From f99214a657549e95651e1ded86ef9d1e7b89e7a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Sebastian=20Dr=C3=B6ge?= <>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 18:23:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Some more WIP

Scanning all codecs now and have data structures for holding codec
information and codec contexts. Also function declarations for
working with them.
 sys/androidmedia/gstamc.c | 529 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 sys/androidmedia/gstamc.h |  87 ++++++-
 2 files changed, 611 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/androidmedia/gstamc.c b/sys/androidmedia/gstamc.c
index 9eb61ab744..5c8be9097f 100644
--- a/sys/androidmedia/gstamc.c
+++ b/sys/androidmedia/gstamc.c
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ static jint (*get_created_java_vms) (JavaVM ** vmBuf, jsize bufLen,
 static jint (*create_java_vm) (JavaVM ** p_vm, JNIEnv ** p_env, void *vm_args);
 static JavaVM *java_vm;
-JNIEnv *
+static JNIEnv *
 gst_amc_attach_current_thread (void)
   JNIEnv *env;
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ gst_amc_attach_current_thread (void) = NULL; = NULL;
-  if ((*java_vm)->AttachCurrentThread (java_vm, (void **) &env, &args) < 0) {
+  if ((*java_vm)->AttachCurrentThread (java_vm, &env, &args) < 0) {
     GST_ERROR ("Failed to attach current thread");
     return NULL;
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ gst_amc_attach_current_thread (void)
   return env;
+static void
 gst_amc_detach_current_thread (void)
   (*java_vm)->DetachCurrentThread (java_vm);
@@ -131,6 +131,526 @@ create_failed:
+GstAmcCodec *
+gst_amc_codec_new (const gchar * name)
+  return NULL;
+gst_amc_codec_free (GstAmcCodec * codec)
+gst_amc_codec_configure (GstAmcCodec * codec, gint flags)
+GstAmcFormat *
+gst_amc_codec_get_output_format (GstAmcCodec * codec)
+  return NULL;
+gst_amc_codec_start (GstAmcCodec * codec)
+gst_amc_codec_stop (GstAmcCodec * codec)
+gst_amc_codec_flush (GstAmcCodec * codec)
+GstAmcBuffer *
+gst_amc_codec_get_output_buffers (GstAmcCodec * codec, gsize * n_buffers)
+  return NULL;
+GstAmcBuffer *
+gst_amc_codec_get_input_buffers (GstAmcCodec * codec, gsize * n_buffers)
+  return NULL;
+gst_amc_codec_dequeue_input_buffer (GstAmcCodec * codec, gint64 timeoutUs)
+  return -1;
+gst_amc_codec_dequeue_output_buffer (GstAmcCodec * codec,
+    GstAmcBufferInfo * info, gint64 timeoutUs)
+  return -1;
+gst_amc_codec_queue_input_buffer (GstAmcCodec * codec, gint index,
+    const GstAmcBufferInfo * info)
+gst_amc_codec_release_output_buffer (GstAmcCodec * codec, gint index)
+GstAmcFormat *
+gst_amc_format_new_audio (const gchar * mime, gint sample_rate, gint channels)
+  return NULL;
+GstAmcFormat *
+gst_amc_format_new_video (const gchar * mime, gint width, gint height)
+  return NULL;
+gst_amc_format_free (GstAmcFormat * format)
+gst_amc_format_contains_key (GstAmcFormat * format, const gchar * key)
+  return FALSE;
+gst_amc_format_get_float (GstAmcFormat * format, const gchar * key,
+    gfloat * value)
+  return FALSE;
+gst_amc_format_set_float (GstAmcFormat * format, const gchar * key,
+    gfloat * value)
+gst_amc_format_get_int (GstAmcFormat * format, const gchar * key, gint * value)
+  return FALSE;
+gst_amc_format_set_int (GstAmcFormat * format, const gchar * key, gint * value)
+gst_amc_format_get_string (GstAmcFormat * format, const gchar * key,
+    gchar ** value)
+  return FALSE;
+gst_amc_format_set_string (GstAmcFormat * format, const gchar * key,
+    const gchar * value)
+static GList *codec_infos = NULL;
+static gboolean
+register_codecs (void)
+  gboolean ret = TRUE;
+  JNIEnv *env;
+  jclass codec_list_class = NULL;
+  jmethodID get_codec_count_id, get_codec_info_at_id;
+  jint codec_count, i;
+  env = gst_amc_attach_current_thread ();
+  codec_list_class = (*env)->FindClass (env, "android/media/MediaCodecList");
+  if (!codec_list_class) {
+    ret = FALSE;
+    (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+    GST_ERROR ("Failed to get codec list class");
+    goto done;
+  }
+  get_codec_count_id =
+      (*env)->GetStaticMethodID (env, codec_list_class, "getCodecCount", "()I");
+  get_codec_info_at_id =
+      (*env)->GetStaticMethodID (env, codec_list_class, "getCodecInfoAt",
+      "(I)Landroid/media/MediaCodecInfo;");
+  if (!get_codec_count_id || !get_codec_info_at_id) {
+    ret = FALSE;
+    (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+    GST_ERROR ("Failed to get codec list method IDs");
+    goto done;
+  }
+  codec_count =
+      (*env)->CallStaticIntMethod (env, codec_list_class, get_codec_count_id);
+  if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env)) {
+    ret = FALSE;
+    (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+    GST_ERROR ("Failed to get number of available codecs");
+    goto done;
+  }
+  GST_LOG ("Found %d available codecs", codec_count);
+  for (i = 0; i < codec_count; i++) {
+    GstAmcCodecInfo *gst_codec_info;
+    jobject codec_info = NULL;
+    jclass codec_info_class = NULL;
+    jmethodID get_capabilities_for_type_id, get_name_id;
+    jmethodID get_supported_types_id, is_encoder_id;
+    jobject name = NULL;
+    const gchar *name_str = NULL;
+    jboolean is_encoder;
+    jarray supported_types = NULL;
+    jsize n_supported_types;
+    jsize j;
+    gboolean valid_type = FALSE;
+    gst_codec_info = g_new0 (GstAmcCodecInfo, 1);
+    codec_info =
+        (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod (env, codec_list_class,
+        get_codec_info_at_id, i);
+    if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env) || !codec_info) {
+      (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+      GST_ERROR ("Failed to get codec info %d", i);
+      goto next_codec;
+    }
+    codec_info_class = (*env)->GetObjectClass (env, codec_info);
+    if (!codec_list_class) {
+      (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+      GST_ERROR ("Failed to get codec info class");
+      goto next_codec;
+    }
+    get_capabilities_for_type_id =
+        (*env)->GetMethodID (env, codec_info_class, "getCapabilitiesForType",
+        "(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/media/MediaCodecInfo$CodecCapabilities;");
+    get_name_id =
+        (*env)->GetMethodID (env, codec_info_class, "getName",
+        "()Ljava/lang/String;");
+    get_supported_types_id =
+        (*env)->GetMethodID (env, codec_info_class, "getSupportedTypes",
+        "()[Ljava/lang/String;");
+    is_encoder_id =
+        (*env)->GetMethodID (env, codec_info_class, "isEncoder", "()Z");
+    if (!get_capabilities_for_type_id || !get_name_id
+        || !get_supported_types_id || !is_encoder_id) {
+      (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+      GST_ERROR ("Failed to get codec info method IDs");
+      goto next_codec;
+    }
+    name = (*env)->CallObjectMethod (env, codec_info, get_name_id);
+    if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env)) {
+      (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+      GST_ERROR ("Failed to get codec name");
+      goto next_codec;
+    }
+    name_str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars (env, name, NULL);
+    if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env)) {
+      (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+      GST_ERROR ("Failed to convert codec name to UTF8");
+      goto next_codec;
+    }
+    GST_INFO ("Checking codec '%s'", name_str);
+    /* Compatibility codec names */
+    if (strcmp (name_str, "AACEncoder") == 0 ||
+        strcmp (name_str, "") == 0) {
+      GST_INFO ("Skipping compatibility codec '%s'", name_str);
+      goto next_codec;
+    }
+    gst_codec_info->name = g_strdup (name_str);
+    is_encoder = (*env)->CallBooleanMethod (env, codec_info, is_encoder_id);
+    if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env)) {
+      (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+      GST_ERROR ("Failed to detect if codec is an encoder");
+      goto next_codec;
+    }
+    gst_codec_info->is_encoder = is_encoder;
+    supported_types =
+        (*env)->CallObjectMethod (env, codec_info, get_supported_types_id);
+    if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env)) {
+      (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+      GST_ERROR ("Failed to get supported types");
+      goto next_codec;
+    }
+    n_supported_types = (*env)->GetArrayLength (env, supported_types);
+    if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env)) {
+      (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+      GST_ERROR ("Failed to get supported types array length");
+      goto next_codec;
+    }
+    GST_INFO ("Codec '%s' has %d supported types", name_str, n_supported_types);
+    gst_codec_info->supported_types = g_new0 (GstAmcCodecType, 1);
+    gst_codec_info->n_supported_types = n_supported_types;
+    for (j = 0; j < n_supported_types; j++) {
+      GstAmcCodecType *gst_codec_type;
+      jobject supported_type = NULL;
+      const gchar *supported_type_str = NULL;
+      jobject capabilities = NULL;
+      jclass capabilities_class = NULL;
+      jfieldID color_formats_id, profile_levels_id;
+      jobject color_formats = NULL;
+      jobject profile_levels = NULL;
+      jint *color_formats_elems = NULL;
+      jsize n_elems, k;
+      gst_codec_type = &gst_codec_info->supported_types[j];
+      supported_type = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement (env, supported_types, j);
+      if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env)) {
+        (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+        GST_ERROR ("Failed to get %d-th supported type", j);
+        goto next_supported_type;
+      }
+      supported_type_str =
+          (*env)->GetStringUTFChars (env, supported_type, NULL);
+      if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env) || !supported_type_str) {
+        (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+        GST_ERROR ("Failed to convert supported type to UTF8");
+        goto next_supported_type;
+      }
+      GST_INFO ("Supported type '%s'", supported_type_str);
+      gst_codec_type->mime = g_strdup (supported_type_str);
+      valid_type = TRUE;
+      capabilities =
+          (*env)->CallObjectMethod (env, codec_info,
+          get_capabilities_for_type_id, supported_type);
+      if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env)) {
+        (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+        GST_ERROR ("Failed to get capabilities for supported type");
+        goto next_supported_type;
+      }
+      capabilities_class = (*env)->GetObjectClass (env, capabilities);
+      if (!capabilities_class) {
+        (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+        GST_ERROR ("Failed to get capabilities class");
+        goto next_supported_type;
+      }
+      color_formats_id =
+          (*env)->GetFieldID (env, capabilities_class, "colorFormats", "[I");
+      profile_levels_id =
+          (*env)->GetFieldID (env, capabilities_class, "profileLevels",
+          "[Landroid/media/MediaCodecInfo$CodecProfileLevel;");
+      if (!color_formats_id || !profile_levels_id) {
+        (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+        GST_ERROR ("Failed to get capabilities field IDs");
+        goto next_supported_type;
+      }
+      color_formats =
+          (*env)->GetObjectField (env, capabilities, color_formats_id);
+      if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env)) {
+        (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+        GST_ERROR ("Failed to get color formats");
+        goto next_supported_type;
+      }
+      n_elems = (*env)->GetArrayLength (env, color_formats);
+      gst_codec_type->n_color_formats = n_elems;
+      gst_codec_type->color_formats = g_new0 (gint, n_elems);
+      color_formats_elems =
+          (*env)->GetIntArrayElements (env, color_formats, NULL);
+      if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env)) {
+        (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+        GST_ERROR ("Failed to get color format elements");
+        goto next_supported_type;
+      }
+      for (k = 0; k < n_elems; k++) {
+        GST_INFO ("Color format %d: %d", k, color_formats_elems[k]);
+        gst_codec_type->color_formats[k] = color_formats_elems[k];
+      }
+      profile_levels =
+          (*env)->GetObjectField (env, capabilities, profile_levels_id);
+      if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env)) {
+        (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+        GST_ERROR ("Failed to get profile/levels");
+        goto next_supported_type;
+      }
+      n_elems = (*env)->GetArrayLength (env, profile_levels);
+      gst_codec_type->n_profile_levels = n_elems;
+      gst_codec_type->profile_levels =
+          g_malloc0 (sizeof (gst_codec_type->profile_levels) * n_elems);
+      for (k = 0; k < n_elems; k++) {
+        jobject profile_level = NULL;
+        jclass profile_level_class = NULL;
+        jfieldID level_id, profile_id;
+        jint level, profile;
+        profile_level = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement (env, profile_levels, k);
+        if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env)) {
+          (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+          GST_ERROR ("Failed to get %d-th profile/level", k);
+          goto next_profile_level;
+        }
+        profile_level_class = (*env)->GetObjectClass (env, profile_level);
+        if (!profile_level_class) {
+          (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+          GST_ERROR ("Failed to get profile/level class");
+          goto next_profile_level;
+        }
+        level_id = (*env)->GetFieldID (env, profile_level_class, "level", "I");
+        profile_id =
+            (*env)->GetFieldID (env, profile_level_class, "profile", "I");
+        if (!level_id || !profile_id) {
+          (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+          GST_ERROR ("Failed to get profile/level field IDs");
+          goto next_profile_level;
+        }
+        level = (*env)->GetIntField (env, profile_level, level_id);
+        if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env)) {
+          (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+          GST_ERROR ("Failed to get level");
+          goto next_profile_level;
+        }
+        GST_INFO ("Level %d: 0x%08x", k, level);
+        gst_codec_type->profile_levels[k].level = level;
+        profile = (*env)->GetIntField (env, profile_level, profile_id);
+        if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck (env)) {
+          (*env)->ExceptionClear (env);
+          GST_ERROR ("Failed to get profile");
+          goto next_profile_level;
+        }
+        GST_INFO ("Profile %d: 0x%08x", k, profile);
+        gst_codec_type->profile_levels[k].profile = profile;
+      next_profile_level:
+        if (profile_level)
+          (*env)->DeleteLocalRef (env, profile_level);
+        profile_level = NULL;
+        if (profile_level_class)
+          (*env)->DeleteLocalRef (env, profile_level_class);
+        profile_level_class = NULL;
+      }
+    next_supported_type:
+      if (color_formats_elems)
+        (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements (env, color_formats,
+            color_formats_elems, JNI_ABORT);
+      color_formats_elems = NULL;
+      if (color_formats)
+        (*env)->DeleteLocalRef (env, color_formats);
+      color_formats = NULL;
+      if (profile_levels)
+        (*env)->DeleteLocalRef (env, profile_levels);
+      color_formats = NULL;
+      if (capabilities)
+        (*env)->DeleteLocalRef (env, capabilities);
+      capabilities = NULL;
+      if (capabilities_class)
+        (*env)->DeleteLocalRef (env, capabilities_class);
+      capabilities_class = NULL;
+      if (supported_type_str)
+        (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars (env, supported_type, supported_type_str);
+      supported_type_str = NULL;
+      if (supported_type)
+        (*env)->DeleteLocalRef (env, supported_type);
+      supported_type = NULL;
+    }
+    /* We need at least a valid supported type */
+    if (valid_type) {
+      GST_LOG ("Successfully scanned codec '%s'", name_str);
+      codec_infos = g_list_append (codec_infos, gst_codec_info);
+      gst_codec_info = NULL;
+    }
+    /* Clean up of all local references we got */
+  next_codec:
+    if (name_str)
+      (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars (env, name, name_str);
+    name_str = NULL;
+    if (name)
+      (*env)->DeleteLocalRef (env, name);
+    name = NULL;
+    if (supported_types)
+      (*env)->DeleteLocalRef (env, supported_types);
+    supported_types = NULL;
+    if (codec_info)
+      (*env)->DeleteLocalRef (env, codec_info);
+    codec_info = NULL;
+    if (codec_info_class)
+      (*env)->DeleteLocalRef (env, codec_info_class);
+    codec_info_class = NULL;
+    if (gst_codec_info) {
+      gint j;
+      for (j = 0; j < gst_codec_info->n_supported_types; j++) {
+        GstAmcCodecType *gst_codec_type = &gst_codec_info->supported_types[j];
+        g_free (gst_codec_type->mime);
+        g_free (gst_codec_type->color_formats);
+        g_free (gst_codec_type->profile_levels);
+      }
+      g_free (gst_codec_info->supported_types);
+      g_free (gst_codec_info->name);
+      g_free (gst_codec_info);
+    }
+    gst_codec_info = NULL;
+    valid_type = FALSE;
+  }
+  ret = codec_infos != NULL;
+  if (codec_list_class)
+    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef (env, codec_list_class);
+  gst_amc_detach_current_thread ();
+  return ret;
 static gboolean
 plugin_init (GstPlugin * plugin)
@@ -139,6 +659,9 @@ plugin_init (GstPlugin * plugin)
   if (!initialize_java_vm ())
     return FALSE;
+  if (!register_codecs ())
+    return FALSE;
   return TRUE;
diff --git a/sys/androidmedia/gstamc.h b/sys/androidmedia/gstamc.h
index e452e1b67f..7c6398f25f 100644
--- a/sys/androidmedia/gstamc.h
+++ b/sys/androidmedia/gstamc.h
@@ -26,8 +26,91 @@
-JNIEnv * gst_amc_attach_current_thread (void);
-void     gst_amc_detach_current_thread (void);
+typedef struct _GstAmcCodecInfo GstAmcCodecInfo;
+typedef struct _GstAmcCodecType GstAmcCodecType;
+typedef struct _GstAmcCodec GstAmcCodec;
+typedef struct _GstAmcCodecBufferInfo GstAmcBufferInfo;
+typedef struct _GstAmcFormat GstAmcFormat;
+typedef struct _GstAmcBuffer GstAmcBuffer;
+struct _GstAmcCodecType {
+  gchar *mime;
+  gint *color_formats;
+  gint n_color_formats;
+  struct {
+    gint profile;
+    gint level;
+  } *profile_levels;
+  gint n_profile_levels;
+struct _GstAmcCodecInfo {
+  gchar *name;
+  gboolean is_encoder;
+  GstAmcCodecType *supported_types;
+  gint n_supported_types;
+struct _GstAmcBuffer {
+  guint8 *data;
+  gsize len;
+struct _GstAmcFormat {
+  /* < private > */
+  jobject format; /* global reference */
+  jclass format_class; /* global reference */
+struct _GstAmcCodec {
+  /* < private > */
+  jobject codec; /* global reference */
+  jclass codec_class; /* global reference */
+struct _GstAmcBufferInfo {
+  gint flags;
+  gint offset;
+  gint64 presentationTimeUs;
+  gint size;
+GstAmcCodec * gst_amc_codec_new (const gchar *name);
+void gst_amc_codec_free (GstAmcCodec * codec);
+void gst_amc_codec_configure (GstAmcCodec * codec, gint flags);
+GstAmcFormat * gst_amc_codec_get_output_format (GstAmcCodec * codec);
+void gst_amc_codec_start (GstAmcCodec * codec);
+void gst_amc_codec_stop (GstAmcCodec * codec);
+void gst_amc_codec_flush (GstAmcCodec * codec);
+GstAmcBuffer * gst_amc_codec_get_output_buffers (GstAmcCodec * codec, gsize * n_buffers);
+GstAmcBuffer * gst_amc_codec_get_input_buffers (GstAmcCodec * codec, gsize * n_buffers);
+gint gst_amc_codec_dequeue_input_buffer (GstAmcCodec * codec, gint64 timeoutUs);
+gint gst_amc_codec_dequeue_output_buffer (GstAmcCodec * codec, GstAmcBufferInfo *info, gint64 timeoutUs);
+void gst_amc_codec_queue_input_buffer (GstAmcCodec * codec, gint index, const GstAmcBufferInfo *info);
+void gst_amc_codec_release_output_buffer (GstAmcCodec * codec, gint index);
+GstAmcFormat * gst_amc_format_new_audio (const gchar *mime, gint sample_rate, gint channels);
+GstAmcFormat * gst_amc_format_new_video (const gchar *mime, gint width, gint height);
+void gst_amc_format_free (GstAmcFormat * format);
+gboolean gst_amc_format_contains_key (GstAmcFormat *format, const gchar *key);
+gboolean gst_amc_format_get_float (GstAmcFormat *format, const gchar *key, gfloat *value);
+void gst_amc_format_set_float (GstAmcFormat *format, const gchar *key, gfloat *value);
+gboolean gst_amc_format_get_int (GstAmcFormat *format, const gchar *key, gint *value);
+void gst_amc_format_set_int (GstAmcFormat *format, const gchar *key, gint *value);
+gboolean gst_amc_format_get_string (GstAmcFormat *format, const gchar *key, gchar **value);
+void gst_amc_format_set_string (GstAmcFormat *format, const gchar *key, const gchar *value);