Sebastian Dröge 531014a35c gstreamer/clock: Improve ClockId bindings
There is now a separate type for Single and Periodic clock ids. This
allows to have API that is only for one type on that specific type
instead of doing runtime checks, and allows for more refined async
waiting API.
2020-10-10 10:25:44 +00:00

386 lines
9.9 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2017 Sebastian Dröge <>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
#![recursion_limit = "256"]
extern crate bitflags;
#[cfg(any(feature = "v1_14", feature = "dox"))]
extern crate cfg_if;
extern crate libc;
extern crate once_cell;
extern crate thiserror;
// Re-exported for the subclass gst_plugin_define! macro
pub extern crate glib_sys;
pub extern crate gobject_sys;
pub extern crate gstreamer_sys as gst_sys;
pub extern crate paste;
pub extern crate glib;
extern crate num_rational;
extern crate futures_channel;
extern crate futures_core;
extern crate futures_util;
extern crate muldiv;
extern crate pretty_hex;
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
extern crate serde;
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
extern crate serde_bytes;
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate futures_executor;
use glib::translate::{from_glib, from_glib_full};
macro_rules! assert_initialized_main_thread {
() => {
if unsafe { ::gst_sys::gst_is_initialized() } != ::glib_sys::GTRUE {
panic!("GStreamer has not been initialized. Call `gst::init` first.");
macro_rules! skip_assert_initialized {
() => {};
mod auto;
pub use auto::functions::*;
pub use auto::*;
mod log;
pub use log::*;
mod error;
pub use error::*;
pub mod miniobject;
pub mod message;
pub use message::{Message, MessageErrorDomain, MessageRef, MessageView};
mod value;
pub use value::*;
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
mod value_serde;
pub mod structure;
pub use structure::{Structure, StructureRef};
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
mod structure_serde;
pub mod caps;
pub use caps::{Caps, CapsRef};
mod caps_features;
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
mod caps_serde;
pub use caps_features::{
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
mod caps_features_serde;
pub mod tags;
pub use tags::{
tag_exists, tag_get_description, tag_get_flag, tag_get_nick, tag_get_type, Tag, TagList,
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
mod tags_serde;
pub mod meta;
#[cfg(any(feature = "v1_16", feature = "dox"))]
pub use meta::MetaSeqnum;
#[cfg(any(feature = "v1_14", feature = "dox"))]
pub use meta::ReferenceTimestampMeta;
pub use meta::{Meta, MetaAPI, MetaRef, MetaRefMut, ParentBufferMeta, ProtectionMeta};
pub mod buffer;
pub use buffer::{
Buffer, BufferMap, BufferRef, MappedBuffer, BUFFER_COPY_ALL, BUFFER_COPY_METADATA,
mod buffer_cursor;
pub use buffer_cursor::{BufferCursor, BufferRefCursor};
pub mod memory;
pub use memory::{MappedMemory, Memory, MemoryMap, MemoryRef};
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
mod buffer_serde;
pub mod sample;
pub use sample::{Sample, SampleRef};
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
mod sample_serde;
pub mod bufferlist;
pub use bufferlist::{BufferList, BufferListRef};
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
mod bufferlist_serde;
pub mod query;
pub use query::{Query, QueryRef, QueryView};
pub mod event;
pub use event::{Event, EventRef, EventView, GroupId, Seqnum};
pub mod context;
pub use context::{Context, ContextRef};
mod static_caps;
pub use static_caps::*;
mod static_pad_template;
pub use static_pad_template::*;
#[cfg(any(feature = "v1_14", feature = "dox"))]
pub mod promise;
#[cfg(any(feature = "v1_14", feature = "dox"))]
pub use promise::{Promise, PromiseError};
pub mod bus;
mod element;
mod bin;
mod allocator;
pub use allocator::AllocatorExtManual;
mod pipeline;
pub use pipeline::GstPipelineExtManual;
mod allocation_params;
pub use self::allocation_params::AllocationParams;
// OS dependent Bus extensions (also import the other plateform mod for doc)
#[cfg(any(feature = "v1_14", feature = "dox"))]
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(unix)] {
mod bus_unix;
#[cfg(feature = "dox")]
mod bus_windows;
} else {
mod bus_windows;
#[cfg(feature = "dox")]
mod bus_unix;
mod child_proxy;
mod clock_time;
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
mod clock_time_serde;
mod date_time;
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
mod date_time_serde;
mod device_monitor;
mod device_provider;
mod enums;
pub use enums::MessageType;
mod ghost_pad;
mod gobject;
mod iterator;
mod object;
mod pad;
pub use pad::PadBuilder;
mod control_binding;
mod control_source;
mod parse_context;
mod proxy_pad;
mod tag_setter;
pub use bin::GstBinExtManual;
pub use element::{ElementExtManual, ElementMessageType, NotifyWatchId};
pub use element::{
pub use object::GstObjectExtManual;
// OS dependent Bus extensions (also import the other plateform trait for doc)
#[cfg(any(feature = "v1_14", feature = "dox"))]
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(unix)] {
pub use bus_unix::UnixBusExtManual;
#[cfg(feature = "dox")]
pub use bus_windows::WindowsBusExtManual;
} else {
pub use bus_windows::WindowsBusExtManual;
#[cfg(feature = "dox")]
pub use bus_unix::UnixBusExtManual;
pub use self::iterator::{Iterator, IteratorError, IteratorImpl, StdIterator};
pub use child_proxy::ChildProxyExtManual;
pub use clock_time::ClockTime;
pub use device_monitor::{DeviceMonitorExtManual, DeviceMonitorFilterId};
pub use device_provider::DeviceProviderExtManual;
pub use enums::{
ClockError, ClockSuccess, FlowError, FlowSuccess, PadLinkError, PadLinkSuccess,
StateChangeError, StateChangeSuccess, TagError,
pub use gobject::GObjectExtManualGst;
pub use pad::{PadExtManual, PadGetRangeSuccess, PadProbeData, PadProbeId, PadProbeInfo};
pub use parse_context::ParseContext;
mod plugin_feature;
pub use plugin_feature::PluginFeatureExtManual;
pub use tag_setter::TagSetterExtManual;
mod plugin;
pub use plugin::GstPluginExtManual;
#[cfg(any(feature = "v1_10", feature = "dox"))]
pub mod stream;
#[cfg(any(feature = "v1_10", feature = "dox"))]
pub mod stream_collection;
mod typefind;
pub use typefind::*;
pub mod format;
pub use format::{FormattedValue, GenericFormattedValue, SpecificFormattedValue};
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
mod format_serde;
mod segment;
pub use segment::*;
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
mod segment_serde;
pub mod toc;
pub use toc::{Toc, TocEntry, TocEntryRef, TocRef};
#[cfg(feature = "ser_de")]
mod toc_serde;
mod clock;
pub use clock::{AtomicClockReturn, ClockExtManual, ClockId, PeriodicClockId, SingleShotClockId};
mod buffer_pool;
pub use buffer_pool::*;
mod pad_template;
mod param_spec;
pub use param_spec::*;
pub mod functions;
pub use functions::*;
use std::ptr;
pub fn init() -> Result<(), glib::Error> {
unsafe {
let mut error = ptr::null_mut();
if from_glib(gst_sys::gst_init_check(
&mut error,
)) {
} else {
/// Deinitialize GStreamer
/// # Safety
/// This must only be called once during the lifetime of the process, once no GStreamer threads
/// are running anymore and all GStreamer resources are released.
pub unsafe fn deinit() {
pub const CLOCK_TIME_NONE: ClockTime = ClockTime(None);
pub const SECOND: ClockTime = ClockTime(Some(1_000_000_000));
pub const MSECOND: ClockTime = ClockTime(Some(1_000_000));
pub const USECOND: ClockTime = ClockTime(Some(1_000));
pub const NSECOND: ClockTime = ClockTime(Some(1));
pub const SECOND_VAL: u64 = 1_000_000_000;
pub const MSECOND_VAL: u64 = 1_000_000;
pub const USECOND_VAL: u64 = 1_000;
pub const NSECOND_VAL: u64 = 1;
pub const FORMAT_PERCENT_MAX: u32 = gst_sys::GST_FORMAT_PERCENT_MAX as u32;
pub const FORMAT_PERCENT_SCALE: u32 = gst_sys::GST_FORMAT_PERCENT_SCALE as u32;
// Re-export all the traits in a prelude module, so that applications
// can always "use gst::prelude::*" without getting conflicts
pub mod prelude {
pub use glib::prelude::*;
pub use auto::traits::*;
pub use meta::MetaAPI;
pub use allocator::AllocatorExtManual;
pub use bin::GstBinExtManual;
pub use element::ElementExtManual;
// OS dependent Bus extensions (also import the other plateform trait for doc)
#[cfg(any(feature = "v1_14", feature = "dox"))]
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(unix)] {
pub use bus_unix::UnixBusExtManual;
#[cfg(feature = "dox")]
pub use bus_windows::WindowsBusExtManual;
} else {
pub use bus_windows::WindowsBusExtManual;
#[cfg(feature = "dox")]
pub use bus_unix::UnixBusExtManual;
pub use buffer_pool::BufferPoolExtManual;
pub use child_proxy::ChildProxyExtManual;
pub use clock::ClockExtManual;
pub use device_monitor::DeviceMonitorExtManual;
pub use device_provider::DeviceProviderExtManual;
pub use gobject::GObjectExtManualGst;
pub use message::MessageErrorDomain;
pub use object::GstObjectExtManual;
pub use pad::PadExtManual;
pub use param_spec::GstParamSpecExt;
pub use pipeline::GstPipelineExtManual;
pub use plugin::GstPluginExtManual;
pub use plugin_feature::PluginFeatureExtManual;
pub use tag_setter::TagSetterExtManual;
pub use typefind::TypeFindImpl;
pub use value::GstValueExt;
pub use tags::{CustomTag, Tag};
pub use muldiv::MulDiv;
pub use format::{FormattedValue, SpecificFormattedValue};
mod utils;
pub mod subclass;