These values correspond to the registered descriptor type from the various ATSC specifications. Consult the relevant specifications for more details. Event Information Table (ATSC) Events An ATSC EIT Event the titles descriptors Extended Text Table (ATSC) List of texts Master Guide Table (A65) the tables descriptors Source from a @GstMpegtsAtscMGT descriptors System Time Table (A65) descriptors Represents both: Terrestrial Virtual Channel Table (A65) Cable Virtual Channel Table (A65) sources descriptors Source from a @GstMpegtsAtscVCT, can be used both for TVCT and CVCT tables an array of #GstMpegtsDescriptor DVB Bouquet Association Table (EN 300 468) Cable Delivery System Descriptor (EN 300 468 v.1.13.1) the frequency in Hz (Hertz) the outer FEC scheme used Modulation scheme used Symbol rate (in symbols per second) inner FEC scheme used The type of #GstMpegtsDescriptor These values correspond to the registered descriptor type from the various DVB specifications. Consult the relevant specifications for more details. The type of #GstMpegtsDescriptor These values correspond to the registered extended descriptor type from the various DVB specifications. Consult the relevant specifications for more details. the transport id the original network id the service id the type which %linkage_data has the length for %private_data_bytes additional data bytes The #GstMpegtsDVBLinkageEvent or %NULL if an error happened the #GstMpegtsDVBLinkageDescriptor an #GstMpegtsDVBLinkageExtendedEvent array or %NULL if an error happened the #GstMpegtsDVBLinkageDescriptor The #GstMpegtsDVBLinkageMobileHandOver or %NULL if an error happened the #GstMpegtsDVBLinkageDescriptor Linkage Type (EN 300 468 v.1.13.1) the id of a service the type of a service The type of service of a channel. As specified in Table 87 of ETSI EN 300 468 v1.13.1 The type of teletext page. As specified in Table 100 of ETSI EN 300 468 v1.13.1 the data broadcast id the component tag the selector byte field language of @text description of data broadcast These are the base descriptor types and methods. For more details, refer to the ITU H.222.0 or ISO/IEC 13818-1 specifications and other specifications mentionned in the documentation. the type of descriptor the extended type (if @descriptor_tag is 0x7f) the length of the descriptor content (excluding tag/length field) the full descriptor data (including tag, extension, length). The first two bytes are the @tag and @length. Frees @desc The descriptor to free Extracts the Conditional Access information from @descriptor. %TRUE if parsing succeeded, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_CA #GstMpegtsDescriptor the type of CA system used The PID containing ECM or EMM data The private data The size of @private_data in bytes Extracts the cable delivery system information from @descriptor. %TRUE if parsing succeeded, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_CABLE_DELIVERY_SYSTEM #GstMpegtsDescriptor the #GstMpegtsCableDeliverySystemDescriptor to fill Extracts the bouquet name from @descriptor. %TRUE if parsing succeeded, else %FALSE. the bouquet name Extracts ca id's from @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_CA_IDENTIFIER #GstMpegtsDescriptor a list of ca identifier. Edge entry identifies the CA system. Allocations of the value of this field are found in Extracts the DVB component information from @descriptor. %TRUE if parsing succeeded, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_COMPONENT #GstMpegtsDescriptor the #GstMpegtsComponentDescriptor to fill Extracts the DVB content information from @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_CONTENT #GstMpegtsDescriptor #GstMpegtsContent Parses out the data broadcast from the @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_DATA_BROADCAST #GstMpegtsDescriptor #GstMpegtsDataBroadcastDescriptor Parses out the data broadcast id from the @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_DATA_BROADCAST_ID #GstMpegtsDescriptor the data broadcast id the selector bytes, if present the length of #id_selector_bytes Extracts the DVB extended event information from @descriptor. %TRUE if parsing succeeded, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_EXTENDED_EVENT #GstMpegtsDescriptor the #GstMpegtsExtendedEventDescriptor to fill Parses out a list of frequencies from the @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_FREQUENCY_LIST #GstMpegtsDescriptor %FALSE in Hz, %TRUE in kHz a list of all frequencies in Hz/kHz depending on %offset Extracts the DVB linkage information from @descriptor. %TRUE if parsing succeeded, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_LINKAGE #GstMpegtsDescriptor the #GstMpegtsDVBLinkageDescriptor to fill Parses out the multilingual bouquet name from the @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_MULTILINGUAL_BOUQUET_NAME #GstMpegtsDescriptor a #GstMpegtsDvbMultilingualBouquetNameItem Parses out the multilingual component from the @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_MULTILINGUAL_COMPONENT #GstMpegtsDescriptor the component tag a #GstMpegtsDvbMultilingualComponentItem Parses out the multilingual network name from the @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_MULTILINGUAL_NETWORK_NAME #GstMpegtsDescriptor a #GstMpegtsDvbMultilingualNetworkNameItem Parses out the multilingual service name from the @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_MULTILINGUAL_SERVICE_NAME #GstMpegtsDescriptor a #GstMpegtsDvbMultilingualServiceNameItem Parses out the dvb network name from the @descriptor: %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_NETWORK_NAME #GstMpegtsDescriptor the extracted name Extracts the DVB parental rating information from @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_PARENTAL_RATING #GstMpegtsDescriptor #GstMpegtsDVBParentalRatingItem Parses out the private data specifier from the @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_PRIVATE_DATA_SPECIFIER #GstMpegtsDescriptor the private data specifier id registered by additional data or NULL length of %private_data Parses out the scrambling mode from the @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_SCRAMBLING #GstMpegtsDescriptor This 8-bit field identifies the selected mode of the scrambling algorithm (#GstMpegtsDVBScramblingModeType). The technical details of the scrambling algorithm are available only to bona-fide users upon signature of a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) administered by the DVB Common Scrambling Algorithm Custodian. Extracts the dvb service information from @descriptor. %TRUE if parsing succeeded, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_SERVICE #GstMpegtsDescriptor the service type the service name the provider name Parses out a list of services from the @descriptor: %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_SERVICE_LIST #GstMpegtsDescriptor the list of services Extracts the DVB short event information from @descriptor. %TRUE if parsing succeeded, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_SHORT_EVENT #GstMpegtsDescriptor the language code the event name the event text Extracts the component tag from @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happended correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_CONTENT #GstMpegtsDescriptor the component tag Parses out the stuffing bytes from the @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_STUFFING #GstMpegtsDescriptor the stuffing bytes Extracts the DVB subtitling informatio from specific table id in @descriptor. Note: Use #gst_tag_get_language_code if you want to get the the ISO 639-1 language code from the returned ISO 639-2 one. %TRUE if parsing succeeded, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_SUBTITLING #GstMpegtsDescriptor Table id of the entry to parse the language code the type of subtitling the composition page id the ancillary page id The number of entries in @descriptor a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_SUBTITLING #GstMpegtsDescriptor Parses out the DVB-T2 delivery system from the @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_EXT_DVB_T2_DELIVERY_SYSTEM #GstMpegtsDescriptor #GstMpegtsT2DeliverySystemDescriptor Parses teletext number @idx in the @descriptor. The language is in ISO639 format. FALSE on out-of-bounds and errors a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_TELETEXT #GstMpegtsDescriptor The id of the teletext to get a null-terminated string #GstMpegtsDVBTeletextType Find the number of teletext entries in @descriptor Number of teletext entries a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_TELETEXT #GstMpegtsDescriptor Extracts the iso 639-2 language information from @descriptor. Note: Use #gst_tag_get_language_code if you want to get the the ISO 639-1 language code from the returned ISO 639-2 one. %TRUE if parsing succeeded, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_ISO_639_LANGUAGE #GstMpegtsDescriptor the #GstMpegtsISO639LanguageDescriptor to fill Extracts the iso 639-2 language information from specific table id in @descriptor. Note: Use #gst_tag_get_language_code if you want to get the the ISO 639-1 language code from the returned ISO 639-2 one. %TRUE if parsing succeeded, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_ISO_639_LANGUAGE #GstMpegtsDescriptor Table id of the language to parse 4-byte gchar array to hold the language code the #GstMpegtsIso639AudioType to set The number of languages in @descriptor a %GST_MTS_DESC_ISO_639_LANGUAGE #GstMpegtsDescriptor Extracts the logical channels from @descriptor. %TRUE if parsing succeeded, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DTG_LOGICAL_CHANNEL #GstMpegtsDescriptor the #GstMpegtsLogicalChannelDescriptor to fill Extracts the satellite delivery system information from @descriptor. %TRUE if parsing succeeded, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_SATELLITE_DELIVERY_SYSTEM #GstMpegtsDescriptor the #GstMpegtsSatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor to fill Parses out the terrestrial delivery system from the @descriptor. %TRUE if the parsing happened correctly, else %FALSE. a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_TERRESTRIAL_DELIVERY_SYSTEM #GstMpegtsDescriptor #GstMpegtsTerrestrialDeliverySystemDescriptor Creates a #GstMpegtsDescriptor with custom @tag and @data #GstMpegtsDescriptor descriptor tag descriptor data (after tag and length field) length of @data Creates a #GstMpegtsDescriptor with custom @tag, @tag_extension and @data #GstMpegtsDescriptor descriptor tag descriptor tag extension descriptor data (after tag and length field) length of @data Creates a #GstMpegtsDescriptor to be a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_NETWORK_NAME, with the network name @name. The data field of the #GstMpegtsDescriptor will be allocated, and transferred to the caller. the #GstMpegtsDescriptor or %NULL on fail the network name to set Fills a #GstMpegtsDescriptor to be a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_SERVICE. The data field of the #GstMpegtsDescriptor will be allocated, and transferred to the caller. the #GstMpegtsDescriptor or %NULL on fail Service type defined as a #GstMpegtsDVBServiceType Name of the service Name of the service provider a string containing the ISO639 language subtitling type composition page id ancillary page id Creates a %GST_MTS_DESC_ISO_639_LANGUAGE #GstMpegtsDescriptor with a single language #GstMpegtsDescriptor, %NULL on failure ISO-639-2 language 3-char code Creates a %GST_MTS_DESC_REGISTRATION #GstMpegtsDescriptor #GstMpegtsDescriptor, %NULL on failure a 4 character format identifier string pointer to optional additional info length of the optional @additional_info The type of #GstMpegtsDescriptor These values correspond to the registered descriptor type from the base MPEG-TS specifications (ITU H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1). Consult the relevant specifications for more details. a multilingual bouquet name entry the ISO 639 language code the bouquet name the ISO 639 language code the component description a multilingual network name entry the ISO 639 language code the network name a multilingual service name entry the ISO 639 language code the provider name the service name Event Information Table (EN 300 468) List of events Event from a @GstMpegtsEIT List of descriptors Extended Event Descriptor (EN 300 468 v.1.13.1) NULL terminated language code. the #GstMpegtsExtendedEventItem These values correspond to the registered descriptor type from the various ISDB specifications. Consult the relevant specifications for more details. The type of #GstMpegtsDescriptor These values correspond to miscellaneous descriptor types that are not yet identified from known specifications. Network Information Table (ISO/IEC 13818-1 / EN 300 468) Whether this NIT corresponds to the actual stream ID of the network that this NIT describes the global descriptors the streams Allocates and initializes a #GstMpegtsNIT. A newly allocated #GstMpegtsNIT Allocates and initializes a #GstMpegtsNITStream A newly allocated #GstMpegtsNITStream Program Map Table (ISO/IEC 13818-1). The program_number is contained in the subtable_extension field of the container #GstMpegtsSection. PID of the stream containing PCR array of #GstMpegtsDescriptor Array of #GstMpegtsPMTStream Allocates and initializes a new #GstMpegtsPMT. #GstMpegtsPMT An individual stream definition. the type of stream. See #GstMpegtsStreamType the PID of the stream the descriptors of the stream Allocates and initializes a new #GstMpegtsPMTStream. #GstMpegtsPMTStream A program entry from a Program Association Table (ITU H.222.0, ISO/IEC 13818-1). the program number the network of program map PID Allocates a new #GstMpegtsPatProgram. A newly allocated #GstMpegtsPatProgram Running status of a service. Corresponds to table 6 of ETSI EN 300 468 (v1.13.0) Service Description Table (EN 300 468) Network ID of the originating delivery system True if the table describes this transport stream ID of this transport stream List of services Allocates and initializes a #GstMpegtsSDT. A newly allocated #GstMpegtsSDT The program number this table belongs to EIT schedule information is present in this transport stream EIT present/following information is present in this transport stream Status of this service True if one or more streams is controlled by a CA system List of descriptors Allocates and initializes a #GstMpegtsSDTService. A newly allocated #GstMpegtsSDTService Satellite Delivery System Descriptor (EN 300 468 v.1.13.1) the frequency in kHz (kiloHertz) the orbital position in degrees If %TRUE, the satellite is in the eastern part of the orbit, else in the western part. The polarization of the transmitted signal Roll-off factor used in DVB-S2 modulation system, %TRUE if DVB-S2, else DVB-S Modulation scheme used Symbol rate (in symbols per second) inner FEC scheme used Type of mpeg-ts streams for SCTE SCTE-27 Subtitling SCTE-19 Isochronous data SCTE-07 Data Service or Network Resource Table Type B - DSM-CC Data Carousel [IEC 13818-6]) Enhanced Television Application Signaling (OC-SP-ETV-AM1.0.1-120614) SCTE-07 Synchronous data SCTE-53 Asynchronous data For more details, refer to the ITU H.222.0 or ISO/IEC 13818-1 specifications and other specifications mentioned in the documentation. The type of section The pid on which this section was found The table id of this section This meaning differs per section. See the documentation of the parsed section type for the meaning of this field Version of the section. Applies to current/next stream or not Number of the section (if multiple) Number of the last expected section (if multiple) CRC Creates a new #GstMpegtsSection from the provided @data. Note: Ensuring @data is big enough to contain the full section is the responsibility of the caller. If it is not big enough, %NULL will be returned. Note: it is the responsibility of the caller to ensure @data does point to the beginning of the section. A new #GstMpegtsSection if the data was valid, else %NULL the PID to which this section belongs a pointer to the beginning of the section (i.e. the first byte should contain the table_id field). size of the @data argument. Returns the #GstMpegtsAtscVCT contained in the @section The #GstMpegtsAtscVCT contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_ATSC_CVCT Returns the #GstMpegtsAtscEIT contained in the @section. The #GstMpegtsAtscEIT contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_ATSC_EIT Returns the #GstMpegtsAtscETT contained in the @section. The #GstMpegtsAtscETT contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_ATSC_ETT Returns the #GstMpegtsAtscMGT contained in the @section. The #GstMpegtsAtscMGT contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_ATSC_MGT Returns the #GstMpegtsAtscSTT contained in the @section. The #GstMpegtsAtscSTT contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_ATSC_STT Returns the #GstMpegtsAtscVCT contained in the @section The #GstMpegtsAtscVCT contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_ATSC_TVCT Returns the #GstMpegtsBAT contained in the @section. The #GstMpegtsBAT contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_BAT Returns the array of #GstMpegtsDescriptor contained in the Conditional Access Table. The #GstMpegtsDescriptor contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. Release with #g_array_unref when done. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_CAT Gets the original unparsed section data. The original unparsed section data. a #GstMpegtsSection Returns the #GstMpegtsEIT contained in the @section. The #GstMpegtsEIT contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_EIT Returns the #GstMpegtsNIT contained in the @section. The #GstMpegtsNIT contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_NIT Parses a Program Association Table (ITU H.222.0, ISO/IEC 13818-1). Returns the array of #GstMpegtsPatProgram contained in the section. Note: The PAT "transport_id" field corresponds to the "subtable_extension" field of the provided @section. The #GstMpegtsPatProgram contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. Release with #g_ptr_array_unref when done. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_PAT Returns the #GstMpegtsPMT contained in the @section. The #GstMpegtsPMT contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_PMT Returns the #GstMpegtsSDT contained in the @section. The #GstMpegtsSDT contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_SDT Returns the #GstDateTime of the TDT The #GstDateTime contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. Release with #gst_date_time_unref when done. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_TDT Returns the #GstMpegtsTOT contained in the @section. The #GstMpegtsTOT contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_TOT Returns the array of #GstMpegtsDescriptor contained in the section The #GstMpegtsDescriptor contained in the section, or %NULL if an error happened. Release with #g_array_unref when done. a #GstMpegtsSection of type %GST_MPEGTS_SECTION_TSDT If the data in @section has already been packetized, the data pointer is returned immediately. Otherwise, the data field is allocated and populated. pointer to section data, or %NULL on fail the #GstMpegtsSection that holds the data #gsize to hold the size of the data Creates a custom #GstEvent with a @GstMpegtsSection. The #GstEvent is sent to the @element #GstElement. %TRUE if the event is sent The #GstMpegtsSection to put in the event The #GstElement to send to section event to Ownership of @nit is taken. The data in @nit is managed by the #GstMpegtsSection the #GstMpegtsSection a #GstMpegtsNIT to create the #GstMpegtsSection from Creates a PAT #GstMpegtsSection from the @programs array of #GstMpegtsPatPrograms a #GstMpegtsSection an array of #GstMpegtsPatProgram Transport stream ID of the PAT Creates a #GstMpegtsSection from @pmt that is bound to @pid #GstMpegtsSection a #GstMpegtsPMT to create a #GstMpegtsSection from The PID that the #GstMpegtsPMT belongs to Ownership of @sdt is taken. The data in @sdt is managed by the #GstMpegtsSection the #GstMpegtsSection a #GstMpegtsSDT to create the #GstMpegtsSection from Values for a #GstMpegtsSection table_id. These are the registered ATSC table_id variants. see also: #GstMpegtsSectionTableID Values for a #GstMpegtsSection table_id. These are the registered DVB table_id variants. see also: #GstMpegtsSectionTableID Values for a #GstMpegtsSection table_id. These are the registered SCTE table_id variants. see also: #GstMpegtsSectionTableID SCTE-18 Emergency Alert System CL-SP-ETV-AM 1.0.1 EBIF message CL-SP-ETV-AM 1.0.1 EBIF Int. Signaling Sect. CL-SP-ETV-AM 1.0.1 DSMCC DII message CL-SP-ETV-AM 1.0.1 DSMCC Data Download Block SCTE-35 splice information is carried in a section stream on a separate PID in the program’s Map Table (PMT) allowing Splice Event notifications to remain associated with the program and pass through multiplexers. Values for a #GstMpegtsSection table_id These are the registered ITU H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 table_id variants. see also #GstMpegtsSectionATSCTableID, #GstMpegtsSectionDVBTableID, and #GstMpegtsSectionSCTETableID Types of #GstMpegtsSection that the library handles. Unknown section type Program Association Table (ISO/IEC 13818-1) Program Map Table (ISO/IEC 13818-1) Conditional Access Table (ISO/IEC 13818-1) Transport Stream Description Table (ISO/IEC 13818-1) Event Information Table (EN 300 468) Network Information Table (ISO/IEC 13818-1 / EN 300 468) Bouquet Association Table ((EN 300 468) Service Description Table (EN 300 468) Time and Date Table (EN 300 468) Time Offset Table (EN 300 468) ATSC Terrestrial Virtual Channel Table (A65) ATSC Cable Virtual Channel Table (A65) ATSC Master Guide Table (A65) ATSC Extended Text Table (A65) ATSC Event Information Table (A65) ATSC System Time Table (A65) Type of mpeg-ts stream type. These values correspond to the base standard registered types. Depending on the variant of mpeg-ts being used (Bluray, ATSC, DVB, ...), other types might also be used, but will not conflict with these. Corresponds to table 2-34 of ITU H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 ITU-T | ISO/IEC Reserved ISO/IEC 11172-2 Video Rec. ITU-T H.262 | ISO/IEC 13818-2 Video or ISO/IEC 11172-2 constrained parameter video stream ISO/IEC 11172-3 Audio ISO/IEC 13818-3 Audio private sections PES packets containing private data ISO/IEC 13522 MHEG Annex A DSM-CC Rec. ITU-T H.222.1 ISO/IEC 13818-6 type A ISO/IEC 13818-6 type B ISO/IEC 13818-6 type C ISO/IEC 13818-6 type D auxiliary streams ISO/IEC 13818-7 Audio with ADTS transport syntax ISO/IEC 14496-2 Visual ISO/IEC 14496-3 Audio with the LATM transport syntax as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-3 ISO/IEC 14496-1 SL-packetized stream or FlexMux stream carried in PES packets ISO/IEC 14496-1 SL-packetized stream or FlexMux stream carried in ISO/IEC 14496_sections ISO/IEC 13818-6 Synchronized Download Protocol Metadata carried in PES packets Metadata carried in metadata_sections Metadata carried in ISO/IEC 13818-6 Data Carousel Metadata carried in ISO/IEC 13818-6 Object Carousel Metadata carried in ISO/IEC 13818-6 Synchronized Download Protocol IPMP stream (defined in ISO/IEC 13818-11, MPEG-2 IPMP) AVC video stream conforming to one or more profiles defined in Annex A of Rec. ITU-T H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 or AVC video sub-bitstream of SVC as defined in 2.1.78 or MVC base view sub-bitstream, as defined in 2.1.85, or AVC video sub-bitstream of MVC, as defined in 2.1.88 ISO/IEC 14496-3 Audio, without using any additional transport syntax, such as DST, ALS and SLS ISO/IEC 14496-17 Text Auxiliary video stream as defined in ISO/IEC 23002-3 SVC video sub-bitstream of an AVC video stream conforming to one or more profiles defined in Annex G of Rec. ITU-T H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 MVC video sub-bitstream of an AVC video stream conforming to one or more profiles defined in Annex H of Rec. ITU-T H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 Video stream conforming to one or more profiles as defined in Rec. ITU-T T.800 | ISO/IEC 15444-1 Additional view Rec. ITU-T H.262 | ISO/IEC 13818-2 video stream for service-compatible stereoscopic 3D services Additional view Rec. ITU-T H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 video stream conforming to one or more profiles defined in Annex A for service-compatible stereoscopic 3D services IPMP stream id of the cell centre frequencies in Hz id of the sub cell centre frequency of the sub cell in Hz describe DVB-T2 transmissions according to EN 302 755 Time Offset Table (EN 300 468) List of descriptors Terrestrial Delivery System Descriptor (EN 300 468 v.1.13.1) the frequency in Hz (Hertz) the bandwidth in Hz (Hertz) %TRUE High Priority %FALSE Low Priority %TRUE no time slicing %FALSE time slicing %TRUE no mpe-fec is used %FALSE mpe-fec is use the constallation the hierarchy %TRUE more frequency are use, else not Creates a #GstMpegtsDescriptor with custom @tag and @data #GstMpegtsDescriptor descriptor tag descriptor data (after tag and length field) length of @data Creates a #GstMpegtsDescriptor with custom @tag, @tag_extension and @data #GstMpegtsDescriptor descriptor tag descriptor tag extension descriptor data (after tag and length field) length of @data Creates a #GstMpegtsDescriptor to be a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_NETWORK_NAME, with the network name @name. The data field of the #GstMpegtsDescriptor will be allocated, and transferred to the caller. the #GstMpegtsDescriptor or %NULL on fail the network name to set Fills a #GstMpegtsDescriptor to be a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_SERVICE. The data field of the #GstMpegtsDescriptor will be allocated, and transferred to the caller. the #GstMpegtsDescriptor or %NULL on fail Service type defined as a #GstMpegtsDVBServiceType Name of the service Name of the service provider a string containing the ISO639 language subtitling type composition page id ancillary page id Creates a %GST_MTS_DESC_ISO_639_LANGUAGE #GstMpegtsDescriptor with a single language #GstMpegtsDescriptor, %NULL on failure ISO-639-2 language 3-char code Creates a %GST_MTS_DESC_REGISTRATION #GstMpegtsDescriptor #GstMpegtsDescriptor, %NULL on failure a 4 character format identifier string pointer to optional additional info length of the optional @additional_info Extracts the #GstMpegtsSection contained in the @event #GstEvent The extracted #GstMpegtsSection #GstEvent containing a #GstMpegtsSection Finds the first descriptor of type @tag in the array. Note: To look for descriptors that can be present more than once in an array of descriptors, iterate the #GArray manually. the first descriptor matchin @tag, else %NULL. an array of #GstMpegtsDescriptor the tag to look for Initializes the MPEG-TS helper library. Must be called before any usage. Creates a new #GstMessage for a @GstMpegtsSection. The new #GstMessage to be posted, or %NULL if the section is not valid. The creator of the message The #GstMpegtsSection to put in a message Returns the #GstMpegtsSection contained in a message. the contained #GstMpegtsSection, or %NULL. a #GstMessage Parses the descriptors present in @buffer and returns them as an array. Note: The data provided in @buffer will not be copied. an array of the parsed descriptors or %NULL if there was an error. Release with #g_array_unref when done with it. descriptors to parse Size of @buffer Allocates a new #GPtrArray for #GstMpegtsPatProgram A newly allocated #GPtrArray Ownership of @nit is taken. The data in @nit is managed by the #GstMpegtsSection the #GstMpegtsSection a #GstMpegtsNIT to create the #GstMpegtsSection from Creates a PAT #GstMpegtsSection from the @programs array of #GstMpegtsPatPrograms a #GstMpegtsSection an array of #GstMpegtsPatProgram Transport stream ID of the PAT Creates a #GstMpegtsSection from @pmt that is bound to @pid #GstMpegtsSection a #GstMpegtsPMT to create a #GstMpegtsSection from The PID that the #GstMpegtsPMT belongs to Ownership of @sdt is taken. The data in @sdt is managed by the #GstMpegtsSection the #GstMpegtsSection a #GstMpegtsSDT to create the #GstMpegtsSection from