// This file was generated by gir (https://github.com/gtk-rs/gir) // from gir-files (https://github.com/gtk-rs/gir-files) // DO NOT EDIT use Error; use GLContext; #[cfg(any(feature = "v1_16", feature = "dox"))] use GLSLProfile; use GLSLStage; #[cfg(any(feature = "v1_16", feature = "dox"))] use GLSLVersion; use glib; #[cfg(any(feature = "v1_16", feature = "dox"))] use glib::GString; use glib::StaticType; use glib::Value; use glib::object::IsA; use glib::object::ObjectType; use glib::signal::SignalHandlerId; use glib::signal::connect_raw; use glib::translate::*; use glib_sys; use gobject_sys; use gst; use gst_gl_sys; use std::boxed::Box as Box_; use std::mem::transmute; use std::ptr; glib_wrapper! { pub struct GLShader(Object) @extends gst::Object; match fn { get_type => || gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_get_type(), } } impl GLShader { pub fn new>(context: &P) -> GLShader { skip_assert_initialized!(); unsafe { from_glib_full(gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_new(context.as_ref().to_glib_none().0)) } } pub fn new_default>(context: &P) -> Result { skip_assert_initialized!(); unsafe { let mut error = ptr::null_mut(); let ret = gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_new_default(context.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, &mut error); if error.is_null() { Ok(from_glib_full(ret)) } else { Err(from_glib_full(error)) } } } //pub fn new_link_with_stages>(context: &P, error: &mut Error, : /*Unknown conversion*//*Unimplemented*/Fundamental: VarArgs) -> GLShader { // unsafe { TODO: call gst_gl_sys:gst_gl_shader_new_link_with_stages() } //} //pub fn new_with_stages>(context: &P, error: &mut Error, : /*Unknown conversion*//*Unimplemented*/Fundamental: VarArgs) -> GLShader { // unsafe { TODO: call gst_gl_sys:gst_gl_shader_new_with_stages() } //} pub fn attach(&self, stage: &GLSLStage) -> Result<(), glib::error::BoolError> { unsafe { glib_result_from_gboolean!(gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_attach(self.to_glib_none().0, stage.to_glib_none().0), "Failed to attach stage to shader") } } pub fn attach_unlocked(&self, stage: &GLSLStage) -> Result<(), glib::error::BoolError> { unsafe { glib_result_from_gboolean!(gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_attach_unlocked(self.to_glib_none().0, stage.to_glib_none().0), "Failed to attach stage to shader") } } pub fn bind_attribute_location(&self, index: u32, name: &str) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_bind_attribute_location(self.to_glib_none().0, index, name.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn bind_frag_data_location(&self, index: u32, name: &str) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_bind_frag_data_location(self.to_glib_none().0, index, name.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn compile_attach_stage(&self, stage: &GLSLStage) -> Result<(), Error> { unsafe { let mut error = ptr::null_mut(); let _ = gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_compile_attach_stage(self.to_glib_none().0, stage.to_glib_none().0, &mut error); if error.is_null() { Ok(()) } else { Err(from_glib_full(error)) } } } pub fn detach(&self, stage: &GLSLStage) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_detach(self.to_glib_none().0, stage.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn detach_unlocked(&self, stage: &GLSLStage) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_detach_unlocked(self.to_glib_none().0, stage.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn get_attribute_location(&self, name: &str) -> i32 { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_get_attribute_location(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0) } } pub fn get_program_handle(&self) -> i32 { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_get_program_handle(self.to_glib_none().0) } } pub fn is_linked(&self) -> bool { unsafe { from_glib(gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_is_linked(self.to_glib_none().0)) } } pub fn link(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { unsafe { let mut error = ptr::null_mut(); let _ = gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_link(self.to_glib_none().0, &mut error); if error.is_null() { Ok(()) } else { Err(from_glib_full(error)) } } } pub fn release(&self) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_release(self.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn release_unlocked(&self) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_release_unlocked(self.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn set_uniform_1f(&self, name: &str, value: f32) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_1f(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, value); } } pub fn set_uniform_1fv(&self, name: &str, value: &[f32]) { let count = value.len() as u32; unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_1fv(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, count, value.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn set_uniform_1i(&self, name: &str, value: i32) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_1i(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, value); } } pub fn set_uniform_1iv(&self, name: &str, value: &[i32]) { let count = value.len() as u32; unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_1iv(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, count, value.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn set_uniform_2f(&self, name: &str, v0: f32, v1: f32) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_2f(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, v0, v1); } } pub fn set_uniform_2fv(&self, name: &str, value: &[f32]) { let count = value.len() as u32; unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_2fv(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, count, value.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn set_uniform_2i(&self, name: &str, v0: i32, v1: i32) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_2i(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, v0, v1); } } pub fn set_uniform_2iv(&self, name: &str, value: &[i32]) { let count = value.len() as u32; unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_2iv(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, count, value.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn set_uniform_3f(&self, name: &str, v0: f32, v1: f32, v2: f32) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_3f(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, v0, v1, v2); } } pub fn set_uniform_3fv(&self, name: &str, value: &[f32]) { let count = value.len() as u32; unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_3fv(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, count, value.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn set_uniform_3i(&self, name: &str, v0: i32, v1: i32, v2: i32) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_3i(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, v0, v1, v2); } } pub fn set_uniform_3iv(&self, name: &str, value: &[i32]) { let count = value.len() as u32; unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_3iv(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, count, value.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn set_uniform_4f(&self, name: &str, v0: f32, v1: f32, v2: f32, v3: f32) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_4f(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, v0, v1, v2, v3); } } pub fn set_uniform_4fv(&self, name: &str, value: &[f32]) { let count = value.len() as u32; unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_4fv(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, count, value.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn set_uniform_4i(&self, name: &str, v0: i32, v1: i32, v2: i32, v3: i32) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_4i(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, v0, v1, v2, v3); } } pub fn set_uniform_4iv(&self, name: &str, value: &[i32]) { let count = value.len() as u32; unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_4iv(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0, count, value.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn use_(&self) { unsafe { gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_use(self.to_glib_none().0); } } pub fn get_property_linked(&self) -> bool { unsafe { let mut value = Value::from_type(::static_type()); gobject_sys::g_object_get_property(self.as_ptr() as *mut gobject_sys::GObject, b"linked\0".as_ptr() as *const _, value.to_glib_none_mut().0); value.get().unwrap() } } #[cfg(any(feature = "v1_16", feature = "dox"))] pub fn string_fragment_external_oes_get_default>(context: &P, version: GLSLVersion, profile: GLSLProfile) -> Option { skip_assert_initialized!(); unsafe { from_glib_full(gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_string_fragment_external_oes_get_default(context.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, version.to_glib(), profile.to_glib())) } } #[cfg(any(feature = "v1_16", feature = "dox"))] pub fn string_fragment_get_default>(context: &P, version: GLSLVersion, profile: GLSLProfile) -> Option { skip_assert_initialized!(); unsafe { from_glib_full(gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_string_fragment_get_default(context.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, version.to_glib(), profile.to_glib())) } } #[cfg(any(feature = "v1_16", feature = "dox"))] pub fn string_get_highest_precision>(context: &P, version: GLSLVersion, profile: GLSLProfile) -> Option { skip_assert_initialized!(); unsafe { from_glib_none(gst_gl_sys::gst_gl_shader_string_get_highest_precision(context.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, version.to_glib(), profile.to_glib())) } } pub fn connect_property_linked_notify(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId { unsafe { let f: Box_ = Box_::new(f); connect_raw(self.as_ptr() as *mut _, b"notify::linked\0".as_ptr() as *const _, Some(transmute(notify_linked_trampoline:: as usize)), Box_::into_raw(f)) } } } unsafe impl Send for GLShader {} unsafe impl Sync for GLShader {} unsafe extern "C" fn notify_linked_trampoline(this: *mut gst_gl_sys::GstGLShader, _param_spec: glib_sys::gpointer, f: glib_sys::gpointer) { let f: &F = &*(f as *const F); f(&from_glib_borrow(this)) }