// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. use std::{fmt, marker::PhantomData, mem, ops, ptr, slice}; use glib::translate::{from_glib, from_glib_none, Borrowed, ToGlibPtr}; pub enum Readable {} pub enum Writable {} pub struct VideoFrame { frame: ffi::GstVideoFrame, buffer: gst::Buffer, phantom: PhantomData, } unsafe impl Send for VideoFrame {} unsafe impl Sync for VideoFrame {} impl fmt::Debug for VideoFrame { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("VideoFrame") .field("flags", &self.flags()) .field("id", &self.id()) .field("buffer", &self.buffer()) .field("info", &self.info()) .finish() } } impl VideoFrame { #[inline] pub fn info(&self) -> &crate::VideoInfo { unsafe { &*(&self.frame.info as *const ffi::GstVideoInfo as *const crate::VideoInfo) } } #[inline] pub fn flags(&self) -> crate::VideoFrameFlags { unsafe { from_glib(self.frame.flags) } } #[inline] pub fn id(&self) -> i32 { self.frame.id } #[inline] pub fn into_buffer(self) -> gst::Buffer { unsafe { let mut s = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(self); let buffer = ptr::read(&s.buffer); ffi::gst_video_frame_unmap(&mut s.frame); buffer } } #[doc(alias = "gst_video_frame_copy")] pub fn copy(&self, dest: &mut VideoFrame) -> Result<(), glib::BoolError> { unsafe { let res: bool = from_glib(ffi::gst_video_frame_copy(&mut dest.frame, &self.frame)); if res { Ok(()) } else { Err(glib::bool_error!("Failed to copy video frame")) } } } #[doc(alias = "gst_video_frame_copy_plane")] pub fn copy_plane( &self, dest: &mut VideoFrame, plane: u32, ) -> Result<(), glib::BoolError> { skip_assert_initialized!(); unsafe { let res: bool = from_glib(ffi::gst_video_frame_copy_plane( &mut dest.frame, &self.frame, plane, )); if res { Ok(()) } else { Err(glib::bool_error!("Failed to copy video frame plane")) } } } #[inline] pub fn format(&self) -> crate::VideoFormat { self.info().format() } #[inline] pub fn format_info(&self) -> crate::VideoFormatInfo { self.info().format_info() } #[inline] pub fn width(&self) -> u32 { self.info().width() } #[inline] pub fn height(&self) -> u32 { self.info().height() } #[inline] pub fn size(&self) -> usize { self.info().size() } #[inline] pub fn is_interlaced(&self) -> bool { self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::INTERLACED) } #[inline] pub fn is_tff(&self) -> bool { self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::TFF) } #[inline] pub fn is_rff(&self) -> bool { self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::RFF) } #[inline] pub fn is_onefield(&self) -> bool { self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::ONEFIELD) } #[inline] pub fn is_bottom_field(&self) -> bool { self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::ONEFIELD) && !self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::TFF) } #[inline] pub fn is_top_field(&self) -> bool { self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::ONEFIELD) && self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::TFF) } #[inline] pub fn n_planes(&self) -> u32 { self.info().n_planes() } #[inline] pub fn n_components(&self) -> u32 { self.info().n_components() } #[inline] pub fn plane_stride(&self) -> &[i32] { self.info().stride() } #[inline] pub fn plane_offset(&self) -> &[usize] { self.info().offset() } #[inline] pub fn comp_data(&self, component: u32) -> Result<&[u8], glib::BoolError> { let poffset = self.info().comp_poffset(component as u8) as usize; Ok(&self.plane_data(self.format_info().plane()[component as usize])?[poffset..]) } #[inline] pub fn comp_depth(&self, component: u32) -> u32 { self.info().comp_depth(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn comp_height(&self, component: u32) -> u32 { self.info().comp_height(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn comp_width(&self, component: u32) -> u32 { self.info().comp_width(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn comp_offset(&self, component: u32) -> usize { self.info().comp_offset(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn comp_poffset(&self, component: u32) -> u32 { self.info().comp_poffset(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn comp_pstride(&self, component: u32) -> i32 { self.info().comp_pstride(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn comp_stride(&self, component: u32) -> i32 { self.info().comp_stride(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn comp_plane(&self, component: u32) -> u32 { self.info().comp_plane(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn buffer(&self) -> &gst::BufferRef { unsafe { gst::BufferRef::from_ptr(self.frame.buffer) } } pub fn plane_data(&self, plane: u32) -> Result<&[u8], glib::BoolError> { if plane >= self.n_planes() { return Err(glib::bool_error!( "Plane index higher than number of planes" )); } let format_info = self.format_info(); // Just get the palette if format_info.has_palette() && plane == 1 { unsafe { return Ok(slice::from_raw_parts( self.frame.data[1] as *const u8, 256 * 4, )); } } let w = self.plane_stride()[plane as usize] as u32; // FIXME: This assumes that the horizontal subsampling of all // components in the plane is the same, which is probably safe let h = format_info.scale_height(plane as u8, self.height()); if w == 0 || h == 0 { return Ok(&[]); } unsafe { Ok(slice::from_raw_parts( self.frame.data[plane as usize] as *const u8, (w * h) as usize, )) } } #[inline] pub unsafe fn from_glib_full(frame: ffi::GstVideoFrame) -> Self { let buffer = gst::Buffer::from_glib_none(frame.buffer); Self { frame, buffer, phantom: PhantomData, } } #[inline] pub fn as_video_frame_ref(&self) -> VideoFrameRef<&gst::BufferRef> { let frame = unsafe { ptr::read(&self.frame) }; VideoFrameRef { frame, unmap: false, phantom: PhantomData, } } #[inline] pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const ffi::GstVideoFrame { &self.frame } #[inline] pub fn into_raw(self) -> ffi::GstVideoFrame { unsafe { let mut s = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(self); ptr::drop_in_place(&mut s.buffer); s.frame } } } impl Drop for VideoFrame { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { ffi::gst_video_frame_unmap(&mut self.frame); } } } impl VideoFrame { #[inline] pub fn from_buffer_readable( buffer: gst::Buffer, info: &crate::VideoInfo, ) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); assert!(info.is_valid()); unsafe { let mut frame = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); let res: bool = from_glib(ffi::gst_video_frame_map( frame.as_mut_ptr(), info.to_glib_none().0 as *mut _, buffer.to_glib_none().0, ffi::GST_VIDEO_FRAME_MAP_FLAG_NO_REF | gst::ffi::GST_MAP_READ, )); if !res { Err(buffer) } else { let frame = frame.assume_init(); Ok(Self { frame, buffer, phantom: PhantomData, }) } } } #[inline] pub fn from_buffer_id_readable( buffer: gst::Buffer, id: i32, info: &crate::VideoInfo, ) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); assert!(info.is_valid()); unsafe { let mut frame = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); let res: bool = from_glib(ffi::gst_video_frame_map_id( frame.as_mut_ptr(), info.to_glib_none().0 as *mut _, buffer.to_glib_none().0, id, ffi::GST_VIDEO_FRAME_MAP_FLAG_NO_REF | gst::ffi::GST_MAP_READ, )); if !res { Err(buffer) } else { let frame = frame.assume_init(); Ok(Self { frame, buffer, phantom: PhantomData, }) } } } #[inline] pub fn buffer_owned(&self) -> gst::Buffer { unsafe { from_glib_none(self.frame.buffer) } } } impl VideoFrame { #[inline] pub fn from_buffer_writable( buffer: gst::Buffer, info: &crate::VideoInfo, ) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); assert!(info.is_valid()); unsafe { let mut frame = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); let res: bool = from_glib(ffi::gst_video_frame_map( frame.as_mut_ptr(), info.to_glib_none().0 as *mut _, buffer.to_glib_none().0, ffi::GST_VIDEO_FRAME_MAP_FLAG_NO_REF | gst::ffi::GST_MAP_READ | gst::ffi::GST_MAP_WRITE, )); if !res { Err(buffer) } else { let frame = frame.assume_init(); Ok(Self { frame, buffer, phantom: PhantomData, }) } } } #[inline] pub fn from_buffer_id_writable( buffer: gst::Buffer, id: i32, info: &crate::VideoInfo, ) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); assert!(info.is_valid()); unsafe { let mut frame = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); let res: bool = from_glib(ffi::gst_video_frame_map_id( frame.as_mut_ptr(), info.to_glib_none().0 as *mut _, buffer.to_glib_none().0, id, ffi::GST_VIDEO_FRAME_MAP_FLAG_NO_REF | gst::ffi::GST_MAP_READ | gst::ffi::GST_MAP_WRITE, )); if !res { Err(buffer) } else { let frame = frame.assume_init(); Ok(Self { frame, buffer, phantom: PhantomData, }) } } } #[inline] pub fn buffer_mut(&mut self) -> &mut gst::BufferRef { unsafe { gst::BufferRef::from_mut_ptr(self.frame.buffer) } } pub fn comp_data_mut(&mut self, component: u32) -> Result<&mut [u8], glib::BoolError> { let poffset = self.info().comp_poffset(component as u8) as usize; Ok(&mut self.plane_data_mut(self.format_info().plane()[component as usize])?[poffset..]) } pub fn plane_data_mut(&mut self, plane: u32) -> Result<&mut [u8], glib::BoolError> { if plane >= self.n_planes() { return Err(glib::bool_error!( "Plane index higher than number of planes" )); } let format_info = self.format_info(); // Just get the palette if format_info.has_palette() && plane == 1 { unsafe { return Ok(slice::from_raw_parts_mut( self.frame.data[1] as *mut u8, 256 * 4, )); } } let w = self.plane_stride()[plane as usize] as u32; // FIXME: This assumes that the horizontal subsampling of all // components in the plane is the same, which is probably safe let h = format_info.scale_height(plane as u8, self.height()); if w == 0 || h == 0 { return Ok(&mut []); } unsafe { Ok(slice::from_raw_parts_mut( self.frame.data[plane as usize] as *mut u8, (w * h) as usize, )) } } #[inline] pub fn as_mut_video_frame_ref(&mut self) -> VideoFrameRef<&mut gst::BufferRef> { let frame = unsafe { ptr::read(&self.frame) }; VideoFrameRef { frame, unmap: false, phantom: PhantomData, } } #[inline] pub fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut ffi::GstVideoFrame { &mut self.frame } } pub struct VideoFrameRef { frame: ffi::GstVideoFrame, unmap: bool, phantom: PhantomData, } impl fmt::Debug for VideoFrameRef { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("VideoFrameRef") .field("flags", &self.flags()) .field("id", &self.id()) .field("buffer", &unsafe { gst::BufferRef::from_ptr(self.frame.buffer) }) .field("info", &self.info()) .finish() } } impl VideoFrameRef { #[inline] pub fn info(&self) -> &crate::VideoInfo { unsafe { &*(&self.frame.info as *const ffi::GstVideoInfo as *const crate::VideoInfo) } } #[inline] pub fn flags(&self) -> crate::VideoFrameFlags { unsafe { from_glib(self.frame.flags) } } #[inline] pub fn id(&self) -> i32 { self.frame.id } #[doc(alias = "gst_video_frame_copy")] pub fn copy( &self, dest: &mut VideoFrameRef<&mut gst::BufferRef>, ) -> Result<(), glib::BoolError> { unsafe { let res: bool = from_glib(ffi::gst_video_frame_copy(&mut dest.frame, &self.frame)); if res { Ok(()) } else { Err(glib::bool_error!("Failed to copy video frame")) } } } #[doc(alias = "gst_video_frame_copy_plane")] pub fn copy_plane( &self, dest: &mut VideoFrameRef<&mut gst::BufferRef>, plane: u32, ) -> Result<(), glib::BoolError> { skip_assert_initialized!(); unsafe { let res: bool = from_glib(ffi::gst_video_frame_copy_plane( &mut dest.frame, &self.frame, plane, )); if res { Ok(()) } else { Err(glib::bool_error!("Failed to copy video frame plane")) } } } #[inline] pub fn format(&self) -> crate::VideoFormat { self.info().format() } #[inline] pub fn format_info(&self) -> crate::VideoFormatInfo { self.info().format_info() } #[inline] pub fn width(&self) -> u32 { self.info().width() } #[inline] pub fn height(&self) -> u32 { self.info().height() } #[inline] pub fn size(&self) -> usize { self.info().size() } #[inline] pub fn is_interlaced(&self) -> bool { self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::INTERLACED) } #[inline] pub fn is_tff(&self) -> bool { self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::TFF) } #[inline] pub fn is_rff(&self) -> bool { self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::RFF) } #[inline] pub fn is_onefield(&self) -> bool { self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::ONEFIELD) } #[inline] pub fn is_bottom_field(&self) -> bool { self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::ONEFIELD) && !self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::TFF) } #[inline] pub fn is_top_field(&self) -> bool { self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::ONEFIELD) && self.flags().contains(crate::VideoFrameFlags::TFF) } #[inline] pub fn n_planes(&self) -> u32 { self.info().n_planes() } #[inline] pub fn n_components(&self) -> u32 { self.info().n_components() } #[inline] pub fn plane_stride(&self) -> &[i32] { self.info().stride() } #[inline] pub fn plane_offset(&self) -> &[usize] { self.info().offset() } pub fn comp_data(&self, component: u32) -> Result<&[u8], glib::BoolError> { let poffset = self.info().comp_poffset(component as u8) as usize; Ok(&self.plane_data(self.format_info().plane()[component as usize])?[poffset..]) } #[inline] pub fn comp_depth(&self, component: u32) -> u32 { self.info().comp_depth(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn comp_height(&self, component: u32) -> u32 { self.info().comp_height(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn comp_width(&self, component: u32) -> u32 { self.info().comp_width(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn comp_offset(&self, component: u32) -> usize { self.info().comp_offset(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn comp_poffset(&self, component: u32) -> u32 { self.info().comp_poffset(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn comp_pstride(&self, component: u32) -> i32 { self.info().comp_pstride(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn comp_stride(&self, component: u32) -> i32 { self.info().comp_stride(component as u8) } #[inline] pub fn comp_plane(&self, component: u32) -> u32 { self.info().comp_plane(component as u8) } pub fn plane_data(&self, plane: u32) -> Result<&[u8], glib::BoolError> { if plane >= self.n_planes() { return Err(glib::bool_error!( "Plane index higher than number of planes" )); } let format_info = self.format_info(); // Just get the palette if format_info.has_palette() && plane == 1 { unsafe { return Ok(slice::from_raw_parts( self.frame.data[1] as *const u8, 256 * 4, )); } } let w = self.plane_stride()[plane as usize] as u32; // FIXME: This assumes that the horizontal subsampling of all // components in the plane is the same, which is probably safe let h = format_info.scale_height(plane as u8, self.height()); if w == 0 || h == 0 { return Ok(&[]); } unsafe { Ok(slice::from_raw_parts( self.frame.data[plane as usize] as *const u8, (w * h) as usize, )) } } #[inline] pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const ffi::GstVideoFrame { &self.frame } } impl<'a> VideoFrameRef<&'a gst::BufferRef> { #[inline] pub unsafe fn from_glib_borrow(frame: *const ffi::GstVideoFrame) -> Borrowed { debug_assert!(!frame.is_null()); let frame = ptr::read(frame); Borrowed::new(Self { frame, unmap: false, phantom: PhantomData, }) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn from_glib_full(frame: ffi::GstVideoFrame) -> Self { Self { frame, unmap: true, phantom: PhantomData, } } #[inline] pub fn from_buffer_ref_readable<'b>( buffer: &'a gst::BufferRef, info: &'b crate::VideoInfo, ) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); assert!(info.is_valid()); unsafe { let mut frame = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); let res: bool = from_glib(ffi::gst_video_frame_map( frame.as_mut_ptr(), info.to_glib_none().0 as *mut _, buffer.as_mut_ptr(), ffi::GST_VIDEO_FRAME_MAP_FLAG_NO_REF | gst::ffi::GST_MAP_READ, )); if !res { Err(glib::bool_error!("Failed to map VideoFrame")) } else { let frame = frame.assume_init(); Ok(Self { frame, unmap: true, phantom: PhantomData, }) } } } #[inline] pub fn from_buffer_ref_id_readable<'b>( buffer: &'a gst::BufferRef, id: i32, info: &'b crate::VideoInfo, ) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); assert!(info.is_valid()); unsafe { let mut frame = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); let res: bool = from_glib(ffi::gst_video_frame_map_id( frame.as_mut_ptr(), info.to_glib_none().0 as *mut _, buffer.as_mut_ptr(), id, ffi::GST_VIDEO_FRAME_MAP_FLAG_NO_REF | gst::ffi::GST_MAP_READ, )); if !res { Err(glib::bool_error!("Failed to map VideoFrame")) } else { let frame = frame.assume_init(); Ok(Self { frame, unmap: true, phantom: PhantomData, }) } } } #[inline] pub fn buffer(&self) -> &gst::BufferRef { unsafe { gst::BufferRef::from_ptr(self.frame.buffer) } } } impl<'a> VideoFrameRef<&'a mut gst::BufferRef> { #[inline] pub unsafe fn from_glib_borrow_mut(frame: *mut ffi::GstVideoFrame) -> Self { debug_assert!(!frame.is_null()); let frame = ptr::read(frame); Self { frame, unmap: false, phantom: PhantomData, } } #[inline] pub unsafe fn from_glib_full_mut(frame: ffi::GstVideoFrame) -> Self { Self { frame, unmap: true, phantom: PhantomData, } } #[inline] pub fn from_buffer_ref_writable<'b>( buffer: &'a mut gst::BufferRef, info: &'b crate::VideoInfo, ) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); assert!(info.is_valid()); unsafe { let mut frame = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); let res: bool = from_glib(ffi::gst_video_frame_map( frame.as_mut_ptr(), info.to_glib_none().0 as *mut _, buffer.as_mut_ptr(), ffi::GST_VIDEO_FRAME_MAP_FLAG_NO_REF | gst::ffi::GST_MAP_READ | gst::ffi::GST_MAP_WRITE, )); if !res { Err(glib::bool_error!("Failed to map VideoFrame")) } else { let frame = frame.assume_init(); Ok(Self { frame, unmap: true, phantom: PhantomData, }) } } } #[inline] pub fn from_buffer_ref_id_writable<'b>( buffer: &'a mut gst::BufferRef, id: i32, info: &'b crate::VideoInfo, ) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); assert!(info.is_valid()); unsafe { let mut frame = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); let res: bool = from_glib(ffi::gst_video_frame_map_id( frame.as_mut_ptr(), info.to_glib_none().0 as *mut _, buffer.as_mut_ptr(), id, ffi::GST_VIDEO_FRAME_MAP_FLAG_NO_REF | gst::ffi::GST_MAP_READ | gst::ffi::GST_MAP_WRITE, )); if !res { Err(glib::bool_error!("Failed to map VideoFrame")) } else { let frame = frame.assume_init(); Ok(Self { frame, unmap: true, phantom: PhantomData, }) } } } #[inline] pub fn buffer_mut(&mut self) -> &mut gst::BufferRef { unsafe { gst::BufferRef::from_mut_ptr(self.frame.buffer) } } pub fn comp_data_mut(&mut self, component: u32) -> Result<&mut [u8], glib::BoolError> { let poffset = self.info().comp_poffset(component as u8) as usize; Ok(&mut self.plane_data_mut(self.format_info().plane()[component as usize])?[poffset..]) } pub fn plane_data_mut(&mut self, plane: u32) -> Result<&mut [u8], glib::BoolError> { if plane >= self.n_planes() { return Err(glib::bool_error!( "Plane index higher than number of planes" )); } let format_info = self.format_info(); // Just get the palette if format_info.has_palette() && plane == 1 { unsafe { return Ok(slice::from_raw_parts_mut( self.frame.data[1] as *mut u8, 256 * 4, )); } } let w = self.plane_stride()[plane as usize] as u32; // FIXME: This assumes that the horizontal subsampling of all // components in the plane is the same, which is probably safe let h = format_info.scale_height(plane as u8, self.height()); if w == 0 || h == 0 { return Ok(&mut []); } unsafe { Ok(slice::from_raw_parts_mut( self.frame.data[plane as usize] as *mut u8, (w * h) as usize, )) } } #[inline] pub fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut ffi::GstVideoFrame { &mut self.frame } } impl<'a> ops::Deref for VideoFrameRef<&'a mut gst::BufferRef> { type Target = VideoFrameRef<&'a gst::BufferRef>; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { unsafe { &*(self as *const Self as *const Self::Target) } } } unsafe impl Send for VideoFrameRef {} unsafe impl Sync for VideoFrameRef {} impl Drop for VideoFrameRef { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { if self.unmap { ffi::gst_video_frame_unmap(&mut self.frame); } } } } pub trait VideoBufferExt { #[doc(alias = "get_video_flags")] fn video_flags(&self) -> crate::VideoBufferFlags; fn set_video_flags(&mut self, flags: crate::VideoBufferFlags); fn unset_video_flags(&mut self, flags: crate::VideoBufferFlags); } impl VideoBufferExt for gst::BufferRef { #[inline] fn video_flags(&self) -> crate::VideoBufferFlags { unsafe { let ptr = self.as_mut_ptr(); crate::VideoBufferFlags::from_bits_truncate((*ptr).mini_object.flags) } } #[inline] fn set_video_flags(&mut self, flags: crate::VideoBufferFlags) { unsafe { let ptr = self.as_mut_ptr(); (*ptr).mini_object.flags |= flags.bits(); } } #[inline] fn unset_video_flags(&mut self, flags: crate::VideoBufferFlags) { unsafe { let ptr = self.as_mut_ptr(); (*ptr).mini_object.flags &= !flags.bits(); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_map_read() { gst::init().unwrap(); let info = crate::VideoInfo::builder(crate::VideoFormat::Gray8, 320, 240) .build() .unwrap(); let buffer = gst::Buffer::with_size(info.size()).unwrap(); let frame = VideoFrame::from_buffer_readable(buffer, &info).unwrap(); assert!(frame.plane_data(0).is_ok()); assert_eq!(frame.plane_data(0).unwrap().len(), 320 * 240); assert!(frame.plane_data(1).is_err()); assert!(frame.info() == &info); { let frame = frame.as_video_frame_ref(); assert!(frame.plane_data(0).is_ok()); assert_eq!(frame.plane_data(0).unwrap().len(), 320 * 240); assert!(frame.plane_data(1).is_err()); assert!(frame.info() == &info); } assert!(frame.plane_data(0).is_ok()); assert_eq!(frame.plane_data(0).unwrap().len(), 320 * 240); assert!(frame.plane_data(1).is_err()); assert!(frame.info() == &info); } #[test] fn test_map_write() { gst::init().unwrap(); let info = crate::VideoInfo::builder(crate::VideoFormat::Gray8, 320, 240) .build() .unwrap(); let buffer = gst::Buffer::with_size(info.size()).unwrap(); let mut frame = VideoFrame::from_buffer_writable(buffer, &info).unwrap(); assert!(frame.plane_data_mut(0).is_ok()); assert_eq!(frame.plane_data_mut(0).unwrap().len(), 320 * 240); assert!(frame.plane_data_mut(1).is_err()); assert!(frame.info() == &info); { let mut frame = frame.as_mut_video_frame_ref(); assert!(frame.plane_data_mut(0).is_ok()); assert_eq!(frame.plane_data_mut(0).unwrap().len(), 320 * 240); assert!(frame.plane_data_mut(1).is_err()); assert!(frame.info() == &info); } assert!(frame.plane_data_mut(0).is_ok()); assert_eq!(frame.plane_data_mut(0).unwrap().len(), 320 * 240); assert!(frame.plane_data_mut(1).is_err()); assert!(frame.info() == &info); } #[test] fn test_map_ref_read() { gst::init().unwrap(); let info = crate::VideoInfo::builder(crate::VideoFormat::Gray8, 320, 240) .build() .unwrap(); let buffer = gst::Buffer::with_size(info.size()).unwrap(); let frame = VideoFrameRef::from_buffer_ref_readable(&buffer, &info).unwrap(); assert!(frame.plane_data(0).is_ok()); assert_eq!(frame.plane_data(0).unwrap().len(), 320 * 240); assert!(frame.plane_data(1).is_err()); assert!(frame.info() == &info); } #[test] fn test_map_ref_write() { gst::init().unwrap(); let info = crate::VideoInfo::builder(crate::VideoFormat::Gray8, 320, 240) .build() .unwrap(); let mut buffer = gst::Buffer::with_size(info.size()).unwrap(); { let buffer = buffer.get_mut().unwrap(); let mut frame = VideoFrameRef::from_buffer_ref_writable(buffer, &info).unwrap(); assert!(frame.plane_data_mut(0).is_ok()); assert_eq!(frame.plane_data_mut(0).unwrap().len(), 320 * 240); assert!(frame.plane_data_mut(1).is_err()); assert!(frame.info() == &info); } } }