Enumeration of the different standards that may apply to AFD data: 0) ETSI/DVB: https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts/101100_101199/101154/02.01.01_60/ts_101154v020101p.pdf 1) ATSC A/53: https://www.atsc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/a_53-Part-4-2009.pdf 2) SMPTE ST2016-1: AFD value is from DVB/ETSI standard AFD value is from ATSC A/53 standard Feature: `v1_18` Enumeration of the various values for Active Format Description (AFD) AFD should be included in video user data whenever the rectangular picture area containing useful information does not extend to the full height or width of the coded frame. AFD data may also be included in user data when the rectangular picture area containing useful information extends to the full height and width of the coded frame. For details, see Table 6.14 Active Format in: ATSC Digital Television Standard: Part 4 – MPEG-2 Video System Characteristics https://www.atsc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/a_53-Part-4-2009.pdf and Active Format Description in Complete list of AFD codes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Format_Description`Complete_list_of_AFD_codes` and SMPTE ST2016-1 Notes: 1) AFD 0 is undefined for ATSC and SMPTE ST2016-1, indicating that AFD data is not available: If Bar Data is not present, AFD '0000' indicates that exact information is not available and the active image should be assumed to be the same as the coded frame. AFD '0000'. AFD '0000' accompanied by Bar Data signals that the active image’s aspect ratio is narrower than 16:9, but is not 4:3 or 14:9. As the exact aspect ratio cannot be conveyed by AFD alone, wherever possible, AFD ‘0000’ should be accompanied by Bar Data to define the exact vertical or horizontal extent of the active image. 2) AFD 0 is reserved for DVB/ETSI 3) values 1, 5, 6, 7, and 12 are reserved for both ATSC and DVB/ETSI 4) values 2 and 3 are not recommended for ATSC, but are valid for DVB/ETSI Unavailable (see note 0 below). For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, at top of the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, the same as the coded frame. For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 14:9 image, at top of the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 14:9 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame. For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox image with an aspect ratio greater than 16:9, vertically centered in the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, letterbox image with an aspect ratio greater than 16:9. For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, the same as the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, the same as the coded frame. For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, the same as the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 4:3 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame. For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, vertically centered in the coded frame with all image areas protected. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with all image areas protected. For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 14:9 image, vertically centered in the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 14:9 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame. For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, with alternative 14:9 center. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 4:3 image, with alternative 14:9 center. For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, with alternative 14:9 center. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with alternative 14:9 center. For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, with alternative 4:3 center. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with alternative 4:3 center. Feature: `v1_18` Different alpha modes. When input and output have alpha, it will be copied. When the input has no alpha, alpha will be set to `GST_VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_ALPHA_VALUE` set all alpha to `GST_VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_ALPHA_VALUE` multiply all alpha with `GST_VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_ALPHA_VALUE`. When the input format has no alpha but the output format has, the alpha value will be set to `GST_VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_ALPHA_VALUE` Additional video buffer flags. These flags can potentially be used on any buffers carrying closed caption data, or video data - even encoded data. Note that these are only valid for `gst::Caps` of type: video/... and caption/... They can conflict with other extended buffer flags. If the `gst::Buffer` is interlaced. In mixed interlace-mode, this flags specifies if the frame is interlaced or progressive. If the `gst::Buffer` is interlaced, then the first field in the video frame is the top field. If unset, the bottom field is first. If the `gst::Buffer` is interlaced, then the first field (as defined by the `VideoBufferFlags::Tff` flag setting) is repeated. If the `gst::Buffer` is interlaced, then only the first field (as defined by the `VideoBufferFlags::Tff` flag setting) is to be displayed (Since: 1.16). The `gst::Buffer` contains one or more specific views, such as left or right eye view. This flags is set on any buffer that contains non-mono content - even for streams that contain only a single viewpoint. In mixed mono / non-mono streams, the absence of the flag marks mono buffers. When conveying stereo/multiview content with frame-by-frame methods, this flag marks the first buffer in a bundle of frames that belong together. The video frame has the top field only. This is the same as GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_FLAG_TFF | GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_FLAG_ONEFIELD (Since: 1.16). Use GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_IS_TOP_FIELD() to check for this flag. The video frame has the bottom field only. This is the same as GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_FLAG_ONEFIELD (GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_FLAG_TFF flag unset) (Since: 1.16). Use GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_IS_BOTTOM_FIELD() to check for this flag. The `gst::Buffer` contains the end of a video field or frame boundary such as the last subframe or packet (Since: 1.18). Offset to define more flags # Implements [`gst::BufferPoolExt`](../gst/trait.BufferPoolExt.html), [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Create a new bufferpool that can allocate video frames. This bufferpool supports all the video bufferpool options. # Returns a new `gst::BufferPool` to allocate video frames The various known types of Closed Caption (CC). Unknown type of CC CEA-608 as byte pairs. Note that this format is not recommended since is does not specify to which field the caption comes from and therefore assumes it comes from the first field (and that there is no information on the second field). Use [`Cea708Raw`](Self::Cea708Raw) if you wish to store CEA-608 from two fields and prefix each byte pair with 0xFC for the first field and 0xFD for the second field. CEA-608 as byte triplets as defined in SMPTE S334-1 Annex A. The second and third byte of the byte triplet is the raw CEA608 data, the first byte is a bitfield: The top/7th bit is 0 for the second field, 1 for the first field, bit 6 and 5 are 0 and bits 4 to 0 are a 5 bit unsigned integer that represents the line offset relative to the base-line of the original image format (line 9 for 525-line field 1, line 272 for 525-line field 2, line 5 for 625-line field 1 and line 318 for 625-line field 2). CEA-708 as cc_data byte triplets. They can also contain 608-in-708 and the first byte of each triplet has to be inspected for detecting the type. CEA-708 (and optionally CEA-608) in a CDP (Caption Distribution Packet) defined by SMPTE S-334-2. Contains the whole CDP (starting with 0x9669). Feature: `v1_16` Different chroma downsampling and upsampling modes do full chroma up and down sampling only perform chroma upsampling only perform chroma downsampling disable chroma resampling Various Chroma sitings. unknown cositing no cositing chroma is horizontally cosited chroma is vertically cosited choma samples are sited on alternate lines chroma samples cosited with luma samples jpeg style cositing, also for mpeg1 and mjpeg mpeg2 style cositing DV style cositing A `VideoCodecFrame` represents a video frame both in raw and encoded form. Gets private data set on the frame by the subclass via `VideoCodecFrame::set_user_data` previously. # Returns The previously set user_data Increases the refcount of the given frame by one. # Returns `buf` Sets `user_data` on the frame and the `GDestroyNotify` that will be called when the frame is freed. Allows to attach private data by the subclass to frames. If a `user_data` was previously set, then the previous set `notify` will be called before the `user_data` is replaced. ## `user_data` private data ## `notify` a `GDestroyNotify` Decreases the refcount of the frame. If the refcount reaches 0, the frame will be freed. Flags for `VideoCodecFrame` is the frame only meant to be decoded is the frame a synchronization point (keyframe) should the output frame be made a keyframe should the encoder output stream headers Structure representing the state of an incoming or outgoing video stream for encoders and decoders. Decoders and encoders will receive such a state through their respective `set_format` vmethods. Decoders and encoders can set the downstream state, by using the [`crate::VideoDecoder::set_output_state`] (XXX: @-reference does not belong to VideoCodecState!)() or [`crate::VideoEncoder::set_output_state`] (XXX: @-reference does not belong to VideoCodecState!)() methods. Increases the refcount of the given state by one. # Returns `buf` Decreases the refcount of the state. If the refcount reaches 0, the state will be freed. The color matrix is used to convert between Y'PbPr and non-linear RGB (R'G'B') unknown matrix identity matrix. Order of coefficients is actually GBR, also IEC 61966-2-1 (sRGB) FCC Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations 73.682 (a)(20) ITU-R BT.709 color matrix, also ITU-R BT1361 / IEC 61966-2-4 xvYCC709 / SMPTE RP177 Annex B ITU-R BT.601 color matrix, also SMPTE170M / ITU-R BT1358 525 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC SMPTE 240M color matrix ITU-R BT.2020 color matrix. Since: 1.6 The color primaries define the how to transform linear RGB values to and from the CIE XYZ colorspace. unknown color primaries BT709 primaries, also ITU-R BT1361 / IEC 61966-2-4 / SMPTE RP177 Annex B BT470M primaries, also FCC Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations 73.682 (a)(20) BT470BG primaries, also ITU-R BT601-6 625 / ITU-R BT1358 625 / ITU-R BT1700 625 PAL & SECAM SMPTE170M primaries, also ITU-R BT601-6 525 / ITU-R BT1358 525 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC SMPTE240M primaries Generic film (colour filters using Illuminant C) ITU-R BT2020 primaries. Since: 1.6 Adobe RGB primaries. Since: 1.8 SMPTE ST 428 primaries (CIE 1931 XYZ). Since: 1.16 SMPTE RP 431 primaries (ST 431-2 (2011) / DCI P3). Since: 1.16 SMPTE EG 432 primaries (ST 432-1 (2010) / P3 D65). Since: 1.16 EBU 3213 primaries (JEDEC P22 phosphors). Since: 1.16 Possible color range values. These constants are defined for 8 bit color values and can be scaled for other bit depths. unknown range [0..255] for 8 bit components [16..235] for 8 bit components. Chroma has [16..240] range. This base class is for video decoders turning encoded data into raw video frames. The GstVideoDecoder base class and derived subclasses should cooperate as follows: ## Configuration * Initially, GstVideoDecoder calls `start` when the decoder element is activated, which allows the subclass to perform any global setup. * GstVideoDecoder calls `set_format` to inform the subclass of caps describing input video data that it is about to receive, including possibly configuration data. While unlikely, it might be called more than once, if changing input parameters require reconfiguration. * Incoming data buffers are processed as needed, described in Data Processing below. * GstVideoDecoder calls `stop` at end of all processing. ## Data processing * The base class gathers input data, and optionally allows subclass to parse this into subsequently manageable chunks, typically corresponding to and referred to as 'frames'. * Each input frame is provided in turn to the subclass' `handle_frame` callback. The ownership of the frame is given to the `handle_frame` callback. * If codec processing results in decoded data, the subclass should call [`finish_frame`](Self::finish_frame) to have decoded data pushed. downstream. Otherwise, the subclass must call [`drop_frame`](Self::drop_frame), to allow the base class to do timestamp and offset tracking, and possibly to requeue the frame for a later attempt in the case of reverse playback. ## Shutdown phase * The GstVideoDecoder class calls `stop` to inform the subclass that data parsing will be stopped. ## Additional Notes * Seeking/Flushing * When the pipeline is seeked or otherwise flushed, the subclass is informed via a call to its `reset` callback, with the hard parameter set to true. This indicates the subclass should drop any internal data queues and timestamps and prepare for a fresh set of buffers to arrive for parsing and decoding. * End Of Stream * At end-of-stream, the subclass `parse` function may be called some final times with the at_eos parameter set to true, indicating that the element should not expect any more data to be arriving, and it should parse and remaining frames and call `VideoDecoder::have_frame` if possible. The subclass is responsible for providing pad template caps for source and sink pads. The pads need to be named "sink" and "src". It also needs to provide information about the output caps, when they are known. This may be when the base class calls the subclass' `set_format` function, though it might be during decoding, before calling [`finish_frame`](Self::finish_frame). This is done via [`set_output_state`](Self::set_output_state) The subclass is also responsible for providing (presentation) timestamps (likely based on corresponding input ones). If that is not applicable or possible, the base class provides limited framerate based interpolation. Similarly, the base class provides some limited (legacy) seeking support if specifically requested by the subclass, as full-fledged support should rather be left to upstream demuxer, parser or alike. This simple approach caters for seeking and duration reporting using estimated input bitrates. To enable it, a subclass should call [`crate::VideoDecoderExt::set_estimate_rate`] (XXX: @-reference does not belong to VideoDecoder!) to enable handling of incoming byte-streams. The base class provides some support for reverse playback, in particular in case incoming data is not packetized or upstream does not provide fragments on keyframe boundaries. However, the subclass should then be prepared for the parsing and frame processing stage to occur separately (in normal forward processing, the latter immediately follows the former), The subclass also needs to ensure the parsing stage properly marks keyframes, unless it knows the upstream elements will do so properly for incoming data. The bare minimum that a functional subclass needs to implement is: * Provide pad templates * Inform the base class of output caps via [`set_output_state`](Self::set_output_state) * Parse input data, if it is not considered packetized from upstream Data will be provided to `parse` which should invoke [`crate::VideoDecoderExt::add_to_frame`] (XXX: @-reference does not belong to VideoDecoder!) and [`have_frame`](Self::have_frame) to separate the data belonging to each video frame. * Accept data in `handle_frame` and provide decoded results to [`finish_frame`](Self::finish_frame), or call [`drop_frame`](Self::drop_frame). This is an Abstract Base Class, you cannot instantiate it. # Implements [`VideoDecoderExt`](trait.VideoDecoderExt.html), [`gst::ElementExt`](../gst/trait.ElementExt.html), [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`VideoDecoderExtManual`](prelude/trait.VideoDecoderExtManual.html) Trait containing all `VideoDecoder` methods. # Implementors [`VideoDecoder`](struct.VideoDecoder.html) Removes next `n_bytes` of input data and adds it to currently parsed frame. ## `n_bytes` the number of bytes to add Helper function that allocates a buffer to hold a video frame for `self`'s current `VideoCodecState`. You should use `VideoDecoder::allocate_output_frame` instead of this function, if possible at all. # Returns allocated buffer, or NULL if no buffer could be allocated (e.g. when downstream is flushing or shutting down) Helper function that allocates a buffer to hold a video frame for `self`'s current `VideoCodecState`. Subclass should already have configured video state and set src pad caps. The buffer allocated here is owned by the frame and you should only keep references to the frame, not the buffer. ## `frame` a `VideoCodecFrame` # Returns `gst::FlowReturn::Ok` if an output buffer could be allocated Same as `VideoDecoder::allocate_output_frame` except it allows passing `gst::BufferPoolAcquireParams` to the sub call gst_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer. Feature: `v1_12` ## `frame` a `VideoCodecFrame` ## `params` a `gst::BufferPoolAcquireParams` # Returns `gst::FlowReturn::Ok` if an output buffer could be allocated Similar to `VideoDecoder::finish_frame`, but drops `frame` in any case and posts a QoS message with the frame's details on the bus. In any case, the frame is considered finished and released. ## `frame` the `VideoCodecFrame` to drop # Returns a `gst::FlowReturn`, usually GST_FLOW_OK. `frame` should have a valid decoded data buffer, whose metadata fields are then appropriately set according to frame data and pushed downstream. If no output data is provided, `frame` is considered skipped. In any case, the frame is considered finished and released. After calling this function the output buffer of the frame is to be considered read-only. This function will also change the metadata of the buffer. ## `frame` a decoded `VideoCodecFrame` # Returns a `gst::FlowReturn` resulting from sending data downstream Lets `VideoDecoder` sub-classes to know the memory `allocator` used by the base class and its `params`. Unref the `allocator` after use it. ## `allocator` the `gst::Allocator` used ## `params` the `gst::AllocationParams` of `allocator` # Returns the instance of the `gst::BufferPool` used by the decoder; free it after use it # Returns currently configured byte to time conversion setting Get a pending unfinished `VideoCodecFrame` ## `frame_number` system_frame_number of a frame # Returns pending unfinished `VideoCodecFrame` identified by `frame_number`. Get all pending unfinished `VideoCodecFrame` # Returns pending unfinished `VideoCodecFrame`. Query the configured decoder latency. Results will be returned via `min_latency` and `max_latency`. ## `min_latency` address of variable in which to store the configured minimum latency, or `None` ## `max_latency` address of variable in which to store the configured mximum latency, or `None` Determines maximum possible decoding time for `frame` that will allow it to decode and arrive in time (as determined by QoS events). In particular, a negative result means decoding in time is no longer possible and should therefore occur as soon/skippy as possible. ## `frame` a `VideoCodecFrame` # Returns max decoding time. # Returns currently configured decoder tolerated error count. Queries decoder required format handling. # Returns `true` if required format handling is enabled. Get the oldest pending unfinished `VideoCodecFrame` # Returns oldest pending unfinished `VideoCodecFrame`. Get the `VideoCodecState` currently describing the output stream. # Returns `VideoCodecState` describing format of video data. Queries whether input data is considered packetized or not by the base class. # Returns TRUE if input data is considered packetized. Returns the number of bytes previously added to the current frame by calling `VideoDecoderExt::add_to_frame`. # Returns The number of bytes pending for the current frame # Returns The current QoS proportion. Gathers all data collected for currently parsed frame, gathers corresponding metadata and passes it along for further processing, i.e. `handle_frame`. # Returns a `gst::FlowReturn` Sets the audio decoder tags and how they should be merged with any upstream stream tags. This will override any tags previously-set with `gst_audio_decoder_merge_tags`. Note that this is provided for convenience, and the subclass is not required to use this and can still do tag handling on its own. MT safe. ## `tags` a `gst::TagList` to merge, or NULL to unset previously-set tags ## `mode` the `gst::TagMergeMode` to use, usually `gst::TagMergeMode::Replace` Negotiate with downstream elements to currently configured `VideoCodecState`. Unmark GST_PAD_FLAG_NEED_RECONFIGURE in any case. But mark it again if negotiate fails. # Returns `true` if the negotiation succeeded, else `false`. Returns caps that express `caps` (or sink template caps if `caps` == NULL) restricted to resolution/format/... combinations supported by downstream elements. ## `caps` initial caps ## `filter` filter caps # Returns a `gst::Caps` owned by caller Similar to `VideoDecoder::drop_frame`, but simply releases `frame` without any processing other than removing it from list of pending frames, after which it is considered finished and released. ## `frame` the `VideoCodecFrame` to release Allows baseclass to perform byte to time estimated conversion. ## `enabled` whether to enable byte to time conversion Same as `VideoDecoder::set_output_state`() but also allows you to also set the interlacing mode. Feature: `v1_16` ## `fmt` a `VideoFormat` ## `interlace_mode` A `VideoInterlaceMode` ## `width` The width in pixels ## `height` The height in pixels ## `reference` An optional reference `VideoCodecState` # Returns the newly configured output state. Lets `VideoDecoder` sub-classes tell the baseclass what the decoder latency is. Will also post a LATENCY message on the bus so the pipeline can reconfigure its global latency. ## `min_latency` minimum latency ## `max_latency` maximum latency Sets numbers of tolerated decoder errors, where a tolerated one is then only warned about, but more than tolerated will lead to fatal error. You can set -1 for never returning fatal errors. Default is set to GST_VIDEO_DECODER_MAX_ERRORS. The '-1' option was added in 1.4 ## `num` max tolerated errors Configures decoder format needs. If enabled, subclass needs to be negotiated with format caps before it can process any data. It will then never be handed any data before it has been configured. Otherwise, it might be handed data without having been configured and is then expected being able to do so either by default or based on the input data. ## `enabled` new state Creates a new `VideoCodecState` with the specified `fmt`, `width` and `height` as the output state for the decoder. Any previously set output state on `self` will be replaced by the newly created one. If the subclass wishes to copy over existing fields (like pixel aspec ratio, or framerate) from an existing `VideoCodecState`, it can be provided as a `reference`. If the subclass wishes to override some fields from the output state (like pixel-aspect-ratio or framerate) it can do so on the returned `VideoCodecState`. The new output state will only take effect (set on pads and buffers) starting from the next call to `VideoDecoder::finish_frame`(). ## `fmt` a `VideoFormat` ## `width` The width in pixels ## `height` The height in pixels ## `reference` An optional reference `VideoCodecState` # Returns the newly configured output state. Allows baseclass to consider input data as packetized or not. If the input is packetized, then the `parse` method will not be called. ## `packetized` whether the input data should be considered as packetized. Lets `VideoDecoder` sub-classes decide if they want the sink pad to use the default pad query handler to reply to accept-caps queries. By setting this to true it is possible to further customize the default handler with `GST_PAD_SET_ACCEPT_INTERSECT` and `GST_PAD_SET_ACCEPT_TEMPLATE` ## `use_` if the default pad accept-caps query handling should be used Maximum number of tolerated consecutive decode errors. See `VideoDecoderExt::set_max_errors` for more details. Feature: `v1_18` Maximum number of tolerated consecutive decode errors. See `VideoDecoderExt::set_max_errors` for more details. Feature: `v1_18` If set to `true` the decoder will handle QoS events received from downstream elements. This includes dropping output frames which are detected as late using the metrics reported by those events. Feature: `v1_18` If set to `true` the decoder will handle QoS events received from downstream elements. This includes dropping output frames which are detected as late using the metrics reported by those events. Feature: `v1_18` Different dithering methods to use. no dithering propagate rounding errors downwards Dither with floyd-steinberg error diffusion Dither with Sierra Lite error diffusion ordered dither using a bayer pattern This base class is for video encoders turning raw video into encoded video data. GstVideoEncoder and subclass should cooperate as follows. ## Configuration * Initially, GstVideoEncoder calls `start` when the encoder element is activated, which allows subclass to perform any global setup. * GstVideoEncoder calls `set_format` to inform subclass of the format of input video data that it is about to receive. Subclass should setup for encoding and configure base class as appropriate (e.g. latency). While unlikely, it might be called more than once, if changing input parameters require reconfiguration. Baseclass will ensure that processing of current configuration is finished. * GstVideoEncoder calls `stop` at end of all processing. ## Data processing * Base class collects input data and metadata into a frame and hands this to subclass' `handle_frame`. * If codec processing results in encoded data, subclass should call [`finish_frame`](Self::finish_frame) to have encoded data pushed downstream. * If implemented, baseclass calls subclass `pre_push` just prior to pushing to allow subclasses to modify some metadata on the buffer. If it returns GST_FLOW_OK, the buffer is pushed downstream. * GstVideoEncoderClass will handle both srcpad and sinkpad events. Sink events will be passed to subclass if `event` callback has been provided. ## Shutdown phase * GstVideoEncoder class calls `stop` to inform the subclass that data parsing will be stopped. Subclass is responsible for providing pad template caps for source and sink pads. The pads need to be named "sink" and "src". It should also be able to provide fixed src pad caps in `getcaps` by the time it calls [`finish_frame`](Self::finish_frame). Things that subclass need to take care of: * Provide pad templates * Provide source pad caps before pushing the first buffer * Accept data in `handle_frame` and provide encoded results to [`finish_frame`](Self::finish_frame). The `VideoEncoder:qos` property will enable the Quality-of-Service features of the encoder which gather statistics about the real-time performance of the downstream elements. If enabled, subclasses can use `VideoEncoderExt::get_max_encode_time` to check if input frames are already late and drop them right away to give a chance to the pipeline to catch up. This is an Abstract Base Class, you cannot instantiate it. # Implements [`VideoEncoderExt`](trait.VideoEncoderExt.html), [`gst::ElementExt`](../gst/trait.ElementExt.html), [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`VideoEncoderExtManual`](prelude/trait.VideoEncoderExtManual.html) Trait containing all `VideoEncoder` methods. # Implementors [`VideoEncoder`](struct.VideoEncoder.html) Helper function that allocates a buffer to hold an encoded video frame for `self`'s current `VideoCodecState`. ## `size` size of the buffer # Returns allocated buffer Helper function that allocates a buffer to hold an encoded video frame for `self`'s current `VideoCodecState`. Subclass should already have configured video state and set src pad caps. The buffer allocated here is owned by the frame and you should only keep references to the frame, not the buffer. ## `frame` a `VideoCodecFrame` ## `size` size of the buffer # Returns `gst::FlowReturn::Ok` if an output buffer could be allocated `frame` must have a valid encoded data buffer, whose metadata fields are then appropriately set according to frame data or no buffer at all if the frame should be dropped. It is subsequently pushed downstream or provided to `pre_push`. In any case, the frame is considered finished and released. After calling this function the output buffer of the frame is to be considered read-only. This function will also change the metadata of the buffer. ## `frame` an encoded `VideoCodecFrame` # Returns a `gst::FlowReturn` resulting from sending data downstream If multiple subframes are produced for one input frame then use this method for each subframe, except for the last one. Before calling this function, you need to fill frame->output_buffer with the encoded buffer to push. You must call `VideoEncoder::finish_frame`() for the last sub-frame to tell the encoder that the frame has been fully encoded. This function will change the metadata of `frame` and frame->output_buffer will be pushed downstream. Feature: `v1_18` ## `frame` a `VideoCodecFrame` being encoded # Returns a `gst::FlowReturn` resulting from pushing the buffer downstream. Lets `VideoEncoder` sub-classes to know the memory `allocator` used by the base class and its `params`. Unref the `allocator` after use it. ## `allocator` the `gst::Allocator` used ## `params` the `gst::AllocationParams` of `allocator` Get a pending unfinished `VideoCodecFrame` ## `frame_number` system_frame_number of a frame # Returns pending unfinished `VideoCodecFrame` identified by `frame_number`. Get all pending unfinished `VideoCodecFrame` # Returns pending unfinished `VideoCodecFrame`. Query the configured encoding latency. Results will be returned via `min_latency` and `max_latency`. ## `min_latency` address of variable in which to store the configured minimum latency, or `None` ## `max_latency` address of variable in which to store the configured maximum latency, or `None` Determines maximum possible encoding time for `frame` that will allow it to encode and arrive in time (as determined by QoS events). In particular, a negative result means encoding in time is no longer possible and should therefore occur as soon/skippy as possible. If no QoS events have been received from downstream, or if `VideoEncoder:qos` is disabled this function returns `G_MAXINT64`. Feature: `v1_14` ## `frame` a `VideoCodecFrame` # Returns max decoding time. Returns the minimum force-keyunit interval, see `VideoEncoderExt::set_min_force_key_unit_interval` for more details. Feature: `v1_18` # Returns the minimum force-keyunit interval Get the oldest unfinished pending `VideoCodecFrame` # Returns oldest unfinished pending `VideoCodecFrame` Get the current `VideoCodecState` # Returns `VideoCodecState` describing format of video data. Checks if `self` is currently configured to handle Quality-of-Service events from downstream. Feature: `v1_14` # Returns `true` if the encoder is configured to perform Quality-of-Service. Sets the video encoder tags and how they should be merged with any upstream stream tags. This will override any tags previously-set with `VideoEncoderExt::merge_tags`. Note that this is provided for convenience, and the subclass is not required to use this and can still do tag handling on its own. MT safe. ## `tags` a `gst::TagList` to merge, or NULL to unset previously-set tags ## `mode` the `gst::TagMergeMode` to use, usually `gst::TagMergeMode::Replace` Negotiate with downstream elements to currently configured `VideoCodecState`. Unmark GST_PAD_FLAG_NEED_RECONFIGURE in any case. But mark it again if negotiate fails. # Returns `true` if the negotiation succeeded, else `false`. Returns caps that express `caps` (or sink template caps if `caps` == NULL) restricted to resolution/format/... combinations supported by downstream elements (e.g. muxers). ## `caps` initial caps ## `filter` filter caps # Returns a `gst::Caps` owned by caller Set the codec headers to be sent downstream whenever requested. ## `headers` a list of `gst::Buffer` containing the codec header Informs baseclass of encoding latency. ## `min_latency` minimum latency ## `max_latency` maximum latency Sets the minimum interval for requesting keyframes based on force-keyunit events. Setting this to 0 will allow to handle every event, setting this to `GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE` causes force-keyunit events to be ignored. Feature: `v1_18` ## `interval` minimum interval Request minimal value for PTS passed to handle_frame. For streams with reordered frames this can be used to ensure that there is enough time to accommodate first DTS, which may be less than first PTS ## `min_pts` minimal PTS that will be passed to handle_frame Creates a new `VideoCodecState` with the specified caps as the output state for the encoder. Any previously set output state on `self` will be replaced by the newly created one. The specified `caps` should not contain any resolution, pixel-aspect-ratio, framerate, codec-data, .... Those should be specified instead in the returned `VideoCodecState`. If the subclass wishes to copy over existing fields (like pixel aspect ratio, or framerate) from an existing `VideoCodecState`, it can be provided as a `reference`. If the subclass wishes to override some fields from the output state (like pixel-aspect-ratio or framerate) it can do so on the returned `VideoCodecState`. The new output state will only take effect (set on pads and buffers) starting from the next call to `VideoEncoder::finish_frame`(). ## `caps` the `gst::Caps` to use for the output ## `reference` An optional reference [`crate::VideoCodecState`] (XXX: @-reference does not belong to VideoEncoderExt!) # Returns the newly configured output state. Configures `self` to handle Quality-of-Service events from downstream. Feature: `v1_14` ## `enabled` the new qos value. Minimum interval between force-keyunit requests in nanoseconds. See `VideoEncoderExt::set_min_force_key_unit_interval` for more details. Feature: `v1_18` Minimum interval between force-keyunit requests in nanoseconds. See `VideoEncoderExt::set_min_force_key_unit_interval` for more details. Feature: `v1_18` Field order of interlaced content. This is only valid for interlace-mode=interleaved and not interlace-mode=mixed. In the case of mixed or GST_VIDEO_FIELD_ORDER_UNKOWN, the field order is signalled via buffer flags. unknown field order for interlaced content. The actual field order is signalled via buffer flags. top field is first bottom field is first Feature: `v1_12` Provides useful functions and a base class for video filters. The videofilter will by default enable QoS on the parent GstBaseTransform to implement frame dropping. This is an Abstract Base Class, you cannot instantiate it. # Implements [`gst_base::BaseTransformExt`](../gst_base/trait.BaseTransformExt.html), [`gst::ElementExt`](../gst/trait.ElementExt.html), [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Extra video flags no flags a variable fps is selected, fps_n and fps_d denote the maximum fps of the video Each color has been scaled by the alpha value. Enum value describing the most common video formats. See the [GStreamer raw video format design document](https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/additional/design/mediatype-video-raw.html`formats`) for details about the layout and packing of these formats in memory. Unknown or unset video format id Encoded video format. Only ever use that in caps for special video formats in combination with non-system memory GstCapsFeatures where it does not make sense to specify a real video format. planar 4:2:0 YUV planar 4:2:0 YVU (like I420 but UV planes swapped) packed 4:2:2 YUV (Y0-U0-Y1-V0 Y2-U2-Y3-V2 Y4 ...) packed 4:2:2 YUV (U0-Y0-V0-Y1 U2-Y2-V2-Y3 U4 ...) packed 4:4:4 YUV with alpha channel (A0-Y0-U0-V0 ...) sparse rgb packed into 32 bit, space last sparse reverse rgb packed into 32 bit, space last sparse rgb packed into 32 bit, space first sparse reverse rgb packed into 32 bit, space first rgb with alpha channel last reverse rgb with alpha channel last rgb with alpha channel first reverse rgb with alpha channel first RGB packed into 24 bits without padding (`R-G-B-R-G-B`) reverse RGB packed into 24 bits without padding (`B-G-R-B-G-R`) planar 4:1:1 YUV planar 4:2:2 YUV packed 4:2:2 YUV (Y0-V0-Y1-U0 Y2-V2-Y3-U2 Y4 ...) planar 4:4:4 YUV packed 4:2:2 10-bit YUV, complex format packed 4:2:2 16-bit YUV, Y0-U0-Y1-V1 order planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved VU plane 8-bit grayscale 16-bit grayscale, most significant byte first 16-bit grayscale, least significant byte first packed 4:4:4 YUV (Y-U-V ...) rgb 5-6-5 bits per component reverse rgb 5-6-5 bits per component rgb 5-5-5 bits per component reverse rgb 5-5-5 bits per component packed 10-bit 4:2:2 YUV (U0-Y0-V0-Y1 U2-Y2-V2-Y3 U4 ...) planar 4:4:2:0 AYUV 8-bit paletted RGB planar 4:1:0 YUV planar 4:1:0 YUV (like YUV9 but UV planes swapped) packed 4:1:1 YUV (Cb-Y0-Y1-Cr-Y2-Y3 ...) rgb with alpha channel first, 16 bits per channel packed 4:4:4 YUV with alpha channel, 16 bits per channel (A0-Y0-U0-V0 ...) packed 4:4:4 RGB, 10 bits per channel planar 4:2:0 YUV, 10 bits per channel planar 4:2:0 YUV, 10 bits per channel planar 4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel planar 4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel planar 4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.2) planar 4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.2) planar 4:4:4 RGB, 8 bits per channel (Since: 1.2) planar 4:4:4 RGB, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.2) planar 4:4:4 RGB, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.2) planar 4:2:2 YUV with interleaved UV plane (Since: 1.2) planar 4:4:4 YUV with interleaved UV plane (Since: 1.2) NV12 with 64x32 tiling in zigzag pattern (Since: 1.4) planar 4:4:2:0 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.6) planar 4:4:2:0 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.6) planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.6) planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.6) planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.6) planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.6) planar 4:2:2 YUV with interleaved VU plane (Since: 1.6) planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.10) planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.10) packed 4:4:4 YUV (U-Y-V ...) (Since: 1.10) packed 4:2:2 YUV (V0-Y0-U0-Y1 V2-Y2-U2-Y3 V4 ...) planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 8 bits per channel (Since: 1.12) planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.12) planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.12) planar 4:4:4 RGB, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12) planar 4:4:4 RGB, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12) planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12) planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12) planar 4:2:0 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12) planar 4:2:0 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12) planar 4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12) planar 4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12) planar 4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12) planar 4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12) 10-bit grayscale, packed into 32bit words (2 bits padding) (Since: 1.14) 10-bit variant of [`Nv12`](Self::Nv12), packed into 32bit words (MSB 2 bits padding) (Since: 1.14) 10-bit variant of [`Nv16`](Self::Nv16), packed into 32bit words (MSB 2 bits padding) (Since: 1.14) Fully packed variant of NV12_10LE32 (Since: 1.16) packed 4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.16) packed 4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel(A-V-Y-U...) (Since: 1.16) packed 4:4:4 YUV with alpha channel (V0-U0-Y0-A0...) (Since: 1.16) packed 4:4:4 RGB with alpha channel(B-G-R-A), 10 bits for R/G/B channel and MSB 2 bits for alpha channel (Since: 1.16) packed 4:4:4 RGB with alpha channel(R-G-B-A), 10 bits for R/G/B channel and MSB 2 bits for alpha channel (Since: 1.18) planar 4:4:4 YUV, 16 bits per channel (Since: 1.18) planar 4:4:4 YUV, 16 bits per channel (Since: 1.18) planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 16 bits per channel (Since: 1.18) planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 16 bits per channel (Since: 1.18) planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.18) planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.18) packed 4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Y-U-Y-V) (Since: 1.18) packed 4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Y-U-Y-V) (Since: 1.18) packed 4:4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel(U-Y-V-A...) (Since: 1.18) packed 4:4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel(U-Y-V-A...) (Since: 1.18) NV12 with 4x4 tiles in linear order. NV12 with 32x32 tiles in linear order. The different video flags that a format info can have. The video format is YUV, components are numbered 0=Y, 1=U, 2=V. The video format is RGB, components are numbered 0=R, 1=G, 2=B. The video is gray, there is one gray component with index 0. The video format has an alpha components with the number 3. The video format has data stored in little endianness. The video format has a palette. The palette is stored in the second plane and indexes are stored in the first plane. The video format has a complex layout that can't be described with the usual information in the `VideoFormatInfo`. This format can be used in a `GstVideoFormatUnpack` and `GstVideoFormatPack` function. The format is tiled, there is tiling information in the last plane. Extra video frame flags no flags The video frame is interlaced. In mixed interlace-mode, this flag specifies if the frame is interlaced or progressive. The video frame has the top field first The video frame has the repeat flag The video frame has one field The video contains one or more non-mono views The video frame is the first in a set of corresponding views provided as sequential frames. The video frame has the top field only. This is the same as GST_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAG_TFF | GST_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAG_ONEFIELD (Since: 1.16). The video frame has the bottom field only. This is the same as GST_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAG_ONEFIELD (GST_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAG_TFF flag unset) (Since: 1.16). disable gamma handling convert between input and output gamma Different gamma conversion modes Information describing image properties. This information can be filled in from GstCaps with `VideoInfo::from_caps`. The information is also used to store the specific video info when mapping a video frame with `VideoFrame::map`. Use the provided macros to access the info in this structure. Allocate a new `VideoInfo` that is also initialized with `VideoInfo::init`. # Returns a new `VideoInfo`. free with `VideoInfo::free`. Adjust the offset and stride fields in `self` so that the padding and stride alignment in `align` is respected. Extra padding will be added to the right side when stride alignment padding is required and `align` will be updated with the new padding values. ## `align` alignment parameters # Returns `false` if alignment could not be applied, e.g. because the size of a frame can't be represented as a 32 bit integer (Since: 1.12) This variant of `VideoInfo::align` provides the updated size, in bytes, of each video plane after the alignment, including all horizontal and vertical paddings. In case of GST_VIDEO_INTERLACE_MODE_ALTERNATE info, the returned sizes are the ones used to hold a single field, not the full frame. Feature: `v1_18` ## `align` alignment parameters ## `plane_size` array used to store the plane sizes # Returns `false` if alignment could not be applied, e.g. because the size of a frame can't be represented as a 32 bit integer Converts among various `gst::Format` types. This function handles GST_FORMAT_BYTES, GST_FORMAT_TIME, and GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT. For raw video, GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT corresponds to video frames. This function can be used to handle pad queries of the type GST_QUERY_CONVERT. ## `src_format` `gst::Format` of the `src_value` ## `src_value` value to convert ## `dest_format` `gst::Format` of the `dest_value` ## `dest_value` pointer to destination value # Returns TRUE if the conversion was successful. Copy a GstVideoInfo structure. # Returns a new `VideoInfo`. free with gst_video_info_free. Free a GstVideoInfo structure previously allocated with `VideoInfo::new` or `VideoInfo::copy`. Parse `caps` and update `self`. ## `caps` a `gst::Caps` # Returns TRUE if `caps` could be parsed Initialize `self` with default values. Compares two `VideoInfo` and returns whether they are equal or not ## `other` a `VideoInfo` # Returns `true` if `self` and `other` are equal, else `false`. Set the default info for a video frame of `format` and `width` and `height`. Note: This initializes `self` first, no values are preserved. This function does not set the offsets correctly for interlaced vertically subsampled formats. ## `format` the format ## `width` a width ## `height` a height # Returns `false` if the returned video info is invalid, e.g. because the size of a frame can't be represented as a 32 bit integer (Since: 1.12) Same as `VideoInfo::set_format` but also allowing to set the interlaced mode. Feature: `v1_16` ## `format` the format ## `mode` a `VideoInterlaceMode` ## `width` a width ## `height` a height # Returns `false` if the returned video info is invalid, e.g. because the size of a frame can't be represented as a 32 bit integer. Convert the values of `self` into a `gst::Caps`. # Returns a new `gst::Caps` containing the info of `self`. The possible values of the `VideoInterlaceMode` describing the interlace mode of the stream. all frames are progressive 2 fields are interleaved in one video frame. Extra buffer flags describe the field order. frames contains both interlaced and progressive video, the buffer flags describe the frame and fields. 2 fields are stored in one buffer, use the frame ID to get access to the required field. For multiview (the 'views' property > 1) the fields of view N can be found at frame ID (N * 2) and (N * 2) + 1. Each field has only half the amount of lines as noted in the height property. This mode requires multiple GstVideoMeta metadata to describe the fields. 1 field is stored in one buffer, `GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_FLAG_TF` or `GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_FLAG_BF` indicates if the buffer is carrying the top or bottom field, respectively. The top and bottom buffers must alternate in the pipeline, with this mode (Since: 1.16). Different color matrix conversion modes do conversion between color matrices use the input color matrix to convert to and from R'G'B use the output color matrix to convert to and from R'G'B disable color matrix conversion. GstVideoMultiviewFlags are used to indicate extra properties of a stereo/multiview stream beyond the frame layout and buffer mapping that is conveyed in the `VideoMultiviewMode`. No flags For stereo streams, the normal arrangement of left and right views is reversed. The left view is vertically mirrored. The left view is horizontally mirrored. The right view is vertically mirrored. The right view is horizontally mirrored. For frame-packed multiview modes, indicates that the individual views have been encoded with half the true width or height and should be scaled back up for display. This flag is used for overriding input layout interpretation by adjusting pixel-aspect-ratio. For side-by-side, column interleaved or checkerboard packings, the pixel width will be doubled. For row interleaved and top-bottom encodings, pixel height will be doubled. The video stream contains both mono and multiview portions, signalled on each buffer by the absence or presence of the [`crate::VideoBufferFlags::MultipleView`] (XXX: @-reference does not belong to VideoMultiviewFlags!) buffer flag. `VideoMultiviewFramePacking` represents the subset of `VideoMultiviewMode` values that can be applied to any video frame without needing extra metadata. It can be used by elements that provide a property to override the multiview interpretation of a video stream when the video doesn't contain any markers. This enum is used (for example) on playbin, to re-interpret a played video stream as a stereoscopic video. The individual enum values are equivalent to and have the same value as the matching `VideoMultiviewMode`. A special value indicating no frame packing info. All frames are monoscopic. All frames represent a left-eye view. All frames represent a right-eye view. Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame respectively. Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame, but have been sampled using quincunx method, with half-pixel offset between the 2 views. Alternating vertical columns of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively. Alternating horizontal rows of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively. The top half of the frame contains the left eye, and the bottom half the right eye. Pixels are arranged with alternating pixels representing left and right eye views in a checkerboard fashion. All possible stereoscopic 3D and multiview representations. In conjunction with `VideoMultiviewFlags`, describes how multiview content is being transported in the stream. A special value indicating no multiview information. Used in GstVideoInfo and other places to indicate that no specific multiview handling has been requested or provided. This value is never carried on caps. All frames are monoscopic. All frames represent a left-eye view. All frames represent a right-eye view. Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame respectively. Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame, but have been sampled using quincunx method, with half-pixel offset between the 2 views. Alternating vertical columns of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively. Alternating horizontal rows of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively. The top half of the frame contains the left eye, and the bottom half the right eye. Pixels are arranged with alternating pixels representing left and right eye views in a checkerboard fashion. Left and right eye views are provided in separate frames alternately. Multiple independent views are provided in separate frames in sequence. This method only applies to raw video buffers at the moment. Specific view identification is via the `GstVideoMultiviewMeta` and `VideoMeta`(s) on raw video buffers. Multiple views are provided as separate `gst::Memory` framebuffers attached to each `gst::Buffer`, described by the `GstVideoMultiviewMeta` and `VideoMeta`(s) The interface allows unified access to control flipping and autocenter operation of video-sources or operators. # Implements [`VideoOrientationExt`](trait.VideoOrientationExt.html) Trait containing all `VideoOrientation` methods. # Implementors [`VideoOrientation`](struct.VideoOrientation.html) Get the horizontal centering offset from the given object. ## `center` return location for the result # Returns `true` in case the element supports centering Get the horizontal flipping state (`true` for flipped) from the given object. ## `flip` return location for the result # Returns `true` in case the element supports flipping Get the vertical centering offset from the given object. ## `center` return location for the result # Returns `true` in case the element supports centering Get the vertical flipping state (`true` for flipped) from the given object. ## `flip` return location for the result # Returns `true` in case the element supports flipping Set the horizontal centering offset for the given object. ## `center` centering offset # Returns `true` in case the element supports centering Set the horizontal flipping state (`true` for flipped) for the given object. ## `flip` use flipping # Returns `true` in case the element supports flipping Set the vertical centering offset for the given object. ## `center` centering offset # Returns `true` in case the element supports centering Set the vertical flipping state (`true` for flipped) for the given object. ## `flip` use flipping # Returns `true` in case the element supports flipping The different video orientation methods. Identity (no rotation) Rotate clockwise 90 degrees Rotate 180 degrees Rotate counter-clockwise 90 degrees Flip horizontally Flip vertically Flip across upper left/lower right diagonal Flip across upper right/lower left diagonal Select flip method based on image-orientation tag Current status depends on plugin internal setup Feature: `v1_10` The `VideoOverlay` interface is used for 2 main purposes : * To get a grab on the Window where the video sink element is going to render. This is achieved by either being informed about the Window identifier that the video sink element generated, or by forcing the video sink element to use a specific Window identifier for rendering. * To force a redrawing of the latest video frame the video sink element displayed on the Window. Indeed if the `gst::Pipeline` is in `gst::State::Paused` state, moving the Window around will damage its content. Application developers will want to handle the Expose events themselves and force the video sink element to refresh the Window's content. Using the Window created by the video sink is probably the simplest scenario, in some cases, though, it might not be flexible enough for application developers if they need to catch events such as mouse moves and button clicks. Setting a specific Window identifier on the video sink element is the most flexible solution but it has some issues. Indeed the application needs to set its Window identifier at the right time to avoid internal Window creation from the video sink element. To solve this issue a `gst::Message` is posted on the bus to inform the application that it should set the Window identifier immediately. Here is an example on how to do that correctly: ```text static GstBusSyncReply create_window (GstBus * bus, GstMessage * message, GstPipeline * pipeline) { // ignore anything but 'prepare-window-handle' element messages if (!gst_is_video_overlay_prepare_window_handle_message (message)) return GST_BUS_PASS; win = XCreateSimpleWindow (disp, root, 0, 0, 320, 240, 0, 0, 0); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap (disp, win, None); XMapRaised (disp, win); XSync (disp, FALSE); gst_video_overlay_set_window_handle (GST_VIDEO_OVERLAY (GST_MESSAGE_SRC (message)), win); gst_message_unref (message); return GST_BUS_DROP; } ... int main (int argc, char **argv) { ... bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus (GST_PIPELINE (pipeline)); gst_bus_set_sync_handler (bus, (GstBusSyncHandler) create_window, pipeline, NULL); ... } ``` ## Two basic usage scenarios There are two basic usage scenarios: in the simplest case, the application uses `playbin` or `playsink` or knows exactly what particular element is used for video output, which is usually the case when the application creates the videosink to use (e.g. `xvimagesink`, `ximagesink`, etc.) itself; in this case, the application can just create the videosink element, create and realize the window to render the video on and then call `VideoOverlay::set_window_handle` directly with the XID or native window handle, before starting up the pipeline. As `playbin` and `playsink` implement the video overlay interface and proxy it transparently to the actual video sink even if it is created later, this case also applies when using these elements. In the other and more common case, the application does not know in advance what GStreamer video sink element will be used for video output. This is usually the case when an element such as `autovideosink` is used. In this case, the video sink element itself is created asynchronously from a GStreamer streaming thread some time after the pipeline has been started up. When that happens, however, the video sink will need to know right then whether to render onto an already existing application window or whether to create its own window. This is when it posts a prepare-window-handle message, and that is also why this message needs to be handled in a sync bus handler which will be called from the streaming thread directly (because the video sink will need an answer right then). As response to the prepare-window-handle element message in the bus sync handler, the application may use `VideoOverlay::set_window_handle` to tell the video sink to render onto an existing window surface. At this point the application should already have obtained the window handle / XID, so it just needs to set it. It is generally not advisable to call any GUI toolkit functions or window system functions from the streaming thread in which the prepare-window-handle message is handled, because most GUI toolkits and windowing systems are not thread-safe at all and a lot of care would be required to co-ordinate the toolkit and window system calls of the different threads (Gtk+ users please note: prior to Gtk+ 2.18 `GDK_WINDOW_XID` was just a simple structure access, so generally fine to do within the bus sync handler; this macro was changed to a function call in Gtk+ 2.18 and later, which is likely to cause problems when called from a sync handler; see below for a better approach without `GDK_WINDOW_XID` used in the callback). ## GstVideoOverlay and Gtk+ ```text #include <gst/video/videooverlay.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11 #include <gdk/gdkx.h> // for GDK_WINDOW_XID #endif #ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_WIN32 #include <gdk/gdkwin32.h> // for GDK_WINDOW_HWND #endif ... static guintptr video_window_handle = 0; ... static GstBusSyncReply bus_sync_handler (GstBus * bus, GstMessage * message, gpointer user_data) { // ignore anything but 'prepare-window-handle' element messages if (!gst_is_video_overlay_prepare_window_handle_message (message)) return GST_BUS_PASS; if (video_window_handle != 0) { GstVideoOverlay *overlay; // GST_MESSAGE_SRC (message) will be the video sink element overlay = GST_VIDEO_OVERLAY (GST_MESSAGE_SRC (message)); gst_video_overlay_set_window_handle (overlay, video_window_handle); } else { g_warning ("Should have obtained video_window_handle by now!"); } gst_message_unref (message); return GST_BUS_DROP; } ... static void video_widget_realize_cb (GtkWidget * widget, gpointer data) { #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,18,0) // Tell Gtk+/Gdk to create a native window for this widget instead of // drawing onto the parent widget. // This is here just for pedagogical purposes, GDK_WINDOW_XID will call // it as well in newer Gtk versions if (!gdk_window_ensure_native (widget->window)) g_error ("Couldn't create native window needed for GstVideoOverlay!"); #endif #ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11 { gulong xid = GDK_WINDOW_XID (gtk_widget_get_window (video_window)); video_window_handle = xid; } #endif #ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_WIN32 { HWND wnd = GDK_WINDOW_HWND (gtk_widget_get_window (video_window)); video_window_handle = (guintptr) wnd; } #endif } ... int main (int argc, char **argv) { GtkWidget *video_window; GtkWidget *app_window; ... app_window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); ... video_window = gtk_drawing_area_new (); g_signal_connect (video_window, "realize", G_CALLBACK (video_widget_realize_cb), NULL); gtk_widget_set_double_buffered (video_window, FALSE); ... // usually the video_window will not be directly embedded into the // application window like this, but there will be many other widgets // and the video window will be embedded in one of them instead gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (ap_window), video_window); ... // show the GUI gtk_widget_show_all (app_window); // realize window now so that the video window gets created and we can // obtain its XID/HWND before the pipeline is started up and the videosink // asks for the XID/HWND of the window to render onto gtk_widget_realize (video_window); // we should have the XID/HWND now g_assert (video_window_handle != 0); ... // set up sync handler for setting the xid once the pipeline is started bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus (GST_PIPELINE (pipeline)); gst_bus_set_sync_handler (bus, (GstBusSyncHandler) bus_sync_handler, NULL, NULL); gst_object_unref (bus); ... gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING); ... } ``` ## GstVideoOverlay and Qt ```text #include ; #include ; #include ; #include ; #include ; #include ; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (!g_thread_supported ()) g_thread_init (NULL); gst_init (&argc, &argv); QApplication app(argc, argv); app.connect(&app, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), &app, SLOT(quit ())); // prepare the pipeline GstElement *pipeline = gst_pipeline_new ("xvoverlay"); GstElement *src = gst_element_factory_make ("videotestsrc", NULL); GstElement *sink = gst_element_factory_make ("xvimagesink", NULL); gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (pipeline), src, sink, NULL); gst_element_link (src, sink); // prepare the ui QWidget window; window.resize(320, 240); window.show(); WId xwinid = window.winId(); gst_video_overlay_set_window_handle (GST_VIDEO_OVERLAY (sink), xwinid); // run the pipeline GstStateChangeReturn sret = gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING); if (sret == GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE) { gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_object_unref (pipeline); // Exit application QTimer::singleShot(0, QApplication::activeWindow(), SLOT(quit())); } int ret = app.exec(); window.hide(); gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_object_unref (pipeline); return ret; } ``` # Implements [`VideoOverlayExt`](trait.VideoOverlayExt.html), [`VideoOverlayExtManual`](prelude/trait.VideoOverlayExtManual.html) Trait containing all `VideoOverlay` methods. # Implementors [`VideoOverlay`](struct.VideoOverlay.html) This helper shall be used by classes implementing the `VideoOverlay` interface that want the render rectangle to be controllable using properties. This helper will install "render-rectangle" property into the class. Feature: `v1_14` ## `oclass` The class on which the properties will be installed ## `last_prop_id` The first free property ID to use This helper shall be used by classes implementing the `VideoOverlay` interface that want the render rectangle to be controllable using properties. This helper will parse and set the render rectangle calling `VideoOverlay::set_render_rectangle`. Feature: `v1_14` ## `object` The instance on which the property is set ## `last_prop_id` The highest property ID. ## `property_id` The property ID ## `value` The `glib::object::Value` to be set # Returns `true` if the `property_id` matches the GstVideoOverlay property Tell an overlay that it has been exposed. This will redraw the current frame in the drawable even if the pipeline is PAUSED. This will post a "have-window-handle" element message on the bus. This function should only be used by video overlay plugin developers. ## `handle` a platform-specific handle referencing the window Tell an overlay that it should handle events from the window system. These events are forwarded upstream as navigation events. In some window system, events are not propagated in the window hierarchy if a client is listening for them. This method allows you to disable events handling completely from the `VideoOverlay`. ## `handle_events` a `gboolean` indicating if events should be handled or not. This will post a "prepare-window-handle" element message on the bus to give applications an opportunity to call `VideoOverlay::set_window_handle` before a plugin creates its own window. This function should only be used by video overlay plugin developers. Configure a subregion as a video target within the window set by `VideoOverlay::set_window_handle`. If this is not used or not supported the video will fill the area of the window set as the overlay to 100%. By specifying the rectangle, the video can be overlayed to a specific region of that window only. After setting the new rectangle one should call `VideoOverlay::expose` to force a redraw. To unset the region pass -1 for the `width` and `height` parameters. This method is needed for non fullscreen video overlay in UI toolkits that do not support subwindows. ## `x` the horizontal offset of the render area inside the window ## `y` the vertical offset of the render area inside the window ## `width` the width of the render area inside the window ## `height` the height of the render area inside the window # Returns `false` if not supported by the sink. This will call the video overlay's set_window_handle method. You should use this method to tell to an overlay to display video output to a specific window (e.g. an XWindow on X11). Passing 0 as the `handle` will tell the overlay to stop using that window and create an internal one. ## `handle` a handle referencing the window. Overlay format flags. no flags RGB are premultiplied by A/255. a global-alpha value != 1 is set. The different flags that can be used when packing and unpacking. No flag When the source has a smaller depth than the target format, set the least significant bits of the target to 0. This is likely slightly faster but less accurate. When this flag is not specified, the most significant bits of the source are duplicated in the least significant bits of the destination. The source is interlaced. The unpacked format will be interlaced as well with each line containing information from alternating fields. (Since: 1.2) Different primaries conversion modes disable conversion between primaries do conversion between primaries only when it can be merged with color matrix conversion. fast conversion between primaries Different subsampling and upsampling methods Duplicates the samples when upsampling and drops when downsampling Uses linear interpolation to reconstruct missing samples and averaging to downsample Uses cubic interpolation Uses sinc interpolation Uses lanczos interpolation Provides useful functions and a base class for video sinks. GstVideoSink will configure the default base sink to drop frames that arrive later than 20ms as this is considered the default threshold for observing out-of-sync frames. # Implements [`VideoSinkExt`](trait.VideoSinkExt.html), [`gst_base::BaseSinkExt`](../gst_base/trait.BaseSinkExt.html), [`gst::ElementExt`](../gst/trait.ElementExt.html), [`gst::ObjectExt`](../gst/trait.ObjectExt.html), [`glib::object::ObjectExt`](../glib/object/trait.ObjectExt.html) Trait containing all `VideoSink` methods. # Implementors [`VideoSink`](struct.VideoSink.html) Takes `src` rectangle and position it at the center of `dst` rectangle with or without `scaling`. It handles clipping if the `src` rectangle is bigger than the `dst` one and `scaling` is set to FALSE. ## `src` the `VideoRectangle` describing the source area ## `dst` the `VideoRectangle` describing the destination area ## `result` a pointer to a `VideoRectangle` which will receive the result area ## `scaling` a `gboolean` indicating if scaling should be applied or not Whether to show video frames during preroll. If set to `false`, video frames will only be rendered in PLAYING state. Whether to show video frames during preroll. If set to `false`, video frames will only be rendered in PLAYING state. Enum value describing the available tiling modes. Unknown or unset tile mode Every four adjacent blocks - two horizontally and two vertically are grouped together and are located in memory in Z or flipped Z order. In case of odd rows, the last row of blocks is arranged in linear order. Tiles are in row order. `field_count` must be 0 for progressive video and 1 or 2 for interlaced. A representation of a SMPTE time code. `hours` must be positive and less than 24. Will wrap around otherwise. `minutes` and `seconds` must be positive and less than 60. `frames` must be less than or equal to `config.fps_n` / `config.fps_d` These values are *NOT* automatically normalized. Feature: `v1_10` `field_count` is 0 for progressive, 1 or 2 for interlaced. `latest_daiy_jam` reference is stolen from caller. Feature: `v1_10` ## `fps_n` Numerator of the frame rate ## `fps_d` Denominator of the frame rate ## `latest_daily_jam` The latest daily jam of the `VideoTimeCode` ## `flags` `VideoTimeCodeFlags` ## `hours` the hours field of `VideoTimeCode` ## `minutes` the minutes field of `VideoTimeCode` ## `seconds` the seconds field of `VideoTimeCode` ## `frames` the frames field of `VideoTimeCode` ## `field_count` Interlaced video field count # Returns a new `VideoTimeCode` with the given values. The values are not checked for being in a valid range. To see if your timecode actually has valid content, use `VideoTimeCode::is_valid`. Feature: `v1_10` # Returns a new empty, invalid `VideoTimeCode` The resulting config->latest_daily_jam is set to midnight, and timecode is set to the given time. This might return a completely invalid timecode, use `VideoTimeCode::new_from_date_time_full` to ensure that you would get `None` instead in that case. Feature: `v1_12` ## `fps_n` Numerator of the frame rate ## `fps_d` Denominator of the frame rate ## `dt` `glib::DateTime` to convert ## `flags` `VideoTimeCodeFlags` ## `field_count` Interlaced video field count # Returns the `VideoTimeCode` representation of `dt`. The resulting config->latest_daily_jam is set to midnight, and timecode is set to the given time. Feature: `v1_16` ## `fps_n` Numerator of the frame rate ## `fps_d` Denominator of the frame rate ## `dt` `glib::DateTime` to convert ## `flags` `VideoTimeCodeFlags` ## `field_count` Interlaced video field count # Returns the `VideoTimeCode` representation of `dt`, or `None` if no valid timecode could be created. Feature: `v1_12` ## `tc_str` The string that represents the `VideoTimeCode` # Returns a new `VideoTimeCode` from the given string or `None` if the string could not be passed. Adds or subtracts `frames` amount of frames to `self`. tc needs to contain valid data, as verified by `VideoTimeCode::is_valid`. Feature: `v1_10` ## `frames` How many frames to add or subtract This makes a component-wise addition of `tc_inter` to `self`. For example, adding ("01:02:03:04", "00:01:00:00") will return "01:03:03:04". When it comes to drop-frame timecodes, adding ("00:00:00;00", "00:01:00:00") will return "00:01:00;02" because of drop-frame oddities. However, adding ("00:09:00;02", "00:01:00:00") will return "00:10:00;00" because this time we can have an exact minute. Feature: `v1_12` ## `tc_inter` The `VideoTimeCodeInterval` to add to `self`. The interval must contain valid values, except that for drop-frame timecode, it may also contain timecodes which would normally be dropped. These are then corrected to the next reasonable timecode. # Returns A new `VideoTimeCode` with `tc_inter` added or `None` if the interval can't be added. Initializes `self` with empty/zero/NULL values and frees any memory it might currently use. Feature: `v1_10` Compares `self` and `tc2`. If both have latest daily jam information, it is taken into account. Otherwise, it is assumed that the daily jam of both `self` and `tc2` was at the same time. Both time codes must be valid. Feature: `v1_10` ## `tc2` another valid `VideoTimeCode` # Returns 1 if `self` is after `tc2`, -1 if `self` is before `tc2`, 0 otherwise. Feature: `v1_10` # Returns a new `VideoTimeCode` with the same values as `self`. Feature: `v1_10` # Returns how many frames have passed since the daily jam of `self`. Frees `self`. Feature: `v1_10` Adds one frame to `self`. Feature: `v1_10` `field_count` is 0 for progressive, 1 or 2 for interlaced. `latest_daiy_jam` reference is stolen from caller. Initializes `self` with the given values. The values are not checked for being in a valid range. To see if your timecode actually has valid content, use `VideoTimeCode::is_valid`. Feature: `v1_10` ## `fps_n` Numerator of the frame rate ## `fps_d` Denominator of the frame rate ## `latest_daily_jam` The latest daily jam of the `VideoTimeCode` ## `flags` `VideoTimeCodeFlags` ## `hours` the hours field of `VideoTimeCode` ## `minutes` the minutes field of `VideoTimeCode` ## `seconds` the seconds field of `VideoTimeCode` ## `frames` the frames field of `VideoTimeCode` ## `field_count` Interlaced video field count The resulting config->latest_daily_jam is set to midnight, and timecode is set to the given time. Will assert on invalid parameters, use `VideoTimeCode::init_from_date_time_full` for being able to handle invalid parameters. Feature: `v1_12` ## `fps_n` Numerator of the frame rate ## `fps_d` Denominator of the frame rate ## `dt` `glib::DateTime` to convert ## `flags` `VideoTimeCodeFlags` ## `field_count` Interlaced video field count The resulting config->latest_daily_jam is set to midnight, and timecode is set to the given time. Feature: `v1_16` ## `fps_n` Numerator of the frame rate ## `fps_d` Denominator of the frame rate ## `dt` `glib::DateTime` to convert ## `flags` `VideoTimeCodeFlags` ## `field_count` Interlaced video field count # Returns `true` if `self` could be correctly initialized to a valid timecode Feature: `v1_10` # Returns whether `self` is a valid timecode (supported frame rate, hours/minutes/seconds/frames not overflowing) Feature: `v1_10` # Returns how many nsec have passed since the daily jam of `self`. The `self.config`->latest_daily_jam is required to be non-NULL. Feature: `v1_10` # Returns the `glib::DateTime` representation of `self` or `None` if `self` has no daily jam. Feature: `v1_10` # Returns the SMPTE ST 2059-1:2015 string representation of `self`. That will take the form hh:mm:ss:ff. The last separator (between seconds and frames) may vary: ';' for drop-frame, non-interlaced content and for drop-frame interlaced field 2 ',' for drop-frame interlaced field 1 ':' for non-drop-frame, non-interlaced content and for non-drop-frame interlaced field 2 '.' for non-drop-frame interlaced field 1 Flags related to the time code information. For drop frame, only 30000/1001 and 60000/1001 frame rates are supported. No flags Whether we have drop frame rate Whether we have interlaced video Feature: `v1_10` A representation of a difference between two `VideoTimeCode` instances. Will not necessarily correspond to a real timecode (e.g. 00:00:10;00) Feature: `v1_12` Feature: `v1_12` ## `hours` the hours field of `VideoTimeCodeInterval` ## `minutes` the minutes field of `VideoTimeCodeInterval` ## `seconds` the seconds field of `VideoTimeCodeInterval` ## `frames` the frames field of `VideoTimeCodeInterval` # Returns a new `VideoTimeCodeInterval` with the given values. `tc_inter_str` must only have ":" as separators. Feature: `v1_12` ## `tc_inter_str` The string that represents the `VideoTimeCodeInterval` # Returns a new `VideoTimeCodeInterval` from the given string or `None` if the string could not be passed. Initializes `self` with empty/zero/NULL values. Feature: `v1_12` Feature: `v1_12` # Returns a new `VideoTimeCodeInterval` with the same values as `self`. Frees `self`. Feature: `v1_12` Initializes `self` with the given values. Feature: `v1_12` ## `hours` the hours field of `VideoTimeCodeInterval` ## `minutes` the minutes field of `VideoTimeCodeInterval` ## `seconds` the seconds field of `VideoTimeCodeInterval` ## `frames` the frames field of `VideoTimeCodeInterval` The video transfer function defines the formula for converting between non-linear RGB (R'G'B') and linear RGB unknown transfer function linear RGB, gamma 1.0 curve Gamma 1.8 curve Gamma 2.0 curve Gamma 2.2 curve Gamma 2.2 curve with a linear segment in the lower range, also ITU-R BT470M / ITU-R BT1700 625 PAL & SECAM / ITU-R BT1361 Gamma 2.2 curve with a linear segment in the lower range Gamma 2.4 curve with a linear segment in the lower range. IEC 61966-2-1 (sRGB or sYCC) Gamma 2.8 curve, also ITU-R BT470BG Logarithmic transfer characteristic 100:1 range Logarithmic transfer characteristic 316.22777:1 range (100 * sqrt(10) : 1) Gamma 2.2 curve with a linear segment in the lower range. Used for BT.2020 with 12 bits per component. Since: 1.6 Gamma 2.19921875. Since: 1.8 Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-2 with 10 bits per component. (functionally the same as the values GST_VIDEO_TRANSFER_BT709 and GST_VIDEO_TRANSFER_BT601). Since: 1.18 SMPTE ST 2084 for 10, 12, 14, and 16-bit systems. Known as perceptual quantization (PQ) Since: 1.18 Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) STD-B67 and Rec. ITU-R BT.2100-1 hybrid loggamma (HLG) system Since: 1.18 also known as SMPTE170M / ITU-R BT1358 525 or 625 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC