// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. use glib::prelude::*; use glib::subclass::prelude::*; use glib::translate::*; use crate::ChildProxy; pub trait ChildProxyImpl: ObjectImpl + Send + Sync { fn get_child_by_name(&self, object: &Self::Type, name: &str) -> Option { unsafe { let type_ = ffi::gst_child_proxy_get_type(); let iface = glib::gobject_ffi::g_type_default_interface_ref(type_) as *mut ffi::GstChildProxyInterface; assert!(!iface.is_null()); let ret = ((*iface).get_child_by_name.as_ref().unwrap())( object.unsafe_cast_ref::().to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, ); glib::gobject_ffi::g_type_default_interface_unref(iface as glib::ffi::gpointer); from_glib_full(ret) } } fn get_child_by_index(&self, object: &Self::Type, index: u32) -> Option; fn get_children_count(&self, object: &Self::Type) -> u32; fn child_added(&self, _object: &Self::Type, _child: &glib::Object, _name: &str) {} fn child_removed(&self, _object: &Self::Type, _child: &glib::Object, _name: &str) {} } unsafe impl IsImplementable for ChildProxy { fn interface_init(iface: &mut glib::Class) { let iface = iface.as_mut(); iface.get_child_by_name = Some(child_proxy_get_child_by_name::); iface.get_child_by_index = Some(child_proxy_get_child_by_index::); iface.get_children_count = Some(child_proxy_get_children_count::); iface.child_added = Some(child_proxy_child_added::); iface.child_removed = Some(child_proxy_child_removed::); } } unsafe extern "C" fn child_proxy_get_child_by_name( child_proxy: *mut ffi::GstChildProxy, name: *const libc::c_char, ) -> *mut glib::gobject_ffi::GObject { let instance = &*(child_proxy as *mut T::Instance); let imp = instance.get_impl(); imp.get_child_by_name( &from_glib_borrow::<_, ChildProxy>(child_proxy).unsafe_cast_ref(), &glib::GString::from_glib_borrow(name), ) .to_glib_full() } unsafe extern "C" fn child_proxy_get_child_by_index( child_proxy: *mut ffi::GstChildProxy, index: u32, ) -> *mut glib::gobject_ffi::GObject { let instance = &*(child_proxy as *mut T::Instance); let imp = instance.get_impl(); imp.get_child_by_index( &from_glib_borrow::<_, ChildProxy>(child_proxy).unsafe_cast_ref(), index, ) .to_glib_full() } unsafe extern "C" fn child_proxy_get_children_count( child_proxy: *mut ffi::GstChildProxy, ) -> u32 { let instance = &*(child_proxy as *mut T::Instance); let imp = instance.get_impl(); imp.get_children_count(&from_glib_borrow::<_, ChildProxy>(child_proxy).unsafe_cast_ref()) } unsafe extern "C" fn child_proxy_child_added( child_proxy: *mut ffi::GstChildProxy, child: *mut glib::gobject_ffi::GObject, name: *const libc::c_char, ) { let instance = &*(child_proxy as *mut T::Instance); let imp = instance.get_impl(); imp.child_added( &from_glib_borrow::<_, ChildProxy>(child_proxy).unsafe_cast_ref(), &from_glib_borrow(child), &glib::GString::from_glib_borrow(name), ) } unsafe extern "C" fn child_proxy_child_removed( child_proxy: *mut ffi::GstChildProxy, child: *mut glib::gobject_ffi::GObject, name: *const libc::c_char, ) { let instance = &*(child_proxy as *mut T::Instance); let imp = instance.get_impl(); imp.child_removed( &from_glib_borrow::<_, ChildProxy>(child_proxy).unsafe_cast_ref(), &from_glib_borrow(child), &glib::GString::from_glib_borrow(name), ) }