diff --git a/girs/GstAnalytics-1.0.gir b/girs/GstAnalytics-1.0.gir
index 0ad873c7c6..3dbbdaafd4 100644
--- a/girs/GstAnalytics-1.0.gir
+++ b/girs/GstAnalytics-1.0.gir
@@ -1139,6 +1139,309 @@ pixel to a class of objects is identified.
pixel to instance of an object is identified.
+ Hold tensor data
+ semantically identify the contents of the tensor
+ Indicate tensor layout
+ #GstTensorDataType of tensor data
+ Model batch size
+ #GstBuffer holding tensor data
+ Indicate tensor elements layout in memory.
+ number of tensor dimensions
+ number of tensor dimensions
+ Allocate a tensor with @num_dims dimensions.
+ tensor allocated
+ Number of dimension of the tensors
+ Allocates a new #GstTensor of @dims_order ROW_MAJOR or COLUMN_MAJOR and
+with an interleaved layout
+ A newly allocated #GstTensor
+ semantically identify the contents of the tensor
+ #GstTensorDataType of tensor data
+ Model batch size
+ #GstBuffer holding tensor data
+ Indicate tensor dimension indexing order
+ number of tensor dimensions
+ tensor dimensions
+ Create a copy of @tensor.
+ a new #GstTensor
+ a #GstTensor to be copied
+ Free tensor
+ pointer to tensor to free
+ Gets the dimensions of the tensor.
+ The dims array form the tensor
+ a #GstTensor
+ The number of dimensions
+ Describe the type of data contain in the tensor.
+ signed 4 bit integer tensor data
+ signed 8 bit integer tensor data
+ signed 16 bit integer tensor data
+ signed 32 bit integer tensor data
+ signed 64 bit integer tensor data
+ unsigned 4 bit integer tensor data
+ unsigned 8 bit integer tensor data
+ unsigned 16 bit integer tensor data
+ unsigned 32 bit integer tensor data
+ unsigned 64 bit integer tensor data
+ 16 bit floating point tensor data
+ 32 bit floating point tensor data
+ 64 bit floating point tensor data
+ "brain" 16 bit floating point tensor data
+ Hold properties of the tensor's dimension
+ Size of the dimension
+ Dimension order in memory. @see_also #GST_TENSOR_DIM_ORDER_INDEXED
+ Indicate to read tensor from memory in row-major or column-major order.
+ elements along a row are consecutive in memory
+ elements along a column are consecutive in memory
+ elements storage follow the order defined by
+ #GstTensorDim.order_index This mean that when iterating the tensor
+ the dimension with index 0 is the most nested in the loops and consecutive
+ in memory, followed by other dimensions in the order defined by
+ #GstTensorDim.order_index.
+ Indicate tensor storage in memory.
+ indicate the tensor is stored in a dense format in memory
+ parent
+ number of tensors
+ Retrieves a tensor from the #GstTensorMeta, the index must be
+smaller than #GstTensorMeta.num_tensors
+ a GstTensor
+ A #GstTensorMeta
+ The number of the tensor to get
+ Finds the first tensor with the requsted ID in the meta
+ The index of the tensor inthe meta, or -1 if
+ its not found.
+ a #GstTensorMeta
+ The tensor id to look for
+ Sets tensors into the #GstTensorMeta
+ a #GstTensorMeta
+ The number of tensors in the @tensors array
+ An array of poiners to #GstTensor
Store information on results of object tracking
@@ -1260,6 +1563,20 @@ analysis meta.
+ Adds a #GstTensorMeta to a buffer or returns the existing one
+ The new #GstTensorMeta
+ A writable #GstBuffer
Retrives the meta or %NULL if it doesn't exist
@@ -1274,6 +1591,20 @@ analysis meta.
+ Gets the #GstTensorMeta from a buffer
+ The #GstTensorMeta if there is wone
+ A #GstBuffer
Get an id identifying #GstAnalyticsMtd type.
@@ -1365,6 +1696,18 @@ metadata type.