Attack-Rate-1 Attack-Rate-1. 100 ladspa-tracker-gaacdcia-oa::Decay-Rate gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Decay-Rate Decay-Rate. 100 ladspa-tracker-gaacdcia-oa::Decay-Rate-1 gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Decay-Rate-1 Decay-Rate-1. 100 ladspa-tap-doubler::Dry-Left-Position gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Left-Position Dry-Left-Position. 0 ladspa-tap-doubler::Dry-Level--dB- gfloat [-90,20] rwx Dry-Level--dB- Dry-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-doubler::Dry-Right-Position gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Right-Position Dry-Right-Position. 1 ladspa-tap-doubler::Pitch-Tracking gfloat [0,1] rwx Pitch-Tracking Pitch-Tracking. 0,5 ladspa-tap-doubler::Time-Tracking gfloat [0,1] rwx Time-Tracking Time-Tracking. 0,5 ladspa-tap-doubler::Wet-Left-Position gfloat [0,1] rwx Wet-Left-Position Wet-Left-Position. 0 ladspa-tap-doubler::Wet-Level--dB- gfloat [-90,20] rwx Wet-Level--dB- Wet-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-doubler::Wet-Right-Position gfloat [0,1] rwx Wet-Right-Position Wet-Right-Position. 1 ladspa-amp-gcia-oa::Verst--rkung gfloat [-96,96] rwx Verst--rkung Verst--rkung. -96 ladspa-sequencer16::Closed-Gate-Value gfloat rwx Closed-Gate-Value Closed-Gate-Value. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Loop-Steps gint [1,16] rwx Loop-Steps Loop-Steps. 16 ladspa-sequencer16::Reset-to-Value-on-Gate-Close- gint [0,1] rwx Reset-to-Value-on-Gate-Close- Reset-to-Value-on-Gate-Close-. 0 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-0 gfloat rwx Value-Step-0 Value-Step-0. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-1 gfloat rwx Value-Step-1 Value-Step-1. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-10 gfloat rwx Value-Step-10 Value-Step-10. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-11 gfloat rwx Value-Step-11 Value-Step-11. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-12 gfloat rwx Value-Step-12 Value-Step-12. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-13 gfloat rwx Value-Step-13 Value-Step-13. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-14 gfloat rwx Value-Step-14 Value-Step-14. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-15 gfloat rwx Value-Step-15 Value-Step-15. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-2 gfloat rwx Value-Step-2 Value-Step-2. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-3 gfloat rwx Value-Step-3 Value-Step-3. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-4 gfloat rwx Value-Step-4 Value-Step-4. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-5 gfloat rwx Value-Step-5 Value-Step-5. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-6 gfloat rwx Value-Step-6 Value-Step-6. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-7 gfloat rwx Value-Step-7 Value-Step-7. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-8 gfloat rwx Value-Step-8 Value-Step-8. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer16::Value-Step-9 gfloat rwx Value-Step-9 Value-Step-9. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sc2::Attack-time gfloat [2,400] rwx Attack-time Attack-time. 101,5 ladspa-sc2::Knee-radius gfloat [1,10] rwx Knee-radius Knee-radius. 3,25 ladspa-sc2::Makeup-gain gfloat [0,24] rwx Makeup-gain Makeup-gain. 0 ladspa-sc2::Ratio gfloat [1,10] rwx Ratio Ratio. 1 ladspa-sc2::Release-time gfloat [2,800] rwx Release-time Release-time. 401 ladspa-sc2::Threshold-level gfloat [-30,0] rwx Threshold-level Threshold-level. 0 ladspa-dysonCompress::Compression-ratio gfloat [0,1] rwx Compression-ratio Compression-ratio. 0,5 ladspa-dysonCompress::Fast-compression-ratio gfloat [0,1] rwx Fast-compression-ratio Fast-compression-ratio. 0,5 ladspa-dysonCompress::Peak-limit gfloat [-30,0] rwx Peak-limit Peak-limit. 0 ladspa-dysonCompress::Release-time gfloat [0,1] rwx Release-time Release-time. 0,25 ladspa-decay::Decay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Decay-Time Decay-Time. 0 ladspa-alias::Aliasing-level gfloat [0,1] rwx Aliasing-level Aliasing-level. 0 ladspa-SooperLooper::Cycle-Length-Out gfloat >= 0 r Cycle-Length-Out Cycle-Length-Out. 0 ladspa-SooperLooper::Dry-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-Level Dry-Level. 0 ladspa-SooperLooper::Feedback gfloat [0,1] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0 ladspa-SooperLooper::Free-Sample-Mem gfloat >= 0 r Free-Sample-Mem Free-Sample-Mem. 0 ladspa-SooperLooper::Loop-Length-Out gfloat >= 0 r Loop-Length-Out Loop-Length-Out. 0 ladspa-SooperLooper::Loop-Position-Out gfloat >= 0 r Loop-Position-Out Loop-Position-Out. 0 ladspa-SooperLooper::Multi-Control gint [0,127] rwx Multi-Control Multi-Control. 0 ladspa-SooperLooper::MultiCtrl-10s gint [0,12] rwx MultiCtrl-10s MultiCtrl-10s. 0 ladspa-SooperLooper::QuantizeMode gint <= G_MININT rwx QuantizeMode QuantizeMode. -2147483648 ladspa-SooperLooper::Rate gfloat [-4,4] rwx Rate Rate. -4 ladspa-SooperLooper::RedoTapMode gint <= G_MININT rwx RedoTapMode RedoTapMode. -2147483648 ladspa-SooperLooper::RoundMode gint <= G_MININT rwx RoundMode RoundMode. -2147483648 ladspa-SooperLooper::Scratch-Destination gfloat [0,1] rwx Scratch-Destination Scratch-Destination. 0 ladspa-SooperLooper::State-Output gfloat r State-Output State-Output. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-SooperLooper::Tap-Delay-Trigger gfloat [0,1] rwx Tap-Delay-Trigger Tap-Delay-Trigger. 0 ladspa-SooperLooper::Total-Sample-Mem gfloat >= 0 r Total-Sample-Mem Total-Sample-Mem. 0 ladspa-SooperLooper::Trigger-Threshold gfloat [0,1] rwx Trigger-Threshold Trigger-Threshold. 0 ladspa-SooperLooper::Wet-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Wet-Level Wet-Level. 0 ladspa-vlevel-mono::Current-Multiplier gfloat [0,20] r Current-Multiplier Current-Multiplier. 0 ladspa-vlevel-mono::Look-ahead gfloat [0,5] rwx Look-ahead Look-ahead. 2,5 ladspa-vlevel-mono::Maximum-Multiplier gfloat [0,20] rwx Maximum-Multiplier Maximum-Multiplier. 10 ladspa-vlevel-mono::Strength gfloat [0,1] rwx Strength Strength. 0,75 ladspa-vlevel-mono::Undo gboolean rwx Undo Undo. FALSE ladspa-vlevel-mono::Use-Maximum-Multiplier gboolean rwx Use-Maximum-Multiplier Use-Maximum-Multiplier. FALSE ladspa-vlevel-stereo::Current-Multiplier gfloat [0,20] r Current-Multiplier Current-Multiplier. 0 ladspa-vlevel-stereo::Look-ahead gfloat [0,5] rwx Look-ahead Look-ahead. 2,5 ladspa-vlevel-stereo::Maximum-Multiplier gfloat [0,20] rwx Maximum-Multiplier Maximum-Multiplier. 10 ladspa-vlevel-stereo::Strength gfloat [0,1] rwx Strength Strength. 0,75 ladspa-vlevel-stereo::Undo gboolean rwx Undo Undo. FALSE ladspa-vlevel-stereo::Use-Maximum-Multiplier gboolean rwx Use-Maximum-Multiplier Use-Maximum-Multiplier. FALSE ladspa-artificialLatency::Delay gfloat [0,10000] rwx Delay Delay. 2500 ladspa-artificialLatency::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-triplePara::Band-1-bandwidth gfloat [0,4] rwx Band-1-bandwidth Band-1-bandwidth. 1 ladspa-triplePara::Band-1-frequency gfloat [4,41,21609] rwx Band-1-frequency Band-1-frequency. 36,8967 ladspa-triplePara::Band-1-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx Band-1-gain Band-1-gain. 0 ladspa-triplePara::Band-2-bandwidth gfloat [0,4] rwx Band-2-bandwidth Band-2-bandwidth. 1 ladspa-triplePara::Band-2-frequency gfloat [4,41,21609] rwx Band-2-frequency Band-2-frequency. 308,7 ladspa-triplePara::Band-2-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx Band-2-gain Band-2-gain. 0 ladspa-triplePara::Band-3-bandwidth gfloat [0,4] rwx Band-3-bandwidth Band-3-bandwidth. 1 ladspa-triplePara::Band-3-frequency gfloat [4,41,21609] rwx Band-3-frequency Band-3-frequency. 2582,77 ladspa-triplePara::Band-3-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx Band-3-gain Band-3-gain. 0 ladspa-triplePara::High-shelving-frequency gfloat [4,41,21609] rwx High-shelving-frequency High-shelving-frequency. 21609 ladspa-triplePara::High-shelving-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx High-shelving-gain High-shelving-gain. 0 ladspa-triplePara::High-shelving-slope gfloat [0,1] rwx High-shelving-slope High-shelving-slope. 0,5 ladspa-triplePara::Low-shelving-frequency gfloat [4,41,21609] rwx Low-shelving-frequency Low-shelving-frequency. 4,41 ladspa-triplePara::Low-shelving-gain gfloat [-70,30] rwx Low-shelving-gain Low-shelving-gain. 0 ladspa-triplePara::Low-shelving-slope gfloat [0,1] rwx Low-shelving-slope Low-shelving-slope. 0,5 ladspa-revdelay::Crossfade-samples gint [0,5000] rwx Crossfade-samples Crossfade-samples. 1250 ladspa-revdelay::Delay-Time gfloat [0,5] rwx Delay-Time Delay-Time. 0 ladspa-revdelay::Dry-Level gfloat [-70,0] rwx Dry-Level Dry-Level. 0 ladspa-revdelay::Feedback gfloat [0,1] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0 ladspa-revdelay::Wet-Level gfloat [-70,0] rwx Wet-Level Wet-Level. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-1-Freq--Hz- gfloat [40,280] rwx Band-1-Freq--Hz- Band-1-Freq--Hz-. 100 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-1-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-1-Gain--dB- Band-1-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-2-Freq--Hz- gfloat [100,500] rwx Band-2-Freq--Hz- Band-2-Freq--Hz-. 200 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-2-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-2-Gain--dB- Band-2-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-3-Freq--Hz- gfloat [200,1000] rwx Band-3-Freq--Hz- Band-3-Freq--Hz-. 400 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-3-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-3-Gain--dB- Band-3-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-4-Freq--Hz- gfloat [400,2800] rwx Band-4-Freq--Hz- Band-4-Freq--Hz-. 1000 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-4-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-4-Gain--dB- Band-4-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-5-Freq--Hz- gfloat [1000,5000] rwx Band-5-Freq--Hz- Band-5-Freq--Hz-. 3000 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-5-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-5-Gain--dB- Band-5-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-6-Freq--Hz- gfloat [3000,9000] rwx Band-6-Freq--Hz- Band-6-Freq--Hz-. 6000 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-6-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-6-Gain--dB- Band-6-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-7-Freq--Hz- gfloat [6000,18000] rwx Band-7-Freq--Hz- Band-7-Freq--Hz-. 12000 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-7-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-7-Gain--dB- Band-7-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-8-Freq--Hz- gfloat [10000,20000] rwx Band-8-Freq--Hz- Band-8-Freq--Hz-. 15000 ladspa-tap-equalizer::Band-8-Gain--dB- gfloat [-50,20] rwx Band-8-Gain--dB- Band-8-Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-retroFlange::Average-stall gfloat [0,10] rwx Average-stall Average-stall. 2,5 ladspa-retroFlange::Flange-frequency gfloat [0,5,8] rwx Flange-frequency Flange-frequency. 1 ladspa-Ambisonics-mono-panner::Azimuth gfloat [-180,180] rwx Azimuth Azimuth. 0 ladspa-Ambisonics-mono-panner::Elevation gfloat [-90,90] rwx Elevation Elevation. 0 ladspa-Ambisonics-stero-panner::Azimuth gfloat [-180,180] rwx Azimuth Azimuth. 0 ladspa-Ambisonics-stero-panner::Elevation gfloat [-90,90] rwx Elevation Elevation. 0 ladspa-Ambisonics-stero-panner::Width gfloat [-90,90] rwx Width Width. 90 ladspa-Ambisonics-rotator::Angle gfloat [-180,180] rwx Angle Angle. 0 ladspa-Ambisonics-square-decoder::Distance gfloat [1,30] rwx Distance Distance. 30 ladspa-Ambisonics-square-decoder::Front gboolean rwx Front Front. FALSE ladspa-Ambisonics-square-decoder::LF-ratio gfloat [1,2] rwx LF-ratio LF-ratio. 1 ladspa-Ambisonics-hexagon-decoder::Distance gfloat [1,30] rwx Distance Distance. 30 ladspa-Ambisonics-hexagon-decoder::Front gboolean rwx Front Front. FALSE ladspa-Ambisonics-hexagon-decoder::LF-ratio gfloat [1,2] rwx LF-ratio LF-ratio. 1 ladspa-G2reverb::Damping gfloat [0,1] rwx Damping Damping. 0 ladspa-G2reverb::Dry-sound gfloat [-80,0] rwx Dry-sound Dry-sound. -80 ladspa-G2reverb::Input-BW gfloat [0,1] rwx Input-BW Input-BW. 0 ladspa-G2reverb::Reflections gfloat [-80,0] rwx Reflections Reflections. -80 ladspa-G2reverb::Reverb-tail gfloat [-80,0] rwx Reverb-tail Reverb-tail. -80 ladspa-G2reverb::Reverb-time gfloat [1,20] rwx Reverb-time Reverb-time. 1 ladspa-G2reverb::Room-size gfloat [10,150] rwx Room-size Room-size. 10 ladspa-amPitchshift::Buffer-size gint [1,7] rwx Buffer-size Buffer-size. 4 ladspa-amPitchshift::Pitch-shift gfloat [0,25,4] rwx Pitch-shift Pitch-shift. 1 ladspa-amPitchshift::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-modDelay::Base-delay gfloat [0,1] rwx Base-delay Base-delay. 1 ladspa-tap-autopan::Depth---- gfloat [0,100] rwx Depth---- Depth----. 0 ladspa-tap-autopan::Frequency--Hz- gfloat [0,20] rwx Frequency--Hz- Frequency--Hz-. 0 ladspa-tap-autopan::Gain--dB- gfloat [-70,20] rwx Gain--dB- Gain--dB-. 0 ladspa-rateShifter::Rate gfloat [-4,4] rwx Rate Rate. 1 ladspa-Filter::Frequency gfloat [10,20000] rwx Frequency Frequency. 10 ladspa-Filter::Inertia gfloat [5,100] rwx Inertia Inertia. 5 ladspa-Filter::Mode gint [0,5] rwx Mode Mode. 0 ladspa-Filter::Resonance gfloat [0,707,20] rwx Resonance Resonance. 0,707 ladspa-Flanger::Amount gfloat [0,2] rwx Amount Amount. 0 ladspa-Flanger::Feedback gfloat [-0,99,0,99] rwx Feedback Feedback. -0,99 ladspa-Flanger::Minimum-delay gfloat [0,1,10] rwx Minimum-delay Minimum-delay. 0,1 ladspa-Flanger::Modulation-depth gfloat [0,1,10] rwx Modulation-depth Modulation-depth. 0,1 ladspa-Flanger::Modulation-rate gfloat [0,01,20] rwx Modulation-rate Modulation-rate. 0,01 ladspa-Flanger::Reset gboolean rwx Reset Reset. FALSE ladspa-Flanger::Stereo-phase gfloat [0,360] rwx Stereo-phase Stereo-phase. 0 ladspa-Reverb::Amount gfloat [0,2] rwx Amount Amount. 0 ladspa-Reverb::Decay-time gfloat [0,5,15] rwx Decay-time Decay-time. 0,5 ladspa-Reverb::Diffusion gfloat [0,1] rwx Diffusion Diffusion. 0 ladspa-Reverb::High-Frq-Damp gfloat [2000,20000] rwx High-Frq-Damp High-Frq-Damp. 2000 ladspa-Reverb::Room-size gint [0,3] rwx Room-size Room-size. 0 ladspa-VintageDelay::Amount gfloat [0,2] rwx Amount Amount. 0 ladspa-VintageDelay::Feedback gfloat [0,1] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0 ladspa-VintageDelay::Medium gint [0,2] rwx Medium Medium. 0 ladspa-VintageDelay::Mix-mode gint [0,1] rwx Mix-mode Mix-mode. 0 ladspa-VintageDelay::Subdivide gint [1,16] rwx Subdivide Subdivide. 1 ladspa-VintageDelay::Tempo gfloat [30,300] rwx Tempo Tempo. 30 ladspa-VintageDelay::Time-L gint [1,16] rwx Time-L Time-L. 1 ladspa-VintageDelay::Time-R gint [1,16] rwx Time-R Time-R. 1 ladspa-RotarySpeaker::Speed-Mode gint [0,4] rwx Speed-Mode Speed-Mode. 0 ladspa-RotarySpeaker::Tap-Offset gfloat [0,1] rwx Tap-Offset Tap-Offset. 0 ladspa-RotarySpeaker::Tap-Spacing gfloat [0,1] rwx Tap-Spacing Tap-Spacing. 0 ladspa-phaser::Amount gfloat [0,2] rwx Amount Amount. 0 ladspa-phaser::Center-Freq gfloat [20,20000] rwx Center-Freq Center-Freq. 20 ladspa-phaser::Feedback gfloat [-0,99,0,99] rwx Feedback Feedback. -0,99 ladspa-phaser::Modulation-depth gfloat [0,10800] rwx Modulation-depth Modulation-depth. 0 ladspa-phaser::Modulation-rate gfloat [0,01,20] rwx Modulation-rate Modulation-rate. 0,01 ladspa-phaser::Reset gboolean rwx Reset Reset. FALSE ladspa-phaser::Stereo-phase gfloat [0,360] rwx Stereo-phase Stereo-phase. 0 ladspa-phaser::param---Stages gint [1,12] rwx param---Stages param---Stages. 1 ladspa-Eq::param-1-kHz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-1-kHz param-1-kHz. 0 ladspa-Eq::param-125-Hz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-125-Hz param-125-Hz. 0 ladspa-Eq::param-16-kHz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-16-kHz param-16-kHz. 0 ladspa-Eq::param-2-kHz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-2-kHz param-2-kHz. 0 ladspa-Eq::param-250-Hz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-250-Hz param-250-Hz. 0 ladspa-Eq::param-31-Hz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-31-Hz param-31-Hz. -30 ladspa-Eq::param-4-kHz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-4-kHz param-4-kHz. 0 ladspa-Eq::param-500-Hz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-500-Hz param-500-Hz. 0 ladspa-Eq::param-63-Hz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-63-Hz param-63-Hz. 0 ladspa-Eq::param-8-kHz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-8-kHz param-8-kHz. 0 ladspa-Eq2x2::param-1-kHz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-1-kHz param-1-kHz. 0 ladspa-Eq2x2::param-125-Hz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-125-Hz param-125-Hz. 0 ladspa-Eq2x2::param-16-kHz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-16-kHz param-16-kHz. 0 ladspa-Eq2x2::param-2-kHz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-2-kHz param-2-kHz. 0 ladspa-Eq2x2::param-250-Hz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-250-Hz param-250-Hz. 0 ladspa-Eq2x2::param-31-Hz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-31-Hz param-31-Hz. 0 ladspa-Eq2x2::param-4-kHz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-4-kHz param-4-kHz. 0 ladspa-Eq2x2::param-500-Hz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-500-Hz param-500-Hz. 0 ladspa-Eq2x2::param-63-Hz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-63-Hz param-63-Hz. 0 ladspa-Eq2x2::param-8-kHz gfloat [-48,24] rwx param-8-kHz param-8-kHz. 0 ladspa-Compress::attack gfloat [0,001,1] rwx attack attack. 0,001 ladspa-Compress::gain gfloat [0,24] rwx gain gain. 6 ladspa-Compress::knee-radius gfloat [1,10] rwx knee-radius knee-radius. 3,25 ladspa-Compress::ratio gfloat [1,10] rwx ratio ratio. 1 ladspa-Compress::release gfloat [0,001,1] rwx release release. 0,5005 ladspa-Compress::threshold gfloat [-30,400] rwx threshold threshold. 0 ladspa-Pan::mono gboolean rwx mono mono. FALSE ladspa-Pan::pan gfloat [-1,1] rwx pan pan. 0 ladspa-Pan::t gfloat [0,1,40] rwx t t. 10,075 ladspa-Pan::width gfloat [0,1] rwx width width. 0 ladspa-PreampIII::gain gfloat [0,10] rwx gain gain. 1 ladspa-PreampIII::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-PreampIII::temperature gfloat [0,005,1] rwx temperature temperature. 0,25375 ladspa-PreampIV::bass gfloat [-20,20] rwx bass bass. 0 ladspa-PreampIV::gain gfloat [0,10] rwx gain gain. 1 ladspa-PreampIV::hi gfloat [-20,20] rwx hi hi. 0 ladspa-PreampIV::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-PreampIV::mid gfloat [-20,20] rwx mid mid. 0 ladspa-PreampIV::temperature gfloat [0,005,1] rwx temperature temperature. 0,5025 ladspa-PreampIV::treble gfloat [-20,20] rwx treble treble. 0 ladspa-ToneStack::bass gfloat [0,1] rwx bass bass. 0,5 ladspa-ToneStack::mid gfloat [0,1] rwx mid mid. 0,5 ladspa-ToneStack::model gint [0,5] rwx model model. 0 ladspa-ToneStack::treble gfloat [0,1] rwx treble treble. 0,5 ladspa-ToneStackLT::bass gfloat [0,1] rwx bass bass. 0,5 ladspa-ToneStackLT::mid gfloat [0,1] rwx mid mid. 0,5 ladspa-ToneStackLT::treble gfloat [0,1] rwx treble treble. 0,5 ladspa-AmpIII::drive gfloat [0,0001,1] rwx drive drive. 1 ladspa-AmpIII::gain gfloat [0,10] rwx gain gain. 1 ladspa-AmpIII::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-AmpIII::temperature gfloat [0,005,1] rwx temperature temperature. 0,5025 ladspa-AmpIV::bass gfloat [-20,20] rwx bass bass. 0 ladspa-AmpIV::drive gfloat [0,0001,1] rwx drive drive. 1 ladspa-AmpIV::gain gfloat [0,10] rwx gain gain. 1 ladspa-AmpIV::hi gfloat [-20,20] rwx hi hi. 0 ladspa-AmpIV::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-AmpIV::mid gfloat [-20,20] rwx mid mid. 0 ladspa-AmpIV::temperature gfloat [0,005,1] rwx temperature temperature. 0,5025 ladspa-AmpIV::treble gfloat [-20,20] rwx treble treble. 0 ladspa-AmpV::bass gfloat [-9,9] rwx bass bass. 0 ladspa-AmpV::drive gfloat [0,0001,1] rwx drive drive. 0,750025 ladspa-AmpV::gain gfloat [0,3] rwx gain gain. 1 ladspa-AmpV::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-AmpV::tone gfloat [0,1] rwx tone tone. 0 ladspa-AmpV::watts gfloat [5,150] rwx watts watts. 77,5 ladspa-AmpVTS::bass gfloat [0,1] rwx bass bass. 0,5 ladspa-AmpVTS::drive gfloat [0,0001,1] rwx drive drive. 0,250075 ladspa-AmpVTS::gain gfloat [0,3] rwx gain gain. 2,25 ladspa-AmpVTS::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-AmpVTS::mid gfloat [0,1] rwx mid mid. 1 ladspa-AmpVTS::model gint [0,5] rwx model model. 0 ladspa-AmpVTS::treble gfloat [0,1] rwx treble treble. 0,75 ladspa-AmpVTS::watts gfloat [0,0001,1] rwx watts watts. 0,750025 ladspa-CabinetI::gain gfloat [-24,24] rwx gain gain. 0 ladspa-CabinetI::model gint [0,5] rwx model model. 1 ladspa-CabinetII::gain gfloat [-24,24] rwx gain gain. 0 ladspa-CabinetII::model gint [0,5] rwx model model. 1 ladspa-Clip::gain gfloat [-72,72] rwx gain gain. 1 ladspa-Clip::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-ChorusI::blend gfloat [0,1] rwx blend blend. 1 ladspa-ChorusI::feedback gfloat [0,1] rwx feedback feedback. 0 ladspa-ChorusI::feedforward gfloat [0,1] rwx feedforward feedforward. 0,25 ladspa-ChorusI::rate gfloat [0,5] rwx rate rate. 1,25 ladspa-ChorusI::t gfloat [2,5,40] rwx t t. 5 ladspa-ChorusI::width gfloat [0,5,10] rwx width width. 1 ladspa-StereoChorusI::blend gfloat [0,1] rwx blend blend. 1 ladspa-StereoChorusI::feedback gfloat [0,1] rwx feedback feedback. 0 ladspa-StereoChorusI::feedforward gfloat [0,1] rwx feedforward feedforward. 0,25 ladspa-StereoChorusI::phase gfloat [0,1] rwx phase phase. 1 ladspa-StereoChorusI::rate gfloat [0,5] rwx rate rate. 1,25 ladspa-StereoChorusI::t gfloat [2,5,40] rwx t t. 2,5 ladspa-StereoChorusI::width gfloat [0,5,10] rwx width width. 1 ladspa-ChorusII::blend gfloat [0,1] rwx blend blend. 1 ladspa-ChorusII::feedback gfloat [0,1] rwx feedback feedback. 0 ladspa-ChorusII::feedforward gfloat [0,1] rwx feedforward feedforward. 0,25 ladspa-ChorusII::rate gfloat [0,1] rwx rate rate. 0,25 ladspa-ChorusII::t gfloat [2,5,40] rwx t t. 5 ladspa-ChorusII::width gfloat [0,5,10] rwx width width. 1 ladspa-StereoChorusII::blend gfloat [0,1] rwx blend blend. 1 ladspa-StereoChorusII::feedback gfloat [0,1] rwx feedback feedback. 0 ladspa-StereoChorusII::feedforward gfloat [0,1] rwx feedforward feedforward. 0,5 ladspa-StereoChorusII::rate gfloat [0,1] rwx rate rate. 0,25 ladspa-StereoChorusII::t gfloat [2,5,40] rwx t t. 11,875 ladspa-StereoChorusII::width gfloat [0,5,10] rwx width width. 2,875 ladspa-PhaserI::depth gfloat [0,1] rwx depth depth. 0,75 ladspa-PhaserI::feedback gfloat [0,0,999] rwx feedback feedback. 0,74925 ladspa-PhaserI::rate gfloat [0,10] rwx rate rate. 1 ladspa-PhaserI::spread gfloat [0,3,14159] rwx spread spread. 0,785398 ladspa-PhaserII::depth gfloat [0,1] rwx depth depth. 0,75 ladspa-PhaserII::feedback gfloat [0,0,999] rwx feedback feedback. 0,74925 ladspa-PhaserII::rate gfloat [0,1] rwx rate rate. 0,25 ladspa-PhaserII::spread gfloat [0,1,5708] rwx spread spread. 0,392699 ladspa-SweepVFI::Q gfloat [0,001,0,999] rwx Q Q. 0,5 ladspa-SweepVFI::depth-x gfloat [0,1] rwx depth-x depth-x. 0,25 ladspa-SweepVFI::depth-y gfloat [0,1] rwx depth-y depth-y. 0,5 ladspa-SweepVFI::depth-z gfloat [0,1] rwx depth-z depth-z. 1 ladspa-SweepVFI::f gfloat [83,3383] rwx f f. 209,717 ladspa-SweepVFI::h gfloat [0,001,1] rwx h h. 0,25075 ladspa-SweepVFI::mode gint [0,1] rwx mode mode. 1 ladspa-SweepVFII::Q gfloat [0,001,0,999] rwx Q Q. 0,5 ladspa-SweepVFII::Q-depth-x gfloat [0,1] rwx Q-depth-x Q-depth-x. 0,25 ladspa-SweepVFII::Q-depth-y gfloat [0,1] rwx Q-depth-y Q-depth-y. 0,5 ladspa-SweepVFII::Q-depth-z gfloat [0,1] rwx Q-depth-z Q-depth-z. 1 ladspa-SweepVFII::Q-h gfloat [0,001,1] rwx Q-h Q-h. 0,25075 ladspa-SweepVFII::f gfloat [83,3383] rwx f f. 209,717 ladspa-SweepVFII::f-depth-x gfloat [0,1] rwx f-depth-x f-depth-x. 0,25 ladspa-SweepVFII::f-depth-y gfloat [0,1] rwx f-depth-y f-depth-y. 0,5 ladspa-SweepVFII::f-depth-z gfloat [0,1] rwx f-depth-z f-depth-z. 1 ladspa-SweepVFII::f-h gfloat [0,001,1] rwx f-h f-h. 0,25075 ladspa-SweepVFII::mode gint [0,1] rwx mode mode. 1 ladspa-AutoWah::Q gfloat [0,001,0,999] rwx Q Q. 0,2505 ladspa-AutoWah::depth gfloat [0,1] rwx depth depth. 0,5 ladspa-AutoWah::f gfloat [43,933] rwx f f. 92,8051 ladspa-Scape::blend gfloat [0,1] rwx blend blend. 0,75 ladspa-Scape::bpm gfloat [30,240] rwx bpm bpm. 82,5 ladspa-Scape::divider gint [2,4] rwx divider divider. 2 ladspa-Scape::dry gfloat [0,1] rwx dry dry. 0,25 ladspa-Scape::feedback gfloat [0,1] rwx feedback feedback. 0,25 ladspa-VCOs::f gfloat [1,5751] rwx f f. 100 ladspa-VCOs::param------square gfloat [0,1] rwx param------square param------square. 0 ladspa-VCOs::tri----saw gfloat [0,1] rwx tri----saw tri----saw. 0 ladspa-VCOs::volume gfloat [1e-06,1] rwx volume volume. 0,5 ladspa-VCOd::blend gfloat [-1,1] rwx blend blend. 0,5 ladspa-VCOd::f gfloat [1,5751] rwx f f. 100 ladspa-VCOd::param-1-------square gfloat [0,1] rwx param-1-------square param-1-------square. 0 ladspa-VCOd::param-1--tri----saw gfloat [0,1] rwx param-1--tri----saw param-1--tri----saw. 0 ladspa-VCOd::param-2-------square gfloat [0,1] rwx param-2-------square param-2-------square. 0 ladspa-VCOd::param-2--tri----saw gfloat [0,1] rwx param-2--tri----saw param-2--tri----saw. 0 ladspa-VCOd::param-2--tune gfloat [-12,12] rwx param-2--tune param-2--tune. 0 ladspa-VCOd::sync gfloat [0,1] rwx sync sync. 0 ladspa-VCOd::volume gfloat [1e-06,1] rwx volume volume. 0,5 ladspa-CEO::damping gfloat [0,1] rwx damping damping. 0 ladspa-CEO::mpm gfloat [4,244] rwx mpm mpm. 184 ladspa-CEO::volume gfloat [0,1] rwx volume volume. 0,5 ladspa-Sin::f gfloat [0,0001,20000] rwx f f. 100 ladspa-Sin::volume gfloat [1e-06,1] rwx volume volume. 0,5 ladspa-White::volume gfloat [1e-06,1] rwx volume volume. 0,5 ladspa-Lorenz::h gfloat [0,1] rwx h h. 0 ladspa-Lorenz::volume gfloat [1e-06,1] rwx volume volume. 0,5 ladspa-Lorenz::x gfloat [0,1] rwx x x. 1 ladspa-Lorenz::y gfloat [0,1] rwx y y. 0 ladspa-Lorenz::z gfloat [0,1] rwx z z. 0 ladspa-Roessler::h gfloat [0,1] rwx h h. 0 ladspa-Roessler::volume gfloat [1e-06,1] rwx volume volume. 0,5 ladspa-Roessler::x gfloat [0,1] rwx x x. 1 ladspa-Roessler::y gfloat [0,1] rwx y y. 0,5 ladspa-Roessler::z gfloat [0,1] rwx z z. 0 ladspa-JVRev::blend gfloat [0,0,28] rwx blend blend. 0,07 ladspa-JVRev::t60 gfloat [0,4,6] rwx t60 t60. 2,3 ladspa-Plate::bandwidth gfloat [0,005,0,999] rwx bandwidth bandwidth. 0,502 ladspa-Plate::blend gfloat [0,1] rwx blend blend. 0,25 ladspa-Plate::damping gfloat [0,0005,1] rwx damping damping. 0,250375 ladspa-Plate::tail gfloat [0,0,749] rwx tail tail. 0,3745 ladspa-Plate2x2::bandwidth gfloat [0,005,0,999] rwx bandwidth bandwidth. 0,502 ladspa-Plate2x2::blend gfloat [0,1] rwx blend blend. 0,25 ladspa-Plate2x2::damping gfloat [0,0005,1] rwx damping damping. 0,250375 ladspa-Plate2x2::tail gfloat [0,0,749] rwx tail tail. 0,3745 ladspa-Click::bpm gfloat [4,244] rwx bpm bpm. 64 ladspa-Click::damping gfloat [0,1] rwx damping damping. 0,75 ladspa-Click::volume gfloat [0,1] rwx volume volume. 0,5 ladspa-Dirac::damping gfloat [0,1] rwx damping damping. 0 ladspa-Dirac::ppm gfloat [30,60] rwx ppm ppm. 30 ladspa-Dirac::volume gfloat [0,1] rwx volume volume. 0 ladspa-HRTF::pan gint [-36,36] rwx pan pan. 0 ladspa-sequencer64::Closed-Gate-Value gfloat rwx Closed-Gate-Value Closed-Gate-Value. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Loop-Steps gint [1,64] rwx Loop-Steps Loop-Steps. 64 ladspa-sequencer64::Reset-to-Value-on-Gate-Close- gint [0,1] rwx Reset-to-Value-on-Gate-Close- Reset-to-Value-on-Gate-Close-. 0 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-0 gfloat rwx Value-Step-0 Value-Step-0. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-1 gfloat rwx Value-Step-1 Value-Step-1. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-10 gfloat rwx Value-Step-10 Value-Step-10. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-11 gfloat rwx Value-Step-11 Value-Step-11. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-12 gfloat rwx Value-Step-12 Value-Step-12. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-13 gfloat rwx Value-Step-13 Value-Step-13. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-14 gfloat rwx Value-Step-14 Value-Step-14. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-15 gfloat rwx Value-Step-15 Value-Step-15. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-16 gfloat rwx Value-Step-16 Value-Step-16. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-17 gfloat rwx Value-Step-17 Value-Step-17. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-18 gfloat rwx Value-Step-18 Value-Step-18. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-19 gfloat rwx Value-Step-19 Value-Step-19. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-2 gfloat rwx Value-Step-2 Value-Step-2. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-20 gfloat rwx Value-Step-20 Value-Step-20. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-21 gfloat rwx Value-Step-21 Value-Step-21. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-22 gfloat rwx Value-Step-22 Value-Step-22. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-23 gfloat rwx Value-Step-23 Value-Step-23. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-24 gfloat rwx Value-Step-24 Value-Step-24. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-25 gfloat rwx Value-Step-25 Value-Step-25. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-26 gfloat rwx Value-Step-26 Value-Step-26. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-27 gfloat rwx Value-Step-27 Value-Step-27. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-28 gfloat rwx Value-Step-28 Value-Step-28. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-29 gfloat rwx Value-Step-29 Value-Step-29. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-3 gfloat rwx Value-Step-3 Value-Step-3. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-30 gfloat rwx Value-Step-30 Value-Step-30. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-31 gfloat rwx Value-Step-31 Value-Step-31. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-32 gfloat rwx Value-Step-32 Value-Step-32. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-33 gfloat rwx Value-Step-33 Value-Step-33. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-34 gfloat rwx Value-Step-34 Value-Step-34. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-35 gfloat rwx Value-Step-35 Value-Step-35. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-36 gfloat rwx Value-Step-36 Value-Step-36. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-37 gfloat rwx Value-Step-37 Value-Step-37. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-38 gfloat rwx Value-Step-38 Value-Step-38. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-39 gfloat rwx Value-Step-39 Value-Step-39. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-4 gfloat rwx Value-Step-4 Value-Step-4. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-40 gfloat rwx Value-Step-40 Value-Step-40. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-41 gfloat rwx Value-Step-41 Value-Step-41. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-42 gfloat rwx Value-Step-42 Value-Step-42. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-43 gfloat rwx Value-Step-43 Value-Step-43. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-44 gfloat rwx Value-Step-44 Value-Step-44. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-45 gfloat rwx Value-Step-45 Value-Step-45. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-46 gfloat rwx Value-Step-46 Value-Step-46. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-47 gfloat rwx Value-Step-47 Value-Step-47. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-48 gfloat rwx Value-Step-48 Value-Step-48. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-49 gfloat rwx Value-Step-49 Value-Step-49. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-5 gfloat rwx Value-Step-5 Value-Step-5. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-50 gfloat rwx Value-Step-50 Value-Step-50. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-51 gfloat rwx Value-Step-51 Value-Step-51. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-52 gfloat rwx Value-Step-52 Value-Step-52. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-53 gfloat rwx Value-Step-53 Value-Step-53. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-54 gfloat rwx Value-Step-54 Value-Step-54. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-55 gfloat rwx Value-Step-55 Value-Step-55. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-56 gfloat rwx Value-Step-56 Value-Step-56. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-57 gfloat rwx Value-Step-57 Value-Step-57. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-58 gfloat rwx Value-Step-58 Value-Step-58. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-59 gfloat rwx Value-Step-59 Value-Step-59. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-6 gfloat rwx Value-Step-6 Value-Step-6. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-60 gfloat rwx Value-Step-60 Value-Step-60. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-61 gfloat rwx Value-Step-61 Value-Step-61. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-62 gfloat rwx Value-Step-62 Value-Step-62. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-63 gfloat rwx Value-Step-63 Value-Step-63. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-7 gfloat rwx Value-Step-7 Value-Step-7. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-8 gfloat rwx Value-Step-8 Value-Step-8. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer64::Value-Step-9 gfloat rwx Value-Step-9 Value-Step-9. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-pointerCastDistortion::Dry-wet-mix gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-wet-mix Dry-wet-mix. 0 ladspa-pointerCastDistortion::Effect-cutoff-freq gfloat [4,41,13230] rwx Effect-cutoff-freq Effect-cutoff-freq. 32,6376 ladspa-comb::Band-separation gfloat [16,640] rwx Band-separation Band-separation. 172 ladspa-comb::Feedback gfloat [-0,99,0,99] rwx Feedback Feedback. 0 ladspa-tap-stereo-echo::Cross-Mode gboolean rwx Cross-Mode Cross-Mode. FALSE ladspa-tap-stereo-echo::Dry-Level--dB- gfloat [-70,10] rwx Dry-Level--dB- Dry-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-stereo-echo::Haas-Effect gboolean rwx Haas-Effect Haas-Effect. FALSE ladspa-tap-stereo-echo::L-Delay--ms- gfloat [0,2000] rwx L-Delay--ms- L-Delay--ms-. 100 ladspa-tap-stereo-echo::L-Echo-Level--dB- gfloat [-70,10] rwx L-Echo-Level--dB- L-Echo-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-stereo-echo::L-Feedback---- gfloat [0,100] rwx L-Feedback---- L-Feedback----. 0 ladspa-tap-stereo-echo::R-Echo-Level--dB- gfloat [-70,10] rwx R-Echo-Level--dB- R-Echo-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-stereo-echo::R-Haas-Delay--ms- gfloat [0,2000] rwx R-Haas-Delay--ms- R-Haas-Delay--ms-. 100 ladspa-tap-stereo-echo::R-Haas-Feedback---- gfloat [0,100] rwx R-Haas-Feedback---- R-Haas-Feedback----. 0 ladspa-tap-stereo-echo::Swap-Outputs gboolean rwx Swap-Outputs Swap-Outputs. FALSE ladspa-gsm::Dry-wet-mix gfloat [0,1] rwx Dry-wet-mix Dry-wet-mix. 1 ladspa-gsm::Error-rate gfloat [0,30] rwx Error-rate Error-rate. 0 ladspa-gsm::Number-of-passes gint [0,10] rwx Number-of-passes Number-of-passes. 1 ladspa-gsm::latency gfloat r latency latency. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-highpass-iir::Cutoff-Frequency gfloat [4,41,19845] rwx Cutoff-Frequency Cutoff-Frequency. 36,1195 ladspa-highpass-iir::Stages-2-poles-per-stage- gint [1,10] rwx Stages-2-poles-per-stage- Stages-2-poles-per-stage-. 1 ladspa-vocoder::Band-1-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-1-Level Band-1-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-10-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-10-Level Band-10-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-11-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-11-Level Band-11-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-12-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-12-Level Band-12-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-13-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-13-Level Band-13-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-14-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-14-Level Band-14-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-15-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-15-Level Band-15-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-16-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-16-Level Band-16-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-2-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-2-Level Band-2-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-3-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-3-Level Band-3-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-4-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-4-Level Band-4-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-5-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-5-Level Band-5-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-6-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-6-Level Band-6-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-7-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-7-Level Band-7-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-8-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-8-Level Band-8-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Band-9-Level gfloat [0,1] rwx Band-9-Level Band-9-Level. 0 ladspa-vocoder::Number-of-bands gint [1,16] rwx Number-of-bands Number-of-bands. 1 ladspa-karaoke::Vocal-volume gfloat [-70,0] rwx Vocal-volume Vocal-volume. 0 ladspa-jaminController::Scene-no- gint [1,20] rwx Scene-no- Scene-no-. 1 ladspa-tap-chorusflanger::Contour--Hz- gfloat [20,20000] rwx Contour--Hz- Contour--Hz-. 100 ladspa-tap-chorusflanger::Delay--ms- gfloat [0,100] rwx Delay--ms- Delay--ms-. 25 ladspa-tap-chorusflanger::Depth---- gfloat [0,100] rwx Depth---- Depth----. 75 ladspa-tap-chorusflanger::Dry-Level--dB- gfloat [-90,20] rwx Dry-Level--dB- Dry-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-chorusflanger::Frequency--Hz- gfloat [0,5] rwx Frequency--Hz- Frequency--Hz-. 1,25 ladspa-tap-chorusflanger::L-R-Phase-Shift--deg- gfloat [0,180] rwx L-R-Phase-Shift--deg- L-R-Phase-Shift--deg-. 90 ladspa-tap-chorusflanger::Wet-Level--dB- gfloat [-90,20] rwx Wet-Level--dB- Wet-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-bandpass-iir::Bandwidth gfloat [4,41,19845] rwx Bandwidth Bandwidth. 295,832 ladspa-bandpass-iir::Center-Frequency gfloat [4,41,19845] rwx Center-Frequency Center-Frequency. 295,832 ladspa-bandpass-iir::Stages-2-poles-per-stage- gint [1,10] rwx Stages-2-poles-per-stage- Stages-2-poles-per-stage-. 1 ladspa-sc4::Amplitude gfloat [-40,12] r Amplitude Amplitude. -40 ladspa-sc4::Attack-time gfloat [1,5,400] rwx Attack-time Attack-time. 101,125 ladspa-sc4::Gain-reduction gfloat [-24,0] r Gain-reduction Gain-reduction. -24 ladspa-sc4::Knee-radius gfloat [1,10] rwx Knee-radius Knee-radius. 3,25 ladspa-sc4::Makeup-gain gfloat [0,24] rwx Makeup-gain Makeup-gain. 0 ladspa-sc4::RMS-peak gfloat [0,1] rwx RMS-peak RMS-peak. 0 ladspa-sc4::Ratio gfloat [1,20] rwx Ratio Ratio. 1 ladspa-sc4::Release-time gfloat [2,800] rwx Release-time Release-time. 401 ladspa-sc4::Threshold-level gfloat [-30,0] rwx Threshold-level Threshold-level. 0 ladspa-sawtooth-fc-oa::Frequenz gfloat [0,91875,22050] rwx Frequenz Frequenz. 440 ladspa-notch-iir::Bandwidth gfloat [4,41,19845] rwx Bandwidth Bandwidth. 295,832 ladspa-notch-iir::Center-Frequency gfloat [4,41,19845] rwx Center-Frequency Center-Frequency. 295,832 ladspa-notch-iir::Stages-2-poles-per-stage- gint [1,10] rwx Stages-2-poles-per-stage- Stages-2-poles-per-stage-. 1 ladspa-freqTracker::Tracking-speed gfloat [0,1] rwx Tracking-speed Tracking-speed. 0,5 ladspa-comb-n::Decay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Decay-Time Decay-Time. 0 ladspa-comb-n::Delay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Delay-Time Delay-Time. 0 ladspa-comb-n::Max-Delay gfloat >= 0 rwx Max-Delay Max-Delay. 0 ladspa-comb-l::Decay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Decay-Time Decay-Time. 0 ladspa-comb-l::Delay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Delay-Time Delay-Time. 0 ladspa-comb-l::Max-Delay gfloat >= 0 rwx Max-Delay Max-Delay. 0 ladspa-comb-c::Decay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Decay-Time Decay-Time. 0 ladspa-comb-c::Delay-Time gfloat >= 0 rwx Delay-Time Delay-Time. 0 ladspa-comb-c::Max-Delay gfloat >= 0 rwx Max-Delay Max-Delay. 0 ladspa-sequencer32::Closed-Gate-Value gfloat rwx Closed-Gate-Value Closed-Gate-Value. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Loop-Steps gint [1,32] rwx Loop-Steps Loop-Steps. 32 ladspa-sequencer32::Reset-to-Value-on-Gate-Close- gint [0,1] rwx Reset-to-Value-on-Gate-Close- Reset-to-Value-on-Gate-Close-. 0 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-0 gfloat rwx Value-Step-0 Value-Step-0. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-1 gfloat rwx Value-Step-1 Value-Step-1. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-10 gfloat rwx Value-Step-10 Value-Step-10. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-11 gfloat rwx Value-Step-11 Value-Step-11. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-12 gfloat rwx Value-Step-12 Value-Step-12. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-13 gfloat rwx Value-Step-13 Value-Step-13. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-14 gfloat rwx Value-Step-14 Value-Step-14. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-15 gfloat rwx Value-Step-15 Value-Step-15. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-16 gfloat rwx Value-Step-16 Value-Step-16. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-17 gfloat rwx Value-Step-17 Value-Step-17. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-18 gfloat rwx Value-Step-18 Value-Step-18. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-19 gfloat rwx Value-Step-19 Value-Step-19. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-2 gfloat rwx Value-Step-2 Value-Step-2. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-20 gfloat rwx Value-Step-20 Value-Step-20. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-21 gfloat rwx Value-Step-21 Value-Step-21. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-22 gfloat rwx Value-Step-22 Value-Step-22. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-23 gfloat rwx Value-Step-23 Value-Step-23. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-24 gfloat rwx Value-Step-24 Value-Step-24. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-25 gfloat rwx Value-Step-25 Value-Step-25. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-26 gfloat rwx Value-Step-26 Value-Step-26. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-27 gfloat rwx Value-Step-27 Value-Step-27. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-28 gfloat rwx Value-Step-28 Value-Step-28. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-29 gfloat rwx Value-Step-29 Value-Step-29. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-3 gfloat rwx Value-Step-3 Value-Step-3. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-30 gfloat rwx Value-Step-30 Value-Step-30. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-31 gfloat rwx Value-Step-31 Value-Step-31. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-4 gfloat rwx Value-Step-4 Value-Step-4. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-5 gfloat rwx Value-Step-5 Value-Step-5. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-6 gfloat rwx Value-Step-6 Value-Step-6. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-7 gfloat rwx Value-Step-7 Value-Step-7. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-8 gfloat rwx Value-Step-8 Value-Step-8. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-sequencer32::Value-Step-9 gfloat rwx Value-Step-9 Value-Step-9. -3,40282e+38 ladspa-tap-deesser::Attenuation--dB- gfloat [0,10] r Attenuation--dB- Attenuation--dB-. 0 ladspa-tap-deesser::Frequency--Hz- gfloat [2000,16000] rwx Frequency--Hz- Frequency--Hz-. 5500 ladspa-tap-deesser::Monitor gint [0,1] rwx Monitor Monitor. 0 ladspa-tap-deesser::Sidechain-Filter gint [0,1] rwx Sidechain-Filter Sidechain-Filter. 0 ladspa-tap-deesser::Threshold-Level--dB- gfloat [-50,10] rwx Threshold-Level--dB- Threshold-Level--dB-. 0 ladspa-noise-white::Amplitude gfloat >= 0 rwx Amplitude Amplitude. 1 GstSMPTEAlpha::border gint >= 0 rw Border The border width of the transition. 0 GstSMPTEAlpha::depth gint [1,24] rw Depth Depth of the mask in bits. 16 GstSMPTEAlpha::position gdouble [0,1] rw Position Position of the transition effect. 0 GstSMPTEAlpha::type GstSMPTEAlphaTransitionType rw Type The type of transition to use. A bar moves from left to right GstVideoMixerPad::alpha gdouble [0,1] rw Alpha Alpha of the picture. 1 GstVideoMixerPad::xpos gint rw X Position X Position of the picture. 0 GstVideoMixerPad::ypos gint rw Y Position Y Position of the picture. 0 GstVideoMixerPad::zorder guint <= 10000 rw Z-Order Z Order of the picture. 0 GstRtpH264Depay::byte-stream gboolean rw Byte Stream Generate byte stream format of NALU. TRUE GstAudioKaraoke::filter-band gfloat [0,441] rw Filter Band The Frequency band of the filter. 220 GstAudioKaraoke::filter-width gfloat [0,100] rw Filter Width The Frequency width of the filter. 100 GstAudioKaraoke::level gfloat [0,1] rw Level Level of the effect (1.0 = full). 1 GstAudioKaraoke::mono-level gfloat [0,1] rw Mono Level Level of the mono channel (1.0 = full). 1 GstPulseSink::device gchar* rw Sink The PulseAudio sink device to connect to. NULL GstPulseSink::server gchar* rw Server The PulseAudio server to connect to. NULL GstPulseSink::device-name gchar* r Device name Human-readable name of the sound device. NULL GstPulseSink::volume gdouble [0,1000] rw Volume Volume of this stream. 1 GstPulseSrc::device gchar* rw Source The PulseAudio source device to connect to. NULL GstPulseSrc::server gchar* rw Server The PulseAudio server to connect to. NULL GstPulseSrc::device-name gchar* r Device name Human-readable name of the sound device. NULL GstPulseMixer::device gchar* rw Sink/Source The PulseAudio sink or source to control. NULL GstPulseMixer::device-name gchar* r Device name Human-readable name of the sound device. NULL GstPulseMixer::server gchar* rw Server The PulseAudio server to connect to. NULL GstTagInject::tags gchar* w taglist List of tags to inject into the target file. NULL GstDeinterleave::keep-positions gboolean rw Keep positions Keep the original channel positions on the output buffers. FALSE GstInterleave::channel-positions GValueArray* rw Channel positions Channel positions used on the output. GstInterleave::channel-positions-from-input gboolean rw Channel positions from input Take channel positions from the input. TRUE GstRgVolume::album-mode gboolean rw Album mode Prefer album over track gain. TRUE GstRgVolume::fallback-gain gdouble [-60,60] rw Fallback gain Gain for streams missing tags [dB]. 0 GstRgVolume::headroom gdouble [0,60] rw Headroom Extra headroom [dB]. 0 GstRgVolume::pre-amp gdouble [-60,60] rw Pre-amp Extra gain [dB]. 0 GstRgVolume::result-gain gdouble [-120,120] r Result-gain Applied gain [dB]. 0 GstRgVolume::target-gain gdouble [-120,120] r Target-gain Applicable gain [dB]. 0 GstRgLimiter::enabled gboolean rw Enabled Enable processing. TRUE GstRgAnalysis::forced gboolean rw Forced Analyze even if ReplayGain tags exist. TRUE GstRgAnalysis::num-tracks gint >= 0 rw Number of album tracks Number of remaining album tracks. 0 GstRgAnalysis::reference-level gdouble [0,150] rw Reference level Reference level [dB]. 89 GstRgAnalysis::message gboolean rwx Message Post statics messages. FALSE GstHDV1394Src::channel gint [0,64] rw Channel Channel number for listening. 63 GstHDV1394Src::device-name gchar* r device name user-friendly name of the device. "Default" GstHDV1394Src::guid guint64 rw GUID select one of multiple DV devices by its GUID. use a hexadecimal like 0xhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (0 = no guid). 0 GstHDV1394Src::port gint [G_MAXULONG,16] rw Port Port number (-1 automatic). -1 GstHDV1394Src::use-avc gboolean rw Use AV/C Use AV/C VTR control. TRUE GstAutoVideoSrc::filter-caps GstCaps* rw Filter caps Filter src candidates using these caps. GstAutoAudioSrc::filter-caps GstCaps* rw Filter caps Filter sink candidates using these caps. GstRtpJPEGPay::quality gint [0,255] rw Quality Quality factor on JPEG data (unused). 255 GstRtpJPEGPay::type gint [0,255] rw Type Default JPEG Type, overwritten by SOF when present. 1 GstAudioFIRFilter::kernel GValueArray* rw Filter Kernel Filter kernel for the FIR filter. GstAudioFIRFilter::latency guint64 rw Latecy Filter latency in samples. 0 GstAudioIIRFilter::a GValueArray* rw A Filter coefficients (numerator of transfer function). GstAudioIIRFilter::b GValueArray* rw B Filter coefficients (denominator of transfer function). GstAudioDelay::delay guint64 >= 1 rw Delay Delay in nanoseconds. 1 GstAudioDelay::feedback gfloat [0,1] rw Feedback Amount of feedback. 0 GstAudioDelay::intensity gfloat [0,1] rw Intensity Intensity of the echo. 0 GstAudioReverb::delay guint64 >= 1 rw Delay Delay of the echo in nanoseconds. 1 GstAudioReverb::feedback gfloat [0,1] rw Feedback Amount of feedback. 0 GstAudioReverb::intensity gfloat [0,1] rw Intensity Intensity of the echo. 0 GstAudioEcho::delay guint64 >= 1 rw Delay Delay of the echo in nanoseconds. 1 GstAudioEcho::feedback gfloat [0,1] rw Feedback Amount of feedback. 0 GstAudioEcho::intensity gfloat [0,1] rw Intensity Intensity of the echo. 0 GstAudioEcho::max-delay guint64 >= 1 rw Maximum Delay Maximum delay of the echo in nanoseconds (can't be changed in PLAYING or PAUSED state). 1 GstAspectRatioCrop::aspect-ratio GstFraction rw aspect-ratio Target aspect-ratio of video. GstRtpG726Depay::force-aal2 gboolean rw Force AAL2 Force AAL2 decoding for compatibility with bad payloaders. TRUE GstRtpG726Pay::force-aal2 gboolean rw Force AAL2 Force AAL2 encoding for compatibility with bad depayloaders. TRUE GstRtpH263Pay::modea-only gboolean rw Fragment packets in mode A Only Disable packetization modes B and C. TRUE